Buzzhumming sound......
嗡嗡嗡……In the world, eightinnatevitalitiesappear, the day, place, wind, thunder, place, fire, mountainandZe, each otherpestermutually, formshugeinnateEight Trigrams (gossip)gradually, floatabovevault of heaven, makingworldall living thingsraise the head, thencanclearseeing.
The worldlocates, mountainZeventilates, thunderwindthin, the water and firedoes not shoot. The Eight Trigrams (gossip)make a mistake, the numbertowardis smooth, knows the futureto go against, thereforeeasyinverse number.
The worldgossipspresently, such phenomenon, was showingall,Fu Xihas improvedoneselfbeginning of the universeto say the fruit, became enlightenedtruly.
天地现八卦,此等异象,无不在说明,伏羲已经完善了自己的混元道果,真正的成道了。Suddenly, numerousbigmagical powersallwasappears the vision of envying. ButThree Pure OnesandWesterntwoSaintsand the others, is frowning of silently.
The human clanstrength, feared that was hardto copemore and more.人族的实力又强了,怕是越来越难以对付了。
After Fu Xibecomes enlightened, firstgreetswith the people, apologizes to the graciousness of theirprotector, then saidloudly:
伏羲成道之后,先与众人打了声招呼,谢过祂们的护道之恩,而后便大声说道:„This poor DaoistFu Xi, has become enlightenednow, is the thanksworld, 20,000yearslater, the beginning lecturingmain roadin the centraldivine landpersonimperial city, being predestined friendsallmaycomethisto listen.”
The greatness of thissound, resounded through the entiregreat antiquityworld, causesThree Realmsall living things, allheard.
这声音之宏大,响彻了整个洪荒天地,使得三界众生,皆有所耳闻。Fu Xisays, thisis the inherent connotation. At that time the great antiquitytransformed, the Three Realmsnew student|life, does not know that many innatelifebreeding, thesepeopleinherited not entire, when neededsomepeopleto indicate the road aheadforthem.
伏羲讲道,这是应有之义。彼时洪荒蜕变,三界新生,不知有多少先天生灵孕育,这些人传承不全,正是需要有人为他们指明前路之时。LeizeandFu Xibecome enlightenedinthis time, complied withthisdestiny, shouldspeak the main roadforall living things, opens the flood gates.
雷泽与伏羲于此时成道,正是应了这场天命,合该为众生宣讲大道,大开方便之门。Actually, incessantlyisthey, is othersaint and beginnings of the universesaysmain, mustspeakto sayonetime. Thisis the destiny, is the Heavenly Daogiveseveryone'sreturning a courtesy.
其实,不止是祂们,便是其余的圣人与混元道主们,也要讲一次道。这是天命,也是天道给大家的回礼。Explains religious doctrine, the quality that regardless ofspoke, had the meritto take.
…………At this time, Feng Zichennoticed, whileFu Xishouted propaganda, Itsback, endlessrune/symbolwritingpasted, turns intoabout3000li (0.5 km)longmain roadmighty currents, stretched acrossin the world.
The main roadlengthapproximately more than 3000li (0.5 km), thisis the beginning of the universetertiarydayperformance.
大道长约三千余里,这正是混元三重天的表现。Meanwhile, thisalsoexplained, a Fu Xibreakthrough, hadbeginning of the universetertiarydaycultivatingis.
同时,这也说明,伏羲一突破,就有了混元三重天的修为。Thiswas interesting, becomes enlightenedhasbeginning of the universetertiarydaycultivatingis, thisissainthas the treatment that. saintbecomes enlightened, has the strength of in additionHeavenly Daoto hold, therefore, itsonebecomes enlightened, hasbeginning of the universetertiarydaycultivatingis.
这就有意思了,一成道就有着混元三重天的修为,这可是圣人才有的待遇。圣人成道,有天道之力加持,故而,其一成道,就有着混元三重天的修为。But the commonpersonbecomes enlightened, withoutthistreatment, therefore, theybecome enlightened, shouldstartfrom the minimumbeginning of the universesingle layerday.
可寻常人成道,没有这种待遇,故而,祂们一成道,应是从最低的混元一重天起步。So, the issuecame.
如此,问题就来了。Looks over the great antiquityhistory, as long asbreaks through the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal.
纵观洪荒历史,但凡突破成混元大罗金仙的。FarRudongsovereigntooone, emperorhandsome, emperorriverand the others, nearsuch asFeng Zichen, purpleslightlyGreat Emperor, Fu Xiand the others, after theybreak through, nois the beginning of the universesingle layerday, basicallyis the beginning of the universetertiarydaystarts.
远的如东皇太一、帝俊、帝江等人,近的如风紫宸、紫微大帝、伏羲等人,祂们突破之后,没一个是混元一重天的,基本都是混元三重天起步。Readandhence, Feng Zichensuddenlyhad a boldguess. Actually, breaks throughto become the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, during has not imagineddifficultthat.
The Heavenly Daosetsomelimit, thiscausedto break through the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, becamedifficultincomparable.
只是,天道对此设下了某种限制,这才使得突破混元大罗金仙,变得困难无比。Alsotherefore, great antiquitybigmagical powers, were suppressedby the Heavenly Daosomewhatsuppressed, thisafterbreaking throughbeginning of the universebiggold/metalfairyland, even/includingKuashulevel.
也正是因此,洪荒的大神通者们,被天道压制的有些狠了,这才会在突破混元大罗金仙境界之后,连跨数级。So-calledis well-prepared, is so.
所谓厚积薄发,便是如此。Naturally, thisis only a guess of Feng Zichen, the fact is also not necessarily ableso. Concretetruthhow, but also mustseek an opportunityto confirm12.
当然,这还只是风紫宸的一个猜测,事实也未必会如此。具体的真相如何,还还要寻个机会验证一二。„Alsomustapologize tofellow daoist the graciousness of becoming enlightened.”
“还要谢过道友的成道之恩。”Arrives at the Feng Zichensiderespectfully, Fu Xigood a ritual.
来到风紫宸的身边,伏羲恭敬的行了一礼。Regarding this, Feng Zichenconfidentlybybelow. WithFu Xi'saptitude, becoming enlightenedthatisinevitable, butactuallyshould notbenow , should not be so quick.
对此,风紫宸坦然受下。以伏羲的资质,成道那是必然,不过却不应该是现在,也不该这么快。Fu Xicansuchquickbecoming enlightened, allbebecauseinitiallyHeavenly Dao, whenbeyond the day the chaosarrive, Feng Zicheninforms the reason that Itwatchespromptly.
伏羲之所以能这么快的成道,皆是因为当初天道在天外混沌降临的时候,风紫宸及时通知祂过来观看的缘故。Becauselooked at a Heavenly Daomain body, thismakesFu Xilook throughin the heartto confuse the barrierat one fell swoop, builds the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal the boundary.
正是因为看了一眼天道本体,这才使得伏羲一举看破心中迷障,修成混元大罗金仙的境界。Fromhere, Feng ZichentoFu Xialsocalculates that hashalfbecoming enlightenedgraciousness. By his ritual, should be.
从这里算起,风紫宸对伏羲也算有着半个成道之恩。受祂一礼,也是应该的。„Does fellow daoistwantto explain religious doctrinein the personimperial city? Butfound the rightplace? If not, Iwill look atTianfengto usetaking advantage ofyou.”Looks atFu Xi, Feng Zichencuriousasking.
The personimperial cityisgreatlyis not very false, insideis suppressing a chaosdemongod of beginning of the universerank, it may be said thatisgreat antiquitytopsacred place.
人皇城是很大不假,里面更是镇压着一尊混元级别的混沌魔神,可谓是洪荒顶级的圣地。As the human clanimperial city, the personin the imperial citynaturallywas filled up withhuman clan, Fu Xipreached the daointhis, the life that ifcamewere many, thatestimateatbig of personimperial city, seemscrowded. Thenis not crowded, will havemanyinconvenient.
只是,作为人族的皇城,人皇城里自然住满了人族,伏羲在此讲道,若是来的生灵多了,那估计就是以人皇城之大,也会显得拥挤。便是不拥挤,也会有很多的不便。Therefore, Feng Zichenproposed that changes a placetoFu Xi, topersonimperial city not farlookingTianfeng.
故而,风紫宸提议给伏羲换个地方,就是离人皇城不远的望天峰。„This......”listened to a Feng Zichensuchsaying, Fu Xialsofeltstrange, butItdid not have the means. It the explaining religious doctrineplacewill decidein the personimperial city, the reasonis very simple, becauseItdoes not have the Buddhist templein the world of mortals.
“这……”听风紫宸这么一说,伏羲也觉得不妥,只是祂也没办法。祂之所以将讲道地点定在人皇城,原因很简单,因为祂在下界没有道场。Soundsisveryfunny, solemngreat antiquityemperorFu Xi, actuallydoes not have the Buddhist temple.
听起来是不是很搞笑,堂堂的洪荒天皇伏羲,竟然没有道场。Butthisreal, is not only It, the Three Sovereignsfive emperorsdo not have the Buddhist templein the world. Or the human clanarea, istheirBuddhist temple. As long asthere is a human clanplace, is theirBuddhist temple.
可这就是真的,不仅是祂,三皇五帝在人间都没有道场。或者说,人族的疆域,就是祂们的道场。但凡有人族的地方,皆是祂们的道场。Without the Buddhist temple, Fu Xiin the spirit ofprinciple, chose the explaining religious doctrineplacein a person of imperial city.
既然没有道场,那伏羲本着就近的原则,就把讲道的地点选在了人皇城。„Looking atTianfengis truly good, butthatis the Buddhist temple of fellow daoist, the fellow daoistlendsthis poor Daoistto useit, thatis one's turn the fellow daoistto explain religious doctrine, how should also?”
“望天峰确实不错,不过那是道友的道场,道友将它借予贫道用,那轮到道友讲道的时候,又该如何?”Proposition of Feng Zichen, Fu Xiheart movement, butItalsohas the worry, thatislooks atTianfengis the Feng ZichenBuddhist temple, Itis not goodto use.风紫宸的提议,伏羲心动了,但祂也有着顾虑,那就是望天峰是风紫宸的道场,祂不好使用。whatis kingTianfeng?
何为望天峰?WaspurpleWeishan in the past purplehousedwelling place of Buddhist immortals, was the Mount Buzhou in beforehandsmallgreat antiquity.
就是昔日紫宸洞天里的紫微山,也是之前小洪荒界里的不周山。On the same daysmallgreat antiquity and great antiquitylandfragmentfused, thismountain also integrated the great antiquity, andmust a biggood fortune, become the ancestorlineage/vein of centraldivine land.
当日小洪荒界与洪荒大地碎片融合,此山也随之融入了洪荒,且还得了不小的造化,成为了中央神州的祖脉。In other words, thismountainis the centraldivine land'sfirstDivine Mountain.
也就是说,此山为中央神州第一神山。Insmallgreat antiquity, thismountaincalledMount Buzhoualsoto have no issue. Mayin the great antiquity, callthisnamesomewhatto be improperagain. Therefore, Feng Zichenthinks,changes the name to look atTianfeng.
在小洪荒界,这山叫不周山倒也没什么问题。可在洪荒,再叫这个名字就有些不妥了。故而,风紫宸想了想,将它更名为望天峰。Is from raise the headthento be expected the meaning of day.
The centraldivine land'sfirstmountain, looks atTianfeng to be inferreduncommonly.
中央神州第一山,望天峰之不凡可见一斑。„ei, Fu Xifellow daoistdoes not needto worry, ifIsay, the place that canchoosewere many. CancelsChenXingshangto be able, in the humanesovereigncourtyardalsoyes, under the worldtreeis not good.”
“欸,伏羲道友无需顾虑,若我讲道,能够选择的地方就多了。勾陈星上可以,人道皇庭之中亦是可以,世界树下也不是不行。”KnowsFu Xi'sworry, Feng Zichenveryoptionalsaying.
得知伏羲的顾虑,风紫宸很是随意的说道。I, Feng Zichen, the great antiquityreal estateare innumerable, did not fear that could not find the placeto explain religious doctrine.
我,风紫宸,洪荒房产无数,根本不怕找不到地方讲道。„Thatdepends on the fellow daoistto say.”
“那就依道友所言。”Feng Zichen said that Fu Xidoes not hesitate, compliesdirectly.风紫宸都这么说了,伏羲也就不犹豫了,直接答应下来。Will changeto look atTianfengas for the explaining religious doctrineplacefrom the personimperial city, seems like the child's play, the issue is actually not big. Explaining religious doctrineplace, but can also change all the time? Naturallyis not good.
The person the imperial cityconstructsto be in sightat the foot of the mountain of Tianfeng, the twosaid that is a place, absolutelydoes not have the issue.
只是,人皇城就建在望天峰的山脚下,二者说是一个地方,完全没有问题。SaidwithFeng Zichen the sentenceleaves, chattedwithNüwamet the day, Fu Xithensaid goodbyeto leave, goesto look atTianfeng. Althoughtoexplaining religious doctrineto returnsometime, butthis/shouldarrangement, mustarrange12ahead of time.
与风紫宸道了句别,又与女娲聊了会天,伏羲便告辞离开,前往望天峰去了。虽然离讲道还有段时间,但该布置的,还是得提前布置一二。For example, tolisten to the say/wayputs the barrier, toeliminatesomepersonal characterinsufficientpeople.
…………WithFu Xi'sbecoming enlightened, in the world, the ruleenlivened, the day after tomorrow the spiritual energy will also be first richer than before for severalpoints.
随着伏羲的成道,天地之间,规则更加的活跃了,先后天灵气也是比之前浓郁了数分。Suddenly, thatalsoneededlongyearsbreeding, the innatelife that canbe born, itsbirthspeedpromotedhundredtimesto continueall of a sudden.
一时间,那本来还需漫长岁月孕育,方能诞生的先天生灵,其诞生速度一下子提升了百倍不止。Howeverhundredyears of time, inThree Realms was born a large quantities ofinnatelife.
不过百年的功夫,三界之中便又诞生了一大批的先天生灵。Alsoso, passed in 2000.
如此,又过去了两千年。Thesein2000, Three Realmshas not hadwhatimportant matterbut actually, now the worldjustpromotes, ruleexceptionallyactive, is the besttime of cultivation, is easierto draw close toinnatevarioussay/way. Everyoneis busycultivating, wherehas the timeto come outto do the matter.
这两千年里,三界倒也没发生什么大事,如今天地刚刚晋升,规则异常的活跃,正是修炼的最好时机,更容易贴近先天诸道。大家都忙着修炼呢,哪里有时间出来搞事。Therefore, recentlyThree Realmsactuallyexceptionallytranquil, an appearance of piping time of peace.
为此,近来三界倒是异常的平静,一副太平盛世的模样。Three RealmsYuancalendar in 8000!三界元历八千年!SaysfromdaytribulationsaintAntarcticGreat EmperorinShenxiaoPalace, alreadyless than more than 2000years.
距离天劫圣人南极大帝于神霄宫中讲道,已经不足两千余年了。Therefore, thatleaves the godcloudsninedays of distancefarlives, has startedto depart.
故此,那离神霄九天距离较远的生灵,已经开始动身启程了。Three Realmsis very big, althoughdid not haveancient times the great antiquityto be like that big, butabsolutelybe bigger than the antiquitygreat antiquity.三界很大,虽没有远古洪荒那般大,但绝对要比上古洪荒大。IsgreatlyLuoDaozun, in the motionlessspacemagical powerssituation, onlyfliesbyoneself, wantsto circleThree Realms, that must flyat least in several thousandsonly then.
就是大罗道尊,在不动空间神通情况下,仅靠自己飞行,想要绕三界一圈,那起码也要飞个万儿八千年方可。In such a case, distance between world of human beings and Heaven, will not be small. It is estimated thatis the gold/metalfairylandmember, flewfull power in 1000, may notrush toHeavenfrom the world of human beings.
在这样的情况下,人界与天界之间的距离,也不会小了。估计就是金仙境界的修士,全力飞行一千年,也不一定能从人界赶到天界。Butthis, but also is onlythis timeHeaven and world of human beingsdistance. The worldtreeconstantlyis growing.
而这,还只是此时天界与人界的距离。要知道,世界树是在不断成长着的。WithItsgrowing, distance between thatHeaven and world, will be inevitably getting more and more far, under the lifeuntilTaiyigold/metalimmortal, is unable to arrive atHeaven.
随着祂的长高,那天界与人间之间的距离,势必会越来越远,直至太乙金仙之下的生灵,都无法到达天界。Thiswas the off topic, mustmanyten thousandyearslater, canachievethis point.
……Thengoes togodcloudsninedays of life that from the world of human beingslistens to the say/way, whatboundaryhas, Taiyigold/metalimmortal, gold/metalimmortal, the profoundimmortal, the angelhaseven.
那从人界前往神霄九天听道的生灵,什么境界的都有,太乙金仙、金仙、玄仙、甚至于天仙都有。However, goneperson, althoughare many, maytrulybe qualified for the godcloudspalace, feared that isfew.
The great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestorsaysinZixiaogong, the person of being predestined friends is also about3000. Therefore, the person of being predestined friendsLei Zeexplains religious doctrine, will not surpassthisdigit.
鸿钧道祖于紫霄宫中讲道,有缘之人也才不过三千个。故而,雷泽讲道的有缘之人,也不会超过这个数字。3000, are the limits.
三千,便是极限。Leizein the Celestialtwointersection points, arrangedthreedifficulties, onlyhasTaiyigold/metalimmortal, and outstanding person in gold/metalimmortal, canpass.
雷泽在天人两界的交界处,布置了三道难关,唯有太乙金仙,以及金仙之中的佼佼者,方能通过。Thesecommongold/metalimmortal, under the lifewithgold/metalimmortal, don'tsaid that enters the godcloudspalace, theyfeared that wasHeavencannot even go. Thissaying, from the beginning, was doomedto misswiththem.
那些寻常金仙,与金仙之下的生灵,莫说是进入神霄宫了,他们怕是连天界都进不去。这场讲道,从一开始,就注定了与他们无缘。However, does not needto be worried,eventheytoHeaven, will not encounterwhatdanger. Tolisten tocomes, Leizewill not letthem, becausediesin the half-wayaccidentally/surprisingly.
不过,也不用担心,就算他们到不了天界,也不会遇到什么危险。到底是为了听道而来,雷泽可不会让他们因为意外死于半道上。Does not needtotheselifespecialattention, Leizeonlyto need the nextorder, inheexplains religious doctrinethese daysaround, inThree Realmsforbidsto murder.
无需对这些生灵特别的关注,雷泽只需下一个命令,在他讲道这段时间前后,三界之中禁止杀伐。InthatThree Realms, reallyno onedaresto murder, no onedaresto provokeLeizethissaint. Because, It is not only saint, wieldssaint of day of tribulation.
那三界之中,就真的无人敢杀伐了,没人敢挑衅雷泽这尊圣人的。因为,祂不仅是圣人,更是执掌天劫的圣人。saintis very fearful, as we all know, buthas not seenafter allwith own eyes, worldto the notconcretecognition.圣人很可怕,大家都知道,可毕竟没有亲眼见到过,世人对其没有具体的认知。But the daytribulationwas different, the worldtoitsfear, it may be said thatis rooted in the innermost soul.
可天劫就不同了,世人对它的恐惧,可谓是根植在灵魂深处的。Therefore, naturallyno onedaresto violateLeize'sorder.
因此,自然无人敢违背雷泽的命令了。In the eyes of the world, Leizejust nowismost fearfulsaint, does not haveone. Meanwhile, It is also Three Realmsall living thingsmost repugnantsaint.
The three disastersninedifficult12inexorable fates, not to know how manyimmortalways, in the worldheart the presentcannot hateLeize?
三灾九难一十二道劫数,不知断了多少的仙途,世人心中如今能不恨雷泽?What a pity, thisuseless. People'shatredtoLeize, not onlywill not affectIt, will become one of his sources of forces, makingItpowerful.
The timein a flash, was more than 1000yearspassed by, Three Realmsmarches into a Three RealmsYuancalendarofficially in 9500. But the time that Lei Zeexplains religious doctrine, decidedin a Three RealmsYuancalendaron the day of10,000years.
时间一晃,就是一千多年过去了,三界正式步入三界元历九千五百年。而雷泽讲道的时间,就定在了三界元历一万年那天。In other words, nowexplained religious doctrinefromLei Zealreadyless than500years.
也就是说,如今距离雷泽讲道已经不足五百年了。Butat this time, outside the godcloudspalace, pouredalsocamemanypeople, approximatelyalso1000. Over99%is the TaiyiDaoist deities, onlyhasminority more than tenpeople, isgold/metalimmortal the boundary.
而此时,神霄宫外,倒也来了不少人,大约也就一千来个吧。超过90%九的都是太乙道君,唯有少数十余人,是金仙的境界。In the Taiyigold/metalimmortal, basicallydoes not have the new student/lifelife, butin the middle ofthatfewgold/metalimmortal, hasmost probablyis the innatelife of Three Realmsbreeding.
太乙金仙之中,基本没有新生的生灵,但那为数不多的金仙当中,却有大半是三界孕育的先天生灵。Thinks,thisis also normal.
The Three Realmstimejust nowopensis less than 10,000years, in such shorttime, thatnew student/lifelife, cancultivation the gold/metalimmortal the boundary, thisaptitudeisbest.三界时代方才开启不到一万年,这么短的时间内,那新生的生灵,能够修炼到金仙的境界,这资质已经是拔尖的了。As for the TaiyiDaoist deity, except fortheseinbornsacred, a birthhas the TaiyiDaoist deityboundary. Other, are the topfirstdeitydemons, feared that is also the gold/metalimmortalcompleteboundary, wantsto build the TaiyiDaoist deity, was still worse the crucial moment.
至于太乙道君,除了那些天生神圣,一出生就有着太乙道君的境界。其余的,就是顶级的先天神魔,怕也不过是金仙圆满的境界,想要修成太乙道君,尚还差些火候。As for the new student/lifelife, knowsnow the matter of Lei Zeexplaining religious doctrine, thatnaturallyis the Heavenly Daotellsthem. Shortly afteritsbirth, Leizesame dayvoice, thenreverberationnaturallyintheirears.
至于新生的生灵,如今得知雷泽讲道之事的,那自然是天道告诉他们的。在其诞生之后不久,雷泽当日的声音,便自然而然的回荡在他们的耳中。Theselives, limited to the Heavenly Daoinheritance, althoughdoes not knowLeizeconcretelystrong, butcansee that mostlythisfarexceedstheircharacters.
这些生灵,受限于天道传承,虽不知雷泽具体有多强,但大都能看出这是远超他们的人物。Therefore, is hearingLei Zeto explain religious doctrinethisafterward, theyhad the thoughts, untold hardshipscaught up withthisplace.
是故,在听到雷泽讲道这件事后,他们就动了心思,千辛万苦的赶来了此地。Firstacross the astral wind, thenpassedthunderfire, later must shoulder the hit of meteorite. Thisthinks that thisended, has not thought that beyondhighest heavenday, piece of thunderterritory.
先是穿过罡风,接着度过雷火,之后还要扛过陨石的撞击。本以为这就完了,可没想到,九霄天外,还有一片雷域。Although, thispiece of thunderYuzhiin view ofindustrystrengthgravegeneration, buton that daytribulationgodthunderdense and numerousgathersintogether, wholooked atnon-scalp tingles?
虽然,这片雷域只针对业力深重之辈,但那天劫神雷密密麻麻的汇聚在一起,谁看了不头皮发麻?In order tolisten toLei Zesays, thesearrive at the life outside godcloudspalace, wasbyeldest child'scrime.
为了听雷泽讲道,这些来到神霄宫外的生灵,可是遭了老大的罪了。However, theirexperiences, comparedwith the pastZixiaogong3000guests, that was really notanything. In order tolisten to an ancestorsays, othersreallyrisk neckto go.
The method that Leizeleaves behind, beyondcompared with the chaoswith the day, is completely the smallthing.
…………Outside the godcloudspalace, highest heavenninedays of Monarchbrothersninepeople, set up in an array, standbefore the main entrance, althoughhas not spoken, butthatvisionisto actually let somebody cool off or calm downis staring at the people.
A wisp of lightsay/wayprestige, fills the airfromthem, givesto cometo listen to the people of say/way, created the enormouspressure.
The atmosphere, all of a suddenbecomesdepressing.
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