The say/wayreveres......
道尊……Thisspecialfirstdeitydemon, a birth, hasgreatlyLuoDaozuncultivatingis.
这个特殊的先天神魔,一诞生,就有着大罗道尊的修为。Thisis not the goodsign.
这可不是什么好兆头。Suddenly, the peoplefrown.
一时间,众人都皱起了眉头。Looks over the great antiquityhistory, is the purpleslightlyGreat Emperoris born, reveals itselfhas the strength of topbigmagical powers.
纵观洪荒历史,也就是紫微大帝诞生的时候,一出世就拥有着顶级大神通者的实力。odd/surplus, is the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor, just when birth, Taiyigold/metalimmortalcultivatingis. Thisseems like a speechlessrule, all first deitydemonwhen the birth, mustobserve.
The phenomenonat birthwas greater, represented the potentialto be bigger, the futureachievementis higher, thisactuallyreal.
出生时的异象越宏大,就代表潜力越大,未来的成就越高,这倒是真的。But when the birthstrengthwas higher, not necessarilywas a good deed, the thing that oftenextremelywent against heaven's will, will be attackedby the Heavenly Dao.
A birth, hasgreatlyLuoDaozuncultivatingis, is more flamboyant than itgreat wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor, but alsodoes such bigsound, thisis not the living target of Heavenly Dao, waits forItto attack?
一出生,就有着大罗道尊的修为,比之鸿钧道祖还要牛逼,还搞出这么大的动静,这不就是天道的活靶子,等着祂打击吗?In the past the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorcanbe bornsmoothly, was honoredbesidesItsstatusenough, becausemainlyIthas the salvationmerit.
当年紫微大帝能够顺利诞生,除了祂的身份足够尊贵之外,主要还是因为祂有着救世的功德。Stabilized the boundlessstarry sky, the anchorageHeaven, saved the great antiquityworld, may be called the boundless beneficence.
稳定了无垠星空,定住了天界,拯救了洪荒天地,堪称功德无量。Hasthismeritin the body, even the purpleslightlyGreat Emperordisplayswill crossgoing against heaven's willagain, the Heavenly Daowill not aim atIt, insteadmustpraiseIt, tocommend the merit of itssalvation.
The crape myrtleGreat Emperorhas the salvationmeritapproachingbody, thereforehandles affairsto be ableno restriction of any kind. Butthisspecialfirstdeitydemon, hisanythingdoes not have.
紫薇大帝有救世功德傍身,故而行事可以百无禁忌。但这个特殊的先天神魔,他什么也没有。Therefore, that moment that heis born, isthat moment that hisdisasterapproaches.
因此,他降生的那一刻,就是他劫难来临的那一刻。Passed, the inbornsacredfamily background, legitimatelegitimate, received some blessings lefts by predecessors of Mount Buzhou, in the futurehas the possibility of becoming enlightened, had boundless prospects.
度过了,天生神圣的出身,正统中的正统,秉承部分不周山的遗泽,未来有着成道的可能,前途无量。But, allarein the water the moon/month, in the mirrorspends, the ashflew, does not leave a trace.
度不过,一切都是水中月,镜中花,灰飞了去,不留一丝痕迹。However, presentIt, still could not have been regardedcompletebigLuoDaozun, but the strengthwent tothissituation, but the boundaryhas not followed, naivespirithas not first shedturnsinnatedoes not extinguishreallyspirit.
不过,现在的祂,尚还算不得完整的大罗道尊,只是力量达到了这个地步,但境界还未跟上,先天真灵也没有蜕变成先天不灭真灵。Onlyhaditsuccessfullyto pass the disaster, just nowcan the boundary of achievementtruebigLuoDaozun.
“来了!”At this time, somepeoplewhispered.
这时,有人低语一声。Peoplehearswordlooks up, seesabove the vault of heaven, the endlessdark cloudgathering, in the cloud layer, there isinnatethunderoftenflashing before, is enormous and powerfulfearfulheavenly prestige.
众人闻言抬头看去,就见到天穹之上,无尽的乌云汇聚,云层中,有先天雷霆不时的闪现,浩荡出惶惶天威。This first daytribulation of deitydemon, came!
这个先天神魔的天劫,来了!AlthoughLeizewas the arrange/clothgot down the three disastersninedifficultly, includedworldallinexorable fates, butHeavenly Dao not entire, had one of the running away, natureLeizewas impossiblereallyto achieveto graspworldallinexorable fates.
雷泽虽是布下了三灾九难,囊括了天下所有的劫数,但天道都不全,有遁去的一,自然雷泽也不可能真的做到掌握天下所有的劫数。In the great antiquityworld, threedisasters, the dependant variablelives, is always changing, thereforeissaintis also hardto see clearly, Leizeis not also ableto graspthem.
洪荒天地之中,有三个劫难,因变数而生,无时无刻不在变化着,故此就是圣人也难以看清,雷泽亦是无法掌握它们。Thesethreetribulations, then the daytribulationfromHeavenly Dao, the typicalplacetribulation, as well ashumanitypersontribulations.
这三劫,便是来自天道的天劫,地道的地劫,以及人道的人劫。Inthreetribulations, is the persontribulationcommon, to the struggle of quarrel/corners of the mouth, impulsivemurder; For those murdereddeliberately, calculates that the persontribulations.
三劫之中,属人劫最为常见,小到口角之争,冲动杀人;大到被人蓄意谋杀,都算人劫。Has a thoughtreadsfalls, kills the heart, this is the persontribulations, killsintentfromten thousandspirits.
念起念落间,杀心即起,这便是人劫,杀意发自万灵。Inthreetribulations, daytribulation, althoughis rare, butalsohas, such asdrawsnaturalall phenomena on earth, the wind and rainthunder and lightning, the landslide, the tsunami, the earthquakeandmeteoritecrashes...... is one of the day of tribulation, killsintentfrom the world.
三劫中,天劫虽然少见,但也不是没有,如拉自然万象,风雨雷电,山崩,海啸,地震、陨石坠落……都算是天劫的一种,杀意发自天地。Tribulationsas for the place, jokes aside, great antiquity, althoughhastribulations, butthistribulationis more likemakes up the number, hardlyadding on , to tribulationto collectthreetribulationwith the daytribulationandpersontogether.
至于地劫,说真的,洪荒虽有地劫,但此劫更像是凑数的,硬给加上的,好与天劫、人劫一起凑出个三劫来。Tribulationsbecause of the said/tunnellives, but the typicalinactivity, onlyknowsaccumulatedto raiseten thousandspirits, will never disturb the revolution of the world, therefore, world, althoughhas the name of tribulation, butdoes not havethistribulationto happen.
……At present, thisspecialfirstdeitydemon, faces, is daytribulations in threetribulation.
眼下,这个特殊的先天神魔,所面临的,便是三劫之中的天劫。In the dayway, the bodyhas the PangubloodlineandIt of chaosdemongodbloodline, the itself/Benis the differentnumber, now after Itis born, has greatlyLuoDaozuncultivatingis, thiscausesItfrom the minor differencenumber, turned into the greatlydifferentnumber.
The greatlydifferentnumber, cannot remain!
The innatethunderdividedto falltogether, brokethatfirstdeitydemonlight, causedItsimageclearemergencein the peopleat present.
一道先天雷霆劈落,震碎了那个先天神魔身上的道光,使得祂的形象清晰的出现在了众人的眼前。Un, with the peoplegenerallyis first Heavenly Daobodies, samecharmandperfect. Hisforeheadwere more than a verticalpupilitpeople, thatischaosgodeyes that is winding around the air/Qi of chaos.
嗯,与众人一般都是先天道体,一样的帅气与完美。只是,祂的眉心却是比之众人多了一颗竖瞳,那是一颗缭绕着混沌之气的混沌神眼。Hisback, had/left a pair of giantchaoswingcompared with the people, is pasting the endlesschaosair/Qi. Thepair of wingsopens, seeming the backdropis ordinary, notcompared withKunpengwingsmallmany.
元!Inexplicable, the newsappearedtogetherin the heart of people, makingthemknowthis first name of deitydemon, the Yuan!
莫名的,一道讯息浮现在了众人的心头,让祂们知道了这个先天神魔的名字,元!Very the name of atmosphere.
The Yuan, the beginning , the foundation of the world, hasbeginning has come again, meaning of the everything renewed.
元,始也、天地之本,有一元复始、万象更新之意。Thisfirstdeitydemonin the name ofthis, obviouslyitsuncommon, feared that is next toYuan Shi Tian Zun.
轰隆隆!Also the deityis first struck by lightningto falltogether, is enormous and powerfulto extinguish the fluctuation of the world, takes away as many things as possibletoward the Yuan.
The Yuanopened the mouth, after thisisItis born, first few words that says, is actually notItsname, butisice-cold„killing”character.
元开口了,这是祂诞生后,说出的第一句话,却不是祂的名字,而是冰冷至极的“杀”字。Askedto liveto kill!
求活而杀!In the ice-coldwords, the Yuanwhole bodysupernatural powersurges, the prestige of say/wayreveringfills the air, has the emptyshadow of chaosdemongodfaintlybehindItobviously.
The innatethunderchopsto fall, actuallykept offbybehind the Yuanchaosdemongodemptyshadow, both sidesperish together, belongs to the nihilityrespectively.
先天雷霆劈落,却被元背后的混沌魔神虚影挡下,双方同归于尽,各自归于虚无。Daydisaster'sfirst, a Yuansafe and securepassed.
天劫第一道,元平安度过。Butdaytribulationaltogethernine, the Yuanpassedfirst, could passsecond, as well asfollowingseveral, but alsostillcannotknow.
The Yuanfuture, is still uncertain.
After the firstinnatethunderbangnext, secondfollows closelyto come, chopsto fallloudly.
“破!”Complexiononecold, a Yuanback, the numerousPanguauthenticemptyshadow, Feng Zichen, Three Pure Ones, purpleslightlyGreat Emperorand the others, are all one of them obviously.
The secondinnatethunderbangfalls, kept offjointlyby the emptyshadow of people, protected the Yuan.
第二道先天雷霆轰落,被众人的虚影联手挡下,护住了元。Side, Feng Zichenand the otherssawthis, the complexiongets darkdirectly.
旁边,风紫宸等人看到这一幕,脸色直接就黑了下来。Is bornbytheirblood, onthis point, is very excessive. Yet now, the opposite partycanmelttheiremptyshadowto oppose the enemy, thislet the peopleunusualnausea.
以祂们之血诞生,就这一点,便已经很过分了。可如今,对方更是能化出祂们的虚影对敌,这就让众人异常的恶心了。This way, the Yuancan tracethisturns over to the source, evolves the bloodlines of peopledirectly, thendivides some destiny of peoplebythis?
太恶心了!Readandhence, the numerousPanguwas authentic, allwasmovesto the Yuankilledintent. Thiswithout family or friends, how couldto make the bystanderdivideowndestiny? Worldhow can there besuchtruth?
The murderous intentiongets up, the causes and effectslive!
杀机起,因果生!Absent-minded, Feng Zichen, Three Pure Onesand the others, in the heartallgave birthwiped the marvelousinduction, seemsthemto wantnow, canmeddleYuanthistimedaytribulation.
恍惚之间,风紫宸、三清等人,心中皆是生出了一抹奇妙的感应,好似现在祂们愿意,便可插手元此次的天劫。Daytribulationno onecanintervene, thisis the general knowledge. Butnow, the general knowledgeis actually broken.
天劫无人可以干预,这是常识。可现在,常识却被打破。What did thisindicate?
An explanationYuanpersonplundered.
说明元的人劫到了。Onlyhas the disaster, canintervene the disaster.
The Yuanis bornbecause ofpeople'sblood, thenhad the greatestcauses and effectswith the people.
元因众人之血诞生,便与众人结下了莫大的因果。WhenYuanbirth, in the peopleheartmovedtoItkilledto read, on that day the say/wayhad the feeling, had the inductionautomatically, gave the people the opportunities of settling the causes and effects.
值此元诞生之际,众人心中对祂动了杀念,那天道有感,自动生出感应,给予众人一个了结因果的机会。Howto settle?
如何了结?That is to make the people the Yuanpersontribulation, is goodto preventItsbirth.
那就是让众人成为元的人劫,好阻止祂的诞生。Naturally, notnecessarilypreventsitsbirth, can definitely useothermethod, howmustoperatespecifically, mustlook at the idea of people, the Heavenly Daocannot force.
The peopleare thinkingtime, thatthird the deitythunderhas first dividedto fall, sees the vertical eye of Yuanforeheadto openfiercely, releasetogetherduskychaosgodlight/only, thatfirstdeitythunderHongchengfragment.
众人想着的时候,那第三道先天神雷已经劈落,就见元眉心的竖眼猛地睁开,释放出一道灰蒙蒙的混沌神光,将那先天神雷轰成了碎片。Seesthis, Feng Zichenand the othersallknow, cannothesitate, ifwaitsagain, waited for the Yuanto pass a day of tribulation, thatpersonplunderedalsowithfinishing, severalpeopleinwantto acttoIt, thatpricewas big.
见此,风紫宸等人皆知,不能再犹豫了,若是再等下去,等元度过了天劫,那人劫也就跟着结束了,几人在想对祂出手,那代价就大了。Thinks ofhere, sees the Feng Zichenmindto move, within the bodygushes outtogether the inexplicablestrength, spreadstoward the distant place, will soon dividefourth that falls first deitythunderto fuse togetherwiththat.
Under fourth the deityis first struck by lightning, seesYuanwingone, just likehanging a day of cloud, raises the endlesschaosair/Qi, changes to the storm, stirred the fragment that fourthinnatethunder.
第四道先天神雷劈下,就见元羽翼一张,宛如垂天之云,掀起无尽的混沌之气,化作风暴,将那第四道先天雷霆搅成了碎片。However, innatethunder, althoughis broken, butFeng Zichenstrengthalsonotbroken. Thatinexplicablefluctuationdownward, disregarded the turbulentchaosstorm, arrived at a Yuanbodydirectly.
不过,先天雷霆虽碎,但风紫宸的力量还没碎。那股莫名的波动一路向下,无视了汹涌的混沌风暴,直接降临到了元的身上。Silent, a mysteriousstrengthpulls outfrom the Yuanbodyleaves, causesItsstrength, dropspointssuddenly.
无声无息的,一股玄妙力量从元的身上抽离,使得祂的实力,骤然下降一点。Meanwhile, Yuanback, thatrepresentativeFeng Zichenemptyshadow, quietbeing shattered.
与此同时,元的背后,那代表风紫宸的虚影,悄无声息的破灭。Right, a moment ago the Yuanwithin the bodyscreened outstrength, was the Feng Zichenbloodlinesstrength.
没错,刚才元体内被抽走的力量,正是属于风紫宸的血脉力量。Kills the Yuan, butbeforekillingIt, must first do, pulls outfromIt the strength of ownbloodlinesleaves. Otherwise, whichTianyuan, ifwere reactivated, thatwas disgusting.
After Feng Zichen, others are also followto act, uses the methodrespectively, fuseswith that fifthinnatethunder, wantsto take back the Yuanwithin the bodyownbloodlinesstrength.风紫宸之后,其余众人也是跟着纷纷出手,各自施展手段,与那第五道先天雷霆融合,欲收回元体内属于自己的血脉力量。Rumble!
轰隆隆!Under the fifthinnatethunderbang, seesin the Yuanhand, presents a great sealin vain, was thrownhighbyIt, is carrying the unsurpassedinvincible might, hitswith the fifthinnatethunder that chopsin the same place.
The nextquarter, whether there isperforms the mountain range the emptyshadowto reappear, continuous, a mountaintallpassed/livedmountain, the headstrongdesolateremoteauraheads on.
下一刻,有无尽山峦的虚影浮现,连绵不绝,一山高过一山,莽荒久远的气息扑面而来。ThisisYuanassociatedspirit treasure, hasbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasuremountains and riversseal that 43 first deitybans.
这是元的伴生灵宝,拥有四十三道先天神禁的极品先天灵宝山河印。Thisseal, crashesafterMount Buzhou, itsfinalsource, withinnateancestorlineage/veinspiritfusion, Navanmountainessence.
The mountains and riversgreat seal, as the name suggests, the strength of collectiongreat antiquitymountains and riversinone, has the controlworldmountains and riversmighty force.
山河大印,顾名思义,集洪荒山河之力于一身,具有操控天地山河的伟力。Was hitbythisgreat seal, thatfifth the deitythunderwas first poundeddirectlycrushes. But the strength of people, actuallydisregardedmountains and riverssealdirectly, oneandaddediton a Yuanbody.
被这大印一撞,那第五道先天神雷直接被砸得粉碎。但众人的力量,却是直接无视了山河印,一并加之在了元的身上。„~ ~”
“啊~~”Suddenly, the Yuansends out a sad and shrillpitiful yell, Itsstrengthin the rapiddrop, pulled outby an inexplicablestrengthleaves. Hisback, thatis symbolizing the numerousSaintemptyshadow of Itsnoblefamily background, is shatteredone after another.
蓦然,元发出一声凄厉的惨叫,祂的力量在飞速的下降,被一股莫名的力量抽离。祂的背后,那象征着祂高贵出身的众圣虚影,接连破灭。Quick, without a trace that thenvanishes.
很快,便消失的无影无踪。At this time, inItsback, besides the emptyshadow of chaosdemongod, onlyhad the emptyshadow of Mount Buzhouto exist.
此时,在祂的背后,除了混沌魔神的虚影之外,也就唯有不周山的虚影存在了。But the emptyshadow of thisMount Buzhou, is a Yuanbody, finally the residualPangugodis the mark.
而这道不周山的虚影,就是元的身上,最后残留的盘古神系印记。IfOk, the peoplereallywantthisMount Buzhoumark, to cutfrom the Yuanbody, brokeIt and relation of Pangugoddepartmentthoroughly.
若是可以,众人真的很想将这道不周山印记,从元的身上斩掉,彻底断了祂与盘古神系的联系。What a pity, thisis a Yuanbasis, isMount Buzhoutoitspresenting, by the strength of people, killsItto see, butwantsto cutthismark, is actually hardto achieve.
轰……Person the strength of bloodlines, pulls outfrom the Yuanbodyin the presence of everyonecompletelyleaves, Itsbodysuddenlyinspires, the strengthstartsto declineunexpectedly, fromLuoDaozunsituation, dropped the TaiyiDaoist deityboundarygreatly.
After the peoplescreen out the strength of oneselfbloodlines, a Yuansourcewants1/3at leastfew. Lostsomanysources, the strengthdid not fall suddenly, thatwasstrange matter.
众人抽走自己的血脉之力后,元的本源起码要少三分之一。失去了如此多的本源,力量不暴跌,那才是怪事。Butchain-reaction that after this, produces, is to make the Yuanbe caught off guard.
而在这之后,所产生的连锁反应,更是让元措手不及。Originally, only need pass a day of tribulation, the Yuancan the achievementgreatlyLuoDaozunboundary, butnowlooks like, thisfeared that will become an expectation.
本来,只需度过天劫,元便可成就大罗道尊的境界,可如今看来,这怕是会成为一种奢望。Afterthisonetime, in a short time, thisLuoDaozunboundary, fearedgreatlymissedwithhim.
经此一遭,短时间内,这大罗道尊的境界,怕是与他无缘了。WhenYuandistracted, sixthfirstdeitythunderHongluo. Thistogetherfirstdeitythunder, come is very quickly and anxious, the might is also very big, butcannotinjureto arrive at the Yuanas before, byhisbehindMount Buzhouemptyshadowkeeping off.
就在元精神恍惚之际,第六道先天神雷轰落。这一道先天神雷,来的很快、很急,威力也很大,但依旧没能伤到元,被他身后的不周山虚影给挡下了。Butthistogetherfirstafterdeitythunder, because of the Yuanstrengthlowreason, the might of daytribulation also drops.
轰隆隆!SeventhfirstdeitythunderHongluo, sees the Yuan of recovering, the backhandtakes out a lance, upwards a finger/refers. In an instant, the say/wayrhyme that is shatteredgreatly, crazyfilling the air, is shatteredall.
第七道先天神雷轰落,就见回过神来的元,反手取出一杆长矛,朝天一指。刹那间,一股大破灭的道韵,疯狂的弥漫而出,将一切都破灭。Thatseventh the deitythunder, has not first played the rolewith enough time, was disillusionedbythatrhyme.
那第七道先天神雷,还未来得及发挥作用,便被那股道韵破灭。Topinnatespirit treasure, bigbeing shatteredlance!
After thisisMount Buzhoucrashes, the strength of bigbeing shatteredemerges, withremaininginthisplace the strength of fusion of chaosdemongod, innatespirit treasure that breeds. Amonghas45 first deityto ban, hasto be shatteredallstrength, isonemurders the most precious object.
这是不周山崩塌之后,涌现的大破灭之力,与残留在此地的混沌魔神之力融合,所孕育的先天灵宝。其内拥有四十五道先天神禁,具有破灭一切之力,又是一件杀伐至宝。Really, the Yuanis very uncommon, unexpectedlywasassociatedtwobest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure, wasMount Buzhouworthilybreedsinbornsacred.
很强势!Top of the headmountains and riversseal, grasps the bigbeing shatteredlance, the emptyshadow of Mount Buzhouandchaosdemongod, appearsalternately, the Yuan is very indeed unusual, has the possibility of becoming enlightened.
但可惜,Hisdeath, has been doomed.
他的死亡,已经注定了。Because, numerousPanguOrthodox schooldoes not wantto make the Yuanlive. From the beginning, people'sdisliketoYuan, but came from his within the bodychaosdemongod'sblood.
But when sees the Yuan the back, when presentedtheirform, the peoplethenset firm resolve, mustmakehimdie.
可当看到元的背后,出现了祂们的身影时,那众人便下定决心,一定要让他死。Theirbloodlines, cannotbe deceived.
祂们的血脉,不容亵渎。Thisworld, anydaresto blaspheme the lives of theirbloodlines, should notexist. Thenpulled outto the bloodlines , was the same.
这个天地,任何敢于亵渎祂们血脉的生灵,都不应该存在。便是抽离了血脉,也是一样。Is holdingsuchidea, the peopleare quite tacit, displays the magical powersin secret, increased the might of day of tribulation.
轰!In the thunderglittering, carries the eighthinnatethunder of strength of people, slowlyformation.
雷光闪烁中,携带众人之力的第八道先天雷霆,缓缓成型。Butat this moment, the Yuan, does not knowhe who completelyarrival of danger, grasps the heavytreasure, had recognizedoneselfmustbe ablesuccessfullyto pass a day of tribulation, arrives in world.
轰隆隆!FirstdeitythunderHongluo, the Yuanself-confidentsmiles, grasps the bigbeing shatteredlance, evolves the scenery of infinitebeing shattered, faces forwardto puncture.
先天神雷轰落,元自信一笑,手持大破灭矛,衍化无穷破灭之景,朝前刺去。ps: Tomorrow the doublemonthly tickets, asked the monthly ticket. The entrancetreewas blownby the typhoon, stimulation.
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