HPATST :: Volume #17

#1676: The ghost of Ravenclaw family

The antependium swings gently, the Harry ear heard the low sound of talking, the speaking voice fluttered from gate of death apparition, he could not hear clearly the opposite party in saying anything, these sounds like gate of death apparition illusory, but he knows that this was the voice of dead, behind the gate was the state of dying, was the world of dead. 帷幔轻轻地摆动,哈利耳边听到低语声,说话声从死亡之门的虚影里面飘了过来,他听不清对方在说些什么,这些声音就像死亡之门的虚影一样虚无缥缈,但他知道这是亡者的声音,门后面就是死之国度,属于亡者的世界。 The low sound of talking and dark wizards of gate of death incantation sound mixed up, listens not to be really uncomfortable. 死亡之门的低语声和黑巫师们的咒语声混在一起,听上去真不舒服。 Harry's scar started to hurt, was really strange, Voldemort obviously not here, but a Harry actually he here strong feeling. 哈利的伤疤又开始疼了,真是奇怪,伏地魔明明不在这里,但是哈利却有一种他就在这里强烈的感觉。 Why does not talk clearly this is, Harry has such a feeling, probably Voldemort here, in this building, he strongly is seeking, Voldemort hides, in these cannot see clearly in dark wizard(s) of face, but anything had not discovered that only sees many light groups, the green, the blue color, weaves to collect. 说不清楚这是为什么,哈利就有这么一种感觉,好像伏地魔就在这儿,在这座建筑物内,他竭力寻找着,伏地魔是不是隐藏在那些看不清面孔的黑巫师中,但是什么都没有发现,只见到好多光团,绿色的,蓝色的,相织相汇。 These magic energies collide in this building, finally gathered by gate of apparition death these two giant stone columns. 这些魔法能量在这座建筑物内碰撞,最终汇聚到死亡之门虚影旁的这两根巨大石柱上。 Harry tied up above, he thought that behind this pillar probably also became more and more hot, that seemed the magic power temperature. 哈利被绑在上面,他觉得身后这根柱子好像也变得越来越热了,那似乎是魔力的温度。 The stone column starts illusory, in apparition, the stone column was made decent the character that hidden goes to appear again. 石柱开始虚幻,虚影中,石柱被风化隐去的字再次出现。 On the opposite that pillar, Harry saw those words: The death was not the end point, the dead forever will not rest 在对面那根柱子上,哈利看到了那句话:死亡并不是终点,死者并不会永远安息 This was the gate of opening death incantation, when Harry read aloud the incantation before that blueprint, the arched entrance in blueprint was opened. 这是开启死亡之门的咒语,当哈利在那张图纸前诵读咒语时,图纸上的拱门就被打开了。 The opened arched entrance seems connecting another space, that fearful monster 被打开的拱门似乎连接着另外一个空间,还有那可怕的怪物 Cannot make dark witch obtain the incantation, cannot make Voldemort open the door of death. 不能让黑女巫得到咒语,不能让伏地魔打开死亡之门。 Harry is thinking, he hopes the blue light that these gatherings come can become is more formidable, like this they can suppress the dark witch magic, but this time, dark witch as if has not received anything to injure, she still, although the expression special pain, that fine face twists extremely. 哈利这么想着,他希望那些汇聚而来的蓝色光影能够变得更强大一些,这样它们就可以压制黑女巫的魔法了,但是这一次,黑女巫似乎并没有受到什么伤害,她仍在施法,虽然表情特别的痛苦,那张精致的面孔极度扭曲。 When one time late at night secretly steals into the library ** area, Harry had seen similar face in some ancient dark magic book title page. 在有一次深夜偷偷溜进图书馆**区的时候,哈利曾经在某本古老的黑魔法书的封面上看到过类似的脸。 Did not say the look, but is the same pain and fierceness, that is the symbol of evil dark magic. 不是说相貌,而是同样的痛苦和狰狞,那是邪恶的黑魔法的标志。 Magic time that although the blue light represents is unable to prevent dark witch, but the character that on apparition well in the stone column transforms is not very clear. 虽然蓝色光影所代表的魔法这一次无法阻止黑女巫,但好在石柱所幻化的虚影上的字并不是很清楚。 The strength is covering up, preventing dark witch to see the above character. The speech sound that in apparition of gate of death broadcast was getting more and more loud, had a while that Harry thought that he can understand these sounds to say anything probably, then, he realized that was the dark witch speaking voice. 有一股力量在遮掩着,阻止黑女巫看到上面的字。死亡之门的虚影内传来的说话声音越来越大了,有那么一会儿,哈利觉得他好像能够听懂这些声音在说些什么,然后,他就意识到那是黑女巫的说话声。 In the past soul, the ancient strength was summoning you, appeared your true feature.” dark witch shouts, wields wand(s) large scale. “往昔的灵魂,古老的力量在呼唤着你们,显出你们真实面目。”黑女巫喊道,大幅度挥动魔杖 Along with her movement, the light that the blue color and green interweave accelerates to gather on two stone columns, the stone column becomes even more bright. 随着她的动作,蓝色和绿色交织的光影加速汇聚到两根石柱上,石柱变得愈发明亮。 On the opposite that stone column, Harry saw that many light groups twine above. 在对面那根石柱上,哈利看到很多光团缠绕在上面。 Their a while transforms the human shape the ghost shape, a while changes the light group that forms. 它们一会儿变换成人类形态的鬼魂形状,一会儿又变化成不成形的光团。 The blue light gathers the personal appearance in the help ghosts, but the green light strikes the powder them. 蓝色的光影在帮助鬼魂们汇聚身形,而绿色的光影又将它们击散。 dark witch reveals a gap intentionally, making some blue light come, lets the ghosts visualization, this seems her goal. Quick, a whole body transparent ghost appears side Harry, that is a wear old style wizard(s) robe old man, the front has the symbol of very obvious Ravenclaw family. 黑女巫故意露出一个缺口,让一些蓝光进来,让鬼魂们显形,这似乎是她的目的。很快,一个浑身透明的鬼魂出现在哈利身旁,那是一个穿着老式巫师长袍的老头,胸前有很明显的拉克劳家族的徽记。 He is looking angrily at dark witch, shouts angrily, live person, leaves here! With the name of Ravenclaw, this door secret should not be revealed.” 他怒视着黑女巫,愤怒地喊道,“活人,离开这里!以拉克劳之名,这扇门的秘密不应该被泄露。” Ravenclaw, is really laughable, exterminated the millenniums wizard(s) family also remaining anything, I am disinclined to turn from the garbage heap them.” dark witch said that the wand(s) direction ghost, your finally visualization, the stupid Ravenclaw ghost, the place that went to you to go, you are unable to prevent me again.” 拉克劳,真是可笑,一个灭绝了千年的巫师家族还剩下什么,我都懒得把它们从垃圾堆里面翻出来。”黑女巫说,魔杖指向鬼魂,“你们终于显形了,愚蠢的拉克劳鬼魂,去你们该去的地方,你们再也无法阻止我。” Leaves here, witch(es), this door secret cannot appear again.” “离开这里,女巫,这扇门的秘密不应当再次出现。” Ha, you hid the millenniums the secrets to be me, ghost.” dark witch laughs saying that „is really pitiful, because you before death while still alive were lost the life by offering sacrifices here stupidly, becomes the god of death sacrifice, after dying, has no merit to speak, one crowd does not have the idiot of brain, you are unable to prevent me to obtain the incantation again.” “哈哈哈,你们隐藏千年的秘密属于我了,鬼魂。”黑女巫大笑道,“真是可悲,你们生前因为愚蠢被活活的献祭在此处失去了生命,成为死神的祭,死后也一无是处,一群没有脑子的蠢货,你们再也无法阻止我得到咒语了。” Leaves here, this door representative, only then died.” “离开这里,这扇门代表的只有死亡。” Leaves here, live person!” “离开这里,活人!” Go away, ghosts!” dark witch does not shout patiently, she wields wand(s) once again, magic power fires into the light group on stone column, but the soul on stone column had not washed out, they twine was closer, is resisting the dark witch magic arts. “滚开,鬼魂们!”黑女巫不耐烦地喊道,她又一次挥动魔杖,魔力冲向石柱上的光团,但石柱上的灵魂并没有被冲散,它们缠绕的更加紧密了,抵抗着黑女巫的法术。 Leaves here, ancient evil arrived “离开这里,古老的邪恶已经降临” Leaves here, behind that door does not have the thing that you need.” “离开这里,那扇门后面没有你需要的东西。” Shut up, the stupid Ravenclaw ghost, you gave up any idea of that prevents me again!” dark witch screamed, I needed a stronger strength!” “闭嘴,愚蠢的拉克劳鬼魂,你们休想再阻止我!”黑女巫尖叫道,“我需要更强的力量!” dark wizards on below stair recited the sound of incantation becomes more resounding, the speed was also getting more and more fast, wand(s) and between dark witch in their hand wand(s) was connecting the green ray coarsened much, fluttered also becomes in gate of apparition airborne death more and more clear. 下方台阶上的黑巫师们吟唱咒语的声音变得更加响亮,速度也越来越快,他们手中的魔杖黑女巫魔杖之间连接着的绿色光线变粗了不少,飘在空中的死亡之门虚影也变得越来越清晰。 The dark witch strength grow stronger again, but this is insufficient! 黑女巫的力量再变强,但是这还不够! Insufficient, but also is insufficient, I need a stronger strength!” She shouts again, releases these souls!” “不够,还不够,我需要更强的力量!”她再一次喊道,“释放那些灵魂!” In her order sound, the souls of innumerable translucent shape were put, the cream white light shoots up to the sky. 在她的命令声中,无数半透明状的灵魂被放了出来,乳白色的白光冲天而起。 The souls send out the long jab soul calls out the sound fearfully, to dances in the air to flee and become separated in all directions. 灵魂们发出直击灵魂的可怕嚎叫声,向四面八方飞舞逃散着。 Ha, more souls, a stronger strength, offers to the master.” dark witch exclaimed, was the time, opened the box!” “哈哈哈,更多的灵魂,更强的力量,向主人奉献一切。”黑女巫吼道,“是时候了,打开盒子!” Opens the box?! 打开盒子?! What was dark witch saying? 黑女巫在说什么? Does her why important person release these many souls? 她为什么要人释放出这么多的灵魂? Do these souls collect? Innocent person who kills willfully? 这些灵魂都是怎么收集来的?是任意杀害的无辜者吗? Harry wants to ponder, but his scar becomes more and more pain. 哈利想要思考,但他的伤疤变得越来越疼。 This time he has not seen any illusion, has not entered to the Voldemort's head. 这一次他没有见到什么幻象,也没有进入到伏地魔的脑袋里面。 He by the bunch on pillar, was fixed in this fearful reality firmly stubbornly, he exhausts is staring at dark witch fully, how wants clearly is a matter, then he notes dark witch to look to another side stone column, Harry then responds. 他被牢牢地捆在柱子上,死死地固定在这可怕的现实之中,他用尽全力盯着黑女巫,想要开清楚到底是怎么一回事,然后他注意到黑女巫正望向另外一侧的石柱,哈利这才反应过来。 Following her line of sight, Harry looked that arrived dark wizard(s) under opposite that stone column to open the box in hand, revealed to place inside thing. 顺着她的视线,哈利看到站在对面那根石柱下的黑巫师打开了手中的盒子,露出放在里面的东西。 That is evil god statue! 那是邪神雕像 Absolutely right, although looked that is not quite clear, but Harry can determine. 绝对没错,虽然看不太清楚,但哈利可以确定。 His scar was more painful, he can determine that is evil god statue, Voldemort's Horcrux! 他的伤疤更痛了,他可以确定那是邪神雕像,伏地魔的魂器
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