GDSP :: Volume #9

#821: Disciples

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First deity demon that the day after tomorrow transforms, that is also first deity demon, can struggle that first destiny as before. 后天蜕变的先天神魔,那也是先天神魔,依旧能争那第一的气运。 The world source, does not lose in the treasure of the world source, had breeding first ability of deity demon, these human clan Heaven's Chosen absorbed it, the exuviate will turn into the deity demon without doubt to be first easier. 世界本源,不输于天地本源的宝物,本就具有孕育先天神魔的能力,那些人族天骄吸收了它,蜕变成先天神魔无疑会容易许多。 Now, looked at their respective good fortunes, whether the first exuviate could turn into first deity demon, concerns their future achievements. 现在,就看他们各自的造化了,能否第一个蜕变成先天神魔,关乎到他们未来的成就。 Although, Feng Zichen favors that in boundless starry sky first Heavenly Dao embryo, but human clan Heaven's Chosen, if can first his birth, that Feng Zichen expect to see this very much. 虽然,风紫宸更看好无垠星空之中的那枚先天道胎,但人族天骄若能先他一步诞生,那风紫宸还是很期待看到这一幕的。 This indicated, the human clan Heaven's Chosen does not lose in any first deity demon! 这说明,人族天骄不输于任何先天神魔! ...... …… ............ ………… But in the people when busy, the god of purple slightly Great Emperor read, arrived in the boundless starry sky swayingly, then, at a moderate pace walked toward the starry sky center. 而在众人都在忙碌之际,紫微大帝的神念,晃晃悠悠的来到了无垠星空之中,然后,不紧不慢的向着星空中央走去。 There, has a palatial Divine Mountain, sends out the endless invincible might, is suppressing the entire boundless starry sky, making the starry sky exceptionally stable. Then is several beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortals erupts the war in this , is hard to shake this place slightest. 那里,有着一座巍峨的神山,散发出无尽的神威,镇压着整个无垠星空,使得星空变得异常的稳固。便是数尊混元大罗金仙在此爆发大战,也是难以撼动此地分毫。 But this Divine Mountain, is Mount Buzhou! 而这座神山,正是不周山! Ancient times end, Mount Buzhou avalanche, the mountain massif of its break, was transported in the boundless starry sky by Feng Zichen by the unsurpassed big magical powers. 远古末期,不周山崩塌,其断裂的山体,被风紫宸以无上大神通搬运到了无垠星空之中。 The goal has two ; first, because of then boundless starry sky situated in the shatter edge, will collapse momentarily, therefore, Feng Zichen moves in the mountain massif of Mount Buzhou, by its remaining invincible might, the suppression soon shatter void, making him consolidate temporarily. 其目的有二,一是因为当时的无垠星空处于破碎的边缘,随时都会崩溃,故而,风紫宸将不周山的山体搬来,以其身上残余的神威,镇压即将破碎的虚空,使其暂时稳固下来。 Second, because of the Feng Zichen selfishness, It wants to have a look, if It at the strength of Pangu Deity, accumulated raises Mount Buzhou, can make It restore to the peak level. 二是因为风紫宸的私心,祂想要看看,若祂以盘古神人的力量,蕴养不周山,能否使得祂恢复到巅峰的水准。 Mount Buzhou of peak, can suppress the entire great antiquity world, its strength, then compared with it chaos most precious object, that is also exactly right. 巅峰时期的不周山,能够镇压住整个洪荒天地,其力量之强,便是比之混沌至宝,那也是不差分毫。 If really made Feng Zichen succeed, was equal to that It grasped a treasure that endured compared with the chaos most precious object. 若真让风紫宸成功了,就等于祂掌握了一件堪比混沌至宝的宝物。 This thought that only thinks, incomparable anticipation. Therefore, Feng Zichen the mountain massif that breaks Mount Buzhou, brings back to the boundless starry sky. 这个念头,仅是想想,就让人无比的期待。故而,风紫宸才会将不周山断裂的山体,带回无垠星空。 But finally, has not disappointed It. 而结果,也没让祂失望。 With this boundless starry sky overall promotion, this section of Mount Buzhou mountain massif, obtained a big advantage, evolved Mount Buzhou not saying that bred ancestor lineage/vein. 随着此次无垠星空整体晋升,这截不周山山体,也是得到了不小的好处,重新演变成了不周山不说,更是孕育了一道祖脉。 It is not the Eastern ancestor lineage/vein, is not the Western ancestor lineage/vein, but is the ancestor lineage/vein of great antiquity world, the ancestors of ten thousand lineage/vein. 不是东方祖脉,也不是西方祖脉,而是洪荒天地的祖脉,万脉之祖。 Ancestor lineage/vein that a few words, Mount Buzhou breeds, at the beginning is that is epoch-making, the birth first ancestor lineage/vein. Originally, this ancestor lineage/vein, as avalanche of Mount Buzhou, one and destroyed. 一句话,不周山孕育的祖脉,就是那开天辟地之初,诞生的第一条祖脉。本来,这条祖脉随着不周山的崩塌,也一并毁去了。 But at this moment, that Mount Buzhou mountain massif the unsurpassed good fortune, evolved inconsiderately Divine Mountain, inside that was affected by the dead innate ancestor lineage/vein, gave full play to the vitality unexpectedly, followed to live, was really the good luck! 但此刻,那不周山山体得无上造化,重新演变成了不周神山,里面那本以死去的先天祖脉受到影响,竟是重新焕发了生机,也跟着活了过来,真是好造化啊! Newborn Divine Mountain inconsiderately, is not naturally able to compare with original that. But it cannot look down upon, concerns the might, this mountain does not lose in any opens a day of most precious object, even in certain aspects, but must even better. 新生的不周神山,自然无法与原先的那座相比。但其也不能小视,论及威力,此山绝不输于任何一件开天至宝,甚至在某些方面,还要更胜一筹。 This is the true unsurpassed most precious object. 这是真正的无上至宝。 This mountain, suppresses all, under not enormous gold/metal immortal, breaks the no strength of resistance, besides by the anchorage all, did not have the second possibility again. 此山一出,镇压一切,无极大罗金仙之下,断无任何反抗之力,除了被定住一切之外,再无第二个可能。 Moreover, the boundless starry sky has this little Mount Buzhou suppression, does not need to be worried that was broken through by the bystander. To destroy the boundless starry sky, Ok, must first destroy little Mount Buzhou is good. 而且,无垠星空有此小不周山镇压,再不用担心被外人攻破了。想要打碎无垠星空,可以,得先将小不周山打碎才行。 ...... …… Little Mount Buzhou is very strong, stands erect in the most center of boundless starry sky, is under of purple faint star, sends out the endless Pangu invincible might, is stabilizing the stability of entire boundless starry sky. 小不周山很强,屹立在无垠星空的最中心,也就是紫微星的正下方,散发出无尽的盘古神威,稳定着整个无垠星空的稳定。 Feng Zichen this comes, comes for It. 风紫宸此来,正是为祂而来。 Right, first deity embryo that then exceptionally was regarded as important by Feng Zichen, is Mount Buzhou breeding. 没错,那被风紫宸异常看重的先天神胎,就是不周山孕育的。 Even Feng Zichen had not discovered, in Mount Buzhou mountain massif that initially broke, actually remained a Pangu essence. 风紫宸都没有发现,当初断裂的不周山山体中,竟然残留了一丝盘古精髓。 This Pangu essence, with Mount Buzhou of break, one and led into the boundless starry sky by Feng Zichen, raises by Pangu Deity strength of accumulated. 这丝盘古精髓,随着断裂的不周山,被风紫宸一并带入了无垠星空之中,以盘古神人之力蕴养起来。 But with nourishing of strength of Pangu Deity, this Pangu essence, had a wisp of weak vitality gradually. The vitality is very weak, has almost not evolved the life the possibility. 而随着盘古神人之力的滋养,这丝盘古精髓,渐渐生出了一缕微弱的生机来。生机很微弱,几乎没有演变成生命的可能。 But the good fortune in world, is such marvelous. 但世间的造化,就是这么奇妙。 The boundless starry sky promotion, among all, came under the influence, more or less obtained some good fortunes. 无垠星空晋升,其内的一切,都受到了影响,或多或少的得到了一些造化。 Pangu essence, the strength of collection boundless starry sky, the strength of innate ancestor lineage/vein, the strength of little Mount Buzhou in one, had the transformation that is inconceivable finally, changed to one first deity embryo. 那丝盘古精髓,集无垠星空之力,先天祖脉之力,小不周山之力于一身,终是发生了难以想象的蜕变,化作了一枚先天神胎。 Inconceivable! 不可思议! Life that the Pangu essence changes, also breeding of Mount Buzhou, its, although has not been born, but Feng Zichen has been able to determine, this first deity embryo breeding, is an inborn sacredness, true Pangu Orthodox school. 盘古精髓化作的生灵,又得不周山的孕育,其虽未诞生,但风紫宸已经可以确定,这尊先天神胎孕育的,正是一尊天生的神圣,真正的盘古正宗。 Really inconceivable, epoch-making since, has passed does not know many hundred million years, in present this time, unexpectedly inborn sacred Pangu authentic birth. 真是不可思议,开天辟地至今,都已经过去不知多少亿年了,于如今这个时代,竟然还有天生神圣盘古正宗的诞生。 Was is too accidental/surprised. 实在是太让人意外了。 To be honest, when Feng Zichen detected this deity embryo is first born, is a surprise of face, finds it very hard to believe. 说实话,当风紫宸察觉到这尊先天神胎诞生的时候,也是一脸的诧异,觉得很是不可思议。 This Pangu is authentic, is really the child of miracle, is born in the inconceivable time, he has the big good fortune, big chance. 这个盘古正宗,真可谓是奇迹之子,于不可思议的时间诞生,他有大造化,大机缘。 Therefore, Feng Zichen moved again the thought of accepting the disciple, It must receive this inborn sacred is a disciple. Takes Pangu Orthodox school as the disciple, this truly conforms to the status of purple slightly Great Emperor. 为此,风紫宸再次动了收徒的念头,祂要收这个天生神圣为徒。以盘古正宗为徒,这确实符合紫微大帝的身份。 After all is great antiquity most honored existence, Its disciple, considers honored exceptionally. But in great antiquity, Pangu Orthodox school nobler? 毕竟是洪荒最为尊贵的存在,祂弟子,也当是异常的尊贵。而洪荒之中,还有比盘古正宗更高贵的吗? No! 没有! This deity embryo, seems is first common for the apprentice who Feng Zichen is tailor, each aspect, appropirateness in various significances. 这个先天神胎,就好似是为风紫宸量身打造的徒弟一般,各个方面,各种意义上的合适。 Speaking of the apprentice, has to say personally Feng Zichen raises, is three disciples who It places the great expectations, wind, Jiang Hui and Jiang hero. 说到徒弟,就不得不说风紫宸亲手养大的、也是祂寄予厚望的三位弟子,风杰、姜慧与姜雄。 Really yes damn! 真就是见鬼了! Feng Zichen looked for tens of thousands years in the sea, does not know that leafed through many infinite universe, actually without discovering a It three people of trail, felt strange, seems Its three people, absolutely would have no to be the same in the sea. 风紫宸在界海找了几万年,不知翻遍了多少个大千世界,却是没有发现祂三人的一丝踪迹,也是奇了怪了,就好似祂三人,根本就没在界海一般。 The monster clan cuts down on the eve of human clan, the wind outstanding three people in travelling, the accident/surprise are missing, Feng Zichen wants to seek, but actually calculates that this is It three people of chances, sent in the infinite universe by the space storm. 妖族伐人族前夕,风杰三人在游历的时候,意外失踪,风紫宸本想去寻找,但却算到这是祂三人的机缘,被空间风暴送入了大千世界之中。 Read and hence, Feng Zichen also extinguished sought for the wind outstanding three people of thoughts. About is delivers It three people to go to the infinite universe, since their three had passed, that also saved the Feng Zichen matter. 念及至此,风紫宸也就熄了寻找风杰三人的念头。左右都是送祂三人前往大千世界的,既然祂们三个已经过去了,那还省了风紫宸的事。 Hence, was the innumerable years passes. 至此,就是无数年过去了。 But during this period, three people is a news do not have unexpectedly. 而在此期间,三人竟是一点消息也没有。 Originally very calm Feng Zichen, then somewhat was anxious, several times sent out clone, sneaks the sea to look for three people of whereabouts in secret, what a pity, all has achieved nothing. 本来还很淡定的风紫宸,这下有些急了,数次派出分身,暗中潜入界海寻找三人的下落,可惜,皆是一无所获。 Looked for several years, the only clue that Feng Zichen obtains is, approximately when the witch monster war has not happened, three people once appeared in the sea shortly. 找了数年,风紫宸得到的唯一线索就是,大约在巫妖大战还未发生的时候,三人曾短暂的出现在界海之中。 Then is quick, three people then vanished, hence does not have a news again. 然后很快的,三人便消失了,至此再无一丝的消息。 Facing such situation, if not that in heart wipes the induction to tell Feng Zichen, the wind outstanding three people not only have not had an accident, instead crosses very well, Feng Zichen feared that anxious is insane. 面对这样的情况,若非心中的那抹感应告诉风紫宸,风杰三人非但没有出事,反而过得很好,风紫宸怕就是早就急疯了。 Right, the wind outstanding three people of situations, are not very bad. Had not seen, Feng Zichen did call three people by It? Obviously, they already achievement greatly Luo Daozun boundary, and in this on, went out of very far distance together. 没错,风杰三人的情况,并不是很糟。没看到,风紫宸都以“祂”来称呼三人了吗?显然,祂们三人已经成就了大罗道尊的境界,且在这一道上,走出了很远的距离。 Un, Feng Zichen passes to three people, is the most ancient boundary system, does not have that edition of accurate Saint boundary, the big Luo Daozun boundary included all. Therefore, three people actually strong, Feng Zichen is not very clear. 嗯,风紫宸传给三人的,是最古老的境界体系,也就是没有准圣境界的那一版,大罗道尊的境界囊括了一切。故此,三人究竟有多强,风紫宸也不是很清楚。 Perhaps is only common big Luo Daozun, naturally possibly is also on par big Luo of Saint to be certainly supreme. 或许只是寻常的大罗道尊,当然也可能是比肩准圣的大罗至尊。 Is specifically strong, but must meet knows. But Feng Zichen really could not find them, really damn. 具体多强,还得见了面才知道。但风紫宸是真的找不到祂们,也真是见鬼了。 Before then, Feng Zichen cannot think absolutely, in this big world, really has the person who It could not find. His strength full, Pangu revolves, the strength touches the boundary above not enormous gold/metal immortal sufficiently. 在此之前,风紫宸绝对想不到,这偌大的天地之间,竟然有祂找不到的人。要知道,祂实力全开之下,盘古法相运转起来,实力足以触摸到无极大罗金仙之上的境界。 Oh, is this, had not found the wind outstanding three people. Place that they are, also is really enough secret, in the meantime, this also made Feng Zichen know, the secret that in this world hid, compared with mysterious many many that It imagined. 唉,就是这样,也没找到风杰三人。祂们所在的地方,也真是够隐秘的,同时,这也让风紫宸知晓了,这个世上所隐藏的秘密,远比祂想象的神秘的多的多。 It, but also the need is stronger. 祂,还需要更强。 ...... …… ............ ………… Did not propose the wind outstanding three people, could not find in any case, Feng Zichen besides prayed for them secretly, did not have other means. 不提风杰三人了,反正也找不到,风紫宸除了暗自为祂们祈祷之外,也没别的办法。 Said other beginning of the universe level experts, when expediting childbirth of various methods first deity embryo, Feng Zichen as in not anxiously not slow walks toward Mount Buzhou. 就说其余的混元级高手,在各施手段的催生先天神胎的时候,风紫宸依旧在不急不慢的朝不周山走去。 Feng Zichen is not anxious, does not need to expedite that first deity embryo, because It is believing, this first deity embryo breeds inborn sacred, Pangu is authentic, definitely meets the first birth. 风紫宸根本就不急,也无需去催生那尊先天神胎,因为祂坚信着,这尊先天神胎所孕育的天生神圣,盘古正宗,肯定会第一个诞生。 Previously, Feng Zichen was perhaps indefinite, but after seeing in Mount Buzhou ruins that first deity embryo, It then determined this point. 先前,风紫宸或许还不确定,但在看到不周山遗址里面的那个先天神胎后,祂便确定了这一点。 That first existence of deity embryo, is actually very inconceivable, about two big legitimate in one. But breeds his, eventually is not Pangu's blood, but is Feng Zichen and the others the holy blood. 那个先天神胎的存在,却是很不可思议,合两大正统于一身。但孕育他的,终究不是盘古之血,而是风紫宸等人的圣血。 One generation of blood with two generations of blood, seem like that the disparity is not big, but actually, is actually day and the difference of place. Feng Zichen, Three Pure Ones and Mother Earth empress and other Pangu bind together authentic completely, does not dare to say oneself can have the eventuality of father god Sir. 一代血与二代血,看似差距不大,但实则,却是天与地的差别。风紫宸三清、后土娘娘等所有的盘古正宗全部绑在一起,也不敢说自己能有父神大人的万一。 By this, then can see the disparity between both, is not existence in concept. 以此,便能看出两者间的差距,根本就不是一个概念上的存在。 That chaos demon god's blood, does not know after being weakened many blood, the divine nature was obliterated by the people most. 那混沌魔神之血,也是不知被削弱多少后鲜血,神性都被众人磨灭大半了。 This all sorts of conditions put together, has been able to make Feng Zichen conclude that first deity embryo, is inferior to the boundless starry sky the first deity embryo. 这种种条件加在一起,已经可以让风紫宸断定,那个先天神胎,不如无垠星空的这尊先天神胎。 This is earnest Pangu Orthodox school, cannot do false, great antiquity world most honored existence. In the great antiquity world, Pangu authentic is a son of first wife, but the chaos demon god is only a son, the disparity was too big. 这是正儿八经的盘古正宗,做不得假,洪荒天地最为尊贵的存在。在洪荒天地之中,盘古正宗就是嫡子,而混沌魔神只是庶子,差距太大了。 Moreover, the destiny of Pangu god department, will not tolerate this to have the first deity embryo of chaos demon god bloodline, the first birth, will definitely find the way to obstruct willfully. 而且,那盘古神系的气运,也不会容忍这有着混沌魔神血统的先天神胎,第一个诞生,必然会想办法横加阻挠。 The hindrance were too many, in Mount Buzhou ruins that first deity embryo, should not exist, tribulation that therefore he undergoes, is above the imagination. 阻碍太多了,不周山遗址里面的那个先天神胎,本就不该存在,故此他所经历的磨难,也是超乎想象的。 However, present Feng Zichen, emphasis actually not here, but in these two first in the birthplace of deity embryo. 不过,现在的风紫宸,关注点却不在这里,而是在这两个先天神胎的诞生地上。 Mount Buzhou! 不周山! These two deity embryo, the similarities, that is first born in Mount Buzhou. 这两个先天神胎,有一个相同点,那就是都诞生于不周山中。 A birth in the ruins in Mount Buzhou, a birth in the mountain massif of Mount Buzhou, all for Mount Buzhou the life of breeding. 一者诞生于不周山的遗址之中,一者诞生于不周山的山体之中,皆为不周山所孕育之生命。 Very strange phenomenon, Mount Buzhou crashed so many years, why will be born one after another two first deity embryo, is this coincidence? 很奇怪的现象,不周山都崩塌了这么多年,为何会接连诞生两个先天神胎,这是巧合吗? Does not look like, seem like intentionally for it. 看着不像,倒像是故意为之。 However, Feng Zichen changes mind thinks, thought this is a coincidence. That in Mount Buzhou ruins first deity embryo, can definitely say, some people deliberately make. 不过,风紫宸转念一想,却又觉得这就是一个巧合。不周山遗址里的那枚先天神胎,可以肯定的说,是有人刻意制造出来的。 But of little Mount Buzhou first deity embryo, his birth, feared that is really only the coincidence. After all, even Feng Zichen has not expected little Mount Buzhou to breed one unexpectedly first deity embryo. 但小不周山的这尊先天神胎,他的诞生,怕是真的只是巧合。毕竟,连风紫宸都没料到小不周山竟会孕育出一尊先天神胎来。 Even Feng Zichen has not expected, will the bystander guess correctly? Here, but the boundless starry sky, the Feng Zichen foundation is, without Its permission, is the Heavenly Dao is not then able to peep at this place. 风紫宸都没料到,外人又怎会猜到?要知道,这里可是无垠星空,风紫宸的根基所在,没有祂的允许,便是天道也无法窥视此地。 Therefore, Feng Zichen is self-confident, no one can attempt to pervert in the boundless starry sky. 因此,风紫宸自信,没人能在无垠星空做手脚。 ...... …… Has not waited for Feng Zichen to arrive at the front of Mount Buzhou, listens to the front transmitted bang suddenly one, then, the entire great antiquity was alarmed, seven pink clouds light fill the air, meets the day continually, stretches across in the world. 未等风紫宸走到不周山的面前,就听前方突然传来了“轰”的一声,然后,整个洪荒都被惊动了,一道道七彩霞光弥漫而出,接天连地,横跨在天地之间。 Meanwhile, various astonishing phenomenon, like reappearing of one after another not asking for money general as, was the Heavenly Dao is also alarmed, began to give the vault of heaven to cross seven pink clouds light personally, the entire world, tall and pleasing to the eye that served as contrast. 同时,各种惊人的异象,如同不要钱一般似的接连浮现,便是天道也被惊动了,亲自动手给天穹渡上了一层七彩霞光,将整个天地,都衬托的美轮美奂。 This is...... 这是…… That Pangu was born authentic! 那尊盘古正宗诞生了! All sorts of phenomenon that now appears, is his blessing, reputation beautiful and praise world. 如今所浮现的种种异象,都是天地对他的祝福、誉美、赞扬。 Pangu Orthodox school, the inborn sacredness, said that child of the world is not overrated, what kind of glory exerts on his body is not excessive. 盘古正宗,天生的神圣,说一声天地之子都不为过,怎样的荣耀施加在他的身上都不过分。 Looks at the present phenomenon, in the Feng Zichen heart moves, then presented in little Mount Buzhou nearby. 看着眼前的异象,风紫宸心中一动,便出现在了小不周山的跟前。 The day god of journeys pupil opens, then sees, the interior of little Mount Buzhou, the deity lineage/vein are first, three thousand li (500 km) auspicious signs fill the air, interweave the assorted marvelous sight. 天道神瞳开启,便看到,小不周山的内部,先天神脉所在,三千里紫气弥漫,交织出各色奇景。 The auspicious sign deep place, is one group of dim seven pink clouds light, is twisting unceasingly is contracting, when Feng Zichen catches up comes to here, this group of light have evolved to the limit, gradually had the human form, subsequently changed to a young Daoist. 紫气深处,是一团朦胧的七彩霞光,正在不断的扭曲收缩着,当风紫宸赶来这里的时候,这团道光已经演变至极限,逐渐有了人形,继而化作了一年轻道人。 That year light Daoist, with Feng Zichen( purple slightly Great Emperor) general, is the purple turning purple pupil. 那年轻道人,与风紫宸(紫微大帝)一般,皆是紫发紫瞳。 This is the Pangu authentic symbol, Pangu is the purple turning purple pupil. The main road is the purple, Pangu as the person of shortcut, is transforming to the purple, therefore, his direct descendant descendant inherited Its strength, inborn is the purple turning purple pupil. 这是盘古正宗的标志,盘古就是紫发紫瞳。大道为紫色,盘古作为近道之人,也在向紫色转变,故而,其嫡系后裔继承了祂的力量,天生便是紫发紫瞳。 Why as for the Three Pure Ones 12 ancestor witches was not so, can only say that they were the exceptions, within the body besides the Pangu source, but also wanted the innate clear muddy source, naturally can have the mutation. 至于三清十二祖巫为何不是如此,只能说祂们是例外,体内除了盘古本源之外,还要先天清浊本源,自然会产生异变。 This year the light Daoist, a birth had cultivating of Taiyi Daoist deity is being, was the inborn sacred standard configuration, regardless of Three Pure Ones were also good, when emperor handsome too one, its birth, was cultivating of innate Daoist deity is. 这年轻道人,一出生就拥有着太乙道君的修为,正是天生神圣的标配,无论三清也好,帝俊太一也罢,其出生之时,都是先天道君的修为。 Inborn sacred, is Pangu Orthodox school, what kind of uncommonness, is certainly impossible to begin born spatially, the side must have associated spirit treasure. 天生神圣,又是盘古正宗,何等的不凡,当然不可能空着手诞生,身边少不得伴生灵宝 Saw, that year when the light Daoist was born, both hands held a treasure respectively. 就看到,那年轻道人诞生之时,双手各持一宝。
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