GTI :: Volume #2

#104: In brook is good to swim( first)

You can search countryside Great Tang wonderful brush pavilion novel net ( ) to search the latest chapter in hundred degrees celsius! 您可以在百度里搜索“田园大唐妙笔阁小说网(”查找最新章节! Scorching hot, has eaten lunch Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan lies down on the courtyard chair as before, Shiliu also gave two people to make the big lotus leaf to replace the umbrella to the pond in specially to keep off in the head. 夏日炎炎,吃过午饭的张小宝王鹃依旧躺在院子当中的椅子上面,石榴还专门到池塘中给两个人弄了大的荷叶代替伞挡在头上。 Knows that two little ancestors does not need others to serve too, Shiliu makes her wood ear, wood ear accumulates not few, Zhang Xiaobao does not let sell, how Shiliu not clear Little Master planned that is complying then becomes. 知道两个小祖宗不用旁人伺候太多,石榴又去弄她的木耳,木耳已经攒下不少了,张小宝却不让卖,石榴也不清楚小公子如何打算的,照着做便成。 Heat, cannot fall asleep, Xiaobao, did you say this time this/should what are you doing?” Wang Juan bored ignites in that two hands mutually, plays to tease flies funny, is the weather is too mainly hot, making the outdoors exercise to is unhealthy. “热呀,睡不着,小宝,你说这个时间该干什么呢?”王鹃无聊的把两只手在那相互点着,玩逗逗飞,主要是天气太热,做户外锻炼对身体不好。 Zhang Xiaobao lies down alongside also to think that was a little idle, could not fall asleep, enters in the room to make an ice to put to collapse side, wants to rest can also rest, but got up not to do what exercise in the morning, only stayed is not being good, to select the means. 张小宝在旁边也觉得有点闲到了,不是睡不着,进屋子中弄点冰放塌子旁边,想睡也能睡,但早上起来就没做什么运动,只呆着可不行,要想点办法。 speak, your idea are many.” Wang Juan waited for in a while not to obtain Zhang Xiaobao's to respond, urged, Zhang Xiaobao there ponder, little hand is holding the chin, the eye to look at doorway of courtyard. 说话呀,你点子多。”王鹃等了一会儿没得到张小宝的回应,催促了一下,张小宝正在那里沉思呢,小手托着下巴,眼睛直直地望着院子的门口 Had, we swim, this not only can be cool, and can exercise, six ponds you choose one.” Zhang Xiaobao thought of an idea finally. “有了,咱们游泳去吧,这个既能凉快,又可以锻炼身体,六个池塘你选一个。”张小宝终于是想到了一个主意。 Wang Juan also feels good, from the chair, starts to find the person to accompany, talent line that particularly can swim, otherwise in the family/home does not certainly let. 王鹃也觉得不错,从椅子上下来,开始找人陪同,尤其是会游泳的人才行,不然家里一定不让出去。 Shiliu catches up, one hear of two little ancestors must swim to the pond, scared, runs to find the person to discuss hastily, two old Ancestor in Mrs. Zhang Wang and family/home also came, said that can make a big wooden basin to two child(ren), plays with water in inside. 石榴赶过来,一听两个小祖宗要到池塘游泳,吓坏了,连忙跑去找人商量,张王氏和家中的两个老祖宗也来了,说是可以给两个孩子做个大木盆,在里面玩水。 Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan are not certainly dry, they are not child(ren) that does not understand, after one bargained back and forth, finally did not make the wooden basin, in front of yard that brook divided one specially, first made the person on Manor go to that to have a look at the water snake, dug with spade one, can create the biological scavenging of injury the leech to child(ren). 张小宝王鹃当然不干了,他们又不是什么都不懂的小孩子,经过一番讨价还价,终于是不做木盆了,大院前面的那条小河专门分出来一段,先让庄子上的人去那看看有没有水蛇,用锹一阵挖,把蚂蝗等能够给孩子造成伤害的生物清除掉。 Also made one pile of thin sand, fronts in inside, reburns hot water of pot pot, with cool well water exchanging Chengwen, this gets so far as that segment Heli, was busy at enough two double-hour, was completed the alone / person labor swimming pool to Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan. 又弄了一堆细沙子,在里面垫起来,再烧一锅锅的热水,用凉的井水给兑成温的,这才弄到那段河里,忙了足足两个时辰,算是给张小宝王鹃做好了一个人工游泳池。 Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan frightened, looks that the person in courtyard bustled about, when thought that wasted the manpower, a warmth also lingered in in the heart, particularly Zhang Xiaobao, has smiled in that the eye was with a smile red. 张小宝王鹃都吓到了,看着院子中的人忙碌,在觉得浪费了人力的时候,一种温馨也在心中萦绕,尤其是张小宝,一直在那笑,笑着笑着眼睛就红了。 Xiaobao, walks, can play, tomorrow will be better.” Wang Juan drew Zhang Xiaobao's hand, leads to walk toward the river. 小宝,走吧,可以去玩了,明天会更好。”王鹃拉了拉张小宝的手,领着向河中走去。 ****** ****** Having sunglasses was good.” Zhang Xiaobao lies down in face up aquatic, Wang Juan said to nearby similar posture is floating. “有个墨镜就好了。”张小宝仰面躺在水上,对旁边同样姿势漂着的王鹃说道。 Wang Juan does not put on like Zhang Xiaobao anything, is floating, she from here made Yingtao making the underwear, big underpants. 王鹃不像张小宝什么都不穿,就那么漂着,她从到了这边就让樱桃给做了内衣,一个大裤头。 Hears the Zhang Xiaobao's words, felt Sun exposes to the sun is uncomfortable, lifts the handle swab on the face, this slightly is cool, with saying: Best is the day can Yin, or is cloudy, starting today, the entire summer and fall plays in in water, each spot of body can exercise, the vital capacity can also enhance.” 听到张小宝的话,也觉得太阳晒的不舒服,抬手把水抹在脸上,这才稍微凉爽一些,跟着说道:“最好是天能阴一点,或者是多云,从今天开始,整个夏秋就都在水中玩吧,身体的各个部位都能锻炼,肺活量也能提高。” I feel am also, what a pity was region is small, was really not good, cultivated/repaired a swimming pool, you are lying down, I got down the dull meeting.” “我觉得也是,可惜就是地方小了点,实在不行,就修一个游泳池,你躺着吧,我下去呆一会。” Zhang Xiaobao is speaking, the body sank, is hovering between the water surface and ground, is uncomfortable, so long as he as soon as stands, that water to his neck, is so happen to shallow. 张小宝说着话,身体就沉了下去,在水面和地面中间游动着,一点都不舒服,只要他一站起来,那水正好到他的脖子,就这么浅。 Shiliu follows on Manor good swimmer person alongside to look, at the beginning also thinks the Little Master two people want to play playing with water, who would have guessed that after two little ancestors enters to in water, the all kinds of swimming posture that good swimmer person looks blurry, without hearing Little Master and Little Miss will swim, is taking a bath time practices? 石榴跟着庄子上一个水性好的人在旁边看着,开始时还以为小公子二人就是想玩玩水,哪知道两个小祖宗进到水中后,各种的游泳姿势那个水性好的人都看迷糊,没听说小公子小娘子会游泳,难道是洗澡的时候练的? Shiliu has not thought so many, Little Master and Little Miss, regardless of makes anything to come, she can accept, let alone swam, in a while flies the space also to feel reasonable. 石榴没想那么多,小公子小娘子无论做出什么事情来,她都能够接受,别说游泳了,一会儿飞到天上也觉得合理。 Simultaneously Shiliu relaxed, does not need to worry that two Ancestor have anything, was different from child(ren) of others family/home, knocks also never cried, in the evening also knows that with soaking medicine liquor rubbed. 同时石榴放心了,不必担忧两个祖宗出什么事情,和别人家的孩子不同,磕碰了也从来不哭,晚上还知道用泡了药的酒自己揉揉。 Wang Juan lay down in a while also to follow to migrate several, tired and Zhang Xiaobao lay down on the water surface, said: Xiaobao, plays to antithetical couplet, your aspect is bad, you said the first scroll, I to second line.” 王鹃躺了一会儿也跟着来回游了几圈,累了又和张小宝躺在水面上,说道:“小宝,对对子玩吧,你这方面差,你说上联,我对下联。” Good, my first scroll is, sea-monster in water play.” Zhang Xiaobao is studying diligently, has the opportunity naturally not to let off. “好,我的上联是,游鱼水中戏。”张小宝努力地学习着,有机会当然不会放过。 I to the second line, beast pond An stare.” Wang Juan immediately right. “那我对下联,走兽池岸盯。”王鹃马上就对了出来。 My first scroll: Green leaf Weiwei / slightly is reflected in the sunlight the photo.” Zhang Xiaobao has the first scroll, simple, said one casually on the line. “我上联:绿叶微微映日照。”张小宝出上联,简单,随便说一个就行。 My second line: Azure insect cocoon cocoon same night and.” Wang Juan is big to the second line difficulty, she was right. “我下联:青虫蛹蛹同夜和。”王鹃对下联难度较大,她还是对了出来。 Field frog lies.” “田间蛤蟆卧。” In ridge the young child pursues.” “垄上稚子追。” In forest the crafty rabbit builds the lair.” “林中狡兔筑巢穴。” „The under a tree clever fox bends down the thick patch of grass.” 树下聪狐伏草丛。” „......” “……” Said that the first scroll, how doesn't make noise?” Wang Juan is also waiting, actually saw that Zhang Xiaobao turns around, enters in water toward below the face. “说呀,上联,怎么不出声了?”王鹃这边还等着呢,却看到张小宝一转身,把脸朝下进到水中 Said quickly.” Wang Juan put out a hand to bump Zhang Xiaobao. “快说。”王鹃伸手碰了碰张小宝 What said? Shiliu, with selecting beef does, eats to Juan-Juan.” Zhang Xiaobao comes out the head reveal, is shouting to Shiliu of ashore, Shiliu turns around to go. “说什么?石榴,拿点牛肉干来,给鹃鹃吃。”张小宝把脑袋露出来,对着岸上的石榴喊道,石榴转身而去。 Wang Juan did not know, bumped Zhang Xiaobao to take thing what are you doing to me? I am not hungry, to antithetical couplet.” 王鹃不知道怎么了,又碰了一下张小宝“给我拿东西干什么?我不饿,对对子呀。” „Aren't you hungry? Aren't you hungry you always to eat me? I said that the fish you make a beast to look, I said the leaf, you said the insect, I said the frog, you said the baby, my rabbit your fox, I stubbornly, but also to what that you eat? It is not right.” “你不饿?你不饿你总吃我?我说鱼你就弄个兽看着,我说树叶,你就说虫子,我说蛤蟆,你就说娃子,我兔子你就狐狸,我被你吃的死死的,还对什么?不对了。” Zhang Xiaobao is complaining, really bullied the person, did not bring to play. 张小宝抱怨着,实在是太欺负人了,不带这么玩的。 Did not eat you is not good, I am protecting you, quick right.” Wang Juan had not discovered, oneself said happen to eats others Xiaobao's thing, laughs, the body sank, roaming stand up held the Zhang Xiaobao's belly to persuade there. “不吃你了还不行么,我护着你,快对。”王鹃也没发现,自己说的正好都是吃人家小宝的东西,哈哈一笑,身子沉下去了,游起来扶着张小宝的肚子在那里劝说。 Zhang Xiaobao sighed only said that the first scroll was useless, to go back to practice slowly, the language, was the thing of accumulation, non- in one single day may become, how, child(ren) that on our Manor in a while went to that couple of days ago newly-built school to have a look, to look to invite two teachers who teaches not delaying, was not good trades.” 张小宝叹了口气“只说上联没有用,回去慢慢练吧,语文啊,是个积累的东西,非一朝一夕可成,一会儿去那前两天刚刚建成的学堂看看,瞧一瞧请来的两个老师教的如何,可别把咱庄子上的孩子给耽误了,不行就换。” Didn't use? Our two arrive, that two Master should be anxious, good that even if usually teaches, is still easy to go wrong, waits for these child(ren) to study several days again, looks to ask that studies anything, tests the school one to know that two teachers teach how.” “不用去了吧?咱们两个一到,那两个夫子该紧张了,平时就算教的不错,也容易出毛病,等这些孩子们再学几天,找过来问问都学什么,考校一番就知道那两个老师教的怎么样。” Wang Juan comes the body horizontally, the head pillow to the Zhang Xiaobao's belly on, said spookily. 王鹃把身子横过来,脑袋枕到张小宝的肚子上,幽幽地说道。 Zhang Xiaobao puts behind the hand the head, making the ear reveal from in water, thinks that also good, that waits for several days again, is to a process of two teacher adaptations, it seems like child(ren) on Manor likes studying, no one runs away to play, was better than our that time child(ren).” 张小宝把手放到脑袋后面,让耳朵从水中露出,想了想“也行,那就再等几天,算是给两个老师一个适应的过程,看来庄子上的小孩子都喜欢念书,没有人偷跑出来玩,比我们那时的孩子好啊。” „It is not such that you said that I liked studying in childhood, I always compare other child(ren) study the rapidness, including skipping a grade, regardless of the students of same class how diligently, I forever is being first.” Wang Juan is refuting. “才不是你说的那样,我小时候就喜欢学习,我总是比别的孩子学的快,连着跳级,无论同班的学生多么努力,我永远是第一。”王鹃反驳着。 Yes, you are the talent, what a pity, studies what legal professional, you said that you study the physics to be good, can perhaps become the academician in scientific instructions institute, happen to can use to here.” Zhang Xiaobao is speaking, had a yawn. “是,你是天才,可惜啊,学什么法律专业,你说你学物理多好,或许都能成为科学院的院士了,正好到这边能够用上。”张小宝说着话,打了个哈欠。 Two people are chatting, looked at the ashore that good swimmer person stupidly, he looks at Little Master, was resting the head on by Little Miss, put under the arm the head, but can also speak, that body did not sink, changes into he himself, the words that deliberately made can also achieve, but the Little Master appearance was such optional. 两个人这么闲聊着,把岸上那个水性好的人都看傻了,他看着小公子,又是被小娘子枕着,又是把胳膊放到脑袋下面,还能说话,那身子就是不沉,换成他自己,刻意去做的话也能做到,可小公子的模样是那么的随意。 This can only say Little Master to the water not, even if a point fear, instead very familiar, looks at Juan-Juan Little Miss again is also so, how is this practices? Can float like these round of flood times the baby who on the water surface does not sink? In ten thousand does not have one. 这只能说小公子对水没有哪怕一点的恐惧,反而非常的熟悉,再看鹃鹃小娘子也是如此,这是怎么练的?难道就像那些发大水时候能漂在水面上而不沉的婴儿一样?万中无一啊。 Shiliu at this moment also took the thing to come back, not only took beef to do, some fruit juice, two below that obeyed Little Master and Little Miss instruction burns has a cup of careful pole connection, listening to Little Master to say calls the stem glass, the fruit juice placed inside, inserted the root careful bamboo pipe, attracted with the mouth then can drink, what was only different, Little Master and Little Miss at that time complained, this cup was not transparent, with difference that they said. 石榴这时也取了东西回来,不仅仅是拿了牛肉干,还有一些果汁,两个听从小公子小娘子吩咐烧制出来的下面有一个细细的杆子连接的杯,听小公子说叫高脚杯,果汁放在里面,插上根细细的竹管,用嘴一吸便能喝了,唯一不同的是,小公子小娘子当初抱怨,这杯不是透明的,和他们说的不一样。 Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan also swam enough, spent the time is too long in the water is not good, the roaming to the shore, lay down on moving to here chair, took up the fruit juice to drink two, is looking at a that distant place rice paddy piece by piece, but also really had a special mood. 张小宝王鹃也游够了,在水里泡时间太长也不好,游到岸边,躺在搬到这里的椅子上面,拿起果汁喝上两口,望着那远处一片片的稻田,还真的有种特殊的心情。 Xiaobao, you said that side our family/home is linking the field of ordinary peasant household, this year the poor harvest, buys in the past, can they sell? I did not mean that buys their field to expel them, but these field and my even/including together, they becomes peasant household. 小宝,你说咱们家那边的连着的平常农户的田,今年歉收了,过去买,他们会不会卖?我不是说买下来他们的田就把他们赶走,而是把那些田和咱家的连在一起,他们成为庄户 We are different from other master-family, will not make an effort to exploit that grain, we can provide the new becoming rich method to them, the paddies brought, can the unified plan, the output be able to enhance, but can also coordinate working in the winter, for example later found new skill, makes the greenhouse wait/etc., that places are good. 咱们和别的主家不一样,不会使劲地剥削那点粮食,咱们可以给他们提供新的致富方法,田地拿过来了,可以统一规划,产量能提高,还能在冬天的时候配合着做点事情,比如以后找到新的技术,弄大棚等等,那一片的地都不错。 Especially very low-lying region, the area is big, can cause the alone / person labor lake, at the appointed time coordinates the restaurant to operate together, is not willing to stay in the restaurant, puts up a tent to the lakeside, prepares the charcoal fire to them, making them begin to bake, the gentleman far kitchen said does not endure to take a life, is not cannot prepare food. ” 尤其是有一处非常低洼的地方,面积不小,可以弄出一个人工湖来,到时配合酒楼一同经营,不愿意在酒楼呆着的,就到湖边支帐篷,给他们准备炭火,让他们自己动手烧烤,君子远庖厨说的是不忍杀生,又不是不能做饭。” The Wang Juan mouth holds beef to do together, the eye looked that does not belong to Zhang and Wang Two Families Manor region to the distant place, said to the Zhang Xiaobao proposition. 王鹃嘴里含着一块牛肉干,眼睛看向远处不属于张王两家庄子地方,对张小宝提议道。 The Zhang Xiaobao's eye is also looking at that side, hears the Wang Juan words, nods, responds to Wang Juan saying: Em, the matter that you said is really good, that side wasted to others, giving us is just right, in a while finds a person to ask to that side, has a look at them whether is willing to sell, reaches an agreement with them, buys to make them cultivate as before, are not many receives the land rent.” 张小宝的眼睛也同样望着那边,听到王鹃的话,点点头,回应着王鹃说道:“恩,你说的事情还真行,那边给别人浪费了,给咱们正好,一会儿找个人到那边问问,看看他们是否愿意卖地,跟他们说好,买下来依旧让他们耕种,不多收租子。”
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