GTI :: Volume #1

#99: The dry thunderclap sound well water wells up( first)

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Bang!’ In first is not the heavenly thunder surpasses the heavenly thunder after the sound sound, in the Sanshui county Linhe Village one after another makes a sound had several giant sounds. ‘轰!’在第一声不是天雷又胜似天雷的声音响过后,三水县临河村中接连又响了起了几声巨大的响动。 At this time 3 to 5 a.m four quarters, is morning about 4 : 00 am, the person in village was awakened in the sleep, actually also thinks that must rain, the hit thunder, cannot endure patiently exhaustedly, goes off, only then some sleep/felt light elderly, want the appearance that has a look at to rain, puts on the clothes, opens the door, stands looks out in the gate. 此时正是寅时四刻,也就是早上凌晨 4 点左右,村子中的人在睡梦中被惊醒,却还以为是要下雨,打的雷呢,忍耐不住困顿,又都睡去,只有一些觉轻的老人,想要看看下雨的样子,披上衣服,推开门,站在门里面向外看。 Day as before that black, the star is also glittering similarly, except for cool of night, cannot feel any moisture again, there are many yelps to transmit, other not slight change. 天依旧是那么的黑,星星也同样在闪烁,除了夜的凉,再也感受不到任何一点水气,有不少的狗叫声传来,其他的没有丝毫的变化。 How to thunder? What does the God hit these dry thunder to make?!” Has opened the door to stand there the old man who waits and sees to outside sighs, mumbles two to turn around toward the inside room to walk. “怎么就响雷了?老天爷打这些旱雷做什么?诶!”一个已经打开门站在那里向外面观望的老汉叹了口气,嘟囔了两句又转身往里屋走。 Old man, does outside rain? This ear, old, cannot hear a sound.” In the inside room broadcasts a Old Madam sound. 老头子,外面下雨了?这耳朵啊,老喽,听不到一点声响。”里屋中传来一个老太太的声音。 No, rests, does not know that ruined family the gadget, handled the dishonorable matter, the God with being struck by lightning.” The old man is speaking, moves under to return to to front by the makeshift bed on the ground of hay, strenuously the squatting lower part of the body, throwing over takes off/escapes in clothes, curled two to release to casually should be the position that the pillow was, drew more than half side blankets, turned away from Old Madam to go off. “没,睡吧,也不知那个败家的玩意儿,做了伤天害理的事情,老天爷拿雷劈呢。”老汉说着话,又挪回到下面垫着干草的地铺旁边,吃力地蹲下身,把披在身上的衣服一脱,随便卷了两下放到应该是枕头所在的位置,拉过半边毯子,背对着老太太睡去。 In the darkness, Old Madam winked to narrow an eye, helping the old man tuck in tucking in the neck region blanket, raised head to lie down there, thought in a while, exuded the sound to sigh, waits for the old man that day snoring sound to get up, followed to go off. 黑暗中,老太太眨眯了一下眼睛,帮着老汉把脖子地方的毯子掖了掖,仰头躺在那里,想了一会儿,发出声叹息,等着老汉那阵天的呼噜声响起,也跟着睡去。 Next morning, the young babies in Linhe Village first get up, each and everyone drags the water in family/home to hold to prepare near the well to snatch the water, every day water in that several well are the morning gets up many, were least by evening's time. 第二天一早,临河村中的小娃子先起来,一个个拖着家中的水捅准备到井边去抢水,每天那几口井中的水都是早上起来最多,到了晚上时候最少。 Before was not this, usually is fetching water at the same time, in the well that water also to rising, is really wanting the water projecting on bottom, needs several Sirs to draw water with willow Gunlai in turn, successively put on more than double-hour, the water can bottom, crosses in a while to rise slowly. 以前可不是这样,通常都是一边打着水,井中那水也向上涨着,真想把水给打到底儿,需要几个大人轮流用柳滚来提水,连续提上一个多时辰,水才能见底儿,过一会儿又会慢慢升上来。 Today they think that also so, dragging the direction of heavy wooden barrel near toward well to flush away, in some families/home has 2-3 child(ren), big point dragging barrel, small point first runs to stand in well head region, is a position. 今天他们以为也是这般,拖着沉重的木桶向着井边的方向冲去,有的家中有2-3个孩子,大一点的拖桶,小一点的先跑去站在井口的地方,也算是一个位置。 Now is no exception, one group of child(ren) almost compared with are running the main house gate, big point child(ren) must favor lowly one, do not fall to the well, this is not the jigging machine that swings, always the barrel hangs in well head region is keeping off. 现在也不例外,一帮小孩子几乎是比着跑出家门,大点的孩子还要看好小的,千万别掉到井里面,这可不是摇的辘轳,总是有一个桶悬在井口的地方挡着。 The well is the exposure well, needs to tie up under one to have a hole with the string, and has the oilcloth to keep off in inside, so long as falls toward the well , the weight of bucket makes the water give to break that matter oilcloth, waits for the barrel to raise upward, the weight of water presses the barrel head the oilcloth, meets the leaking point water, but most water were raised. 井是敞口井,需要用绳子拴上一个下面有个窟窿,并且有着油布在里面挡着的,只要往井中一落,水桶的重量就让水把那层油布给冲开,等着桶往上一提,水的重量就把油布压到桶底,也会漏点水,但大部分的水都被提了上来。 Such well no safeguard mechanism, some with a plank, some are usually opening the mouth, falls, let alone is the young baby, the Sir cannot rescue. 这样的井通常都没有什么保障措施,有的用一块木板,有的就那么敞着口,掉进去,别说是小娃子,大人也救不上来。 Goes out, where well the family/home leaves to be near, which the young baby toward runs at the same time, similar far and near is thinking where young baby are less, toward where runs. 出了门,家离哪边的井近,小娃子就朝着哪一边跑,差不多远近的就会想着哪边的小娃子少一些,就往哪边跑。 Families have three babies, two big is little girl, lowly one is the male baby, when little girl first turns toward the well to run, remaining little girl must look after younger brother, when she and younger brother arrived at the well head, actually saw that front little sister stands there is in a daze. 一户人家有三个娃子,两个大的都是女娃子,小的是男娃子,一个女娃子当先向着井边跑去,剩下的这个女娃还要照看弟弟,当她和弟弟到了井口的时候,却看到前面的妹妹站在那里发愣。 Grass, your what are you doing, falls to the well in carefully.” When Elder Sister must look after good younger brothers and sisters, is looking at the well head pushed aside grass curtain, worry asks to little sister. “草儿,你干什么呢,小心掉到井中。”当姐姐的要照顾好弟弟妹妹,望着井口被扒开的草帘子,担心地对妹妹问道。 Grass first comes, others have not arrived, she first looked to the well, indistinct discovered, inside water were unexpectedly many, is much higher compared with former several days, jet black is exuding the white light, making her determine. 草儿先来的,其他人还没到,她自己先向井中看了看,隐约中发现,里面的水竟然多了,比前几天高出不少,漆黑中泛着白光,让她十分确定。 Hears Elder Sister to ask, said hastily: Elder Sister, the water were unexpectedly many, makes to have a look a bit faster.” 听到姐姐问,连忙说道:“姐姐,水竟然多了,快点弄上来一些看看。” When Elder Sister discovery this surroundings have other flavor, very ill-smelling, sees little sister also there station, gathering looks downward, felt that water really high many. 姐姐的发现这周围有一股别的味道,非常的难闻,见妹妹还在那里站着,凑到近前向下看去,觉得那水果然高了不少。 Really, helping me draw the string, I go to have a look at willow Gunfang.” Is speaking, Elder Sister makes an effort to throw by well that wooden barrel, waited for that side to have the sound, immediately on upward, otherwise the in a while water was used to completely, drew again does not draw. “真的,帮我拉着绳子,我把柳滚放进去看看。”说着话,姐姐就使劲地把井旁边的那个木桶扔下去,等着那边有了响动,马上就向上拉,不然一会儿水惯满了,再拉就拉不动了。 The water of less than half barrel draws, the sister and brother three people look to inside curiously. 小半桶的水拉上来,姐弟三人都好奇地向里面看。 Eldest sister, the second sister, this water was too muddy.” After small younger brother has looked, is saying to two Elder Sister. “大姐,二姐,这水太浑了。”小弟弟看过了之后,对着两个姐姐说着。 No matter first, occupied region, when the father fetches water.” When eldest sister also has looked at the water, muddy was muddy, may always not compare. “先不管,把地方占住了,等爹爹来打水。”当大姐的也看过水,浑是浑了一些,可总比没有强。 at this moment other child(ren) also arrives one after another, has in that to have two male child(ren), side does not need the Sir to arrive, can fetch water directly, their brave, even if fired off the water to make the parents spank is also willing to the family/home to work. 这时其他的孩子也陆续地到来,有那家中有两个男孩子的,根本不用大人到边,直接就可以去打水,他们的胆子大,哪怕打完了水让父母打一顿屁股也愿意给家中多做点事情。 Saw that front has the person to stand there, urged, wanted first to fetch water, usually will pass through an quarrel/corners of the mouth to be good, today the front that sister and brother three people are good to speak, made way the position. 看到前面已经有了人站在那里,就催促起来,想要先打水,通常都会经过一番口角才行,今天前面那姐弟三人却非常好说话,把位置让开。 These two male babies are pair of pair , is also the twin, this year is ten -year-old, others made way, they naturally cannot be polite, are carrying the bucket to well head this, estimated to be away from, puts side, willow roll throws hanging alongside is wet, the ear leaned, listened to inside sound. 这两个男娃子是一对双儿,也就是双胞胎,今年都是十岁,别人让开了,他们自然不会客气,拎着水桶到井口这,估算了一下距离,放到旁边,把挂在旁边还湿着的柳滚扔下去,耳朵侧起来,听里面的动静。 Felt similar, when should install half willow tree boiling water, made an effort to draw the string together, waited till the well head, builds behind that the willow tree rolled directly in the well along above, front mouth to the family/home barrel, an incline, inside water was flowing in the middle of the wooden barrel. 觉得差不多了,应该装了半柳滚水时,一起使劲拉绳子,等到了井口,直接把柳滚的后面搭在井沿上面,前面的口对着自己家的桶,一倾斜,里面的水就流进了木桶当中。 The thoughts of male baby are not as good compared with little girl, did not consider that water whether muddy, half willow Gunshui gets down but actually, then fetches the water, back and forth several times, finally oneself bringing wooden barrel packing, towed with joint forces to the family/home. 男娃子的心思比起女娃子要差一些,根本就不考虑那水是否浑浊,半柳滚水倒下去,又接着打起水来,来回几次,终于是把自己家带来的木桶给装满了,合力向家拖去。 Drags to tow, the family/home Sirs came, happen to saw two child(ren) of own family/home hit the water round trip to walk, two steps to near, without delay, before carries the body directly, the body squats, knee, this child(ren) according to arriving above, opens the palm of the hand, was patting to the buttocks of child(ren). 拖着拖着,家大人就来了,正好看到自己家的两个孩子打好水往回走,两步到了近前,二话不说,把其中一个直接拎到身前,身子一蹲,膝盖一挺,把这孩子给按到上面,张开巴掌,对着孩子的屁股就拍了起来。 How to tell you? Let you occupy a position, you also brought your younger brother to fetch water, if fell down, how you did let me and your mother live? Kills your not obedient child(ren).” “怎么跟你说的?让你占个位置,你又带着你弟弟打水了,万一掉下去,你让我和你娘怎么活?打死你这个不听话的孩子。” Father, I am younger brother, today's water compared in the past high, first arranged the water, did you hit my what are you doing?” Hit child(ren) yelled, he is actually sore, usually in child(ren) with the village fights also hurts compared with this, frightened psychological quality that he mainly fosters since childhood, fears the parents to hit, one dozen cries. “爹,我是弟弟,今天的水比往常的高,先多打点水,您打我干什么?”被打的孩子哇哇大叫,他倒不是疼,平时和村子中孩子打架的时候比这还疼呢,他主要是从小养成的恐惧心理,怕爹妈打,一打就哭。 When father's palm of the hand raised and received, the vision looks to another son, he does not have the means that so many years, so long as two child(ren) station together, cannot see birthmark, which he cannot branch out is eldest child, which is a second child, especially these two child(ren) usually together plays, is the same, but also always changes the clothes to put on. 当爹的巴掌扬起又收了回来,目光看向另外一个儿子,他也没办法,这么多年了,只要两个孩子在一起,看不到身上的胎记,他就分不出哪个是老大,哪个是老二,尤其这两个孩子平时在一起玩,都一样,还总换着衣服穿。 Another a child saw that father's vision sweeps, in the future will draw back two continually father, I am younger brother, Elder Brother, do not harm me.” 一个孩子看到父亲的目光扫过来,往后连退两步“爹,我才是弟弟,哥,你可别害我啊。” Elder Brother, how can you open the eye to talk nonsense? Good, I suffer in any case a lot in a big way for you, I become elder brother a time.” Another a child also follows close on was saying. “哥,你怎么能睁着眼睛说瞎话呢?好吧,反正我没少替你挨大,我就当一次哥。”另一个孩子也紧跟着说道。 When father pats own forehead with the hand „, let alone, stopped to me, you are the elder brother, I am younger brother, in a while do not permit to change the clothes, going home make your mothers recognize, which is to become the elder brother, oneself prepared.” 当爹的用手一拍自己的脑门“别说了,都给我消停的,你们是哥,我是弟弟,一会儿不准换衣服,回家让你们娘认认,哪个是当哥的,自己准备好了。” When father's person really did not have the means that frequently made a mistake child(ren), going back makes the wife complain, child(ren) of making the mistake matter in secret titter in one side, without making the mistake can only cry the grievance, oneself were inferior to the wife, heard the sound, looked at one casually, two child(ren) changed the clothes no matter how, even if with mud face rubbing did not see clearly, can recognize all of a sudden, always right. 当爹的这人实在是没办法了,经常打错孩子,回去让媳妇埋怨,做错事儿的孩子在一旁暗中偷笑,没做错的只能哭着委屈,自己不如媳妇,无论是听声音,还是随便看一眼,两个孩子不管怎么换衣服,哪怕是用泥把脸给蹭的看不清楚了,也能一下子认出来,从来就没错过。 Father, your relaxed, I and Elder Brother do not change the clothes absolutely, Elder Brother, this matter blames you.” Two child(ren) were saying to the father simultaneously, this type of speech his two did not say a time twice, is the instinct. “爹,您放心,我和哥哥绝对不换衣服,哥,这事儿都怪你。”两个孩子同时对着父亲说道,这种话他两个不是说了一次两次了,属于本能。 When father what really do not make into two sons, is the worry later two boys always goes out to work, if really had the danger, few, this life could not forget, simultaneously thought two sons were sensible, know helped the Sir fetch water. 当爹的也不是真的要把两个儿子打成什么样,就是担心以后两个小子总是自己出去做事情,真要是有了危险,少了哪一个,这辈子都忘记不了,同时又觉得两个儿子懂事,知道帮大人打水了。 Lowers the head to have a look at the water in bucket, discovered that compared in the past muddy many, this remembers son a moment ago speech, the water in well was usually higher, has a look at the water again, his eye opened suddenly. 低头看看水桶中的水,发现比往常浑浊了不少,这才想起儿子刚才说的话,井中的水比平时高了,再看看水,他的眼睛突然睁大了。 He understands certainly when can appear such matter, that just dug the well, inside water brings the silt to well up, the water can rise, similarly the pollution, needs several Sir alongside to fetch water in turn outward, until bottoming, can enter to make to the in water silt inside, will have the limpid water to come out. 他当然明白什么时候会出现这样的事情,那就是刚刚挖完了井,里面的水带着泥沙涌出来,水会升高,同样浑浊,需要几个大人在旁边轮流往外打水,直到见底儿,把里面能进到水中的泥沙都弄出来,才会有清澈的水出来。 Naturally, has is the earth movement the time besides this, the water in that well very muddy, but in the village the chicken does not jump, the dog did not call, the impossible earth movement, is it possible that some people to dig a well? 当然,除了这个还有就是地动的时候,那井中的水都会非常浑浊,可村子中鸡不跳,狗不叫的,不可能地动,莫非又有人挖井了? at this moment is also able to discriminate others Sirs to come, similarly have discovered this situation, some people thoughts are detachable, think the thunderclap that in the morning hears, said there excitedly: auspicious sign, this is auspicious sign, heard that side after a county more than years of dry well is several thunder make a sound , the water leakage, are our wells also first some thunderclap?” 这时也有别人家的大人过来,同样发现了这个情况,有的人心思活络,想到早上听见的雷声,在那里兴奋地说道:“祥瑞,这是祥瑞啊,听说县城那边的一口多年的枯井就是几声雷响后出水的,咱们这井也是先有的雷声吧?” After his saying, others also thought that each and everyone could not attend to fetching water, prepared to go to the county to report, has not waited for them to go out of the village, other had region of well, some similarly people are speaking words so there. 经他这一说,其他人也想到了,一个个都顾不得打水了,准备前往县城去上报,还没等着他们走出村子呢,其他有井的地方,同样有人在那里说着这般的话。 That this, even if a village had auspicious sign.” In most wells the water rose, but also so many thunderclap, have that smart person, pressed down this miracle to the village directly. “那这就算是一个村子都有祥瑞了。”多数的井中水升了上来,还有这么多的雷声,有那聪明人,直接给村子按上了这个奇迹。 ****** ****** Today three, have nothing to do with recommendation rank, knows that the young two people understand, small two will not handle this matter, young two are rather suffering. 今天三更,与推荐的名次无关,知道小二的人都明白,小二不会做这种事情,小二宁肯自己委屈一些。 Mainly is in the plot needs a new transformation, has to slow the tempo, many material preparations, looked the people who too small two books understand, small two that material preparations will arrive at the local natural style specifically, including the trees, the flowers and plants, are many, do not look to write, only then such several characters. 主要是情节上需要一个新的转变,不得不放慢速度,有不少资料准备,看过小二书的人都明白,小二那资料准备的会具体到当地的自然风貌,包括树木,花草,非常多,别看写起来只有那么几个字。
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