GDSP :: Volume #9

#827: Wins a day of son-in-law

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Read and hence, the Feng Zichen big sleeve wielded, sweeps together the great fresh breeze, will destroy toward first Heavenly Dao mark that the clan of Pangu bloodlines derivation dropped. 念及至此,风紫宸大袖一挥,扫出一道宏大的劲风,生生将朝着盘古血脉衍生之族落下的先天道纹打碎。 You were born in Mount Buzhou, then calls makes inconsiderately the god clan.” Disregards the response of Heavenly Dao, Feng Zichen is direct, to this new student/life clan, set the name, is inconsiderately the god clan. “尔等生于不周山,便唤做不周神族吧。”无视天道的反应,风紫宸直接自顾自的,给这新生的一族,定下了名字,正是不周神族。 Was born in the god clan of Mount Buzhou! 生于不周山的神族! This falling instance, the world has the feeling immediately, starts to thunder, is that violent anger unusual Mount Buzhou ruins, after hearing this name, is becomes peaceful. 此名落下的瞬间,天地立时有感,开始轰鸣起来,就是那暴怒异常的不周山遗址,在听到这个名字之后,也是变得安静起来。 Obviously, approved this name. 显然,是认可了这个名字。 This time the phenomenon, all fell into the eye of Heavenly Dao, immediately, It then knows the matter to be a foregone conclusion, does not have the possibility of change. 此番异象,全都落入了天道的眼中,顿时,祂便知晓事情已成定局,已经没了更改的可能。 Therefore, sees the Heavenly Dao first is icy looked at Feng Zichen one, then, releases one first Heavenly Dao rhyme, changes to first deity mark to fall. The represents the meaning, is inconsiderately the god clan! 故此,就见天道先是冷冰冰的看了风紫宸一眼,而后,重新释放出一股先天道韵,化作先天神纹落下。其所代表之含义,正是不周神族! First the deity mark falls, was the world acknowledged inconsiderately the status of god clan. Hence, in the great antiquity world, are many a innate race. 先天神纹落下,算是天地承认了不周神族的身份。至此,洪荒天地之中,再多一先天种族。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Above the vault of heaven, the boundless destiny and merit gathering, fuse together with the destiny of god clan inconsiderately. 天穹之上,无边的气运与功德汇聚,与不周神族的气运融为一体。 This is the blessings left by predecessors of Mount Buzhou. The god clan inherited the Pangu bloodlines inconsiderately, has to take inconsiderately as the nomen, naturally can inherit the blessings left by predecessors of Mount Buzhou. 这是不周山的遗泽。不周神族继承了盘古血脉,有以不周为族名,自然可以继承不周山的遗泽。 Compared with Mount Buzhou, nearby Yuan demon clan may not have such good luck, lost them of Pangu bloodlines, within the body only then the bloodlines of chaos demon god, were thorough becomes the descendant of chaos demon god. 而与不周山相比,一旁的元魔族可就没这么好的运气了,失去了盘古血脉的他们,体内只有混沌魔神的血脉了,算是彻底的成为了混沌魔神的后裔。 At this moment, the descendant of chaos demon god, although has not been similar to the antique time to be the same, by the dislike of Heavenly Dao. On the contrary, its pitiful situation, caused one of the Heavenly Dao to take pity on, the preparation supported them in secret. 当此之际,混沌魔神的后裔,虽未如同太古时代一般,备受天道的厌恶。相反,其悲惨的处境,更是引得了天道的一丝垂怜,准备暗中扶持他们。 However, at this time, taking pity on Heavenly Dao apparently did not have an function. Because, must cope with the Yuan demon clan, is not others, breeds their Mount Buzhou ruins. 但是,在这个时候,天道的垂怜显然没有一丝的作用。因为,要对付元魔族的,不是别人,正是孕育他们的不周山遗址。 If by hate to chaos demon god, in people on the scene , can some who and Mount Buzhou ruins? 若论对混沌魔神之恨,在场众人之中,又有何人能及不周山遗址呢? Mount Buzhou, the named people break with joint forces, but in fact, Mount Buzhou actually destroys in the corrosion of chaos demon god. 不周山,名为众人合力打断,但实际上,不周山却是毁于混沌魔神的腐蚀。 Has this big enmity , the hate of Mount Buzhou ruins to chaos demon god is a pity to know, that is looks forward to them to die. 有此大仇在,不周山遗址对混沌魔神的恨可惜而知,那是巴不得祂们全都去死。 Therefore, did the descendant of Yuan demon clan chaos demon god, in the front of Mount Buzhou ruins, how could end up well? 故此,元魔族这混沌魔神的后裔,在不周山遗址的面前,岂能落得了好? Previously maintained the Yuan clan, that is because Yuan clan within the body had the Pangu bloodlines, but Yuan demon clan within the body did not have. In view of this, why can the Mount Buzhou ruins shelter the Yuan demon clan? 先前维护元族,那是因为元族体内有盘古血脉,可元魔族体内没有。既如此,不周山遗址为何要庇护元魔族? Wished one could to kill them! 恨不得杀了他们! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Above the vault of heaven, the limitless complaint gathering, wells up in the direction that the Yuan demon clan is, with its tight twines together. 天穹之上,无边无际的怨念汇聚,朝着元魔族所在的方向涌去,与其紧紧的缠绕在一起。 This is the complaint of Mount Buzhou, after it was destroyed, complaint that is unable to be obliterated. 这是不周山的怨念,其被毁之后,无法被磨灭的怨念。 The god clan, inherited the Mount Buzhou ruins residual destiny and merit inconsiderately, can enjoy Its blessings left by predecessors. But the Yuan demon clan can inherit, only then complaint of Mount Buzhou. 不周神族,继承了不周山遗址残留的气运与功德,能享受祂的遗泽。而元魔族能继承的,就只有不周山的怨念了。 This some complaints, are Mount Buzhou to the chaos demon god's curse, continuously winding on the body of Yuan demon clan each life, until they become the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, or died after thoroughly, will dissipate. 这部分怨念,就是不周山对混沌魔神的诅咒,将一直缠绕在元魔族每一个生灵的身上,直到他们成为混元大罗金仙,或是彻底死亡之后,才会消散。 Deepens as for this complaint, will cause anything to affect to the Yuan demon clan, Feng Zichen is unable to see clearly for a while completely. Only can roughly see, the Mount Buzhou complaint adds the body, the clansmen of Yuan demon clan feared that was the life is unable to visit the land. 至于这怨念加深,会对元魔族造成什么影响,风紫宸一时也无法完全看清。只能大致看出,不周山怨念加身,元魔族的族人怕是此生也无法踏足大地了。 Mount Buzhou for the foundation of land, the great antiquity ancestor lineage/vein, was cursed by It, will be loathed by the entire great antiquity land, the life cannot visit the land. 不周山为大地之本,洪荒祖脉,被祂所诅咒,将会被整个洪荒大地厌恶,此生不可踏足大地。 The once bumps into the land, will then receive the corrosion of land malignant influences, enters really spirit, extinction all vitalities. 其一旦碰到大地,便会受到大地煞气的侵蚀,直入真灵,绝灭一切的生机。 Also is pitiful! 也是可怜! But this, but also was cursed by Mount Buzhou , in numerous side effect. As for are more, Feng Zichen has not seen clearly, the Yuan demon clan has then vanished does not see. 而这,还只是被不周山所诅咒后,众多副作用中的一个。至于更多的,风紫宸还没看清楚,元魔族便已经消失不见。 Why will vanish does not see, naturally is because the Heavenly Dao was worried that they continue to stay here, will be killed by the presence people secretly. 为何会消失不见,自然是因为天道担心他们继续留在这里,会被在场众人偷偷干掉。 Therefore, the Heavenly Dao displays the magical powers directly, the Yuan demon clan will pack off secretly, and camouflaged their trail in the unsurpassed method, causing the people are unable to calculate the whereabouts of Yuan demon clan. 是故,天道直接施展神通,将元魔族偷偷送走,并以无上手段遮蔽了他们的踪迹,使得众人无法算到元魔族的下落。 Thus, the Heavenly Dao is incorrigibly wicked, still places hopes in the Yuan demon clan, thinks that its has the possibility of hindering the human clan development. 由此可以看出,天道还是贼心不死啊,依旧寄希望于元魔族,认为其有阻碍人族发展的可能。 Also is enough laughable! 也是够可笑的! Trivial Yuan demon clan, without were cursed by Mount Buzhou, perhaps opportunity of rise. But now they who were cursed by Mount Buzhou, opportunity that the life has not stood up from failure. 区区元魔族而已,若是没被不周山所诅咒,兴许还有崛起的机会。但如今被不周山所诅咒的他们,此生都没有翻身的机会了。 Even, can they live in Three Realms, is an issue that warrants consideration. 甚至于,他们能不能在三界之中活下来,都是一个值得思考的问题。 Was loathed by the land, the life is unable to visit the land, if such race can rise, that said other race is the waste? 被大地所厌恶,此生无法踏足大地,要是这样的种族都能崛起,那岂不是说别的种族都是废物? The Heavenly Dao, was too self-confident! 天道,太自信了! However, causes ten thousand years of ship carefully, if Heavenly Dao if there is subsequent hand who what It does not know? This has to guard! Must make a preparation. 不过,小心使得万年船,万一天道要是有什么祂不知道的后手呢?这不得不防!还是要多做点准备。 Everything must make the multiple preparations, this is the reason that Feng Zichen has not turned over is. 凡事都要做多重准备,这是风紫宸至今未曾翻车的原因所在。 Read and hence, Feng Zichen turned head god clan inconsiderately the people to not far away to say suddenly: Saw the Yuan demon clan that left a moment ago?” 念及至此,风紫宸突然扭头对不远处的不周神族的众人说道:“看到刚才离开的元魔族了吗?” In the god clan, the clansman of that first birth, hears the inquiry of Feng Zichen inconsiderately, goes forward hastily one step, respectful saluting said: start/open Bingfu the god, I and others saw.” 不周神族之中,那第一个诞生的族人,听到风紫宸的询问,连忙上前一步,恭敬的行礼道:“启禀父神,我等看到了。” Father god! 父神! Right, is the father god! 没错,就是父神! Although said, the god clan is the people creates inconsiderately with joint forces, but Feng Zichen actually left vigorously. And, without Feng Zichen extracts the Pangu bloodlines of Yuan clan within the body, will not have the birth of god clan inconsiderately, the people not meeting strength derives this clan. 虽然说,不周神族是众人合力创造的,但风紫宸却是在其中出了大力的。且,若是没有风紫宸抽出元族体内的盘古血脉,也不会有不周神族的诞生,众人也不会合力衍生这一族。 Therefore, said that is inconsiderately the god clan is, that Feng Zichen creates is an issue does not have. 为此,说是不周神族为风紫宸所创造的,那是一点问题也没有。 Also is therefore, the person of god clan, said inconsiderately a Feng Zichen father god, that is a completely fair matter, no one can pick up is not. 也是因此,不周神族的人,称风紫宸一声父神,那是完全合情合理的一件事,谁也挑不出不是来。 Had not denied that person of name, Feng Zichen nods, said: Sees well. You must remember, that is your natural enemies, is your inherent mortal enemies.” 没有否认那人的称呼,风紫宸点了点头,说道:“看到就好。你们要记住,那是你们的天敌,是你们与生俱来的死敌。” In the future will see, if capable of killing it, do not hesitate, cuts to kill it directly is. If no ability to kill it, that then walks around them, in order to avoid falls into their hands, living to might as well die.” “日后见了,若有能力杀之,不要犹豫,直接将其斩杀就是。若无能力杀之,那便绕着他们走吧,以免落入他们之手,生不如死。” These words that Feng Zichen spoke, are not saying things just to frighten people, is not flickering inconsiderately the god clan, but has the origin. 风紫宸说的这些话,可不是在危言耸听,也不是在忽悠不周神族,而是有根由的。 Two clans truly are the inborn mortal enemies. 两族确实是天生的死敌。 This point, a moment ago Feng Zichen, when calculated that Mount Buzhou cursed the effect on Yuan demon clan, surprise. The Yuan demon clan reduces and solves the method of Mount Buzhou curse, should unexpectedly on inconsiderately the body of god clan. 这一点,还是刚才风紫宸在推算不周山诅咒对元魔族的影响的时候,意外发现的。元魔族化解不周山诅咒的方法,竟是应在了不周神族的身上。 This is also two clans as the origin of mortal enemy. 这也是两族身为死敌的由来。 ...... …… ............ ………… The first person of that inconsiderately god clan, after hearing the commission of Feng Zichen, although puzzled its meaning, but is face respectful saying: Father god said that I and others remembered, decided does not dare to forget. In the future if met with the Yuan demon clan, will extinguish its vitality inevitably.” 那不周神族的第一人,在听得风紫宸的嘱托后,虽不解其意,但还是一脸恭敬的说道:“父神所言,我等记下了,定不敢忘。日后若与元魔族见面,势必灭其生机。” For fear that the god clan did not know inconsiderately weight, has not cared own words, Feng Zichen then also urged, said reason: You, although is different from that Yuan demon clan bloodlines, but actually with breeds for the Mount Buzhou ruins.” 生怕不周神族不晓得其中的轻重,没把自己的话放在心上,风紫宸遂又叮嘱道,说出了其中的缘由:“尔等虽与那元魔族血脉不同,但却同为不周山遗址所孕育。” Is only you and others had the Pangu bloodlines, then Mount Buzhou affection, resulted in Its blessings left by predecessors since birth.” “只是你等具有盘古血脉,生来便得不周山喜爱,得了祂的遗泽。” However the Yuan demon clan is different, carries them of chaos demon god bloodlines, since birth then not by Mount Buzhou happy, was cursed by Mount Buzhou, the life can not visit the land.” “而元魔族却不同,身负混沌魔神血脉的他们,生来便不被不周山所喜,被不周山诅咒,此生不得踏足大地。” „A Yuan demon springs up in a throng to be unlucky, should exterminate the clan, but the heaven has care for all living things, not only rescued their life, told them the means of reducing and solving Mount Buzhou curse.” “元魔族生而不祥,本该就此灭族,但上天有好生之德,不但救了他们一命,更是告诉了他们一个化解不周山诅咒的办法。” Said here, Feng Zichen looks at inconsiderately all clansmen of god clan, said: That means that are you. So long as swallowed your bloodlines, the Yuan demon clan then can have the remarkable transformation, thus reduces and solves the Mount Buzhou curse in within the body.” 说道这里,风紫宸看着不周神族的所有族人,说道:“那个办法,就是你们。只要吞噬了你们的血脉,元魔族便能发生惊人的蜕变,从而化解体内的不周山诅咒。” Therefore, you will see the Yuan demon clan from now on, if unable to cut to kill it, that then runs, many runs far. Otherwise, once falls into the hand of Yuan demon clan, you will live to might as well die.” “因此,今后你们见了元魔族,若是无法将其斩杀,那便跑吧,有多远跑多远。否则的话,一旦落入元魔族的手中,你们将会生不如死。” This is your inherent personal enemies, your two clans were then doomed unable to coexist inborn, can only live. Perhaps you, they.” “这是你们与生俱来的仇人,你二族天生便注定了不能共存,只能活下来一个。或是你们,或是他们。” These news, are Feng Zichen deduce, can determine real. Only can say, the Heavenly Dao will really play, can think of this method unexpectedly, birth true Yuan clan. 这些消息,都是风紫宸推演出来的,可以确定是真的。只能说,天道是真的会玩,竟然能想到这种方法,去诞生真正的元族。 The person of Yuan demon clan, if swallowed inconsiderately the bloodlines of god clan, lives in long of two clan, gives birth to the third eye, wasn't a Yuan clan? 元魔族的人,若是吞噬了不周神族的血脉,身居两族之长,生出第三只眼来,可不就是元族了吗? What a pity, the plan of Heavenly Dao, although is good, but actually by Feng Zichen looking through, was doomed to lose the effect. 可惜,天道的计划虽好,但是却被风紫宸给看破了,就注定失去了效果。 Also has not seen Feng Zichen to have what movement, an inexplicable strength, sends out from Its body, is at the direction that to well up toward the god clan of inconsiderately distant place. Quick, then submerges their within the body to vanish does not see. 也没见风紫宸有什么动作,一股莫名的力量,从祂的身上散发,向着远处的不周神族所在的方向涌去。很快的,便没入他们的体内消失不见。 Feng Zichen has not gotten up to what tricks, but got down a limit to the clansmen of god clan inconsiderately. 风紫宸也没做什么手脚,只是对不周神族的族人下了一个限制。 This limits anything not to affect them, but when they died starts, melts their flesh, enabling it to return to the world, does not leave a trace. 这限制什么也不会影响到他们,只是会在他们死亡的时候发动,化去他们的一身血肉,使其重归天地,不留一丝痕迹。 The Pangu descendant always so, died the later source to return to the world, this called to return to the arms of father god. 盘古后裔一向如此,死亡之后本源回归天地,这叫重回父神的怀抱。 This tradition, stems from witch clan, is one of the witch clan few moral excellence. 此传统,源于巫族,算是巫族为数不多的美德之一。 This is a very good tradition, Feng Zichen thinks that the god clan should learn from the witch clan inconsiderately, then after imitating witch clan dies , the return world, made a limit to them. 这是一个非常好的传统,风紫宸认为不周神族应该向巫族学习,遂模仿巫族死后回归天地,给他们做了一个限制。 Then, the plan of Heavenly Dao, naturally collapsed of itself. 如此一来,天道的计划,自然就不攻自破了。 Hehe, this time, Heavenly Dao all plans fails, 11 was reduced and solved by Feng Zichen. This and gambling of Heavenly Dao, was Feng Zichen exceeds after all, won Heavenly Dao one. 嘿嘿,这一次,天道的所有谋划都落了空,被风紫宸一一化解。这场与天道的博弈,终归是风紫宸技高一筹,赢了天道一手。 Hence later, Feng Zichen then had a new title...... to win day of son-in-law Feng Zichen! 至此之后,风紫宸便有了一个新的称号……胜天半子风紫宸 ...... …… ............ ………… Inconsiderately the person of god clan, after listening to the Feng Zichen words, the complexion all changed. This has a personal enemy to come baseless, trading to do is who will not be happy, let alone in newly-born god clan inconsiderately. 不周神族的人,在听了风紫宸的话后,脸色全都变了。这凭空多出一个仇人来,换做是谁也不会高兴,更别说是在刚出生的不周神族了。 Is old, the first person of that god clan, quick stabilized the mind inconsiderately, respectful thanked toward Feng Zichen: „The multi- Mr. Xie god directs, otherwise, I and others has not known oneself have become the straw to grasp in others eyes.” 到底是年龄大些,那不周神族的第一人,很快就稳定了心神,恭敬的朝风紫宸谢道:“多谢父神指点,不然的话,我等还不知自己已经成了别人眼中的救命稻草。” It seems like, my god clan, will fear from now on inconsiderately is unable with that Yuan demon clan coexistent world. In the future if seeks the opportunity, then lets this clan radical disappearance.” “看来,今后吾不周神族,怕是无法与那元魔族共存天地之间了。日后若是寻到机会,便让这一族彻底的消失吧。” First half a word was to Feng Zichen said that latter half a word was he himself is thinking at heart, has not said. 前半句是对风紫宸说的,后半句则是他自己在心里想的,并没有说出来。 However, although he has not opened the mouth, but Feng Zichen what kind of existence, through his look, then has only understood in his heart thinks. This is also one murders the man of decision, has the potential of King, should become inconsiderately the head of the clan of god clan. 不过,他虽未开口,但风紫宸何等的存在,仅是通过他的眼神,便已经明白了他心中所想。这也是一个杀伐果断的人,有着王者的潜质,合该成为不周神族的族长。 Read and hence, Feng Zichen said suddenly: I looked that you did not have the name, from now on you are then called not, Mount Buzhou not. This god clan, will then be wielded by you inconsiderately from now on.” 念及至此,风紫宸突然开口说道:“寡人看你还没有名字,今后你便叫做‘不’吧,不周山的不。这不周神族,今后便由你来执掌。” The name, kneels down and thank to say hastily: „Not Mr. Xie god bestows the name.” 不得了名字,连忙跪谢道:“不谢父神赐名。” Smiles, Feng Zichen will not first hold by the supernatural power, then in the god clan, the clansman of that second, third birth will choose inconsiderately, respectively bestows named week be it and mountain, making them assist not to manage inconsiderately the god clan. 笑了笑,风紫宸先是以法力将不扶了起来,接着又将不周神族之中,那第二、第三个诞生的族人挑选了出来,分别为其赐名为“周”与“山”,让他二人辅助不管理不周神族。 It is not Mount Buzhou, the week is not the week of Mount Buzhou, the mountain is the mountain of Mount Buzhou, Feng Zichen names enough may be really optional, makes use of local materials, pours also convenient. 不是不周山的不,周是不周山的周,山是不周山的山,风紫宸取名可真够随意的,就地取材,倒也省事。 But It also has oneself view, Mount Buzhou, polymorphism like a name, gives him three people the name, to commemorate Mount Buzhou. 但祂也有自己的说法,不周山嘛,多形象的一个名字,给他三人起这样的名字,正是为了纪念不周山。 ...... …… ............ ………… After three people take down the name, Feng Zichen to space one finger/refers, that as before float in best quality goods innate spirit treasure mountains and rivers seal of midair is taking off, handed not in the hand: 为三人取下名字之后,风紫宸对着天上一指,将那依旧悬浮在半空的极品先天灵宝山河印摘下,递到了不的手中: This is associated spirit treasure mountains and rivers seal of your clan, the might is quite good, today I then grant you it, looks at you to grasp this treasure, the peace of protection inconsiderately god clan.” “这是你族的伴生灵宝山河印,威力颇为不俗,今日寡人便将其赐予你,望你能手持此宝,守护不周神族的安宁。” Mountains and rivers great seal still, but the big being shattered lance actually, with disappearance of Yuan demon clan, it does not follow one and vanishes. Obviously, this was by the Yuan demon clan carrying off. 山河大印仍在,但大破灭矛却已经不在了,随着元魔族的消失,它也跟着一并消失了。显然,这是被元魔族给带走了。 Is inborn sacred beginning generation of Yuan, altogether associated two best quality goods innate spirit treasure. A best quality goods innate spirit treasure mountains and rivers seal that is Mount Buzhou breeds, represented Pangu of his within the body to inherit. 天生神圣初代元,一共伴生了两件极品先天灵宝。一件是不周山孕育的极品先天灵宝山河印,代表了他体内的盘古传承。 A best quality goods innate spirit treasure big being shattered lance that is the strength of chaos being shattered turns into, represented the chaos demon god in his within the body to inherit. 一件是混沌破灭之力化成的极品先天灵宝大破灭矛,代表了他体内的混沌魔神传承。 Now, initially the generation of Yuan bloodlines duplexes, accomplished two innate races respectively, two clan clans run innate spirit treasure, pours also appropriately. 如今,初代元的血脉双分,分别造就了两个先天种族,两族一族掌管一件先天灵宝,倒也合适。 ...... …… ............ ………… After completing all these, Feng Zichen also thought that did not feel relieved. After the matter, It discovered that oneself somewhat underestimated the Heavenly Dao, this was also one old compels Yin, was skilled to plan very much, was not careful, will then fall into Its planning. 做完这一切后,风紫宸还觉得不放心。经过刚才之事,祂发现自己有些小看天道了,这也是一个老阴逼,很精通谋算,一个不小心,便会落入祂的算计之中。 For against Heavenly Dao, must add an insurance again. 为防天道,还是要再加一层保险。 In the heart moves, Feng Zichen thought of a satisfying both sides idea. Sees It to refer to side purple slightly Great Emperor Daoist inconsiderately, said: Inconsiderately, you, and comes.” 心中一动,风紫宸想到了一个两全其美的主意。就见祂一指紫微大帝身边的不周道人,说道:“不周,你且过来。” hears word, the Daoist goes forward inconsiderately, respectful asking: What matter did teacher's younger brother ask me to tell?” 闻言,不周道人上前,恭敬的问道:“师叔叫我来有何事吩咐?” Feng Zichen smiles, a finger/refers of present god clan inconsiderately said: Now teacher's younger brother the ordinary affairs is encumbered, had no time to care about this clan actually, exactly, this clan also calculated some relations with you.” 风紫宸笑了笑,一指眼前的不周神族说道:“如今师叔俗事缠身,倒是无暇顾及这一族了,恰好,这一族与你也算有些关系。” Therefore, the teacher's younger brother entrusts this clan in you, making you teach them, how do you look?” “故此,师叔就将这一族托付于你,让你来教导他们,你看如何?” The Daoist listened to the Feng Zichen words inconsiderately, subconscious wants to reject. 不周道人听了风紫宸的话,下意识的就想拒绝。 ps: Today the double monthly tickets, ask the monthly ticket. ps:今天双倍月票,求月票。
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