The Daoistleft handholdsrousesat the same time, foreveningdrum;Right handthatbell, famousmorning bell.
那道人左手持一面鼓,为暮鼓;右手那一口钟,名晨钟。Thesetwotreasuresgather, callsmakestimely exhortation to virtue and purity, fortopinnatespirit treasure, embodiment45 first deitybans.
这两宝合起来,唤作晨钟暮鼓,为顶级的先天灵宝,内蕴四十五道先天神禁。Timely exhortation to virtue and purity, is the space and timeattributetreasure, exceptionallyrare. In the great antiquityworld, on the say/way of space and time, feared that isonly thenoperates the day of most precious objectchaosbell to presshishead, is not all ableto be on parwithit.
The might of thistreasure, feared that canbe on parwithriverchartriver chart, undertrueinnate supreme treasure firsteach otherinnatespirit treasure.
此宝之威力,怕是能与河图洛书比肩,真正的先天至宝之下第一彼此的先天灵宝。In the treasurethat yearbesides the hand, the Daoist robe that on the lightDaoistwore, is the uncommon, nameddayceremonial garments, abovehas12designs.
除手中宝物之外,那年轻道人身上穿的道袍,也是不凡,名为都天冕服,上面有着十二种图案。Today, moon/month, stars, mountain, dragonandmagnificenceinsect, sacrificial vessel, algae, fire, embroidery on the ceremonial dress of noblemen in ancient times, fuandfu, withspecialtechniquebrand markaboveceremonial garments, general of lifelike, goodseems true|really.
即日、月、星辰、山、龙、华虫、宗彝、藻、火、粉米、黼、黻,以特殊手法烙印在冕服之上,活灵活现,好似真的一般。Thisis12chapters of marks, onlyappearsabove the emperorrobe. This year the lightDaoist, wearsthisclothes, feared that is also naturalsovereign.
这是十二章纹,只出现于帝袍之上。这年轻道人,穿此衣而出,怕也是一尊天生的皇者。12chapters of markshaveitsdifferentsymbolic significancerespectively, generallythinks: day, moon/month and stars, takeitto illuminate;
The mountain, takesstablyits;
The dragon, takesitsdeal with changes;
The magnificenceinsect( a pheasantbird), takeshisWenli;
The sacrificial vessel( a sacrificial offeringsacrificial vessel), takesitsloyalty and filial piety;
The algae, takespurelyits;
The fire, takesitslight;
The embroidery on the ceremonial dress of noblemen in ancient times, takesitto nourish;
粉米,取其滋养;fu( axeshape), takesitsresolution;
黼(斧形),取其决断;fu, tookitsclear(ly)to distinguish.
The personal character of emperor, alllies inthis.
帝王之品德,皆在于此。Without a doubt, thisceremonial garments, isbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure. Un, hisheadstarcrown, under the illumination of light, splendid, fills the endlessinnatespiritrhyme, at least is also high-gradeinnatespirit treasure.
毫无疑问,这件冕服,也是一件极品先天灵宝。嗯,还有他头上的星冠,在道光的照射下,熠熠生辉,弥漫出无尽的先天灵韵,起码也是一件上品先天灵宝。Twobest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure, high-gradeinnatespirit treasure, equalsthreeinnatespirit treasure born, Panguauthenticworthilyis the biologicalson in the world, thistreatment is also enough.
The treasure that a birth, has, surpassed the great antiquity10,089%...... the life, onlyhas the small number of peoplewithitto be on par.
一出生,所拥有的宝物,就超过了洪荒90%九九九九……的生灵,唯有少数人可以与其比肩。Inbornrich and powerful people!
…………„Discipleinconsiderately, has seen the teacher!”
“弟子不周,见过师尊!”That yearlightDaoist, isinconsiderately the Daoist, went outafterMount Buzhou, directlyarrived at the Feng Zichenfront, towardItspays respectssay/way.
那年轻道人,也就是不周道人,从不周山走出之后,径直的来到风紫宸的面前,朝祂拜道。Althoughinconsiderately the Daoistwas just born, buthisspiritwisdomactually was born for manyyears, thereforeherecognizesFeng Zichen, is very familiarwithit.
不周道人虽是刚刚诞生,但他的灵智却早已诞生多年,故而他认得风紫宸,和其很是熟悉。After all, Feng Zichenboredtime, sometimeswill runto give the Daoistto sayinconsiderately, showsside that oneselflike to lecture to people.
毕竟,风紫宸无聊的时候,有时会跑去给不周道人讲道,展现自己好为人师的一面。Because of the explaining religious doctrinefriendship , a Daoistbirth, is then callingFeng Zichen the teacherinconsiderately.
因着讲道情谊在,遂不周道人一诞生,便称风紫宸为师尊。„Un, youare very good!”
“嗯,你很不错!”Nods, Feng Zichensatisfiedsaying.
点了点头,风紫宸满意的说道。In the name , his disciple, is very inconsiderately uncommon! Perhaps, the magnificence of Mount Buzhou, will continuein his handsis uncertain.
以不周为名,祂这个弟子,很是不凡啊!或许,不周山的辉煌,将会在祂的手中重新延续也不一定。To be honest, ifcarefullookstoinconsiderately the face of Daoist, will discover that personlookandFeng Zichen, havethreepoints of similar of unexpectedly.
说实话,若是仔细的看向不周道人的面孔,就会发现,其人相貌与风紫宸,竟是有着三分的相似。Poursalsonormally, withis authenticforPangu, the appearanceinheritsfromPangu, hasseveralpoints of similarity.
倒也正常,同为盘古正宗,样貌都是继承自盘古的,本就有着几分相似之处。Let alone, the Daoistis bornin the boundlessstarry skyinconsiderately, itsbreedingstage, in the contaminationseveralpoints of Feng Zichenaura, was unavoidably similartoItsfacial features, innormal.
更别说,不周道人还是诞生于无垠星空之中,其孕育阶段,难免沾染上了几分风紫宸的气息,与祂面容相似,在正常不过了。To be honest, at this time, boundlessstarry sky, ifbreedsstarsagainattributeinnatecomessacredly, thatFeng Zichendoes not want, has tohold one's nose the acknowledgment, oneselfhad/left a sonto come, true„kissing/betrothal”son.
The bloodlinessource is same!
The instance that the Daoistis borninconsiderately, the Heavenly Daohas the inductionimmediately, a boundlessdestiny came from the Three Realmseach regiongathering, in additionvariousonhisbody.
不周道人诞生的瞬间,天道立即生出感应,一股磅礴的气运从三界各地汇聚而来,加诸在了他的身上。Thisis the destiny of Three Realmsfirstlife!
这是三界第一生灵的气运!With the birth of Daoist, this firststruggle also dropped the curtaininconsiderately, was gained the finalvictorybyFeng Zichen.
The birth of Daoist, the experts of otherbeginning of the universeranksnaturallyalsoinducedinconsiderately. Theyare shocked at the same time, thisworldreallyalsohas the Panguauthenticbirth, on the one handalsoacceptedthisresultquickly.
不周道人的诞生,其余混元级别的高手自然也感应到了。祂们一方面震惊于,此世竟然还有盘古正宗的诞生,一方面也很快接受了这个结果。After all is PanguOrthodox school, noble does such family background, occupy the firstdestiny is not easy?
毕竟是盘古正宗,这么高贵的出身,占据一个第一的气运还不容易?In the heartacceptsthisresultat the same time, the peoplealsoslowed down the movement on handrespectively, since the firststrugglehas the result, these that theyregard as importantfirstdeitydemon, does not needsharply born, letsbreeding that theyallow nature to take its course.
心中接受这个结果的同时,众人也各自放缓了手上的动作,既然第一之争已经有了结果,那祂们看重的这些先天神魔,也就没有必要急着诞生了,就让他们顺其自然的孕育吧。Like thisthinking, the peoplewas all receiving the hand, withdrew the godto read, returnsin the Mount Buzhouruins, looks atthatspecialfirstHeavenly Daoembryo.
这样想着,众人皆是收了手,撤回了神念,重新回到了不周山遗址之中,看着那枚特殊的先天道胎。At this moment, people was actually much relaxed. Theyare the experts who the worldhave several, knewinconsiderately the after birth of Daoist, thenroughlyguessed correctly,thischildmost likely (80%)arethisfirstHeavenly Daoembryo the enemy of main road.
The two enmity, non- came from the firstdestiny, butislies inMount Buzhou.
二者之仇,非是来自于第一的气运,而是在于不周山。Mount Buzhoumountain massifbreeding, Mount Buzhouruinsbreed, two'sbirth, it can be said thatreceived the destiny in Mount Buzhou.
一者不周山山体孕育,一者不周山遗址孕育,二者的出生,都可以说是秉承了不周山的气运。Do not look that Mount Buzhouhas destroyed, butitsdestinystill, itssupportworldinnumerableyear of merits of still. Under thisisMount Buzhouleaves behind the blessings left by predecessors, ifsomepeoplecanitinheritance, then the main roadbecomes, in the futurewill be doomedto become the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal.
The Daoistwith this deityembryo, is first borninfirstdeitydemon of Mount Buzhouinconsiderately, explained that theyallhave the qualificationsto inherit the blessings left by predecessors of Mount Buzhou.
不周道人与这枚先天神胎,都是诞生于不周山的先天神魔,说明他二人皆有资格继承不周山的遗泽。But the blessings left by predecessors of Mount Buzhouonly hasone, in the futureachievementmain road , can only be a person. Therefore, in the futuretobecome enlightened, tostruggle the blessings left by predecessors of Mount Buzhou, thesetwopeoplewill want the battleto be unceasinginevitably.
The winnersobtainall, limitlessimmeasurable, mustbecome the main road, builds the beginning of the universeto say the fruit, the uniqueworld, the bigfree and unfettered, is greatly comfortable.
胜者得到一切,无极无量,得成大道,修成混元道果,超脱天地,得大逍遥,大自在。Defeated, thenlosesall, does not have a thing in the world.
The issue that the peoplecanwantto understand, Feng Zichennaturally can also wantto understand. SeesItto callinconsideratelyDaoistone: „Walks, along withgoes to the Mount Buzhouruinsfor the master, looks at the enemy of yourfuturemain road.”
众人能想明白的问题,风紫宸自然也能想明白。就见祂招呼不周道人一声:“走,随为师去不周山遗址,看一看你未来的大道之敌。”During the speeches, Feng Zichenwhole bodyauspicious signPengpays respects, bindswithinconsiderately the Daoisttwopeople, vanishedindirectlysame place, arrived at the Mount Buzhouruins, the front of people.
说话间,风紫宸浑身紫气澎拜,裹住自己与不周道人二人,直接消失在了原地,来到了不周山遗址,众人的面前。At this time, does not know that first deityembryohadwhatcondition, cannotbe bornas before, but alsoinsoon-to-be-bornstage.
After with the people11salute upon meeting, Feng Zichenhas drawninconsiderately the Daoist, toward a peopleintroduced: „Is goodto askfellow daoistto know, Ijustreceived a disciplenewly, callsdoesinconsiderately, is good.”
与众人一一见礼过后,风紫宸拉过不周道人,朝众人介绍道:“好叫诸位道友知晓,寡人刚刚新收了一个弟子,唤作不周,也算不错。”„In the futurefellow daoist, ifbumped intohimon the road, but alsopleaselook that takes care ofhiminmythinsurface12, avoidhemakes the troubleto cometome.”
“日后诸位道友若是在路上碰到了他,还请看在我的薄面上照顾他一二,省得他给我惹出麻烦来。”During the speeches, Feng Zichen the Daoistwill drawbefore the bodyinconsiderately, feignsdisgruntledsaying: „Hasn't brat, greetedwithseniorquickly?”
The Daoistlistenedinconsiderately, comes upto salute upon meetinghastilyin turn, a senior, calling the thiefto be sweet.
不周道人听了,连忙依次上去见礼,一口一个前辈,叫得贼甜。However, Feng Zichenhas not been makinghimand other peoplesalute upon meetingtoThree Pure Ones and Mother Earthempressanxiously, insteadfirstcirclesthem, making the Daoistsalute upon meetingtoward several other peopleinconsiderately.
不过,风紫宸并未急着让他向三清、后土娘娘等四人见礼,反而先是绕过来祂们,让不周道人朝其余几人见礼。Thatseveralpeople, besides the Nüwa the expert of empressandeasternsovereigntoofirst-gradebeginning of the universerank, receivedinconsiderately a Daoistritualconfidently, otherbigmagical powers, facinghissaluting, leanedentirely the body, was onlybyitscasual greeting, does not dareto receiveitsentireritual.
那几人,除女娲娘娘、东皇太一等混元级别的高手,坦然受了不周道人一礼之外,其余的大神通者,面对他的行礼,统统侧开了身子,只是受其半礼,不敢受其全礼。IsPanguOrthodox school, the statusis honored, besidessaint, whodaresto receive his ritual, feared that does not want the buckledestiny.
到底是盘古正宗,身份尊贵,除了圣人之外,谁敢受他一礼,怕不是要折损气运。„Emperorchatted, making the discipleinbornsacred, Pangube authentic, existence that in the futureis doomedto become enlightened. Fearsissoon, canbe on parwiththis poor Daoistand the others. In the futurewill meet, whotakes care ofwhois uncertain.”
“帝君说笑了,令徒天生神圣、盘古正宗,未来注定成道的存在。怕是用不了多久,就能与贫道等人比肩。日后遇到了,谁照应谁还不一定呢。”Seeing the Feng Zichenspeechis polite, saying that somepeopleteased, caused the peopleto laughconsistently.
见风紫宸说话客气,有人打趣的说道,引得众人一致大笑。These wordsseem like the joke, butmight as wellbe the peopletrueidea. PanguOrthodox school, looks overPanguOrthodox school that stillhas, was just bornbesides the Daoistinconsiderately, allalreadyachievement the boundary of beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal.
The profounddeepancestorwitchis not, butwas also quick.
哦,玄冥祖巫不是,但也快了。Thisis the futurebeginning of the universesays the lord, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperoraccepted a goodapprentice. Faint, the peoplelooktoItsvision, tookseveralpoints of envyingcolor.
Isn't suchgood lumberbeautifuljade, whyowndisciple?
这样的良材美玉,为何不是自己的弟子?Oh, envy, bah, envies!
唉,嫉妒,呸,羡慕啊!Then, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperoractuallyadded that itis onlygood, was really cheapalsoshowed off cleverness.
The people, at heart, spatseveralsalivatoFeng Zichen.
After inconsiderately the Daoists and people11salute upon meeting, Feng Zichenjust nowdrawsItto arrive at the Three Pure Onesfront, saidtowardIt: „Isn't aboutto seeyourthreeone's teacher's older brothers?”
待不周道人与众人一一见礼过后,风紫宸方才拉着祂来到三清的面前,朝祂说道:“还不快过来见过你三位师伯?”Thisrank, notfromDaoismtheory. From the Daoismtheory, Feng Zichenis also not related issueswithThree Pure Ones, Itfrom the startis not the person of Daoism.
The one's teacher's older brother of Daoist, discussedfrom the Pangubloodlineinconsiderately, withwas authenticforPangu, inconsiderately the Daoistwas the Feng Zichendisciple, asking a Three Pure Onesone's teacher's older brotherto have no issue.
不周道人的这声师伯,是从盘古血统上论的,同为盘古正宗,不周道人身为风紫宸的弟子,叫三清一声师伯没有任何的问题。Only if, Three Pure Onesgives up the Panguauthenticstatus, ordeniedinconsiderately the status of Daoist. Butthesetwopoints, Three Pure Onesis unable to achieve.
除非,三清放弃自己盘古正宗的身份,或是否认不周道人的身份。但这两点,三清都无法做到。Therefore, thischeapmasternephew, Three Pure Onesalso can only hold one's noseto recognize.
所以,这个便宜师侄,三清也只能捏着鼻子认下了。Whyas foris one 's teacher's older brother, rather thanteacher's younger brother. Thatnaturallybecause of the Three Pure Onesbirth, wantsearlyearlymanycompared withFeng Zichen. Is the character of peer, thatiswhois naturally oldwhoislong.
至于为何是师伯,而不是师叔。那当然是因为三清诞生的,比风紫宸要早的早的多。都是同辈的人物,那自然是谁年纪大谁为长喽。„Has seenthreeone's teacher's older brothersinconsiderately!” The Daoistgoes forwardaccording to the wordinconsiderately, respectfulsalutesto saytowardThree Pure Ones.
“不周见过三位师伯!”不周道人依言上前,恭敬的朝三清行礼道。Side, Feng Zichenhas not spoken, butfaint smilestares atThree Pure Onesto look. Thisyounger generationsalutes upon meetingtoThree Pure Ones for the first time, Feng Zichenhas not believed that Three Pure Onesfeels all rightdoes not give the gift on first meeting.
旁边,风紫宸也没说话,只是似笑非笑的盯着三清看。这晚辈第一次向三清见礼,风紫宸还就不信了,三清好意思不给见面礼。Just likeFeng Zichenthinks,Three Pure Onesis concerned about face-saving, sees the Mount BuzhouDaoist for the first time, naturallyembarrasseddid not give the gift on first meeting.
正如风紫宸所想,三清这么爱面子,第一次见到不周山道人,当然不好意思不给见面礼了。Not only need give, was unable to miss.
给,非但要给,还不能差了。Otherwise, oncethis matterpasses on, the peoplewill say that Three Pure Onesis mean-spirited.
不然的话,此事一旦传出去,众人都会说三清小气。Smilesslightly, sawtooclearsaintto put out a hand the Daoistto holdinconsiderately, said: „Really is a goodchild.”
微微笑了笑,就见太清圣人伸手将不周道人扶了起来,说道:“真是个不错的孩子。”At this point, tooclearsainttouchedin the sleeve, takes outpurpleprecious pearl, handed overinconsideratelyin the hand of Daoist, said: „This poor Daoistalsohas no goodthing, thistooclearprecious pearlthendeliversyouto defend self.”
The tooclearprecious pearl, the innatetooclearair/Qi, fortooclearsaintassociatedspirit treasure, embodiment36 first deitybans, for the raretreasure in high-gradeinnatespirit treasure.
The Daoistcannot postponeinconsiderately, mustreceivethistooclearprecious pearl, unceasingtowardtooclearsaintexpression of gratitude.
不周道人推迟不过,只得接下了这枚太清宝珠,不断的朝太清圣人道谢。Too after clearsaint, Yuan Shi Tian Zuntakes outjadeprecious pearl, namely the air/Qi of innatejade clearhigh-gradeinnatespirit treasurejade clearprecious pearl. The exceedingly highfoundertakes outazureprecious pearl, onsamehigh-gradeinnatespirit treasureazureprecious pearl.
太清圣人之后,元始天尊取出一枚玉色宝珠,即先天玉清之气所化的上品先天灵宝玉清宝珠。通天教主则是取出一枚青色宝珠,同样的上品先天灵宝上青宝珠。Twopeoplegaveinconsiderately the Daoist the treasure.
二人先后将宝物交给了不周道人。Side, Feng Zichenseesthis, the happy expression on the facenot being able to stopfills the air. Threeprecious pearlunite, is the best quality goodsinnatespirit treasureThree Pure Onesprecious pearl, the embodimentninedays of fresh air, for an immortalmost precious object, the wondrous useis infinite.
旁边,风紫宸看到这一幕,脸上止不住的笑意弥漫。三颗宝珠合一,便是极品先天灵宝三清宝珠,内蕴九天清气,为仙道至宝,妙用无穷。Salutes, resulted inbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure, this, the Daoistgainedinconsideratelyreallyin a big way.
只是行个礼,就得了一件极品先天灵宝,这一回,不周道人真是赚大了。Whywill be happyas forFeng Zichen? ThatnaturallyisbecauseItprofitsfrom the hand of Three Pure Ones. In the great antiquity, daresto occupyThree Pure Onesto be cheap, how manypeoplealsothere are?
至于风紫宸为何会高兴?那当然是因为祂从三清的手上占到了便宜。洪荒之中,敢占三清便宜的,又有几人?So long ascanoccupyThree Pure Onesto be cheap, Feng Zichen will be very happy.
只要能占到三清便宜,风紫宸就会很高兴。Moreover, thistimesuffers a loss, Three Pure Onesdoes not have the also means to come back. The Feng Zichendisciplesalutestothem, theymustgive the gift on first meeting.
而且,此次吃亏,三清也没办法还回来。风紫宸的弟子向祂们行礼,祂们要给见面礼。Buttheirdisciplessalute upon meetingtoFeng Zichen, Feng Zichenactuallydoes not needto give the gift on first meeting.
The reasonis very simple, the Three Pure Onesdiscipleis notPanguOrthodox school, has no relationswithFeng Zichen. Three Pure Oneswantsto retaliate, Ok, receives a Panguto work as the discipleauthenticon the line.
理由很简单,三清的弟子不是盘古正宗,和风紫宸没什么关系。三清想要报复回来,可以,也收个盘古正宗当弟子就行。Ifcannot achieve, thisowing, theyate.
After Three Pure Ones, Feng Zichengets the Daoistto salute upon meetingto the Mother Earthempressinconsiderately, „thisisyourMother Earthone's teacher's older brother.”三清之后,风紫宸领着不周道人向后土娘娘见礼,“这是你后土师伯。”InconsideratelyDaoistlittle darlingshouted one 's teacher's older brother.
不周道人乖乖的喊了一声师伯。Behind the empresssmiles, took out a longwhip, gave tohim. Thatishigh-gradeinnatespirit treasurecatches up withmountainwhip, has the commandmountain rangecan.
After Mother Earth, Feng Zichengetsinconsiderately the DaoisttocancellingChenJianli, revereshisteacher's younger brother.
后土之后,风紫宸又领着不周道人向勾陈见礼,尊其一声师叔。Doing, cancellingChenis a poor devil, the bodycannot put outhigh-gradeinnatespirit treasure. After all, hasentirehuman clan to raise, even ifcancelsChento be wealthy, must press outto do.
奈何,勾陈是个穷鬼,身上拿不出上品先天灵宝来。毕竟,有着整个人族要养,就算勾陈再富裕,也要被榨干。Butit is well known, the person the sovereigncancelsChen and purpleslightlyGreat Emperor, that is as close as brothers, shares everything. At this time, ifItcannot put out any goodthingto cometooneselfblood relativemasternephew, feared that does not knowwill havemanyrumors.
但众人皆知,人皇勾陈与紫微大帝,那是亲如兄弟,不分彼此。此时,祂要是拿不出什么好东西来给自己的嫡亲师侄,怕是不知会生出多少谣言来。Thinks,cancelsChento make use of local materials, folds the nextbranchfrom the body of the world tree, gave toinconsiderately the Daoist.
The branch of the world tree, the wondrous useis infinite, byitsvalue, even ifwere inferior that best quality goodsinnatespirit treasure, that is not far, definitelyis in any case more precious than high-gradeinnatespirit treasure.
世界树的树枝,妙用无穷,论其价值,就算不如极品先天灵宝,那也是相去不远,反正,肯定比上品先天灵宝珍贵。Givessuchgift, poursalsotalliescancelsrelations between Chen and purpleslightlyGreat Emperor.
送这样的礼物,倒也符合勾陈与紫微大帝之间的关系。Alsois the ruthlessperson, Feng ZichenforpitThree Pure Ones, unexpectedlyincludingoneselfonepitting.
也是狠人,风紫宸为了坑三清,竟然连自己都一起坑。Sufficesto be ruthless!
In the Daoistharvestsinconsideratelyis many, thatgathers the potentialfor a long timefirstdeityembryo, finallymustbe born.
A sound shaking, firstindeityembryobelowbloodpond, thatinsidecolorfulgodblood, suddenlystartsto contract, changes topowerfulstrengths, swamps intofirstin the deityembryo.
刷……Endlesslightascended, butinthatradiantgodlight/only , the hugeformappearedtogethergradually.
无尽的道光升腾,而就在那璀璨的神光之中,一道庞大的身影渐渐浮现。In an instant,
An inexplicablesay/wayreveres the pressure on fill the air.
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