The lance and innatethundercollideintogether, the strength of bigbeing shatteredsurges, veryeasilyrumbled the innatethunder the fragment.
The instance that butis shatteredat the innatethunder, severalenormous and powerfulSaintprestigearrive, ground the strength of thatbigbeing shattereddirectly, at an extremelyquickspeed, the Yuanwill cover.
可就在先天雷霆破灭的瞬间,数股浩荡的圣威降临,直接碾碎了那股大破灭之力,以一种极快的速度,将元笼罩。Has not sent out the pitiful yellwith enough time, in the silence, a Yuanbodystartsto disintegrate, changes to the purestworldvitalityto scatter in all directions.
未来得及发出惨叫,于无声无息间,元的身体开始解体,化作最为纯粹的天地元气四散开来。Meanwhile, hisfirstnaivespiritalsoatshatter, brokento becomechose/pointbrillianceescape.
The Yuan, fell from the sky!
元,陨落了!Non-diesof the daytribulation, butdiestribulations, was collaborated the bangto killbyFeng Zichen, Three Pure Onesand otherPanguauthentic.
非是死于天劫,而是死于人劫,被风紫宸、三清等盘古正宗联手轰杀。Un, is very miserable, is very flamboyant.
嗯,很惨,也很牛逼。Looks over the great antiquityhistory, cancauseFeng Zichen, Three Pure Onesand otherPanguauthentic the person who collaborates the bangto kill, Yuan.
纵观洪荒历史,能使得风紫宸、三清等盘古正宗联手轰杀的人,也就元一个。This is also a glory.
这也是一种荣耀。Ifpasses on, will carryabove the great antiquityannalsinevitably!
若是传出去,势必会载于洪荒史册之上!Thisglory, the Yuanwill definitely not likeand that's the end. However, nowdoes not have the Yuanopens the mouthopportunity.
只是,这个荣耀,元肯定不会喜欢就是了。不过,如今也没元开口的机会了。Has not becomegreatlyLuoDaozunboundaryhim, diedreallydied, was collaborated the bangto killby the people, breaks no possibility of resurrecting.
The Yuan, ispast tense!
元,已经是过去式了!Feared that ishewill set a recordshort-lived, the great antiquityinnatesacred, was just born, died.
…………Saw the Yuanreally dead, the peoplecoldexpression of receivedslowly, thentook back the strengthrespectively, the strength of bloodlinesthenextractsfromYuanwithin the body, obliteratedby the unsurpassedsupernatural power.
见元真的死了,众人冷冽的表情缓缓收了起来,遂各自收回力量,将那从元体内抽出的血脉之力,以无上法力磨灭。Thisbloodlineshad been blasphemed, the peoplewill certainly not take back the bodyit, not possible, whateveritpreservesin the outside world, therefore, destroyingitis the bestchoice.
After completingall these, makesfor this reasonoldestPanguOrthodox school, tooclearsaintthinks,mustopen the mouthto make a conclusionforthis matter: „Fellow Daoist, blasphemedfathergodbloodlines dead, I......”
做完这一切之后,作为此地最为年长的盘古正宗,太清圣人想了想,就要开口为此事做个定论:“诸位道友,亵渎父神血脉者已死,吾……”At this moment, Feng Zichenhas a sleep/felt, suddenlyfrowns, Itthought that mattersomeare not right.
The Yuandied, Itnot onlydoes not have anyrelaxed thought that insteadraided a biggershadow, seemedhaswhat not goodmatter, is goingto happen general.
元死了,祂心里非但没有任何轻松的念头,反而袭上了一层更大的阴影,就好似有什么不好的事,将要发生一般。Meanwhile, Feng Zichenalsonotices, after the Yuanfalls from the sky, onhimthatinherits the Mount Buzhoublessings left by predecessorsstrength, has not dissipated, withoutrushing toinconsideratelyDaoist, butstayed in same place, whatis waiting for?
同时,风紫宸也注意到,元陨落之后,他身上那继承自不周山遗泽的力量,并未消散,也没有涌向不周道人,而是停留在了原地,是在等待着什么?Rare, hasn't the Yuanfallen from the sky?
难得,元没有陨落?Thisis impossible, the peoplemake a movetogether, is the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal must fall from the sky, let alonewas the Yuanthisachievementsay/wayhas not revered the boundaryDaoist deity, killinghimwas easy as pie, brokethere is no vitality.
这不可能,众人一同出手,便是混元大罗金仙也要陨落,就更别说是元这样还未成就道尊境界的道君了,杀他易如反掌,断无任何生机可言。Is the Yuan is very special , is the same, hedefinitelydied, is impossiblealsoto live. Butpresentunusuality, is a matter?
就是元很特殊,也是一样,他肯定是死了,不可能还活着。可眼下的异常,又是怎么一回事?In the heartbegins to have suspicions, Feng Zichenthenlookstoward the Yuanfalling from the skyplace, then, Itdiscoveredstrangeone. Sees, mountains and riversgreat sealandbigbeing shatteredlancefloatinin the airmotionless, the whole bodyis enormous and powerfulto say the rhymelayer upon layer.
心中起疑,风紫宸遂朝着元陨落的地方看去,接着,祂又发现了奇怪的一幕。就看到,山河大印与大破灭矛悬浮在空中一动不动,周身浩荡出层层道韵。Butin the sides of thesetwomagic weapons, then the worldvitality of after is the Yuandies, changes.
而在这两件法宝的身旁,则是元死后化作的天地元气。Theyhave not diverged, integratein the world, butwas suppressedbythesetwomagic weapons, in same placedepressed.
它们并未散去,融入天地之中,而是被这两件法宝镇压了下来,在原地郁结。Continuesto look,thensees, inthatgroup of the world vitalities, a littleselects the brillianceups and downs, sent outis flashing on and offuncertainlight.
继续看去,便看到,那团天地元气之中,有点点光辉沉浮,散发着明灭不定的道光。Thatis the Yuanshatter the naivespiritfragment, theyhave not first dissipated, re-enter the world, but the worldvitality of continuesafter the Yuandieschanges, tightpesterstogether.
“这是……”In the heartbegins to have suspicions, Feng Zichenspoketo interrupttooclearsaintwords: „Wait, fellow daoistlookedquickly, the situationchanges!”
心中起疑,风紫宸不由出言打断了太清圣人的话:“等等,诸位道友快看,情况有变!”Peoplehearsword, lookshastilyto the direction that Feng Zichenhints, then, thensawthatunusualone.
Like Feng Zichen, Three Pure Onesand the others are also the puzzleditsmeaning. During maypresent, actually two as ifsawway, unexpectedlyisshoutingwith one voice:
与风紫宸相同,三清等人也是不解其意。可在场之中,却有两人似乎看出了其中的门道,竟是异口同声的喊道:„Good fortunelife?!”
“造化生灵?!”Hearsthissound, is the Mother Earthempress and Nüwaempresstwopeople.
The good fortunelife, is not very strangeglossary, as soon as the peoplelistenedto understandmeaning that itsrepresented, creates the life.
造化生灵,不是很陌生的词汇,众人一听就明白了其所代表的含义,就是创造生命。According to the Mother Earthempress and Nüwaempress said that after the Yuanfalls from the sky, hisbodyreallyspiritsis not loose, in the breedinglife, reconstructs the lifeunexpectedly?
这……Couldn't have killed?
还杀不死了吗?Killed the Yuan, creates a lifebyhissourceagain, although before itno longerwas the Yuan, butthisnew student/lifelife, can actually inherit the Yuanall.
杀了元,就再以他的本源重新创造一个生灵,虽然其不再是之前的元了,但这个新生的生灵,却可以继承元的一切。Waitsif the eternal life of alternative, the bodydoes not extinguish, reallyspiritdoes not extinguish, the sourcedoes not extinguish, but a spiritwisdom of personmostcore, actuallychanged. Trades the essencenot to tradeoutside the nuclear, shouldbe insufficient......
等若另类的永生,身体不灭,真灵不灭,本源不灭,但一个人最为核心的灵智,却是发生了变化。换内核而不换外核,应该不至于吧……In the heartmoves slightly, the peoplecloselyare staring atthatgroup of the world vitalities. Ifreallysuch as the peoplesuspectlike that this„Yuan”somewhatwas strange, does not seem like the normallife.
心中微动,众人紧紧的盯着那团天地元气。若果真如众人所猜想的那般,那这“元”就有些诡异了,不像是正常的生灵。Othersare the spiritwisdomdo not extinguish, othercandestroy. Butthis„Yuan”booing, with others counter-, the sourceis not extinguishingcompletely, the spiritwisdomcandie outmomentarily.
Such life, has been not enoughto describewith the strangeness.
此等生灵,已不足以用诡异来形容。No onewill suspectgenuine and fake that the Mother Earthempress and Nüwaempresssaid. Because, theyallare the good fortunetogetheronunsurpassedbigmasters.
The Mother Earthempresswas known as that mother of land, carriesin the thingfromthickvirtue of land, comprehended the said/tunnelto breed the say/way of ten thousandspiritgood fortune.
后土娘娘号称大地之母,从大地的厚德载物之中,领悟了地道孕育万灵的造化之道。But the Nüwaempresscrumples the homemadeperson, creates the life, traces the true meaning of life, fromthatten thousandspiritevolution, clear(ly)became awarecreationlife the say/way of good fortune.
而女娲娘娘抟土造人,创造生灵,追溯生灵的真谛,从那万灵演变之中,明悟了创造生命的造化之道。Twogood fortuneontopsexisttogether, opens the mouth, said that thisYuansourceingood fortunelife, can that have the false?
A personmaymisread, but can also two peoplemisreadsimultaneouslyinadequately?
…………During the peopledoubts, the Mount Buzhouruinsbegin the change. Sees the mostdeep place of thatMount Buzhouruins, the place of intactsealchaosdemongodis, suddenlyemergesair/Qi of extremelyrichbeing shattered.
众人疑惑间,不周山遗址再起变化。就见那不周山遗址的最深处,原封印混沌魔神之地所在,突然涌现出一股极为浓郁的破灭之气。Butin the center of thisbeing shatteredair/Qi, the people are saw that unexpectedly a holyradiancepasses, is enormous and powerful the breath of astonishinggood fortune.
而就在这股破灭之气的中心,众人竟是看到道道圣洁的光华流转,浩荡出惊人的造化之息。Innategood fortunegodlight/only!
先天造化神光!So-calledwhen things reach their extreme they turn back, in the strength of pinnaclebeing shattered, breeds a wisp of purestvitalityfinally, innategood fortunegodlight/only!
The innategood fortunegodglittering, rushed to the place of Yuanfalling from the skyone after another, brushesafterhediedon the worldvitality of changing.
先天造化神光闪烁,接连涌向了元的陨落之地,刷在了他死后化作的天地元气身上。Then, the remarkablechange happened.
然后,惊人的变化发生了。Seescontinuously the lifeaura, sends outfromthatgroup of the world vitalities, then, under an function of inexplicablestrength, thisgroup of the world vitalitiesstartsto gather, graduallyformed a human form.
轰!Hasboth handsto evolveto live, gripped the bigbeing shatteredlance, grips the mountains and riversgreat seal. Then, has the both feetto derive, stands erectinvoid.
有双手衍化而生,一只握住了大破灭矛,一只握住山河大印。接着,有双脚衍生而出,屹立在虚空之中。Four limbs, the body also appears, subsequentlyis the head., WithYuanexactly the sameface, appearedgraduallyin the peopleat present.
四肢一出,身体也随之浮现,继而是头颅。渐渐的,一张与元一模一样的面孔,浮现在了众人的眼前。Although the facial features are the same, but the peopleactuallyknow,thiswas not the Yuan, hehas died. Thisnew student/life„Yuan”, withitshas the samebody, but the soulis entirely different.
只是,面容虽然一样,但众人却都知道,这不是刚才的元了,他已经死了。这个新生的“元”,与其拥有相同的身体,但灵魂却截然不同。New„Yuan”birth, peoplesilentlylooks,has not intervened. First, thisnew student/lifeYuan, within the bodynottheirbloodlinesaura, the peoplehad lost the reason of making a move.
新的“元”诞生,众人都是默默的看着,并没有出手干预。一来,这新生的元,体内并无祂们的血脉气息,众人已经失去了出手的理由。Secondly, thisnew student/lifeYuan, itsfate is like hisprevious, has been doomed, mustdiewithout doubt. The peopleknowthis point, therefore, tohisbirth, has had the attitude of watching critically.
二来,这个新生的元,其下场与他的上一任一样,都已经注定了,必死无疑。众人都知这一点,故而,才会对他的诞生,一直持冷眼旁观的态度。Non-diesof the daytribulation, does not dietribulations, butdiesof the accident/surprise. After thislifeis born, the strengthis only the innateDaoist deity, inbornsacredconventionalstandard, notperformance of going against heaven's will.
非是死于天劫,也不是死于人劫,而是死于意外。这个生灵诞生之后,实力只是先天道君,天生神圣的常规标准,并无逆天的表现。Therefore, henotbydaytribulation.
为此,他不会遭来天劫。But after intendingto take back the bloodlinesa moment ago, the peoplealsolostcontinuedto the Yuanmaking a moveopportunity. Therefore, hisalsono onetribulations.
而刚才出手收回血脉之后,众人也都失去了继续对元出手的机会。故而,他也无人劫。Buthehas the tribulation of accident/surprise!
但他却有意外之劫!Feng Zichen, Three Pure Onesand the othersmagical powers , is so can it be that goodto meet? The Yuanis the TaiyiDaoist deity, in the face oftheirstrengths, the opportunity of evenrevolting againstdoes not have, thenwrote off.风紫宸、三清等人的神通,又岂是那么好接的?元不过是太乙道君,在祂们的力量面前,连反抗的机会也没有,便被抹杀。Butafterwriting offYuan, thisstrengthradicaldissipation, has not stayed there as before, the worldvitality of after the Yuandieschanging to fusetogether.
而在抹杀元之后,这股力量并未彻底的消散,依旧停留在了那里,与元死后化作的天地元气融合在一起。In other words, newly after „Yuan”birth, thisstrengthambushesinhiswithin the body, seems an indefinite tensebombto be the same, mayexplodeanytime.
轰隆隆!Give an exaggerated account of things, chinese dwarf banana, in the world the endlessgodlight/onlyfills the air, seemedput on a lightgold/metalgauze, exceptionallyattractive.
天花乱坠、地涌金莲,天地间无尽的神光弥漫,好似被披上了一层薄薄的金纱,异常的好看。Phenomenon, sees the phenomenon!
异象,又见异象!Thisis the inbornsacredbirthphenomenon!
这是天生神圣的诞生异象!This indicated that new„Yuan”, mustbe born.
这说明,新的“元”,就要诞生了。Butat this moment, Yuanwithin the body, a fluctuationeruption that is above the imagination, brokehisbodydirectly, groundhim first naivespirit.
可就在这时,元的体内,一股超乎想象的波动爆发,直接震碎了他的身体,碾碎了他的先天真灵。Was hit hardbythis, the Yuan that was just born, has not breathed the Three Realmsairwith enough time, then the steponhimfootsteps, had died!
受此重击,那才刚刚诞生的元,还未来得及呼吸三界的空气,便已经步了他上一任的后尘,死了!Twogenerations of Yuan, died!
轰……Twogenerations of Yuanfall from the sky, the entireMount Buzhouruinsare vibrating, revealssomesadmeaningsunexpectedly, reverberated here space.
二代元陨落,整个不周山遗址都在震动,竟是流露出了些许悲戚之意,在此处空间回荡开来。Meanwhile, moreinnategood fortunegodslight/onlysurge, crazy after rushing totwogenerations of Yuanto fall from the sky, onturned intoworldvitality.
同时,更多的先天造化神光涌动,疯狂的涌向二代元陨落之后,化成的天地元气身上。Quick, threegenerations of Yuanbirths!
很快的,三代元诞生了!Withtwogenerations of Yuangeneral, isboth handsfirstevolves, finds outfrom the worldvitality, grips the bigbeing shatteredlancesingle-handedly, on the one hand grasps the mountains and riversgreat seal, seemsfeared that was robbed was the same.
The worldvibratesagain, phenomenon that justretreated, give an exaggerated account of things, chinese dwarf banana, appearedagain. After following closely the two, isthatendlessgolden light.
天地再次震动,那刚刚才退去的异象,天花乱坠、地涌金莲,又再次的浮现了出来。紧随二者之后的,是那无尽的金光。However, the scale of thisphenomenonlooks, althoughbig, butbeforecompares, was actually small, no longeris the inbornsacredtreatment, butwas the top first treatment of deitydemon.
不过,这异象的规模看着虽大,但与之前相比,却是小了许多,不再是天生神圣的待遇,而是顶级先天神魔的待遇。Obviously, one after anothertwicecaused heavy losses, causes the Yuansource, dissipated the part, threegenerations of Yuanno longerare the inbornsacredness, butis the topfirstdeitydemon.
The rank, droppedfirst-level.
It seems like that was onlybadfirst-level, but the disparity, was actually bigtonotside.
看似只是差了一级,但差距,却是大到没边。Howto say?
如何说?Frompresentbecoming enlightened, canseedisparity. Nowbecomes enlightened, such asFeng Zichen, Three Pure Ones, Mother Earth and Nüwaempresswait/etcare the inbornsacredness, andno oneis the topfirstdeitydemon.
从如今的成道者来看,就能看出其中的差距。如今成道的,如风紫宸、三清、后土、女娲娘娘等等都是天生的神圣,并无一人是顶级的先天神魔。Onlythispoint, thencanseevastgap.
……Ininnategood fortunegodlight/only under nourishesunceasingly, threegenerations of Yuanquickwas born.
在先天造化神光的不断滋养下,三代元很快的就诞生了出来。What a pity, hisdestiny, compared with the formertwogenerations of Yuan, the difference that andhad no, was still difficultto escape the destiny of death.
Of bang!
The boundlessSaintprestigeerupts, threegenerations of Yuanbodies, first naivespirit, allshook the fragmentdirectly.
磅礴的圣威爆发,直接将三代元的身体、先天真灵在内,全都震成了碎片。Threegenerations of Yuan, throw the street!
三代元,扑街!Maywiththreegenerations of Yuanfalling from the sky , the strength that the peopleremain, weakenedmuch, feared how longcould not support.
可随着三代元的陨落,众人残留下来的力量,也是削弱了不少,怕是支撑不了多久了。Does not know,is a Yuansourcefirstcannot support, butis the strength that the peopleremain, firstcannot support.
就是不知,是元的本源先撑不住,而是众人残留下来的力量,先撑不住。Buzzhumming sound......
嗡嗡嗡……Threegenerations of Yuanfall from the sky, the Mount Buzhouruinsshiverwas fiercer, therefore the sadmeaningwas also more obvious, haswū wū the wind sound/rumorto transmit, probably the Mount Buzhouruinsare sobbing.
The nextquarter, the Mount Buzhouruinsseemedwere furious, destructiontidesraisedfromitsdeep place, swept acrossto cometoward the outside world, the surroundingalldestruction.
The mighteruption of thatterrifying, ishighest levelbigmagical powers, could not bearchange the complexion, quietlyafterretreated.
那恐怖的威力爆发,就是最顶级的大神通者,也忍不住变了脸色,悄悄的朝后退去。Onlyhas the expert of beginning of the universerank, standing that cancontinueto be without turning a hairon the spot.
轰隆隆!Whendestructiontide as turbulentaspinnacle, innategood fortunegod who itswithin the bodycontainslight/only, unexpectedlyisgushing outtogether, the worldvitalityoutwash that falls from the skychanges toafterthreegenerations of Yuanmakes.
当毁灭潮汐汹涌到极致,其体内所蕴含的先天造化神光,竟是一同的涌出,向着三代元陨落之后化做的天地元气刷去。Seesthis, Feng Zichenand the others the browswrinkled, sopowerfulinnategood fortunegodlight/only, theirremainingstrengths, feared that cannot block!
见此,风紫宸等人的眉头不由皱了起来,如此强大的先天造化神光,祂们残余的力量,怕是挡不住啊!However, was shatteredfor successive three times, enabled the Yuansourceto change.
不过,连续三次破灭,也使得元的本源发生了变化。As the saying goesis undesirable that has happened more than three times, firstdeitydemon that for successive three timesbredhas fallen from the skyto come to an end, at this moment, even ifundersomanyinnategood fortunegodin addition of light/onlyholds, Yuansource, is unable to breed the newfirstdeitydemon.
有道是事不过三,连续三次孕育的先天神魔都已陨落告终,此刻,哪怕是在如此多的先天造化神光的加持之下,元的本源,也是无法孕育出新的先天神魔了。Saw,eachinnategood fortunegodlight/onlybrushesfalls, can a pointreallyspiritfragmentfusionwithYuan, thencoercesomeYuansources, evolvessmalllives.
“这是……”Seesthis, Feng Zichenand the others the eyes, did not narrow the eyesvoluntarily.
见此,风紫宸等人的眼睛,不自觉的眯了起来。Sees with own eyes unable to breed first deitydemon, a Yuansourcechanged the strategyunexpectedly, no longerbreedingfirstdeitydemon, butsplits up the source, breedssmalllives, derives a race.
眼见无法孕育出先天神魔,元的本源竟是改变了策略,不再孕育先天神魔,而是分化本源,孕育成一个个小生命,衍生出一个种族来。Thisis a Yuanclan, after the innatesacredYuanfalls from the sky, race that itsinnatesourcegood fortunebecomes, the shareisinnate, forinnaterace. Simultaneouslyinherited the Pangugod is the strength of chaosdemongodgoddepartment, exceptionallypowerful.
这是元族,为先天神圣元陨落之后,其先天本源造化而成的种族,份属先天,为先天之种族。同时继承了盘古神系与混沌魔神神系的力量,异常的强大。Moreover, a Yuanclan, feared that is also Three Realmsfirstbirthinnaterace.
而且,元族,怕也是三界第一个诞生的先天种族。Alsois the good luck!
也是好造化!Readandhence, Feng Zichenand the otherscalculatesilently,discoveredis the residualstrengthwill detonatecompletely, feared that was also hardto extinguishkillsallYuanclanlives.
The Yuanclanis born, has becomeinevitably!
元族诞生,已成必然!Readandhence, the peoplealsoreceivedextinguishedkilltheirthoughts, thenstartedto ponder how to plan the Yuanclan, makingthemuseforoneself.
念及至此,众人也收了灭杀他们的心思,转而开始思考,如何算计元族,让他们为自己所用。Simultaneouslyhas the Yuanclan of twobigbloodlines, definitelyverypowerful, for one of the topinnateraces.
“嗯?”Suddenly, in the Feng Zichenknowledgesea, the humaneemperorimperial sealstarts the fiercetremor, has the air/Qi of chaosturbulently, turns intomysteriouspictures.
蓦然,风紫宸的识海之中,人道帝玺开始剧烈的颤动起来,有混沌之气汹涌而出,化成一幅幅神秘的画面。ps: Said, Ialsowantto explode.
ps:讲真的,我也想爆更。Ido not know, after exploding, does the payment for published piecedouble?
难道我不知道,爆更之后,稿费加倍吗?Butwritesnow, basicallywas the original, daily the ideaplot, explodedradicallyis more motionless.
但书写到现在,基本都是原创了,天天构思剧情,根本爆更不动。Moreover, Iwritethisbooktime, has not thought that will writeso manycharacters, the programhas used up.
而且,我写这本书的时候,根本就没想到会写这么多字,大纲早就用完了。Icannotguaranteeanything, can only say the words that the conditionpermits, explodeas far as possible.
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