GTI :: Volume #2

#105: Close to and has the new manor( second)

You can search countryside Great Tang wonderful brush pavilion novel net ( ) to search the latest chapter in hundred degrees celsius! 您可以在百度里搜索“田园大唐妙笔阁小说网(”查找最新章节! A Zhang Xiaobao and Zhang Xiaobao liangs person had the idea to ask, by evening's time, the talent of going came back, the look on face was not attractive, was saying to the Zhang Xiaobao two people: „ Little Master and Little Miss, I asked that happen to catches up with them is not at home, in the family/home, only then some cannot the chancellor person. 张小宝个人有了想法就让人去问,到晚上的时候,前去的人才回来,脸上的神色却是不怎么好看,对着张小宝二人说道:“小公子小娘子,我去问了,正好赶上他们都不在家,家中只有一些不能主事儿的人。 I wait there, they came back, the goal of but also without I saying, they said to me happily, they sell the place today, the price is good, moreover later does not need to leave this region, but also plants this land, so long as compared with handed over 10% land rents previously on the line. ” 我就等在那里,他们回来了,还没等我说出来的目的呢,他们就高兴地对我说,他们今天把地卖了,价钱不错,而且以后也不用离开这个地方,还种这个地,只要比已往多交10%的租子就行。” Ah? who buys? Is happen to ahead of time such in a while?” Heard this saying, Zhang Xiaobao gawked, if were not he knows that with Wang Juan discussed these words time, the person in Shiliu and another inner courtyard was impossible saying that he really thought the traitor within. 啊?谁买的?正好提前这么一会儿?”听到这话,张小宝愣了,如果不是他知道和王鹃谈这番话的时候,石榴和另外一个内院的人不可能说出去,他真以为出内奸了。 Returns to the Little Master words, heard from Capital person, I inquired from these population, came a Steward person, but also leads several servant girl and male servant, surnamed Li of Steward, heard that these bought surroundings that more than 3000 mu place time, other has not inquired.” “回小公子的话,听说是从京里来的人,我从那些人口中打听到,过来一个管事的人,还带着几名丫鬟和男仆,管事的姓李,听说这一次把周围那三千多亩地都买了,别的没打听出来。” The sent person is returning to the Zhang Xiaobao's words. 派去的人回着张小宝的话。 Good, good work, went back, sold sells.” Zhang Xiaobao does not have other means that others first, oneself and Wang Juan plan failed, later were also evidently many a neighbor, does not know how child compares with Ge Manor? “好,辛苦了,回去吧,卖就卖吧。”张小宝也没有别的办法,人家先一步而已,自己和王鹃的打算就落空了,看样子以后又多了一个邻居,就是不知道与葛家庄子比起来如何? Is waiting the person who inquired the news departed, Wang Juan is also pursing the lips disappointedly, said to Zhang Xiaobao: Surnamed Li, this surname is not ordinary, what emperor's relatives won't be? That may trouble, who knows that they can have our here ideas? My 100 households of Shi Yi also hang there, if they use this to be the excuses, what to do annexes our places?” 等着打听消息的人离去,王鹃也失望地撅着嘴,对张小宝说道:“姓李,这个姓不一般啊,不会是什么皇亲国戚吧?那可麻烦了,谁知道他们会不会打我们这边的主意?咱家的一百户食邑还悬在那里,万一他们用这个为借口,吞并我们的地怎么办?” „To swallow the my family place? keep dreaming, I and they spelled, really must with this, when gave a pretext, do not blame my heart black stingy, I made them experience, what was the method, hopes that they and Li Longji had no relations, otherwise I mixed.” “想吞我家的地?做梦,我和他们拼了,真要用这个当借口,就别怪我心黑手狠,我让他们见识见识,什么叫手段,希望他们和李隆基没什么关系,不然的话我就搅和一下。” Zhang Xiaobao is a little also anxious, the might, wants to contend, needs to take many tortuous paths to be good, otherwise others a few words, can give to run over you. 张小宝也有点紧张,强权啊,想要去抗衡,需要走许多的弯路才行,否则人家一句话,就能把你给压死。 The Wang Juan worry Zhang Xiaobao soldier risks danger incurs, asked in the one side: „Do you want what are you doing? Won't prepare to explode the person with the zha medicine? That was not good, explodes the person, me also but actually.” 王鹃担心张小宝兵行险招,在一旁问道:“你想要干什么?不会是准备用zha药去炸人吧?那可不行,炸完了人,咱家也就倒了。” I do not do this matter, if really some people buy the my family place, my gangs anti-virus, the lime is so cheap, buys, getting so far as in place, making them govern, does the water used clash? Can that clash the saline, the deep plowing? I first go in the lime deep plowing. “我才不干这种事情呢,真要是有人强买我家的地,我就帮们杀毒,石灰那么便宜,买来,都给弄到地里,让他们去治理吧,用水冲?那就能冲出来盐碱地,深耕?我先把石灰深耕进去。 If they can think that came from elsewhere earth moving, that calculates them to be fierce, but cannot rain, otherwise the following lime will dissolve in in water, doing well place is not easy, spoils place, the method were many. ” 他们要是能想到从别处运土过来,那算他们厉害,可千万不能下雨,否则下面的石灰就会溶在水中,弄好一块地不容易,弄坏一块地,方法多了。” Zhang Xiaobao very indignant, he can think, so long as some people the place of his family/home buying, his Grandpa Grandma parents will be sad, this was his bottom line, this life had the family member with great difficulty, but also was in good health, did not allow some people to bully absolutely. 张小宝十分的气愤,他都能想到,只要有人把他家的地给买了,他的爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈会多难过,这是他的底线,这辈子好不容易有了亲人,还都健在,绝对不允许有人欺负。 Wang Juan is auditing, finally knew, International Criminal Swindler is not an average person, any bad idea can want to come out, really buries so many quick-lime the words, here will be infertile, just like he will say like that will want to govern place not to use, destroying place was too relaxed. 王鹃在一旁听着,终于知道了,国际诈骗犯就不是一般人啊,啥坏主意都能想出来,真埋下去那么多的生石灰的话,这里将是寸草不生,正如他说的那般,想要治理好一块地不用,毁一块地实在太轻松了。 Angry words, are the angry words, if isn't the people of imperial family? We can also wait to look, was really, at the worst exchanged the benefit, was really not good, our two went to discuss with others, two child(ren) said the matter, won't they always press?” “气话,都是气话,万一不是皇家的人呢?我们还能等等看,真的是了,大不了交换利益,实在不行,咱两个去和人家商量一下,两个小孩子去说事儿,他们总不会那么难为吧?” Zhang Xiaobao said after an aggressive statement, calms down, felt, since pursues the benefit, that gives him the benefit, can cooperate, has money everyone to gain together, Zhou Xihu is so, are many one also no, at the appointed time borrows the strength mutually, setting up the enemy is not the goal, pursuing the benefit is the essence. 张小宝说了一番狠话后,冷静下来,觉得既然是追求利益,那就给他利益,可以合作,有钱大家一起赚,周西虎就是如此,再多一个也没什么,到时相互借力,树立敌人不是目的,追逐利益才是本质。 The wise men unite vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, hits the strength with the strength, by money Shengqian, monopolizes not the suitable might the time, to something, but can also trade something. 智者联合纵横,借力打力,以钱生钱,垄断不适合强权的时代,给出去一些东西,还能换来一些东西。 Wang Juan thought that the Zhang Xiaobao's proposition is also good, if really some people snatch, gives to select skill wood ear cannot absolutely, this thing is really extremely precious, plants the method of cucumber to give the winter, what I said is by some chance these person really latter backgrounds, and insists on occupies our places in the situations.” 王鹃觉得张小宝的提议也不错,真要是有人过来抢地,就给点技术木耳是绝对不能给的,这个东西实在是太过贵重,把冬天种黄瓜的方法给出去吧,我说的是万一那些人真的后背景,并且非要占咱们的地的情况下。” Right, if really the worst matter came, gives him this method, not only gives them, these wealthy and powerful families in other Capital City also give, at the appointed time we did not need to plant, waited to buy to eat on the line, we studied again other.” “对,真要是最坏的事情来了,给他这个方法,不仅仅给他们,其他京城中的那些大户也给,到时咱们就不用种了,等着买来吃就行,咱们再研究别的。” Zhang Xiaobao after all is not child(ren) psychological quality, this/should enduring must endure, sometimes suffered a loss, not necessarily is the bad matter. 张小宝毕竟不是孩子心理,该忍受的都要忍受,有时吃亏了,未必就是坏事儿。 Two people first make the worst plan, other were simple, no one knows, when that side just purchase paddies, two child(ren) conducted the method that some possible appear situations the analysis also found to deal with. 两个人先把最坏的打算弄出来,其他就简单了,没有人知道,在那边刚一收购田地的时候,就有两个孩子把一些可能出现的情况都进行了分析并且找到应对的方法。 Waited till another day, Zhang and Wang Ge three Manor master-family also knows this matter, they thought did not have Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan is so comprehensive, only thought that was the quite normal matter. 等到了又一天,张王葛三个庄子主家也都知道了这个事情,他们想的没有张小宝王鹃那么全面,只觉得是比较正常的事情。 Zhang Xiaobao was makes one buy a hundred taels of silver quick-lime the next day, must look at the response of that Li family, if they were too corrupt, Zhang Xiaobao also has to come a fight in which both sides perish, if can coordinate, then these quick-lime were used to disinfect and construct the aspect be also good. 张小宝却是让人在第二天买来了一百两银子的生石灰,一切都要看那个李家的反应,如果他们太贪的话,张小宝也不得不来个鱼死网破,如果可以协调,那么这些生石灰就用来消毒和建筑方面也不错。 Do not look at the lime and water merely is slightly soluble, may have very strong lethality as before, particularly to soil, even can make the soil harden the block, good, on the one hand can help dry, moist region apply pretty good, makes into the white lime also to treat a disease anything. 别看石灰和水仅仅是微溶,可依旧有很强的杀伤力,尤其是对土壤来说,甚至能让土壤板结成块,好的一方面是能够帮着干燥,潮湿的地方应用一下还不错,弄成熟石灰还能治疗一点疾病什么的。 Zhang Xiaobao does that only then Wang Juan can understand, the family member actually does not know, all prepared, Zhang Xiaobao put down the heart, that side Wang Juan actually ponders. 张小宝这么做只有王鹃能够理解,家里人却不知道,一切准备好了,张小宝放下心,王鹃那边却沉思起来。 Wang Juan, what do you think? Read.” Zhang Xiaobao evening's time, has flipped through the page the book, discovered the change that the Wang Juan vision has no, bumped Wang Juan to ask with the arm. 王鹃,你想什么呢?看书了。”张小宝晚上的时候,都已经把书翻页了,发现王鹃的目光还是没有任何的变动,用胳膊碰了碰王鹃问道。 Turns, I had not looked that helps the way that you find to make money, you bought so many quick-lime, if cannot use, cannot throw . Moreover the time grew the water in absorption air, will turn into the white lime.” Wang Juan a moment ago has not read, the thing that hundred taels of silver buy, piled several warehouses, cannot make these things waste in vain. “翻回来,我还没看呢,帮你想赚钱的办法呢,你买了那么多的生石灰,万一用不上,总不能扔了吧,而且时间长了吸收空气中的水,会变成熟石灰。”王鹃刚才根本就没有看书,一百两银子买回来的东西,堆了好几个仓库,总不能让这些东西白白浪费掉。 These quick-lime regarding her and Zhang Xiaobao are the atomic bombs, can use other way solution, cannot take absolutely this thing . 这些生石灰对于她和张小宝来说就是原子弹,能采用别的途径解决,就绝对不能把这玩意拿出来,。 But same, the quick-lime can also use in other aspect, except for dry, disinfection and lid house, after apply wall wait/etc. transformed the application, most direct is the hot welding, she thinks is also this, hears the Zhang Xiaobao's sound, said to Zhang Xiaobao: 可同样的,生石灰还能用在别的方面,除了干燥、消毒、盖房子,涂墙等等转化后的应用,最直接的就是火焊,她想的也是这个,听到张小宝的声音,对张小宝说道: You said that looks for can jars that seals the good point, make a fire to weld? Admits together the quick-lime and carbonaceous thing, then finds the way to make them turn into the calcium carbide, like this we can be used to make the fire to weld. After that can manufacture to seal a better thing, now has the thing of good seal?” “你说找一个密封好一点的罐子,是不是能弄一个火焊出来?把生石灰和含碳的东西放进在一起,然后想办法让它们变成电石,这样我们就可以用来做火焊了。那以后就能制作出密封更好的东西,现在有没有好的密封的东西?” „Is the thing that fire welds that thing makes?” Zhang Xiaobao is not clear to these things, he may not have the system has studied, the sources of his all knowledge are check the material. “火焊的东西是那玩意弄出来的?”张小宝对这些事情一点都不清楚,他可没有系统的学过,他所有知识的来源都是自己查资料。 Has not checked the material in this aspect, listening to Wang Juan to say so many things, was for a while blurry. 可从来没有查过这方面的资料,听着王鹃说出来如此多的东西,一时也迷糊了。 Then also asked: How that calcium carbide comes out? Uses electricity? In other words do we first want to study the electricity?” 接着又问道:“那电石怎么出来的呢?是不是用电?也就是说我们先要研究出电来?” Why the insists on electricity, two methods, can use the high temperature, heats up the carbon and lime, so long as were the temperature to be OK, wants to be the temperature is also simple, that was the additional oxygen.” “为什么非要用电呢,两种方法,可以用高温啊,把碳和石灰加热,只要达到了温度就可以了,想达到温度也简单,那就是加氧。” Wang Juan is clear to this matter, explained to Zhang Xiaobao. 王鹃对这个事情清楚,跟张小宝又解释了一下。 additional oxygen? Where does that oxygen come? This I also know, heats up to the potassium permanganate, but potassium permanganate?” Zhang Xiaobao regarding this question layer upon layer. “加氧?那氧哪里来?这个我也知道,给高锰酸钾加热,可高锰酸钾呢?”张小宝对此还是疑问重重 On theory is this, what is actually main was the temperature to the line, can find the way to make the temperature be this degree, others can make steel, leave hammered beyond the law, but can also improve the temperature, for example with blowing the way of coal, how did not try to know that was good?” Wang Juan is guiding Zhang Xiaobao once again. 理论上是这样,其实最主要的是温度到了就行,可以想办法让温度达到这个程度,别人可以炼钢,出了锻打法之外,还可以提高温度啊,比如用吹炭的方式,不试试怎么知道行不行?”王鹃又一次引导着张小宝 Zhang Xiaobao is not clear, blows the coal he to know, but vessel? Then the high temperature, where on does look for an appropriate vessel? 张小宝还是不明白,吹炭他到是知道,可容器呢?那么高的温度,上哪找一个合适的容器? What did that use to install Ah? is not always a fever?” “那用什么装啊?总不会是一烧就化了吧?” Stupid, naturally with ceramics.” “笨啊,当然用陶瓷。” That pressure? Can the ceramics bear that tremendous pressure? Internal, I know that you want to make a vessel, I feared that will explode.” Zhang Xiaobao a little can keep up with the Wang Juan mentality now. “那压力方面呢?陶瓷能够承受那么大的压力么?内部的,我知道你想做一个容器,我怕会爆炸。”张小宝现在有点能跟上王鹃的思路了。 Pressure can be solved, you do to be thicker the wall of ceramics, the part will shatter directly, the part can explode, part was to certainly remain, so long as a little remained, then our plans can work, 1000 experiments, can obtain a harvest, that was successful.” “压力好解决,你把陶瓷的壁做厚一些,有一部分会直接坏掉,有一部分会爆炸,还有一部分当然是残留下来了,只要有一点留下来了,那么我们的计划就可以进行下去,一千次的实验,能得到一次的收获,那就是成功。” Wang Juan also understands that this matter is done difficultly, may think, does not confirm her always to feel does not lose heart, even if were all defeated, can obtain some experiences. 王鹃也明白这个事情做起来有多难,可想到了,不去验证一下她总觉得不死心,哪怕全失败了,也能获得一些经验。 Good, I will be early the person to make tomorrow, cannot use too much money, really did, believes that will make our Manor obtain a bigger development, kept secret, this skill said that anything cannot leak out.” “那好吧,明天我就早人去弄,用不上太多的钱,真的做出来了,相信会让我们庄子得到更大的发展,保密,这种技术说什么都不能泄露出去。” Zhang Xiaobao estimated to burn the cost of ceramics simply, thought that wanted is not that specific name porcelain, in the expenditure can support with ease. 张小宝简单的估算了一下让人烧制陶瓷的成本,觉得只要不是那种名瓷,花费上可以轻松支撑。 Wang Juan hears the Zhang Xiaobao's words, thought that he is big to the effort that oneself support, following cheers up, thinks also said: That cannot always use the ceramics, tests the pressure time, can use here originally something, gains to have the extra harvest.” 王鹃听到张小宝的话,觉得他对自己支持的力度不小,也跟着高兴起来,想了一下又说道:“那也不能总用陶瓷,测试压力的时候,可以用一些这边原来有的东西,获取有额外的收获。” Em, this also listens your, so long as pays attention to the security on the line, the person does not have/leave the matter to be good.” Zhang Xiaobao entered not a clear domain, can only believe Wang Juan. “恩,这个也听你的,只要注意安全就行,人不出事儿就好。”张小宝进到了一个自己不清楚的领域当中,只能相信王鹃 Thank the book friend: Jianl points out the mistake to this article, draws the lesson, later does not understand did not talk nonsense, thanked everyone's support. 感谢书友:Jianl给本文指出错误,吸取教训,以后不懂的不瞎说,谢谢大家的支持。
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