HPATST :: Volume #17

#1673: Hand of dark witch

scar transmits an intermittent ache, Harry has a feeling of intense wish vomit, he thinks very depressing. 伤疤传来一阵阵疼痛,哈利有一种强烈的想要呕吐的感觉,他觉得很压抑。 This is not his first time kills people at the Voldemort's angle of view, but every time makes him very uncomfortable. 这不是他第一次以伏地魔的视角去杀人,但每一次都让他很不舒服。 A life was injured by him personally, when the dead incantation hides when old man's life, strong the unprecedented feeling of guilty has been full of the Harry's innermost feelings. 一个生命被他亲手伤害,当死咒躲在老头的生命时,强所未有的罪恶感充满了哈利的内心。 Even if not he is slaughtering, but this lifelike feeling 哪怕不是他在进行杀戮,但这种逼真的感觉 The dark night becomes richer, the ice-cold black air/Qi oppression raids. 黑夜变得更加浓郁,冰冷的黑气压迫袭来。 All around luminous did not have, only then a Harry person calmly was fettered here, falls into the inexplicable sadness and despair. 四周一点儿光亮也没有了,只有哈利一个人被静静地束缚在这里,陷入莫名的悲伤和绝望。 The music that transmits off and on is getting more and more sad, Harry thinks to continue, he could be compelled insanely. 断断续续传来的音乐越来越悲伤,哈利觉得继续下去,他可能要被逼疯了。 He tries to yell, actually cannot make any sound, can only make him desperate. 他试图大声喊叫,却发不出任何声音,只能让他变得更加的绝望。 No matter what is good, he rather faces Voldemort now themselves, does not think that a person lies down here. 不管怎么样都好,他现在宁愿面对伏地魔本人,也不想一个人躺在这儿。 Harry wants to ravel the present condition, this place. 哈利想弄明白现在的状况,还有这个地方到底是哪。 Suddenly, in Harry indulges in flights of fancy, he heard the sound of footsteps. 蓦然,就在哈利胡思乱想时,他听到了脚步声。 Some people are approaching, who can be? 有人正在靠近,会是谁? The dreary wand(s) ray has scattered darkness, brought not a happy light, Harry saw that was throwing over wizard(s) of black cape. 惨淡的魔杖光芒驱散了黑暗,带来了一种不愉快的光明,哈利看到一个披着黑色斗篷的巫师 „Is Ron, you?” Harry opened mouth, has not made any sound. 罗恩,是你吗?”哈利张了张嘴,没有发出任何声音。 Fettered his magic too to be really fierce, he lost to body all controls, only then soul lonely residing temporarily in this body. 束缚他的魔法实在太厉害了,他失去了对躯体所有控制,只有灵魂孤独的寄居在这具身体中。 Harry Potter, the match of Dark Lord fate.” dark wizard(s) said slowly. 哈利波特,黑魔王宿命的对手。”黑巫师缓缓地说。 It is not Ron, the sound of this sound listens to be very grating, is very old, is one type the uncomfortable feeling that is difficult to describe. 不是罗恩,这个声音的声音听上去很刺耳,很苍老,是一种很难形容的难受感觉。 This is an old woman, her was very definitely old, Harry guessed. 这是一个老女人,她的年龄肯定很大了,哈利猜测到。 The next second, he responded that this was dark witch! 下一秒,他就反应过来,这是黑女巫 That has the woman of fearful legend, that is not inferior Voldemort's fearful dark wizard(s). 那个有着很多可怕传说的女人,那个不逊于伏地魔的可怕黑巫师 dark witch arrives at side Harry, is gazing at him. 黑女巫走到哈利身边,注视着他。 Really is marvelous, the strength of destiny manifests on you, Harry Potter, your within the body has the unequalled strength.” “真是奇妙,命运的力量在你身上体现,哈利波特,你的体内拥有无与伦比的力量。” She was saying, puts out a hand to move Harry's scar from the cape. 她说着,从斗篷中伸出手去碰触哈利的伤疤 Is above the expectation, the skins of this both hands are fair, is very attractive, maintains very well, but is not witch(es) should have the hand that likely, should not have the hand that like dark witch. In the Harry's imagination, the hand of dark witch should be very rough, covers entirely the wrinkle, most little should match with her age. 超乎预料,这双手的皮肤白皙光滑,很漂亮,保养得很好,但一点儿也不像是女巫该有的手,更不像黑女巫应该有的手。在哈利的想象中,黑女巫的手应该很粗糙,布满皱纹,最少应该和她的年龄相匹配。 This is very unusual, how can this old woman forever such a pair of hand?! 这很反常,这个老女人怎么会永远这么一双手呢?! Was moved by her, Harry's scar transmits web the ache. 被她碰触,哈利的伤疤传来一阵钻心的疼痛。 He is looking angrily at the opposite party, this is he can only express the method of oneself mood now. 他怒视着对方,这是他现在唯一能够表达自己情绪的方法。 „The child of destiny, Harry Potter!” dark witch said gently that your destiny from the birth, has then been doomed at that moment. When Dark Lord defeats you, he will obtain the strength of your within the body, becomes incomparably formidable, nobody can defeat him, he will become the best candidate “命运之子,哈利波特!”黑女巫轻轻地说,“你的命运从出生那一刻起,便已经注定。当黑魔王击败你,他将获得你体内的力量,变得无比强大,没有人能够战胜他,他将成为最好的人选” Best candidate?! 最好的人选?! This old witch(es) was saying anything, Harry cannot understand her words completely. 这个老女巫在说什么,哈利并不能完全听懂她的话。 This is your destiny, Harry Potter, I should summon Dark Lord to end your life immediately, but also has a more critical matter to need me to do. Come, making us go to the final place, you will witness the history fortunately, as a pitiful mortal, you will witness the beginning that my master returns to with own eyes.” “这就是你的命运,哈利波特,我本应立刻召唤黑魔王来结束你的生命,但还有着更紧要的事情需要我去做。来吧,让我们去最终的场所,你将有幸见证历史,作为一个可悲的凡人,你将亲眼见证我的主人回归的起点。” She puts out one to carve wand(s) of many skeleton, is wielding to Harry, Harry then floated. 她拿出一个雕刻着很多骷髅的魔杖,对着哈利挥动,哈利便漂浮了起来。 He flutters uncontrolled in airborne forwards with dark witch, leaves the room. 他不受控制地飘在空中跟着黑女巫向前,离开房间。 A night wind has blown, Harry sees clearly them finally now in the position, is very high, as if in clouds. 一阵夜风吹过,哈利终于看清楚他们现在地所在位置,很高,似乎在云端中。 Turret that here is in reaching to the sky, under them is a huge stealth of castle, such seems like a monster, the place that the vision institute and can see was the remnant of destroyed building, on the wall has covered entirely the crack everywhere, almost could not see the true self of this building. 这里是在一座高耸入云的塔楼,在他们下方是一座城堡的巨大隐形,这么看上去好像是一只怪兽,目光所及能看到的地方到处都是断壁残垣,墙壁上布满了裂缝,几乎看不出这座建筑的本来面目。 In the dark night of distant place, the pale blue brilliance is flashing before, Harry does not know that there had anything. 在远方的黑夜中,淡蓝色的光辉正在闪现,哈利不知道那里发生了什么。 dark witch stopped, she is also in sight is glittering that place of blue light. 黑女巫停了下来,她也在望着闪烁着蓝色光影的那个地方。 Marvelous strength, is strong and marvelous, your friend Ivan the arrival of Mason has helped me.” dark witch said. “奇妙的力量,强大而奇妙,你的朋友艾文梅森的到来帮助了我。”黑女巫说。 Ivan! 艾文 He arrived here, a Harry joy, transfers worried. 他来到这里,哈利一阵欣喜,紧接着又转为担忧。 I do not know that boy has used any method, but his arrival has truly awakened the soul under this lands, including that deep sleep dybbuk.” dark witch continues saying that seemed thinking aloud, this is magic power of ancient magic arts, will restructure, the soul that will elapse in the reality illusory will return this world. Really marvelous, on that boy definitely has special magic object, can with covering this place darkness resists, he has awakened the souls of all deep sleep. He tries to melt this place darkness, but this is doomed is not studious, the souls all regain consciousness, anything cannot prevent me, I will obtain that Duan incantation, helping the Dark Lord achievement be immortal, but works as all ends, my master will complete final arrival, the catastrophe will arrive finally, endless black all night long permanent covers this lands.” “我不知道那个男孩用了什么方法,但他的到来确实唤醒了这片土地下的亡灵,包括那沉睡的恶灵。”黑女巫继续说道,似乎在自言自语,“这是古老法术的魔力,虚幻在现实中重构,逝去的亡灵将会重新回到这个世界。真是奇妙,那个男孩身上肯定有着一件特殊的魔法物品,可以和笼罩此地的黑暗相对抗,他唤醒了所有沉睡的亡灵。他试图化解此地的黑暗,但这注定是无用功,亡灵们全都苏醒,没有什么能够阻止我了,我将得到那段咒语,帮助黑魔王成就不朽,而当一切终结,我的主人将完成最终的降临,浩劫最终将会到来,无尽的黑夜终将永久的笼罩这片土地。” dark witch exudes a grating big laughter, Harry wants to make her shut up. 黑女巫发出一阵刺耳的大笑声,哈利真的想让她闭嘴。 This woman was insane, a person was saying in that some specious words, any master, any catastrophe, anything destroys. 这个女人疯了,一个人在那说着一些似是而非的话,什么主人,什么浩劫,什么毁灭。 This is an out-and-out lunatic, Harry thought that she compares Professor Trelawny also to bit off, he does not have the time to listen to her to talk nonsense. 这是一个不折不扣的疯子,哈利觉得她比特里劳妮教授还神经兮兮,他没有功夫听她胡扯。 He has been trying to control his body, shakes off the fetter of magic, but has not actually made any progress. 他一直在试图控制自己的身体,挣脱魔法的束缚,但是却没有取得什么效果。 A dark witch person talked on endlessly in that god god said a while, the blue light rapid expansion of distant place. Quick, the castle of Harry under foot was also covered by the blue light, Harry saw surprisedly that this castle was restoring the original appearance at the naked eye obvious speed, the reply past picture. 黑女巫一个人在那神神叨叨地说了一会儿,远处的蓝色光影正迅速扩张。很快,哈利脚下的城堡也被蓝色的光影所覆盖,哈利惊讶地看到,这座城堡正在以肉眼可见的速度恢复本来面貌,回复昔日的景象。 The incomplete place was complemented by the light, was really too mysterious, above the high tower, a female war-god statue was condensing. 残缺的地方被光影补全,真是太神奇了,在高塔上方,一座女战神雕像正在凝聚。 The dark witch laughter stops suddenly, was bumped into by the blue light, she as if greatly was injured. 黑女巫的笑声戛然而止,被蓝色的光影碰到,她似乎受到了巨大的伤害。 Harry saw clearly that her both hands are changing, the fair bright and clean skin starts becomes gloomy, loses all gloss, like the trees that withers rapidly, the life is passing from her hand, in grating squeal, quick, her hand becomes changes beyond all recognition, probably the sharp claws of monster. 哈利清楚地看到,她的那双手正在发生变化,白皙光洁的皮肤开始变得暗淡,失去所有光泽,就像正在迅速枯萎的树木,生命从她的手中流逝,在刺耳的尖叫声中,很快,她的手就变得面目全非,好像怪物的利爪。 The bluish gray color, above full is the fold. 青灰色,上面满是褶皱。 Damn magic!” dark witch was cursing, dodged the blue light backward, at the same time made an effort to brandish wand(s). “该死的魔法!”黑女巫咒骂着,向后躲闪蓝色的光影,一边用力挥舞着魔杖 She as to prevent the proliferation of blue light, but has not played anything to affect. 她似乎想要阻止蓝色光影的扩散,但没有起到什么作用。 Harry spoke joyfully, he restored unexpectedly the control to his body 哈利欣喜地发言,他竟然恢复了对自己身体的控制 .
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