GDSP :: Volume #9

#823: Blasphemed the bloodlines

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The say/way reveres...... 道尊…… This special first deity demon, a birth, has greatly Luo Daozun cultivating is. 这个特殊的先天神魔,一诞生,就有着大罗道尊的修为。 This is not the good sign. 这可不是什么好兆头。 Suddenly, the people frown. 一时间,众人都皱起了眉头。 Looks over the great antiquity history, is the purple slightly Great Emperor is born, reveals itself has the strength of top big magical powers. 纵观洪荒历史,也就是紫微大帝诞生的时候,一出世就拥有着顶级大神通者的实力。 odd/surplus, is the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor, just when birth, Taiyi gold/metal immortal cultivating is. This seems like a speechless rule, all first deity demon when the birth, must observe. 余者,就是鸿钧道祖,刚出生之时,也不过太乙金仙的修为。这似乎是一种无言的规则,所有先天神魔在诞生时,都要遵守。 The phenomenon at birth was greater, represented the potential to be bigger, the future achievement is higher, this actually real. 出生时的异象越宏大,就代表潜力越大,未来的成就越高,这倒是真的。 But when the birth strength was higher, not necessarily was a good deed, the thing that often extremely went against heaven's will, will be attacked by the Heavenly Dao. 但出生时的实力越高,未必就是一件好事,要知道,往往太过逆天的东西,都会遭到天道的打击。 A birth, has greatly Luo Daozun cultivating is, is more flamboyant than it great wild goose honored say/way ancestor, but also does such big sound, this is not the living target of Heavenly Dao, waits for It to attack? 一出生,就有着大罗道尊的修为,比之鸿钧道祖还要牛逼,还搞出这么大的动静,这不就是天道的活靶子,等着祂打击吗? In the past the purple slightly Great Emperor can be born smoothly, was honored besides Its status enough, because mainly It has the salvation merit. 当年紫微大帝能够顺利诞生,除了祂的身份足够尊贵之外,主要还是因为祂有着救世的功德。 Stabilized the boundless starry sky, the anchorage Heaven, saved the great antiquity world, may be called the boundless beneficence. 稳定了无垠星空,定住了天界,拯救了洪荒天地,堪称功德无量。 Has this merit in the body, even the purple slightly Great Emperor displays will cross going against heaven's will again, the Heavenly Dao will not aim at It, instead must praise It, to commend the merit of its salvation. 有此功德在身,就算紫微大帝表现的再过逆天,天道也不会针对祂,反而要嘉奖祂,以表彰其救世之功。 The crape myrtle Great Emperor has the salvation merit approaching body, therefore handles affairs to be able no restriction of any kind. But this special first deity demon, his anything does not have. 紫薇大帝有救世功德傍身,故而行事可以百无禁忌。但这个特殊的先天神魔,他什么也没有。 Therefore, that moment that he is born, is that moment that his disaster approaches. 因此,他降生的那一刻,就是他劫难来临的那一刻。 Passed, the inborn sacred family background, legitimate legitimate, received some blessings lefts by predecessors of Mount Buzhou, in the future has the possibility of becoming enlightened, had boundless prospects. 度过了,天生神圣的出身,正统中的正统,秉承部分不周山的遗泽,未来有着成道的可能,前途无量。 But, all are in the water the moon/month, in the mirror spends, the ash flew, does not leave a trace. 度不过,一切都是水中月,镜中花,灰飞了去,不留一丝痕迹。 However, present It, still could not have been regarded complete big Luo Daozun, but the strength went to this situation, but the boundary has not followed, naive spirit has not first shed turns innate does not extinguish really spirit. 不过,现在的祂,尚还算不得完整的大罗道尊,只是力量达到了这个地步,但境界还未跟上,先天真灵也没有蜕变成先天不灭真灵。 Only had it successfully to pass the disaster, just now can the boundary of achievement true big Luo Daozun. 唯有等其成功度过劫难,方才能成就真正的大罗道尊之境界。 ...... …… ............ ………… Came!” “来了!” At this time, some people whispered. 这时,有人低语一声。 People hears word looks up, sees above the vault of heaven, the endless dark cloud gathering, in the cloud layer, there is innate thunder often flashing before, is enormous and powerful fearful heavenly prestige. 众人闻言抬头看去,就见到天穹之上,无尽的乌云汇聚,云层中,有先天雷霆不时的闪现,浩荡出惶惶天威。 This first day tribulation of deity demon, came! 这个先天神魔的天劫,来了! Although Leize was the arrange/cloth got down the three disasters nine difficultly, included world all inexorable fates, but Heavenly Dao not entire, had one of the running away, nature Leize was impossible really to achieve to grasp world all inexorable fates. 雷泽虽是布下了三灾九难,囊括了天下所有的劫数,但天道都不全,有遁去的一,自然雷泽也不可能真的做到掌握天下所有的劫数。 In the great antiquity world, three disasters, the dependant variable lives, is always changing, therefore is saint is also hard to see clearly, Leize is not also able to grasp them. 洪荒天地之中,有三个劫难,因变数而生,无时无刻不在变化着,故此就是圣人也难以看清,雷泽亦是无法掌握它们。 These three tribulations, then the day tribulation from Heavenly Dao, the typical place tribulation, as well as humanity person tribulations. 这三劫,便是来自天道的天劫,地道的地劫,以及人道的人劫。 In three tribulations, is the person tribulation common, to the struggle of quarrel/corners of the mouth, impulsive murder ; For those murdered deliberately, calculates that the person tribulations. 三劫之中,属人劫最为常见,小到口角之争,冲动杀人;大到被人蓄意谋杀,都算人劫。 Has a thought reads falls, kills the heart, this is the person tribulations, kills intent from ten thousand spirits. 念起念落间,杀心即起,这便是人劫,杀意发自万灵。 In three tribulations, day tribulation, although is rare, but also has, such as draws natural all phenomena on earth, the wind and rain thunder and lightning, the landslide, the tsunami, the earthquake and meteorite crashes...... is one of the day of tribulation, kills intent from the world. 三劫中,天劫虽然少见,但也不是没有,如拉自然万象,风雨雷电,山崩,海啸,地震、陨石坠落……都算是天劫的一种,杀意发自天地。 Tribulations as for the place, jokes aside, great antiquity, although has tribulations, but this tribulation is more like makes up the number, hardly adding on , to tribulation to collect three tribulation with the day tribulation and person together. 至于地劫,说真的,洪荒虽有地劫,但此劫更像是凑数的,硬给加上的,好与天劫、人劫一起凑出个三劫来。 Tribulations because of the said/tunnel lives, but the typical inactivity, only knows accumulated to raise ten thousand spirits, will never disturb the revolution of the world, therefore, world, although has the name of tribulation, but does not have this tribulation to happen. 地劫因地道而生,但地道无为,只知蕴养万灵,从不会干扰天地的运转,故而,天地虽有地劫之名,但却从无此劫发生。 ...... …… At present, this special first deity demon, faces, is day tribulations in three tribulation. 眼下,这个特殊的先天神魔,所面临的,便是三劫之中的天劫。 In the day way, the body has the Pangu bloodline and It of chaos demon god bloodline, the itself/Ben is the different number, now after It is born, has greatly Luo Daozun cultivating is, this causes It from the minor difference number, turned into the greatly different number. 在天道眼中,身具盘古血统与混沌魔神血统的祂,本就是异数,如今祂诞生之后,更是有着大罗道尊的修为,这就使得祂从小异数,变成大异数了。 The greatly different number, cannot remain! 大异数,留不得啊! Rumble! 轰隆隆! The innate thunder divided to fall together, broke that first deity demon light, caused Its image clear emergence in the people at present. 一道先天雷霆劈落,震碎了那个先天神魔身上的道光,使得祂的形象清晰的出现在了众人的眼前。 Un, with the people generally is first Heavenly Dao bodies, same charm and perfect. His forehead were more than a vertical pupil it people, that is chaos god eyes that is winding around the air/Qi of chaos. 嗯,与众人一般都是先天道体,一样的帅气与完美。只是,祂的眉心却是比之众人多了一颗竖瞳,那是一颗缭绕着混沌之气的混沌神眼。 His back, had/left a pair of giant chaos wing compared with the people, is pasting the endless chaos air/Qi. The pair of wings opens, seeming the backdrop is ordinary, not compared with Kunpeng wing small many. 祂的背后,也比众人多出了一对巨大的混沌羽翼,流转着无尽的混沌之气。其双翼撑开,好似天幕一般,不比鲲鹏羽翼小多少。 Yuan! 元! Inexplicable, the news appeared together in the heart of people, making them know this first name of deity demon, the Yuan! 莫名的,一道讯息浮现在了众人的心头,让祂们知道了这个先天神魔的名字,元! Very the name of atmosphere. 很大气的一个名字。 The Yuan, the beginning , the foundation of the world, has beginning has come again, meaning of the everything renewed. 元,始也、天地之本,有一元复始、万象更新之意。 This first deity demon in the name of this, obviously its uncommon, feared that is next to Yuan Shi Tian Zun. 这个先天神魔以此为名,可见其不凡,怕是仅次于元始天尊。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Also the deity is first struck by lightning to fall together, is enormous and powerful to extinguish the fluctuation of the world, takes away as many things as possible toward the Yuan. 又一道先天神雷劈落,浩荡出灭世的波动,向着元席卷而去。 Kills!” “杀!” The Yuan opened the mouth, after this is It is born, first few words that says, is actually not Its name, but is ice-cold killing character. 元开口了,这是祂诞生后,说出的第一句话,却不是祂的名字,而是冰冷至极的“杀”字。 Asked to live to kill! 求活而杀! In the ice-cold words, the Yuan whole body supernatural power surges, the prestige of say/way revering fills the air, has the empty shadow of chaos demon god faintly behind It obviously. 冰冷的话语中,元浑身法力涌动,道尊之威弥漫开来,隐隐有混沌魔神的虚影在祂背后显化。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The innate thunder chops to fall, actually kept off by behind the Yuan chaos demon god empty shadow, both sides perish together, belongs to the nihility respectively. 先天雷霆劈落,却被元背后的混沌魔神虚影挡下,双方同归于尽,各自归于虚无。 Day disaster's first, a Yuan safe and secure passed. 天劫第一道,元平安度过。 But day tribulation altogether nine, the Yuan passed first, could pass second, as well as following several, but also still cannot know. 但天劫一共九道,元只是度过了第一道,能否度过第二道,以及接下来的几道,还仍未可知。 The Yuan future, is still uncertain. 元的未来,依旧是渺茫的。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! After the first innate thunder bang next, second follows closely to come, chops to fall loudly. 第一道先天雷霆轰下之后,第二道紧随而来,轰然劈落。 Broken!” “破!” Complexion one cold, a Yuan back, the numerous Pangu authentic empty shadow, Feng Zichen, Three Pure Ones, purple slightly Great Emperor and the others, are all one of them obviously. 脸色一寒,元的背后,有一众盘古正宗的虚影显化,风紫宸三清、紫微大帝等人,皆在其中。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The second innate thunder bang falls, kept off jointly by the empty shadow of people, protected the Yuan. 第二道先天雷霆轰落,被众人的虚影联手挡下,护住了元。 Side, Feng Zichen and the others saw this, the complexion gets dark directly. 旁边,风紫宸等人看到这一幕,脸色直接就黑了下来。 Is born by their blood, on this point, is very excessive. Yet now, the opposite party can melt their empty shadow to oppose the enemy, this let the people unusual nausea. 以祂们之血诞生,就这一点,便已经很过分了。可如今,对方更是能化出祂们的虚影对敌,这就让众人异常的恶心了。 This way, the Yuan can trace this turns over to the source, evolves the bloodlines of people directly, then divides some destiny of people by this? 照这样下去,元是不是可以溯本归源,直接衍化众人的血脉,然后再以此分走众人的部分气运? Too disgusting! 太恶心了! Read and hence, the numerous Pangu was authentic, all was moves to the Yuan killed intent. This without family or friends, how could to make the bystander divide own destiny? World how can there be such truth? 念及至此,众盘古正宗,皆是对元动了杀意。这无亲无故的,岂能让外人分走了自己的气运?天下又岂有这样的道理? The murderous intention gets up, the causes and effects live! 杀机起,因果生! Absent-minded, Feng Zichen, Three Pure Ones and the others, in the heart all gave birth wiped the marvelous induction, seems them to want now, can meddle Yuan this time day tribulation. 恍惚之间,风紫宸三清等人,心中皆是生出了一抹奇妙的感应,好似现在祂们愿意,便可插手元此次的天劫。 Day tribulation no one can intervene, this is the general knowledge. But now, the general knowledge is actually broken. 天劫无人可以干预,这是常识。可现在,常识却被打破。 What did this indicate? 这说明什么? An explanation Yuan person plundered. 说明元的人劫到了。 Only has the disaster, can intervene the disaster. 唯有劫难,方能干预劫难。 The Yuan is born because of people's blood, then had the greatest causes and effects with the people. 元因众人之血诞生,便与众人结下了莫大的因果。 When Yuan birth, in the people heart moved to It killed to read, on that day the say/way had the feeling, had the induction automatically, gave the people the opportunities of settling the causes and effects. 值此元诞生之际,众人心中对祂动了杀念,那天道有感,自动生出感应,给予众人一个了结因果的机会。 How to settle? 如何了结? That is to make the people the Yuan person tribulation, is good to prevent Its birth. 那就是让众人成为元的人劫,好阻止祂的诞生。 Naturally, not necessarily prevents its birth, can definitely use other method, how must operate specifically, must look at the idea of people, the Heavenly Dao cannot force. 当然,也不一定是阻止其诞生,完全可以使用别的方法,具体要如何操作,还是要看众人的想法,天道也强迫不得。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The people are thinking time, that third the deity thunder has first divided to fall, sees the vertical eye of Yuan forehead to open fiercely, release together dusky chaos god light/only, that first deity thunder Hongcheng fragment. 众人想着的时候,那第三道先天神雷已经劈落,就见元眉心的竖眼猛地睁开,释放出一道灰蒙蒙的混沌神光,将那先天神雷轰成了碎片。 Sees this, Feng Zichen and the others all know, cannot hesitate, if waits again, waited for the Yuan to pass a day of tribulation, that person plundered also with finishing, several people in want to act to It, that price was big. 见此,风紫宸等人皆知,不能再犹豫了,若是再等下去,等元度过了天劫,那人劫也就跟着结束了,几人在想对祂出手,那代价就大了。 Thinks of here, sees the Feng Zichen mind to move, within the body gushes out together the inexplicable strength, spreads toward the distant place, will soon divide fourth that falls first deity thunder to fuse together with that. 想到此处,就见风紫宸心神一动,体内涌出一道莫名的力量,向着远方扩散,与那即将劈落的第四道先天神雷融为一体。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Under fourth the deity is first struck by lightning, sees Yuan wing one, just like hanging a day of cloud, raises the endless chaos air/Qi, changes to the storm, stirred the fragment that fourth innate thunder. 第四道先天神雷劈下,就见元羽翼一张,宛如垂天之云,掀起无尽的混沌之气,化作风暴,将那第四道先天雷霆搅成了碎片。 However, innate thunder, although is broken, but Feng Zichen strength also not broken. That inexplicable fluctuation downward, disregarded the turbulent chaos storm, arrived at a Yuan body directly. 不过,先天雷霆虽碎,但风紫宸的力量还没碎。那股莫名的波动一路向下,无视了汹涌的混沌风暴,直接降临到了元的身上。 Silent, a mysterious strength pulls out from the Yuan body leaves, causes Its strength, drops points suddenly. 无声无息的,一股玄妙力量从元的身上抽离,使得祂的实力,骤然下降一点。 Meanwhile, Yuan back, that representative Feng Zichen empty shadow, quiet being shattered. 与此同时,元的背后,那代表风紫宸的虚影,悄无声息的破灭。 Right, a moment ago the Yuan within the body screened out strength, was the Feng Zichen bloodlines strength. 没错,刚才元体内被抽走的力量,正是属于风紫宸的血脉力量。 Kills the Yuan, but before killing It, must first do, pulls out from It the strength of own bloodlines leaves. Otherwise, which Tianyuan, if were reactivated, that was disgusting. 杀元可以,但在杀祂之前,首先要做的,就是将自己的血脉之力从祂身上抽离。不然的话,哪天元要是被人复活,那就恶心了。 After Feng Zichen, others are also follow to act, uses the method respectively, fuses with that fifth innate thunder, wants to take back the Yuan within the body own bloodlines strength. 风紫宸之后,其余众人也是跟着纷纷出手,各自施展手段,与那第五道先天雷霆融合,欲收回元体内属于自己的血脉力量。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Under the fifth innate thunder bang, sees in the Yuan hand, presents a great seal in vain, was thrown high by It, is carrying the unsurpassed invincible might, hits with the fifth innate thunder that chops in the same place. 第五道先天雷霆轰下,就见元的手中,徒然出现一枚大印,被祂高高抛起,携带着无上神威,与那劈来的第五道先天雷霆撞在一起。 The next quarter, whether there is performs the mountain range the empty shadow to reappear, continuous, a mountain tall passed/lived mountain, the headstrong desolate remote aura heads on. 下一刻,有无尽山峦的虚影浮现,连绵不绝,一山高过一山,莽荒久远的气息扑面而来。 This is Yuan associated spirit treasure, has best quality goods innate spirit treasure mountains and rivers seal that 43 first deity bans. 这是元的伴生灵宝,拥有四十三道先天神禁的极品先天灵宝山河印。 This seal, crashes after Mount Buzhou, its final source, with innate ancestor lineage/vein spirit fusion, Navan mountain essence. 此印,为不周山崩塌之后,其最后的本源,与先天祖脉之灵融合,纳万山精气而成。 The mountains and rivers great seal, as the name suggests, the strength of collection great antiquity mountains and rivers in one, has the control world mountains and rivers mighty force. 山河大印,顾名思义,集洪荒山河之力于一身,具有操控天地山河的伟力。 Was hit by this great seal, that fifth the deity thunder was first pounded directly crushes. But the strength of people, actually disregarded mountains and rivers seal directly, one and added it on a Yuan body. 被这大印一撞,那第五道先天神雷直接被砸得粉碎。但众人的力量,却是直接无视了山河印,一并加之在了元的身上。 ~ ~ “啊~~” Suddenly, the Yuan sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, Its strength in the rapid drop, pulled out by an inexplicable strength leaves. His back, that is symbolizing the numerous Saint empty shadow of Its noble family background, is shattered one after another. 蓦然,元发出一声凄厉的惨叫,祂的力量在飞速的下降,被一股莫名的力量抽离。祂的背后,那象征着祂高贵出身的众圣虚影,接连破灭。 Quick, without a trace that then vanishes. 很快,便消失的无影无踪。 At this time, in Its back, besides the empty shadow of chaos demon god, only had the empty shadow of Mount Buzhou to exist. 此时,在祂的背后,除了混沌魔神的虚影之外,也就唯有不周山的虚影存在了。 But the empty shadow of this Mount Buzhou, is a Yuan body, finally the residual Pangu god is the mark. 而这道不周山的虚影,就是元的身上,最后残留的盘古神系印记。 If Ok, the people really want this Mount Buzhou mark, to cut from the Yuan body, broke It and relation of Pangu god department thoroughly. 若是可以,众人真的很想将这道不周山印记,从元的身上斩掉,彻底断了祂与盘古神系的联系。 What a pity, this is a Yuan basis, is Mount Buzhou to its presenting, by the strength of people, kills It to see, but wants to cut this mark, is actually hard to achieve. 可惜,这是元的根本,也是不周山对其的馈赠,以众人之力,杀祂见得,但想斩掉这枚印记,却是难以做到。 Bang...... 轰…… Person the strength of bloodlines, pulls out from the Yuan body in the presence of everyone completely leaves, Its body suddenly inspires, the strength starts to decline unexpectedly, from Luo Daozun situation, dropped the Taiyi Daoist deity boundary greatly. 当众人的血脉之力,全部都从元的身上抽离的时候,祂的身体猛然一振,力量竟然开始衰落,从大罗道尊的地步,跌落到了太乙道君的境界。 After the people screen out the strength of oneself bloodlines, a Yuan source wants 1/3 at least few. Lost so many sources, the strength did not fall suddenly, that was strange matter. 众人抽走自己的血脉之力后,元的本源起码要少三分之一。失去了如此多的本源,力量不暴跌,那才是怪事。 But chain-reaction that after this, produces, is to make the Yuan be caught off guard. 而在这之后,所产生的连锁反应,更是让元措手不及。 Originally, only need pass a day of tribulation, the Yuan can the achievement greatly Luo Daozun boundary, but now looks like, this feared that will become an expectation. 本来,只需度过天劫,元便可成就大罗道尊的境界,可如今看来,这怕是会成为一种奢望。 After this one time, in a short time, this Luo Daozun boundary, feared greatly missed with him. 经此一遭,短时间内,这大罗道尊的境界,怕是与他无缘了。 When Yuan distracted, sixth first deity thunder Hongluo. This together first deity thunder, come is very quickly and anxious, the might is also very big, but cannot injure to arrive at the Yuan as before, by his behind Mount Buzhou empty shadow keeping off. 就在元精神恍惚之际,第六道先天神雷轰落。这一道先天神雷,来的很快、很急,威力也很大,但依旧没能伤到元,被他身后的不周山虚影给挡下了。 But this together first after deity thunder, because of the Yuan strength low reason, the might of day tribulation also drops. 而这一道先天神雷过后,因元实力低落的缘故,天劫的威力也随之下降。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Seventh first deity thunder Hongluo, sees the Yuan of recovering, the backhand takes out a lance, upwards a finger/refers. In an instant, the say/way rhyme that is shattered greatly, crazy filling the air, is shattered all. 第七道先天神雷轰落,就见回过神来的元,反手取出一杆长矛,朝天一指。刹那间,一股大破灭的道韵,疯狂的弥漫而出,将一切都破灭。 That seventh the deity thunder, has not first played the role with enough time, was disillusioned by that rhyme. 那第七道先天神雷,还未来得及发挥作用,便被那股道韵破灭。 Top innate spirit treasure, big being shattered lance! 顶级先天灵宝,大破灭矛! After this is Mount Buzhou crashes, the strength of big being shattered emerges, with remaining in this place the strength of fusion of chaos demon god, innate spirit treasure that breeds. Among has 45 first deity to ban, has to be shattered all strength, is one murders the most precious object. 这是不周山崩塌之后,涌现的大破灭之力,与残留在此地的混沌魔神之力融合,所孕育的先天灵宝。其内拥有四十五道先天神禁,具有破灭一切之力,又是一件杀伐至宝。 Really, the Yuan is very uncommon, unexpectedly was associated two best quality goods innate spirit treasure, was Mount Buzhou worthily breeds inborn sacred. 果然,元很是不凡,竟是伴生了两件极品先天灵宝,不愧是不周山孕育的天生神圣。 Very domineering! 很强势! Top of the head mountains and rivers seal, grasps the big being shattered lance, the empty shadow of Mount Buzhou and chaos demon god, appears alternately, the Yuan is very indeed unusual, has the possibility of becoming enlightened. 头顶山河印,手持大破灭矛,身后不周山与混沌魔神的虚影,交替浮现,元的确很超凡,有着成道的可能。 But pitifully, 但可惜, His death, has been doomed. 他的死亡,已经注定了。 Because, numerous Pangu Orthodox school does not want to make the Yuan live. From the beginning, people's dislike to Yuan, but came from his within the body chaos demon god's blood. 因为,一众盘古正宗不想让元活着。一开始,众人对元的厌恶,只是源自他体内的混沌魔神之血。 But when sees the Yuan the back, when presented their form, the people then set firm resolve, must make him die. 可当看到元的背后,出现了祂们的身影时,那众人便下定决心,一定要让他死。 Their bloodlines, cannot be deceived. 祂们的血脉,不容亵渎。 This world, any dares to blaspheme the lives of their bloodlines, should not exist. Then pulled out to the bloodlines , was the same. 这个天地,任何敢于亵渎祂们血脉的生灵,都不应该存在。便是抽离了血脉,也是一样。 Is holding such idea, the people are quite tacit, displays the magical powers in secret, increased the might of day of tribulation. 抱着这样的想法,众人极为默契的,暗中施展神通,加大了天劫的威力。 Bang! 轰! In the thunder glittering, carries the eighth innate thunder of strength of people, slowly formation. 雷光闪烁中,携带众人之力的第八道先天雷霆,缓缓成型。 But at this moment, the Yuan, does not know he who completely arrival of danger, grasps the heavy treasure, had recognized oneself must be able successfully to pass a day of tribulation, arrives in world. 而此刻,元,完全不知道危险的降临,手持重宝的他,已经认定自己必能成功度过天劫,降临世间。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! First deity thunder Hongluo, the Yuan self-confident smiles, grasps the big being shattered lance, evolves the scenery of infinite being shattered, faces forward to puncture. 先天神雷轰落,元自信一笑,手持大破灭矛,衍化无穷破灭之景,朝前刺去。 ps: Tomorrow the double monthly tickets, asked the monthly ticket. The entrance tree was blown by the typhoon, stimulation. ps:明天双倍月票了,求月票。门口的树被台风吹断了,刺激。
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