Thisis the Heavenly Daois deducing the feasibility that Lei Zesaid. OnceItdetermined,three disastersninedifficultlaws, reallyuseful, thatLeizecandepend onthisstepto becomeSaint.
After several breaths, in the heart of Heavenly Daothenhad the answer, allphenomenonallalsoended.
The greatsoundresounds throughin the world, was actually the Heavenly Daoapproved the word of Leize. Mustthatthree disastersninedifficultlaws, carry outin the great antiquity.
The instance that the Heavenly Daosounddrops, in the great antiquityworld, the air/Qi of alldisasters, allboiled, inin the aireach otherpestersandinterweave, evolvesdisastershackles, coverson the body of all living things.
天道声音落下的瞬间,洪荒天地之中,所有的劫难之气,全都沸腾了,在空中彼此纠缠、交织,衍化成一道道劫难枷锁,笼罩在众生的身上。Hencelater, under the biggold/metalimmortal, allmember, are goingto face the three disastersninedifficulttribulations.
The main roadis hard to bring about, immortalpathNanqiu, the immortalisrare. Askedroad of the immortal, fullwasruggedrough, incautiously, thenmet the bodydeadsoulto extinguish.
正是大道难成,仙路难求,长生更是难得。求道长生之路,满是崎岖坎坷,一不小心,便会身死魂灭。Iftreadsthisroad, but also is prudent!
若踏此路,还需慎重啊!Askeddifficult, difficultsuch asmortallastblue sky.
…………After the three disastersninedifficultlawsto obtain the approval of Heavenly Dao, thatrushes today of punishingeye the air/Qi of disaster, shortly, will then rise suddenlyhundredtimesandthousandtimesto continue.
当三灾九难之法得到天道的认可之后,那涌向天罚之眼的劫难之气,顷刻之间,便暴涨了百倍、千倍不止。Quick, the sacred body of Leizethencongealedreally for severalpoints, sent out the incomparableSaintprestige, mustbe borntruly.
很快的,雷泽的圣体便凝实了数分,散发出无匹的圣威,就要真正的诞生出来。Buzzhumming sound......
嗡嗡嗡……Suddenly, an inexplicablefluctuation, from the body of Heavenly Daofills the air, andat an extremelyquickspeed, proliferatedto each corner of great antiquityworld.
忽然的,一股莫名的波动,从天道的身上弥漫开来,并以一种极快的速度,扩散至了洪荒天地的每一个角落。Feelsthisfluctuation, allbigmagical powers, includingsaint, allshowed the look of doubts. Because, fromthisstrength, the peopleallraised a strangethought.
It seems, the Heavenly Daois seeking foranythingto resemble.
就好似,天道在寻找什么似的。Inthisgreat antiquityworld, does the Heavenly Daowant the commonthing? Also, what is the Heavenly Daolooking for?
这洪荒天地间,还有天道要寻常的东西吗?还有,天道在找什么?During the doubts, people, should the Heavenly Daonot seek for the primordial chaosauspicious signfiercely?
疑惑间,众人不由猛地一顿,天道该不会是在寻找鸿蒙紫气吧?Readandhence, the peopleturned headfiercely, towardthatcentraldivine land, the direction that the human clanmoongodcitywas atlooks. There, suppresses the redcloudancestor'splace.
念及至此,众人猛地回头,朝那中央神州,人族太阴神城所在的方向看去。那里,正是镇压红云老祖的地方。Mustsay that inthisworld, whereis most likelyto haveexistence of primordial chaosauspicious sign, thenbesides the redcloudancestor'sbody, the peoplecould not findotherplaces.
要说这个世界上,哪里最有可能有鸿蒙紫气的存在,那除了红云老祖的身上之外,众人也找不到其余的地方了。Place that primordial chaosauspicious sign that the peopleknowonly, presentsfinally, was the redcloudancestor'sbody. Butwithfalling from the sky of redcloudancestor, thisprimordial chaosauspicious sign, alsodid not have the trail.
众人唯一知晓的一道鸿蒙紫气,最后出现的地方,就是红云老祖的身上了。而随着红云老祖的陨落,这道鸿蒙紫气,也随之没了踪迹。But the peoplesuspectedas before,thisprimordial chaosauspicious sign, on the redcloudancestor'sbody, is only the side of hiddenis actually deep, theyare unable to discover.
但众人依旧怀疑,这道鸿蒙紫气,其实还在红云老祖的身上,只是隐藏的极深,祂们无法发现罢了。In fact, like that primordial chaosauspicious sign that just likealso the peoplesuspect, on the redcloudancestor'sbody, has never left, even ifItfell from the sky, as beforeso.
事实上,也正如众人所猜想的那般,那道鸿蒙紫气,就在红云老祖的身上,从未离开过,哪怕祂陨落了,也依旧如此。What a pity, thatpeople the primordial chaosauspicious sign that regardless ofhowis unable to seek, under the strength of Heavenly Dao, mustleave the redcloudancestorfinally.
可惜,那道众人无论如何也无法寻到的鸿蒙紫气,在天道的力量下,终是要离开红云老祖了。Noindication, saw the strength of say/wayto strokefrom the redcloudancestor'sbodyon that day, the primordial chaosauspicious signleftfromItswithin the bodydirectly, toward the vault of heavenabove, the position that Leizewas atflies.
没有任何征兆的,就见那天道之力从红云老祖的身上拂过,鸿蒙紫气直接从祂的体内离开,向着天穹之上,雷泽所在的方位飞去。Perhapsfelt,takes the primordial chaosauspicious signto the redcloudancestor, is notveryfair.
兴许是觉得,就这么取走鸿蒙紫气对红云老祖来说,不是很公平。Therefore, in the primordial chaosauspicious sign the instance that leavesfrom the redcloudancestor, Itsrealspirit, is also missing, from the moongodcity'ssuppression, escaped.
The Heavenly Daostrengthappearsinexplicably, bringingredcloudancestor'sinnatenot to extinguishreallyvanishesspiritdoes not see. Thegoalwas very obvious, tocompensate the redcloudancestor, bringingItsinnatenot to extinguishto be really reincarnatedspirit.
天道力量莫名浮现,带着红云老祖的先天不灭真灵消失不见。其目的很显然了,为了补偿红云老祖,带着祂的先天不灭真灵转世去了。Butregardingall these, Feng Zichenallwatches, but, Ithas not intendedto preventand that's the end. At present, whengives priority toLeizeto becomeShengwei, any may affect the matter of thismatter, Feng Zichenwill not do.
而对于这一切,风紫宸全都看在了眼里,不过,祂并未出手阻止就是了。眼下,当以雷泽成圣为重,任何可能影响这件事的事,风紫宸都不会去做。Let alone, onlybyfree, settledLei Zewith the causes and effects of being luckycloudancestor'sprimordial chaosauspicious sign, thislooks likeinFeng Zichen, in any eventgains.
…………„Primordial chaosauspicious sign!”
“鸿蒙紫气!”Saw that the primordial chaosauspicious signappears, thesestrengthsare inhalfstepbeginning of the universebiggold/metalfairylandbigmagical powers, allbecomesexcited, in the lookfullisearnest, thenevenbreathes, did not aggravateseveralpointsvoluntarily.
The primordial chaosauspicious sign, becomes the base of Saint!
鸿蒙紫气,成圣之基啊!Ifobtained, bytheirstrengths, feared how longcould not want, canproveto sayto becomeSaint.
要是得到了,以祂们的实力,怕是要不了多久,就能证道成圣了。Looks atthesebigmagical powersfranticexpressions, thisprimordial chaosauspicious signHeavenly Daobeginsto bring, butisLei Zebeginsto bring.
看这些大神通者狂热的表情,这道鸿蒙紫气要不是天道动手取来的,而是雷泽动手拿来的。Thatdoes not needto suspect,thesebigmagical powerswill certainly close, thatprimordial chaosauspicious signintaking.
那不用怀疑,这些大神通者一定会一拥而上,将那道鸿蒙紫气给抢到手中。to becomeSaint, thisseduction, is very big, almost is very difficultsome people ableto reject.
成圣,这个诱惑,真的很大,几乎很难有人能够拒绝。Only ifthatpersonis ordinarylikeFeng Zichen, canhave100%assurances, the cardbeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal. Then, canreject the sobigseduction.
除非那人如同风紫宸一般,能够有着百分之百的把握,证道混元大罗金仙。如此一来,方能拒绝如此大的诱惑。Representativeto becomeSaint, is not only the great strength in strength, represents the possibility that the eternal lifedid not die.
成圣代表的,不仅是实力上的强大,更代表了永生不死的可能。Althoughbigmagical powersis strong, when the great antiquityworlddestruction, ornotmeasures the tribulationarrival, theyandthatall living thingsare common, is equally difficultto escapedies.
大神通者虽强,可洪荒天地覆灭了,或者无量量劫到来之际,祂们与那芸芸众生一般,一样难逃一死。Butsaint and beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortalis different.
可圣人与混元大罗金仙不一样。Trueall generationsdo not rub, thennotmeasurestribulation, cannot do tothem. The great antiquityworlddestroyed , the wound can not theirslightest.
真正的万劫不磨,便是无量量劫来了,也奈何不得祂们。洪荒天地毁灭了,也伤不得祂们分毫。At the worstreopensthis, in additionopens the universe, againverticalkerosenewindand that's the end.
…………Does not raisenumerousbigmagical powersto be how greedy, said that primordial chaosauspicious signinin the airflewswayinglya while, thenarrived at the side of eye of day of tribulation.
不提一众大神通者如何眼馋,就说那鸿蒙紫气在空中晃晃悠悠的飞了一会儿,便来到了天劫之眼的身边。However, at this time, itsharplyhad not been enteringLeizewithin the body, butlikely a mischievouschildis common, firsttransferredin the side of Leizeseveral, probablyis confirmingwhatgeneral.
不过,这个时候,它并未急着进入雷泽体内,而是像个调皮的孩子一般,先是在雷泽的身边转了几圈,像是在确认着什么一般。Then, escapesfrom the side of Leizefiercely, just like a fish, incheerfulis hoveringeverywhere.
然后,猛地从雷泽的身边逃开,宛如一条鱼儿般,欢快的雷海之中四处游动着。Primordial chaosauspicious signthisnotinmischievous, butis the preparationwith the aid of the strength of thundertribulation, washes offwithin the body the air/Qi of redcloudancestor.
鸿蒙紫气这不是在调皮,而是准备借助雷劫之力,来洗掉自己体内的红云老祖之气。After all must fusewithLeize, having the redcloudancestor'saurato enterItswithin the body, eventuallyis a hidden danger.
毕竟要与雷泽融合,带着红云老祖的气息进入祂的体内,终究是个隐患。Whileinprimordial chaosauspicious signinLeihaihas a good swim, the Heavenly Daowantsto act , helping itwash offoneselfwithin the body the air/Qi of redcloudancestor, mustguaranteeprimordial chaosauspicious signhidden dangermeltswithLeize.
轰隆隆!With the help of Heavenly Dao, quick, the primordial chaosauspicious signwas then changed beyond recognition, seemsreturns to the newbornconditionto be common, except for the aura, did not haveotheragain.
That brushes, the primordial chaosauspicious signraisesfrom, at an extremelyquickspeed, enteredin the middle of the daypunishingeye, fuses togetherwithLeize of inside.
刷的一声,鸿蒙紫气从雷海之中升起,以一种极快的速度,窜进了天罚之眼当中,与里面的雷泽融为一体。Instantaneously, Leizethenfelt that inownknowledgesea, the multi-making a debutpurplegas , the boundlessmysteriousaura, sends outfromitsbody, makingownrealspirittremorcontinue, has the endlesssensibility, the boundaryalsopromoted a point.
The primordial chaosauspicious sign, worthilyis the base of becoming enlightened. Thishas not fused, gaveLeizeto provide such bigbenefit, iffusedtruly, thatalso?
鸿蒙紫气,不愧为成道之基。这还没有融合呢,就给雷泽带来了这么大的好处,要是真正的融合了,那还了得?Moreover, Leizealsofrom the body of primordial chaosauspicious sign, felt a mystery of primordial chaosmain road.
而且,雷泽还从鸿蒙紫气的身上,感受到了一丝鸿蒙大道的玄妙。Thisair/Qiin the body, canhelpItcomprehend the primordial chaosunexpectedly the mystery, knowsthisadvantageearly the words, whereFeng Zichenwill wait tilltoday, has begunto hit the primordial chaosauspicious sign the idea.
The strength of primordial chaos, thisiswith the strength of strengthof the same classmain road, sameis in the eternallevel. Compared with the strength of itPangu, but alsowants the mysteriousthreepoints.
鸿蒙之力,这可是与大道之力同级别的力量,一样处于永恒的层次。比之盘古的力量,还要玄妙三分。ThisisFeng Zichenin the future, will break the restraint of Pangu, pavesownmain road, the card is on the key of eternalsay/wayfruit, the Feng Zichennaturetoitswas carefully incomparable.
这是风紫宸未来,能否打破盘古的约束,走出自己的大道,证就永恒道果的关键所在,风紫宸自然对其上心无比了。Panguwants the achievement, is the boundary of suprememain road. Feng Zichenis differentfromIt, Itwants the achievement, isallsources, has the beginning and boundary of noendprimordial chaoschaos.
盘古要成就的,是至高无上的的大道之境界。风紫宸与祂不同,祂要成就的,是一切的源头,有之始、无之末的鸿蒙混沌之境界。Twowithforeternalboundary, butdisplayscompletedifferent, does not conflict. Otherwise, feared that isnextFeng ZichenandPangu, but must comestruggle of the main road.
二者同为永恒的境界,但表现的完全不同,并不冲突。不然的话,怕是今后风紫宸与盘古,还要来一场大道之争。Unlikeinnatesay/way, thento the highboundary, is really everybody forging together, a person of achievementmain road, thatotherwalkwithItin the person of samepath, the lifethendo not havestruggle the possibility of main roadagain.
与先天之道不同,那至高的境界,真就是一个萝卜一个坑,一人成就大道,那其余与祂走在相同道路的人,此生便无再争大道的可能。Therefore, linetofinally, thenexistencewithway, must conduct a life and deathshowdowntogetherinevitably.
The struggle of main road, suchbrutal, hedoes not have the quality, nottowrong, has, butbecomesanddefeats.
……Nohesitation, Leizelets looseownmind, thatprimordial chaosauspicious sign, initiativeintegratedinownrealspirit.
The primordial chaosauspicious signenters the body, seemsin the realspirit of Leize, built a bridge, letsItwith the great antiquitymost mysticalplace, had the contact, canthrough the bridge that the primordial chaosauspicious signchanges, arrives there.
轰隆隆!Absent-minded , the inexhaustiblestrength, wells upfromvoid, poured into within the body in Leize.
恍惚之中,无穷无尽的力量,从虚空之中涌来,灌入了雷泽的体内。Instantaneously, Leizethatillusorysacred bodycondensesdirectly, thoroughforming.
瞬间,雷泽那虚幻的圣体直接凝聚,彻底的成形。Inthis moment, great antiquity'seighthsaintwas born, the terrifyingSaintprestigefills the air, is found in each corner of great antiquityworld, causesworldall living things, being able not helplies prostrate in worship.
在这一刻,洪荒第八尊圣人诞生了,恐怖的圣威弥漫开来,遍布洪荒天地的每一个角落,使得天地众生,情不自禁的对其顶礼膜拜。Meanwhile, in the world all kinds ofphenomenonappear, colorful, innateten thousandvibratewithworldrulesimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniform, is congratulating the birth of day of tribulationsaint.
与此同时,天地间各种各样的异象浮现,精彩纷呈,先天万道与天地规则齐齐震动起来,在恭贺天劫圣人的诞生。Right, Leizeto becomeSaint.
没错,雷泽成圣了。to becomeSaintsuchquick. Breaks through the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, but alsoneeds a process, butto becomeSaintdoes not need.
The strength of Heavenly Daofills the body, a breaththenachievement.
天道之力灌体,一息便可成就。Absent-minded, Leizerealleftownbodyspirit, arrives atonecompletely the world comprised of the say/way. Innateten thousandcondensehere, allmysteriousallclearreappearingin the front of Leize.
恍惚之中,雷泽的真灵离开了自己的身体,来到一处完全由道组成的世界。先天万道在这里凝聚,一切玄妙全都清晰的浮现在雷泽的面前。Did not sayexaggeratingly,herecultivates for day, canexceedhundredyears, quickfar more thanten thousandtimes.
毫不夸张的说,在这里修炼一天,便可胜过外界百年,快了何止万倍。Buthere, is the Heavenly Daospace, the great antiquitymost mysticalis. Inthisspacebelow, whatflowedis the strength of vastboundlessworld, this is the saintsupernatural powerinexhaustibleorigin.
而这里,就是天道空间,洪荒最为神秘的所在。在这空间的下面,流动的是浩瀚无垠的天地之力,这便是圣人法力无穷无尽的由来。saintwill really pinonthisplacespirit, butthentransfers the strength of hereHeavenly Daoat will, thusdoes not needto be worriedissue that the supernatural powerexhausts.圣人将真灵寄托在此地,便可随意的调动这里的天道之力,从而不用担心法力耗尽的问题。So manypeopleare thinkingonlyto becomeSaint, onlyin the Heavenly Daospacecultivationthis point, canmake the peoplego after like ducks. Let alone, in addition, to becomeSaintalso the advantage that wantsall sorts unable to explain.
…………Leizelooked ata whilein the Heavenly Daospace, thenseesItsside, suddenlyare many a personto come, istooclearsaint.
雷泽在天道空间看了一会儿,便看到祂的身边,突然多出一人来,正是太清圣人。Has not waited forLeizeto open the mouth, tooclearsaintthentofirstsay: „This poor Daoisthas seen the Leizefellow daoist, has not congratulatedfellow daoistto becomeSaint, Iand others were also many a person of same belief.”
未等雷泽开口,太清圣人便以先开口说道:“贫道见过雷泽道友,还未恭喜道友成圣,我等又多了一名同道。”AfterIt, fivepeoplecome, respectivelyisotherfiveHeavenly Daosaint, Yuan Shi Tian Zun, exceedingly highfounder, WesterntwoSaintandNüwaempressand the others.
在祂之后,又有五人现身,分别是其余五位天道圣人,元始天尊、通天教主、西方二圣、女娲娘娘等人。As for the Mother Earthempress, thatissaid/tunnelsaint, will not appearin the Heavenly Daospace.
至于后土娘娘,那是地道圣人,不会出现在天道空间之中。Sixpeoplecome, in turnsalutes upon meeting after withLeize, listens totooclearsaint saying: „The Leizefellow daoistjustbecame the Saint, wantsto comealso many things to process, this poor Daoistand the othersfirstdid not disturb the fellow daoist.”
六人现身,依次与雷泽见礼过后,又听太清圣人说道:“雷泽道友刚刚成圣,想来还有很多事要处理,贫道等人就先不打扰道友了。”„Ourmatters, whenfellow daoistleisurediscussedagainis not late.”
“吾等之事,等道友闲暇时再谈也不迟。”Saying, tooclearsaintand other emptyshades of Saints, are then vanishingin the front of Leizeone after another, actuallywithdrew from the Heavenly Daospace.
The Heavenly Daospaceissaintpublic, as long assaintallmaycomethis, bumps intoThree Pure Onesand the otherswiththisplace, pours is not worth accidental/surprised.
天道空间为圣人所公用,但凡圣人皆可来此,与此地碰到三清等人,倒也没什么值得让人意外的。SeesThree Pure Onesand the othersto retreat, Leizenothesitant, wasfollowsto withdraw from the Heavenly Daospace. Just liketooclearsaint said that justbecameIt of Saint, many thingsmustprocess.
见三清等人退走,雷泽也没犹豫,也是跟着退出了天道空间。正如太清圣人所言,刚刚成圣的祂,还有很多事要处理。Andis most important, after isadapts to itselfto become the Saint, the strength that suddenlyrises suddenly, as well asis familiar withownauthority.
其中最要紧的,就是适应自己成圣之后,那突然暴涨的力量,以及熟悉自己的权柄。Right, is the authority.
没错,就是权柄。Leizebecomes enlightenedwith the say/way of daytribulation, therefore, inItsto becomeSaintthat moment, naturallythengrasped the day of tribulationauthority, hasin the great antiquityworldarrange/clothtribulationpower.
雷泽是以天劫之道成道的,故而,在祂成圣的那一刻,自然而然的便掌握了天劫权柄,拥有着在洪荒天地布劫的权力。whatforto enforce justice on behalf of Heaven?
何为替天行道?This was, authority that this momentLeizegrasped, was trueenforcing justice on behalf of Heaven.
……Reallywithdrawsfrom the Heavenly Daospacespirit, returnsownbody, instantaneously, Leizethenfeltownbodyhad the tremendous changes. Especiallystrength, rose suddenlysimplyinnumerabletimes.
The intentionmoves, caneasilydestroy the infinite universe. Thisis not the misconception, buttruehassuchstrength.
心念一动,便可轻易毁灭大千世界。这不是错觉,而是真正的拥有着这样的力量。Meanwhile, field of vision of Leize, startsto raiseinfinitely, canat a keeping aloofangle of view, overlook the great antiquityworld, as well asthatboundlessall living things.
同时,雷泽的视野,也开始无限拔高起来,能以一种高高在上的视角,俯瞰洪荒天地,以及那无垠众生。Thenis the destinyriver and space and timeriver, inItsunder foot, rumblegalloping, is difficultto shakeItsslightest.
便是命运长河与时空长河,也都在祂的脚下,轰隆隆的奔腾着,却是再难撼动祂分毫。Thisissaint and beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortalmaximumdifference. saintiscontrol in great antiquityworld, thereforetheirlines of sightareto keep aloof, canoverlookallvisionbyonetype, regardsall things.
这就是圣人与混元大罗金仙最大的不同。圣人是洪荒天地的掌控者,故而祂们的视线是高高在上的,能以一种俯瞰一切的目光,来看待万事万物。But the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, isunique, was aloof the world, therefore, theydrift awayoutside the world, at an angle of view of observer, regardsall things.
The sameboundary, the differentlocalizations, accomplishedtwodifferentangles of view.
同样的境界,不同的定位,造就了两种不同的视角。Butattwodifferentangles of view, watches the great antiquityworldsimultaneously, has saying that this is also a verymarvelousexperience.
而以两种不同的视角,同时观看洪荒天地,不得不说,这也是一种非常奇妙的体验。In the great antiquity, feared that onlyhasFeng Zichen, just nowcanhavethisexperience, is the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, issaint.
……Realized from experience the change of body, Leizethen the attention, shiftedonownauthority and main road.
The intentionmoves, seestogethercompletely the main road comprised of the thunder, from the back of Leize, raisesslowly.
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