GTI :: Volume #2

#101: The prime minister because of the locust plague moves( first)

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In Sanshui county, many region Ide water, but also some wells collapsed directly, a small number of wells have no change, the drought are still continuing, completely has not solved, nothing but does not need to worry that common people will die of thirst because of anhydrous. 三水县中,不少地方的井出水了,还有的井直接塌了,少数的井没什么变化,旱灾还在继续,没有彻底地解决,无非是不用担忧百姓会因无水而渴死。 County Magistrate Cheng is also thinking on two Lane master immortals to Zhang Manor offers sacrifice, actually bad to Manor that side opposition, has to bear in mind this matter. 程县令原本还想着给张家庄子上的两位高人一个长生祀来着,却糟到了庄子那边的反对,只好把这个事情记在心里。 county has that good matter, in the same occasion the rich person heard many well water leakage, but also had a look in the past, smelled a as if familiar flavor, thought that should be the firecrackers, bought several hundred thousand sounds specially, found a dry well to throw inside lights, result inside transmitted a short successively sound, response that had no again. 县中有那好事儿的,同时家中有钱的人听说不少的井都出水了,还过去看看,闻到了一股似乎熟悉的味道,觉得应该是鞭炮,特意去买了几十万响,找到一口枯井扔里面点燃,结果里面传来了一阵短促的连续声响,再没有任何的反应。 Looks smoke that the well head is fluttering, determined, the firecrackers cannot be used to explode the well, smells the flavor again, thought that is not same, can only give up, he also wanted to know the method, attempts to help the person water leakage make money to other region. 望着井口飘出来的烟,确定,鞭炮不能用来炸井,再闻闻味道,觉得也不相同,只能作罢,原本他还想要知道方法,到别的地方去尝试帮人出水赚钱呢。 The wharf that Song Jinggong is responsible for like a raging fire is still constructing, looking at the situation needs to the late autumn time can construct completely. 宋静功所负责的码头还在如火如荼地建设着,看情形需要到了深秋的时候才能全部建好。 It is getting more and more hot, the Shannan host and Henan say/way, the river hosts and area inside the Great Wall say/way have the droughts in varying degrees, in an area inside the Great Wall slightly also difference some, the Shannan hosts and Henan said that the disaster situation is most serious, the river hosts also received some influences, is good has several mainstream rivers because of the river hosts and area inside the Great Wall to important region, could insist on the rainy season arrival. 天越来越热,山南东道、河南道、河东道、关内道都有不同程度的旱灾,关内道稍微还差上一些,山南东道与河南道灾情最为严重,河东道也受了一些影响,好在河东道和关内到重要的地方有几条主流河,或许能坚持到雨季的到来。 If there is drought, a Henan that side had not really feared, the crop failure could not avoid, but they can direct the Yellow River water to enter, starting from the spring, these two region locusts were mainly more than other region, initially when common people have not paid attention, which year had the grasshopper to jump randomly, did not miss this year. 若是只有旱灾,河南道那边还真就不怕,粮食歉收是避免不了了,可他们能够引黄河水而入,主要是从春天开始,这两个地方的蝗虫就比别的地方多,初时百姓们也没有注意,哪年都有蚂蚱在乱蹦,也不差这一年。 Who knows, as drought, this grasshopper were getting more and more, had in a big way that is unexpectedly long two cuns (2.5 cm), the wing flapped, was obsolete from the surface forward flight, feels like flying a chicken. 谁知道随着干旱,这蚂蚱越来越多,有那大的竟然长到了两寸长,翅膀一呼扇,从面前飞过时,感觉就像飞过去一只小鸡一样。 Saw that these locusts ate the crops, common people in the outside point of that paddies the incense burner, incessantly worshipped on bended knees, no alone / person said that was catches up with, or was makes the poultry in family/home eat, then became the stance of blotting out the sky to these locusts afterward. 看到这些蝗虫吃庄稼,百姓都在那田地的外面点上了香炉,不停地跪拜,却没有一个人说是去赶一赶,或者是让家中的家禽去吃的,到后来那些蝗虫便成了铺天盖地的架势。 No matter the person in Province capital not only, instead this matter upward report, invited under the emperor the decree to the temple of here lane locust, Li Longji knows obviously the harm of this locust, was not good the manages, Minister other does not prevent, only then the Yao Chong exception, scurried about, with the emperor guaranteed was taken on the responsibility by him, was follows Minister other to threaten, finally was recognized that did not support and did not oppose. 州府中的人不仅不管,反而把这事向上汇报,请皇上下旨意给这里弄一个蝗虫的庙宇,李隆基明明知道这蝗虫的危害,却不好去管,其他的大臣也不阻止,只有姚崇例外,上蹿下跳的,又是跟皇上保证由他来担责任,又是跟着其他的大臣威胁,终于是得到了一个不支持、不反对的认同。 Examines the disaster situation to that side personally, and must these locusts making. 亲自到那边去查看灾情,并且要把那些蝗虫给弄掉。 Zhang Manor in at this moment Sanshui county also followed, the grain of 10,000 stones were divided into two, made Xu Si stop that rural fair, life its belt/bring is transporting to Henan that side quietly, one was to let Erniu looks for the car(riage) to draw, a car(riage) car(riage) discharged transporting of several li (0.5 km) road to arrive in the county. 这时三水县中的张家庄子也跟着动了起来,一万石的粮食分成两份,一份让徐四停下那个集市,命其带着悄悄运到河南那边,还有一份则是让二牛找车拉着,一车车排出几里路的运到县城。 Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan prepare to assume personal command personally, with has a look, was the traveling of friends from childhood, finally in the person by family/home blocking, usually his two handled something, no matter the family/home Sirs, this time must go out, was actually did not agree in any event, feared his two ran away, arranging ten people to guard in turn. 张小宝王鹃准备亲自坐镇,跟去看看,也算是青梅竹马的旅游了,结果被家中的人给拦下来,平时他两个做些事情,家大人不管,这次要出门,却是无论如何都不同意,怕他两个偷跑了,安排十个人轮流看守。 County Magistrate Cheng when learning of this news has understood, should be he sends out, arranges the county matter, takes half of bailiff of feudal yamen, prepares that two region to go to the disaster relief, actually delivers the grain. 程县令在得知这个消息时就已明白,该是他出动的时候了,把县中的事情安排一番,带上一半的衙役,准备到那两个地方去救灾,其实就是送粮食。 Yingtao hatched many chickens, apportioned peasant household to raise, brings more than 6000 chicken and Xiao Hong these duck geese, embarked enormously and powerful, these in courtyard idler also reassigned part to follow , helping feed the chicken, sorted the egg. 樱桃又孵化出了不少的小鸡,都分给庄户去养,带着六千多只鸡和小红的那些鸭鹅,浩浩荡荡地也出发了,院子中的那些个‘闲人’也抽调出一部分跟随,帮着喂喂鸡,拣拣蛋。 This time, Yingtao and Xiao Hong brought enough the poultry to eat two days of feeds, must select region of grass all the way, or was grasshopper many region walks, according to the instruction of Little Master, so long as lays eggs with the local common people exchange, spent money to buy, exchanged with cloth and silk also becomes, even if were some slow Nian grain gives to trade, had the young baby catching the all kinds of insect fed the poultry, similarly also gave them the egg. 这一次,樱桃小红就带了够家禽吃两天的饲料,一路上就要挑有草的地方,或者是蚂蚱多的地方走,按照小公子的吩咐,只要下了蛋就和当地的百姓交换,用钱买可以,用布帛交换也成,哪怕是一些徐年的粮食都给换,有小娃子给抓了各种昆虫喂家禽,同样也给他们蛋。 All look at Erniu, can our family/home continue to enjoy this treatment, dealing of Erniu very importantly, our here grasshoppers are also many, some hide on the mountain, explodes the grasshopper to eat, incurs to come back from the county Da Niu (Big Bull), making him attempt to make the cake, at the appointed time on the young baby with Manor trades the grasshopper. “一切都看二牛的了,咱们家能不能继续享受这种待遇,二牛的应对非常重要,咱们这边的蚂蚱也不少,有的躲在山上,炸蚂蚱吃吧,把大牛从县城招回来,让他尝试做蛋糕,到时与庄子上的小娃子换蚂蚱。 This thing is good, the high protein, makes a spiced salt to come out, after exploding, our two are moistening eating, did not eat the staple food, daily ate the grasshopper, I decided that when three years old have hit five -year-old baby. ” 这东西好啊,高蛋白,弄点椒盐出来,炸出来之后咱们两个沾着吃,不吃主食了,天天吃蚂蚱,我决定在三岁的时候打过五岁的娃子。” Because that side Zhang Xiaobao in the family/home does not let him and Wang Juan goes personally, has been feeling suffocated, waited for others to walk, started to offer advice. 张小宝因为家中不让他和王鹃亲自去那边,一直憋着气呢,等着别人都走了,开始出主意。 Daily eats? You yourself eat, I do not accompany you, the protein of grasshopper are many, can it compared with on rice wheat flour? Does not know how your swindler works as.” Wang Juan also wants to go out has a look, other region of this time are what appearances, finally was closed in home, similarly is depressed. “天天吃?那你自己吃吧,我可不陪你,蚂蚱的蛋白质再多,它能比上大米白面?不知道你这个骗子怎么当的。”王鹃也想出门看看,这个时代的其他地方是什么模样,结果被关在家中,同样郁闷。 Zhang Xiaobao does not have the means that words that really wants to run, regarding him and Wang Juan is very easy, but if ran, the family member meets worry, will have family member's him so not to do with great difficulty absolutely. 张小宝也没有办法,真想跑出去的话,对于他和王鹃来说还是非常容易的,可若是跑了,家人一定会担心,好不容易有了亲人的他绝对不会这般做。 Saw that Wang Juan does not accompany is eating the grasshopper, looked for a compromise method how that to use the surface to bind the grasshopper to explode you to look how?” 看到王鹃不陪着吃蚂蚱,找了一个折中的方法“那怎么用面裹着蚂蚱炸你看怎么样?” „Did you compete with the grasshopper? Might as well make them grasp, dries the year to become the powder at the appointed time, makes child(ren) of cakes and pastries to village to eat, supplements the nutrition, when we grew up, they can become most loyal bodyguard, at the appointed time opens up territory to expand the earth, no, when is opens up wasteland to turn the soil, guarding seedling team strength.” “你就和蚂蚱较上劲了?不如让他们多抓一些,到时焙干了年成粉末,做点糕饼给村子中的小孩子吃,补充一下营养,等咱们长大了,他们就可以成为最忠诚的护卫,到时开疆扩土,不,是开荒翻土时,护苗队的力量会更强一些。” Wang Juan these months hear the matter that four child(ren) died, a little love dearly, Ge Manor, six years old, lived one to get sick finally died, the life was really frail, at that time courtyard being based doctor sent, used a ginseng of money, just delayed several days the life. 王鹃这几个月听到了四起孩子死掉的事情,有点心疼,有一个葛家庄子的,六岁了,结果生一场病就死了,生命实在是太脆弱了,当时院子这边把常驻的医者都派去了,用了一钱的人参,也只不过是把生命拖延了几天而已。 This matter besides the reason in medical, is the child(ren) usual nutrition issue, the resistance effort of healthy child(ren) to disease also wants to be stronger, usually saw that some child(ren) play, the exercise was enough, but protein took in few, grasshopper thing present person does not eat, changed into at that time the time besides the famine, this was the good thing. 这种事情除了医疗方面的原因,还有就是孩子们平时的营养问题,健康的孩子对疾病的抵抗力度也要强一些,通常看到一些小孩子玩耍,锻炼是够了,可蛋白质的摄入去少,蚂蚱这东西现在的人除了饥荒外都不怎么吃,换成当初的时候,这是好东西。 Zhang Xiaobao also knows that the Wang Juan thoughts, think saying: „ Eats a grasshopper is not useful, when this time matter handled, constructs the school, looks for several failing an examination scholars, teaches child(ren), at that time day of three meals a day matched, naturally can make child(ren) healthier. 张小宝也知道王鹃的心思,想了想说道:“只是吃点蚂蚱没有什么用,等这次的事情办好了,把学堂建起来,找几个落第的学子,过来教教孩子,那时一天的三餐都搭配好了,自然可以让孩子们健康一些。 Grasshopper after the powder might as well make, in addition our MSG, deliver to the middle of some cake shops, makes the seasoning to them, in the cake or is in other wheaten food, the flavor is absolutely different, but can also add some fish meal toward inside, MSG considers as finished, only other additional thing. ” 蚂蚱的的粉末不如弄出来后,加上我们的味精,送到一些饼店当中,给他们做调料,和在饼中或者是其他面食里面,味道绝对不同,还可以往里面加一些鱼粉,味精还是算了,只加别的东西吧。” Providing the raw material is not most worthwhile, might as well sells in Sanshui county that shop in us, is not the big matter, arranged to be good casually, before they came back evidently, our two also idled, how thinks to help your father cope Imperial Examination.” “提供原料是最不合算的,还不如在咱们自己在三水县里面的那个店中卖呢,也不是什么大事儿,随便安排一下就行了,看样子他们回来之前,咱们两个也闲了下来,还是想想怎么帮着你爸把科举对付过去吧。” Good, tomorrow starting from, we will ask my father to look at the scenery to outside, you coordinate, my many poetry are not that familiar, you had contacted in childhood the training are many, this aspect must depend upon you.” Zhang Xiaobao wants to make the father test the scholar branch, some politics and economical ideas he can suggest, the poetry is not good. “好,明天开始,咱们就找我爹到外面看风景,你多配合一下,我多诗词不是那么熟悉,你小时候接触过的训练多,这方面就要依靠你了。”张小宝想让父亲考秀才科,一些政治、经济上的想法他能暗示,诗词就不行了。 Good, asks your father to go out to study the thing early tomorrow morning, at the appointed time we suggested.” Wang Juan is complying. “好吧,明天一早就找你爸出去学东西,到时我们来暗示。”王鹃答应着。 ****** ****** County Magistrate Cheng Lingxiang when Erniu brings so many car(riage)s are coming, that night left, he was also paying attention to that two region disaster situation recently, knows that now will go certainly to be approved, his grade will also follow to propose. 县令程岭祥二牛带着那么多的车过来的时候,当天晚上就动身了,他最近也关注着那两个地方的灾情,知道现在去一定会得到认可,他的品级也会跟着提一提。 The so big team, from Sanshui county to that side, at least needs to walk for a half month, is catches up anxiously, another side Yingtao and Xiao Hong were also urging the team marches forward a bit faster, the chicken duck goose is not obedient, particularly meets the water time, the duck and goose are always thinking goes to play. 如此大的队伍,从三水县到那边,至少要走半个多月,还是一路急赶,另外一边的樱桃小红也催促着队伍快点行进,鸡鸭鹅都不怎么听话,尤其是遇到水的时候,鸭子和鹅总想着进去玩耍一番。 Is good has an intelligent goose because of Xiao Hong here Rongrong, Xiao Hong makes it make what it to comprehend, is busy preparing, catches up with about ten thousand poultries to eat on the road marches forward, with the people in these inner courtyard bustle about, team about and behind wants them to come to see, otherwise is very easy to be lost several, this may be money. 好在小红这里有个聪明的鹅‘茸茸’,小红让它做什么它都能领会,忙前忙后的,赶着近万只的家禽在路上边吃边行进,跟着来的那些个内院的人忙碌起来,队伍的左右与后面都要他们来看着,否则很容易走失几只,这可都是钱啊。 When meets the path two sides paddies, so long as there is a grasshopper, Xiao Hong and Yingtao will catch up with these poultries to eat in the past, there are these meat , the poultry naturally cannot have a liking for the millet, the low neck runs all over the place there, here has run, that side can eat the all kinds of insect that was caught up with, even if flying will lower a points locust to be jumped saying by the chicken slightly in the mouth. 遇到道路两边的田地时,只要有蚂蚱,小红樱桃就会赶着这些家禽过去吃,有那些个肉在,家禽自然看不上谷子,低下脖子在那里乱跑,这边跑过,那边就能吃到被赶过来的各种昆虫,哪怕是飞的稍微低一点的蝗虫都会被鸡跳起来给叨在嘴里。 Half a month later, the County Magistrate Cheng team first rushed, cannot say that arrived, car(riage) that these transported the grain also in behind, County Magistrate Cheng was the preparation first contacts with the prime minister, was Prime Minister Yao right. 半个月后,程县令的队伍先赶到,也不能说是都到了,那些个运粮的车还在后面呢,程县令是准备先和丞相接触一下,也就是姚右宰相。 He had known the news, the right prime minister came out from in the capital similarly, immediately must come here, he happen to can, when cannot meet, only worry is these grain whether can the fortune comes. 他已经知道了消息,右宰相同样从京中出来了,马上就要到这边,他正好能够等到见上一面,唯一担心的就是那些粮食是否能及时运过来。 Xiao Hong and Yingtao also a little worry, the speed that they march forward is slower, the person said fortunately, these poultries, only is not too obedient, must run up to far region to have a look, the following team marches forward again. 小红樱桃这边也有点着急,她们行进的速度慢一些,人还好说,那些个家禽,一只只的都不怎么太听话,总要跑到远的地方去看看,再跟着队伍继续向前。 Has caught up is not slow, must step onto ten several days to that region, does not know by that time, but can also see the right prime minister. 已经赶得不慢了,离那地方还要走上十几天,不知道到那时,还能不能看到右宰相。 Xiao Hong, you bring the team to walk slowly, I must catch up with, otherwise to region, others walked, we were not good to confess with Little Master, at least needs to let that awareness surnamed Yao, our these gave many strength to be good time.” 小红,你带着队伍慢慢走吧,我要赶一赶,不然到地方了,人家走了,我们就不好回去跟小公子交代了,至少要让那个姓姚的知道,我们这一次出了不少的力才行。” Is walking, Yingtao worried, discussed with Xiao Hong. 走着走着,樱桃着急了,和小红商量了一下。 Today three, tomorrow's seven. 今天三更,明天七更。
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