The purpleslightlyGreat Emperorgoes forward, solitarilyhorizontallybetween the Heavenly DaoandFeng Zichen.
紫微大帝上前,只身横在天道与风紫宸中间。SeesItswhole bodyimposing mannerto surge, allobtained the resonancewiththatgreat antiquityworld and boundlessstarry sky, is enormous and powerful the infinitepressure.
就见祂周身气势涌动,与那洪荒天地、无垠星空皆是取得了共鸣,浩荡出无穷的威压。At this moment, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorhas the Panguprinciple of righteousness, even iffaces directly the Heavenly Dao, does not seeslightly the scared look.
此刻,紫微大帝身怀盘古大义,就算直面天道,也不见丝毫惧色。Was so threatened, the Heavenly Daonatureis angry, thatgathers the innatethunderabovevault of heaven, was more enormous more and powerful, fills the airto extinguish the world the pressure.
被人如此威胁,天道自然愤怒,那汇聚在天穹之上的先天雷霆,更为的浩荡了,弥漫出灭世的威压。ButpurpleslightlyGreat Emperormerit is too heavy, wasItsodespises the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Daoalso can only frightenIt12, actuallydoes not daretoitstruemaking a move.
但紫微大帝身上的功德太重,就是祂如此的藐视天道了,天道也就只能吓唬祂一二,却是不敢对其真正的出手。Looked atHeavenly Daoonelightly, seesmeaning that Ithas not acted, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorhas turned arounddirectly, turns away from the Heavenly Dao, the surfacein the Feng Zichendirection, completelydisregarded the threat of Heavenly Dao.
The soinvinciblestance, fallsto the eyes of people, alsobrought in a sound of holding breathcold air/Qi.
强无敌!Thisattitude, was simply invincible.
这态度,简直无敌了。Asked the currentgreat antiquity, whodaressoto despise the Heavenly Dao? Three Pure Onesdoes not dare, the WesterntwoSaintsdo not dare, onlyhaspurpleslightlyGreat Emperor, the sidedaresso.
The exclamation of people, has not affected the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorslightest, seesItto turn the head, after gazed ata whileYuanclangodembryosilently, suddenly, began.
众人的惊叹,并未影响到紫微大帝分毫,就见祂转过头来,默默的注视了一会儿元族神胎之后,突然,也动手了。Raisesslightly, purpleslightlyGreat Emperorboth handsemptyhug, immediately, inthatboundlessstarry sky, the moonSuntwobigsupremestars have the feeling, danglesastonishingstar light, wells uptoItsarms.
微微扬起头来,紫微大帝双手虚抱,顿时,那无垠星空之中,太阴太阳两大至尊星辰同时有感,垂下一股惊人的星光,向祂怀里涌来。Onlyis the twinkling, in the bosom of purpleslightlyGreat Emperor, thenappearedone after another shadow of livelihood, by the appearance of Yin-Yangprimal chaoschart, is rotatingunceasingly.
仅是瞬息,紫微大帝的怀中,便接连浮现了日月之影,以阴阳太极图的模样,不断的转动着。When the star lightaccumulates the limit, purpleslightlyGreat Emperorboth handsspread out, proceedto push, the strength of thatpowerfullivelihooddepartsfromItshanddirectly, enormous and powerfulcurlstoward the Yuanclangodembryo.
待星光积累到极限,紫微大帝双手摊开,往前一推,那强大的日月之力直接从祂手中飞出,浩浩荡荡的向着元族神胎卷去。„Accepts the Yin-Yang, transfers the universe, the livelihoodrotation......”
After promoting the strength of livelihood, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorhas not received the hand, butisboth handspaddlesagain and again, on the mouthalsomumbled.
推出日月之力后,紫微大帝并未收手,而是双手连连划动,嘴上也念念有词。WithItsmovement, thatlivelihoodprimal chaoschartclose to the instance of Yuanclangodembryo, dispersing, is changing to a giantYin-Yangprimal chaoschartsuddenly, coverstheseYuanclangodembryoscompletely.
The livelihoodprimal chaoschartrotatesslowly, the strength of surroundingworldseemsreceivedreceived and instructedgeneral, crazytowardherewells up, was built upto turn intostrength of the purestinnateYin-Yangby the primal chaoschart, poured into the Yuanclangodembryo.
日月太极图缓缓转动,周围的天地之力好似受到了接引一般,疯狂的朝这里涌来,被太极图炼化成最为纯粹的先天阴阳之力,灌入元族神胎之中。BecausethatoriginallyFeng Zichenpulls outto the Pangubloodlinesforcefully, butbecomesextremelyweakYuanclangodembryo, results in the strength of Yin-Yangto assist, itslifeauraunexpectedlyisstabilitygradually.
那本来因为风紫宸强行抽离盘古血脉,而变得极为虚弱的元族神胎,得阴阳之力相助,其生命气息竟是渐渐的稳定下来。Seizes the opportunity, the strengthagainstrongthreepoints on Feng Zichen, quickerpulling outleaves the Pangubloodlines in Yuanclangodcarcass of tire.
抓住机会,风紫宸手上的力量再强三分,更快的抽离元族神胎体内的盘古血脉。Buzzhumming sound......
嗡嗡嗡……In the tremor of Yuanclangodembryo, the purplegodblood, was drawnfromtheirbodiesbyFeng Zichenas can be seenleaves.
The purplegodblood, isPangu'sblood.
紫色神血,正是盘古之血。ThesePangu'sblood, the source of Yuanclangodembryo, is it can be said that extractedbyFeng Zichennowforcefully, ontheirbig of effectcan be imagined.
这些盘古之血,可以说是元族神胎的本源,如今被风紫宸强行抽出,对他们的影响之大可想而知。Thenhas the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorto maintaintheirvitalitiesby the strength of innateYin-Yang, presents the weakshapegradually.
轰隆隆!Was threatened the sensation the Yuanclanfatally, that sideHeavenly Daoalsoinhesitant, mustmake a moveto the purpleslightlyGreat Emperor. Here, the Mount Buzhouruinscould not have waited.
The bigbeing shatteredtidegushes outfully, takes away as many things as possibletowardFeng Zichen and purpleslightlyGreat Emperortwopeople.
“麻烦!”Knits the browsslightly, the Feng Zichenmindmoves, the humaneemperorimperial sealappears, changes to a phalanx of exceedingly highpenetratingplace, goestoward being disillusionedtidepoint that comesgreatly, scattersit.
微微皱眉,风紫宸心神一动,人道帝玺浮现,化作一根通天彻地的指骨,朝着那汹涌而来的大破灭潮汐点去,生生将其打散。Meanwhile, the strength of greatPangu, fills the airfrom the body of thisphalanx, the Mount Buzhouruinsalldiscontented, pressing.
同时,伟岸的盘古之力,从这指骨的身上弥漫开来,将不周山遗址的所有不满,都给压了下去。„Fivelines of strength, come!”
“五行之力,来!”Detected that the Yuanclangodembryois not steady, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorbeginsagain, firstisreceives and instructs the gold/metal, wood, water, fire and strength of earthfiveweekGodstar.
察觉到元族神胎不稳,紫微大帝再次动手,先是接引来金、木、水、火、土五颗周天主星的力量。Then, istowsfourandcancels the strength of Chen, fuses a bodywiththatfiveplanetlight, changes to the innatefivelines of strengthto lower.
接着,又是牵引四宿与勾陈之力,与那五行星光融合一体,化作先天五行之力降下。Fivelines of circulations, good fortunespontaneity. Thatinnatefivelines of strengtharrive, evolves the strength of fivelines of good fortune, floods into within the body of Yuanclangodembryo, stabilizestheirlife sources.
五行循环,造化自生。那先天五行之力一降临,就衍化成五行造化之力,涌入元族神胎的体内,稳定他们的生命本源。Meanwhile, in the hand of Feng Zichen, the magical powersagainchange, endlessrune/symbolwritinginterweaves, the holyraycirculation, strength of the puregood fortunefills the airfromItshand.
与此同时,风紫宸的手上,神通再变,无尽的符文交织,圣洁般的光芒流转,一股纯正的造化之力从祂手中弥漫开来。Thisis the part of great bear36bigmagical powers, unsurpassedbigmagical powersranked the first- mediationgood fortune! Alsowas the Nüwaempresswas usedto create the human clanmagical powersin the past.
这是天罡三十六大神通,排名第一的无上大神通-斡旋造化!也是女娲娘娘当年用来创造人族的神通。Today, Feng Zichendisplayedit, itsgoal, it goes without saying, mustcreate a brand-newraceto come outbythismagical powers.
The strength of good fortunesurges, spreadsfrom the hand of Feng Zichen, affectsinthatbyItpulls outfrom the Yuanclangodcarcassto the Pangubloodlines.
造化之力涌动,从风紫宸的手中扩散而出,作用在那被祂从元族神胎身上抽离的盘古血脉上。Right, Feng Zichenisto takethesePangubloodlinesas the basis, creates a brand-newraceto come out.
没错,风紫宸就是要以这些盘古血脉为根本,创造一个全新的种族出来。YuanclanPangubloodlines, come from Mount Buzhou. However, Mount Buzhouhas destroyed, even ifitsruinsresidualhas the Pangubloodlines, stillwithoutmanystrengths, thereforeitcanevolve the Yuan, is the limit.
The Daoistis inconsiderately different, although the Pangubloodlines of breedinginconsideratelyDaoistare not many, but the boundlessstarry skyincarnationPanguDeity, nourishesby the strength of Panguinhimday and night, making the Pangubloodlines of hiswithin the bodystrengthenday after day.
不周道人则不同,孕育不周道人的盘古血脉虽然不多,但无垠星空化身盘古神人,日夜以盘古之力滋养于他,使得他体内的盘古血脉日渐加强。Therefore, a Daoistbirth, wasPanguis inconsiderately legitimate.
为此,不周道人一出生,就是盘古正统。But the Yuandid not havethistreatment, hefromthat moment of breeding, the Pangubloodlines in bodythenunceasingwas weakenedby the chaosdemongodbloodlines.
而元就没这个待遇了,他从孕育的那一刻起,身体内的盘古血脉便不断的被混沌魔神血脉削弱。Whenheis born, Pangubloodlinescancompare favorablywith the innatebigwitchat most, actuallycannot compare the ancestorwitchabsolutely.
等他诞生的时候,一身盘古血脉顶多能与先天大巫媲美,却是万万比不得祖巫的。Afterward, threegenerations of Yuanfall from the sky, the bloodlinesdegeneratedagain, derive a Yuanclan. At this time, the Pangubloodlines of theirwithin the body, had been weakened an extremelylowdegree.
随后,三代元陨落,血脉再次退化,衍生出了元族。这个时候,他们体内的盘古血脉,已经被削弱到了一种极低的程度。Let alonecompared favorablywithwitchclan, canwith the human clanbranch, the witchpersoncompare, isverygood.
别说是与巫族相媲美了,能与人族的分支,巫人相比,已经算是很不错了。However, Feng ZichenbythesePangubloodlinescreationraces, is hopelesstheystrongly, itsprimary purpose, tospoil the plan of Heavenly Dao.
The Heavenly Daodo not derive the Yuanclan, comesto become the stumbling obstacle on human clanFazhan Road? Good, Feng Zichenbeganto divide a Yuanclandirectly, turned intotworacesit.
天道不是要衍生元族,来成为人族发展路上的绊脚石吗?那好,风紫宸直接动手分了元族,生生将其变成两个种族。CompletelybyPangubloodlinesleadershiprace, withonecompletelyraceled bychaosdemongodbloodlines.
一个完全以盘古血脉主导的种族,与一个完全以混沌魔神血脉为主导的种族。Then, the plan of Heavenly Daothencollapsed of itself.
如此一来,天道的计划便不攻自破了。Moreover, topreventtwoclanunions, lives the lower part of the bodyto have the Yuanclan of twoclanbloodlinesto come out, Feng Zichenalsoplansto instigate the relations of twoclans, makingtheirgenerationbe an enemy, does not diecontinuous.
而且,为了防止两族结合,生下身具两族血脉的元族出来,风紫宸还打算挑拨两族的关系,让他们世代为敌,不死不休。Is the Pangugoddepartment, is a chaosdemongoddepartment, thissimplyis the inbornpersonal enemy. Even, does not needinstigation of Feng Zichen, twoclanswill hit.
一个属于盘古神系,一个属于混沌魔神一系,这简直就是天生的仇人。甚至于,无需风紫宸的挑拨,两族就会打起来。Twoclans of being all connected, havesincethat moment of birth, is the enmity of life and death, isn't thisveryinteresting?
After twoclansare born, is only thinkinggets rid ofto cope, forms an alliancewithhuman clanalsowithout enough time, howalsoto chooseandhuman clanfor the enemy?
…………SeesFeng Zichento display the mediationgood fortune, the peopleunderstandimmediatelyItis havingwhatidea, feels the exclamationforItsidea.
看到风紫宸施展斡旋造化,众人立即就明白了祂在打什么主意,不由为祂的想法而感到惊叹。Just, thisideaisverygood, butwantsto achieveto fear that is notthateasy.
只不过,这个想法是很好,但想要做到怕不是那么容易的。Pangubloodlines, even ifwere weakenedinnumerabletimes, thatalsoquiteuncommon, Feng Zichenwantsto evolve the innatelifebythis, feared that is not that easymatter.
The strength of good fortunegushes outfrom the body of Feng Zichencrazily, allexertson the bodies of thesePangubloodlines, promotingthemto evolve, transformsto the life.
造化之力从风紫宸的身上疯狂涌出,悉数施加在那些盘古血脉的身上,推动着它们演变,向生灵转变。What a pity, the effectis notveryideal. Although the Pangubloodlinesare transforming, buteffectveryslow, Feng Zichentried hard the half of the day, madehimbe bornwisp of lifeaura, from the radicalevolution the life, thatalsomissedfar.
可惜,效果不是很理想。盘古血脉虽是在转变,但效果非常的慢,风紫宸努力了半天,也只是使其诞生了一缕生命气息,距离彻底的演变成生命,那还差得得远呢。Butat this time, the Heavenly Daoseesownplan fail, does not bear patiently, the directstimulation of movementextinguishes the worldgodthunderto gotoward the Feng Zichenbang.
而此时,天道见自己的计划失败,也不隐忍了,直接催动灭世神雷向着风紫宸轰去。Cannotattack the purpleslightlyGreat Emperor, does not representcannotattackFeng Zichen. Compared with the purpleslightlyGreat Emperor, Feng Zichenmerit, but alsomissed.
不能攻击紫微大帝,不代表不能攻击风紫宸。与紫微大帝相比,风紫宸身上的功德,还差了一些。Whenthis, Feng Zichenis stimulating to movement the unsurpassedbigmagical powersmediationgood fortunefull power, withoutmanyample forcesresists the Heavenly Daoactually the extinguishingworldgodthunder.
轰隆隆!Extinguishesunder the worldgodthunderbang, every strikes, is equivalent to the full power of beginning of the universeHeavenexpertto strike, the mightstrongfearfulness, sends out the terrifying the extinguishingworldto fluctuate.
The critical juncture, the Feng Zichenforehead, the main roadreveres the markto reappear, the boundlessplateancient roadprestigecomesenormously and powerful, weakeneddirectly the 50%strengths of extinguishing the worldgodthunder.
危急关头,风紫宸的眉心,大道尊印记浮现,磅礴的盘古道威浩荡开来,直接削弱了灭世神雷的50%力量。Meanwhile, the person the god of journeyslinkappears, weakenedagain20%prestigeenergies that extinguishes the worldgodthunder. Ten thousandspiritcrowns and humaneemperorimperial seals the bloomingray, sends out the astonishingstrengthsimultaneously, kept offrespectively10%might that extinguished the worldgodthunder.
与此同时,人道神环浮现,再次削弱了灭世神雷的20%威能。万灵冠与人道帝玺同时绽放光芒,散发出惊人的力量,分别挡下了灭世神雷的10%威力。Soputs together, thatextinguishes the worldgodthunder the mighttento go toitsnine, onlyby10%strengthbangon the body of Feng Zichen, the mightalso can only giveItflexureitchy.
如此加在一起,那灭世神雷的威力已经十去其九,仅以10%之力轰在风紫宸的身上,威力也就只能给祂挠个痒痒。However, the attack of Heavenly Daoduring the enhancement, Feng Zichenhas been ableunderat presentkeeping offeasily, butafter a period of time, Itwas not necessarily ableto block.
不过,天道的攻击一直都在增强之中,眼下风紫宸能轻易的挡下,可再过一段时间,祂就未必能挡住了。Bymusttry to find a solution, as soon as possibletransforms the life the Pangubloodlines.
是以,得想个办法,尽快的把盘古血脉转化成生灵。In the heartmyriadthoughtsappear together, quick, inFeng Zichenthenideaheart. SeesItseyeballonerevolution, suddenlytowardsurrounding the peopleshout: „Fellow Daoistalsoinwhat? Watches the funin the one side?”
心中万千念头齐齐浮现,很快的,风紫宸便计上心头。就见祂眼珠一转,猛然朝围观的众人喊道:“诸位道友还在等什么?就这么在一旁看热闹?”„Is difficultto be inadequate, savingme and purpleslightlyfellow daoistis one of the Pangugoddepartment, aren't you? If this is not the case, on this occasion some people myPangugodsinheritrandomly, how will yoube aloof?”
“难不成,救我与紫微道友是盘古神系的一员,你们都不是?若非如此,值此有人乱我盘古神系传承一事,你们岂会无动于衷?”„Fellow Daoist, a Yuanclanis born, mypurplehouseperson of matter, is not the important matter of influenceentirePangugoddepartment.”
“诸位道友,元族诞生,非我紫宸一人之事,乃是影响整个盘古神系的大事。”„Fathergodinherits, cannotbe chaotic!”
“父神传承,不能乱!”„Fathergodbloodlines, cannotbe deceived!”
“父神血脉,不容亵渎!”„So, inwhat?”
“如此,诸位还在等什么?”Thisis the plan that Feng Zichenfinds out, the idea of moralkidnapping.
这就是风紫宸想出的计划,道德绑架之计。Byhisstrength, is unable to expedite the Pangubloodlinesin a short time, thatgathers the strength of people, then, deciding to make the Pangubloodlinesevolve the lifeat the maximum speed.
以祂一人之力,无法在短时间内催生盘古血脉,那就合众人之力,如此一来,定能让盘古血脉以最快的速度演变成生灵。Howto persuade the peopleto act, thistoFeng Zichen, was not difficult. Because, the birth of Yuanclan, chaoticis not the human claninheritance, butis the inheritance of Pangugoddepartment.
The peopleon the scene, besidesreceiving and instructingraisecertainly, is one of the Pangugoddepartment, no oneis ableto stay outfromthis matter.
在场众人,除接引准提之外,皆是盘古神系的一员,谁都无法从此事之中置身事外。So long asFeng Zichenholds high the flag of Pangugoddepartment, the peoplearein the heartdo not hope, thatdoes not have tomake a move. Because, does not act, is denyingownfamily background, alienates oneselfin the Pangugoddepartment.
只要风紫宸高举盘古神系的大旗,众人就是心中不愿,那也不不得不出手。因为,不出手,就是在否定自己的出身,自绝于盘古神系。„WhatcancelledChenfellow daoist saying that fellow daoistdid not actat this time, whentreated?”
“勾陈道友说的是,诸位道友此时不出手,更待何时?”„The scavengingbrother, youforlong of PanguOrthodox school, the qualificationsare highest, why notto take the leadto take a stand?”
“太清道兄,你为盘古正宗之长,资历最高,何不带头表个态?”At this time, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperoralsoturned head, saidtowardtooclearsaint,compellingItto take a stand.
这时,紫微大帝也是扭头,朝太清圣人说道,逼祂表态。My goodness, oneperson of decorationtwocorner/horn, actuallyput uptooclearsaint and peoplein the fireroast, Feng Zichen is also enough.
……Was put upby the purpleslightlyGreat Emperor, tooclearsaintthinks that did not take a standis also difficult. First, ItisPanguOrthodox school, thisstatuscannotgive upabsolutely.
被紫微大帝架起来,太清圣人就是想不表态也难了。首先,祂是盘古正宗,这个身份绝对不能放弃。Next, It is also the Pangugodis, qualificationsoldestexistence, mustfor the benefit of Pangugoddepartmentconsidered, otherwise, Itspositiondefinitelywill be affected.
其次,祂也是盘古神系之中,资历最老的存在,须得为盘古神系的利益考虑,不然的话,祂的地位势必会受到影响。Readandhence, in the heart of tooclearsainthad the decision, listened toIt saying: „Cancelsright that Chenfellow daoist and purpleslightlyfellow daoist said that the bloodlines of fathergodcannotbe deceived, the peoplecollaboratewiththis poor Daoistin a big hurry , helping twofellow daoisthelping hand.”
念及至此,太清圣人的心中有了决定,就听祂说道:“勾陈道友与紫微道友说的对,父神的血脉不容亵渎,众人快快与贫道联手,来助二位道友一臂之力。”During the speeches, tooclearsaintoffers a sacrifice to the primal chaoschart, evolves the strength of innateprimal chaos, accelerates the evolution of Pangubloodlines.
说话间,太清圣人祭起太极图,衍化先天太极之力,加速盘古血脉的演变。Seestooclearsaintto act, the peopledo not hesitate, thenvariousshow/unfoldsmethodshelpsFeng Zichenandpurpleslightlyfellow daoist, derives the Pangubloodlines.
The peoplejointinstance, thatdispersedonegroup of Pangugodsis the destiny, concentratesdirectly, changes totogether the greatform, after behindpartly visible of people.
The strength that is above the imaginationerupts, will extinguish the worldgodthunderdestruction, thencastrated the bang that did not reduceon the body of Heavenly Dao, struck backItdirectly the Heavenly Daospace.
一股超乎想象的力量爆发,将灭世神雷覆灭,然后去势不减的轰在了天道的身上,直接将祂打回了天道空间。ButFeng Zichen, results inhelping of people, particularly the Nüwaempress and Mother Earthempress, these twogood fortuneonbigmastershelp one anothertogether.
而风紫宸这边,得众人之助,尤其是女娲娘娘与后土娘娘,这两个造化一道上的大宗师相助。Pangubloodlinesevolutionfast, a vitalityfills the air, quick, derived first deityembryo, was correspondingwith the Yuanclangodembryo.
那盘古血脉飞快的演变起来,道道生机弥漫,很快的,就衍生出了一枚枚先天神胎,与元族神胎相应对。Socrossed for hundredyears, twogodembryosvibrateunexpectedlysimultaneously, a richvitalityfills the airoutward.
如此又过了百年,两种神胎竟是同时震动起来,一股浓郁的生机向外弥漫。Kaka ka......
咔咔咔……Afterward, hears one soundto transmit, thesegodembryossplit, are borntwospecialinnateracesto come out.
The inbornthreepupils, the whole bodyinnatemiraculous glowcovers, understands at a glancefor the Pangubloodlinesderivation.
一个,天生三瞳,周身先天灵光笼罩,一看就知为盘古血脉衍生。Another, althoughis the human form, but the backactuallylives a pair of giantwing, the whole bodymalignant influenceswind around, lookedapparentlivesfor the chaosdemongodbloodlines.
轰隆隆!Alsowasat this time, thenby the Heavenly Dao of striking backHeavenly Daospace, was reappearedagain, dangled an inexplicablestrength, turned intotwo first deitymark, fellrespectivelytowardtwoclans.
也是这时,那被打回天道空间的天道,再次浮现,垂下一股莫名的力量,化成两道先天神纹,分别朝二族落去。Thisis the Heavenly Daois namingas the new student/liferace, fromPangulineage/vein, is called the Yuangodclan;Fromchaosdemongodlineage/vein, was called the Yuandemonclan. Very vividname, the originis clear.
这是天道在为新生的种族命名,源自盘古一脉的,被称为元神族;源自混沌魔神一脉的,被称之为元魔族。很形象的名字,来历一目了然。ButFeng Zichenis unsatisfied!
The race of Pangubloodlinesmetaplasia, createsforIt, why mustHeavenly Daomeddlesomelyforitsname?
那盘古血脉化生的种族,为祂所创,何须天道多事为其命名?Moreover, Itdoes not wantto letthisclan, with a Yuanclan that does not have, has the relations.
而且,祂也不想让这一族,与那根本就不存在的元族,扯上关系。PS: Asks the tomorrow'sguaranteeing a minimummonthly ticket.
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