GDSP :: Volume #9

#818: A very special first deity demon

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Mother Earth melts the samsara, the boundless beneficence. 后土化轮回,功德无量。 Also some people proposed, established that day of the world tree by Feng Zichen, the world tree appeared, the great antiquity world entered temporarily the new chapter hence. 也有人提议,以风紫宸立下世界树的那一日算起,世界树出现,洪荒天地至此进入暂新篇章。 ...... …… ............ ………… In brief, all kinds of propositions have, but also has the sufficient reason, people for this reason noisy being heavily engaged. 总之,各种各样的提议都有,还都有充足的理由,众人为此吵的不可开交。 Some moment, the people finally reached the agreement, that promoted the boundless starry sky by the purple slightly Great Emperor that day. 某一刻,众人终于达成了共识,那就是以紫微大帝晋升无垠星空的那一天算起。 When the purple slightly Great Emperor, reveals itself for the first time, then appears in the posture of salvation in the front of the world. 紫微大帝,第一次出世时,便是以救世之姿出现在世人的面前。 But this time, It not only made that the broken boundless starry sky restore not saying that was makes it have the transformation, about one step. 而这一次,祂不仅使得那早已残破的无垠星空恢复了不说,更是使其发生蜕变,更近一步。 If by the merit, the purple slightly Great Emperor works as is the great antiquity world, no one can with it being on par. 若论功德,紫微大帝当为洪荒天地之最,无人能与之比肩。 Took It to be promoted to that day of boundless starry sky, was counted the Three Realms time the beginning, was most appropriate. 以祂晋升为无垠星空的那一日,算作三界时代的开端,却是最合适不过了。 But facing people's proposition, Feng Zichen wants to reject. 而面对众人的提议,风紫宸本想拒绝。 Purple slightly Great Emperor this status, the honor has reached the peak of great antiquity world, is then exactly right than it say/way ancestor, does not need other great honor to promote own status. 紫微大帝这个身份,荣誉已经达到了洪荒天地的顶峰,便是比之道祖也不差分毫,已经不需要别的殊荣来提升自己的身份了。 It should remise others this great honor. 祂应将这份殊荣让与别人。 However, ultimately Feng Zichen accepted. 但是,最终风紫宸还是接受了。 Because It discovered, this great honor, It gives anyone is not inappropriate. Gives the Nüwa empress, will then offend the Mother Earth empress ; Gives the Mother Earth empress, will then offend the Nüwa empress. 因为祂发现,这份殊荣,祂让给谁都不合适。让给女娲娘娘,便会得罪后土娘娘;让给后土娘娘,便会得罪女娲娘娘。 Gives to cancel Chen, gives itself, this seemed somewhat artificial. 让给勾陈,也就是让给自己,这就显得有些做作了。 Therefore, Feng Zichen thinks it over, prepares to carry forward the style of big senior, gives a special life it. 故而,风紫宸思来想去,准备发扬一下大前辈的风范,将其让给一个特殊的生灵。 After that Three Realms was established, the first life of breeding, is first first deity demon. 三界成立之后,孕育的第一个生灵,也是第一尊先天神魔。 Any thing, as long as with first moistens above, will become uncommon. On that day the machine demonstration, after Three Realms was established, a life of birth, is a top first deity demon. 任何事物,但凡和第一沾上边,都会变得不凡起来。那天机显示,三界成立之后,诞生的一尊生灵,将会是一尊顶级的先天神魔。 This life, receives a Three Realms wisp of destiny to live, collection world man-made in one, may be called the child of time, its future will be doomed to become big magical powers, aspires to seize the boundary of beginning of the universe , may have. 此生灵,秉承三界一缕气运而生,集天地人造化于一身,堪称时代之子,其未来注定了会成为一尊大神通者,就是问鼎混元的境界,也不是没有可能。 May refer to the great antiquity's first innate life great wild goose honored say/way ancestor specifically, as well as great antiquity's first day after tomorrow life Feng Zichen. 具体可参考洪荒第一尊先天生灵鸿钧道祖,以及洪荒第一尊后天生灵风紫宸 These two people all are first, all achieved the achievement that is inconceivable. 这二人皆是第一,也皆是取得了难以想象的成就。 That life receives the Three Realms destiny to live, although cannot compare these two your father, but also cannot be underestimated. 那生灵秉承三界气运而生,虽是比不得这两尊大人物,但也不容小觑。 After all, since the Three Realms time, is the great antiquity opens, is only at the promotion stage the time, contains destiny and good fortune that is above the imagination, this life for the child of destiny, was born in this time, had been doomed uncommonly. 毕竟,三界时代,是洪荒开辟至今,唯一处于晋升阶段的时代,蕴含着超乎想象的气运与造化,此生灵为气运之子,生于这个时代,已是注定了不凡。 Therefore, Feng Zichen decided that with its knot good reason, remises It this great honor, on that day of by its birth, localization Three Realms first year, was the beginning of Three Realms time. 是故,风紫宸决定与其结个善缘,将这份殊荣让与祂,就以其诞生的那一天,定位三界元年,为三界时代的开端。 Very good idea, very good reason, built a person of reliable big senior to suppose. 很好的想法,很好的理由,更是营造了一个可靠的大前辈的人设。 Waits for that life cultivation to have, clear(ly) became aware causes and effects, certainly will thank Feng Zichen. 等那生灵修炼有成,明悟了其中的因果,一定会非常感谢风紫宸的。 This great honor, solely is not a great honor, represented a wisp of Three Realms destiny. Without advantage , the people struggles this doing. 这份殊荣,不单单是份殊荣,更是代表了一缕三界气运。若是没有实打实的好处,众人争这个干什么。 That life obtained the Feng Zichen advantage, has the causes and effects with It, in the future must , the Feng Zichen abacus hit very much fine, will not eat a point to owe decisively. 那生灵得了风紫宸的好处,就是与祂结下因果,日后都是要还的,风紫宸的算盘打得很精,断然不会吃一点亏的。 What a pity, the idea of Feng Zichen is very good, but It said oneself proposition, was given by the people otherwise. 可惜,风紫宸的想法是很好,但祂一说出自己的提议,就被众人给否了。 A new student/life god demon, is the aptitude is then unusual, how can also with on the scene compares, gives him that great honor, various people face countenance what save on the scene? 一个新生的神魔罢了,便是资质超凡,又如何能与在场的诸位比,将那份殊荣让给他,在场诸人的颜面何存? The reason is very simple, is the above those words, eliminated Feng Zichen all plans, making It to accept this great honor. 理由很简单,就是上面的那句话,打消了风紫宸所有的谋划,使得祂不得不接受了这份殊荣。 Plans to fail, Feng Zichen sighing slightly, will not have extremely to care, will be only some slightly regrets. 算计落空,风紫宸微微的叹了口气,也没将之太过放在心上,只是略微有些遗憾罢了。 As everyone knows, Feng Zichen did not insist, in matter that then has, making It regret. 殊不知,风紫宸的不坚持,在接下来发生的事中,让祂后悔不已。 ...... …… Calculates, Feng Zichen discovered, 100 years 30 days later, It unseals the 10,000 years of commemoration day of sidereal revolution stars. 算了算,风紫宸发现,一百年零三十天后,正是祂解封周天星辰的一万年纪念日。 The people had not opposed, is the nod name is, then, Feng Zichen will decide as Three Realms on this day New Year's Day, is the beginning of Three Realms time. 众人也没反对,皆是点头称是,遂,风紫宸就将这一天定为三界元日,为三界时代的开端。 In a flash, then arrived on that day. 转瞬间,那一天便到来了。 On this day, the people summoned the space and time river with joint forces, established at the same time the giant stele in inside, submitted a written statement to Three Realms first year four large characters, decided it in this space and time node. 于这一日,众人合力召唤来时空长河,在里面立下一面巨大的石碑,上书“三界元年”四个大字,生生将其定在了这处时空节点上。 Hence, the great antiquity enters the Three Realms time. 至此,洪荒正是进入三界时代。 Matter to this, was finished, the people should also leave Zixiaogong, went various home respectively. 事情到此,也算是结束了,众人也都该离开紫霄宫,各回各家了。 But at this moment, in the great antiquity land, transmits inexplicable palpitation suddenly, attracted the attention of people. 可就在这时,洪荒大地上,忽然传来一阵莫名的悸动,吸引住了众人的注意力。 Was worried that the great antiquity land has the problem, the people do not dare to hesitate, immediately puts reads lost, spans the infinite chaos to be void, looks toward the great antiquity land. 担心洪荒大地出现问题,众人不敢犹豫,当即放出神念,跨越无穷的混沌虚空,向着洪荒大地看去。 Then, the people then saw a marvelous sight. 接着,众人便看到了一幕奇景。 Sees only, in the great antiquity land, not arrests in innate ten thousand, will be day after tomorrow ten thousand, all appeared, is beating in the world cheerfully, resembling will be the incomparable excitement. 只见得,洪荒大地上,无拘于先天万道,还是后天万道,全都浮现了出来,在天地之间欢快的跳动着,似是无比的兴奋。 Calculates silently, the people knew the origin of this phenomenon, was that Three Realms first first deity demon must be born. This time the phenomenon, to celebrate him will soon be born to appear. 默默算了算,众人就知晓了这异象的由来,原是那三界的第一尊先天神魔要诞生了。此番异象,皆是为了庆祝他即将诞生而出现的。 The old doubts untied, but the new doubts actually appeared in the mind of people, actually that first deity demon was what origin, why can trigger so the sound? 旧的疑惑解开了,可新的疑惑却浮现在了众人的脑海之中,那先天神魔究竟是何来历,为何能引发这般动静? „, The sound of this birth, was really actually big. Does not know a Three Pure Ones brother is born, there is this phenomenon?” Looked at phenomenon between that day say/way, Feng Zichen( cancelled Chen) to turn head toward Three Pure Ones to ask. “啧,这出生的动静,倒是委实不小。不知三清道兄诞生的时候,有没有这番异象?”看了一眼那天道间的异象,风紫宸(勾陈)扭头朝三清问道。 Should be similar, the phenomenon that this deity demon is first born, then cannot compare our three brothers, could not miss many.” Too clear saint thinks, returns said. “应是差不多的,这位先天神魔诞生的异象,便是比不得我们三兄弟,也是差不了多少。”太清圣人想了想,回道。 Hiss “嘶” Too clear saint such remarks, the people were all startled held breath a cold air/Qi. 太清圣人此言一出,众人皆是被惊得倒吸了一口冷气。 First when the deity demon birth phenomenon, generally then can represent his talent and achievement. When this first deity demon reveals itself the phenomenon, can pursue Three Pure Ones unexpectedly, that said Its future achievement, is next to Three Pure Ones? 先天神魔出生时的异象,大抵便能代表他的天赋与成就。这尊先天神魔出世时的异象,竟然能直追三清,那岂不是说祂未来的成就,仅次于三清 Although the people have overestimated that new student/life first deity demon very much, but has not thought, his talent can be so high. 尽管众人已经很高估那位新生的先天神魔了,可还是没想到,他的天赋能有这么高。 In heart curious, listens to raise saint to say certainly: We let us not look here, and first has a look personally, that first deity demon investigates it is what kind of uncommonness, can have this phenomenon birth.” 心中好奇,就听准提圣人说道:“吾等也别在这里看着了,且先亲自去看看,那位先天神魔究其是何等的不凡,才能有此异象诞生。” Then, does not need the people to reply, raises saint then to take the lead toward the great antiquity land to walk certainly. 说完,不待众人回答,准提圣人便以率先朝洪荒大地走去。 Sees that the people link said: Goes together, goes together.” 见状,众人连是说道:“同去,同去。” Looks is proposing the form that saint leaves in advance certainly, too clear saint shakes the head to smile, suddenly offers a sacrifice to the innate supreme treasure primal chaos chart, changes to together exceedingly high white jade bridge, is carrying the people, at an extremely quick speed, hurries to toward the great antiquity land. 望着准提圣人先行离开的身影,太清圣人摇头笑了笑,忽然祭出先天至宝太极图,化作一道通天白玉桥,载着众人,以一种极快的速度,朝洪荒大地赶去。 Fellow Daoist, we walks!” “诸位道友,我们走!” When the people exceed raised saint certainly, too clear saint sound just now spreads to the eyes of people. 待众人超越了准提圣人之时,太清圣人的声音方才传入众人的眼中。 Quickly, quick, very quick. 快,很快,非常的快。 Is opens a day of most precious object worthily, the speed of primal chaos chart unexpectedly compared with it Feng Zichen speed, but also wants on the quick three points. 不愧是开天至宝,太极图的速度竟是比之风紫宸的速度,还要快上三分。 Sees itself to be surpassed, raises saint is not angry certainly, instead laughs, changes to together the rainbow light, fell on the white jade bridge, rushed to the great antiquity land with the people together. 见自己被超,准提圣人也不生气,反而哈哈一笑,化作一道虹光,也落到了白玉桥上,与众人一道赶往洪荒大地。 At this moment, the great antiquity eight Saints, as well as many big magical powers, all tread on in white jade the bridge, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform travels to the great antiquity land, such, goes down in the great antiquity history sufficiently, making the later generation have the endless daydream. 这一刻,洪荒八圣,以及诸多大神通者,全都踏于白玉桥上,齐齐奔赴洪荒大地,这样的一幕,足以载入洪荒史册,让后人产生无尽的遐想。 Looks the smile on the people face brimming with, the person who does not know saw, but also thinks that their relations seem. 看众人脸上洋溢的笑容,不知道的人见了,还以为祂们的关系多好似的。 Peace! 正是久违的和平啊! Quiet, the Heavenly Dao appears, framed this, resembled turned into eternal. 悄无声息的,天道浮现,将这一幕定格了下来,似是化成了永恒。 ( Writes writes, suddenly discovery this has the flavor of big result very much very much. Naturally, I do not have the meaning of termination, if I terminated here, you feared that fresh will rip me, is sighs with emotion.) (写着写着,突然发现这一段很很有大结局的味道。当然,我没有完结的意思,我要是在这里完结了,你们怕是会生撕了我,就是感慨一下而已。) ...... …… ............ ………… .................. ……………… Although that first birthplace of deity demon, very mysterious, but the people, what person does the great antiquity have to hide the truth from them with joint forces? 尽管那位先天神魔的诞生地,非常的神秘,但众人合力之下,洪荒又有什么人能够瞒得过祂们? By easily, the people found very much place that breeds that first deity demon. 是以,很轻易的,众人就找到了孕育那尊先天神魔的地方。 Un, 嗯, Very is truly special. 确实很特殊。 Specially after the people come here, the smile on face all restrained, by an extremely dignified expression, stand forth. 特殊到众人来到这里之后,脸上的笑容全都收敛了起来,以一种极为凝重的表情,向前走去。 Here, is filling the light gray fog, has the chaos air/Qi to ascend, has the chaos malignant influences on surge, the ground was the disorderly stack piles of crushed stones. 这里,弥漫着淡淡的灰色雾霭,有混沌气升腾,有混沌煞气涌动,地上更是凌乱的堆放了一堆堆碎石。 In the crushed stone, there is an invincible might circulation, although is very pale, but has a supreme flavor. Meanwhile, this place, fills extremely distant aura naturally. 碎石上,有神威流转,虽然很淡,但却有一种至高无上的韵味。同时,此地自然而然的,弥漫出一股极为悠远的气息。 Truly, here very ancient, at the beginning of can trace to be epoch-making. Here, is the ruins in former Mount Buzhou, the back of Pangu big god is. 确实,这里非常的古老,能够追溯到开天辟地之初。这里,正是原不周山的遗址,盘古大神的脊梁所在。 The breeding place of that Three Realms first first deity demon, is here. 那尊三界第一的先天神魔的孕育地,便是这里。 Mount Buzhou, a how special place, is great antiquity world initial Tienchu, is unsurpassed Divine Mountain of suppression chaos demon god. 不周山,多么特殊的一个地方,即是洪荒天地最初的天柱,也是镇压混沌魔神的无上神山。 His vestige, filled the complaint of destruction aura and chaos demon god, properly speaking, here will not breed the life decisively. However, this place bred one first deity demon. 祂的遗迹,充满了毁灭气息与混沌魔神的怨念,按理来说,这里断然不会孕育出生灵的。但是,此地偏偏就孕育了一尊先天神魔。 That this life, deciding is special incomparable. 那这个生灵,定是特殊无比的。 With the inexpressible mood, the people arrived at the most deep place of Mount Buzhou vestige, saw first deity demon that will soon be born. 怀着不可言说的心情,众人来到了不周山遗迹的最深处,也看到了那尊即将诞生的先天神魔。 That is one first deity embryo, three zhang (3.33 m) six chi (0.33 m) five cuns (2.5 cm) high, there is a two zhang (3.33 m) four chi (0.33 m) circumference. 那是一尊先天神胎,有三丈六尺五寸高,有二丈四尺围圆。 Three zhang (3.33 m) six chi (0.33 m) five cuns (2.5 cm) high, according to sidereal revolution 365 degrees ; Two zhang (3.33 m) four chi (0.33 m) circumference, according to political record 24 air/Qi. On has nine orifices eight, according to the imperial palace Eight Trigrams (gossip). 三丈六尺五寸高,按周天三百六十五度;二丈四尺围圆,按政历二十四气。上有九窍八孔,按九宫八卦。 This does not have nothing right, many first appearance of deity embryo is so, the people are also the experienced generations, has naturally seen other innate appearance, naturally does not will therefore feel odd. 这本没什么不对,多数先天神胎的模样都是如此,众人也都是见多识广之辈,自然见过别的先天的模样,自然不会因此感到奇怪。 Visible under moves, sees that first under the deity embryo the scene the time, the people all could not bear change the complexion. 可视线下移,看到那先天神胎下面景象的时候,众人皆是忍不住变了脸色。 Sees, that first below of deity embryo, is a side giant blood pond, there is nothing, the key is under the blood pond blood. The people recognize, is their blood, and blood of that several chaos demon gods. 就看到,那先天神胎的下面,是一方巨大的血池,这没什么,关键是血池下面的血。众人认得,正是祂们的血,以及那几位混沌魔神的血。 In the blood pond exists, is Feng Zichen, Three Pure Ones and Mother Earth empress, the purple slightly Great Emperor, the Nüwa empresses and Western two Saints, blood of these Pangu Orthodox school and saint. 血池里面存在的,正是风紫宸三清、后土娘娘、紫微大帝、女娲娘娘、西方二圣,这几尊盘古正宗与圣人的血。 But their blood, but accounted for the half in blood pond, that other blood, bloom the light god light/only, having the main road rule is partly visible, has the air/Qi of chaos to wind around on, is the blood of chaos demon god. 而祂们的血,只是占据了血池之中的一半,那余下的鲜血,绽放出淡淡的神光,有大道规则若隐若现,有混沌之气缭绕于上,正是混沌魔神的血。 Does the blood come? 血是怎么来的? Still remembers that to seal/confer Shenliang plundering end, the people once erupted a war with seven chaos demon gods. 还记得吗,封神量劫之末,众人曾与七尊混沌魔神爆发了一场大战。 That war, although was the people won, succeeded chaos demon god seal in five big divine lands as well as in Heaven. But with the chaos demon god war, how could a people price to have paid? Was all wounded respectively, flowed many blood. 那一战,虽是众人赢了,成功的将混沌魔神封印在五大神州以及天界之中。但与混沌魔神大战,众人岂能一点代价也没付出?皆是各自负伤,流了不少的鲜血。 The blood in this blood pond, was the people stayed behind at that time. Blood that also somehow, the people and chaos demon gods flow off, gathers one unexpectedly, turned into a blood pond, and arrived in the Mount Buzhou vestige, bred one first deity embryo. 这血池里的血,便是众人那时留下的。也不知怎的,众人以及混沌魔神流下的鲜血,竟是汇聚到了一处,化成了一座血池,并来到了不周山遗迹之中,孕育出了一尊先天神胎。 Listens, how the matter of coincidence! 听听,多么巧合的一件事啊! If this no one is playing tricks in secret, Feng Zichen can take the head of saint to twist certainly, when the ball kicks. 这要是没人在暗中捣鬼,风紫宸能把准提圣人的脑袋拧下来当球踢。 Nearby, raises the saint subconscious tracing neck certainly, then puzzled looked at surrounding one, this says: Fellow Daoist, this first deity demon, feared that is extraordinary!” 一旁,准提圣人下意识的摸了摸脖子,然后一脸疑惑的看了周围一眼,这才开口说道:“诸位道友,这个先天神魔,怕是了不得啊!” Is far more than extraordinary! He imagines compared with the people, but also wants uncommonly are much more. 何止是了不得啊!他比众人想象的,还要不凡的多得多。 When sees this first deity demon breeding in Mount Buzhou, people already as far as possible imagined his uncommonness in the high direction, has not thought, the people underestimated him. 在看到这个先天神魔孕育于不周山的时候,众人已经尽量的往高的方向去想象他的不凡了,可没想到,众人还是低估了他。 This status, if really can be born, feared that is not completely weak in Feng Zichen. 这身份,要是真的能诞生,怕是完全不弱于风紫宸 Only is Three Realms first first deity demon, already enough uncommon, first deity demon that but in addition, the blood and the chaos demon god's blood fusion his unexpectedly saint, is born. 仅是三界第一尊先天神魔,就已经够不凡的了,可除此之外,他竟然还是圣人之血与混沌魔神之血融合,诞生出的先天神魔。 This is a he most special point. 这才是他最特殊的一点。 Feng Zichen and the others are anything, Pangu is authentic! 风紫宸等人是什么,盘古正宗! After this first deity demon resulted in their blood, resulted in the blood of chaos demon god, waits, if collection simultaneous/uniform two big bloodlines in one. 这个先天神魔得了祂们的血后,又得了混沌魔神的血,等若集齐两大血脉于一身。 What is the child of destiny, this and that's the end! 什么叫天命之子,这就是了! Although the great antiquity world is Pangu opens, but the chaos demon god also gave many strength, the foundation of their source great antiquity world. 洪荒天地虽是盘古开辟的,但混沌魔神也是出了不少力的,祂们的本源正是洪荒天地的根基。 Therefore, the descendant of chaos demon god, is half legitimate of great antiquity. 因此,混沌魔神的后代,也算是洪荒的半个正统。 But this first deity demon, the collection two big bloodlines in one, wait, if resulted in two legitimate simultaneously. The status can handle one expensively not, not Pangu is authentic the difference that comes. 而这个先天神魔,集两大血脉于一身,等若同时得了两个正统。身份当得起一声贵不可言,不比盘古正宗来的差。 Unprecedented first! 史无前例的第一! Collection two big bloodlines in one, this first deity demon first case. 集两大血脉于一身,这尊先天神魔还是第一例。 He, was extremely unusual, if can be born, in the future the boundary of achievement beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, is not a difficult matter. 他,太过超凡了,若是能诞生,未来成就混元大罗金仙的境界,绝非难事。 But is because It was extremely unusual, unusual somewhat went against heaven's will, therefore, making him bring in the inexorable fate, whether its future to be born, became confusing. 可就是因为祂太过超凡了,都超凡的有些逆天了,故而,使得他引来了劫数,其未来能否诞生,也变得扑朔迷离起来。 What inexorable fate? 什么劫数? Naturally was the person tribulations! 自然就是人劫了! Because of this first unusualness of deity demon, caused Feng Zichen and the others the ideas, making them arrive at this place. 因这个先天神魔的超凡,引起了风紫宸等人的主意,使得祂们来到了此地。 But this, 而这, Is this first person of deity demon tribulations. 就是这尊先天神魔的人劫。 Some people are not willing to see this first birth of deity demon, dreads his talent actually not, but is unhappy his family background. 有人不愿意看到这个先天神魔的诞生,倒不是忌惮他的天赋,而是不喜他的出身。 The Pangu god department is the Pangu god department, a chaos demon god department is a chaos demon god department, the two distinguish right from wrong, how could to jumble together? 盘古神系便是盘古神系,混沌魔神一系就是混沌魔神一系,二者泾渭分明,岂能混为一谈? ps: Today's 10,000 characters were completed. The discount has not hit, asks the monthly ticket, asked to hit to enjoy! ps:今天的一万字完成了。一点折扣没打,求月票,求打赏啊!
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