GDSP :: Volume #9

#815: Heavenly Dao Saint

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That main road, all over the body purple, radiant incomparable, is flowing countless thunder rune/symbol writing, the length approximately more than 3000 li (0.5 km). 那大道,通体紫色,璀璨无比,流动着数之不尽的雷霆符文,长约三千余里。 Beginning of the universe tertiary day symbol! 正是混元三重天的标志! The beginning of the universe ten double days, are very good to differentiate, looked that its main road length knew obviously. A thousand li (500 km) is the beginning of the universe single layer day, three thousand li (500 km), are the beginning of the universe tertiary days. 混元十二重天,真的很好区分,看其大道显化的长度就知道了。一千里便是混元一重天,三千里,便是混元三重天。 Leize was very uncommon, once were broken through, is the tertiary day boundary, obviously It accumulates the depth. 雷泽很是不凡了,一经突破,便是三重天的境界,可见祂积累之深。 The intention moves, Leize then seems with the world melts for a body, the innumerable robbing on the way rules appear in his at present, only need his thought that can change to the endless disaster, arrives in world. 心念一动,雷泽便好似与天地融为了一体,无数的劫道规则浮现在他的眼前,只需他一个念头,便可化作无尽的劫难,降临世间。 Meanwhile, the destiny of people, clear reappearing in the eye of Leize, all sorts of disasters interwove in the destiny of all living things, deducts the innumerable possibilities. 同时,那众人的命运,也都清晰的浮现在了雷泽的眼中,种种劫难在众生的命运中交织,演绎出无数种可能。 At this time, Leize had a feeling, seemed Its intention to move, can inspire all living things tribulation strength, making him be faced with imminent disaster. 这个时候,雷泽有种感觉,好似祂心念一动,就能引动众生身上的劫力,使其大难临头。 This non- misconception, but is Leize really has this ability. However, is capable of this turning over to have the ability, actually cannot abuse. Otherwise, easy chaotic world order, losing the Heavenly Dao was fair and just, thus makes the big trouble. 此非错觉,而是雷泽真的有这个能力。不过,有这能力归有着能力,却是不能乱用。否则的话,容易乱了天地秩序,失了天道公允,从而惹出大乱子来。 I am Leize, the Antarctic immortal Great Emperor, today to become Saint, when the beginning lecturing main road, benefits ten thousand spirits. Ten thousand years later, as long as the person of being predestined friends, all may come the god clouds day to listen to me to explain religious doctrine.” Realizes from experience all changes after breakthrough, Leize says suddenly. “吾乃雷泽,南极长生大帝,今日成圣,当开讲大道,惠及万灵。万年之后,但凡有缘之人,皆可来神霄天听寡人讲道。”体悟完突破后的所有变化,雷泽忽然开口说道。 Also yes, after the say/way of saint, must for all living things beginning lecturing main road, this be the convention. 也是,圣人之道之后,都要为众生开讲大道,这已经是惯例。 When the Nüwa empress becomes the Saint such as so, when Three Pure Ones to become Saint, Western two Saint to become Saint, the Mother Earth empress becomes the Saint is so, after Leize becomes the Saint, is naturally no exception. 女娲娘娘成圣时如如此,三清成圣、西方二圣成圣,后土娘娘成圣时都是如此,雷泽成圣后,自然也不会例外。 At this time said that is the Heavenly Dao will not say anything. Because of this act, can let without doubt saint deepens in all living things mind the influence, regarding this, the Heavenly Dao should support. 这时候讲道,便是天道也不会说什么。因为此举,无疑能让圣人加深在众生心目中的的影响,对此,天道应是持支持态度的。 Lei Ze says, this is the normal flow, no incorrect place, the numerous Saints walk. Even, Lei Ze explains religious doctrine, the numerous Saints will also catch up, to support to It. 雷泽讲道,这本是正常的流程,没什么不对的地方,众圣都是这么走过来的。甚至于,雷泽讲道的时候,众圣还都会赶来,以给祂捧场。 From the beginning, no one does not feel right, but thinks, the people realized the incorrect place. Explaining religious doctrine yes right, but at present this time is actually not right. 一开始,也没人觉得不对,但想着想着,众人就意识到了不对的地方。讲道是没错,但眼下这个时机却是不对。 What situation at present is? 目前是什么个情况呢? The great antiquity world just evolved completes, restored the era magnificent grand occasion, in the world filled the air was the innate spiritual energy did not say, had many first deity demons and innate life births. 洪荒天地刚刚衍化完成,重新恢复上古时代辉煌的盛况,天地间弥漫的都是先天灵气不说,更有不少的先天神魔以及先天生灵诞生。 Leize says in this time, no, Leize says ten thousand years later, not to their? 雷泽于此时讲道,不,雷泽于万年之后讲道,不就是冲着他们的吗? Ten thousand years later, these innate lives, first deity demon anything, almost this/should birth. 万年之后,这些先天生灵、先天神魔什么的,也差不多都该诞生了。 Leize says with this time exactly, these lives must hear that the saint beginning lecturing main road, will definitely go to the god clouds day to listen to say in high spirits. 雷泽恰好与此时讲道,这些生灵得闻圣人开讲大道,肯定会兴冲冲的前往神霄天听道。 When the time comes, Leize only need after explaining religious doctrine, take advantage of opportunity to propose that must receive several disciples, that these deity demon and innate life, definitely will first request It to be the master competitively. 到时候,雷泽只需在讲道之后,顺势提出要收几名弟子,那这些先天神魔、先天生灵,肯定会争先恐后的拜祂为师。 My goodness, isn't this reprint that great wild goose honored say/way ancestor Zixiaogong explains religious doctrine? Also does not need the using energy plans looks for the disciple, only need sit at home, Heaven's Chosen of that great antiquity, then delivered on own initiative. 好家伙,这不就是鸿钧道祖紫霄宫讲道的翻版吗?也不需费劲心机的去寻找弟子,只需在家里坐着,那洪荒的天骄,便主动送上门来了。 Really must make planning of Leize become, that weak It, can all of a sudden net many heroes, if gives It again a time evolution. 真要让雷泽的算计成了,那本势单力薄的祂,一下子便可网罗不少的英杰,倘若再给祂一点时间发展。 Said that its becomes the second Daoism, perhaps was exaggerating, but said that It was the second truncation teaches, that was not exaggerating. 说其成为第二个玄门,或许是夸张了点,但说祂是第二个截教,那是一点也不夸张。 Read and hence, the people acclaimed the essence that the Leize abacus hit. Taking opportunity of explaining religious doctrine, chooses disciple and development influence, this plan, could not really be picked up the problem. Then wants to intend to destroy, could not find the reason. 念及至此,众人纷纷赞叹雷泽算盘打的精。借着讲道的机会,来挑选弟子、发展势力,这计划,真叫人挑不出毛病来。便是想出手破坏,也是找不到理由。 After others become the Saint, is all living things says , reveals its virtue by declares Qiwei, you run to disturb, not to mention occupies the principle, is only this behavior, to ties the dead enmity to go with the opposite party. 人家成圣之后,为众生讲道,以宣其威、显其德,你跑过去捣乱,且不说占不占理,仅是这行为,就是冲着与对方结死仇去的。 This act, non- wise man behavior. 此举,非智者所为。 However fortunately, has Lei Ze done certainly. Says ten thousand years later, rather than explains religious doctrine 100,000 years later. 不过还好,雷泽做事没有做绝。只是在万年之后讲道,而不是在十万年之后讲道。 Although ten thousand years long, but the innate life of great antiquity world breeding is first numerous with the deity demon, is only ten thousand years, is impossible born completely, will only be born extremely few part, are more, but also during breeding. 万年虽然漫长,但洪荒天地孕育的先天生灵与先天神魔众多,仅是万年,不可能全部诞生,只会诞生极少的一部分,更多的,还在孕育之中。 This table manners, are not too ugly, the people can also endure. Looked that just became in the share of Saint in Leize, lets Its one step, might as well. 这吃相,不是太难看,众人还都能忍受。看在雷泽刚成圣的份上,让祂一步,也无妨。 But if Leize chooses 100,000 years later says, that table manners, somewhat were ugly. 可要是雷泽选择在十万年之后讲道,那吃相,就有些难看了。 10,000 years cannot be born many first deity demon and innate life, but 100,000 years, these innate lives with first deity demon, even if have not been born completely, can still the birth most. 一万年诞生不了多少先天神魔与先天生灵,但十万年,那些先天生灵与先天神魔,就算没有全部诞生出来,也能诞生大半。 If this caught the whole lot in a dragnet by Leize, the people must spit blood may not. Therefore, they will not permit occurrence of this situation absolutely, then gets angry with Lei Ze also refuses to balk. 这要是被雷泽一网打尽,众人非得吐血不可。所以,祂们绝对不会允许这种情况的发生,便是与雷泽翻脸也在所不惜。 Draws back one step to might as well, but draws back two steps, and even several steps are not absolutely good, this is the matter of principle. 退一步无妨,但退二步,乃至数步绝对不行,这是原则问题。 10,000 years of Leize, are really just right, have not touched the bottom line of people, achieved oneself goal. 雷泽的一万年,真是恰到好处,既没有触碰到众人的底线,也达成了自己的目的。 Right, Leize this time says, is to these first deity demon and innate life. The god clouds heavenly palace is very big, god clouds nine days are bigger, but inside life is actually miserable. 没错,雷泽此次讲道,正是冲着那些先天神魔与先天生灵的。神霄天宫很大,神霄九天更大,可里面的生灵却是少得可怜。 Therefore, Lei Ze planned that while this explaining religious doctrine opportunity, selects some talents for the god clouds palace, to expand some influences. 故而,雷泽打算趁着此次讲道的机会,为神霄宫选拔一些人才,以扩充一些势力。 In the future a god clouds palace host day of tribulation revolves, supervises the great antiquity world, as well as that all living things, must have the manpower. Nowadays, Leize makes the plan early, is appropriate. 日后神霄宫主持天劫运转,监察洪荒天地,以及那芸芸众生,肯定少不了人手。现如今,雷泽早作打算,正是合适不过。 ...... …… ............ ………… About swept one, sees the people to visit It friendly, with It to the time of looking at, on the face took wiped the smile, Leize then felt relieved. 左右扫了一眼,见众人都是和气的看着祂,与祂对视时,脸上更是带上了一抹笑容,雷泽这才放下心来。 At this moment, It had confirmed that when It explains religious doctrine, the people will not intend to disturb. 10,000 years, in their bottom line. 此刻,祂已确认,在祂讲道期间,众人不会出手捣乱的。一万年,正在祂们的底线之中。 Arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest to the people, Leize received Saint prestige, will be hanging the day punishing eye above vault of heaven again takes off and receive, then turned around to leave here, got back one's composure the clouds palace to prepare the explaining religious doctrine matters concerned. 对众人拱了拱手,雷泽收起了身上的圣威,再将悬挂在天穹之上的天罚之眼摘下、收起,便转身离开了这里,回神霄宫准备讲道事宜了。 After It takes away a day of punishing eye, that fills in the constraining air/Qi in world, also vanishes into thin air. 而在祂收走天罚之眼后,那弥漫在天地之间的压抑之气,也随之烟消云散。 The air/Qi of this constraining, then sends out from the body of day punishing eye. Let the entire world feel to constrain, is only the day punishing eye of best quality goods innate spirit treasure, normally should not have this prestige energy. 这压抑之气,便是从天罚之眼的身上散发开来的。让整个天地都感觉到压抑,仅是极品先天灵宝的天罚之眼,按说应该没有这个威能。 However, present it, has not been best quality goods innate spirit treasure, is not innate supreme treasure , but is one extremely special treasure, Heavenly Dao Saint. 但是,现在的它,早已不是极品先天灵宝了,也不是先天至宝,而是一种极为特殊的宝物,天道圣器。 Solves own say/way body in Leize, will integrate the eye of day of tribulation time, this best quality goods innate spirit treasure, then started to have the transformation. 在雷泽自解自己的道体,将之融入天劫之眼的时候,这件极品先天灵宝,便开始发生了蜕变。 Then, Leize uses this treasure as the bridge, had the contact with the Heavenly Dao, thus gathers the world air/Qi between of disaster. 接着,雷泽更是以此宝为桥梁,与天道取得了联系,从而汇聚天地间的劫难之气。 Leize condenses the sacred body by the air/Qi of disaster, the day punishing eye also follows to profit, became more powerful. 雷泽以劫难之气凝聚圣体,天罚之眼也跟着受了益,变得更强大了。 ps: Not nervous, brothers. ps:莫慌,兄弟们。 Prepares the monthly ticket. 准备好月票吧。 From now on, within 24 hours, I can definitely the day ten thousand. 从现在开始,24小时之内,我肯定能日万。 After I achieve, pounds me with the monthly ticket heartily. 等我做到之后,用月票尽情的砸我吧。 Moreover, goes out must put on the sun block lotion, the man is also the same. Face by sun-scald, uncomfortable, could disfigure one's face, the heart that wants dead had. 另外,出门一定要涂防晒霜,男人也一样。脸被晒伤了,难受,可能要毁容,想死的心都有了。 This is the lesson. 这是教训。
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