GTI :: Volume #1

#98: The drought continues day by day heavily( fourth)

You can search countryside Great Tang wonderful brush pavilion novel net ( ) to search the latest chapter in hundred degrees celsius! 您可以在百度里搜索“田园大唐妙笔阁小说网(”查找最新章节! Zhou Kong and County Magistrate Cheng and the others, had the lunch hurried to depart in the restaurant, person who only then Song Jinggong and he brought, but also ate and drank on the restaurant, must raise the lampwick the night to recite evidently tonight, having that alcohol capacity was bad, has drunk goes to sleep, actually did not leave, only waited for the evening to get up, but can also continue to fight bravely. 周倥程县令等人,在酒楼吃过了中午饭就又匆匆离去,只有宋静功和他带来的人,还在酒楼上吃喝,看样子今天晚上要挑灯夜吟了,有那酒量差的,早已喝多睡下,却不离开,只等着晚上起来,还能继续奋战。 Zhang Xiaobao did not count on that a Zhou Kong and Zhou Kong liangs person can bring the how big income to the restaurant, usually in the state, coming to want several days one time, is impossible to have the matter to drink to here, County Magistrate Cheng there is also so, goes, almost day of did not have, only so as to has food, is really unworthy. 张小宝不指望周倥个人能给酒楼带来多大的收入,平时一个在州里面,来一次就要几天,根本不可能有事儿到这边来喝酒,程县令那里也是如此,一去一回,几乎一天的时间都没了,只为了吃一顿饭,实在不值得。 Looks the goal that their two come is other Little Luo river that side constructions completes, contacts after here, lets see the benefit to be jealous, thinks the person who big idea knows, these two region are turns over to County Magistrate also to have Adjutant in state to cover, at the appointed time thinking over weight/quantity, without qualifications do not proceed to assemble, entitled, that must seperately cope. 找他们两个来的目的就是等小罗水那边的施工完成,与这边联系起来以后,让一些看到利益眼红,想大主意的人知道,这两个地方是归县令还有州里的一个参军罩着呢,到时掂量掂量分量,没有资格的就别往前凑合,有资格的,那就要另外对付了。 Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan have waited for Zhou Kong to ask the matter, finally that side finished eating walked, as if forgot here also has master, making two people relaxed many. 张小宝王鹃都已经等着周倥过来问事情了,结果那边吃完就走了,似乎忘记了这边还有高人呢,让两个人轻松了不少。 Dragon Boat Festival passed lively, this year sent the steamed rice dumpling besides Zhang and Wang Two Families Manor to peasant household, Ge Manor also studies unexpectedly is sending, Ge family does not need to hand over the grain to the royal government this year, peasant household actually must to the master-family junction, met many, was takes ahead of time. 端午节热热闹闹地过去了,今年除了张王两家庄子庄户发了粽子外,葛家庄子竟然也学着发了一些,今年葛家不用向朝廷交粮,庄户们却是要向主家交,会余出不少,算是提前拿出来一点。 Let alone the restaurant also started doing business, three operate together, cannot continue to get down again mean-spiritedly, the steamed rice dumpling sends, Ge family peasant household really throws out the chest, met Zhang and Wang Two Families some peasant household also words to say again. 何况酒楼也开业了,三家一同经营,不能再继续小气下去了,粽子发下去,葛家庄户果然都挺起了胸,再遇到张王两家庄户也有话说了。 ****** ****** Comes to support, County Magistrate Cheng in anxious to return to Government office rested slightly in a while, having a look at the weather to be late, called County aid Zhang Mingsheng, prepared several types of side dishes, small jug liquor, taking advantage of evening's dim light of night, started to discuss the matter. 过来捧了场,又急急回到衙门中的程县令稍微歇了一会儿,看看天色已晚,又把县丞张明升叫来,准备了几样小菜,还有一小坛子酒,借着晚上的夜色,开始商议事情。 Xuyang, many days, dropped the rain not, let alone were the grain production, the person and domestic animal many soon did not have the water, does not try to find the solution, the person must die of thirst while still alive.” County Magistrate Cheng to County aid one bowl of liquor, sighed to say but actually, the gloomy mood on face could hardly be removed. 旭阳啊,多少天了,滴雨未下,别说是粮食减产了,人和牲畜多快要没水了,再不想想办法,人都要被活活渴死了。”程县令县丞倒上一碗酒,叹息一声说着,脸上的愁绪挥之不去。 County aid both hands hold the bowl, waits for County Magistrate to end but actually, puts itself in front of gently, follows to worry: Six days ago, the district east that side had a rain, did not arrive at a double-hour to stop, ground not wet, now county had many region places to crack, in the well could not hit many water.” 县丞双手托着碗,等县令倒完,轻轻放到自己面前,也跟着愁道:“六天前,县东那边下了点雨,不到有个时辰就停了,地面都没怎么湿,现在县中有不少地方的地都裂了,井里面也打不上来多少的水。” County Magistrate Cheng also knows that this situation, the extends chopsticks want to clamp to order food, stopped, drinks big liquor directly, exhales liquor air/Qi water few of well, digs again downward? Can dig out the water?” 程县令也知道这个情况,伸出筷子想夹点菜,又停了下来,直接喝上一大口酒,呼出酒气“井的水少了,再往下挖呢?是不是能挖出水来?” Can be the energy, but well like not excavating time, now wants to get down directly, besides some big wells, the other well is inadequate, to dig to probably dig, Sir, if can like that auspicious sign well, bang, the water come out, that was then good, now that well is also supplying many drinking water.” “能是能,可井不像开挖时候那样,现在想要直接下去,除了一些大的井外,其他的井都不成,要想挖就全得刨掉,大人,若是能像那祥瑞井一样,轰隆一声,水就出来了,那便好了,现在那井还供着不少人吃水呢。” County aid accompanied was drinking liquor, said with the County Magistrate words, was saying to be saying, awkward complexion revealed suddenly hopes that auspicious sign he and Sir County Magistrate knows how to come out, people of Zhang Manor this and in state with the exchange that made, result that well after bang one came out the water, has not become fewer by the present. 县丞陪着喝了一口酒,跟着县令的话说起来,说着说着,原本还为难的脸色突然露出了一些希望,那祥瑞他和县令大人都知道是怎么出来的,张家庄子用这个和州里面的人作的交换,结果那井就在轰隆一声后出了水,到现在还没见少呢。 County Magistrate Cheng hears this saying eye is also one bright, right, didn't Zhang Manor what matter manage? How to ask them on didn't expect, since a well can the water leakage, so many wells, should be able the water leakage to be right. 程县令听到这话眼睛也是一亮,对呀,张家庄子什么事儿办不了?怎么就没想到去求他们呢,既然一口井能出水,那么多的井,也应该能出水才对。 Good, was really good, Xuyang you were rendered meritorious service, if the matter can be solved, Sanshui county common people must thank you, quickly, called Chen Dong, making him rush to Zhang Manor, asked also to ask, related to so many common people lives, was really not good is this officer knelt also to the water make there in the past.” “好,实在是太好了,旭阳你算是立功了,若是事情能够解决,三水县百姓都要感谢你,快,把陈东叫来,让他马上赶到张家庄子,求也要把人求来,关系到那么多百姓的死活,实在不行就是本官过去长跪在那里也要把水弄出来。” County Magistrate Cheng this was decided that he does not know how the Zhang Manor person the water well causing the water, perhaps borrowed certain mysterious strength, may also affect the life span, but he did not have other means that at the appointed time asks, if will really reduce too many Shou Lu only to think again other means that after all was not a well. 程县令这是下了决心了,他不知道张家庄子的人怎么把水井给弄出水的,或许是借了某些神奇的力,可能还会影响寿命,但他没有别的办法了,到时问问,若是真的会减太多的寿禄的话就只能再想别的办法,毕竟不是一口井。 If reduces several days, at the appointed time cultivating an immortal offers sacrifice in county, tells county common people, was who goes all out to give them to make the water at this time, this must to above round of document, first make, then sent document. 若是减个几天,到时就在县中给修个长生祀,告诉县中百姓,是谁在这个时候拼了命给他们弄水,这还要向上面发文书,先弄出来,再发文书 Chen Dong was tonight is happen to night duty, hears greeting to come, waited for County Magistrate to say the words, guaranteed saying: Sir your relaxed, lowly one overtakes certainly with the quickest speed, makes there know here urgency, believes Zhang Manor will not stand by.” 陈东正好是今晚值夜,听到招呼就来了,等着县令把话说完,保证道:“大人您放心,小的一定用最快的速度赶过去,把这边的急切让那里知道,相信张家庄子不会袖手旁观。” Goes quickly, if others rested unable to call, on wait/etc., when dawn, that side restaurant was happen to open for business, you arrived at that just wait, perhaps can also eat to order food, drank a liquor.” County Magistrate Cheng exhorted two not to delay the matter, then made Chen Dong depart. “快去吧,若是人家睡了叫不起来,就等等,等到天亮,正好那边的酒楼开张,你就到那等着吧,或许还能吃到点菜,喝点酒。”程县令又嘱咐了两句别耽误事情,便让陈东离去。 Come, Xuyang, drank together, just now really does not want to eat the thing, here also had to eat, common people possibly some could not drink including the water.” County Magistrate Cheng that temporarily feels relieved came the spirit, greeted County aid to eat the vegetable/dish to drink. “来,旭阳,一同喝点,方才真的是不想吃东西了,这边还有吃的,百姓可能有的连水都喝不上了。”暂时放下了心的程县令又来了精神,招呼着县丞吃菜喝酒。 ****** ****** Chen Dong also knows the matter to be significant, brought two horse to come out from Government office, did not stand still, transferring, is using -and-a-half double-hour to rush to Zhang Manor unexpectedly, saw that restaurant there was still brilliantly illuminated, Chen Dong licked licking lips, really wants to go to drink the bowl liquor, simultaneously he also knows, others will not collect his money, he gave others unable to want. 陈东也知道事情重大,从衙门中带了两匹马出来,根本就不停歇,一路换乘着,竟然用了一个半时辰就赶到了张家庄子,看到酒楼那里依旧灯火通明,陈东舔了舔嘴,真想进去喝碗酒,同时他也知道,人家不会收他的钱,他给人家也不能要。 But the matter is important, is enduring the thirst in mouth, arrived at outside the Zhang Family courtyard, knocked on two gates, the person of standing night watch opened the door to look, was bailiff of feudal yamen arrived unexpectedly, at noon Sir County Magistrate just walked, is it possible that was went back became lost, couldn't the person in Government office wait for the person to come the inquiry? 可还是正事儿要紧,忍着口中的干渴,来到了张家院子外面,叩了两下门,守夜的人开小门一看,竟然是衙役到了,中午县令大人刚走啊,莫非是回去的时候迷路了,衙门中的人等不到人就过来询问? This matter is not he can manage, behind runs up to awakens steward, Steward Zhang also just went to sleep, others can rest is earlier, he is not good, he is taking care many things, gets up grudgingly, arrives at the living room, bailiff of feudal yamen Chen Dong has waited here. 这事儿不是他能管的,跑到后面把管家叫醒,张管家也是刚睡下,别人都可以睡的早一些,他不行,他管着不少事情呢,不情愿地起来,走到客厅,衙役陈东已经等在这里。 Tea Water comes up, irrigation two bowls, this arriving at this's goal said that waits for Steward Zhang to answer, at least must ask master was good. 茶水上来,连灌下去两碗,这才把到此的目的说出来,等着张管家答复,至少也要去问问高人才行。 Steward Zhang estimated next time said to Chen Dong: You wait a bit the moment here, I ask whether or not can become, comes back to tell you one.” 张管家估计了一下时间对陈东说道:“你在这里稍等片刻,我去问问,无论是否能成,都回来告诉你一声。” Speaks, Steward Zhang leaves the living room, walks toward the Little Master that side courtyard, he knows that Little Master and Little Miss were just right at this time the learn/study, otherwise he can only let bailiff of feudal yamen tomorrow morning again. 说完话,张管家离开客厅,向着小公子那边院子走去,他知道小公子小娘子这个时候正好起来学习,否则他只能让衙役明天早上再来。 Steward Zhang arrives at time, Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan are eating meal, the rapidness of child(ren) body length of body, hungry also quick, finds time to eat a thing. 张管家到的时候,张小宝王鹃正在吃饭,孩子身体长的快,饿的也快,抽空就吃点东西。 After waiting for Steward Zhang the matter repeated came out, Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan to looking at one, achieved the unification, was saying to Steward Zhang: 等着张管家把事情复述了出来之后,张小宝王鹃对看一眼,达成了统一,对着张管家说道: You told that bailiff of feudal yamen, making him needing the well picture of water leakage opens the icon to come out, delivers to here, other did not need to manage , said to him, at the appointed time each well so many water will not necessarily come out, said again, this matter will fold the lifespan, only this one time.” “你去告诉那个衙役,让他把需要出水的井画张图标出来,送到这里,其他的就不用管了,还有,对他说,到时未必每一个井都会有那么多的水出来,再说一下,这种事情会折阳寿的,只此一次。” Steward Zhang receives an order to depart, remaining Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan looked at each other one, sighed, then must make many fire yao, has saying that damaged the life the matter, otherwise some above people let arrive at that another two big region again and explode all around one by one, could not bear. 张管家领命离去,剩下张小宝王鹃又对视了一眼,同时叹了口气,这下要做不少的火yao了,不得不说损命的事情,否则上面有人再让到那另外两个大地方及周遍挨个炸,根本就受不了。 Xiaobao, the artificial rain, recently always had the cloud to flutter above otherwise flutters, does not rain, I attempt to make some earth shells, do you look to be good?” Wang Juan proposed. 小宝,要不然人工增雨吧,最近总有云彩在上面飘啊飘的,就是不下雨,我尝试着做些土炮弹,你看行不行?”王鹃提议。 Ok, at the appointed time you explode me, my one bucket of water, which said toward but actually toward but actually, even if you can do to unearth the shell, the tool of launch is simple, I cannot cause the dry ice.” Zhang Xiaobao is speaking to put out a hand to touch the Wang Juan forehead, wants to have a look at her to have a fever. “行,到时你把我炸上去,我一手一桶水,说往哪倒就往哪倒,就算你能做出土炮弹,发射的工具简单,我也弄不出干冰。”张小宝说着话伸手去摸王鹃的额头,想看看她是不是发烧了。 Do not bump, I was the casual saying, the person must a little want to be good, brings to hope diligently, I believe that you will cause the dry ice in the lifetime, even was the liquid nitrogen.” Wang Juan wipes out Zhang Xiaobao's hand. “别碰,我就是随便一说,人总要有点希望才行,带着希望去努力,我相信你在有生之年会弄出干冰的,甚至是液态氮。”王鹃打掉张小宝的手 Dry ice? Did you believe me compel anxiously, I will turn into the dry corpse tomorrow, ate quickly, in a while should be cool, this was the wood ear soup, expensive/noble.” “干冰?你信不信把我逼急了,我明天变成干尸,快吃吧,一会儿该凉了,这可是木耳汤,贵着呢。” Zhang Xiaobao knows that Wang Juan also said casually, eases up the atmosphere, changes into anyone to know, artificial rain at this moment does not need to think. 张小宝知道王鹃也就是随便说说,缓和一下气氛,换成谁都知道,人工增雨这时根本不用想。 Waits for one bowl of soup to drink up, but also after eating a thing, Wang Juan said: How to arrange? Cannot let others have discovered this secret, can only while others do not pay attention to the time explodes, that was the evening, the person must arrange several, Erniu was one, his Elder Brother Daniu, but also who can be absolutely reliable?” 等着一碗汤喝掉,还吃了点东西之后,王鹃有说道:“怎么安排呢?不能让别人发现了这个秘密,只能趁别人不注意的时候去炸,那就是晚上了,人也要安排几个,二牛算一个,他哥大牛一个,还谁能绝对可靠?” Hu Zi is also good, others do not know that their three go, must spend a lot of money to come to buy the material, was unable to look for the County Magistrate Cheng reimbursement, this matter decided that reads.” Zhang Xiaobao does not have the good candidate for a while, can only the laborious that three people. 虎子也行,别人就不知道了,就他们三个去吧,又要花不少钱来买材料,还不能找程县令报销,这事儿就这么定了,看书。”张小宝一时也没有太好的人选,只能辛苦那三个人。 ****** ****** Steward Zhang the Little Master words spoke that to the Chen Dong hear, Chen Dong one hear cheers up, sets out to hurry back to tell this good news to Sir County Magistrate, actually by Steward Zhang blocking, said that was goes back that side County Magistrate also to rest, might as well wait till 5 to 7 a.m. the round trip to catch up again, happen to Sir County Magistrate got up. 张管家小公子的话说给陈东听,陈东一听就高兴起来,起身想要赶回去把这个好消息告诉给县令大人,却被张管家给拦住了,说是回去县令那边也睡了,不如等到卯时再往回赶,正好县令大人起来。 These days naturally did not need to arrange to the courtyard to live, found a going on night patrol person, making him bring Chen Dong to go to that side the restaurant, ate a thing, rested well, the horse must eat the thing rest. 这段时间自然也不用安排到院子中住,找了一个巡夜的人,让他带着陈东去酒楼那边,吃点东西,好好休息一下,马也要吃东西休息。 Chen Dong to the restaurant, here gave to arrange meat element two vegetables/dishes, four encircle the small dish, heated small pot liquor, one bowl of rice, because are three opening together business, but must seperately keep accounts, calculates that becomes the special entertainment expense. 陈东到了酒楼,这边给安排了一荤一素两个菜,还有四个围碟,温了一小壶酒,一碗米饭,因是三家合开的买卖,还要另外记账,算成特殊的招待费。 Chen Dong does not have the thoughts to enjoy, hurried finished eating lies down to go off, next day does not need others to call, oneself wake, does not eat the breakfast, rides to start directly to returning catches up. 陈东也没心思享受,匆匆吃完就躺下睡去,第二天不用别人招呼,自己就醒了过来,连早饭都不吃了,直接骑上马又向回赶。 Arrived Government office, no matter also Sir County Magistrate whether got up, runs to inside, runs while shouted Sir, became, matter became.” 到了衙门,也不管县令大人是否起来了,就向里面跑,边跑边喊“大人,成了,事情成了。”
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