GDSP :: Volume #9

#828: Flattered mutually

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It is not does not like inconsiderately the god clan, but the Daoist was just also born inconsiderately, what does not understand, oneself were still trying to find out how can teach others? 不是不喜欢不周神族,而是不周道人也才刚刚诞生,什么都不懂,自己都还在摸索,如何能教导别人? Without the Daoist opens the mouth to reject inconsiderately, the purple slightly Great Emperor has then opened the mouth to reprove: Your this child, does not understand the matter quite, your teacher's younger brother this is delivering you a big chance, isn't quicker apologizes to your teacher's younger brother?” 只是,没等不周道人开口拒绝,紫微大帝便已开口训斥道:“你这孩子,好生不晓事,你师叔这是在送你一场大机缘呢,还不快些谢过你师叔?” What big chance? 什么大机缘? The god clan receives some Mount Buzhou blessings lefts by predecessors to live inconsiderately, the body has the destiny and merit of Mount Buzhou surviving, but these, the Daoist becomes enlightened to need inconsiderately. 不周神族秉承部分不周山遗泽而生,身上具有不周山残存的气运与功德,而这些,都是不周道人成道所需要的。 Now, the god clan has resulted in the world to approve inconsiderately, becomes a Three Realms member, the bystander is actually not good for no reason its slaughter, otherwise, will then bring in the Pangu authentic retaliation. 如今,不周神族已得天地认可,成为三界的一份子,外人倒是不好无端将其屠杀,否则的话,便会引来盘古正宗的报复。 Cannot kill, how can the Daoist bring back some destiny inconsiderately? That can only use other method, but this, was Feng Zichen must give inconsiderately the chance of Daoist. 可不能杀,不周道人又要如何取回这部分气运呢?那就只能用别的方法了,而这,就是风紫宸要送给不周道人的机缘了。 Enlightened inconsiderately god clan! 教化不周神族! If the Daoist can complete the enlightened inconsiderately god clan incident inconsiderately, Mount Buzhou blessings left by predecessors that he lacks, naturally will return to his body. 若是不周道人能够完成教化不周神族一事,那他所缺少的不周山遗泽,自然而然的就会回归到他的身上。 Even, he can also therefore obtain many merits. 甚至于,他还能因此获得不少的功德。 The Daoist is inconsiderately inborn, from the beginning perhaps does not want to understand Feng Zichen this act the profound meaning, but passes through the purple slightly Great Emperor to remind, he wants to understand immediately say/way, thanked hastily submissively: Inconsiderately many thanks helping of teacher's younger brother.” 不周道人天生神圣,一开始或许没想明白风紫宸此举的深意,但一经紫微大帝提醒,他立即就想明白了其中的道道,连忙拱手谢道:“不周多谢师叔的成全。” Then, the Daoist guarantees to say inconsiderately: „The god clan gives master the nephew inconsiderately, the teacher's younger brother feels relieved is, will make them suffering absolutely not.” 说罢,不周道人又保证道:“不周神族交给师侄,师叔放心便是,断不会让他们受到委屈的。” Sees that Feng Zichen nods, says with a smile: You with that god clan common origin, hand over them to give you inconsiderately, the teacher's younger brother truly felt relieved.” 见状,风紫宸点了点头,笑道:“你与那不周神族同源,交他们交给你,师叔确实放心。” Moreover, you are the purple slightly say/way brother's disciple, in this big great antiquity world, Its reputation may be easier-to-use than me, has Its asylum, you want not excessive, walks sideways in this Three Realms, no one dares to look for your trouble.” “而且,你是紫微道兄的弟子,在这偌大的洪荒天地,祂的名头可比我好使多了,有祂的庇护,你只要不过分,就是在这三界横着走,也没人敢找你的麻烦。” Such a was teased by Feng Zichen, the Daoist said inconsiderately hastily: Teacher's younger brother chatted, inconsiderately can it be that the disciple of bullying?” 风紫宸这么一打趣,不周道人连忙说道:“师叔说笑了,不周岂是仗势欺人之徒?” That said that but hears the word of Feng Zichen, inconsiderately in the Daoist or the heart are startled. Newly-born he, relied on the instinct to know oneself teacher to be very strong, but concrete strong, a he not clear concept. 话是这么说,但听得风紫宸之言,不周道人还是心中一惊。刚刚出生的他,凭借着本能知晓自己的师尊很强,但具体有多强,他心里并没有一个清楚的概念。 The so-called Heavenly Dao inheritance, the say/way reveres to stop. 所谓的天道传承,道尊而止。 In other words, the Heavenly Dao inherits most only arrives at greatly Luo Daozun boundary. 也就是说,天道传承最多只到大罗道尊的境界。 As for the later boundary, likely accurate Saint, saint, beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal anything. First deity demon of new birth, is not clear, in their inheritance does not have, cannot use. 至于之后的境界,像准圣啊,圣人啊,混元大罗金仙什么的。新诞生的先天神魔,皆是不清楚,他们的传承里没有,也用不到。 In is only in Taiyi gold/metal immortal the eyes of Daoist inconsiderately, first Heavenly Dao revered is the unattainable great person, he felt, his teacher, should be greatly Luo Daozun, and was outstanding person. 在仅是太乙金仙的不周道人的眼中,先天道尊就已经是高不可攀的大人物了,他觉得,他的师尊,就应该是大罗道尊,且还是其中的佼佼者。 But at this time, along with the Feng Zichen words, and Daoist just now saw inconsiderately, doubts could hardly be removed in his mind. 可这时,伴随着风紫宸的话语,以及不周道人方才所见,一个疑惑在他的心中挥之不去。 Is his teacher, really only greatly Luo Daozun? In the inheritance has not written, big Luo Daozun has strength that can contend with the Heavenly Dao. 他的师尊,真的只是大罗道尊吗?传承里可没写,大罗道尊有着能与天道抗衡的力量。 Thinks own teacher just now, to the scene of Heavenly Dao, in the heart of Daoist, is charmed alone inconsiderately. 想到自己师尊方才,独对天道的场面,不周道人的心中,不由一阵神往。 Moreover, the teacher's younger brother just now said that the reputation of teacher is very big, protects him to ride roughshod sufficiently. This indicated anything, explained that his teacher was very strong, was the character situated in this side world peak. 而且,师叔方才说了,师尊的名头很大,足以护着他横行无忌。这说明什么,说明他的师尊很强,乃是位于这方天地顶端的人物。 Otherwise, so to be how strong? 否则的话,何以如此强势? During this side world, imagines compared with him, but also wants deeply many! 这方世界,比他想象之中,还要深的多啊! Is looking at side, that cannot see the depth, actually just like main road incarnation general fearful form, inconsiderately Daoist thought of silently. 望着自己身边,那一道道看不出深浅,却宛如大道化身一般可怕的身影,不周道人默默的想到。 Are these people, really greatly Luo Daozun? Said, big Luo Daozun is so strong? 这些人,真的是大罗道尊吗?还是说,大罗道尊真的有这么强吗? But when inconsiderately Daoist recollections handsome, the purple slightly Great Emperor opened the mouth, cancels Chen fellow daoist to talk nonsense, if by the reputation, how I can place on a par with you?” 而就在不周道人浮想翩翩之际,紫微大帝开口了,“勾陈道友莫要胡说,若论名头,我又怎能与你相提并论?” Asks that fellow daoist on the scene, who do they dare to provoke in you on own initiative?” “就问问在场的诸位道友,祂们谁敢主动招惹于你?” Your reputation, that called in a big way, was an ancestor listened to your name, must knit the brows, I may not have such big skill.” “你的名头,那才叫大,就是道祖听了你的名字,也要皱眉,我可没这么大的本事。” Saying, the purple slightly Great Emperor is also urging inconsiderately toward the Daoist: „, Remembers in front of you cancel teacher's younger brother Chen inconsiderately, you must go to Its there to take a walk in the future surely frequently, is good to mix a face to be ripe.” 说着,紫微大帝又朝不周道人叮嘱道:“不周啊,记住你面前的这位勾陈师叔,你日后定要经常去祂那里走动走动,好混个脸熟。” Then, you if from now on encounters the problem that anything could not solve, reports Its given name, the accurate insurance ratio is the reputation of master is effective.” “如此一来,你今后若是遇到了什么解决不了的麻烦,就报祂的名号,准保比为师的名头管用。” This is not chatting, the purple slightly Great Emperor is only the merit is deep, the status is honored, and strength is immeasurably deep. But concerns the reputation, Its reputation truly is less than Feng Zichen. 这可不是在说笑,紫微大帝只是功德深厚,身份尊贵,且实力深不可测。但论及名头,祂的名头确实不及风紫宸 The accurate words, the Feng Zichen reputation, great antiquity no one can. This does not blow, but really hits. In the great antiquity world, could not find the magnificent person of score again like Feng Zichen. 准确的话,风紫宸的名头,洪荒无人能及。这不是吹出来的,而是实打实的打出来的。洪荒天地之中,再也找不到战绩像风紫宸这样辉煌的人了。 When has not become enlightened, dares to spell with an eastern sovereign too blood of becoming enlightened. After becoming enlightened, that was extraordinary, erupted with saint fought several times, and has not suffered a loss each time, instead did dirtily saint. 未成道时,就敢与成道的东皇太一血拼。成道之后,那更是了不得了,先后与圣人爆发了数次大战,且每次都没有吃亏,反而把圣人搞得灰头土脸的。 It is well known, the Feng Zichen reality is the great antiquity's first fierce person, was known as that the great antiquity hits the face the saint first person. Such character, truly does not have big magical powers to dare to provoke on own initiative. When facing saint, others word does not dare to open at earliest convenience does, not to mention they. 世人皆知,风紫宸实乃洪荒第一猛人,号称洪荒打脸圣人第一人。这样的人物,确实没大神通者敢主动招惹。面对圣人时,人家一言不合就敢开干,就更不用说祂们了。 Killing is also unlucky, no one dares to help revenge. 打死也是倒霉,都没人敢帮着报仇的。 ...... …… ............ ………… Two people group of businesses blow mutually, directly inconsiderately Daoist entire not, sees is so exaggerating, he who they said does not know that should believe. 两人的这帮商业互吹,直接把不周道人给整不会了,见祂们说的这么夸张,他也不知道该不该信。 However, the Daoist looked at expression of a surrounding big magical powers inconsiderately secretly, saw them after listening to the teacher says, all showed the expression that deep is so, letter/believed eight points to the words of own teacher. 不过,不周道人偷偷的看了一眼周围大神通者们的表情,见祂们在听师尊说完之后,皆是露出了深以为然的表情,不由对自家师尊的话信了八分。 It seems like that fact such exaggerating, his teacher's younger brother, is not the common character, just like own teacher, is in the world the top great person. 看来,事实就是这么的夸张,他的这位师叔,也不是寻常人物,与自己的师尊一样,都是天地间顶级的大人物。 Pitiful inconsiderately Daoist, but was just born, had not understood that the Three Realms situation, which experts as well as in Three Realms has, was drawn this place by the far-fetched teacher, watched a drama. 可怜不周道人,不过刚刚诞生,还未了解三界的局势,以及三界之中有哪些高手,就被自家不靠谱的师尊拉来此地,看了一场大戏。 Met the person, did not brief the status, but pointed at them to call the senior, called the teacher's younger brother, asking the one's teacher's older brother, the origin strength not to say totally, actually inconsiderately Daoist entire blurry. 遇见人了,也不介绍身份,只是指着祂们叫前辈,叫师叔,叫师伯,来历实力一概不说,倒是把不周道人整的迷糊不已。 This time he, really does not know the origins of front people, if he knew, it is estimated that must have a scare. 此时的他,是真的不知晓面前众人的来历,他要是知道了,估计得吓一跳。 Inconsiderately Daoist front existence, far more than is in the world top existence. Almost can say, that old great antiquity time, over 90% experts, all centralized in this place. 不周道人面前的存在,何止是天地间顶级的存在。几乎可以说,那旧洪荒时代,超过90%的高手,全都集中在了此地。 The most entire time that this meeting, it can be said that the great antiquity expert gathers. Like this grand occasion, feared that the second time very much difficultly again has. 这一次聚会,可以说是洪荒高手聚集的最全的一次了。像这种盛况,怕是很难再有第二次了。 The Daoist reveals itself inconsiderately, experienced such scene, has saying that was also a chance. 不周道人一出世,就见识到了这样的场面,不得不说也是一场机缘。 What a pity, present he, ignorant, does not know actually oneself face, what kind of existences is one crowd. 可惜了,现在的他,懵懵懂懂的,倒是不知自己面临的,都是一群怎样的存在。 ...... …… Blew one wave with Feng Zichen mutually, the purple slightly Great Emperor resembled remembered anything, urged inconsiderately toward the Daoist: Is you cancels teacher's younger brother Chen incessantly, your several other one's teacher's older brothers, you usually in must be quite intimate.” 风紫宸互吹了一波,紫微大帝似是想起了什么,又朝不周道人叮嘱道:“不止是你勾陈师叔,你的其余几位师伯,你平日里也要好生亲近亲近。” They are world top existences, saint that does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, is the hierarch in great antiquity world, maintained the relations with them, this great antiquity you really can walk sideways.” “祂们都是天地顶级的存在,是不死不灭的圣人,是洪荒天地的掌权者,和祂们搞好了关系,这洪荒你是真的可以横着走了。” Saying, the purple slightly Great Emperor also pushed inconsiderately Daoist, making him salute to Three Pure Ones and the others. The Daoist is very inconsiderately obedient, the purple slightly Great Emperor makes him do, does he do, hastily to Three Pure Ones good a ritual. 说着,紫微大帝还推了不周道人一把,让他向三清等人行礼。不周道人很听话,紫微大帝让他干什么,他就干什么,连忙向三清行了一礼。 Jokes aside, Three Pure Ones does not want to receive inconsiderately the ritual of Daoist. 说真的,三清是一点也不想受不周道人的这个礼。 Because they know, if received this ritual, that next Daoist really has the matter to seek them to help inconsiderately, they are really not good to reject. 因为祂们知道,若是受了这一礼,那今后不周道人真的有事来寻祂们帮忙,那祂们还真不好拒绝。 What a pity, the people face to face, Three Pure Ones cannot wipe the face to resist to receive inconsiderately Daoist ritual actually, must receive. 可惜,众人当面,三清倒是抹不开面子去拒受不周道人这一礼,只得生生受了。 Sees these two people, your my, puts up their three brothers in the fire roasts, Three Pure Ones unavoidable some are not at heart happy, therefore, listens to Yuan Shi Tian Zun somewhat mystifying saying: 见这二人,你一句我一句的,把祂们三兄弟架在火上烤,三清心里难免有些不痛快,于是,就听元始天尊有些阴阳怪气的说道: Right that master the nephew, your teacher said inconsiderately, meets troublesome reports you to cancel teacher's younger brother Chen's name, is absolutely easy-to-use, may compared with the reputations of our these old fogies, with.” “不周师侄,你师尊说的对,遇到麻烦就报你勾陈师叔的名,绝对好使,可比我们这几个老家伙的名头,用多了。” Yuan Shi Tian Zun said, does not wait for the Daoist to say inconsiderately, Feng Zichen already similarly mystifying saying: Hehe, jade clear saint will really crack a joke, my wind somebody's reputation, if is so useful, that certain people, not again and again had the idea of my human clan.” 元始天尊说完,不等不周道人接话,风紫宸就已经同样阴阳怪气的说道:“呵呵,玉清圣人真会开玩笑,我风某人的名头,要是真这么有用的话,那某些人啊,也就不会一而再再而三的去打我人族的主意了。” Such remarks, the complexion of Yuan Shi Tian Zun really changed, points at Feng Zichen air/Qi unable to speak: You......” 此话一出,元始天尊的脸色果然变了,指着风紫宸气得说不出话来:“你……” Side, seeing the imposing manner is getting more and more anxious, some people are not willing to mix, said hastily: Fellow Daoist, the matter, I should also say goodbye.” 旁边,见气势越来越紧张,有人不愿掺合其中,连忙说道:“诸位道友,此间事了,我也该告辞了。” Then, that person tore the space to leave this place directly. But this person of departure, opened some signal to be the same easy-to-use, later a while, several people said goodbye to leave every other. 说罢,那人直接撕裂空间离开了此地。而这人的离开,好使开启了某个信号一般,之后每隔一会儿,就有数人告辞离开。 Quick, the people on the scene walked the larger part. But with departure of people, originally even more tense situation, was diluted much. 很快的,在场众人就走了一大半之多。而随着众人的离开,本来愈发紧张的局势,也被冲淡了不少。 Snort!” “哼!” The worry continues to stay here , will seek the opportunity to profit to the purple slightly Great Emperor, Yuan Shi Tian Zun cold snort/hum , on clear saint left this place with too clear saint together. 担心继续留在这里,又会给紫微大帝寻到机会占便宜,元始天尊冷哼一声,与太清圣人、上清圣人一道离开了此地。 Three Pure Ones this walks, instantaneously the people on the scene walk was similar. Then, the Nüwa empress must for Fu Xi protector, was says goodbye to leave. The Mother Earth empress worries to examine nether world the situation, returned to nether world. 三清这一走,在场众人瞬间就走的差不多了。接着,女娲娘娘要为伏羲护道,也是告辞离开了。后土娘娘着急查看幽冥界的情况,也返回幽冥界去了。 Before long time, the scene had Feng Zichen and purple slightly Great Emperor two side influences. 不一会儿的功夫,现场就剩下了风紫宸与紫微大帝两方势力了。 At present Fu Xi becomes enlightened to near, this is the human clan important matter, Feng Zichen this human clan Saint sovereign, the important highway field, It will also propose saying goodbye inevitably for this reason. 眼下伏羲成道在即,此乃人族的大事,风紫宸这个人族圣皇,势必要道场的,为此祂也是提出了告辞。 Purple slightly say/way brother, that god clan then handed over by you inconsiderately took care, I also had the matter, then first walked one step.” “紫微道兄,那不周神族便交由你看顾了,我还有事,便先走一步了。” Then, Feng Zichen brings Shennong and Xuanyuan directly leaves. 说罢,风紫宸直接带着神农与轩辕离开了。 After Feng Zichen walks, purple slightly Great Emperor not anxiously departure, but looked at the vision to the Mount Buzhou ruins of under foot. 风紫宸走后,紫微大帝并未急着离开,而是将目光看向了脚下的不周山遗址。 Yeah! Past sacred place, ends up now this appearance unexpectedly, really made one sob.” “哎!昔日圣地,竟是落得如今这幅模样,真是令人唏嘘。” Looks at the malignant influences and resentment, the Mount Buzhou ruins that the strength of being shattered fills, the purple slightly Great Emperor cannot bear the shaking the head head. 看着煞气、怨气,破灭之力弥漫的不周山遗址,紫微大帝忍不住摇了摇头头。 Afterward, sees It to put out a hand, in void outlines again and again, tows the infinite star light from the boundless starry sky, forms one innate four spirit big, Mount Buzhou ruins seal. 随后,就见祂伸出手来,在虚空连连勾划,从无垠星空牵引来无穷星光,形成一个先天四灵大阵,将不周山遗址封印了起来。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The instance of innate four spirit big forming, the strength of endless place kerosene wind surges, entire void starts closed, seals off the Mount Buzhou ruins, gradually hidden went to the trail. 先天四灵大阵成形的瞬间,无尽的地火水风之力涌动,整个虚空都开始闭合,将不周山遗址封锁,渐渐的隐去了踪迹。 This place, the air/Qi and Pangu strength of chaos demon god each other clashed and conflict, have the strength of massive being shattered, commonplace Luo Daozun arrived at this place greatly, an under heart, did not fear that will also fall in this place. 这个地方,混沌魔神之气与盘古之力彼此对撞、冲突,产生了大量的破灭之力,等闲大罗道尊来到此地,一个不下心,怕是也会陨于此地。 For against later generation does not know that this place bad risk, intrudes this place accidentally/surprisingly, feared that the matter of Yuan clan repeats, then the purple slightly Great Emperor decides the Mount Buzhou ruins seal, does not let this place obviously in world. 为防后人不知此地凶险,意外闯入此地,也怕元族之事重演,遂紫微大帝决定将不周山遗址封印,不让此地显于世间。 Meanwhile, purple slightly Great Emperor by innate four spirit big seal places, other goal. 同时,紫微大帝以先天四灵大阵封印此地,还有别的目的。 It tries to transform the strength of four spirit through this, then by strength of unceasing baptism place that kerosene wind, slowly refining up the strength of here chaos demon god, enabling it to return to the chaos, again duplicate/restores Mount Buzhou past grand occasion. 祂试图通过此阵转化四灵之力,然后以那地火水风之力不断的洗礼此地,慢慢的炼化这里的混沌魔神之力,使其重归混沌,再复不周山昔日的盛况。 Although the strength of chaos demon god is strong, but its strength came from the chaos in the final analysis, the purple slightly Great Emperor develops the chaos by the strength of place kerosene wind again, by the chaos broken chaos, sooner or later can refine it completely. 混沌魔神之力虽强,但其力量说到底还是来自混沌,紫微大帝以地火水风之力再演混沌,以混沌破混沌,早晚有一天能将其全部炼化。 This time, somewhat was long, needs slowly. However, is not anxious, to purple slightly Great Emperor this boundary, the time had really lost the significance. 只是这个时间,就有些久了,需要慢慢的等。不过,也不急,到了紫微大帝这个境界,时间真的已经失去了意义。 It can wait slowly! 祂可以慢慢等! Walks!” “走吧!” After completing all these, the purple slightly Great Emperor greeted inconsiderately Daoist one, the preparation led him to leave with the god clan inconsiderately. 做完这一切之后,紫微大帝招呼不周道人一声,就准备带着他与不周神族离开了。 Why as for must take the god clan inconsiderately, because first Daoist complied with Feng Zichen inconsiderately, must teach that the god clan, naturally must lead them inconsiderately in the side. 至于为何要将不周神族带上,一来是因为不周道人答应了风紫宸,要教导不周神族,自然要将他们带在身边。 Secondly, is because in boundless starry sky, has a little Mount Buzhou. Did not compare here again, suitably inconsiderately god clan life place. 二来,则是因为无垠星空之中,有着一座小不周山。再没有比这里,更适合不周神族生活的地方了。 .................................... ……………………………… After this, during the great antiquity fell into again was tranquil. Also is not tranquil, is only these great people, no longer battle. 在这之后,洪荒再次陷入了平静之中。哦,也不算平静,只是那些大人物们,不再争斗了而已。 But among that Three Realms , had more and more lives born over time actually, had first deity demon, there is a innate life, even several innate spirit treasure. 但那三界之间,随着时间的流逝,倒是有越来越多的生灵诞生了,有先天神魔,也有先天生灵,甚至还有几件先天灵宝 Evolutions of innumerable life, brought many vitalities to Three Realms actually. 无数生灵的衍化,倒是给三界带来了不少的生机。 So passed in 5000, top that was favored by various Saint first deity demon, finally birth. 如此过了五千年,那被诸圣看好的顶级先天神魔,终于诞生了。 In the jade Capital peak, that no Exalted Immortal embryo blooms suddenly the radiant immortal light/only, then, seems the lotus flower to be in full bloom general, blooms slowly. 玉京峰上,那枚无上仙胎突然绽放出璀璨仙光,接着,就好似莲花盛开一般,缓缓绽放。 The needless moment, the immortal meconium changed to an immortal lotus, lives 12 grade, on the flower petal inscribes an immortal mark, sends out the radiant immortal light. 不消片刻,仙胎便化作了一朵仙莲,生有十二品,花瓣上铭刻着道道仙道印记,散发出璀璨的仙光。 But with blooming of immortal lotus, first Heavenly Dao rhyme fills the air suddenly, has the boundless phenomenon. View its power and influence, is not difficult to see, this is high-grade innate spirit treasure. 而随着仙莲的绽放,一股先天道韵骤然弥漫开来,生出无边的异象。观其威势,不难看出,这是一件上品先天灵宝 The center of immortal lotus, above that lotus throne, is sitting cross-legged a young Daoist, a white clothing, the facial features are handsome, the whole body immortal light covers, some innumerable immortal empty shades in its back obviously. 仙莲的中央,那莲台之上,盘坐着一年轻道人,一袭白衣,面容英俊,周身仙光笼罩,有无数仙人虚影在其背后显化。 This is the immortal embryo on jade Capital peak, is the inborn immortal reveres, his name, is called 这是玉京峰上的仙胎,也是天生的仙尊,他的名字,叫做 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The divine intervention let fall, changed to a dignified sound: Jade Capital!” 天意垂落,化作了一道威严的声音:“玉京!” First deity demon that this jade Jingshan breeds, his name, is called jade Capital! 这个玉京山孕育的先天神魔,他的名字,便叫做玉京!
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