GDSP :: Volume #9

#817: Three Realms time

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The prosperous times , the day have passed at this moment certainly, run counter with the situation completely, are doomed not to have the good result. 盛世已至,此刻绝地天通,完全是与大势背道而驰,注定不会有好结果。 Therefore, Leize this comes, has the goal. It must make an arrangement in this, to do anti- say/way. 故,雷泽此来,另有目的。祂要在此做一番布置,以做阻道之用。 Then opens the flood gates, says for the endless common people, that not possible anything people to have the qualifications to listen, is the person of being predestined friends only then. 便是大开方便之门,为无尽苍生讲道,那也不可能什么人都有资格过来听的,得是有缘之人方可。 What is the person of being predestined friends? 何为有缘之人? First, must have certain strength, reason that because Leize is short of manpower now very much, therefore requests can appropriately lowers. Did not say that big gold/metal immortal, at least is also the gold/metal immortal of achievement immortal. 首先,得具有一定的实力,因为现在雷泽很缺人的缘故,所以要求可以适当的放低一些。不说大罗金仙,起码也得是成就长生的金仙。 Past an ancestor said that wants to go to listen, must first spans beyond the boundless day the chaos to be good. 昔日道祖讲道,想要前去听讲,须得先跨越无垠的天外混沌才行。 On that day outside the chaos, danger how, air/Qi of surging forward chaos continued, boil continuous, without greatly Luo Daozun cultivating was, going was one dies. 那天外混沌,何其的危险,混沌之气汹涌澎湃不止,沸腾不休,没有大罗道尊的修为,进去就是一个死。 Then is greatly Luo Daozun, does not have the protection of top innate spirit treasure, in chaos beyond that day, will encounter the danger, does in an extremely difficult situation. 便是大罗道尊,没有顶级先天灵宝的守护,在那天外混沌之中,也会遇到危险,搞得狼狈不堪。 Said the ancestor saying that the homing was also the person of being predestined friends. Although It has not put forward any request, but is only spans beyond the day chaos this point, under the great antiquity Luo Daozun member, all excluded greatly. 道祖讲道,寻的也是有缘之人。祂虽是没有提任何要求,但仅是跨越天外混沌这一点,就将洪荒大罗道尊之下的修士,全都排除在外了。 Leize present strength, even if might as well then say/way ancestor, that not have many disparities. 雷泽现在的实力,就算不如当时的道祖,那也没多少差距。 If It thinks, but also such as an ancestor is common, the chaos beyond the day says, but without this necessity. It must open the flood gates for all living things, cannot be so high, has gold/metal immortal who the standard decides to cultivate/repair for on the line. 祂若是想,也可如道祖一般,在天外混沌讲道,但没这个必要。祂要为众生大开方便之门,不能将标准定的这么高,有着金仙修为就行了。 However, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor has beyond the day the chaos to screen greatly Luo Daozun for It, but Leize does not have. 不过,鸿钧道祖有天外混沌替祂筛选大罗道尊,可雷泽却没有。 The sea of principle vanishes, the Celestial two do not have the stop again, properly speaking, don't said that was the immortal, was the common Yang God immortal, in the bygone days have flown, so long as did not fear the time to be long, that can also fly Heaven. 法则之海消失,天人两界再无阻拦,照理来说,莫说是仙人了,就是寻常的阳神地仙,一直往天上飞,只要不怕时间久,那也是可以飞到天界的。 Therefore, if Leize does not arrange one here, that he explained religious doctrine, perhaps Yang God the immortal does not have, but the angel profound immortal definitely will have a big pile. 所以,雷泽要是不在这里布置一番的话,那等他讲道的时候,阳神地仙或许没有,但天仙玄仙肯定会有一大堆。 Person too many words when the time comes comes perhaps, the god clouds palace could not have done. Makes an arrangement, immortal under the member gold/metal immortal, will all keep them out. 到时候来的人太多的话,兴许神霄宫还做不下呢。还是做点布置,将那金仙修士之下的仙人,全都拒之门外吧。 Like this thinking, the Leize intention is moving, the endless thunder hot astral wind appears, stretches across in the Celestial two intersection points. 这样想着,雷泽心念一动,无尽的雷火罡风浮现,横跨在天人两界的交界处。 Pinched the law seal, to astral wind one finger/refers, that astral wind is elongating and thickening suddenly, with day simultaneous/uniform Chang who draws, becomes has about 30,000 li (0.5 km) thick. 捏了个法印,对着罡风一指,那罡风忽然拉长、变厚,拉的与天齐长,变得约有三万里之厚。 This astral wind is overwhelmed with sorrow or joy the eclipse bone, wants big over ten thousand times compared with the ordinary astral wind, without cultivating of angel is, twists the fragment powder immediately, god shape entirely to extinguish. 此罡风消魂蚀骨,比普通的罡风要大上万倍,没有天仙的修为,立马就绞成齑粉,神形俱灭。 Here angel, refers to the angel of cultivation innate say/way, the foundation is solid, rather than the say/way of intensive angel cultivation day after tomorrow, will have the boundary spatially, but not strong strength. 这里的天仙,指的是修炼先天之道的天仙,底蕴深厚,而不是修炼后天之道速成的天仙,空有境界,而无强大的实力。 Leize this time says, only planned that said listens with the life of cultivation innate say/way, that the member of say/way of day after tomorrow, It has not considered, automatic gave to neglect. 雷泽此次讲道,只打算讲与修炼先天之道的生灵听,那后天之道的修士,祂根本就没考虑过,自动的就给忽略了。 By present age situation, but also the say/way of choice cultivation day after tomorrow, probably is nothing aptitude, or has no confidence to oneself. Do the words that is inferior, why put the innate say/way not to practice? 以当世的情况来看,还选择修炼后天之道的,大概都是没什么资质的,或者是对自己没什么信心。不如的话,为何放着先天之道不修炼? Such member, came to the god clouds palace, it is estimated that cannot understand Lei Ze to speak anything, what because It said was the innate say/way. 这样的修士,就是来了神霄宫,估计也听不懂雷泽在讲什么,因为祂讲的是先天之道。 ...... …… Leize waves again, above that 30,000 li (0.5 km) astral wind, appeared again thunder fire, was more than 30,000 li (0.5 km) high under. 雷泽再一挥手,那三万里罡风之上,再次浮现出了一层雷火,也是三万余里高下。 That thunder, that fire, is spirit thunder Linghuo of the world nature breeding, the might is also uncommon, the commonplace profound immortal cannot approach, otherwise must be fired the ashes is not possible. 那雷,那火,都是天地自然孕育的灵雷灵火,威力也是不凡,等闲玄仙根本靠近不得,不然非得被烧成灰烬不可。 After thunder fire, Leize uses the supernatural power, spread out a meteorite on the thunder fire. 雷火之后,雷泽又动用法力,在雷火上面铺上了一层陨石。 That meteorite, each, carries the might that being on par gold/metal immortal is striking sufficiently full power, hits on the body of person, sufficiently any gold/metal immortal heavy losses. 那陨石,每一颗,都携带着足以比肩金仙全力一击的威力,打在人的身上,足以将任何一名金仙重创。 Has this thunder hot astral wind level , the commonplace gold/metal immortal is unable through this place, to arrive at Heaven. Only has outstanding person, can achieve this point. 有此雷火罡风层在,等闲金仙根本无法通过此地,来到天界。唯有其中的佼佼者,方能做到这一点。 Hence later, had the arrangement of Leize, Heaven and world of human beings will isolate slowly. But wants to travel between the Celestial freely two, must has Taiyi gold/metal immortal cultivating for only then. 至此之后,有了雷泽的这番布置,天界与人界将会慢慢的隔离开来。而想要自由的往返天人两界,须得有着太乙金仙的修为方可。 Heaven, should keep aloof, for residence that the immortal is, compartmented comes with the mortal. As for the angel profound immortal, the immortals cannot even achieve, naturally was not an immortal. 天界,本就该高高在上,为仙人所在的居所,与凡人隔间开来。至于天仙玄仙,连长生都做不到,自然便不算仙人了。 Looks at own masterpiece, Lei Ze's satisfied nod, then returned to the god clouds nine days. 看着自己的杰作,雷泽满意的点了点头,便返回了神霄九天。 However, when the leaving god clouds palace, Leize will soon resemble remembers anything to resemble, suddenly waves, in that leads to the god clouds nine days of roads which must be taken, the arrange/cloth got down vast thunder territory. 不过,在即将走人神霄宫的时候,雷泽似是想起了什么似的,突然一挥手,在那通往神霄九天的必经之路上,布下了一层浩大的雷域。 This thunder territory might, with cultivating of intruder to have nothing to do, only with its industry the strength is related. Industry strength is grave, after that enters this thunder territory, the thunder might that must face is also stronger. 这雷域的威力,与闯入者的修为无关,只与其身上的业力有关。身上的业力越是深重,那进入这个雷域之后,所要面临的雷霆威力也就越强。 God clouds nine days, the sacred place of torpedo trajectory, the place of correct path existing forever, will not permit existence of strength of any contamination decisively. 神霄九天,雷道之圣地,正道长存之地,断然不会允许任何污秽之力的存在。 ...... …… The time passes gradually, in a flash, was ten thousand years passed by, Leize the period of explaining religious doctrine, will also arrive. 时光荏苒,转瞬之间,便是万年过去了,雷泽的讲道之期,不日也就到来。 But during this period, in the world but actually also many are not the new life. If that kinds innate gasify the fresh innate life, thunder Lingzu, fire spirit clan and cloud Lingzu and so on. 而在此期间,天地间倒也多少不是新的生灵。如那各类先天之气化生的先天生灵,雷灵族、火灵族、云灵族之类的。 Actually, these races do not calculate the new birth, in the beforehand great antiquity, has had their form. Among ten thousand clans goes on a punitive expedition against unceasingly, making many races vanish in the history. 其实,这些种族也不算新诞生,在以前的洪荒,也是有过他们的身影的。只是万族之间征伐不断,使得很多种族都消失在了历史当中。 These new student/life innate lives were so, had then vanished in the great antiquity world, but with the recovery of the world, the innate air/Qi again became rich, them breeding. 这些新生的先天生灵便是如此,本早已在洪荒天地绝迹,但随着天地的复苏,先天之气再次变得浓郁起来,又将他们给孕育出来了。 The species of great antiquity world, is the diversification. Which race will not have to exterminate thoroughly, because, ten thousand spirit marks, are saving in the said/tunnel. 洪荒天地的物种,一直都是多样化的。不会有哪个种族彻底灭绝的,因为,万灵的印记,都在地道之中存储着。 If which race thorough exterminated, that seeks the opportunity, the said/tunnel then with the life mark of own within the body, will breed. 万一要是哪个种族彻底的灭绝了,那寻到机会,地道便会以自己体内的生灵印记,将之重新孕育出来。 This is also in the great antiquity, why will have so many races to vanish suddenly, the reason that also reappears suddenly is. 这也是洪荒之中,为何会有那么多种族突然消失,又突然重现的原因所在。 They not necessarily lived in seclusion, possibly exterminated the clan. Then the world causes trouble, gave to breed them. 他们未必是隐居了,可能是被灭族了。而后天地生变,又将他们给重新孕育出来了。 When these lives were just born, ignorant, anything does not know. After the said/tunnel they breed, is not managing them, no matter what they run its own course. 这些生灵刚刚诞生之际,懵懵懂懂,什么都不知道。地道将他们孕育出来之后,便不在管他们了,任他们自生自灭。 This is a said/tunnel, is only responsible for breeding ten thousand spirits, how the destinies after as for ten thousand spirit birth, he not to ask totally, does not manage totally. 这便是地道,只负责孕育万灵,至于万灵诞生之后的命运如何,他一概不问,也一概不管。 No matter said/tunnel, but the Heavenly Dao can manage. 地道不管,但天道会管。 How long without and other innate lives are ignorant, the Heavenly Dao then gave them the Heavenly Dao inheritance, making them understand own origin, environment, as well as at present the situation in the world. 没等这些先天生灵懵懂多久,天道便将天道传承赋予了他们,使得他们了解到自身的来历,所处的环境,以及目前天地的局势。 While convenient, to the cultivation merit laws of these life some foundations, as well as corresponding magical powers guard. 顺带的,也给这些生灵一些基础的修炼功法,以及相应的神通护身。 Great antiquity world? Three Realms first year?” “洪荒天地?三界元年?” After accepting the inheritance, these innate also understood own situation. Now their environment, is the great antiquity world, the Three Realms time. 接受完传承之后,这些先天也明白了自己的处境。如今他们所处的环境,正是洪荒天地,三界时代。 Right, is the Three Realms time. 没错,就是三界时代。 Seals the war of god to end, the great antiquity world new student|life, the history opens together the brand-new chapter again, by sealing the god years is entered the Three Realms time. 封神之战落幕,洪荒天地新生,历史再次掀开一道崭新的篇章,由封神时代步入三界时代。 Accordingly, all historical records, prompted forward one step. If that antique time, goes a step further now again, was called a day of time, was called makes the god demon time. 相应的,所有的历史记录,也都向前推进了一步。如那太古时代,如今再进一步,被称之为开天时代,也被唤作神魔时代。 Reason that in the name of god demon, which time then because in, walks in the great antiquity world, is first deity demon. 之所以以神魔为名,则是因为在哪个时代,行走于洪荒天地的,都是先天神魔。 Ancient times three clan time, became the antique time. 远古三族时代,变为太古时代。 The antiquity witch monster time, became the high antiquity. 上古巫妖时代,成为远古时代。 Time, was called era, sealed the god years. 刚刚过去的时代,则是被称之为上古时代,封神时代。 Nowadays, this time, although just started, but the name had been determined. 现如今,这个时代虽然才刚刚开始,但名字已经被确定了。 Is called the Three Realms time. 就叫做三界时代。 What is Three Realms, is the Celestial place, Three Realms. 何为三界,即是天人地,三界 Heaven is 36 heavy days, stands erect above the vault of heaven of great antiquity world. 天界就是三十六重天,屹立于洪荒天地的天穹之上。 The world of human beings, was the great antiquity land, focused on five big divine lands, countless islands as a supplement, included the boundless sea, middle situated in great antiquity world. 人界,便是洪荒大地了,以五大神州为主,数之不尽的岛屿为辅,也包括了无垠的大海,位于洪荒天地的中间。 The boundary, was nether world, situated in great antiquity most under. 地界,便是幽冥界了,位于洪荒的最下方。 The present great antiquity, just three world, the people see this, thinks, is convenient for the chart, called this side world on by Three Realms directly. 如今的洪荒,刚好三个世界,众人看到这一幕,想了想,也是为了图省事,直接就以三界称呼这方世界。 As for the name of Three Realms, which calculate starting from day, saint as well as many big magical powers, but discussed for quite a while. 至于三界的称呼,从哪一天开始算起,诸位圣人以及诸多大神通者,可是讨论了半天。 Leize becomes shortly after the Saint, great wild goose honored say/way ancestor then people calling Zixiaogong. After all, the great antiquity was born eighth saint, this was an important matter, representative the great antiquity is even more prosperous. 雷泽成圣之后不久,鸿钧道祖便将众人给叫到了紫霄宫。毕竟,洪荒诞生出了第八尊圣人,这可是一件大事,代表着洪荒愈发的兴盛了。 The great wild goose honored say/way ancestor as the lord of great antiquity, must come. 鸿钧道祖身为洪荒之主,不可能不现身。 In Zixiaogong, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor congratulated Leize, then encouraged Its to It. Finally, was the convention, was the say/way ancestor explaining religious doctrine link that the people most liked. 紫霄宫内,鸿钧道祖先是恭贺了雷泽一番,接着又对祂勉励了祂一番。最后,就是惯例了,也是众人最喜欢的道祖讲道环节。 The great wild goose honored said each time ancestor called the person to come to Zixiaogong, will not make them run a fruitless errand, before arriving, will speak to say finally one time, seemed this, the people will not suffer a loss generally. 每次鸿钧道祖叫人来紫霄宫,都不会让祂们白跑一趟,临到终了,都会讲一次道,好似这样,众人就不会吃亏了一般。 Said the ancestor, had lovable side. 道祖,也是有可爱的一面的。 After explaining religious doctrine link, the people chatted a meeting, how also does not know, pulls on the present great antiquity. 讲道环节之后,众人闲聊了一会,也不知怎么的,就扯到了如今的洪荒上面。 The people chatted a meeting, called determining Three Realms this. The world person, is the innate three talents, name of pleasant to hear. 众人聊了一会,就把三界这个称呼给确定了下来。天地人,正是先天三才,多好听的名字。 Then, which this Three Realms calculate starting from day, difficult to people. 接着,这三界从哪一天开始算起,就难到了众人。 Some bootlickers proposed, starts by the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor's birthday the day. But just raised, was given by the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor otherwise. He is the retiring condition, does not need to struggle this reputation. 有马屁精提议,以鸿钧道祖的诞辰那一天开始算起。但刚提出来,就被鸿钧道祖给否了。祂老人家已经是退隐状态了,没必要争这个名头。 Later, has person to propose by the Three Pure Ones birthday, after all Pangu is authentic, has the status of principle of righteousness. 之后,有又人提议以三清算起,毕竟盘古正宗,有着大义的名分在。 This proposition just said that was also given otherwise, Three Pure Ones is Pangu Orthodox school, that Mother Earth empress is also, the purple slightly Great Emperor is also, cancelling Chen Great Emperor is also. 这个提议刚说出来,又被人给否了,三清是盘古正宗,那后土娘娘也是,紫微大帝也是,勾陈大帝也是。 If decides it by the Three Pure Ones birthday, being hard makes one be convinced. 若以三清的诞辰定之,难以让人心服。 After Three Pure Ones, some people proposed that by that day that human clan is born. After all human clan is the world lead, should revere to enjoy this great honor. 三清之后,有人提议以人族诞生的那一天算起。毕竟人族是天地主角,理应尊享这一殊荣。 This proposed one, some people said that human clan, Nüwa empress. Who makes human clan make for the Nüwa empress. 这个提议一出,又有人说道,人族可以,那女娲娘娘也可以。谁让人族为女娲娘娘所造。 Then, some people proposed that worked as at that day of Mother Earth empress samsara. 接着,又有人提议当以后土娘娘化轮回的那一日算起。 ps: Also misses 4000. ps:还差四千。 Must wait before dawn. 要等凌晨了。 Damn, waits to be on intimate terms, wish me to succeed. 该死,等会去相亲,祝我成功。
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