Finally, Leizeto becomeSaint, causes the strength of Heavenly Daoto fill the body, the eye of daytribulationthencultivateswithItslife, followedto absorb the strength of someHeavenly Dao, becomingwas more uncommon.
最后,雷泽成圣,引得天道之力灌体,那与祂性命相修的天劫之眼,也跟着吸收了部分天道之力,变得更加的不凡了。Faint, with the say/way of daytribulation, fusesfor a bodyunexpectedly.
隐隐的,竟是与天劫之道,融合为了一体。So manyadvantageput together, making that the eye of day of tribulationchangedwas inconceivable, the exuviateintoHeavenly DaoSaint.
那么多的好处加在一起,使得天劫之眼发生了难以想象的变化,蜕变成了天道圣器。WhatisHeavenly DaoSaint?
何为天道圣器?Thencanuse the strength of magic weaponHeavenly Dao, insaintjust likemagic weapon.
After becomingHeavenly DaoSaint, although the rank of daypunishingeyehas not promoted, as beforeisbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure, butitsmight, holdsinin addition of strength of Heavenly Dao, actuallypromotes an extremelyfearsomeposition.
成为天道圣器后,天罚之眼的等级虽未提升,依旧是极品先天灵宝,但它的威力,在天道之力的加持下,却是提升到了一种极为可怖的境地。Compared withitinnate supreme treasure , is exactly right, evenisstrongseveralpoints, is next to a day of most precious object.
就是比之先天至宝,也不差分毫,甚至是强过数分,仅次于开天至宝。Naturally, strength of thisdominationaboveinnate supreme treasure , can only displayin the range of great antiquityworld.
当然,这种凌驾于先天至宝之上的力量,也只能在洪荒天地的范围内施展。Ifexcept for the great antiquityworld, the daypunishingeyewill then make into the original formshortly, becomesbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure.
若是除了洪荒天地,天罚之眼顷刻之间便会被打成原形,重新成为极品先天灵宝。Thisenough, except for the great antiquityworld, Leizecould not use the daypunishingeye.
…………Returns to Zixiaogong, Leizefirstcallsownninebigdisciple, waspasthighest heaventhunderMonarch.
回到紫霄宫中,雷泽先是唤来了自己的九大弟子,就是当年的九霄雷君。Undergodcloudsninedays of breeding, the breedinghighest heaventhunderJun'sfirstdeityembryogives full play to the vitality, enablinghighest heaventhunderMonarch the rebirth.
在神霄九天的孕育下,孕育九霄雷君的先天神胎重新焕发生机,使得九霄雷君得以重生。Initially, Feng Zichenaftercuttingto eliminate the way of the worldperson, dammed the currentItssomesources, ininfiltratingbreedinghighest heaventhunderJun'sfirstdeityembryo.
当初,风紫宸在斩杀灭世道人之后,更是截流了祂的部分本源,将之打入孕育九霄雷君的先天神胎之中。Will extinguish the wisp of source of way of the worldpersonto absorb, the highest heaventhunderJun'sbody, the causes and effectsalldisappear, in a whileis then bornone after another.
将灭世道人的这缕本源吸收,九霄雷君的身上,因果全消,没过多久便接连诞生出来。Highest heaventhunderMonarchwas uncommon, respectivelyafterbreeding of godcloudsninedays of sources, wasbecomesuncommon. After thebirth, each oneis the topfirstdeitydemons, a birthhascultivating of TaiyiDaoist deityis.
The source is the same , there is the graciousness of restoration , the highest heaventhunderMonarchbirth, thendid obeisanceLeizeis a master. Leizeis also gladto receiveninetops first deitydemonis a disciple, seesthemto acknowledge as teacher, without the rejection, agreeddirectly.
本源相同,又有再造之恩在,九霄雷君一诞生,便拜了雷泽为师。雷泽也乐得收九个顶级先天神魔为徒,见祂们来拜师,也没拒绝,直接就同意了。Thisis the apprentice who Itsdaydecides, wantsto refuse unable to reject, only ifLei Zeis willingto discardLeize. After all, inLeize, Feng Zichenis only a foreign family, highest heaventhunderMonarchis the biologicalson.
这是祂天定的徒弟,想拒绝也拒绝不了,除非雷泽愿意舍弃雷泽。毕竟,于雷泽而言,风紫宸只是个外来户,九霄雷君才是亲儿子。IfFeng Zichendoes not receivethemfor the disciple, drives outthem, Lei Zewill refer togiving birth towhatcalamityerratically, at the appointed time, the trouble of Feng Zichenwas big.
要是风紫宸不收祂们为徒,将祂们赶了出去,那雷泽指不定会生出什么乱子来,到时,风紫宸的麻烦就大了。In view of this, might as wellreceivesthemfor the disciple.
既如此,还不如收祂们为徒呢。Receiveshighest heaventhunderMonarchin any caseis the disciple, toFeng Zichen( Leize ), hundredadvantagesdoes not have an evil.
反正收九霄雷君为徒,对风紫宸(雷泽)来说,百利而无一害。Receivesninegodsafter the disciple, Leizehands down the magical powersrespectively, thensealstheirninebrothersisninebigGod, wieldssideTianyurespectively.
收九神为徒之后,雷泽各自传下神通,便封祂们九兄弟为九大天主,分别执掌一方天域。Theirninebrothersalsomake every effort to succeed, the birthplantsten million/countless, was aloof the destinyriver, builtgreatlyLuoDaozunboundary.
There is no beyond the good intention. First the deitydemonreceivedbeing partial of Heavenly Dao, the topfirstdeitydemonisso.
这没什么好意外的。先天神魔本就受到天道的偏爱,顶级的先天神魔更是如此。Butthattopfirstdeitydemon, if the innatethundersource, thatwere extraordinarier, the Heavenly Daocanregardhalfsonto lookIt.
The thunder, is the anger of Heavenly Dao, is the weapon of Heavenly Dao, is the method of itscontrolgreat antiquity. Therefore, regarding a firstdeitydemon of thunderlineage/vein, the Heavenly Daoalwayshasbe partial.
雷霆,乃是天道的怒火,也是天道的武器,更是其统御洪荒的手段。故而,对于雷霆一脉的先天神魔,天道总是有所偏爱的。Highest heaventhunderMonarchas the halfbiologicalson of Heavenly Dao, buildsgreatlyLuoDaozunboundaryinten millionyears, is not a sound queermatter.
九霄雷君作为天道的半个亲儿子,在千万年内修成大罗道尊的境界,并不是一件令人奇怪的事。Was the halfson of Heavenly Dao, buildingLuoDaozunwas not greatly strange, cultivatesinadequately,... thatwas strange.
都是天道的半个儿子了,修成大罗道尊不奇怪,修不成,…那才是奇怪呢。Alsodoes not know that extinguished the way of the worldpersonpastactions, left behindanythingto be hardto obliterate the traumatotheseninebrothers.
也不知是不是灭世道人当年的所作所为,给这九兄弟留下了什么难以磨灭心理阴影。In brief, theseninebrothersthataresuitablelacks the security sense, has thoughtoneselfare weak. Usually, besides the processingbusiness, is closing up the self-torture.
总之,这九兄弟那是相当的缺乏安全感,一直认为自己不够强。平日里,除了处理事务之外,就是在闭关苦修。Alsodoes not know that rushes, all dayintreatsin the godcloudsduringninedays, onegroup of dwellingmalejust like.
也不知道出去闯闯,整日里待在神霄九天当中,活脱脱的一群宅男。Ninebrothersdo not wantto move, Lei Zeurges, seesnoeffect, gave up, no matter whatthey. In any casewholeheartedlycultivation, is not the misdemeanor.
九兄弟不想动,雷泽劝了劝,见没什么效果,也就放弃了,任祂们去了。反正一心修炼,也不是什么坏事。On the contrary, ninebrothersdid not make an appearance, cantreat as a chassis of Leize.
相反,九兄弟一直不露面,也可以当做雷泽的一张底盘。NinegreatlyLuoDaozun, andsourcesamenineLuoDaozun, was the commonwould-beSaintexpertcamegreatly, insufficientlytheyhit, trulywas a giantcard in a hand.
九尊大罗道尊,且还是本源相同的九尊大罗道尊,就是寻常准圣高手来了,也不够祂们打得,确实算是一张巨大的底牌。Withto becomeSaint of Leize, thiscard in a handthenlost the function. On the contrary, Leize must exposeon own initiativethem.
只是,随着雷泽的成圣,这底牌便失去了作用。相反,雷泽还得把祂们主动暴露出来。Alsonoothergoal, wantsto make the worldhave a look atItto train the method of disciple. Altogetheronninedisciples, is greatlyLuoDaozun.
也没什么别的目的,就是想让世人看看祂调教弟子的手段。一共就九个弟子,皆是大罗道尊。Ninerevere, except forLeize, but alsohas nosaint to achievethis point. Thisteaches the method of apprentice, sufficesto be steadyabsolutely.
一门九道尊,除了雷泽,还没哪个圣人能做到这一点呢。这教徒弟的手段,绝对够稳。Naturally, the Nüwaempressdoes not calculate. Reallymustdiscuss, disciples in Feng ZichenorWahuanggong.
当然,女娲娘娘不算。真要论起来,风紫宸还是娲皇宫的门徒呢。Thenisothersaintdisciple20 million, the Nüwaempressonly had a Feng Zichendiscipleenough. ThenisDaoismthreegenerations of disciplesalladds on, cannot compareFeng Zichenoneperson.
便是别的圣人弟子千千万,女娲娘娘只有风紫宸一个弟子就够了。便是玄门三代弟子全加上,也比不得风紫宸一人。TeachesFeng Zichensuchdisciple, onlytime, enoughNüwaempressproud. Ingreat antiquity, anyone, does not dareatteachingapprenticematterin the front of Nüwaempressshows off.
教出风紫宸这样的弟子,仅次一点,就足够女娲娘娘自傲的了。洪荒之中,无论是谁,都不敢在教徒弟这件事上在女娲娘娘的面前炫耀。Because, solidratio.
The achievement that Feng Zichenachieveswas too dazzling, don'tsaid that theirdisciples, isthey, and evenwiththeirteachergreat wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor, is not the ratio.风紫宸取得的成就太耀眼了,莫说祂们的弟子了,就是祂们本身,乃至与祂们的师尊鸿钧道祖,也不是比不过得。Bybody of the day after tomorrow, is the great antiquitypeak, withsaintwithrevering, is superciliouslikeYuan Shi Tian Zun, even ifhas a grudgewithFeng Zichen, compared withIt, wantsregretto sayashamedlyfeels ashamed of one's inferiority.
以一后天之躯,位列洪荒顶峰,与圣人同尊,便是心高气傲如元始天尊,哪怕与风紫宸有仇,与祂相比,也要忏愧的说一声自愧不如。Feng Zichen, the pride of Wahuanggong!风紫宸,娲皇宫之骄傲!Youmustsay that the NüwaempressteachesFeng Zichennot to have, thathas definitely taught! Part of great bear36increasingmagical powers that Feng Zichenstudies, is the Nüwaempresspasses on.
…………Leizedrawshighest heaventhunderMonarchtooutwardlyongoal, is advertizing, then, Leizeis not the Oobirakisangate, received the disciplebroadly?
雷泽将九霄雷君拉到明面上的目的,就是在做广告啦,接下来,雷泽不就是要大开山门,广收弟子了吗?Drawsto dawdlehighest heaventhunderMonarch, quitemakesall living thingshave a look atItto teach the method of apprentice, wedo not comeempty, spokewith the factdirectly.
把九霄雷君拉出来遛一遛,好让众生看看祂教徒弟的手段,咱也不来虚的,直接用事实来说话。Ninerevere, ninechildallheroes, thismethodmay be calledsaint, othersaintcannot compare. All living thingssawthis, whomshouldrequestto be naturally needlessto be the masterto say.
一门九道尊,九子皆英杰,这个手段堪称圣人之最,别的圣人都比不上。众生见了这一幕,该拜谁为师自然就不用多说了吧。Has the advertisement, Leizethisshouldbegreat antiquityfirst.
打广告,雷泽这应该是洪荒头一份吧。Alsowas the way of the worldchanges.
Before placing, at the beginning ofantiquity, Three Pure Onesjustbecame the Sainttime, a bigpile first deitydemonrunsto requestthemto be the master, they must be choosy, thislooks unpleasing to the eyes, thatincorrect.
放在之前,上古初期,三清刚刚成圣的时候,一大堆先天神魔跑来拜祂们为师,祂们还要挑挑拣拣的,这个看不顺眼,那个不行的。In brief, shuts outvery much.
总之,就很嫌弃。That timethey, have not really thought ofsome day, theywill end upunexpectedlygather the fate of discipleon own initiative.
那个时候的祂们,是真的没想到有朝一日,祂们竟会落得主动招揽弟子的下场。Really the timechanged.
真是时代变了。Nowadays, fivebigdivine lands must suppress the chaosdemongod, for this reason, the expert of numeroussaintrankmustmaintain the restraint, does not maybegin.
现如今,五大神州皆要镇压混沌魔神,为此,众圣人级别的高手必须要保持克制,万万不可动起手来。Theycannotmove, after thathad the contradiction, naturallymustunderhandto solve. The monsterclanhas the monstergod, witchclanhas the bigwitch, human clanis correctto revere.
祂们不能动,那有了矛盾之后,自然要让手底下的人去解决。妖族有妖神,巫族有大巫,人族有道尊。Three Pure Ones......三清……Three Pure Oneshasprofoundclear and multi-treasures, as well asprofound.三清有玄清和多宝,以及玄都。WesterntwoSaintanythingdo not have.
西方二圣什么也没有。Eh, differenceis very big, haseast the authorandChen the differenceis so big, differencefar.( Othersgoldpledgehas, myhegemondoes not have)
The influenceis inferior to the person, certainlymustdevelop;first, enhances the strength of disciplediligently;second, to developnewdisciple.
势力不如人,肯定是要发展的,一是努力提升弟子的实力,二是发展新的弟子。Buteveryone, thinks. But the deitydemon is actually to first know how things stand, for this reason, the people can only variousmethodssnatched, struggles.
而大家,都是这么想的。可先天神魔却是有数的,为此,众人就只能各施手段的去抢、去争了。Disciple who beforedid not spare a glance, nowactuallywantsto fight, to rushto want. The change of human affairsis usual, thenlay inthis.
…………In the godcloudspalace, thathighest heavenLei Juncatches up, thencongratulatesto saytowardLei Ze: „Has seen the teacher, has not congratulatedteacherto becomeSaint, henceforthlimitlessimmeasurable.”
神霄宫中,那九霄雷军一赶来,便朝雷泽恭喜道:“见过师尊,还未恭喜师尊成圣,从此无极无量。”Received their ritualconfidently, Lei Zesaid: „Youalsoknowformasterto becomeSaint, must the beginning lecturingmain roadin the godcloudspalace, the person of being predestined friendscatch upat the appointed timeincessantly, will also havemanybigmagical powersto comethisto congratulate.”
坦然受了祂们一礼,雷泽说道:“你们也知为师成圣,要在神霄宫中开讲大道,到时不止有缘之人赶来,还会有很多大神通者来此道贺。”„Othersare several other saint, will comethisto salute upon meeting.”
“别人是其余几位圣人,也会来此见礼。”„Thatsaintwithfor the good friend of master, byreceivesfor the masterpersonally. But how do thesecome the bigmagical powers that congratulatesand attended the ceremony to?”
“那圣人与为师的好友,自是由为师亲自接待。可那些前来贺喜与观礼的大神通要如何?”„Youare the godcloudspalaceare also quiet, does not haveformasterchild.”
“你们也是神霄宫清静,为师连个童儿也没有。”„Therefore, thesebigmagical powers, are then responsible forreceivingbyyourninebrothers, thistimeexplaining religious doctrineoneonmatters concerned, delivers toyouto be responsible.”
“故而,那些大神通者们,便由你们九兄弟负责接待,此次讲道的一应事宜,也都交予你们负责。”At this point, Lei Zealsourged: „Was sure to remember that mustspunk upwell, ten thousandthrew the person in mygodcloudspalacebeforefellow daoistnot, otherwise, forgivesyoufor the mastercertainlyheavily.”
说到这里,雷泽又叮嘱道:“切记要好好打起精神来,万莫在诸位道友面前丢了我神霄宫的人,否则的话,为师绝不轻饶你们。”Let aloneLeizedid not have the child Daoist novice, even ifthere are, Itwill not make the child Daoist noviceactto meet the person. Thistimemeets the person, mustactbyhighest heaventhunderMonarch.
别说雷泽没有道童了,就算是有,祂也不会让道童出面接人的。此次接人,必须由九霄雷君出面。So, Leizecannaturalthemintroduced that knewtobigmagical powersandsaint.
如此,雷泽方能自然的将祂们介绍给诸位大神通者与圣人认识。Does not makethemdisrespectful, is because, this is the first time that theypresentedin the great antiquity, mustleave behindoneto be goodto affectto the people. The highest heaventhunderJun'sperformance, was deciding the effect of Leizethisadvertisement, cannotdespise.
The detail, thisis the detail.
The detail, decides the success or failure.
细节,决定成败。„Yes, the teacher, wewill certainly holdthismatter, will not make the teacherdisgraced.”Seesserious that Lei Ze said that ninebrothersdo not dareto neglect, immediatelystrikes one's chest the guaranteeto say.
“是,师尊,吾等一定会办好这件事,绝不会让师尊丢人。”见雷泽说的严重,九兄弟不敢怠慢,立刻拍胸脯保证道。Sawninebrothersto sayearnestly, Lei Ze'ssatisfiednod, told: „Alsohas the matterfor the master, youthengobusily!”
见九兄弟说得认真,雷泽满意的点了点头,吩咐道:“为师还有事,你们便去忙吧!”Then, the form of Leizethendisappeared in same place. WhenItpresentsagaintime, had actually arrived at the Celestialtwointersection points.
说完,雷泽的身影便消失在了原地。等祂再次出现的时候,却是已经来到了天人两界的交界处。Originally, herehassea of the vastboundlessprinciple, isolates the Celestialtwo, the worldpassescertainly. Maywith the change of great antiquityworld, the sea of thatvastprinciple, is also disillusioned.
原先,这里存在着一处浩瀚无垠的法则之海,隔绝天人两界,绝天地通。可随着洪荒天地的此次变迁,那浩瀚的法则之海,也随之破灭。Thisalsosymbolizes, certainlyworldthoroughbottomlost the effectiveness. Theseexperts, have been ableto travel between the Celestialfreelytwo.
这也标志着,绝天地通彻底的失去了效用。那些高手们,已经可以自由的往返天人两界了。Leizethiscomes, naturallytonot repair the sea of principle, restores the worldto passcertainly. Because, on the bygreat antiquityworldpresentsituation, completelywithoutthisnecessity.
雷泽此来,当然不是为了修复法则之海,恢复绝天地通的。因为,就以洪荒天地现在的情况来看,完全没这个必要。ps : 3000, but alsomisses7000
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