GDSP :: Volume #9

#819: Three Realms top first deity demons

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This first deity demon, confused two's concept, chaotic the bloodlines of Pangu god department, its birth is a mistake, therefore he should not exist. 这个先天神魔,混淆了二者的概念,乱了盘古神系的血脉,其诞生就是个错误,故此他不该存在。 Naturally, saving is soon reasonable, although the people are not glad to see this first emergence of deity demon, but its, since existed, that then has its truth of existence, the people could not have done its matter of strangling. 当然,存在即合理,众人虽不乐意见到这个先天神魔的出现,但其既然存在了,那便有其存在的道理,众人还做不出来将其扼杀的事。 If this deity demon, has first grown, reveres top big magical powers, the people rubbish, gave to kill It directly. 若是这尊先天神魔,已经成长起来,是尊顶级的大神通者,那众人也不会废话,直接就将祂给打杀了。 But this deity demon has not first been born, strangles first deity demon that had not been born, the people have the person who the status, wants the face, but also cannot do such matter. 可偏偏这尊先天神魔还没诞生,扼杀还未出生的先天神魔,众人都是有身份、要脸面的人,还做不出来这样的事。 Cannot strangle it, did not let matters drift to him on behalf of the people. 只是,不能将其扼杀,并不代表众人就对他放任自流了。 Strangling, is only the most direct method, in addition, the people have many other methods, copes this first deity demon. 扼杀,只是最直接的手段,除此之外,众人还有很多别的手段,去对付这尊先天神魔。 When for example, while he had not been born, first broke his destiny. 就比如,趁着他还未出生之际,先是破了他的气运。 How to operate? 如何操作? Pours also simply, expedites one ahead of time first deity demon, making him the deity demon be first born before this, can break the destiny of his first life. 倒也简单,提前催生一个先天神魔,让他在这尊先天神魔之前诞生,便可破了他第一生灵的气运。 Then, this first destiny of deity demon will certainly be affected. But first deity demon that seized his first destiny, will become his enemy of life. 如此一来,这尊先天神魔的气运必将受到影响。而那个夺了他第一气运的先天神魔,也将成为他的一生之敌。 This method is good, winning victory without firing a shot contained this first development of deity demon, and gave him to train enemy of the life and death, in the future he wants to grow again, that may be difficult. 这个方法好,兵不血刃的就遏制了这个先天神魔的发展,并给他培养了一个生死之敌,日后他再想成长起来,那可就难了。 Is thinking like this at heart, the people went into action directly, various methods, expedites childbirth itself in the first deity demon of divine land. 心里这样想着,众人直接就行动起来了,全都各施手段的,去催生自己所在神州的先天神魔。 The first destiny! 第一气运啊! If by oneself obtained, trains earnestly, could not say that taught top big magical powers. 若是被自己一方所得,认真培养一番,说不得就教导出了一尊顶级的大神通者来。 So the chance, cannot give others decisively. 如此机缘,断然不能让给别人。 ...... …… ............ ………… In Mt. Suyang, too clear saint god read, with the innate supreme treasure primal chaos chart came, to perform to accept the air/Qi of eight side world, transformed by way of the primal chaos chart, changes to the purest innate primal chaos source, poured into the brass mineral lode under Mt. Suyang. 首阳山上,太清圣人的神念,携先天至宝太极图而来,尽纳八方天地之气,经由太极图转化,化作最为精纯的先天太极本源,灌入首阳山下的黄铜矿脉之中。 Brass of Mt. Suyang, world-famous, this is the great antiquity world top god gold/metal, will take this as the material refinement day after tomorrow most precious object, the might does not lose common innate spirit treasure, obviously precious of this ore. 首阳山的黄铜,天下闻名,此乃洪荒天地顶级的神金,以此为材料炼制的后天至宝,威力不输寻常先天灵宝,可见此矿石之珍贵。 Originally, the brass on Mt. Suyang, had been dug up. However, as the world transforms, that brass mineral lode feels the air/Qi of the world good fortune, breeds unexpectedly. 本来,首阳山上的黄铜,早已被挖光了。但是,随着天地蜕变,那黄铜矿脉感受到天地造化之气,竟是重新孕育出来。 Not only so, in the center of brass mineral lode, the air/Qi of gathering endless good fortune, was breeds one unexpectedly first deity embryo. This is the spirit of brass, is one of the Three Realms breeding first deity demon. 非但如此,在黄铜矿脉的中心,无尽的造化之气汇聚,竟是孕育出了一尊先天神胎。这是黄铜之灵,为三界孕育的一尊先天神魔。 If no accident/surprise, this first deity demon should breed the forming several tens of thousands of years later, subsequently melts the shape, was received by too clear saint for the disciple. 若无意外的话,这尊先天神魔应是在数万年之后孕育成形,继而化形而出,被太清圣人收为弟子。 But at this moment, to break that first destiny of deity demon, to fight for the first destiny, too clear saint decision his future disciple, expedites ahead of time. 可此刻,为破了那尊先天神魔的气运,也是为了争抢第一的气运,太清圣人决定将祂这名未来的弟子,提前催生出来。 Even if there is a help of day of most precious object primal chaos chart, expedites childbirth regarding the spirit of this brass forcefully, will have some effects. But compared with that first destiny, this influence was actually not anything. 哪怕有开天至宝太极图的帮助,强行催生对于这个黄铜之灵来说,也是会有些许影响的。但与那第一的气运相比,这点影响却是不算什么了。 Too clear saint this is in the gambling, with the future of this disciple, bets his first birth. If successful, the first destiny adds the body, in the future will have boundless prospects. If were defeated...... 太清圣人这是在赌啊,拿这名弟子的未来,去赌他第一个诞生。若是成功了,第一气运加身,未来前途无量。若是失败了…… The volume, actually also has no effect. However maldevelopment, ether clear saint method, casual can make up. 额,其实也没什么影响。不过发育不良而已,以太清圣人的手段,随随便便的就能弥补回来。 Such a thinks, lost did not suffer a loss, wins to finish gains greatly gains especially, why too clear didn't saint bet this? 这么一想,输了不吃亏,赢了却大赚特赚,太清圣人为什么不赌这一把? ...... …… Too clear saint action at the same time, Yuan Shi Tian Zun is also acting, his god read, carried the Pangu streamer to span the endless distance, returned in Kunlun Mountain. 太清圣人行动的同时,元始天尊也在行动,他的神念,携带着盘古幡跨越无尽的距离,重新回到了昆仑山上。 Kunlun Mountain, after Mount Buzhou is shattered, the great antiquity first Divine Mountain, the Eastern ancestor lineage/vein are. This mountain, it can be said that the good fortune of volume of the world in one. 昆仑山,不周山破灭后,洪荒的第一神山,东方祖脉之所在。此山,可以说是集天地之造化于一身。 The so special place, naturally also bred first deity demon, and incessantly. 如此特殊的地方,自然也孕育了先天神魔,且还不止一尊。 Kunlun Mountains are vast, inside does not know that the places of how many good fortunes, now the world transforms, they resulted in air/Qi of the world good fortune in addition to hold, without doubt became more uncommon, how many bred first deity demon, or innate wasn't spirit treasure, very normal matter? 昆仑山脉浩瀚无垠,里面不知有多少造化之地,如今天地蜕变,它们得了天地造化之气的加持,无疑变得更加不凡了,孕育出几个先天神魔,或是先天灵宝,不是很正常的事吗? Although mountain the first deity demon on breeding are many, but Yuan Shi Tian Zun does not have the pinkeye, the goal that It must expedite is very clear, is that in jade Jingshan breeds first deity demon. 山上的孕育的先天神魔虽多,但元始天尊并没有挑花眼,祂要催生的目标很明确,乃是玉京山上孕育的一尊先天神魔。 Meanwhile, this is also many that Kunlun Mountain breeds first in the deity demon, most powerful. 同时,这也是昆仑山孕育的诸多先天神魔之中,最为强大的一尊。 First did not say that first deity demon, said that jade Jingshan. Eastern kunlun mountain besides the prominent peak, 72 Divine Mountain, each one is uncommon, is great antiquity top dwelling places of buddhist immortals. 先不说那先天神魔,就说那玉京山。东昆仑除了主峰之外,还有七十二座神山,个个皆是不凡,都为洪荒顶级的洞天福地。 But in these seven Juunijinyama, jade Jingshan perhaps is not best, but absolutely is most special one. Because, before this is the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor has not become enlightened the Buddhist temple. 而这七十二神山之中,玉京山或许不是最好的,但绝对是最特殊的一个。因为,这是鸿钧道祖未曾成道前的道场。 As ancestor's the place of diving cultivating, thinks to know that this place was uncommon, may be called an immortal founder's temple. But that first deity demon, is the birth here. 作为道祖的潜修之地,想想就知道此地是多么的不凡了,堪称仙道祖庭。而那尊先天神魔,就是诞生在这里。 Any thing, once has the relations with the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor, will become uncommon, let alone this first deity demon. 任何事物,一旦和鸿钧道祖扯上关系,都会变得不凡起来,更别说这个先天神魔了。 In discovery jade Jingshan, there is first deity demon breeding the time, that does not have Yuan Shi Tian Zun that receives the disciple thoughts, unprecedented, got up unexpectedly again the thought of accepting the disciple, must receive it for being in direct line disciple. 在发现玉京山上,有先天神魔孕育的时候,那已经没了收徒心思的元始天尊,破天荒的,竟是再次起了收徒的念头,要将其收为嫡传弟子。 Forder floating about like clouds neutron, honored such as Antarctic old immortal, such family background, being insufficient makes Yuan Shi Tian Zun change the mind, receiving it is being in direct line disciple, is only as the recording a name disciple. 福德如云中子,尊贵如南极仙翁,这样的出身,都不足以让元始天尊改变主意,收其为嫡传弟子,只是作为记名弟子。 But this deity demon, has not first been born, then to be decided as being in direct line disciple by Yuan Shi Tian Zun, its uncommon can thus be inferred. 可这尊先天神魔,还未出世,便以被元始天尊定为嫡传弟子,其不凡由此可见一斑。 The jade Jingshan prominent peak, the summit of Zixiao peak, there auspicious sign fills the air, just like the rosy cloud, three thousand li (500 km) have vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, performs obviously the honored color. 玉京山主峰,紫霄峰之巅,那里紫气弥漫,犹如云霞,纵横三千里有余,尽显尊贵之色。 Under the auspicious sign, is a stretch of spacious land. Here not spacious piece, that might be called the Zixiaogong in great antiquity's first sacred place, before has not caught up with beyond the bygone days the chaos, is situated here. 紫气之下,是一片空旷的大地。原先这里并非空旷一片,那堪称洪荒第一圣地的紫霄宫,在未赶往天外混沌之前,便是坐落在这里的。 After Zixiaogong leaves, this place becomes spacious. 在紫霄宫离开之后,此地才变得空旷起来。 The air-to-surface center, is towering as high as nine ten feets nine first deity embryos, lives the nine orifices, the whole body immortal light winds around, unceasing turnover surrounding innate auspicious sign. 空地的中央,耸立着一个高达九丈九的先天神胎,生有九窍,周身仙光缭绕,不断的吞吐着周围的先天紫气。 In the process of his turnover auspicious sign, there is ten thousand Xianxu a shadow in his side obviously, is surrounding him, the unceasing song is reading, resembles was praying, resembles the blessing, first deity embryo serves as contrast this is even more precious. 在他吞吐紫气的过程中,有万仙虚影在他身边显化,环绕着他,不断的颂念着,似在祈祷,也似祝福,将这枚先天神胎衬托的愈发珍贵起来。 This is an inborn immortal embryo, what among breeds will be an immortal future immortal reveres. 这是一枚天生的仙胎,其内孕育的是仙道未来的仙尊。 Place that he is born, is the center of Zixiao peak, is the place that the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor cultivated in the past. In him of this place birth, innate then contaminated on an immortal destiny, honored incomparable, might be called the child of immortal say/way. 他诞生的地方,是紫霄峰的中央,也是鸿钧道祖当年修炼的地方。于此地出生的他,先天便沾染上了一丝仙道气运,尊贵无比,堪称仙道之子。 If not in Mount Buzhou ruins that first deity embryo, contaminated Pangu's blood and chaos demon god's blood simultaneously, ancient only, is extremely unusual. First deity demon of that Three Realms first birth, was he without doubt. 若非不周山遗址里面的那枚先天神胎,同时沾染了盘古之血与混沌魔神之血,亘古唯一,太过超凡。那三界第一个诞生的先天神魔,就是他无疑了。 Regarding him, Yuan Shi Tian Zun gives the great expectations. 对于他,元始天尊可是给予厚望的。 Arrives at the front of this immortal embryo, Yuan Shi Tian Zun offers a sacrifice to the Pangu streamer, the release continuously the air/Qi of chaos source, starts to accelerate his birth. 来到这枚仙胎的面前,元始天尊祭起盘古幡,释放出缕缕混沌本源之气,开始加速他的诞生。 Meanwhile, Yuan Shi Tian Zun also in secret knot seal, reassigns the Kunlun Mountain strength on ancestor lineage/vein, with the air/Qi of that chaos source, one and in addition holds on the body of this immortal embryo. 同时,元始天尊也在暗暗结印,抽调昆仑山上的祖脉之力,与那混沌本源之气,一并加持在这枚仙胎的身上。 Has saying that has the Yuan Shi Tian Zun of entire Kunlun Mountain, compared with others, really had big convenient. Did not say other, said the air/Qi of that ancestor lineage/vein, its precious degree, then not under the air/Qi of chaos source. 不得不说坐拥整个昆仑山的元始天尊,较之别人,真的有了很大的方便。不说别的,就说那祖脉之气,其珍贵程度,便不下于混沌本源之气。 ...... …… Meanwhile, another side of Kunlun Mountain, western Kunlun Mountains are , the queen mother of the west is also mobilizing the strength of entire western Kunlun Mountains secretly, is expediting the present first deity embryo unceasingly. 与此同时,昆仑山的另一侧,西昆仑所在,西王母也在暗自调动整个西昆仑的力量,不断催生着眼前的先天神胎。 The god embryo, is not false, first deity demon that but inside that western Kunlun Mountains breed breeds, had actually been occupied the magpie nest the dove. 那神胎,是西昆仑孕育的不假,但里面孕育的先天神魔,却是早已被人鸠占鹊巢。 Right, this first in deity embryo, breeding is east the nobility. Innate of eastern nobility that wisp of queen mother of the west takes away in secret does not extinguish really spirit, was infiltrated this by It first in the deity embryo, breeds. 没错,这枚先天神胎里面,孕育的就是东王公。那缕西王母暗中收走的东王公的先天不灭真灵,被祂打入了这枚先天神胎之中,重新孕育。 At this moment, the queen mother of the west expedites childbirth in It, obviously is wish makes the eastern nobility struggle that first chance. 此刻,西王母催生于祂,显然是想要让东王公一争那第一的机缘。 Without the means that besides that accurate Saint greatly complete boundary, with the best quality goods innate spirit treasure Jingyang bell, the eastern nobility was anything had not been left over, even the status lost. 没办法,除了那准圣大圆满的境界,与极品先天灵宝景阳钟外,东王公是什么也没剩下了,连身份都丢了。 Unavoidablily, the queen mother of the west will make the eastern nobility struggle the first chance, to give It to become enlightened in the future a chip. 不得已,西王母才会让东王公一争第一的机缘,以给祂未来成道加点筹码。 ...... …… ............ ………… In Kum'o-do, the truncation the disciple who teaches only to save, under the profound clear leadership, forms one mysterious innate big, from derives the air/Qi of chaos directly void, transforms the most primitive innate source, unceasing pours into big central that first in the deity embryo. 金鳌岛上,截教仅存的弟子,在玄清的带领下,结成一个玄妙的先天大阵,直接从虚空汲取来混沌之气,转化成最原始的先天本源,不断的灌入大阵中央的那枚先天神胎之中。 But the god of exceedingly high founder read, then operated is executing immortal sword, is gathering the world strength between of murdering crazily, and will build up, infiltrated that first deity embryo, helped him transform. 而通天教主的神念,则是操纵着诛仙剑阵,疯狂的聚集着天地间的杀伐之力,并将之炼化,打入那枚先天神胎,助他蜕变。 This is first deity demon that Kum'o-do breeds, the spiritual energy union of East Sea essence and Kum'o-do lives, at the beginning of its breeding, continued one to execute an immortal sword mark, quite uncommon, for inborn deicide. 这是金鳌岛孕育的先天神魔,东海精气与金鳌岛的灵气结合所生,其孕育之初,更是承接了一道诛仙剑阵的印记,相当的不凡,为天生的杀神。 At this moment, the exceedingly high founder is using the strength of entire teaching, expedites childbirth this first deity embryo, struggles the first chance. 此刻,通天教主正在举全教之力,来催生这枚先天神胎,一争第一的机缘。 ...... …… Beside Three Pure Ones, is the Western two Saints, in that Mt. Xumi, a nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus blooms the radiant ray, astonishing intelligence implication in. 三清之外,是西方二圣,那须弥山上,一朵九品功德金莲绽放出璀璨的光芒,更有一股惊人的灵性蕴含其中。 Obviously, this nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus has the spirit wisdom, must melt the shape. 显然,这朵九品功德金莲已经拥有了灵智,要化形而出。 The west does not have the East to be wealthy, Mt. Xumi with the flames of war, source remaining many, oneself has not needed somewhat to be insufficient, let alone gave others. 西方没有东方富裕,须弥山更是久经战火,本源没有剩下多少,自己用都有些不够,就更别说给别人了。 The source of chaos demon god, is used to restore the Western ancestor lineage/vein, as well as expands the Western land source, is unusable. 混沌魔神的本源,是用来修复西方祖脉,以及壮大西方大地本源的,也不能用。 Therefore, the Western two Saints clench teeth, direct bloodletting, by own innate source, expedites childbirth this nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus. 故而,西方二圣咬了咬牙,直接放血,以自己的先天本源,来催生这朵九品功德金莲。 Western two Saints are also the innate spirit root family backgrounds, therefore, the nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus swallowed their source, not only will not be affected, instead will gain a big advantage. 西方二圣也是先天灵根的出身,因此,九品功德金莲吞噬了祂们的本源,非但不会受到影响,反而会获得不小的好处。 The nine chief ministers of state merit golden lotus, is in itself high-grade innate spirit treasure, once melts the shape, is the most superior first deity demon, now had to swallow the saint source to have the transformation, feared that was its shape, was the highest level first deity demon. 九品功德金莲,本身就是上品先天灵宝,一旦化形而出,便是最上等的先天神魔,现在有吞噬了圣人的本源发生蜕变,怕是其一化形,便是最顶级的先天神魔。 This golden lotus, carrying/sustaining the great expectations of Western two Saints, the future of when for the West teaching. 这朵金莲,承载了西方二圣的厚望,当为西方教的未来。 The words saying, the West taught really to look like the Buddhism more and more, took the lotus flower as the sacred object, but one was the golden lotus, one was the black lotus. 话说,西方教真的是越来越像佛门了,都是以莲花为圣物,不过一个是金莲,一个是黑莲罢了。 ...... …… This sound noisy is very big, including the Nüwa empress who always pays no attention to the human affairs, could not bear meddle. 这次动静闹的很大,连一向不理世事的女娲娘娘,都忍不住插手了。 Sees It to put reads lost, is carrying the innate supreme treasure universe cauldron, arrived above a celestial mountain of East Sea. 就见祂放出神念,携带着先天至宝乾坤鼎,来到了东海的一座仙山之上。 This mountain, named Mt. Huaguo, on the mountain has five-colors immortal stone together, five-colors god stone that past overcoming nature used. 这座山,名为花果山,山上有着一块五彩仙石,正是昔日的补天用的五彩神石。 When world transformation, this made up the deity stone to result in the chance, an embodiment god embryo, for first deity demon. 天地蜕变之际,这块补天神石得了机缘,内蕴一神胎,为先天神魔。 Originally, this god embryo wants born, still needed several tens of thousands of years, but the Nüwa empress seeks the reason to come, decides to give him a chance, making him be born ahead of time. 本来,这个神胎想要诞生,尚需数万年之久,但是女娲娘娘寻缘而来,决定赋予他一个机缘,使其提前诞生。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The universe cauldron vibrates, the strength of contract universe, melts the source of the world, refining up into this to make up in the deity stone, unceasing is expanding inside god embryo. 乾坤鼎震动,承接乾坤之力,化天地之本源,炼入这枚补天神石之中,不断的壮大着里面的神胎。 If no helping of Nüwa empress, this will make up the deity stone several tens of thousands of years later, will breed inborn stone Hou, will receive to mix the meaning of the world to live, sets the record of the big reputation. 若无女娲娘娘之助,这枚补天神石会在数万年之后,孕育出一天生石猴,秉承混世之意而生,创下偌大的名头。 After may have making a move of Nüwa empress, his destiny then changed. 可有了女娲娘娘的出手之后,他的命运便发生了变化。 What is the universe cauldron? innate supreme treasure , is great antiquity only one most precious object that has the retrogradation innate ability. 乾坤鼎为何物?先天至宝,同时也是洪荒唯一一件具有逆反先天能力的至宝。 Makes up the deity stone such a to be built up by the universe cauldron, the innate source further deputes, in that first deity embryo was affected, started to have the transformation. 补天神石被乾坤鼎这么一炼,先天本源进一步提纯,那里面的先天神胎受到影响,开始发生了蜕变。 The growth unexpectedly is more and more complete, evolved the human form from the monkey shape, had first Heavenly Dao body. 其发育竟是越来越完全,从猴形进化成了人形,有了先天道体。 At this moment, this makes up deity stone breeding, is not the spirit alum monkey, but inherits the overcoming nature Deity of meaning of overcoming nature, inborn god demon. 这一刻,这枚补天神石孕育的,再不是灵明石猴,而是继承补天之意的补天神人,天生的神魔。 _ he powerful! 他更强大了! ...... …… The Nüwa empress acts at the same time, the Mother Earth empress is also acting, that chaos most precious object six samsara plates, suddenly fierce tremor. 女娲娘娘出手的同时,后土娘娘也在出手,那混沌至宝六道轮回盘,突然剧烈的颤动一下。 The incomparable strength gushed out from nether world, broke through the blockade of backdrop, arrived at outside the big chaos directly, swept away absolutely the surrounding area in chaos air/Qi. 无匹的力量从幽冥界涌出,突破了天幕的封锁,直接来到了界外大混沌,将方圆万万里的混沌之气横扫一空。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! In six, on behalf of cave entrance that witch said that emerged a lot of chaos air/Qi suddenly, float in witch was said the Pangu heart of most deep place gave the absorption. 六道之中,代表巫道的洞口,骤然涌现出了大量的混沌之气,被悬浮在巫道最深处的盘古心脏给吸收。 Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...... 砰!砰!砰!砰…… The Pangu heart beat again, spread the big sound. But with Its beat, the world unexpectedly and called with it. 久违的,盘古心脏再次跳动了起来,传出了偌大的响声。而随着祂的跳动,天地竟是与之和鸣了起来。 It is not the Pangu heart and world and cry, but is the world and Pangu heart and cry, with Its rhythm beat. 不是盘古心脏与天地和鸣,而是天地与盘古心脏和鸣,跟着祂的节奏跳动。 Bang! 砰! The Pangu heart beats every time, has a lot of chaos air/Qi to be absorbed by It, then, has the purple blood, is accompanying the purple malignant influences, flows on the body of Pangu heart. 盘古心脏每跳动一下,都有大量的混沌之气被祂吸收,而后,有紫色的鲜血,伴着紫色的煞气,在盘古心脏的身上流动起来。 That purple blood, is Pangu's blood ; That purple malignant influences, are the air/Qi of day evil deity. The Pangu heart hemopoiesis, showed again It started to breed the innate big witch. 那紫色的血,是盘古之血;那紫色的煞气,是都天神煞之气。盘古心脏再次造血,说明祂开始重新孕育先天大巫了。 What is the innate big witch? Is big witch who Pangu's blood changes to directly, is not the big witch who the day after tomorrow will cultivate. 何为先天大巫?即是盘古之血直接化作的大巫,不是后天修炼来的大巫。 Witch clan that the Pangu essence and blood changes, is the ancestor witch, is the inborn sacredness, existence that is doomed to become enlightened. 盘古精血化作的巫族,为祖巫,是天生的神圣,注定成道的存在。 The witch clan that Pangu's blood changes, for the innate big witch, each one is the top first deity demon, in the future will all have the possibility of becoming enlightened, and very big. 盘古之血化作的巫族,为先天大巫,个个都是顶级的先天神魔,未来皆有成道的可能,且非常的大。 , The Pangu heart more jumps gradually is quicker, the surrounding chaos air/Qi is vanishing at the visible speed. 渐渐的,盘古心脏越跳越快,周围的混沌之气以肉眼可见的速度消失着。
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