GDSP :: Volume #9

#825: This wave, Heavenly Dao flamboyant( asked monthly ticket!)

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Chaos bead! 混沌珠! These pictures, come from the chaos bead unexpectedly. 这些画面,竟是来自混沌珠。 The humane emperor imperial seal refining up for the Pangu phalanx, will not use the air/Qi of chaos. Only has the chaos bead of humane emperor imperial seal core place, will use the air/Qi of chaos. 人道帝玺为盘古指骨所炼,根本不会动用混沌之气。唯有人道帝玺核心处的混沌珠,才会动用混沌之气。 Brushing...... 刷…… The picture like flashes through cursorily, clear reappearing in Feng Zichen at present. 画面如走马观花般闪过,清晰的浮现在了风紫宸的眼前。 That is...... 那是…… The seeing institute, making the brow of Feng Zichen not wrinkle voluntarily. He sees inborn three pupils, shoulders an unusual race of pair of innate wing, is erupting the war with human clan. 入目所及,让风紫宸的眉头不自觉的皱了起来。他看到一天生三瞳,背负一对先天羽翼的奇特种族,正在与人族爆发大战。 Feng Zichen recognized their origin, is a Yuan clan, Yuan after falling from the sky, innate race that metaplasia. Their appearances, with Yuan extremely similar. 风紫宸认出了他们的来历,是元族,元陨落后化生的先天种族。他们的模样,与元极为的相似。 However, god pupil that a Yuan forehead lives, for chaos god pupil. But god eyes that the Yuan clan clansman forehead lives, is actually first deity eye. 不过,元的眉心所生的神瞳,为混沌神瞳。而元族族人眉心所生的神眼,却是先天神眼。 That that behind the Yuan is born with wing, is the chaos wing. But the Yuan clan clansman back wing , is actually the innate wing. 元背后生就的那对羽翼,为混沌羽翼。而元族族人背后的羽翼,却是先天羽翼。 Chaos and innate disparity, although is inferior to the innate and day after tomorrow disparity, but was also big. Yuan clan that obviously, after the Yuan falls from the sky , the metaplasia, its bloodlines integrity degeneration a level. 混沌与先天的差距,虽不如先天与后天的差距,但也不小了。显然,元陨落后化生的元族,其血脉整体性的退化了一个层次。 But this, is not the key point of Feng Zichen attention. Yuan clan what kind of mystery , there is nothing to do with Feng Zichen, lets with emphasis is actually, did a Yuan clan that truly It pays attention why hit with human clan? 但这,并不是风紫宸关注的重点。元族如何的神奇,都与风紫宸无关,真正让祂关注的重点却是,元族为何与人族打了起来? In the heart has doubts, Feng Zichen continues to look downward. Then, then saw lets one that Its mind vibrates. 心中疑惑,风紫宸继续往下看去。接着,便看到了让祂心神震动的一幕。 Big Luo Daozun of Yuan clans goes out from void, revered the fight with the human clan say/way in one. 一尊尊元族的大罗道尊从虚空之中走出,与人族道尊战斗在了一起。 both sides the chaos beyond the day fight, the terrifying magical powers complementary waves erupt, hits seethes the air/Qi of chaos, chaos tide that raises an intermittent terrifying. 双方在天外混沌交手,恐怖的神通余波爆发,将混沌之气打得翻腾不已,掀起一阵阵恐怖的混沌潮汐。 Meanwhile, with the both sides big war, human clan destiny fierce is rocking, feeling that the quite one building will lean. 同时,随着双方大的大战,人族气运更是剧烈的晃动着,颇有一种大厦将倾的感觉。 Is this Yuan clan is crusading against human clan? 这是元族在讨伐人族 Faint, Feng Zichen seemed understood anything. These pictures, from the future, by chaos bead shining. 隐隐的,风紫宸好似明白了些什么。这些画面,都是源自于未来,被混沌珠给映照了出来。 Chaos bead, space and time together on strongest most precious object, outside the big chaos, are the great antiquity world, not compared with It stronger space and time most precious object, under genuine main road, space and time first. 混沌珠,时空一道上的最强至宝,无论是界外大混沌,还是洪荒天地,都没有比祂更强的时空至宝了,真正的大道之下,时空第一。 But the chaos bead, is the human clan town/subdues clan most precious object. 而混沌珠,正是人族的镇族至宝。 The birth of Yuan clan, let the chaos bead sensation to the threat, therefore, It revolved spontaneously, from that endless future, inquired about that this wiped the origin of threat. 元族的诞生,让混沌珠感知到了威胁,故而,祂自发的运转起来,从那无尽的未来之中,探寻这抹威胁的由来。 Then, It then from the innumerable possibilities, saw human clan by the possibility of Yuan clan punitive expedition, then projected it, melts obviously in Feng Zichen at present. 接着,祂便从无数的可能之中,看到了人族被元族讨伐的可能,遂将其投影了出来,显化在风紫宸眼前。 As the space and time together on most precious object, the projection in the future that was the simple matter, chaos bead easily can achieve, and will not make anybody discover. 作为时空一道上的至宝,投影未来那是再简单不过的事了,混沌珠轻易的就能做到,且不会让任何人发现。 Moreover, here must say one, the chaos bead feared that is in the great antiquity world, can only come and go out the treasure of space and time river freely. 另外,这里要说一句,混沌珠怕是洪荒天地之中,唯一一件可以自由出入时空长河的宝物了。 Before, Feng Zichen had not detected, may wait for It to break through the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, continued to explore other chaos bead fragments, the preparation thoroughly restored the chaos bead the time, actually discovered, his possibly has not for fear that restored the chaos bead. 以前,风紫宸尚未察觉,可等祂突破成混元大罗金仙,继续探索其余混沌珠碎片,准备彻底恢复混沌珠的时候,却是发现,祂此生怕是没有可能恢复混沌珠了。 Because, the chaos bead is biggest some most that sources, was used to derive the space and time river by Pangu unexpectedly. In other words, only if Feng Zichen can destroy the space and time river, otherwise, It breaks the no restore chaos bead the possibility. 因为,混沌珠最大最多的那部分本源,竟是被盘古用来衍生时空长河了。也就是说,除非风紫宸能够毁灭时空长河,否则的话,祂断无修复混沌珠的可能。 After discovering this point, Feng Zichen also on certainly the thoughts of restoring the chaos bead. 发现这一点之后,风紫宸也就绝了恢复混沌珠的心思。 The destruction space and time river, do not crack a joke, not to mention It does not have this skill. Even if there are, It does not dare to start. When really Pangu did die inadequately? 毁灭时空长河,别开玩笑了,且不说祂没有这个本事。就算有,祂也不敢下手。真当盘古死了不成? If It dares to begin, in the end of space and time river, has the radiant axe light to divide probably together, delivers It to see the chaos demon god. 祂要是敢动手,保不齐在时空长河的尽头,就有一道璀璨的斧光劈下来,送祂去见混沌魔神。 However, although is unable to restore the chaos bead, but also made Feng Zichen discover through this matter, the use chaos bead with the resonance of its source, can cause in its free difference space and time river. 不过,虽是无法恢复混沌珠,但通过此事也让风紫宸发现了,利用混沌珠与其本源的共鸣,可以使其自由的出入时空长河之中。 This discovery, consoled the Feng Zichen injured mind actually, has the harvest always to compare not to harvest. 这个发现,倒是慰藉了风紫宸受伤的心灵,有收获总比没收获好。 ...... …… ............ ………… „Really is a Yuan clan, interesting?” “元族,真是有趣?” Knows in the sea, the fifty uncanny prediction is revolving crazily, quick, Feng Zichen thought through all reasons. 识海之中,大衍神算疯狂的运转着,很快的,风紫宸就想通了其中的一切缘由。 The Yuan birth, is Heavenly Dao one facilitates unexpectedly , a Yuan emergence, can hide the truth from the sensation of people no wonder, has the Heavenly Dao to act, the people are naturally hard to detect about Yuan all. 元的诞生,竟是天道一手促成的,也难怪元的出现,能够瞒过众人的感知了,有天道出手,众人自然难以察觉到关于元的一切。 But the goal that the Heavenly Dao does that pours also simply, to press on the birth of Yuan clan. Subsequently through the hand of Yuan clan, contains momentum of human clan development. 而天道这么做的目的,倒也简单,就是为了促就元族的诞生。继而通过元族之手,来遏制人族发展的势头。 human clan development was extremely rapid, not only makes saint anxious, the Heavenly Dao also followed to dread. 人族发展的太过迅速了,不仅让圣人紧张,就连天道也跟着忌惮起来了。 The Heavenly Dao, attaches great importance is balanced. When It discovered that human clan did not have the natural enemy, the strength to start the fantastic expansion, upset the balance gradually, should find the way to keep in balance human clan. 天道,最重视的就是平衡。当祂发现人族没有了天敌,力量开始疯狂的扩张,渐渐打破平衡的时候,就该想办法制衡人族了。 But a Yuan clan, is the means that the Heavenly Dao thinks. 而元族,就是天道想到的办法。 Special innate race that carries the Pangu god is with the chaos god is two big bloodlines, and innate race of Three Realms first birth, a Yuan clan is special, lives then to have the big destiny. 一个身负盘古神系与混沌神系两大血脉的特殊先天种族,且还是三界第一个诞生的先天种族,元族是特殊的,也是生而便有大气运的。 In the Three Realms time, results in a Yuan clan that Three Realms destiny in addition holds, will certainly welcome opportunity energetically. But the plan of Heavenly Dao is, performs the maximum effort, supports the Yuan clan, expands them. 三界时代,得三界气运加持的元族,必将迎来大兴之机。而天道的打算就是,尽自己最大努力的,去扶持元族,壮大他们。 The Heavenly Dao has not been thinking makes the Yuan clan surpass human clan, that is not realistic, is impossible, Its goal is very simple, wants through the strong Great Yuan Clan, to slow down the footsteps of human clan development. 天道也没想着让元族超过人族,那不现实,也不可能,祂的目的很简单,就是想通过壮大元族,来减缓人族发展的脚步。 human clan development was too quick, should stop to rest appropriately, but human clan is diligent, is not willing to stop to rest, unavoidablily, the Heavenly Dao has to start personally, lets human clan rest. 人族发展的太快了,应该适当的停下来歇一歇了,可人族勤奋,不愿意停下来歇一歇,不得已,天道只好亲自下手,来让人族歇一歇。 As for picture that Feng Zichen saw a moment ago, a Yuan clan attacks human clan, shook the human clan destiny, that will not be the true future. 至于风紫宸刚才所看到的画面,元族攻打人族,生生撼动了人族的气运,那并不是真正的未来。 During that innumerable future, the human clan situation is worst, one that also most is hard to have. 只是那无数中未来之中,人族局势最为恶劣,也最难以发生的一种。 The chaos bead possibly chooses specially this, is feared that Feng Zichen too does not take seriously the Yuan clan. Therefore, It projects worst one, good to bring to the attention of Feng Zichen by this. 混沌珠特意将这个可能挑选出来,就是怕风紫宸不太重视元族。故此,祂就把最恶劣的一幕投影出来,好以此来引起风紫宸的重视。 The chaos bead, having no qualms is the human clan town/subdues clan most precious object, is human clan considered everywhere, even this small detail noticed , has a mind. 混沌珠,无愧是人族镇族至宝,处处为人族考虑,连这点小细节都注意到了,也算是有心了。 Since human clan development, the foundation is solid enough, is next to the witch monster two clans of peak, if by a small Yuan clan, including first deity demon no Yuan clan, throwing off, that is the great antiquity biggest joke. 人族发展至今,底蕴已经足够深厚了,仅次于巅峰时期的巫妖二族,要是被小小的一个元族,连先天神魔都没有的元族,给掀翻了,那才是洪荒最大的笑话。 Let alone Feng Zichen cannot think, is the Heavenly Dao has not thought. Otherwise, It creates the goal of Yuan clan, to not let it kept in balance human clan. 别说风紫宸不敢这么想,就是天道也没这么想过。不然的话,祂创造元族的目的,也不是为了让其制衡人族了。 Yuan clan, but the Heavenly Dao is used to hinder the stumbling obstacle of human clan development, the human clan true opponent, is the monster clan. A julid wriggles even after being cut dead. The key point of Heavenly Dao, is on the body of monster clan. 元族,只是天道用来阻碍人族发展的绊脚石,人族真正的对手,还是妖族。百足之虫,死而不僵。天道的重点,还是在妖族的身上。 It plans to train the monster clan, copes with human clan with them. So-called Yuan clan, but for the king forerunner, is used to give the monster clan to win the growth time the tool. 祂打算重新培养妖族,用他们来对付人族。所谓元族,不过是为王前驱,用来给妖族争取发育时间的工具罢了。 ...... …… ............ ………… After thinking through all these, Feng Zichen is sighing at heart: „The Heavenly Dao worthily is the Heavenly Dao, in the end, I underestimated It.” 想通了这一切之后,风紫宸不由在心里感叹道:“天道不愧是天道,到头来,我还是小看祂了。” Said, Heavenly Dao wave of operation, was really the show to Feng Zichen, making It know, who was the great antiquity true eldest child. 讲真的,天道这波操作,真的是秀到了风紫宸,让祂重新知道,谁才是洪荒真正的老大。 This wave, the Heavenly Dao sentenced the people ahead of time in advance all sentences in advance. It calculated, the people will not let the Yuan birth, decides will find the way to cut to kill it. Therefore, the Heavenly Dao felt relieved that bred Yuan this boldly specially, first deity demon that is doomed to die. 这一波,天道提前预判了众人所有的预判。祂算准了,众人不会让元诞生,定会想办法将其斩杀。所以,天道就放心大胆的孕育了元这个特殊的,也注定会死的先天神魔。 All actions of people, in planning of Heavenly Dao. Even, robbed the first life matter continually, the Heavenly Dao sentences ahead of time in advance. 众人的一切行动,都在天道的算计之中。甚至于,连抢夺第一生灵这件事,天道都提前预判到了。 At this time, Feng Zichen somewhat regretted, if we had known the plan of Heavenly Dao, It should not make the Daoist struggle this on the same day inconsiderately first. 这时候,风紫宸不免有些后悔,早知道天道的计划,祂当日就不该让不周道人去争这个第一。 If the Yuan has the destiny of first life to add the body, could not say that he passed today's death tribulation, real birth. 倘若元有着第一生灵的气运加身,说不得他就度过了今日的死劫,真正的诞生出来。 In that case, matter was simpler, a person always compared one group of people quite to cope. 那样的话,事情就简单多了,一个人总比一群人好对付。 The Yuan is no doubt nasty, but Feng Zichen has Daoist inconsiderately, can suppress its life self-confidently. But a Yuan clan, pressing a clan may a unit pressure person be more difficult. 元固然难以对付,但风紫宸有不周道人,自信可以压制其一生。但元族,压一族可比压一人难多了。 The Heavenly Dao may really create a Gordian knot to Feng Zichen, if really let the plan success of Heavenly Dao, that human clan was passive. 天道可真会给风紫宸出难题,若真的让天道的计划成功了,那人族就被动了。 Only pitifully, the plan of Heavenly Dao, although is perfect, but It leaks considers as finished. It has not expected, the body of Feng Zichen actually has the space and time most precious object chaos bead. 只可惜,天道的计划虽然完美,但祂还是漏算了。祂没有料到,风紫宸的身上竟然有着时空至宝混沌珠。 The Heavenly Dao that may be called the perfect plan, was ascertained by the chaos bead accidentally/surprisingly, thus made Feng Zichen detect the flaw. 天道那堪称完美的计划,被混沌珠意外窥破,从而让风紫宸察觉到了破绽。 Nowadays, a Yuan clan has not been born, in other words the plan of Heavenly Dao has not succeeded, this gave the Feng Zichen enormous operating space. 现如今,元族还未诞生,也就是说天道的计划还没有成功,这就给了风紫宸极大的操作空间。 Has a thought reads falls, in the heart of Feng Zichen, then has the idea of destruction Heavenly Dao plan. 念起念落间,风紫宸的心中,便已经有了破坏天道计划的主意。 The Heavenly Dao does not want to make the Yuan clan be born, keeps in balance the development of human clan? That Feng Zichen does not make It pleasant, It must prevent the birth of Yuan clan, destroys the plan of Heavenly Dao. 天道不是想让元族诞生,来制衡人族的发展吗?那风紫宸偏偏不让祂如意,祂要阻止元族的诞生,来破坏天道的计划。 This said actually not, Feng Zichen must make a move to write off the Yuan clan, this means were too coarse, was too cruel, does not conform to Its character. 这倒不是说,风紫宸要出手抹杀元族,这办法太糙了,也太残暴了,不符合祂的性格。 Moreover, by doing so, the price was also too big. 而且,这样做,代价也太大了。 Writes off innate race that was just born, and receives the Mount Buzhou blessings left by predecessors the innate race. 抹杀一个刚刚诞生的先天种族,且还是秉承不周山遗泽的先天种族。 If Feng Zichen really dares to do this, It feared that must welcome the Mount Buzhou final anger. The strength of terrifying backlash, perhaps could not kill It, but will not make It feel better absolutely, wanted Its half life to be light. 风紫宸要是真的敢这样做了,那祂怕是要迎来不周山最后的怒火。恐怖的反噬之力,或许杀不了祂,但绝对不会让祂好过,要祂半条命都是轻的。 Feng Zichen is proud again, will not feel, oneself destiny, can Mount Buzhou on is higher, can no injure has shouldered Its backlash. 风紫宸再自负,也不会觉得,自己身上的气运,能比不周山身上的还要高,可以无伤的扛过祂的反噬。 Therefore, writes off the Yuan clan, Feng Zichen is not. Does not need to write off the Yuan clan, because of Feng Zichen at heart, has the means of better tackled Yuan clan. 故此,抹杀元族,风紫宸不为也。也无需抹杀元族,因为风紫宸的心里,有着更好的对付元族的办法。 ...... …… Recovers from the ponder, Feng Zichen( cancels Chen) to take suddenly forward one step, complexion ice-cold saying: Pangu bloodlines, supreme, cannot be deceived decisively, is the Heavenly Dao makes the hand, that is not good.” 从沉思之中回过神来,风紫宸(勾陈)猛然向前迈出一步,脸色冰冷的说道:“盘古血脉,至高无上,断然不容亵渎,便是天道做手,那也不行。” During the speeches, sees Feng Zichen to spread out both hands, within the body supernatural power surges, performs the strength of Namibian world eight side, changes to the purest innate source, takes away as many things as possible in the direction that the Yuan clan is born. 说话间,就见风紫宸摊开双手,体内法力涌动,尽纳天地八方之力,化作最为纯粹的先天本源,向着元族诞生的方向席卷而去。 Turning the strength of the world into the source, is the method of beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal! 化天地之力为本源,正是混元大罗金仙的手段! Rumble! 轰隆隆! The strength of the world source comes enormously and powerful, the world vitality of that breeding Yuan clan was attacked, immediately sharp shake. 天地本源之力浩荡开来,那孕育元族的天地元气受到冲击,顿时剧烈的震荡起来。 !! 咔嚓!咔嚓! Affected by this, had the god embryo of part Yuan clan to present the crack, might split general. 受此影响,有部分元族的神胎出现了裂纹,像是要裂开一般。 Bang...... 轰隆…… The Heavenly Dao is furious, the infinite innate thunder fills the air ; The Mount Buzhou ruins are also inspiring the anger, spreads the intense bellow, is correct strength of spout the big being shattered, resembling to destroy the world to be the same. 天道在震怒,无穷的先天雷霆弥漫;不周山遗址也在振怒,传出激烈的轰鸣声,有道道大破灭之力喷涌,似要毁灭天地一般。 These scenes, come in view of Feng Zichen, in warning It, stops the movement in hand immediately, do not act to the Yuan clan again. 这些景象,都是针对风紫宸而来,在警告祂,立即停下手中的动作,不要再对元族出手。 But facing two's threat, Feng Zichen remains unmoved completely, the transformed world source that sticks to one's own way of doing things as before, wells up toward the place that the Yuan clan is born. 但面对二者的威胁,风紫宸完全不为所动,依旧我行我素的转化天地本源,向着元族诞生的地方涌去。 !...... 咔嚓!咔嚓…… The distant place transmits the sound was stormier, many Yuan clan god embryo disruption, but it has not therefore fallen from the sky, but becomes weak. 远方传来的咔嚓声更密集了,更多的元族神胎碎裂,但其并未因此陨落,只是变得虚弱而已。 Therefore, Heavenly Dao and Mount Buzhou ruins, although is angry, but does not have really to act to Feng Zichen, is only in the unceasing enhancement strength, good to give Feng Zichen to bring the pressure by this. 故此,天道与不周山遗址虽然愤怒,但也没有真的对风紫宸出手,只是在不断的加强力量,好以此来给风紫宸施加压力。 Jokes aside, the Heavenly Dao and Mount Buzhou ruins also feared that they feared Feng Zichen had not extinguished kills the meaning of Yuan clan, but is beginning to weaken the source of Yuan clan, or the birth of delay Yuan clan. 说真的,天道与不周山遗址也怕啊,祂们怕风紫宸本来没有灭杀元族的意思,只是在动手削弱元族的本源,或是延迟元族的诞生。 May make a move to Feng Zichen with them, instead stimulated Its reverse psychology, forcing It to be determined to act to the Yuan clan. 可随着祂们对风紫宸出手,反而激发了祂的逆反心理,迫使祂下定决心对元族出手。 Therefore, the Heavenly Dao and Mount Buzhou ruins do not dare to act to Feng Zichen. 故而,天道与不周山遗址不敢对风紫宸出手。 But others, all puzzled looks at present one, does not know that the Feng Zichen round of anything insanity, how started to the Yuan clan suddenly. 而余下的众人,皆是不解的看着眼前的一幕,不知道风紫宸发什么疯,怎么就突然对元族下手了。 Boundary highest too clear saint, sees the Feng Zichen action actually, in the heart has clearly to become aware faintly, knits the brows to ponder. 倒是境界最高的太清圣人,看到风紫宸的举动,心中隐隐有所明悟,皱眉沉思起来。 ...... …… Some moment, on all Yuan clan god carcasses, presents the crack time, Feng Zichen also thought that the crucial moment was similar, then takes back the strength, not in transformed world source. 某一刻,当所有的元族神胎身上,都出现裂纹的时候,风紫宸也觉得火候差不多了,遂收回力量,不在转化天地本源。 But displays the magical powers, tows world source that oneself transform, on the cracks following these Yuan clan god carcasses, wells up to inside life. 而是施展神通,牵引自己转化来的天地本源,顺着那些元族神胎身上的裂纹,向里面的生灵涌去。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… After absorbing the world source, in the god embryo to become the weak incomparable Yuan clan life, the body emerges the powerful vitality suddenly. The source has been strengthened, they were without doubt stronger. 吸收了天地本源之后,那神胎里面本以变得虚弱无比的元族生灵,身上骤然涌现出强大的生机。本源得到加强,他们无疑更强了。 Un???” “嗯???” Feng Zichen this strange action, looks surrounds the people to have doubts. What is this doing? Do not act to the Yuan clan? How to turn suddenly strengthens the source of Yuan clan? 风紫宸这诡异的举动,看得围观众人疑惑不已。这又是在搞什么吗?不是要对元族出手吗?怎么突然变成加强元族的本源了? This is must help Yuan clan helping hand, quite makes him be born with a stronger stance? 这是要助元族一臂之力,好让其以更强的姿态诞生吗? This is......” “这是……” Unlike the doubts of people, Nüwa empress and Mother Earth empress after seeing the Feng Zichen action, all thinks a possibility, the color also becomes strange. 与众人的疑惑不同,女娲娘娘与后土娘娘在看到风紫宸的举动后,皆是想到了一个可能,颜色随之变得古怪起来。 Pulls out!” “抽!” When all world sources, after were absorbed by the Yuan clan life, the Feng Zichen magical powers again change, takes these world sources as to direct unexpectedly, pulls out to the Pangu bloodlines of Yuan clan within the body forcefully! 当所有的天地本源,都被元族生灵吸收之后,风紫宸的神通再变,竟是以这些天地本源为引,强行抽离元族体内的盘古血脉! Hiss!” “嘶!” Sees this, the people all held breath a cold air/Qi, originally the Pangu bloodlines cannot be deceived are this meaning, pulls out to the Pangu bloodlines directly forcefully. 看到这一幕,众人皆是倒吸了一口冷气,原来盘古血脉不容亵渎是这个意思啊,直接强行抽离盘古血脉。 Vented spleen venting, but can the Heavenly Dao permit? 解气是解气了,但天道能允许吗? Bang! 轰! The next quarter, the Heavenly Dao is furious, melts personally obviously, a purple vertical pupil appears, is staring at Feng Zichen that coldly. 下一刻,天道震怒,亲自显化出来,一枚紫色的竖瞳浮现,冷冷的盯着风紫宸 „The Heavenly Dao, you crossed.” “天道,你过了。” Blasphemed the Pangu bloodlines, then with my Pangu lineage/vein was an enemy, even if you were the Heavenly Dao, could not withstand this price!” “亵渎盘古血脉,便是与我盘古一脉为敌,纵使你是天道,也承受不了这个代价!” ps: The brothers, asked the monthly ticket! ps:兄弟们,求月票啊! In the monthly ticket list, this book according to was rubbed on the ground by the new book unexpectedly, hateful, does not know that is this/should happy, is this/should sad. 月票榜上,本书竟然被新书按在地上摩擦了,可恶啊,不知道是该高兴,还是该伤心。 At the end of the month, threw the street to have a meager desire, wants 2000 monthly tickets, can satisfy me? 月底了,扑街有个微薄的愿望,想要两千张月票,能满足我吗?
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