GTI :: Volume #1

#100: compass measures the water with burying the grave( second)

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Nine wells in the have discovered village, after seven saliva were many, the people in Linhe Village were happy, then did not need worry not to have the water to drink, even can transport/fortune to in the fields makes up, the position that child(ren) occupied is unimportant, near seven wells stood the person. 发现了村子中九口井,有七口水多了以后,临河村的人都高兴了起来,这下不用担心没有水喝了,甚至可以运到田中弥补一下,小孩子们占的位置也不重要了,七口井边都站满了人。 each and everyone takes off the coat, stripped, starts to take turns to fetch water outward, the water that fetches receives / and transports in the fields, remaining two wells, because in disrepair after many years, a few same place, another water has no change. 一个个把上衣脱掉,光着膀子,开始轮换着往外打水,打出来的水直接运到田中,剩下的两口井,一个因年久失修,少了一个一块,另一个水没什么变动。 This situation some people registered county immediately, wants to make auspicious sign anything, finally is Yin County Magistrate urging, and telling does not permit to disclose. 这个情况马上就有人报到了县中,想要弄个祥瑞什么的,结果却是被阴着的县令给劝回来,并告诉不准声张。 Sir, do not think these, rests.” The County aid complexion is also ugly, is urging to County Magistrate Cheng. “大人,别想这些了,歇歇吧。”县丞的脸色也同样难看,对着程县令劝道。 Stands Zhubao in main hall and district Wei also has these to know that bailiff of feudal yamen of matter, on face same does not have any smiling expression, they know, in these common people happy back, some people are using the life span to support, where is what auspicious sign? Where is what water, clearly is the tears of blood. 站在厅堂中的主薄、县尉还有那些知道事情的衙役,脸上同样没有任何笑容,他们知道,在这些百姓高兴的背后,有人在用寿命来支撑,哪里是什么祥瑞?哪里是什么水,分明就是血泪啊。 They believe the Chen Dong words, Zhang Manor master, so as to Sanshui county common people, inspires the supernatural power with the life span for the price unexpectedly, County Magistrate and district Wei, County aid, Zhubao in the heart are contradictoriest, they are thinking common people that lets county has the water to drink, feared that Zhang Manor two master had/left the accident/surprise, is unable to weigh in the middle of both. 他们都相信了陈东的话,张家庄子高人,为了三水县百姓,竟然用寿命为代价去引动神力,县令、县尉、县丞主薄四人心中是最矛盾的,他们即想着让县中百姓有水喝,又怕张家庄子的两位高人出了意外,无法在两者当中进行衡量。 bailiff of feudal yamen cannot control so many, they are only hoping the Zhang Manor people have been living, live, hears the people in Linhe County also to cause what auspicious sign well, they wish one could to draw up several sticks. 衙役们管不了这么多,他们只盼着张家庄子的人都一直活着,活的好好的,听到临河县的人还想弄出个什么祥瑞,他们恨不得过去抽上几棍子。 Em, Xuyang, has other matter today again, you helped look, this officer first examine some previously oversight to behind.” “恩,旭阳啊,今天再有别的事情,你就帮着看看,本官先到后面查看一些已往的疏漏。” County Magistrate Cheng is happiest, is saddest, he arranges Zhang Manor that the person goes , a village had the water, he actually must for that Zhang Manor master worry. 程县令是最高兴,也是最难过的,他安排人去的张家庄子,一个村子有水了,他却要为那张家庄子高人担心 After County aid complies with one, County Magistrate Cheng on to return to in the middle of own courtyard, Bing drew back servant without delay, found the incenses and candles alone, brought to arrive at the study room, rubbed an inkstick personally, wrote my master two people on the paper, put on the study room table, in the point the incenses and candles, knelt there later. 县丞答应一声后,程县令二话不说就回到了自己的院子当中,秉退了下人,独自找到了香烛,带着来到了书房,亲自研墨,在纸上写了吾师二人,放到书房桌子上面,点上香烛,随后跪在那里。 Unfilial student pays a visit the master two people, wish the parents long life, the age of turtle crane, the student pledged in this, scenery district 60,000 elders, if which dares to disrespect to the master two people, even if the student will put together the life not to make him feel better.” “不孝学生拜见师傅二人,祝二老长命百岁,龟鹤之龄,学生在此发誓,山水县六万父老,若是哪一个敢对师傅二人不敬,学生即便拼了性命也不会让他好过。” Talked over these, County Magistrate Cheng knocked three heads, this set out. 念叨完这些,程县令又磕了三个头,这才起身。 ****** ****** One after another, was not only on several th the well in overlooking the river village has the water, the wells in many village had have the water, had the well water of water more, without water well in water. 接连的几日,不仅仅是临河村子中的井有水了,不少的村子中的井有同样有水了,原本有水的井水更多了,没水的井中出了水。 Often some people regard the auspicious sign report this matter to the county administration, are more, in the heart that the person in Government office hears is more uncomfortable. 不时地有人把这个事情当成祥瑞报给县衙,衙门中的人听到的越多,心里面就越难受。 Sir, we sent people Zhang Manor saying that stops, from other village toward these dry village shipping point water in the past, directed the heavenly thunder, common people had the water, that side what to do? This is trades the life by the life.” “大人,要不,咱们派人到张家庄子说说,停一停吧,从别的村子往那些个旱的村子运点水过去,引天雷而下,百姓有水了,那边怎么办?这是以命换命啊。” In the family/home had pregnancy bailiff of feudal yamen, found County Magistrate Cheng, kneels is crying the entreaty there, his news obtains certainly from the Chen Dong mouth, his family/home obtained many Zhang Manor advantage, good that the wife eats, good that rests, Zhang Manor even sends woman to teach the wife to make some movements specially, but also taught several songs to make the wife usually hmph hmph, said that was good to child(ren) that had not been born. 家中有了身孕的衙役,找到了程县令,跪在那里哭着哀求,他的消息当然是从陈东的口中得到的,他家可是得了不少张家庄子的好处,媳妇吃的好,睡的好,张家庄子甚至专门派女人来教给媳妇做一些动作,还教了几首歌谣让媳妇平时哼哼,说是对未出生的孩子好。 Conversion is others, he thinks that others while away the time he, but Zhang Manor makes specially, he does not dare to have any suspicion, this looking , doesn't he possibly remember? at that time is also thinking, if day of Zhang Manor kills people, he treats as has not seen, then now, what he thinks, if Zhang Manor must kill people, he fences personally. 换成是旁人,他会以为人家消遣他呢,可张家庄子专门弄出来,他可不敢有任何的怀疑,这种关照,他怎么可能不记得?当初还想着如果有一天张家庄子杀了人,他当作没看到,那么如今,他想的是,张家庄子如果要杀人,他亲自操刀。 County Magistrate Cheng hears the bailiff of feudal yamen words, for a while does not know this/should we managed, what Chen Dong came back saying that only this time, that then explained, Zhang Manor two master will not lose one's life because of this time, but these on the 2nd, as the water well water in some villages were many, the withered water leakage, he felt bailiff of feudal yamen that anxious mood. 程县令听到衙役的话,一时也不知道该咱们办了,陈东回来说的是,只这一次,那便说明,张家庄子的两位高人不会因这一次而送命,但这两日,随着一些村子中的水井水多了,干枯的出水了,他感觉到了衙役们的那种焦虑的心情。 He wants to make an immortal child, but that side Zhang Manor did not agree, he does not know the master name, not clearer master appearance, can only give up to this time. 他原本想弄一个长生嗣了,可张家庄子那边不同意,他不知道高人的姓名,更不清楚高人的模样,对此时只能作罢。 Looks to kneel there bailiff of feudal yamen, County Magistrate Cheng gets a sudden inspiration suddenly, said to it: „ Like this, you will take producing of this county tomorrow, Zhang Manor do not have, gives to them, and helps this officer ask whether that side must stop, if stops, that this officer round of bulletin, making common people transport/fortune the water from elsewhere. 看着跪在那里的衙役,程县令突然灵机一动,对其说道:“这样,明日你带上本县的一些出产,张家庄子没有的,送给他们,并帮本官问问,那边是否要停下来,若是停下来,那本官发告示,让百姓从别处运水。 But if the that side said that does not miss these, this officer will also send a bulletin, making common people at night do not go out, hears any sound do not examine , how do you feel? ” 可若是那边说不差这一些,本官也会发一个告示,让百姓夜晚不要出门,听到任何响动都不要去查看,,你觉得如何?” County Magistrate Cheng sees bailiff of feudal yamen this appearance, does not know how should say, particularly next County Magistrate, if not in Sanshui county raises, Official that above sends might be difficult to manage, person who above sends, most hates is the local influence, similarly most fears is also the local influence. 程县令见到衙役这个样子,不知道该怎么说了,尤其是下一任的县令,如果不是三水县中提上来的,上面派下来的官员或许就要难办了,上面派下来的人,最恨的便是当地的势力,同样最怕的也是当地的势力。 Has Official of skill to process some time the local influence, making everyone listen his, without skill can only ask to transfer or collaborate, if next is really not Zhao Zhubao, he does have that skill to subdue Zhang Manor? Dies of exhaustion him. 有本事的官员可以在一段时间内把当地的势力处理好,让所有人都听他的,没本事的只能求着调离或是同流合污,若是下一任真的不是赵主薄,他有那个本事来收服张家庄子么?累死他呀。 bailiff of feudal yamen naturally does not know that Sir County Magistrate thought so many, hears the words of Sir, leaves happily, the preparation arrives at Zhang Manor to ask tonight. 衙役自然是不知道县令大人想了这么多,听到大人的话,高兴地离开,准备今天晚上就到张家庄子去问问。 ****** ****** Wang Juan, you do look at today's moon are the roundest time? Grandpa calls the moon cake me.” Zhang Xiaobao the special spirit, lies down in tonight collapsing above could not fall asleep, partly opens wide the window that to look from that to outside, said there gently. 王鹃,你看今天的月亮是不是最圆的时候?爷爷给我打月饼。”张小宝今天晚上特别的精神,躺在塌子上面就睡不着了,从那半敞开的窗户看向外面,在那里轻轻地说道。 Wang Juan has been stranded, is thinking sleeps, hears the Zhang Xiaobao's words, has to open the eye saying: Comrade Zhang Xiaobao, asked you, let alone, to some Eighth month 15 also many days, I accompanied you to make the moon cake is not good at the appointed time?” 王鹃已经困了,想着睡觉呢,听到张小宝的话,不得不睁开眼睛说道:“张小宝同志,求你了,别说了,离八月十五还有不少日子呢,到时我陪你做月饼还不行么?” „, Thanks, 15 has not actually related with Eighth month, today is my Grandpa Director birthday, you looked that moon is round, Grandpa visits certainly me on there moon.” Zhang Xiaobao continued, the sound was very light, made Wang Juan hear sufficiently. “哦,谢谢,其实和八月十五没关系,今天是我院长爷爷的生日,你看月亮多圆啊,爷爷一定在那里月亮上面看着我呢。”张小宝继续说着,声音很轻,却足以让王鹃听到。 Wang Juan is staring at the window with the eye, as if prepares to make it close to the thought that turns head to see Zhang Xiaobao still in that to look crazily, said: „ On moon no one? Now cold now hot, no one can bear, good, do not visit me, has the person, that will not be your Grandpa Director, Chang E one, Wu Gang one, again on the family/home living the thing will not be is the rabbit. 王鹃用眼睛盯着窗户,似乎准备用意念让其关上,扭头看见张小宝还在那痴痴地望着,说道:“月亮上没有人吧?一冷一热的,谁都受不了,好,别看我,有人,那也不会是你院长爷爷,嫦娥一个,吴刚一个,再家上一个活着的东西也不是是兔子。 You said that which your Grandpa Director is? It is not in Apollo of that tread moon/month plan? ” 你说你那院长爷爷是哪一个?不会是那蹬月计划的阿波罗上的吧?” Wang Juan Comrade, I ask you, will region why so many have the water be burying the tomb?” Zhang Xiaobao shift topic. 王鹃同志,我问问你,为什么那么多有水的地方都会埋着坟墓呢?”张小宝转移话题。 Xiaobao, you are a good person, the country is unfair to you, do not hate the country, what after all these departments are formed is the person, is not the machine, you studied so many Psychology, isn't clear? I accompanied you to come, considered the compensation.” 小宝,你是个好人,国家对不起你,你别恨国家,毕竟这些部门组成的是人,不是机器,你学了那么多的心理学,难道还不明白?我陪着你过来了,就当是补偿吧。” Wang Juan knows Zhang Xiaobao, so long as remembers that Grandpa Director to fall into one always in the middle of the special thought that simultaneously he also made the arrangement to that side, therefore Gratitude said the words. 王鹃知道张小宝只要一想起那个院长爷爷就会陷入一总特殊的思维当中,同时他对那边也做好了安排,所以感激地说出了一番话。 What qualifications is Zhang Xiaobao actually shakes the headyou to represent the country? How you know that I am patriotic? What I love is a national complex compound, what love is an inheritance, the Chinese nation is not such and such Republic, what I maintain is a spirit, is not some concrete thing. 张小宝却是摇了摇头“你有什么资格代表国家?你怎么就知道我爱国?我爱的是一个民族综合体,爱的是一种传承,中华民族不是某某共和国,我所维护的是一种精神,不是某个具体的东西。 Some people said, four big ancient nations are ancient India, ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon and ancient China, some people said that was ancient Egypt, the ancient Greece, ancient India and ancient Egypt, but also some people said that was ancient Egypt, the ancient Rome, ancient Maya and ancient India, some said that was ancient Loulan, ancient Egypt, ancient Maya and ancient Rome. 有人说,四大文明古国是古印度、古埃及、古巴比伦、古中国,也有人说是古埃及、古希腊、古印度、古埃及,还有人说是古埃及、古罗马、古玛雅、古印度,更有的说是古楼兰、古埃及、古玛雅、古罗马。 These are unimportant, more importantly whose civilization is also inheriting now, India? Their history need to fill by the history of foreign country, Maya? Do they only have the person who the writing actually lost can explain, Egypt? They own writing was about to lose, does not know how oneself originated. 这些都不重要,重要的是现在还有谁的文明在传承,印度?他们的历史需要靠外国的历史来填写,玛雅?他们只剩下了文字却是失去了能够解读的人,埃及?他们连自己的文字都快失去了,根本不知道自己怎么发源的。 Babylon, he was attacked and occupied by the heathen, who still remembers him? Rome? Without that abattoir, had forgotten, Loulan? The years pass, who pursues the time? One region remains, from the record Yan and Huang, is gray to the reed reed shoot. 巴比伦,他被异教徒攻占了,谁还记得他?罗马?没有那个角斗场,早就被人遗忘,楼兰?岁月流逝,谁追时光?只有一个地方还存在,从记载炎黄,到蒹葭苍苍。 The country that I acknowledged was this, I not for ancestor's glory and pride, from inherit to be sorrowful incompetently, who dares to discuss the civilization with China, who dares to discuss the diet with China? I...... 我所承认的国家就是这个,我不为祖先的荣耀而自豪,自为无能继承而悲哀,谁敢与中华论文明,谁敢与中华谈饮食?我……。” Xiaobao, the well exploded, why your can at that time remind them to use that telling fortunes compass to survey?” When Zhang Xiaobao speaking of radical, the Wang Juan sudden digression asked that with the matter irrelevant thing that Zhang Xiaobao said. 小宝,井炸了,你当初为什么要提醒他们用那个算命的罗盘来测量呢?”就在张小宝说到激进的时候,王鹃突然插话问出了一句和张小宝说的事情无关的东西。 Zhang Xiaobao had not replied for a while, is breathing heavily there, crosses in a while to laugh at others to Wang Juan to say asks a good wife to make the man not sad, before has thought clearly, not to understand now finally, when your interest gets up knows that pours cold water to you, when you enter the ebb tide knows that helps you buoy up, in you...... 张小宝一时没有回答,在那里喘着粗气,过了一会儿才对王鹃笑了笑“人家都说找一个好老婆能让男人没有忧愁,以前一直想不明白,现在终于是懂了,在你兴致起来的时候知道给你泼冷水,在你进入低潮的时候知道帮你振作,在你……。” Xiaobao, that is compass what are you doing uses? Compass?” Wang Juan again interrupts the Zhang Xiaobao's words. 小宝,那罗盘干什么用的?指南针么?”王鹃再一次打断张小宝的话。 „, You said that thing, I of telling fortunes am not really clear, at that time has not studied, inside also really has alone / person, finally a minister calculating, was closed, but I know, that compass and ripple and magnetic field are correspond. “哦,你说那个东西啊,算命的我真的不清楚,当初没学,里面还真有一个人,结果把一个部长给算到了,被关了起来,可我知道一点,那个罗盘和水纹及磁场是相对应的。 Usually calculates the people who people look for some compass to that region quite disorderly place, he thinks that he cannot calculate is the divine intervention. Actually that region usually is ripple quite many region, the words that does not believe you can have a look, so long as with that thing, to chaotic region, the basic upper and lower surface can dig the coffin. 通常一些算民的人都找一些个罗盘到那地方比较凌乱之处,他认为他算不出来乃是天意。其实那个地方通常都是水纹比较多的地方,不信的话你可以看看,只要用那东西,到了乱的地方,基本上下面都能挖出来棺材。 at that time orphanage is, wants to dig a fixed cellar to come, finally digs, dug a coffin, at that time had not cared, moves other region, the fixed cellar you know that with an underground house that the brick and cement built, treated as the vegetable cellar to use. 当初孤儿院就是,原本想挖一个固定窖来着,结果挖来挖去,挖到了一口棺材,当初也没在意,挪到了别的地方,固定窖你知道吧,就是用砖头和水泥盖的一个地下的房子,当做菜窖来用。 May discover finally, in that unexpectedly is the water, two meters five deep vegetable cellar, one meter five are the water, finally cannot use, afterward wants to make a well, is the quite ancient motor-pumped well, with that of leverage and air pressure function, to vegetable cellar three meters region, was hitting 12 meters finally, water does not have. ” 可最后发现,那里面竟然都是水,两米五深的菜窖,一米五是水,结果就不能用了,后来想弄一个井,就是比较古老的洋井,用杠杆作用和气压作用的那个,就离着菜窖三米的地方,结果打了十二米,一点水都没出。” Zhang Xiaobao finally got back from that his improper condition, mentioned the compass matter. 张小宝终于从那他不该有的状态当中恢复过来,说起了罗盘的事情。 Knows, knows, this matter I know, some very good ancient corpses of preservation, were actually region that because buried had the water, coffin's seal was good, but that underground hydraulic pressure was big, water pressing in coffin, finally pushed inside air. “知道,知道,这个事情我知道,有一些保存的很好的古代尸体,其实就是因为埋的地方有水,棺材本身的密封就不错,可那地下的水压大,把水给压到了棺材里面,结果把里面的空气挤了出去。 The air did not have, the surroundings the again seal, the water level drops, the water infiltrates, once again seals, made in that coffin turn into the vacuum, waited for others to dig up, without the oxidation, that inside person maintained unusual was good. ” 空气没了,周围又再一次密封,水位下降,水渗出来,又一次密封,就让那棺材里面变成了真空,等着别人挖开的时候,没有氧化作用,那里面的人保持的非常好。” Wang Juan also follows to supplement, also knows why Zhang Xiaobao lets the person, when explodes the well to use compass to calculate, did not tell fortunes, calculates the ripple. 王鹃也跟着补充,同时也知道了张小宝为什么让人在炸井的时候用罗盘来算,不是算命,是算水纹。 ****** ****** Some people's in some contents to book questioned, therefore this article made the revision, deleted question region. 有人对书中的一些内容质疑,所以本文做了修改,把质疑的地方删了。
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