GDSP :: Volume #9

#820: Planning of great wild goose honored say/way ancestor

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On the Pangu heart, that purple blood, rapidness of more and more flowing, the air/Qi of day evil deity is also getting more and more rich. 盘古心脏身上,那紫色的鲜血,流动的越来越快,都天神煞之气也越来越浓郁。 In a while, marvelous vitality, from the Pangu heart, fills the air a continuously suddenly. 没过多久,一缕缕奇妙的生机,骤然从盘古心脏之中,弥漫开来。 Had the new innate big witch born! 有新的先天大巫诞生了! Several years later, in the Pangu heart, bred a new innate big witch to come out again. But this innate big witch, is the Mother Earth empress, is used to struggle the first deity demon of first chance. 时隔多年,盘古心脏之中,再次孕育了一尊新的先天大巫出来。而这尊先天大巫,就是后土娘娘,用来一争第一机缘的先天神魔。 ...... …… ............ ………… Northern Luzhou, the monster clan is all, eastern sovereign too one silently looks at the present first deity embryo, in the look is completely the color of longing. 北俱芦洲,妖族所在,东皇太一默默的看着眼前的先天神胎,眼神之中尽是怀念之色。 As can be seen, the eastern sovereign too in front of one first deity embryo, the body winds around a radiant Sun to be really hot unexpectedly. 可以看到,东皇太一面前的这枚先天神胎,身上竟然缭绕着一层璀璨的太阳真火。 By that radiant golden flame, can see, in that in the deity embryo, is first having a three full Golden Crow, slowly is stretching the wing. 透过那璀璨的金色火焰,更是能够看到,在那先天神胎之中,正有着一只三足金乌,缓缓的舒展着翅膀。 This first deity embryo, bred a small Golden Crow unexpectedly. Not in Sun on-board, but all Luzhou north this, in the supreme headquarters of monster clan. 这枚先天神胎,竟是孕育了一只小金乌。不是在太阳星上,而是在这北俱芦洲,妖族的大本营之中。 Really inconceivable, big day Golden Crow life, will be born in the place beyond solar star unexpectedly. 真是不可思议,大日金乌这种生灵,竟会诞生在太阳星之外的地方。 Actually he how is born? 那他究竟是如何诞生的呢? It is not east an sovereign too method goes against heaven's will, but was It seeks that nine fall from the sky, the skeleton of small Golden Crow. 不是东皇太一的手段逆天,而是祂寻到了那九头早已陨落的,小金乌的尸骸。 It uses the unsurpassed magical powers, fuses the sources of these nine small suns. Meanwhile, in the exceedingly high method, dammed the current air/Qi of the world good fortune, this expedited this first deity embryo, bred in the great antiquity world, the 13 th small Golden Crow. 祂动用无上神通,将这九头小金乌的本源融合。同时,又以通天的手段,截流了一丝天地造化之气,这才催生了这枚先天神胎,孕育了洪荒天地之中,第十三头小金乌。 This first deity embryo, about the strength of nine small Golden Crow, inborn uncommon, once were born, is the highest level first deity demon. 这枚先天神胎,合九小金乌之力而成,天生不凡,一经出世,便是最顶级的先天神魔。 But candidate who he, is too used to compete for this first chance. 而他,正是太一用来争夺这次第一机缘的人选。 ...... …… ............ ………… But in the remote sea area end, there, has the island that air/Qi of chaos fills, when does not know is born, does not know when exists here, in brief, very mysterious. 而在遥远的海域尽头,那里,有着一处混沌之气弥漫的小岛,不知何时诞生,也不知何时存在于这里,总之,非常的神秘。 Spirit rhyme that but in the island contains, actually quite astonishing, is as good as top dwelling places of buddhist immortals, then compared with the profound clear three Xiandao, was weak many. 但岛上所蕴含的灵韵,却是相当的惊人,不亚于顶级的洞天福地,便是比之玄清的三仙岛,也是弱不了多少。 This island, is a top sacred place. 这座岛,又是一个顶级的圣地。 At this time, in island that this no one has, suddenly came a mysterious purple clothes person. 此时,这座无人存在的小岛上,忽然来了一个神秘的紫衣人。 Comes the strength of person to be very strong, innate big on island, seems before It does not exist general, no matter what It easily passes through. 来人的实力很强,岛上的先天大阵,在祂面前就好似不存在一般,任祂轻易的穿过。 The quick, mysterious purple clothes person, then arrived at the center of islands, first deity embryo that air/Qi of chaos winds around is. 很快,神秘的紫衣人,便来到了岛屿的中央,一枚混沌之气缭绕的先天神胎所在。 Right, in this mysterious islands, bred one first deity embryo, and looked the appearance that its chaos air/Qi winds around, can know, first deity demon that this first deity embryo breeds, absolutely the strong oddness, inferiorly is also the top first deity demon. 没错,就在这座神秘的岛屿上,也孕育了一枚先天神胎,且看其混沌气缭绕的模样,就能知晓,这枚先天神胎所孕育的先天神魔,绝对强的离谱,最次也是顶级的先天神魔。 But that mysterious purple clothes person, at this moment, if there is big magical powers here, will recognize, this person that great antiquity's first person of great wild goose honored say/way ancestor! 而那名神秘的紫衣人,此刻,若是有大神通者在此,就会认出,此人正是那洪荒第一人鸿钧道祖! He, left Zixiaogong unexpectedly, arrived in this mysterious island, looks at one personally first deity embryo. 祂老人家,竟是离开了紫霄宫,来到了这处神秘的小岛之中,亲自去看一枚先天神胎。 That this first deity embryo, is actually what origin, can make the obtaining enlightenment ancestor attach great importance to unexpectedly? 那这枚先天神胎,究竟是什么来历,竟然能引得道祖如此重视? First the front of deity embryo settles down in this for a long time, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor opened the mouth, listens to Its sincere saying: Red cloud, hopes that after one time, can let the problem that you change that to mind others' business.” 在这枚先天神胎的面前驻足许久,鸿钧道祖开口了,就听祂语重心长的说道:“红云啊,希望经次一遭,能让你改掉那多管闲事的毛病。” The red cloud, this first deity embryo breeding, unexpectedly is the red cloud ancestor, no wonder can alarm an ancestor to come this personally. 红云,这枚先天神胎孕育的,竟是红云老祖,怪不得能惊动道祖亲自来此。 Nahum honored say/way ancestor comes this, to expedite the red cloud ancestor, making It struggle the first chance? 那鸿钧道祖来此,是为了催生红云老祖,让祂一争第一的机缘吗? Naturally, the red cloud ancestor itself/Ben was not innate sacred, did great antiquity highest level existence, have the first destiny, to him, was not very important. 当然不是了,红云老祖本就是先天神圣,洪荒最顶级的存在,有没有第一的气运,对祂而言,都不是很重要。 The great wild goose honored say/way ancestor comes this, to settle oneself and causes and effects between red cloud ancestors. Initially, the red cloud ancestor yielded in Zixiaogong in the Western two Saints, making Daoism throw two Saint positions continually. 鸿钧道祖来此,是为了了结自己与红云老祖之间的因果。当初,红云老祖在紫霄宫让位于西方二圣,使得玄门连丢两个圣位。 Therefore, between the red cloud ancestor and Daoism had the big causes and effects. Why this is also, the red cloud ancestor has the primordial chaos auspicious sign obviously, is actually not able to become Saint the reason to be. 为此,红云老祖与玄门之间结下了大因果。这也是为什么,红云老祖明明拥有鸿蒙紫气,却始终无法成圣的原因所在。 The body huge causes and effects are needless, why does It become the Saint? 身上天大的因果不消,祂凭什么成圣? The great wild goose honored say/way ancestor is also a mean-spirited temper, that red cloud ancestor went bad Its good deed, making It throw two Saint positions continually. 鸿钧道祖也是个小气性子,那红云老祖坏了祂的好事,使得祂连丢两个圣位。 In Its heart is angry, does not look for the red cloud ancestor's trouble is good, how can also understand the causes and effects with It on own initiative? 祂心中有气,不找红云老祖的麻烦就是好的了,又怎会与祂主动了解因果呢? Therefore, whatever the red cloud ancestor suffers a disaster, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor is also aloof. 所以,任凭红云老祖遭劫,鸿钧道祖也是无动于衷。 But today, matter has the change, causing the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor to come this on own initiative. 可今日,事情却有了变化,导致鸿钧道祖不得不主动来此。 Actually is because, is closing up comprehends the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor of main road, feels the number of days suddenly changes, Daoism has the danger of destiny outflow. 却是因为,正在闭关参悟大道的鸿钧道祖,忽感天数有变,玄门有气运流失之危。 This felt one, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor is awakened immediately, then, It stimulated to movement the fragment of good fortune jade butterfly hastily, deduces the reason that the number of days changed. 这个感觉一出,鸿钧道祖立即就被惊醒了过来,然后,祂连忙催动造化玉蝶的碎片,去推演天数变化的缘由。 The needless moment, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor verified reason, was the Western two Saints had the thoughts of independence, planned to set up a separate establishment, homemade, said that the sect was the ancestor. 不消片刻,鸿钧道祖就查明了其中的缘由,却是西方二圣有了自立的心思,打算另立门户,自创一门,称宗做祖。 Do western two Saints support oneself, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor cares actually not very much, It did not like these two people, walked also well, avoid looks annoyed. 西方二圣自不自立,鸿钧道祖倒不是很在乎,祂本就不喜欢这二人,走了也好,省得看着心烦。 Two people walk, the action that but they set up a separate establishment, will make the Daoism destiny drain without doubt, becomes the foundation of its newly established Confucian orthodoxy. 只是,二人走可以,但祂们另立门户的举动,无疑会使得玄门气运流失,成为其新立道统的根基。 This let the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor to endure. My goodness, undermined a wall digs to Its head, how many meanings this was, when really Its great wild goose honored was old, raises does not resort to arms? 这就让鸿钧道祖不能忍了。好家伙,挖墙脚都挖到祂的头上了,这是几个意思,真当祂鸿钧老了,提不动刀了吗? What a pity, great wild goose honored say/way ancestor, even if there is can unsurpassedly, but does , the Western two Saint independence, are the inevitable result of Heavenly Dao evolution, as part of Heavenly Dao, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor actually cannot defy the destiny, starts to the Western two Saints. 可惜,鸿钧道祖纵有无上能为,但奈何,西方二圣自立,乃是天道演变的必然结果,身为天道的一部分,鸿钧道祖却是不能违抗天命,对西方二圣下手。 Therefore, even if in the heart does not hope, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor cannot make a move to prevent. Evidently, the Western two Saint independence, have become inevitably. 所以,纵使心中不愿,鸿钧道祖也是不能出手阻止。看样子,西方二圣自立,已成必然。 In Zixiaogong, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor gets more mad, that Daoism is at for Its painstaking care, how could does It tolerate two counter people to harm Its painstaking care? 紫霄宫中,鸿钧道祖真是越想越气,那玄门为祂心血所在,祂又岂能容忍两个逆徒损害祂的心血? Has saying that the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor is the great antiquity's first old compels worthily Yin. In Zixiaogong sitting cross-legged several days, but also really made It think of collapsing means. 不得不说,鸿钧道祖不愧是洪荒第一老阴逼。在紫霄宫盘坐数日,还真让祂想到了一个破局的办法。 Since is unable to stop the Western two Saints to start own party, that allow nature to take its course, does not go to manage it. And after it energetically, is sending people to enter the protestantism, will return to Daoism again. 既然无法阻拦西方二圣自立门户,那就顺其自然,不去管它。且等它大兴之后,在派人进入新教,将之重新度回玄门。 So one minus one increases, the destiny of Daoism must not reduce, instead can strengthen some. 如此一减一增之间,玄门的气运非得没有减少,反而能增强些许。 This idea, may be called excellent. 此计,堪称绝妙。 If really makes, all efforts of that Western two Saints, make the bridal clothes for Daoism, and offended the Daoism expert up and down, how pitiful. 真要是做成的话,那西方二圣的所有努力,算是统统都为了玄门做嫁衣,且还把玄门高手上下都得罪了一个遍,怎一个凄惨了得。 However, this plan, although is good, but wants is not quite easy successfully, must finds a right person to carry out only then. 不过,这计划虽好,但想要成功却是不太容易,须得找一个合适的人去执行方可。 The great wild goose honored say/way ancestor thinks it over, locked this candidate on the red cloud ancestor's body. In the great antiquity, again no one was who more suitable than the candidate It carried out this plan. 鸿钧道祖思来想去,将这人选锁定在了红云老祖的身上。洪荒之中,再没人比祂更适合执行这个计划的人选了。 Without other reason , because the Western two Saints owe the red cloud ancestor. 没别的原因,就是因为西方二圣欠红云老祖的。 Becoming the Saint causes and effects is how huge, if the red cloud ancestor joins in the West to teach, that Western two Saints must seal It as three founders at least, does not dare to its to have any contempt. 成圣因果何其巨大,要是红云老祖投身西方教,那西方二圣起码也要封祂为三教主,不敢对其有任何的轻视。 Protestantism that the great wild goose honored say/way Zu-school red cloud ancestor going West two Saints establish, was most appropriate. 鸿钧道祖派红云老祖去度化西方二圣立下的新教,却是最合适不过了。 By the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor personally arrived at the red cloud ancestor's birthplace, plans to press It, making the time of its birth postpone backward, is good when that Western two Saints start own party is born. 是以,鸿钧道祖亲自来到了红云老祖的诞生地,打算压一压祂,使其诞生的时间向后推迟,好在那西方二圣自立门户时诞生。 Delays time that the red cloud ancestor is born, to the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor, that was simple, It does not need to resort to any underhanded method, but to first deity embryo that bred the red cloud ancestor explained religious doctrine. 拖延红云老祖诞生的时间,对鸿钧道祖来说,那是再简单不过了,祂也无需动用什么下作的手段,只是对着孕育红云老祖的先天神胎讲道。 In that red cloud ancestor, listening to an ancestor saying that the heart has become aware, naturally then entered the boundary of grasping principles, thus affected the time of birth, this point issue did not have. 那里面的红云老祖,听了道祖讲道,心有所悟,自然而然的便进入了悟道之境,从而影响了降生的时机,这一点问题也没有。 Moreover, afterward the red cloud ancestor not only will not blame the time that an ancestor delayed It born, instead will thank an ancestor to bestow his chance. 而且,事后红云老祖非但不会怪罪道祖延误了祂诞生的时机,反而会感激道祖赐给了祂一桩机缘。 Listens to the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor saying that is not just a chance? 听鸿钧道祖讲道,不正是一场机缘吗? ...... …… ............ ………… Feels sorry for that Western two Saints, the using energy plans has not made the West teach greatly rise, finally unavoidablily, finding out one is not the means of means that that sets up a separate establishment, dams the current some Daoism destiny, causes Western greatly rise by this. 可怜那西方二圣,费劲心机的也没使得西方教大兴,最后不得已,想出了一个不是办法的办法,那就是另立门户,截流部分玄门气运,以此使得西方大兴。 The means are very good, but has not executed, was looked through by the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor, and formulated the countermeasure. 办法很好,可还未施行,便被鸿钧道祖看破,并制定好了反制手段。 But the Western two Saints regarding this, actually know nothing, thinks matters concerned that the secret that oneself make, be ready to fight is arranging to set up a separate establishment. 而西方二圣对此,却是一无所知,自以为自己做的隐秘,正摩拳擦掌的筹备另立门户的事宜。 Also is pitiful! 也是可怜! ...... …… ............ ………… The people plan respectively, the wind purple house is naturally no exception, can say, in Its clone, besides cancelling Chen, unreliably clear, eastern Monarch, Yin-Yang old ancestor and the others has not begun, other, have respective plan. 众人各有谋划,风紫宸自然也不例外,可以说,祂的分身之中,除了勾陈、玄清、东君、阴阳老祖等人没动手之外,其余的,都是有着各自的谋划。 If that turns over to the ruins, the jet black abyss was together partly visible, seems the world to split an opening, the release the endless demon was mad. 如那归墟之中,一道漆黑的深渊若隐若现,好似天地裂开了一道口子,释放出无尽的魔气来。 This is the demon deep pool, is sacred place of day Demonic Path. 这是魔渊,为天魔道的圣地。 When the great antiquity world transforms, turns over to the ruins and heart demon two people have not been idling, under their in secret arrange/cloth big, is shattered when the world, the tribulation air/Qi and malignant influences between crazy info clerk world, will transform the purest demon air/Qi. 洪荒天地蜕变时,归墟与心魔二人也没有闲着,祂们暗中布下大阵,趁着天地破灭之际,疯狂的收纳天地间的劫气、煞气,将之转化成最为纯正的魔气。 Then, they turn over to the ruins source to fuse this demon air/Qi and part, then takes this as the foundation, opens a side Demonic Path sacred place. 而后,祂二人将这魔气与部分归墟本源融合,接着以此为根基,生生开辟出一方魔道圣地来。 Present demon deep pool! 正是眼前的魔渊! The demon deep pool is boundless, during without the end, with turning over to the ruins source melts, is situated in is void, can the tribulation air/Qi and malignant influences between spontaneous receiving and instructing world, and transforms the pure demon air/Qi it. 魔渊无垠,没有尽头,与归墟本源相融,立于虚空之中,能自发的接引天地间的劫气、煞气,并将其转化成纯正的魔气。 It can be said that to hit to spread idle rumors the deep pool, turns over to the ruins and heart demon two people, it may be said that pounds all net worth. But is this, the present demon deep pool does not have the real birth, is only a half-finished product. 可以说,为了打造魔渊,归墟与心魔二人,可谓是砸进了所有身家。可就是这样,眼前的魔渊也没有真正的诞生,只是个半成品罢了。 Otherwise, the demon deep pool is the real birth, towering during is boundlessly void, rather than now is likely ordinary, is partly visible in void. 否则的话,魔渊就是真正的诞生出来,耸立在无垠虚空之中,而不是像现在一般,在虚空之中若隐若现起来。 But is so, when this day transformation and innate good fortune air/Qi of fill the air, the demon deep pool also obtained some advantage. 但就是如此,在这天地蜕变、先天造化之气弥漫之际,魔渊也是得到了一些好处。 As can be seen, the demon deep place, the endless demon air/Qi is surging, is gathering, slowly made several first deity embryo. 可以看到,魔渊深处,无尽的魔气在涌动,在汇聚,慢慢的化做了数枚先天神胎。 These first deity embryo, breeding, is the future of day of Demonic Path, is the Heavenly Dao for energetically the day Demonic Path, first deity demon that breeds specially! 这些先天神胎,孕育的,都是天魔道的未来,是天道为了大兴天魔道,特意孕育出来的先天神魔! At this moment, turns over to the ruins with the heart demon joint effort, exhausts the complete strength collects the world source, is expanding these slowly first deity embryo. 此刻,归墟正与心魔合力,用尽全部力量的去收集天地本源,缓缓壮大着这些先天神胎。 The demon deep pool source is weak, then splices the full power, is impossible to expedite first deity embryo, therefore, regarding this time competes for the first thoughts, turns over to the ruins and heart demon has not cared completely. 魔渊本源薄弱,便是拼接全力,也不可能催生先天神胎,故而,对于这次争夺第一的心思,归墟与心魔完全没有放在心上。 Two people hold the attitude that is playing, struggles this first chance. Can't struggle? That was too normal, struggled, that was not normal! 二人只是抱着玩一玩的态度,去争这第一的机缘。争不到?那太正常了,争到了,那才是不正常! Turns over to the ruins and heart demon two people are not anxious, that is because they know, has the main body subsequent hand , this first struggle, they have won. 归墟与心魔二人不急,那是因为祂们知道,有本尊的后手在,这场第一之争,祂们已经赢定了。 After all, that in main body first deity embryo, was really special, was too precious. 毕竟,本尊手里的那尊先天神胎,真的是太特殊了,也太珍贵了。 Then is that in Mount Buzhou ruins first deity embryo, not necessarily can that in comparing favorably with wind purple house hand first deity embryo. 便是不周山遗址里的那枚先天神胎,也不见得能比得上风紫宸手中的那尊先天神胎。 In order to politely call it, rather than by name it, then can see the wind purple house from this to its regarding as important. 以尊称之,而不是以枚称之,由此便能看出风紫宸对其的看重。 ...... …… ............ ………… In nether world, the endless gloom fills the air, is gathering toward a place. 幽冥界中,无尽的阴气弥漫,都在朝一处地方汇聚。 The ghost said the ancestor place, the Fengtu mountain! 正是鬼道祖地,酆都山! As can be seen, first deity embryo that the Fengtu mountain summit, ghost air/Qi winds around, is releasing strange dim light. 可以看到,酆都山山巅,一尊鬼气缭绕的先天神胎,正释放出一道道诡异的幽光。 The innate gloom of then from nether world each region welling up, with dim light turnover , the deity embryo was first absorbed by this. 那从幽冥界各地涌来的先天阴气,随着幽光的吞吐,也都被这枚先天神胎所吸收。 But first that this first deity embryo breeding, the ghost said first deity demon. greatly rise that his appearance, making clear , the ghost is saying. 而这枚先天神胎孕育的,正是鬼道的第一尊先天神魔。他的出现,正是昭示着,鬼道的大兴。 First deity embryo that in nether world is born, far more than this, compared with this good, has. But Fengtu Great Emperor most regards as important, is this first deity embryo, only because of the future that his carrying/sustaining the ghost said. 幽冥界中诞生的先天神胎,何止这一枚,比这好的,也不是没有。可酆都大帝最为看重的,还是这枚先天神胎,只因他承载了鬼道的未来。 First deity demon that this god embryo breeds, will certainly lead the ghost say/way to go out of nether world, enabling entire three to hear the prestige that the ghost said. 这枚神胎所孕育的先天神魔,必将带领鬼道走出幽冥界,让整个三界都能听到鬼道的威名。 But besides this first beyond deity demon, in nether world also some marvelous innate race births, most can cause Fengtu Great Emperor to pay attention, is that feeling ghost says the fresh special race, ghost clan! 而除了这枚先天神魔之外,幽冥界中还有许多奇妙的先天种族诞生,其中最能引起酆都大帝注意的,就是那感鬼道而生的特殊种族,鬼族! The ghosts can the world breed, this world was really getting more and more mysterious. 鬼都能天地孕育了,这个世界真的越来越玄妙了。 Jokes aside, the Fengtu ghost emperors first deity embryo regard as important to that very much, if not the first deity embryo in main body is too strong, It said that anything will also help this first deity embryo struggle the first chance. 说真的,酆都鬼帝对那枚先天神胎很是看重,若非本尊手里的先天神胎太强,祂说什么也会助这枚先天神胎一争第一的机缘。 ...... …… ............ ………… The central divine land, the person the clan ancestor place, under the world tree, nine person of clan Heaven's Chosen get together with this, bathes under the brilliance of the world tree, world source that the unceasing turnover It is sending out. 中央神州,人族祖地,世界树下,九尊人族天骄齐聚与此,沐浴在世界树的光辉下,不断的吞吐着祂散发出的世界本源。 Compares in others, cancels Chen on the reality were many, It does not need to seek for first deity embryo training. 相比较于别人,勾陈就现实的多了,祂根本就不需要去寻找先天神胎培养。 Person clan so many clansmen, cultivation the say/way of god demon, the exuviate will soon turn into first Heaven's Chosen of deity demon, has. 人族这么多族人,修炼神魔之道,即将蜕变成先天神魔的天骄,也不是没有。 Such being the case, why that cancels Chen not to train person clan own Heaven's Chosen, making its exuviate turn into first deity demon, instead can seek for one first deity embryo to conduct training? 既然如此,那勾陈为什么不培养人族自己的天骄,使其蜕变成先天神魔,反而要寻找一枚先天神胎进行培养呢? Difficult to be inadequate, the person was clan Heaven's Chosen weaker than first deity demon? 难不成,人族天骄就比先天神魔弱了? Therefore, cancels the Chen Xuanchu person clan most outstanding nine Heaven's Chosen, making them cultivation under the world tree , helping them conduct the final transformation by the world source, the retrogradation becomes first deity demon. 是故,勾陈选出人族最优秀的九名天骄,让他们在世界树下修炼,以世界本源助他们进行最后的蜕变,逆反成先天神魔。 That in boundless starry sky first deity embryo, is very strong, is very honored, if struggles first, theoretically will not have any problem. 无垠星空之中的那尊先天神胎,是很强,也很尊贵,若争第一,理论上不会出现任何的问题。 But the wind purple house works, always strove for steadily, anything must make both kinds of preparation, to guard unexpected occurrence. 但风紫宸做事,一向求稳,任何事都要做两手准备,以防意外的发生。 The matter does not have absolutely, is extremely self-confident, but will turn over. 事无绝对,太过自信,可是会翻车的。 ps: Today is too tired, was filling in the septic tank, filled in one in the afternoon. ps:今天太累了,在填化粪池,填了一下午。
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