Is just the oppositewith the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor's means that the solution that Feng Zichentries to findisKaiyuan.
与鸿钧道祖的办法恰恰相反,风紫宸想的办法是开源。Although the methodis different, but the twoare usingoneself means that changes the great antiquityworld, the goaldoes not conflict.
因为,Thesetwomeans can definitely parallel.
这两种办法完全可以并行。Tapping new resources and reducing expenses, just nowis the say/way of salvation.
开源节流,方才是救世之道。At this moment, the strength of Leizeviewdaytribulationsurges, clear(ly)became awareownbecomes the Saintchance, thatisreducesin the world the number of immortal.
此刻,雷泽观天劫之力涌动,明悟了自己的成圣机缘,那就是削减天地间仙人的数量。Thisideawas actually consistentwith the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor, butexpensive/nobleessencenotinmany, making these industrystrengthgravegeneration, the lifemiss the immortal. Onlyhasthesemeritsinbody, just nowhas the qualificationsto aspire to seize the boundary of immortal.
这想法倒是与鸿钧道祖一致了,贵精而不在多,让那些业力深重之辈,此生无缘长生。唯有那些功德在身者,方才有资格问鼎长生之境。Thismethod, is one of the reducing expenses.
The immortalquantity between worldreduces, to the worldis a good deed, regardingbigmagical powers of thesenotlikingquantitytribulation, is a good deed.
天地间的仙人数量减少,对天地来说是件好事,对于那些不喜欢量劫的大神通者来说,也是件好事。Therefore, words that Leizemustreallydothis, on that daywithinsupportedItsbigmagical powers, was not infrequentcertainly.
是故,雷泽要真的如此做的话,那天地间支持祂的大神通者,绝不在少数。Butonlyworrisome, thissaintmustwork as. Becoming saint, no doubthas the infiniteadvantage, butItfatalshortcomings, thatis actually restrained the Heavenly Dao.
可唯一令人忧心的是,这圣人到底要不要当。成为圣人,固然有着无穷的好处,但祂却有一个致命的缺点,那就是受制于天道。So, madeFeng Zichenawkward. Forto becomeSaint, enablingoneselfto be restrained the Heavenly Dao, thisis obviously unworthy.
如此,就让风紫宸为难了。为了成圣,使得自己受制于天道,这明显不值得啊。Maychange mindthinks,Feng Zichenthought through, Leizeis only his incarnation, makingItsto becomeSaint have nothingat the worst, will not affectownmain body.
可转念一想,风紫宸又想通了,雷泽只是祂的一道化身,让祂成圣也没什么大不了的,又不会影响到自己的本尊。Even, after Leizebecomes the Saint, It can also draw support from the saintauthority, spies on the realsituation of Heavenly Dao, in secretplan of nosinggreat wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor.
甚至于,雷泽成圣之后,祂还可以借助圣人的权柄,去窥探天道的真正情况,暗中查探鸿钧道祖的谋划。Ifthere is an opportunity, in the futurewill not necessarily have bribed the Heavenly Daoauthority the possibility.
若是有机会,未来未必没有染指天道权柄的可能。Thing that the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestorcanachieve, why can't Itachieve? The fragment of good fortunejadebutterfly, Feng Zichenalsohas. Moreover, besides the fragment of good fortunejadebutterfly, Italsohasmany and Heavenly Daorelatedtreasure.
鸿钧道祖能做到的事,祂为什么做不到?造化玉蝶的碎片,风紫宸又不是没有。而且,除了造化玉蝶的碎片之外,祂还有许多与天道有关的宝物。Before, thatisFeng Zichenhas no interest inbribing the Heavenly Dao, revered the mark, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperor and Heavenly Daocommon originstatuslikethatmain roadwait/etc, Itwas usedto strengthen the strength, has not contacted the Heavenly Daoon own initiative.
After maywaits forLeizeto become the Saint, Feng Zichencandraw support fromthesethings, bribes the Heavenly Daoauthority, evenin the future, will struggle the Heavenly Daowith the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor the control.
可等雷泽成圣之后,风紫宸就可以借助这些东西,去染指天道的权柄,甚至于在未来,与鸿钧道祖一争天道的掌控权。Said that saidlike this, maycompete for the Heavenly Daowith the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestor the control, thatdifficultly, almostnotpossibly.
说是这样说,可与鸿钧道祖争夺天道的掌控权,那得多难,几乎没有可能。After all, hisusing energyplansplannedso manyyears, howalsoto easily do the bridal clothesfor the bystander, was picked the peachbyothers.
毕竟,祂老人家费劲心机的谋划了那么多年,又岂会轻易为外人做嫁衣,被别人摘了桃子。Feng Zichen, thisisin the gambling!风紫宸,这是在赌啊!If successful, Itnaturallywasgainsin a big way.
若是成功了,祂自然是赚大了。Ifwere defeated, lost an incarnation, lostsomelawful rights, but alsocannot shake the basis.
若是失败了,也就是损失了一道化身,丢失了部分权柄,还动摇不了根本。Wrestles, the bicyclechanges the motor!
搏一搏,单车变摩托!Feng Zichenthinks that like this, does this.风紫宸就是这样想的,也是这样做的。
The intentionmoves, sees the Feng Zichenspiritwisdom, fromcancellingChenGreat Emperorbodyleft, arrived at the knowledgesea of Leize, took over control ofItsbody, the strength of fusionpreparation and daytribulation, provedownbecame the Saintchance.
The boundlessgodreadwithin the bodyfromLeizeto gush out, in a flash, thencovered the entiregreat antiquityworld, andbetweenallthunderwithworld, and strength of thatomnipresentdaytribulation, obtained the resonance.
磅礴的神念从雷泽的体内涌出,转瞬之间,便笼罩了整个洪荒天地,并与天地间的所有雷霆,以及那无所不在的天劫之力,取得了共鸣。Bang bang bang......
In the world, suddenlydark, the innumerablethunderappearbaseless, glittersto keepabove the vault of heaven, releaseastonishingthunderlight.
The thunderclapthundersat the same time, on that day the strength of tribulationalsocrazysurges, gradualfuses togetherwiththatelectric light.
轰隆!When the thunderresounds throughagain, has carriedair/Qi of daytribulation, the genuineexuviateturned into the tribulationthunder, the pressure of thatterrifyingfills the air, during making the worldwithfall intoinstantaneouslyconstrained.
当雷霆再次响彻的时候,已经携带了一丝天劫之气,真正的蜕变成了劫雷,那恐怖的威压弥漫开来,使得天地与瞬间陷入了压抑之中。Feeling that in a flash, the member under almost allbiggold/metalimmortal, great misfortuneare imminent, seemedon that dayongodthunder, in view ofgeneral that theycame, will dividemomentarily, finishedtheirlife.
The thunderisheavenly prestige!
雷为天威所化!Underheavenly prestige, how manypeoplealsothere are able is not afraid, cannot be afraid? Having, but were too few, in100 millionlivescanpresentone, ismany.
天威之下,又有几人能不害怕,能不心生恐惧?不是没有,而是太少了,一亿生灵之中能出现一个,已经算是很多了。Byheavenly prestige, all living thingsat heart, had the greatestfearunavoidably. Suddenly, the fearspreadsin the world, making the atmosphereconstrain.
是以,天威之下,众生的心里,难免生出了莫大的恐惧。一时间,恐惧在天地间蔓延开来,使得气氛更加的压抑了。Alllives, followto be fearful and apprehensive.
“喝!”Sinksto drinkone, onLeizesupernatural powerspreadsloudly, withfilling the tribulationair/Qi in the world fuses a body. Instantaneously, on that dayarchedon the might of thunder, wasthreepoints.
轰隆隆!In the worldbellow, the body of Leizedisintegratesslowly, changes to the hugeenergy, pours into the middle of the eye of best quality goodsinnatespirit treasuredaytribulation.
天地轰鸣声中,雷泽的身体缓缓解体,化作庞大的能量,灌入极品先天灵宝天劫之眼当中。Buzzhumming sound!
A source of Leize, powerfulhow, integratesin the middle of the eye of day of tribulationcompletely, holdstoin addition that itbrings, without doubtis above the imagination.
雷泽的一身本源,何其之强悍,全部融入天劫之眼当中,给它带来的加持,无疑是超乎想象的。Duringradiantlight, the orderchaindeparted from within the body of eye of daytribulation, just like the trap, resembling to cover the worldto be the same.
刷……In a flash, the eye of daytribulationthenbecomesinfinity, stands erectin the world, enablinggreat antiquityall living thingsclearobvious.
一瞬间,天劫之眼便变得无穷大起来,竖立在天地之间,使得洪荒众生都能清晰的可见。Thatpurpleverticalpupiltowersin the world, lookedto seem the worldto split a giantslitfrom afarto be the same, seeming like the to terrifypersonwas incomparable, making one have a chill in the airunrestrainedly.
那紫色的竖瞳耸立在天地之间,远远望去就好似天地裂开了一道巨大的缝隙一般,看起来瘆人无比,让人情不自禁的生出一股寒意来。Meanwhile, listens toone that brushes, light of exceedingly highpenetratingplaceappearedtogether, covered the entiregreat antiquityworld.
与此同时,就听刷的一声,一道通天彻地的道光浮现,笼罩了整个洪荒天地。Then, tribulationair/Qi that on that daywithinfilled, seemedreceivesto receive and instructwithin the body of eye of common, crazytribulationupwardswells up.
接着,那天地间弥漫的劫气,就好似受到了接引一般,疯狂的朝天劫之眼的体内涌去。Faint, togetherfuzzyperson's shadow, in the pupil of eye of daytribulation, slowlyforming.
隐隐的,一道模糊的人影,在天劫之眼的瞳孔内,缓缓成形。ThatisLeize, Itis meeting again a body, in the tribulationair/Qibyworldmeets again a body, the body of namedall generationsnotextinguishing, maycall it the sacred body.
那是雷泽,祂在重聚道体,以天地间的劫气重聚道体,名为万劫不灭之体,亦可被称之为圣体。Itmustbecome enlightened, becomesthatto wieldsaint of disaster, for the spokesmanandexecutioner of Heavenly Dao, is grasping the thundersingle-handedly, is grasping the disastersingle-handedly, mustbring the endlessdisasterforall living things.
祂要成道,成为那执掌劫难的圣人,为天道的代言人、刽子手,一手握着雷霆,一手握着灾祸,要为众生带来无尽的劫难。IfLeize the say/waybecomes, is eighthsaint of great antiquityworld, robs on the waysaint.
The air/Qi of more and more disasterwell up, becomesLeizeall generationsnot to extinguishpart of body, unceasingis expandingIt, faint, a supremeSaintprestige, fills the airfromLeize.
越来越多的劫难之气涌来,成为雷泽万劫不灭体的一部分,不断的壮大着祂,隐隐的,一股至高无上的圣威,从雷泽的身上弥漫开来。„AntarcticimmortalGreat Emperor, was thiswantsto becomeSaint?”
“南极长生大帝,这是要成圣了吗?”„But, Itdoes not have the primordial chaosauspicious sign, howcanachieve the laststep, does a Yuangodintegratein the Heavenly Dao?”
The sensationarrives at the sound between world, particularly after thatsupremeSaintprestigefills the air, the peopledo not wantto know, canguess correctlyhadanythingprobably.
Of AntarcticimmortalGreat Emperorthat Celestial CourtfourgoverningGod, wantedto becomeSaint!
那天庭四御上帝之一的南极长生大帝,要成圣了!But is thispossible?
可这怎么可能?It is well known, without the primordial chaosauspicious sign, thencannotto becomeSaint- > >
世人皆知,没有鸿蒙紫气,便不能成圣->>But the AntarcticimmortalGreat Emperor, the peoplebasicallycanconclude,Itdoes not have the primordial chaosauspicious sign.
而南极长生大帝,众人基本可以断定,祂并没有鸿蒙紫气。How does Itwantto takelast?
那祂要如何迈出最后一步呢?In the hearthas doubts, peoplealltightis staring atLeize, wantsto see clearly, Itactuallywithvariousmethodto becomeSaint.
心中疑惑,众人皆是紧紧的盯着雷泽,想要看清楚,祂究竟是用各种方法成圣的。No onesuspected that Leizewill be defeated. Because, to becomeSaint the phenomenonhas appeared, represented the Heavenly Daoto approveLeizesaintstatus, in view of this, will Leizebe defeated?
…………Timeoneminute/shareonesecondpassed, thatrushes to the tribulationair/Qi of eye of day of tribulation, were getting more and more. As can be seen, on that dayin the eye of tribulation, form of Leize also clearseveralpoints.
时间一分一秒的过去了,那涌向天劫之眼的劫气,也越来越多了。可以看到,那天劫之眼中,雷泽的身影也随之清晰了几分。ButItis away from the thoroughforming, misses a veryremotedistanceas before. The air/Qi of disasterat presentwells up, but also is far from enough, LeizeItsneedare more! More!
但祂距离彻底的成形,依旧还差很遥远的一段距离。眼下涌来的劫难之气,还远远不够,雷泽祂还需要更多!更多!Readandhence, Leizeopened the eyessuddenly, shoutedwith the loud and clearsound: „Heavenly Dao on, nowgod of LeizemyLeize, every day/sees the skyrule not entire, is willingto establish the three disastersninedifficultly, makes upentire day the say/way of tribulation, by the entire dayplace, looks at the Heavenly Daoto reflectit!”
念及至此,雷泽猛然睁开双眼,用洪亮的声音喊道:“天道在上,今我雷泽之神雷泽,见天地规则不全,愿立下三灾九难,补全天劫之道,以全天地,望天道鉴之!”Big of thatsound, resounds throughin the entiregreat antiquityworld, causesthatendlessall living things, allcanclearhearing.
那声音之大,响彻在整个洪荒天地,使得那无尽众生,皆是能够清晰的听到。In a flash, all living thingsat heart, thenhad not the goodpremonition. Althoughtheydo not knowwhatfor the three disastersninedifficultly, butfeeling of instinct, this mattertothemverydisadvantageous, will affecttheirfuture.
一瞬间,众生的心里,便生出了不好的预感来。他们虽不知道何为三灾九难,但本能的觉得,此事对他们非常的不利,会影响到他们的未来。Inheartterrified, the peoplewantto speak the opposition, butfacingthatfearfulheavenly prestige, howfrightenedall living thingsextremelydaresto open the mouth?
心中惶恐,众人想要出言反对,但面对那惶惶天威,恐惧万分的众生如何敢开口?Inall living thingshesitate, in the world , resounded a greatsound: „Whatis the three disastersninedifficult?”
就在众生迟疑间,天地间,又是响起了一道宏大的声音:“何为三灾九难?”Thissound, does not contain a sentiment, makesin the personheartsendindifferentlycoldly, is the sound of Heavenly Dao, Itis inquiringLeize, whatforthree disastersninedifficult.
这声音,不含一丝的感情,冷漠的让人心中发寒,正是天道的声音,祂在询问雷泽,何为三灾九难。Issue that the Heavenly Daocannot have, thisis very normal, becausethisis the Heavenly Dao not entireperformance, if the Heavenly Daois omniscient and omnipotentandperfect, but alsowantssaintto do?
The significance that sainthas, thenleaksforHeavenly DaoinvestigatesQuebu, is goodto offset the insufficiency in the world.圣人存在的意义,便是替天道查缺补漏,好弥补天地的不足。Hears the inquiry of Heavenly Dao, Lei Zeseems like the replyHeavenly Dao, seems like explainingtoall living things,returnsby an extremelyloud and clearsoundsaid:
听到天道的询问,雷泽像是回答天道,又像是对着众生解释,以一种极为洪亮的声音回道:„So-calledthree disastersninedifficult, is the disaster that on the immortal cultivationroadmustencounter.”
“所谓三灾九难,便是修仙路上必须遭遇的劫难。”„Cultivation, went against heaven's will the line, therefore, visitsthisroad, will certainlyface the innumerabledisasters. Butonthisroad, onlyhasthesebigwillandbigdestinyandbigwisdom, canarrive atcertainly the summit.”
“修炼,本是逆天而行,所以,踏足此路,必将面临无数的劫难。而这条路上,唯有那些大毅力者、大气运者、大智慧者,方能走到绝巅。”„Three disastersninedifficult, thenhorizontallyinbecoming an immortalandbecoming the disaster on path, specificallyis usedto screen the abovethreekinds.”
“三灾九难,便是横在成仙、成道路上的劫难,专门用来筛选以上三类者。”„Meanwhile, is informingall living things, does not become an immortaleasily, the immortalisrare, you, sincehad an achievement, shouldtreasure itselfobtained. don'tmustmaketen thousand yearscultivate/repairis, a dynastychanges to the running water.”
“同时,也是在告知众生,成仙不易,长生更是难得,尔等既然有所成就,更应珍惜自身所得。莫要让万载修为,一朝化作流水。”Sighs with emotion, Leizefinallystartedto explainwhatnineis difficultfor the three disasters.
感慨完,雷泽终于开始讲解何为三灾九难了。„Three disasters, has the division of big or smallthree disasters.”
“三灾者,有大小三灾之分。”„Youngthree disasters, is the immortalsay/wayhas not become, still when was the mortaldisaster that mustpass, forbladesoldierdifficult, plaguedifficult, difficult of famine.”
“小三灾者,乃仙道未成,尚是凡人之际所要度过的劫难,为刀兵之难、瘟疫之难、饥馑之难。”„Mortalis vulnerable, has the turbulenceslightly, thenmeets the bodydeadsoulto enter the hell, therefore, onlyhadto passsmallthreedifficult, had the qualificationsto seek the immortalto ask.”
“凡人脆弱,稍有动荡,便会身死魂入地府,故而,唯有度过小三难者,方有资格求仙问道。”„Bigthree disasters, is an achievementimmortalinexorable fate. After becoming an immortal, will have the three disastersto add the body, immortalfor the say/way, after the old pathbecomes, the ghosts and godsare intolerable.”
“大三灾者,为成就仙道者的劫数。成仙之后,会有三灾加身,仙道为非常之道,故道成之后,鬼神难容。”„AlthoughinfaceYishou, butto500yearslater, the dayfallsthunderZaito hityou, must the seeingnatureengage in introspection, in advanceavoids. Being able to evade the longevity and dayis uneven, does not evadedies.”
“虽驻颜益寿,但到了五百年后,天降雷灾打你,须要见性明心,预先躲避。躲得过寿与天齐,躲不过就此绝命。”„Again500yearslater, the dayfalls the fireto burnyou. Thisfireis not a day of fire, is noteveryfire, callsmakes the Yinfire. Under the feverfrom the itselfbubbling springhole, passes the mudwallpalace, five internal organsto becomedust, the four limbsalldecays, the millenniumascetic practices, entirelyforis illusory.”
“再五百年后,天降火灾烧你。这火不是天火,亦不是凡火,唤做阴火。自本身涌泉穴下烧起,直透泥垣宫,五脏成灰,四肢皆朽,把千年苦行,俱为虚幻。”„Again500years, falls the wind-caused disasterto blowyou. Thiswindis notsoutheast the northwest wind, is notandsmokes the gold/metalnorth wind, is not the courtesanpine and bambooswind, callsmakes the guawind. Injects the six internal organsfrom the soft spot, crosses the dantian, puts on the nine orifices, the flesh and blooddisappearssparsely.”
“再五百年,又降风灾吹你。这风不是东南西北风,不是和熏金朔风,亦不是花柳松竹风,唤做鸹风。自囟门中吹入六腑,过丹田,穿九窍,骨肉消疏。”„After the three disasters, ninedifficult, ninedifficultalsoto have the division of size.”
“三灾之后,有九难,九难也有大小之分。”„Smallninedifficult, toaskdifficult.”
“小九难者,为求道之难。”„Bigmedicinehas not become, butwinter and summer, withinoneyear, the four seasonswants the clothesdifficult to bear. The realair/Qihas not lived, butstillhad the hunger and thirst, within 1st, the three meals a daymusteat. Presents the gentleman of say/way the patient, the food and clothingforces, onedifficult.”
“大药未成,而难当寒暑,于一年之内,四季要衣。真气未生,而尚有饥渴,于一日之内,三餐要食。奉道之士所患者,衣食逼迫,一难也。”„And the husbandrelationship predestined from a previous existenceevilis heavy, the class/flowrepays a kindnessinthis life. Snatches a little leisure from the busy schedules, stillrestrainsfor the elders and superiors. MakesinZunqinnot to endureto flee, is always idleandrareis the free time. Presents the gentleman of say/way the patient, the elders and superiorsinvitesto block, twodifficult.”
“及夫宿缘孽重,流于今世填还。忙里偷闲,犹为尊长约束。制于尊亲而不忍逃离,一向清闲而难得为暇。奉道之士所患者,尊长邀拦,二难也。”„Presents the gentleman of say/way the patient, the loveinvolves, threedifficult.”
“奉道之士所患者,恩爱牵缠,三难也。”„Fame and fortuneentanglesto stumble, fourdifficult.”
“名利萦绊,四难也。”„Disastercomes up in great numbers and from all sides, fivedifficult.”
“灾祸横生,五难也。”„Blindmasterrestrains, sixdifficult.”
“盲师约束,六难也。”„Discussiondifference, sevendifficult.”
“议论差别,七难也。”„Willintentidles, eightdifficult.”
“志意懈怠,八难也。”„Yearswaste time, ninedifficult.”
“岁月蹉跎,九难也。”„Exemptsthisninedifficultly, presentsto sayonly then. During nineare difficult, or12are not feasibleholds, butbyfutile effortbutcannot the upper dog.”
“免此九难,方可奉道。九难之中,或有一二不可行持,但以徒劳而不能成功者也。”„Bigninedifficult, are the inexorable fates of immortal, is respectively difficultbe the place, personis difficult, the demongodis difficult, secretis difficult, natural dispositionis difficult, Burden of sinis difficult, intentionis difficult, soulis difficult, inexorable fateis difficultto compose.”
“大九难者,乃仙人之劫数,分别为地难、人难、魔神难、三昧难、本性难、业障难、心意难、魂魄难、劫数难组成。”„Initiallybecomes an immortal, onlyhadto passtheseninedifficultly, can the boundary of achievementfree and unrestrainedbiggold/metalimmortal.”
“初成仙道者,唯有度过这九难,方能成就逍遥自在的大罗金仙之境。”Leizethisthree disastersnineare difficultto establish, the Heavenly Daohas not responded, the complexion of all living thingshas becomeexceptionallyis then ugly.
太狠了!Reallymustaccording todo, on that dayunder the number of memberLei Ze said that at leastfewover 90%.
真要照雷泽说的这么干,那天下修士的数量,起码得少九成以上。Beforecultivated, only need pass the thundertribulation to become an immortal, latercanfree and unfettered. Yet now, the three disastersnineare difficultto establish, allwere critically different.
以前修炼,只需度过雷劫便可成仙,之后便可一路逍遥。可如今,三灾九难立下,一切都大为不同了。Thathas not become an immortalsmallthree disastersninedifficultnot to raisefor the time being, nowin the world the spiritual energyis sufficient, poursis not worried aboutthisissue.
那未成仙道的小三灾九难暂且不提,如今天地间灵气充足,倒也不担心这个问题。Butthatbigthree disastersninedifficult, was makes one have a headache. After becoming an immortal, not onlycannotbe idle, insteadis the start of disaster.
但那大三灾九难,却是让人头疼了。成仙之后,非但不能清闲,反而是劫难的开始。Every 500 years, thenmustspend a tribulation. Passed, 500years of free and unrestrained. Thencontinuesto cross the tribulation500yearslater, sorepeat in cycles, canstopuntil the biggold/metalmagical prescription, thiswhoreceives?
每隔500年,便要度一次劫。度过了,得五百年逍遥自在。然后在五百年后继续渡劫,如此循环往复,直到大罗金仙方能停止,这谁受的了?Moreover, wantsto becomeDaluogold/metalimmortal, but must passninedifficultly, ninedifficultnot, no matter whatyournatural talentis peerless, is unable the achievementbiggold/metalimmortal.
而且,要成大罗金仙,还要度过九难,九难不度,任你天资绝世,也是无法成就大罗金仙。Ninewere difficultly ordinarywiththatthree disasters, passedcultivated/repairedtoentergreatly, did not pass away the dyingsay/wayto disappear.
九难与那三灾一般,度过了修为大进,度不过身死道消。Leizethisiscompelsall living thingsto cultivate!
雷泽这是逼着众生修炼啊!After this, spiritual cultivation that practicestogether, if unable to move forward , one will inevitably lag behind, feared that wantedto becometrue.
从此之后,修道界那句,修行一道,不进则退,怕是要成真了。Becauseyoudo not enter, will die!
The numerousentertain feelingsis not willingto turn over tonot to hope, theycannotrevolt againstanything, trulyhas the Heavenly Dao of decision-making power. The three disastersnineare difficultwhether to establish, but must look at the Heavenly Daofinaldecision.
众生心中不愿归不愿,他们也不能反抗什么,真正拥有决定权的还是天道。三灾九难能否立下,还要看天道最后的决定。Inlistening toLeizeafterthree disastersninedifficultexplanations, during the Heavenly Daothenfell intowas silent, resembledis ponderinganything.
在听完雷泽对三灾九难的解释之后,天道便陷入了沉默之中,似在思考着什么。Butin the Heavenly Daospacedeep place that all living thingsare unable to peep , the Heavenly Daomain bodyis, lightflashed before a continuously.
而在众生无法窥视的天道空间深处,天道本体所在,一缕缕道光闪现。ps: The pain of older teen......
ps:大龄青年的痛苦……Recommendationmetropolisbiggodolduses/givesnew book:
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