GTI :: Volume #2

#106: The failure also not complained several times( third)

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Zhang Xiaobao and Zhang Xiaobao liangs person so as to can make a more advanced thing, next morning, will find the person to draw some blueprints specially, making one give to make to order the chinaware, waited for servant to receive an order, how Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan must study can improve the temperature. 张小宝个人为了能够制造出更先进的东西,第二天一早,就找来人专门画出一些图纸,让人去给订做陶瓷器,等着下人领命走了,张小宝王鹃又要研究怎么能够提高温度。 One is the blast, blast furnace both people will not cover, according to the meaning of wording, making one cultivate/repair a big stove, particularly must over two little building, open the mouth above highly, was good to install some raw materials, below and surrounding one is emptying, special so as to put the fuel. 一个是送风,高炉两个人都不会盖,按照字面的意思,让人修了一个大的炉子,尤其是高度要超过二层的小楼,在上面开口,好装一些原料,下面和周围一圈都是空着的,专门为了放燃料。 Without the coal, that can only use the coal, simultaneously so as to improves the temperature, but also sprinkles some cooking oil to inside, this is the means that two people can think of only, may refine the failure with this method , may succeed, but biggest may explode, therefore this stove construction in the middle of the most Manor most remote corner. 没有煤,那就只能用炭,同时为了提高温度,还向里面洒一些食用油,这是两个人唯一能够想到的办法,用这个方法可能会炼制失败,也可能会成功,但最大的可能是会爆炸,因此这个炉子修建在了最庄子最偏远的角落当中。 Xiaobao, will you succeed speaking of the time? If by some chance resistant to compression inadequate, what to do happened to explode?” How Wang Juan saw that this blast furnace does not feel stably, others blast furnaces do with the thermostable thing, their knock-off, are really unsafe. 小宝,你说到时候会成功么?万一抗压不成,发生爆炸了怎么办?”王鹃怎么看这个高炉都觉得不稳定,人家的高炉都是用耐高温的东西做出来,他们这个山寨版,实在是不保险。 Zhang Xiaobao has not thought that can be successful one time, this is not the cheating, the line on the line, is not good is not good, nothing may discuss that but he must do that. 张小宝也没认为一次就能够成功,这不是诈骗,行就行,不行就不行,没有任何可商量的,但他还是要这么做。 I don't know either, it is estimated that failure possibly is biggest, no, any progress ends the experience in the failure, I mean, these people who burn the ceramics invited, let their little effort, the blacksmith, nothing but was the temperatures and some increase the things.” “我也不知道,估计失败的可能是最大的,没什么,任何的进步都是在失败中终结经验,我的意思是,把那些个烧制陶瓷的人都请来,让他们一点点努力,还有铁匠,无非就是温度和一些添加的东西而已。” Good, making one pay attention to the security, the person is living hopefully, the thing did not have, nothing but is the again transformation of material, to us is the issue of money.” Wang Juan thought that is also this, even if will know will obviously be defeated, must do. “那好吧,让人注意安全,人活着就有希望,东西没了,无非就是物质的再转化而已,对我们来说就是钱的问题。”王鹃觉得也是这样,哪怕明明知道会失败,也必须去做。 The speed of thing manufacture is not slow, after several days, some equipment delivered, has made of iron, the ceramics, so as to this Zhang Xiaobao put out over a hundred silks, is dozens taels of silver, are not many. 东西制作的速度不慢,几天之后,一些设备就送了过来,有铁制的,还有陶瓷的,为了这个张小宝拿出了上百匹的帛,也就是几十两银子,不多。 The experiment also after these things arrive starts to conduct, along with explosive sounds, the equipment that buys same then same shatters, two days, besides knowing no one casualties, does not have any other good news. 实验也在这些东西到来以后开始进行,伴随着一声声的爆炸声,买来的设备一样接着一样坏掉,两天的时间,除了知道没有人伤亡外,没有任何其他的好消息。 Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan will find the time to look every day, feared injured the person, the equipment exploded also even, money, the person to them was actually very precious as gold. 张小宝王鹃每天都会抽时间过来看一看,怕伤到了人,设备炸了也就算了,钱而已,人对他们两个来说却是非常金贵的。 With the sound sound, the people were also one after another numb, Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan were anticipating has one to succeed, others are doing mechanically, this did not conform to the nature of scientific instructions research, but the Zhang Xiaobao two people do not have the means that others are work, you cannot regard scientific instructions to request. 随着声音响了一起又一起,众人也都麻木了,张小宝王鹃是期待着有一个可以成功,其他人是机械地做着,这原本不符合科学研究的性质,可张小宝二人也没有办法,人家都是来做工的,你总不能当成科学家来要求。 When explodes once again resounds, the blast furnace also exploded, Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan called on the people first do not pass, are waiting for half double-hour, this gathering watched. 当又一次爆炸响起的时候,高炉也炸了,张小宝王鹃要求众人先不要过去,等着过了半个时辰,这才凑到近前观看。 Little Master, all things went bad, was only left over such a, but also does not have the matter, this can use?” Person on a Manor sorted one thing from the ruins, carried is arriving in front of Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan said. 小公子,所有的东西都坏了,只剩下了这么一个,还没有事情,这个可以用么?”一个庄子上的人从废墟当中拣出来了一样东西,拎着来到张小宝王鹃面前说道。 Zhang Xiaobao and Wang Juan look, discovered that suitable iron stove, the seal is quite good, has not blasted out, calls a blacksmith, inquired: Why this can also retain completely?” 张小宝王鹃一看,发现适宜个铁的炉子,密封比较好,没有炸开,叫来一个铁匠,询问道:“这个为什么还能完好地保留下来?” The blacksmith experience was quite rich, examines turned, returns said: This wall does is a little thick, which apprentice should be does, has not completed, moreover that apprentice, when makes the seal, the craftsmanship also missed a point, unexpectedly with the seal that the lead makes, rather than some craftsmanship good blacksmiths, seal with the method of hammering likely directly.” 铁匠经验比较丰富,查看了一翻,回道:“这个的壁做的有点厚,应该是哪一个徒工做的,根本就没有做好,而且那个徒工在做密封的时候,手艺也差了一点,竟然用铅做的密封,而不是像一些手艺好的铁匠,直接用打铁的方法来密封。” „, Is this, with seal that the lead makes, and wall making thick, good, the good thing, the fire to weld now is inadequate, can only continue to construct the blast furnace experiment, but this thing was useful, looked for that apprentice, we had a look.” “哦,原来是这样,用铅做的密封,并且把壁给弄厚了,好,好东西,火焊现在是不成了,只能继续来建高炉实验,可这个东西却非常有用,把那个徒工找来吧,我们看看。” Steward Zhang heard the Little Master whisper at this time, was saying to the blacksmith, he does not know Little Master to such waste apprentice what are you doing. 张管家这个时候听到了小公子的耳语,对着铁匠说道,他也不知道小公子要这样一个废物学徒干什么 His saying, making that blacksmith be afraid, entreated: Steward Zhang, an apprentice, usually this child(ren) does the matter is good, the person is also filial, your Sir are massive, lets off this child(ren).” 他这一说,让那个铁匠害怕了,哀求道:“张管家,一个学徒,平时这孩子做事儿还是不错的,人又孝顺,您大人大量,放过这孩子吧。” The blacksmiths think that Steward Zhang must look for the trouble of child(ren), even the apprentice is not Zhang Manor, such big Manor, wants to tidy up an ordinary person is very easy. 铁匠以为张管家要找孩子的麻烦,就算徒工不是张家庄子的,这么大的庄子,想要收拾一个平常的人还是非常容易的。 Steward Zhang does not know how for a while should say, looked at station alongside Little Master, Zhang Xiaobao thought that Steward Zhang and he coordinates also to have some uncoordinated region, is unable to comprehend own intention, Weiwei / slightly shakes the head, beckons with the hand. 张管家一时也不知道该如何说了,又看了眼站在旁边小公子,张小宝觉得张管家和他配合起来还有一些不协调的地方,无法领会自己的意图,微微摇了摇头,又摆了摆手。 Steward Zhang sees Little Master these two movements, immediately deliberately considers, what do you mean, according to will come normally, this will be the meaning of rejection, the rejection naturally was blacksmith's plea, may put previously time, Little Master and Little Miss not to others so. 张管家看到小公子的这两个动作,马上就寻思起来,什么意思,按照正常来将,这就是拒绝的意思,拒绝的当然是铁匠的求情了,可放到已往的时候,小公子小娘子不会对别人如此。 two little ancestors never handles that being ruthless matter, in the person to courtyard is good, good enough to be able to leave behind the oil lamp to the person who each room stands night watch, can work many people to provide at least four food to each, is also good to peasant household, celebrates a holiday the thing that sends is the Little Master two people money. 两个小祖宗从来不做那种赶尽杀绝的事情,对院子中的人好,好到可以给每一个屋子守夜的人留下油灯,可以给每一个干活多的人提供最少四顿饭,对庄户也好,过节发的东西都是小公子二人出的钱。 It is not bad to the bystander, bailiff of feudal yamen in these Government office, can actually care that on each alone / person, yesterday gave back to a bailiff of feudal yamen family/home to deliver the ginsengs of five money, the bailiff of feudal yamen father got sick, needed this thing, five money, that was eight hundred coin buys, making one ride the fast horse on Manor, spun to deliver in the family/home to bailiff of feudal yamen. 对外人也不差,那些衙门中的衙役,竟然能够关心到每一个人头上,昨天还给一个衙役的家里面送了五钱的人参呢,衙役的父亲病了,需要这东西,五钱啊,那是八百文钱买的,让人骑着庄子上的快马,一路急奔给衙役送到家中。 Little Master can achieve these, on tolerance an apprentice? This is absolutely impossible, why is that shakes the head gestures? 小公子能做到这些,难道就容忍不了一个徒工?这绝对不可能,那为什么又是摇头又是打手势? Steward Zhang, you act charitably, the apprentice is a son of my old friend, if really must look for what mistake, looks my, I led for him.” The blacksmiths look that Steward Zhang stands there does not make noise, was really anxious, knelt the entreaty on the difference. 张管家,您行行好,那徒工是我一故友的儿子,若是真要找什么过错,就找我的吧,我都替他领了。”铁匠看着张管家站在那里不出声,真的急了,就差跪下来哀求了。 Steward Zhang ehm is dealing with the blacksmith, looked to Little Master, Zhang Xiaobao then angry, your steward could not comprehend the master-family intention, your what are you doing? Usually also contacts a lot, every day will at least look to oneself that courtyard one time, if this changes into Xiao Hong, Yingtao and Shiliu, has long known. 张管家一面哼哈地应付着铁匠,一面又看向小公子,张小宝这下生气了,你一个管家领会不了主家的意图,你干什么?平时也没少接触,每天至少会到自己那院子看一次,这要是换成小红樱桃石榴,早就知道了。 But, has to sort that side to fly here carbon rod from the ground, writes drawing on on own clothes two characters, just finished, with hand blurring. 无奈之下,只好从地上拣起来那边飞到这里的炭条,在自己的衣服上写着‘招来’两个字,刚一写完,就用手给弄模糊了。 This does not affect the judgment of Steward Zhang, sees two characters, got it, was saying to the blacksmith: Blacksmith, should not be anxious, do not look for your apprentice's trouble, you looked, others' thing went bad, your apprentice does is also all right, this is to look your apprentice, asks well, not only will not harm him, will also give him the advantage.” 这并不影响张管家的判断,看到两个字,明白了,对着铁匠说道:“艾铁匠,你别急,不是要找你那个徒弟的麻烦,你看,别人的东西都坏了,就你徒弟做的还没事儿,这是想要把你徒弟找来,好好问问,不仅不会害他,还会给他好处。” Really? Later will not tidy up him who he does deceive?” Blacksmith obviously not relaxed. “真的?不会是把他骗来的以后再收拾他吧?”铁匠明显还是不放心 Steward Zhang sinks the face, the eye stares blacksmith, what do you think? When my Zhang Manor will renege on a promise inadequately?” 张管事把脸一沉,眼睛一瞪“艾铁匠,你想什么呢?当我张家庄子会出尔反尔不成?” Does not dare, does not dare, Zhang Manor has never handled such matter, good, in a while goes back, makes that poor disciple come.” The blacksmiths see the Steward Zhang so appearance, no longer suspected, surroundings so many people are listening, how Zhang Manor may deceive alone / person to come. “不敢,不敢,张家庄子从未做过这样的事情,那好,一会儿回去,就让那劣徒过来。”铁匠见到张管家如此模样,也不再怀疑,周围这么多的人都听着呢,张家庄子怎么可能会骗一个人过来。 Waited till afternoon, that apprentice came, come time in the heart is also worrying, does not know what oneself is going to face is anything, Steward Zhang gave to meet him personally, first was makes one serve tea, spoke many praise words. 等到了下午,那个徒工来了,来的时候心中还担忧着,不知道自己将要面对的是什么,张管家亲自把他给接了进来,先是让人上茶,又说了不少夸赞的话。 Steward Zhang, what matter do you ask me to come to have?” The apprentices could not bear finally, asked the in the heart words. 张管家,您找我过来是不是有什么事情?”徒工终于是忍不住了,把心中的话问出来。 Em, actually also has no big matter, that thing that you make is good, master-family had a liking, making you make one according to this chart again, the seal defers to such that you think, with the lead, must be thicker, you who the thing does come to see.” “恩,其实也没什么大事情,你做的那个东西不错,主家看上了,让你照着这个图再做一个,密封还是按照你想的那样,用铅,同时也要把东西做的厚一些,你来看看。” Steward Zhang brings a paper from side, above drew one thing, delivers to the front of this apprentice, making him watch. 张管家从旁边拿过来一张纸,上面画了一样东西,送到这个徒工的面前,让其观看。 Apprentice thing can look to understand that after looking, actually does not know that is what are you doing uses, the doubts are on the rise to come to see to Steward Zhang. 徒工这点东西还是能看明白的,看了之后却不知道是干什么用的,疑惑地抬起头来看向张管家 What's wrong? Can't do?” Steward Zhang closely examined one. “怎么?做不出来?”张管家追问了一句。 Can, this thing be simple, two days can do, but do not know that this thing is useful?” The apprentices are complying hastily, saw that chart, he discovered that is really simple, particularly did not consider how can let in four wall thinner situations. “能,这东西简单,两天就能做出来,只是不知这东西有什么用处?”徒工连忙答应着,看到了那图,他发现真的非常简单,尤其是不考虑怎么能让四壁更薄的情况下。 Em, that is good, this gives your wages.” Steward Zhang carries two big string from side copper coin(s), puts toward the table on, crash-bang made a sound. “恩,那就好,这是给你的工钱。”张管事从旁边又拎出来两大串儿的铜钱,往桌子上一放,哗啦响了起来。 The apprentices frighten stands up hastily, does not dare to look at that money, is two strings coins unexpectedly, if the normal government authorities trade Silver/Money, may trade two taels of silver, may on spending, can go against two two halves Silver/Money, makes such a thing, how possibly to obtain so much money? 徒工吓的连忙站起身,不敢去看那钱,竟然是两贯钱,若是正常官府换银子,可换二两银子,可在花用上,能顶上二两半的银子了,做那样一个东西,怎么可能得到这么多钱? What's wrong? Feels few? This broken Silver/Money also gives you.” Steward Zhang threw a silver bean about five dollar toward the table on. “怎么了?觉得少了?这点碎银子也给你。”张管家又往桌子上扔了一块将近五钱的银豆子。 The silver bean falls to the table on, incessantly is spinning, sends out slightly the sound, the apprentice eyes cannot help but look to that silver bean, he knows obviously this Silver/Money that two have not strung coins many, may like that Silver/Money taking the feeling in hand. 银豆子落到桌子上,不停地打着转,发出轻微的哗哗声,徒工眼睛不由得看向那个银豆子,他明明知道这点银子没有那两贯钱多,可还是喜欢那种银子拿在手中的感觉。 Sufficed, sufficed, was not enough, was too many, this, with, in less than so many, that Silver/Money are many.” After the apprentices waited for the rotation of that silver bean to stop got down, a little said startled. “够了,够了,不是够了,是太多了,这个,拿回去一些吧,用不了这么多,那点银子就已经多了。”徒工等着那银豆子的转动停了下来后,有点惊慌地说道。 Steward Zhang satisfied the place under enough on the line, took away, remembers that completed that thing, no matter who asked how cannot tell others this thing to do, besides Zhang Manor, your did not permit to make the same thing to the other person for a lifetime, you yourself were also undoable, couldn't understand?” 张管事满意地点了下头“够了就行,都拿去吧,记得把那东西做好了,并且不管有谁问,都不能告诉别人这东西怎么做的,除了张家庄子以外,你这一辈子都不准给其他的人做同样的东西,你自己也不能做,懂不懂?” Understands, understands, Steward Zhang your relaxed, completed me to forget, could not think again.” The apprentices understand all of a sudden, this money also includes the seal. “懂,懂,张管家放心,做完了我就忘了,再也想不起来。”徒工一下子就明白,这钱还包括封口的。
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