HPATST :: Volume #17

#1674: Weakens with the magic

The blue light weakened dark witch magic power, fettered the Harry's magic to untie. 蓝色的光影削弱了黑女巫魔力,束缚哈利的魔法被解开了。 Small Said. 说. He restores the control to his body, has almost not thought that Harry threw to dark witch. 他重新恢复对自己身体的控制,几乎没有多想,哈利就向黑女巫扑了过去。 He does not have wand(s) now, but this is unimportant, in the past tells him at the experience that Hogwarts went to war, sometimes the fist be easier-to-use than wand(s). 他现在没有魔杖,但是这不要紧,过去在霍格沃茨打仗的经验告诉他,有的时候拳头要比魔杖要好用。 Harry threw, exhausts the strength hope of whole body to fall down dark witch, he knows his opportunity, only then one time, if makes the opposite party respond that he possibly is not the dark witch match, is diverting attention to resist these blue light while her, he must control dark witch wand(s) first. 哈利扑了上去,用尽全身的力气希望把黑女巫扑倒,他知道自己的机会只有一次,如果让对方反应过来施法,他不可能是黑女巫的对手,趁着她正在分心对抗那些蓝色的光影,他一定要先控制住黑女巫魔杖 Only by doing so, he may defeat her. 只有这样,他才有可能战胜她。 In the sad and shrill squeal, Harry throws to dark witch on, the hands and feet uses. 凄厉的尖叫声中,哈利扑到黑女巫身上,手脚并用。 Two people are tearing, the right hand of Harry firmly gripping device dark witch, grabs that monster rough hand, is competing for wand(s) with her. 两个人撕扯着,哈利紧紧地抓手黑女巫的右手,抓住那怪兽般粗糙的手,和她争夺着魔杖 Several Mars emit from dark witch the wand's tip, fall into the darkness, the magic of her discharged was interrupted. 数个火星从黑女巫魔杖末端冒出,落入黑暗,她正在施放的魔法被中断了。 Body of dark witch stiff, as if has not thought that Harry such does, but had not been fallen down by Harry. 黑女巫的身体僵硬了一下,似乎没有想到哈利这么做,但并没有被哈利扑倒。 Harry thought that she falls down on probably a hard rock column, touch unusual is not good. 哈利觉得她好像扑倒一块坚硬的岩石柱上,触感非常的不好。 In addition, he also smells one to mix with the bloody stink, looks like the flavor/smell of piling in heaps cockroach, before in the Snape's office pass/test the confinement, Harry once was requested the cockroach that processed Potions to need, the entire big jar, he forever could not forget that flavor/smell. 除此之外,他还闻到一股夹杂着血腥的臭味,就像是成堆蟑螂的味道,之前在斯内普的办公室关禁闭时,哈利曾经被要求处理过魔药课需要的蟑螂,整整一大罐子,他永远也忘记不了那种味道。 Damn, Harry Potter, incurable idiot!” The dark witch keenly blowing said that you have interrupted my magic.” “该死,哈利波特,无可救药的蠢货!”黑女巫尖啸道,“你中断了我的魔法。” Stopped, sorceress!” Harry panted for breath was saying that made an effort to snatch dark witch wand(s), suddenly has not succeeded, he made dark witch grip the hand of wand(s) to deflect the direction, this little stemmed from Harry's to expect that the strength of opposite party compared with is larger, at all likely was not humanity that he imagined should have the strength that. “到此为止了,巫婆!”哈利喘息着说,用力去抢黑女巫魔杖,一时间并没有成功,他只是让黑女巫握住魔杖的手偏转了方向,这有点出乎哈利的预料,对方的力量比他想象的要大的多,根本不像是人类该有的力量。 Like Voldemort and Wormtail, dark witch now radically was not humanity, but was a monster. 伏地魔虫尾巴一样,黑女巫现在根本就不是人类了,而是一个怪物。 Is very good, you have angered me successfully, Harry Potter, I must kill you, I dig to eat your heart, that flavor/smell is very certainly good.” dark witch shouts greatly, several Mars spout from wand(s). The chains drills from her wand(s) together, is entangling Harry like the snake. “很好,你成功惹怒了我,哈利波特,我要杀了你,我把你的心脏挖出来吃掉,那味道一定很好。”黑女巫大喊道,又有数个火星从魔杖喷出。紧接着,一道锁链从她的魔杖钻出,像蛇一样将哈利缠着。 Not when Harry had responded that the shackle stubbornly has tied down him. 没有等到哈利有所反应,铁链就死死地缠住了他。 The chains more entangles is tighter, the formidable strength that above transmits almost makes Harry suffocate. 锁链越缠越紧,上面传来的强大的力量几乎让哈利窒息。 The Harry breath was getting more and more difficult, his right hand still grabbed dark witch wand(s) not to put, but the strength is becoming weaker gradually, his left hand futile effort is tearing the fatal magic chains, the breath is getting more and more difficult, at present as if became blacker, Harry loosened the right hand, his heart also sank. 哈利呼吸越来越困难了,他的右手仍然抓着黑女巫魔杖不放,但力量正在逐渐变弱,他的左手徒劳地撕扯着致命的魔法锁链,呼吸越来越困难,眼前似乎变得更黑了,哈利松开了右手,他的心也跟着沉了下去。 He knows that oneself failed, he 他知道自己失败了,他 At this moment, dark witch sends out sad and shrill yelling, she loosened Harry. 就在这时,黑女巫又发出一身凄厉的喊叫,她松开了哈利 Harry can breathe again, his big mouth is panting for breath, sees is these blue light, they are gathering to the body of dark witch, the innumerable blue luminous spots contaminate dark witch, looks like the blue flame, she as if deeply was injured. 哈利重新能够呼吸了,他大口喘息着,看到又是那些蓝色的光影,它们正在向黑女巫的身体上汇聚,无数蓝色光点沾染到黑女巫,就像是蓝色的火焰,她似乎受到了极大的伤害。 She sends out the scream of a series of pain, is backing up backward, the magic was once again feeble. 她发出一连串痛苦的尖叫,向后倒退着,魔法又一次衰弱了。 Hateful magic, damn strength dark witch was cursing, was brandishing wand(s). “可恶的魔法,该死的力量”黑女巫咒骂着,挥舞着魔杖 Is feeble while the opposite party, Harry threw to dark witch once again. 趁着对方衰弱,哈利又一次向黑女巫扑了上去。 This time, he struck to fly dark witch wand(s) easily, two people dropped down together, was tearing on the ground, Harry can feel that the dark witch strength wanted to be weaker than a moment ago, these adhered to stick cohere like the flame in her blue light have caused the enormous damage to her, weakened her strength and magic power. 这一次,他轻易地将黑女巫魔杖击飞了,两个人一起倒下,在地上撕扯着,哈利能够感觉到黑女巫的力量比刚才要弱很多,那些像火焰一样附着在她身上的蓝色光影对她造成了极大的伤害,削弱了她的力量和魔力 Two people are tumbling, then under the body, fell from the platform. 两个人翻滚着,然后身下一空,从平台上落了下去。 Their two are crashing from several thousand feet upper air downward, the dark witch bow cap was blown upwardly. 他们两个正在从几千英尺的高空向下坠落,黑女巫的头罩被向上吹开。 Harry has held breath a cold air/Qi, he sees a very terrifying face. 哈利倒吸了一口冷气,他看到一张十分恐怖的脸。 The face of dark witch was split two parts, part is young girl's face, very attractive, another part is similar to the nightmare in Demon(s), the facial features distortion, presents the bluish gray color, described that a little likely is some Blast-Ended Skrewt part, many antennas from above lying this way and that extends, is keeping rocking. 黑女巫的脸被分裂成两部分,一部分是年轻女孩的面庞,十分的漂亮,另外一部分则如同恶魔中的梦魇,面容扭曲,呈现青灰色,怎么形容,有点像是炸尾螺某一部分,许多很多的触角从上面横七竖八的伸出来,在不停地晃动着。 Because dark witch present magic power is very unstable, these two faces are also keeping transforming. 因为黑女巫现在的魔力很不稳定,这两张脸也在不停地幻化着。 dark witch a while turned into humanity completely, a while completely turned into the monster. 黑女巫一会儿完全变成人类,一会儿又完全变成了怪物。 Harry Potter, your this idiot!” The dark witch keenly blowing said that you have killed yourself 哈利波特,你这个蠢货!”黑女巫尖啸道,“你害死了自己” Shut up, monster.” Harry exclaimed loudly, he has then thought of the death. “闭嘴吧,怪物。”哈利跟着大声吼道,他这才想到了死亡。 Harry is not clear stage that they crash high, from present situation, least should also have several thousand feet. 哈利不清楚他们坠落的高台有多高,从现在的情况,最少也应该有几千英尺。 Is higher than the Hogwarts stargazing tower, falls from such high place, their two must die without doubt. 霍格沃茨的观星塔还要高,从这么高的地方摔下去,他们两个肯定必死无疑。 In that flash that dark witch mentioned, Harry has thought of the death, he such will possibly plunge to death, but this idea was written in water. 黑女巫提到的那一瞬间,哈利想到了死亡,他可能会就这么摔死,但这个想法转瞬即逝。 Why does not talk clearly, he now especially tranquil, seems not afraid. 说不清为什么,他现在格外的平静,似乎一点儿也不害怕。 Harry saw that below that giant castle shadow reveals the true self gradually, the blue magic light has molded it, this is a tall and pleasing to the eye giant castle, perhaps this castle does not have the Hogwarts castle to be so grand, but actually fine. 哈利看到下方那巨大的城堡影子渐渐露出本来面目,蓝色的魔法光影已经将其重新塑造,这是一座美轮美奂的巨大城堡,这座城堡或许没有霍格沃茨城堡那么宏伟,但是却更加的精致。 The owner in castle 城堡的主人 Did not have the time to indulge in flights of fancy to Harry, dark witch under his body has put out anything from the bosom, the formidable attraction transmitted from the opposite party, as if the clasp behind the navel by a tendency hook that is unable to resist, Harry thought fiercely forward was dizzier. 没有时间给哈利胡思乱想了,他身下的黑女巫从怀中拿出了一件什么东西,紧接着,强大的吸引力从对方身上传来,似乎有一个钩子在肚脐眼后面以无法抵挡的势头猛地向前一钩,哈利觉得更加天旋地转起来。 This is portkey(s), can she lead him to go? 这是门钥匙,她要带他去哪儿? Harry subconscious wants to loosen dark witch, but resembles sticking of magnetic force on her, cannot throw off. 哈利下意识的想要松开黑女巫,但是就好像有一股磁力似的粘在她身上,怎么也甩不掉。 Harry and dark witch are revolving, quick, the surrounding picture had the change. 哈利黑女巫旋转着,很快,周围的景象就发生了变化。 They fall to the ground, layer on layer falls falls to the black marble on. 他们落到地面上,重重地摔落到黑色大理石上面。 Has not waited for Harry to respond that he had been entrained from dark witch. 还没等哈利有所反应,他就被人从黑女巫身上拽了起来。 He looked that are more to wear the cape to cover up dark wizard(s) of appearance, they all are the dark witch subordinates. 他看多很多穿着斗篷遮掩住面目的黑巫师,他们全都是黑女巫的手下。 Sir “大人” „Not awfully bundles this idiot, leaves behind enough person to discharge the final magic, remaining all prevents outside that boy, his magic was enough, the deep sleep regained consciousness in this's soul, anything cannot prevent us, we can start to discharge that magic arts.” The dark witch order said that has stood, prevents that boy quickly, that damn ancient magic has strong containment function to my magic power, that is aims at the magic of master “把这个不要命的蠢货捆起来,留下足够的人来施放最后的魔法,剩下的全都去阻止外面那个男孩,他的魔法已经足够了,沉睡在此的亡灵已经苏醒,没有什么可以阻止我们了,我们可以开始施放那个法术了。”黑女巫命令道,站了起来,“快去阻止那个男孩,那该死的古魔法对我的魔力有很强的遏制作用,那是针对主人的魔法”
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