GDSP :: Volume #9

#829: Fu Xi becomes enlightened

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Receives an immortal destiny to live, lucky reason naturally over numerous in jade Capital first deity demon. 秉承仙道气运而生,玉京的福缘自然远超一众先天神魔。 After seeing he is born, the auspicious sign on jade Jingshan suddenly vibrates, condenses one group, turns into the immortal symbol to fall into his hand together. 就见他诞生之后,玉京山上的紫气忽然震动,凝聚成一团,化成一道仙符落入他的手中。 Zixiao immortal symbol, Zixiaogong wisp of aura fusion innate auspicious sign. Internally, this symbol can calm with rapt attention, hinders all outside demons. Outward, this symbol can borrow strength of the Zixiaogong, the defense unparalleled, may suppress the rival depending on this. 紫霄仙符,紫霄宫一缕气息融合先天紫气而成。对内,此符能定心凝神,阻碍一切外魔。对外,此符能借来一丝紫霄宫之力,防御无双,也可凭此镇压敌手。 This treasure, is rare high-grade innate spirit treasure. In addition jade Capital 12 grade immortal lotus, his birth, altogether associated high-grade two innate spirit treasure. 此宝,乃是一件不可多得的上品先天灵宝。加上玉京脚下的十二品仙莲,他此次诞生,一共伴生了上品两件先天灵宝 Very uncommon. 很不凡了。 The great antiquity has its rule to be , when best quality goods innate spirit treasure, that is inborn the sacred birth has the qualifications associated. 洪荒自有其规则所在,极品先天灵宝,那只有天生神圣诞生时方有资格伴生。 But the top first deity demon, basically is associated high-grade innate spirit treasure, or adds on one again innate spirit treasure. 而顶级的先天神魔,基本上都是伴生一件上品先天灵宝,或者再加上一件中品先天灵宝 But like jade Capital, a birth has two high-grade innate spirit treasure, this treatment is the top first in the deity demon, highest level. 而像玉京这样,一诞生就有着两件上品先天灵宝,这待遇已经是顶级先天神魔里面,最顶级的了。 ...... …… ............ ………… Shortly after jade Capital is born, other first deity demons were also born. 玉京诞生之后不久,其余的先天神魔也是先后诞生了。 In Mt. Suyang, the innate brass lineage/vein vibrate, golden yellow Divine Dragon departs an all over the body, the golden scale under the illumination of sunlight, refracts the radiant golden light. 首阳山上,先天黄铜脉震动,一头通体金黄的神龙从中飞出,金色的鳞片在阳光的照射下,折射出璀璨的金光。 Haughty “敖” Startled day dragon recited the sound to transmit, was enormous and powerful the endless dignity, another top first deity demon birth. 惊天的龙吟声传来,浩荡出无尽的威严,又一尊顶级的先天神魔诞生了。 Has not waited for the Heavenly Dao to bestow the name, too clear saint has then said: thou eight scenery!” 未等天道赐名,太清圣人便已开口说道:“汝名八景!” My goodness, too clear saint names also is really enough optional. With the name of Buddhist temple, takes the say/way number of own disciple directly. However association to profound say/way number, has nothing well strange. 好家伙,太清圣人取名也真是够随意的。直接以道场的名字,来作为自己弟子的道号。不过联想到玄都的道号,也就没什么好奇怪的了。 Profound, isn't this name of too clear saint Buddhist temple? Then, next too clear saint receives being in direct line disciple time again, its given name is the pocket rate/lead also perhaps. 玄都,这不也是太清圣人道场的名字吗?说不得,下一次太清圣人再收嫡传弟子,其名号就叫做兜率也说不定。 Divine Dragon, no, eight scenery, from the sky circled, then changes to a golden armor Deity, in the hand holds a brass bell, arrives at too clear saint front pays respects say/way: Disciple eight scenery, have seen the teacher!” 神龙,不,八景,在空中盘旋了一阵,遂化作一尊金甲神人,手中托着一口黄铜大钟,来到太清圣人的面前拜道:“弟子八景,见过师尊!” Eight scenery golden armor, are the essence of innate brass, is in one innate spirit treasure. In brass bell as for his hand, is the source of innate brass, is rare high-grade innate spirit treasure. 八景身上的金甲,为先天黄铜之精所化,乃是一件中品先天灵宝。至于他手上的黄铜大钟,则是先天黄铜的本源所化,为一件不可多得的上品先天灵宝 These two magic weapons, breed with eight scenery together, for his associated spirit treasure. Associated high-grade innate spirit treasure, in innate spirit treasure with one, this is the top first treatment of deity demon. Although is inferior to jade Capital, but is also no worse. 这两件法宝,与八景一同孕育,为他的伴生灵宝。伴生一件上品先天灵宝,与一件中品先天灵宝,这正是顶级先天神魔的待遇。虽不如玉京,但也差不到哪里去。 ...... …… ............ ………… After eight scenery, above remote East Sea, that overcoming nature stone splits in vain, the form that a multi-colored sunlight fills goes out, is enormous and powerful the infinite invincible might. 八景之后,遥远的东海之上,那枚补天石徒然裂开,一尊霞光弥漫的身影从中走出,浩荡出无穷的神威。 This is a world Deity, receives the life of overcoming nature to live, calls makes the overcoming nature Deity, is a top first deity demon.( Remembers, did not call Deity, but called to overcome nature) 这是一尊天地神人,秉承补天之命而生,唤作补天神人,也是一尊顶级的先天神魔。(记住,不是叫神人,而是叫补天) Sees that moment that the overcoming nature Deity is born, the vault of heaven vibrates, the endless golden light gathering, falls toward him on. That is the overcoming nature merit, five-colors god stone overcomes nature active, naturally has the merit to take. 就见补天神人诞生的那一刻,天穹震动,无尽的金光汇聚,朝他身上落去。那是补天功德,五彩神石补天有功,自然有功德可拿。 Makes up the deity stone not to have the spirit wisdom, this merit does not reveal. Now makes up first deity demon overcoming nature Deity of deity stone breeding born, this merit has the feeling master born, spontaneous then gathered. 只是补天神石没有灵智,这份功德才迟迟不显。如今补天神石孕育的先天神魔补天神人诞生,这份功德有感主人出世,自发的便汇聚了过来。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… After the overcoming nature Deity is born, breeds his making up deity stone not to split, but is float in in the air, is shivering unceasingly. 补天神人诞生之后,孕育他的补天神石并未裂开,而是悬浮在空中,不断的颤动着。 Underground, in Mt. Huaguo, the air/Qi of ten continent ancestor lineage/vein surge, rushing to be first to making up the body of deity stone upwells. Meanwhile, on that day, there is a world source to let fall, was one and floods into makes up the deity stone within the body. 地下,花果山上,十洲祖脉之气涌动,争先恐后的向补天神石的身上涌去。同时,那天地之间,有天地本源垂落,也是一并涌入补天神石的体内。 Bang After absorbing these two strengths, made up the deity stone to have the mysterious change, turned into a lithography unexpectedly, the bottom inscribed overcoming nature two characters, the whole body five-colors multi-colored sunlight covers, the release an inexplicable invincible might, seeming to be able lacking of overcoming nature place. 吸收了这两种力量之后,补天神石发生了玄妙的变化,竟是化成了一枚石印,底部刻有“补天”二字,周身五彩霞光笼罩,释放出一股莫名的神威,好似能补天地之缺。 Top high-grade innate innate spirit treasure makes up deity seal, this is associated spirit treasure of overcoming nature Deity. This is also a top first deity demon. 顶级上品先天先天灵宝补天神印,这是补天神人的伴生灵宝。这也是一尊顶级的先天神魔。 ...... …… ............ ………… In Kum'o-do, unsurpassed big is revolving crazily, the endless chaos air/Qi is turbulent, submerges that big central first deity embryo. 金鳌岛上,一座无上大阵疯狂的运转着,无尽的混沌气汹涌,将那大阵中央的先天神胎淹没。 Concerns the aptitude, this first deity embryo indeed is inferior to jade Capital on Kunlun Mountain, is inferior to the eight scenery on Mt. Suyang. 论及资质,这枚先天神胎的确不如昆仑山上的玉京,也不如首阳山上的八景。 However, the exceedingly high founder as the say/way big grandmaster, the method is extraordinary, lifts the section of teaching strength arrange/cloth next unsurpassed strategy, captures the world good fortune, the day after tomorrow changed this first aptitude of deity embryo. 但是,通天教主身为阵道大宗师,手段非凡,举截教之力布下一座无上阵法,生生夺取天地造化,后天改变了这枚先天神胎的资质。 Bang! 轰! Some moment, executes the immortal four swords to vibrate, dangles respectively together the sword light, cut in big central that first above the deity embryo. 某一刻,诛仙四剑震动,各自垂下一道剑光,斩在了大阵中央的那个先天神胎之上。 Immediately, god embryo blasting open, the slender form goes out together, grasps the long sword, the imposing manner is swift and fierce, seems one divine sword of sheath. 顿时,神胎炸裂,一道修长的身影从中走出,手持长剑,气势凌厉无比,好似一把出鞘的神剑。 The acquiring understanding of esoteric teachings Daoist, is this first name of deity demon, in long sword as for his hand, is called to cut the immortal sword, is high-grade innate spirit treasure, to execute wisp of sword air/Qi of immortal four swords. 通玄道人,正是这个先天神魔的名字,至于他手中的长剑,则是叫做斩仙剑,乃是一件上品先天灵宝,为诛仙四剑的一缕剑气所化。 He, is a top first deity demon! 他,也是一尊顶级的先天神魔! ...... …… ............ ………… Western, in Mt. Xumi, eight precious ingredients merit pond within/inner, that nine chief ministers of state merit gold lotus is in full bloom silently, blooms the infinite golden light. But in that golden light, a form that wears gold/metal robe gradually appears in their eyes. 西方,须弥山上,八宝功德池内,那朵九品功德金莲默默盛开,绽放出无穷的金光。而在那金光之中,一尊身穿金袍的身影逐渐出现在二人的眼中。 His non- is first deity demon of the world breeding, but is the high-grade innate spirit root nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus shape. But this, not in other words he is not first deity demon, on the contrary, he is also the top first deity demon. 他非是天地孕育的先天神魔,而是上品先天灵根九品功德金莲化形而出。但这,并非就是说他不是先天神魔,相反,他也是顶级的先天神魔。 The best quality goods innate spirit root shape, that is the inborn sacredness. If the 12 grade merit golden lotus shape, that is Three Pure Ones must call his fellow daoist. 极品先天灵根化形而出,那就是天生的神圣。倘若是十二品功德金莲化形而出,那就是三清也要称其一声道友。 Thinks that the initial black lotus Daoist, 12 grade extinguished the world black lotus shape, Its greatly Luo Daozun cultivating was, took a broad view at the entire demon gate, was really not anything. 想想当初的黑莲道人,十二品灭世黑莲化形,祂不过大罗道尊的修为,放眼整个魔门,实在不算什么。 But in the demon gate, who dares to despise in It? To the posture of Luo Daozun, become the demon gate high level greatly, It is the first person. 但魔门之中,谁敢轻视于祂?以大罗道尊之姿,成为魔门高层,祂是第一人。 The best quality goods innate spirit root shape, that is inborn sacred, the high-grade innate spirit root shape, naturally was the top first deity demon. 极品先天灵根化形,那是天生神圣,上品先天灵根化形,自然是顶级的先天神魔了。 Moreover, the nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus incessantly is the high-grade innate spirit root is so simple, it is high-grade innate merit spirit treasure, is the lotus seed of best quality goods innate merit spirit treasure 12 grade merit golden lotus, is his heir. 而且,九品功德金莲还不止是上品先天灵根那么简单,它还是上品先天功德灵宝,为极品先天功德灵宝十二品功德金莲的莲子所化,算是其子嗣。 Such status, passes through the shape, naturally was the highest level first deity demon, absolute noble, compared with it jade Capital must even better. 这样的身份,一经化形,自然就是最顶级的先天神魔了,绝对的高贵,比之玉京还要更胜一筹。 Because, the nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus shape, such existence, to open day loses the lineage/vein, has the qualifications to continue a day of destiny. 因为,九品功德金莲化形,这样的存在,为开天遗脉,是有资格承接开天气运的。 Seventh! 普渡! Inexplicable, the sound, reverberates together suddenly in void, obtained the resonance with the world. 莫名的,一道声音,突然在虚空中回荡开来,与天地取得了共鸣。 Seventh, is the name of person of this nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus shape, takes for the Heavenly Dao.( Really called everyone to be disappointed, he did not call gold lotus, but called Seventh) 普渡,就是这个九品功德金莲化形之人的名字,为天道所取。(真是叫大家失望了,他不叫金莲,而是叫普渡) Seventh, intent is the carrying out supernatural power, making all living things spread extricates. Very meaningful name, was verifying his family background, merit golden lotus! 普渡,意为广施法力,使众生遍得解脱。很有意义的名字,也正印证了他的出身,功德金莲! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Sees Seventh born, in the world appears immediately all sorts of phenomenon, big of its sound, is next to inconsiderately the birth of Daoist. 就见普渡诞生,天地间顿时浮现种种异象,其动静之大,仅次于不周道人的诞生。 Right, Seventh is not the top first deity demon, but is the inborn sacredness. 没错,普渡不是顶级先天神魔,而是天生的神圣。 Only is the nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus shape, Seventh naturally does not have the qualifications to become innate sacred, but still remembers? In order to let Seventh is born ahead of time, the Western two Saints do not hesitate to use oneself saint source, trains him. 仅是九品功德金莲化形,普渡自然没有资格成为先天神圣,但还记得吗?为了让普渡提前诞生,西方二圣不惜用自己的圣人本源,去培养他。 Absorbed two saint sources one after another, is the pig will also change, not to mention the nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus, he naturally also had the unbelievable transformation, formerly the deity demon, the exuviate turned innate sacred. 接连吸收了两尊圣人的本源,就是猪也会发生变化,更不用说九品功德金莲了,他自然也是发生了难以相信的蜕变,从先天神魔,蜕变成了先天神圣。 Moreover, under foot of Seventh, that nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus, had the change gradually. 而且,普渡的脚下,那九品功德金莲,也是渐渐生出了变化。 Sees, the body of nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus, came out suddenly the tenth flower petal, turned into ten from the nine chief ministers of state, this also caused, its rank, from the high-grade innate spirit treasure promotion for best quality goods innate spirit treasure. 就看到,九品功德金莲的身上,突然多出来了第十片花瓣,从九品变成了十品,这也使得了,它的级别,从上品先天灵宝晋升为了极品先天灵宝 This tenth flower petal, absorbed the saint source to be just now born. 这第十片花瓣,正是吸收了圣人本源方才诞生的。 Associated best quality goods innate spirit treasure, innate sacred treatment. Seventh, truly was inborn sacred without doubt. 伴生极品先天灵宝,也正是先天神圣的待遇。普渡,确实是天生神圣无疑了。 But he, will become Western key energetically to be. A first deity demon of chaos blue lotus department, this treatment, in the eye of Heavenly Dao, feared that was next to Pangu to be authentic. 而他,也将成为西方大兴的关键所在。混沌青莲一系的先天神魔,这待遇,在天道的眼里,怕是仅次于盘古正宗了。 Is that receives jade Capital that an immortal destiny lives, is hard to be on par with Seventh, only has Daoist inconsiderately to be able steady has pressed his head. Naturally, Yuan that has fallen from the sky, Ok. 就是那秉承仙道气运而生的玉京,也难以与普渡比肩,唯有不周道人方能稳稳的压过他一头。当然,那已经陨落的元,也可以。 Similarly, the birth of Seventh, will have faded out the public eyes the west, is the western cow Hezhou of present, once again exposes before the person. 同样的,普渡的诞生,将早已淡出众人视线的西方,也就是如今的西牛贺州,再度暴露于人前。 At this moment, does not know that many people looked at the vision to the western cow Hezhou, the look were glittering unceasingly, does not know that is thinking anything. 这一刻,不知道有多少人将目光看向了西牛贺州,眼神不断的闪烁着,不知在想些什么。 ...... …… ............ ………… Northern all Luzhou, an eastern sovereign too front, nine small Sun gradually fuses together, forms a giant Sun. Then, Sun starts to contract, a three full Golden Crow is born. 北俱芦洲,东皇太一的面前,九颗小太阳逐渐融为一体,形成一个巨大的太阳。然后,太阳开始收缩,一只三足金乌从中诞生。 This is the first Golden Crow of Three Realms time, its named nine Yang, is the top first deity demon, associated high-grade innate spirit treasure nine Yang Fan. 这是三界时代的第一只金乌,其名为九阳,也是顶级的先天神魔,伴生一件上品先天灵宝九阳幡。 Meanwhile, six samsara, in the witch say/way, the Pangu heart leaves, a named dark green innate big witch was born. 与此同时,六道轮回,巫道之中,盘古心脏出,一尊名为苍的先天大巫诞生了。 His aptitude does not lose in any top first deity demon, but he does not have innate spirit treasure associated. witch clan is this, besides 12 ancestor witches, is Houyi, punishment day and the others, does not have innate spirit treasure associated. 他的资质不输于任何一尊顶级的先天神魔,但他却没有一件先天灵宝伴生。巫族就是这样,除了十二祖巫之外,就是后羿、刑天等人,也没有先天灵宝伴生。 They do not need, their mortal bodies, are they most powerful weapons. 他们也不需要,他们的肉身,就是他们最强大的武器。 The ground is lively, underground is not tranquil. In nether world, the front of Fengtu ghost emperor, that is subject to first deity embryo that It attaches great importance, finally split, is born named to pass the quiet top first deity demon. 地上热闹,地下也不平静。幽冥界之中,酆都鬼帝的面前,那备受祂重视的先天神胎,终于裂开,诞生出了一尊名为通幽的顶级先天神魔。 Passes hugs the emperor to print to live quiet, when its birth, nine innate ghosts gasify to turn into a dragon xing, surrounds in his behind. This is a innate ghost sovereign, will lead the ghost say/way to move toward prosperously. 通幽抱帝印而生,其出生之际,九道先天鬼气化成龙形,环绕在他的身后。这是一尊先天的鬼皇,将带领鬼道走向兴盛。 God seal that he embraces, named passes quiet seal, is rare high-grade innate spirit treasure. 他所怀抱的神印,名为通幽印,也是一件不可多得的上品先天灵宝 Nether world and world have first deity demon born, but is strange, as Heaven of Three Realms power center, innate life birth that has no. 幽冥界与人间界都有先天神魔诞生,可诡异的是,身为三界权力中心的天界,却无任何的先天生灵诞生。 Where did that rush to the source of Heaven? 那涌向天界的本源哪里去了? Answer: Was used to restore Heaven. 答:用来修复天界了。 don't must forget, present Heaven, although has 36 seriously, but it was still at the shatter condition. Ancient times witch monster fought a decisive battle the injury to Heaven was too big, its received it creation still unable to restore. 莫要忘了,如今的天界,虽然有着三十六重,但它仍然是处于破碎状态的。远古巫妖决战对天界的伤害太大了,其所受之创至今仍未能修复。 That chaos demon god source wells up, several leaders of Heaven discussed that thought that Three Realms had the world and nether world breeding life enough, could not need their Heaven to be meddlesome. 那混沌魔神本源涌来,天界的几位头头商议了一些,觉得三界有人间与幽冥界孕育生灵就够了,也用不到祂们天界多事了。 Therefore, several people unanimously decided, restores Heaven to consider as finished with that chaos demon god source simply, do not evolve what life. 故而,几人一致决定,干脆用那混沌魔神本源修复天界算了,也不要去衍化什么生灵了。 Does Heaven need the life? 天界需要生灵吗? Does not need! 不需要! The special position of Heaven, was doomed it never to lack the life, will have the life to cultivate in any case in the future, would the part flying upwards Heaven. 天界的特殊地位,注定了它永远也不会缺少生灵,反正日后有生灵修炼有成,总会有部分飞升天界的。 ...... …… ............ ………… The picture pulls back the central divine land, under the world tree, in that nine human clan Heaven's Chosen, person of successful retrogradations innate, builds first body of deity demon. 画面拉回中央神州,世界树下,那九名人族天骄之中,也有一人成功逆反先天,修成先天神魔之躯。 And at the critical moment of its transformation, the world tree has the feeling, manifested a spirit unexpectedly, bestowed his world tree seed. 且在其蜕变的关键时刻,世界树有感,竟是显灵,赐给了他一颗世界树种子。 Because integrates that world seed, therefore, this human clan Heaven's Chosen obtained the good fortune that is inconceivable, after transforming is successful, is a top first deity demon. 因融入那颗世界种子之故,这名人族天骄得到了难以想象的造化,蜕变成功之后,也是一尊顶级的先天神魔。 And in his god sea, first deity embryo unceasing turnover. 且在他的神海之中,一枚先天神胎正在不断的吞吐着。 That inside breeding, is his associated spirit treasure, as for its concrete rank how, but must look at how this human clan Heaven's Chosen cultivates. 那里面孕育的,正是他的伴生灵宝,至于其具体等级如何,还要看这名人族天骄如何培育。 This god embryo, is the seed of the world tree, has the extremely strong plasticity, has to become the best quality goods innate spirit treasure possibility. 这枚神胎,乃是世界树的种子所化,具有极强的可塑性,有着成为极品先天灵宝的可能。 In other words, so long as this human clan Heaven's Chosen cultivates appropriately, he not necessarily cannot obtain best quality goods innate spirit treasure in the future. 也就是说,只要这名人族天骄培育得当,他未来未必不能得到一件极品先天灵宝 But such human clan Heaven's Chosen, is called white, has Yu the family background to human clan ancient Bu. 而这么人族天骄,叫做皓,出身至人族古部有虞氏。 White successful retrogradation innate, becomes the top first deity demon, this is the human clan celebration, should celebrate well, even obtains the interview of Feng Zichen. 皓成功逆反先天,成为顶级的先天神魔,这是人族的喜事,理应好好庆祝一番,甚至是获得风紫宸的接见。 But at this moment, Feng Zichen has no free time to have scruples him obviously. Because, at this moment, concerns the human clan future important matter to happen. 但此刻,风紫宸显然是没空顾忌到他了。因为,此刻,正有一件关乎人族未来的大事发生着。 That is, Fu Xi becomes enlightened, had arrived at the critical moment, Its beginning of the universe said the fruit, soon thorough complete. 那就是,伏羲成道,已经到了关键时刻,祂的混元道果,即将彻底的圆满。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The humane most precious object humane sovereign courtyard blooms the radiant god glow, innumerable rune/symbol writing appears, changes to ten first Heavenly Dao chart to raise slowly, subsequently folds in together, composes a big god of journeys chart to pull open slowly. 人道至宝人道皇庭绽放出璀璨的神芒,无数的符文浮现,化作十副先天道图冉冉升起,继而折叠在一起,组成一张大道神图徐徐拉开。 Chaos big! 混沌大阵! Feng Zichen started chaos big, to not meet the enemy, but to absorb the air/Qi of chaos from outside the big chaos, changes for the better to turn into the purest innate source, to absorb for Fu Xi, improves own beginning of the universe to say the fruit. 风紫宸启动了混沌大阵,不是为了迎敌,而是为了从界外大混沌汲取混沌之气,好转化成最纯粹的先天本源,以供伏羲吸收,完善自己的混元道果。 Sees, during the chaos big revolutions, an inexplicable strength, disregarded existence of space and time directly, derives the boundless chaos air/Qi from outside the big chaos, then by way of the chaos big transformation, forms the innate source to rush to Fu Xi. 就看到,混沌大阵运转间,一股莫名的力量,直接无视了时空的存在,从界外大混沌汲取无边的混沌之气,接着经由混沌大阵转化,形成先天本源涌向伏羲。 But another, the innate supreme treasure universe cauldron stimulated to movement by the Nüwa empress full power, changes to a side vast universe world, unceasing the chaos from the day derives the air/Qi of chaos, transforms the universe source to absorb for Fu Xi. 而另一处,先天至宝乾坤鼎被女娲娘娘全力催动,化作一方浩瀚的乾坤世界,不断的从天外混沌汲取混沌之气,转化成乾坤本源供伏羲吸收。 With the joint help of two big experts, less than ten thousand years of time, Fu Xi has then accumulated enough source, said the fruit thoroughly congealing reality that illusory beginning of the universe, and perfect that polished. 在两大高手的合力帮助下,不到万年的功夫,伏羲便已积累到了足够的本源,将那虚幻的混元道果彻底凝实,且打磨的完美无缺。 Bang A mysterious strength fills the air, the world is shivering, the principle sends out the wail that submits. 一股玄妙的力量弥漫开来,天地都在颤抖,法则发出臣服的哀鸣。
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