GTI :: Volume #2

#103: so as to will make the plan in the future( third)

You can search countryside Great Tang wonderful brush pavilion novel net ( ) to search the latest chapter in hundred degrees celsius! 您可以在百度里搜索“田园大唐妙笔阁小说网(”查找最新章节! Mrs. Zhang Wang more wants more not to feel right, if other child(ren), what she will not have said that oneself child(ren) he can not be clear? 张王氏越想越觉得不对劲,若是别家的孩子如此,她还不会说什么,自己的孩子他能不清楚? The son a little depends on mother, so long as every day comes together, will always first arrive at itself to look, if oneself are awaking, must greet one, comes to kiss, if oneself have not awaked, listening to servant girl saying that Xiaobao must help or tucks in the blanket turn around. 儿子有点靠娘,每天只要一起来,总是会先到自己这边看一看,自己如果是醒着,就要问候一声,又过来亲一亲,若是自己还未醒,听丫鬟说,小宝总要帮着把毯子或被掖一掖才转身回去。 In the evening sleeps is also so, must first come to have a look, to awake on dull in a while, rested saluted walks again, why this was also knows that obviously the son and other child(ren) were different, reason that then also liked, will which family/home really have monster to be good to mother so? 晚上睡觉的时候也是如此,先要过来看看,醒着就呆一会儿,睡了就行个礼再走,这也是自己为什么明明知道儿子和别的孩子不同,还那么喜欢的原因,谁家真出了妖怪会对娘这么好? But these two child(ren) are not bad to oneself man, learn/study time that called an earnestness, husband to say not only one time, such student, put any Master front, that Master will think that on own ancestral grave braved the light smoke, a saying understood, asked then answers, taught such scholar only worry did not have the thing to teach at the appointed time. 可这两个孩子对自己的男人也不差啊,学习的时候那叫一个认真,夫君说了可是不只一次,这样的学生,放到任何一个夫子的面前,那夫子都会觉得自己的祖坟上冒青烟了,一说就懂,一问便答,教这样的学子唯一担心的就是到时没有东西可教。 Such child(ren), when hears the father to read poems is unexpectedly aloof, whom said to believe? Thinks their a moment ago speech again, special idea appear in Mrs. Zhang Wang in the heart. 这样的孩子,在听到父亲吟诗的时候竟然无动于衷,说出来谁信?再想想他们刚才说的话,一种特殊的想法出现在了张王氏心中 Husband, listens to your poem, as if not like about the setting sun, might as well first have a look at Old Madam and Old Master, this consort brings child(ren) to play one here also to go back.” Mrs. Zhang Wang in points to the door to Father Zhang. “夫君,听您诗,对夕阳似乎不怎么喜欢,不如先去看看老太太老太爷,妾身带着孩子在这边玩耍一会也回去。”张王氏在就对张父下了逐客令了。 Father Zhang has not actually thought of so many, one hear of wives' words , feels supposed so, drinks the next bowl of liquor, then sets out, walks toward the courtyard that the parents are, one is he really must have a look at the parents, another feared Madam made him say what poem again, this matter was not the average person can be done. 张父却是没有想到那么多,一听媳妇的话,也觉得应该如此,又喝下一碗酒,便起身,向着爹娘所在的院子走去,一个是他真的要去看看爹娘,另一个则是怕夫人再让他说什么诗,这种事情不是一般人能做出来的。 Waited for Father Zhang to walk, Mrs. Zhang Wang was saying to own son: Xiaobao, told mother, what was the flower falls had the sentiment?” 等着张父走了,张王氏就对着自己的儿子说道:“小宝,跟娘说说,什么叫花落了不是没有情?” What did the Ah? mother you say?” Zhang Xiaobao sees mother, that expression must lovably lovable, the body of plump, the round face, the big eye, that eyelash moves moves, is individual wants to hug to kiss two. 啊?娘您说什么?”张小宝愣愣地看着母亲,那表情要多可爱就有多可爱,胖乎乎的身子,圆圆的脸,大大的眼睛,还有那睫毛动呀动的,是个人就想要抱起来亲两口。 Said to mother, said the first poem, now wants.” Mrs. Zhang Wang suppresses is kissing an action the son well, the calm face asked. “给娘说说,说首诗,现在就要。”张王氏强忍着把儿子好好亲一番的举动,沉着脸问道。 Poem, what can also be? The enormous and powerful sorrow of parting is daytime slanting, reciting east the whip the finger/refers is a horizon. The virgin blood is not the brutal thing, changes to spring the mud to protect the flower.” Zhang Xiaobao said on these reluctantly, changes into others to ask him, he will play the fool absolutely, but mother asked, he is not cruel enough to do, matter not few that usually makes in any case, not bad this point. “诗啊,还能是什么?浩荡离愁白日斜,吟鞭东指即天涯。落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。就这些了”张小宝无奈地说了出来,换成别人问他,他绝对会装傻的,可母亲问,他不忍心那么做,反正平时做的事情也不少了,不差这一点。 Really so, the virgin blood is not the brutal thing, changes to spring the mud to protect the flower. This is the true poem, that next?” Mrs. Zhang Wang hears son's words, heaving a deep sigh, the son is in the family/home fiercest, said that listens to others, who others believe, this daughter-in-law, just like the son, deeply concealed. “果然如此,落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。这才是真正的诗,那下一个呢?”张王氏听到儿子的话,长叹一声,儿子才是家中最厉害的啊,说给别人听,别人谁会相信,还有这儿媳妇,和儿子一样,深藏不露。 You said that this/should you.” Zhang Xiaobao bumps Wang Juan. “你说吧,该你了。”张小宝碰碰王鹃 Mother-in-law, what next actually writes is elsewhere, the Hangzhou Xihu, that side lotus flower here are more, after all Xihu in June, when scenery not with four with. Meets the day of lotus leaf infinite blue, being reflected in the sunlight the lotus is different kind. Is scenery that I and Xiaobao listened to others saying that did something without a plan.” 婆婆,下一个其实写的是别处,杭州西湖,那边的莲花比这里多一些,毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。是我和小宝听别人说的景色,瞎弄的。” Wang Juan saw Zhang Xiaobao to compromise, has to follow saying that so as to shy misunderstanding, explained one. 王鹃张小宝妥协了,也只好跟着说出来,为了怕人误会,又解释了一句。 Third Mrs. Zhang Wang does not want to ask, she has known two child(ren) skills, particularly to Wang Juan this daughter-in-law, at that time that wealthy family does not need to buy the fertile farmland, had explained all, after these two Manor since had two child(ren), became different, that business, all sorts of planning, making her feel that the heart was startled. 第三首张王氏不想问了,她已经知道两个孩子的本事,尤其是对王鹃这个儿媳妇,当初那个富家不用买良田,已经说明了一切,这两个庄子自从有了两个孩子以后,变得不一样了,那一次次的买卖,还有种种的算计,让她都觉得心惊。 With the differences that others think is, these two child(ren) are oneself, particularly Xiaobao, has delicious is thinking, there is an easy-to-use thing also to first bring, said that is monster is also good, divine sage, so long as is own child(ren), that then became. 和别人想的不同之处就是,这两个孩子都是自己的,尤其是小宝,有好吃的想着自己这边,有好用的东西也要先拿过来,说是妖怪也好,神仙也罢,只要是自己的孩子,那便成了。 Xiaobao and Juan-Juan, later do not speak these words to others.” Mrs. Zhang Wang fears to lose child(ren), is urging there. 小宝鹃鹃,以后千万不要跟别人说这些话。”张王氏怕失去孩子,在那里劝着。 Em, did not say.” Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan should say simultaneously, they are not Idiot, displays what appearance to know to whom. “恩,不说。”张小宝王鹃同时应道,他们也不是傻子,对谁表现出什么样子还是知道的。 This is good, goes back, earlier sleeps, it was hot, remembers that makes Shiliu help catch up with the mosquito much.” kissed of Mrs. Zhang Wang on the faces of two child(ren), felt relieved. “这就好,回去吧,早点睡觉,天热了,记得让石榴多帮着赶赶蚊子。”张王氏在两个孩子的脸上亲亲,放下心来。 She did not worry like others, oneself child(ren) good that is good, others 12 years old can be the prime minister, do oneself son eight years old work as again? That surnamed Gan can compared with others small so many rises, why own child(ren) unable small more? 她可不像别人那么担忧,自己的孩子好那就是好,人家十二岁都可以当宰相呢,自己的儿子八岁去当又如何?那姓甘的可以比别人小那么多升上去,自己的孩子为什么就不能小更多? ****** ****** Was too scary?” Zhang Xiaobao comes back to ask to Wang Juan. “是不是太吓人了?”张小宝回来对着王鹃问道。 Whom frightened? This you of frightening have frightened, does not care this time, do not think, here person the only advantage blindly believed, our fierce point also no, but can also lift the confidence of inner courtyard these people, you must know, they care is actually not you are monster or divine sage, they are thinking you can bring more benefits to them, including material and spiritual two aspects.” “吓谁了?该吓的你早就吓了,也不在乎这一次,别想了,这边的人唯一的好处就是迷信,咱们厉害点也没什么,还能提升一下内院那些人的信心,你要知道,他们在乎的不是你究竟是妖怪还是神仙,他们只是想着你能不能给他们带来更多的利益,包括物质和精神两个方面。” The clarity that Wang Juan thinks actually, she also had to meet eight -year-old child(ren) to calculate three Yuan quadratic equation before to her, did mental arithmetic orally that type, youngster University of Science and Technology of China was not the ornaments, others really had the capable person, the intelligence quotient reached as high as 160 also many, can't you meet one to grasp? Only can train. 王鹃倒是想的清楚,在以前她也不是没有遇到过八岁的孩子给她算三元二次方程,还是口算那种,少年科大不是摆设,人家真的是有能人,智商高达一百六的也不少,你总不能遇到一个就抓起来吧?只能培养。 „, I ask, feared others worry, first rests, gets up also to learn/study, without the knowledge is not good.” Zhang Xiaobao mainly wants to look for alone / person to recount, Wang Juan happen to meets the requirement that he recounted. “哦,我就就是问问,怕别人担心而已,先睡吧,起来还要学习呢,没有知识不行啊。”张小宝主要是想找一个人来述说,王鹃正好符合他述说的要求。 Also good, rests.” Wang Juan complied with one, two people lay down to collapse above. “也好,睡吧。”王鹃答应了一声,两个人又躺到了塌子上面。 After two double-hour, two people of Once again were awakened by Shiliu, before arriving at the desk, together. 两个时辰之后,二人再次石榴叫醒,一同来到书桌前。 Zhang Xiaobao rubbing to grind, discovered that Wang Juan was motionless there, bumped her, asked: what are you doing? a moment ago haven't you rested enough? That continues to rest , on the day of does not miss.” 张小宝把磨都研好了,发现王鹃在那里还一动不动,碰了碰她,问道:“干什么呢?难道刚才你没睡够?那就继续睡吧,也不差这一天。” Who said that I have not rested enough, I am thinking how can help you enhance some, wants that speed to be quick, looked that your appearance knows, you will certainly choose to test the scholar, that is not the simple matter, at least you must write poetry, only by copying that is not good, others proposition region that is not necessarily able to elect happen to you to copy. “谁说我没睡够,我是在想,怎么能够帮着你提高一些,要那种速度非常快的,看你的样子就知道,你一定会选择考秀才,那可不是简单的事情,至少你要会作诗,只靠抄那不行,人家命题未必会选到正好你能抄的地方 For example makes you write an insect, how do you write? What you can write regardless of the flat land and mountain peak, but this families think that is the insect? That is the honeybee, now as if no that perfect classification, what to do at the appointed time did you say you? ” 比如让你写一个虫子,你怎么写?你可以写什么无论平地与山尖,可这个人家认为是虫子么?那是蜜蜂,现在似乎还没有那么完善的归类,到时你说你怎么办?” Wang Juan digs up to draw Zhang Xiaobao's hand one side, is frowning is saying there. 王鹃张小宝的手扒拉到一边,皱着眉头在那里说着。 Zhang Xiaobao also understands, he wants as soon as possible to learn these things, is not that easy, particularly poetry, this needs to accumulate, his lowly one time has not worked hard in this aspect, after growing up, has deceived people, money Zhuan many, the things of some foundations have not actually studied, is unable saying that is the regret or the destiny. 张小宝也明白,他想要尽快的学会这些东西,不是那么容易的,尤其是诗词方面,这需要积累,他小的时候就从来没有在这方面下过功夫,长大后又是一直骗人,钱赚了不少,一些基础的东西却没怎么学,无法说是遗憾还是命运。 The scholar who he wants to test that highest honor now, can only diligently, accumulate something slowly, sees Wang Juan to think there , asked: What means do you have? You are study after all, like me, all does not study some actual things in Prison, who knows what here is most practical was that time is not most practical.” 他现在想要考那最高荣誉的秀才,只能慢慢努力,积累一些东西,见王鹃在那里想着,又问道:“那你是不是有什么办法?你毕竟是学出来的,不像我,全是在监狱中学习一些实际的东西,谁知道这边最实际的是那时最不实际的。” No rush, I am thinking that had, does the coolie hat old man you know to the rhyme?” Wang Juan thinks, finally thought of a thing. “别着急,我正在想呢,有了,笠翁对韵你知道么?”王鹃想了想,终于是想到了一点东西。 Does not know, is the this solitary one boat rain-hat old man, fishes cold river Xue alone? Aren't you will make me paint pictures? This is not good, I do not have the background, is not interested in this aspect, studies is also not necessarily able for a lifetime to learn.” Zhang Xiaobao is denying. “不知道,是不是孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪?你不会是让我画画吧?这个可不行,我没有底子,对这方面也不感兴趣,学一辈子也未必能学会。”张小宝否定着。 What draws? That that you said called river Xue, what I asked was the coolie hat old man to the rhyme, was to antithetical couplet, the antithetical couplet, brought the spring festival couplet of streamer, the day to the place, the rain windward. Mainland to expansive sky. Has listened?” Wang Juan was also saying to Zhang Xiaobao. “什么画画?你说的那叫江雪,我问的是笠翁对韵,就是对对子,对联,带横批的春联,天对地,雨对风。大陆对长空。听过没有?”王鹃对着张小宝又说道。 Em, knows, before listened secretly others taught has listened to several, this I remember, behind was the thunder is faint, the fog was misty. Under day to day. Is right?” Zhang Xiaobao responded immediately. “恩,知道,以前偷听别人讲课的时候听过几句,这我记得,后面是雷隐隐,雾蒙蒙。日下对天中。对不对?”张小宝马上反应了过来。 Right, it seems like when you listened secretly in childhood study earnestness.” Wang Juan praised one, she has listened to Zhang Xiaobao to say the childhood experience early. “对,看来你小时候偷听时学的还认真。”王鹃夸赞了一句,她已经听早张小宝说过小时候的经历了。 Zhang Xiaobao this understood, may think that has anything is not right, thinks saying: „The present is Tang Dynasty, do you make me write antithetical couplet to be useful? Others compose a poem.” 张小宝这回明白了,可又觉得有什么不对,想了想说道:“现在是唐朝,你让我写对子有用么?人家可是都写诗呢。” Your this stupid, in the poem doesn't have the antithesis? For example the modern style poetry, that strict demand has the antithesis, particularly Lushi, did antithetical couplet it so, understand?” Understanding of Wang Juan this aspect be more than Zhang Xiaobao, she after all is a master's degree student, what no matter studies is anything, but something write in the textbook. “你这个笨啊,诗中难道就没有对仗?比如近体诗,那更是严格要求有对仗的,尤其是律诗,对子的本身就是如此,懂了吧?”王鹃对这方面的了解要比张小宝多,她毕竟是硕士生,不管学的是什么,可有些东西都是写在教科书上的。 Let alone her family was less common, since childhood she must learn/study the all kinds of thing, perhaps she does not have Zhang Xiaobao that special talent, may mention the elementary education, ten Zhang Xiaobao added unable to compare her. 更何况她的家庭本来就不一般,从小她就要学习各种东西,或许她没有张小宝那种特殊的天分,可说起基础教育,十个张小宝加起来也比不了她。 Zhang Xiaobao also knows that in others Wang Juan the rich and powerful strength, everything in disorder anything studies some, sees a Wang Juan face earnest appearance, understands that this person who will accompany to come will not harm itself, has to acknowledge: I do not know, you said what I listen to what , how did you tell me to practice at least in this regard?” 张小宝也知道人家王鹃家中有钱有势力,乱七八糟的啥都学一些,见王鹃一脸认真的模样,明白这个陪着自己过来的人不会害自己,只好承认道:“我不知道,你说什么我就听什么,至少在这方面,你告诉我应该怎么练?” Em, knows that own insufficiency is good, first carries the coolie hat old man to the rhyme, my four years old can carry to the tail from the beginning, attended in the city competition also to first, in the influence by my family, were not my own skill.” Wang Juan appreciates Zhang Xiaobao this attitude, some acknowledgments, this kind of person will be not the most fearful, they will try hard to study, retrieves own self-respect. “恩,知道自己的不足就好,先背笠翁对韵吧,我四岁就能从头背到尾了,参加市里面的比赛还得了第一名,不是靠我家中的势力,是我自己的本事。”王鹃欣赏张小宝这种态度,有不会的就承认,这样的人才是最可怕的,他们会努力学习,来找回自己的自尊。 Zhang Xiaobao asked sincerely: „Do you still remember now? Teaches me, my to learn found the way to make my father also know.” 张小宝诚恳地问道:“那你现在还记得么?教给我,我学会了想办法让我爹也知道。” Good, starts to study from the beginning, day to place, rain windward...... Altair and Vega two galaxy about, the ginseng/partake business two luminaries fight eastern Spain...... “好吧,从头开始学,天对地,雨对风……牛女二星河左右,参商两曜斗西东……。
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