GDSP :: Volume #9

#812: Contribution of Three Pure Ones

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Isn't so? 可不就是如此吗? The air/Qi of day after tomorrow is so first rich, is only the breath can inhale within the body, let alone desirably absorption. 先后天之气如此浓郁,仅是呼吸都能吸入体内呢,更别说刻意吸收了呢。 Before cultivated, needs to calm the mind with rapt attention, from that was void to derive the spiritual energy. 以前修炼,需要静心凝神,从那虚空之中汲取来灵气。 Now cultivates, needs carefully with rapt attention, but the goal, is actually controls the self-absorption spiritual energy the quantity, in order to avoid being exploded to the brace by that boundless spiritual energy. 现在修炼,也需精心凝神,可目的,却是控制自己吸收灵气的数量,以免被那磅礴的灵气给撑爆。 Disparity, cannot simply by the truth idea, the difference were too many. 这其中的差距,简直不可以以道理计,差的太多了。 In addition, that first day after tomorrow ten thousand before compares, difference far more than trillion. Before, the people tracked down with hardship, was not necessarily able to peep several points of appearance/portrait of rule. 除此之外,那先后天万道与之前相比,差的又何止亿万。以前,众人苦苦追寻,也未必能窥得规则的几分真容。 Yet now, only need slightly with rapt attention, but then clear sees that to proliferate in the world, dense and numerous regular chains. 可如今,只需稍微凝神,便可清晰的看到那遍布在天地之间,密密麻麻的规则链条。 It can be said that in this time, is a pig, can cultivation to become an immortal. True standing in gusty area, caught up with the environment. 可以说,在这个时代,就是一头猪,也能修炼成仙。真正的站在了风口上,赶上了大环境。 Inaugurates the general environment just like the world, lives in the life of this world, really picks the treasure, don't said that was angel profound immortal gold/metal immortal, was the big gold/metal immortal can also easily prove. 宛若天地初开一般的环境,生活在此世的生灵,真的是捡到宝了,莫说是天仙玄仙金仙,就是大罗金仙也能轻易证就。 Even, that has almost become big Luo Daozun of legend, in this time, compares beforehand easy achievement hundred times and thousand times to continue. 甚至于,就连那几乎都已经成为传说的大罗道尊,在这个时代,也比之前容易成就百倍、千倍不止。 So special environment, created large numbers of experts, short several thousand years, in the world newly immortal of birth, far more than 1 million, were even/including Daluo gold/metal dwelling place of celestial beings was then born not under in Baizun. 如此特殊的环境,也造就了大批的高手,短短数千年的时间,天地间新诞生的仙人,又何止百万,便是连大罗金仙都诞生了不下于百尊。 Also crossed the millenniums, is even/including Daluo said that revered was born. 又过了千年,就是连大罗道尊都诞生了一尊。 Superior of environment, was above the imagination of the world simply, almost all Confucian orthodoxy, not arrest in Wudao, the immortal say/way and pill say/way, the say/way of say/way, Demonic Path and god demon, waits for the say/way of dozens types of cultivation, all starts to be prosperous in the great antiquity world. 此间环境之优越,简直超乎了世人的想象,几乎所有的道统,无拘于武道、仙道、丹道、器道、魔道、神魔之道,等等几十种修炼之道,全都开始在洪荒天地之中兴盛起来。 Practicing prosperous times! 久违的修行盛世! All are recovering, all are rising, is powerful. As long as is paying attention to big magical powers in great antiquity world, awareness that is clear about, the prosperous times, really must come! 一切都在复苏,一切都在崛起,都在强大。但凡关注着洪荒天地的大神通者,都清楚的知道,盛世,真的要来了! Arrived afterward, is continually the ordinary member, knows that the prosperous times came, all Confucian orthodoxy are reviving, the great antiquity will return to the antiquity the magnificence. 到了后来,便是连普通的修士,也知道盛世来了,所有的道统都在复兴,洪荒将重归上古的辉煌。 In this time, everyone has a card possibility. Big Luo Daozun walks everywhere, accurate Saint many such as the time of dog, is going to arrive. 在这个时代,人人都有证道的可能。大罗道尊满地走,准圣多如狗的时代,将要重新降临。 ...... …… ............ ………… Saw that the great antiquity is getting more and more prosperous this, all people are happy, but in the boundless starry sky, the person, is seeing this secretly, the brow closely wrinkled. 看到洪荒越来越兴盛这一幕,所有的人都在高兴,可无垠星空之中,有一人,在看到这一幕后,眉头不由紧紧的皱了起来。 Is that God of South Pole star, Leize, the Antarctic immortal Great Emperor, sees the great antiquity present situation, It not only not happy, instead raised the huge anxiety. 是南极星的那位上帝,雷泽,南极长生大帝,看到洪荒如今的情况,祂非但没有高兴,反而升起了巨大的忧虑。 It must not exposed to the great antiquity world be good actually not. The great antiquity is good, to the people, is a good deed, they can also obtain benefits, Leize is also naturally glad to see the great antiquity to be good. 倒不是祂见不得洪荒天地好。洪荒好,对众人而言,都是一件好事,祂们也能从中获益,雷泽自然也是乐意看到洪荒好的。 But at this moment, is not the issue that the world is good, but is in the great antiquity, the immortal was really many. Many to Heavenly Dao somewhat disgruntled situation. 但此刻,不是天地好不好的问题,而是洪荒之中,仙人真的是太多了。多到天道都有些不悦的地步了。 The immortals, are seemingly free and unrestrained, but to the world, they is actually the big evil, is the clothes eating insect between world. 仙人,看似逍遥自在,但对天地来说,他们却是大害,是天地间的蛀虫。 Why said? Because, they will not die! The birth and death, is the world samsara, is the basis that the world grows continually. 为什么这么说呢?因为,他们不会死!生老病死,乃是天地轮回,也是天地生生不息的根本。 The Heavenly Dao creates the life by the source, after its experience life, after dying , the source returns to the world, so does not increase does not reduce, will not lose the Heavenly Dao the strength slightest, even can also strengthen the Heavenly Dao the strength. 天道以本源创造生灵,待其经历一生之后,死后本源重归天地,如此不增不减,不会损失天道的力量分毫,甚至还能加强天道的力量。 Very perfect, very balanced process. 很完美,也很平衡的过程。 But the appearance of immortal, actually undermined this balance. They go against heaven's will the line, gains the immortal, henceforth immortal looking for a long time, forever in world. 可仙人的出现,却打破了这个平衡。他们逆天而行,获取长生,从此长生久视,永驻世间。 This caused, the Heavenly Dao is used to create their sources, for a while cannot receive. But with the unceasing progress of immortal, in unceasing is nibbling the strength of the world. 这就使得了,天道用来创造他们的本源,一时收不回来。而随着仙人的不断进步,同时也在不断的蚕食着天地的力量。 The immortal boundary is higher, the world strength of nibbling are also more, naturally not for world happy. 那仙人境界越高,蚕食的天地力量也就越多,自然更不为天地所喜。 The member cultivates, cannot only enter, they were actually getting stronger and stronger, but the world is actually therefore was getting more and more weak. So the aspect, can the Heavenly Dao not regard the immortal for the world clothes eating insect? 修士修炼,只进不出,他们倒是越来越强了,可天地却是因此越来越弱了。如此局面,天道能不视仙人为天地蛀虫吗? Damages the world, but fat, is the clothes eating insect between world. 损天地而肥自身者,皆是天地间的蛀虫。 With to go against heaven's will line, this immortal cultivation, can write the novel excessive were many. The novel also knows the output content, but this immortal cultivation, cannot only enter, seriously ruthless person. 同为逆天而行,这修仙的,可以写小说的过分多了。小说还知道输出内容,可这修仙的,只进不出,当真狠人也。 The immortal quantity between world are more, Heavenly Dao also on anger. Because the immortal changes many drawbacks, has started to melt obviously. 天地间的仙人数量越多,天道也就越加的愤怒。因为仙人变多的弊端,已经开始显化了。 Cites a simplest example, is the spiritual energy between world increases the speed, starts slowly slowed down. 举个最简单的例子,就是天地之间的灵气增加速度,开始慢慢的减缓下来了。 This is not very normal, because, the source of that chaos demon god had not been built up completely, the spiritual energy growth between world should quickly be more and more right. 这很不正常,因为,那混沌魔神的本源还未被完全炼化,天地之间的灵气增长速度应该越来越快才对。 Yet now, it actually slowed down. 可如今,它却是放缓了下来。 Where does that issue leave is at? 那问题出在哪? Very simple reason, because the spiritual energy between world was being consumed massively, this causes the speed that the spiritual energy grows, is getting more and more slow. 很简单的原因,因为天地之间的灵气被大量消耗着,这才导致灵气增长的速度,越来越慢。 But these consumed spiritual energy, was given the absorption by the immortal. Now perhaps cannot see anything to affect, as the number of immortal will be getting more and more in the future, on that day between spiritual energy, will be then getting more and more thin. 而那些被消耗的灵气,正是被仙人给吸收的。现在或许看不出什么影响来,但随着日后仙人的数量越来越多,那天地之间的灵气,便会越来越稀薄。 When is driven beyond the limits of forbearance to the Heavenly Dao, the new quantity tribulation will then erupt, the immortal should also tribulation, large quantities of falling from the sky, the source returns to the world. 待到天道忍无可忍之时,新的量劫便会爆发,仙人随之应劫,大批的陨落,本源回归天地。 The Heavenly Dao restores the peak, the world welcomes the prosperous times again, is the immortal appears in large numbers, then the Heavenly Dao is angry, measures the tribulation to erupt. 天道重新恢复巅峰,天地再次迎来盛世,接着又是仙人大批的出现,再接着天道愤怒,量劫爆发。 Samsara one after another. 一场接一场的轮回。 ...... …… ............ ………… As grasping existence of strength of day tribulation, Leize compared with anybody, can feel the Heavenly Dao intuitively the anger, in Its field of vision, the strength of day tribulation crazy is surging, twines above the rule, interweaves the incomparable electric light. 作为掌握着天劫之力的存在,雷泽比任何人,更能直观的感受到天道的愤怒,在祂的视野里,天劫之力疯狂的涌动着,缠绕在规则之上,交织出无匹的电光。 But the thunder, is the anger of Heavenly Dao. 而雷霆,正是天道的怒火所化。 Day Dawson gets angry, the day tribulation that Leize established previously, the might intensified three points in vain. That becoming an immortal tribulation really more and more difficulty, but is so, still cannot effectively prevent the birth of immortal. 天道生怒,那早先雷泽立下的天劫,威力徒然加剧了三分。那成仙劫是真的越来越难度了,可就是如此,仍然没能有效的阻止仙人的诞生。 Since the day tribulation appears, already quantity tribulation that long time, world regarding day tribulation, although does not dare saying that fully understood, but also had the method of aiming at respectively. 天劫出现至今,已经有一个量劫那么长的时间了,世人对于天劫,虽不敢说是完全了解,但也各自有了针对的手段。 Although does not dare saying that restrains a day of tribulation completely, but extinguishes its several points of might, can actually achieve. 虽不敢说完全克制天劫,但消弭其几分威力,却还是能做到的。 Since the day tribulation appears, when has not just appeared, had the deterrent force to the people like that. 天劫出现至今,早就没有刚出现时,那般对众人有威慑力了。 The world myriad things, the itself/Ben is to promote and constrains mutually, since the day tribulation has appeared, that naturally has the law of restraint. 世间万物,本就是相生相克的,天劫既然已经出现,那自然有着克制之法。 This is the Heavenly Dao highest good. 这是天道至理。 Heavenly Dao, but also is really contradictory! 天道,还真是矛盾啊! ........................ …………………… Looks at that in void, the strength of tumbling continuous day tribulation, as well as in the rule, the innate thunder that surges crazily, the Antarctic immortal Great Emperor, is Leize, knows chance that It becomes enlightened. 看着那在虚空之中,翻滚不休的天劫之力,以及在规则上,疯狂涌动的先天雷霆,南极长生大帝,也就是雷泽,知道祂成道的机缘到了。 Does not break through the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, but is to become Saint the chance. 不是突破混元大罗金仙,而是成圣的机缘。 Right, 对, Has not misread, 没有看错, Is to become Saint! 就是成圣! Although Leize, does not have primordial chaos auspicious sign existence that is known as the base of Saint, but It on the body of strength of day tribulation, still saw to become Saint the chance. 虽然雷泽的身上,并没有鸿蒙紫气这个号称成圣之基的存在,但祂在天劫之力的身上,依然看到了成圣的机缘。 If It unites with the strength of day tribulation, becomes existence that heads a day of tribulation, the help Heavenly Dao reduces in the world the number of immortal, that has the primordial chaos auspicious sign of name of base of Saint without a doubt, shortly will then arrive to Its front. 祂若是与天劫之力合一,成为执掌天劫的存在,帮助天道削减天地间仙人的数量,那毫无疑问的,有着成圣之基之称的鸿蒙紫气,顷刻之间便会降临到祂的面前。 Reduces the number of immortal, Leize cares actually not very much. Because, It must really begin, these big magical powers not therefore with It for enemy, will be helping one another in secret. 削减仙人的数量,雷泽倒不是很在乎。因为,祂要真的动手了,那些大神通者也不会因此与祂为敌,甚至会在暗中相助于祂。 The so-called immortal said that continuously in essence, but is not broad. If this is not the case, will not have the birth that to seal/confer Shenliang tribulations. 所谓仙道,一直在精而不在广。若非如此,也就不会有封神量劫的诞生了。 So-called to seal/confer Shenliang tribulations, do not look at Feng Zichen to do that many matters, makes very broad, almost included world person Three Realms that its range affects, as well as all Confucianism. 所谓封神量劫,别看风紫宸搞了那么多事,使得它的范围波及的很广,几乎囊括了天地人三界,以及所有的大教。 But its original intention, but great wild goose honored say/way ancestor to clean up the immortal said, but the result, but is Feng Zichen is quite big, finally gradually was separated from people's control that it plays. 可其本意,只是鸿钧道祖为了清理仙道,而产生的结果罢了,不过是风紫宸将它玩的比较大,最后逐渐脱离了众人的掌控。 The great wild goose honored say/way ancestor tribulations taking advantage of to seal/confer Shenliang, rejects the immortal to say these lucky reason superficial people, only makes the elite stay behind. The goal, besides letting immortal say/way purely, there is a meaning of subduction tribulation might. 鸿钧道祖借着封神量劫,将那些福缘浅薄之人剔除仙道,只让精英留下。其目的,除了让仙道更为纯粹之外,也有消减量劫威力的意思。 The number of immortal are more, the harm to the world is also bigger, this truth, how could the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor does not know. Therefore, immortal from the beginning, walked is the elite route. 仙人的数量越多,对天地的危害也就越大,这个道理,鸿钧道祖岂能不知。所以,仙道从一开始,走的就是精英路线。 Only the big will, the big destiny and big wisdom, the three one, can cultivation the Daoism immortal to say. 唯大毅力、大气运、大智慧,三者得一者,方能修炼玄门仙道。 The later generation to compete for the destiny, simplified the Daoism immortal saying that violated the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor's original intention, that immortal keeping aloof threshold, unceasing reduction, this turned into the common goods that everyone can cultivation. 只是后人为了争夺气运,简化了玄门仙道,违背了鸿钧道祖的本意,将那仙道高高在上的门槛,不断的降低,这才变成了人人都能修炼的大路货。 At the beginning of remote antiquity, immortal first exclusive of deity demon, only has the extremely outstanding innate lives of these performance, just now has the qualifications to be taught the immortal to say. As for other lives, can only look. 遂古之初,仙道可是先天神魔的专属,唯有那些表现的极为优秀的先天生灵,方才有资格被传授仙道。至于其它的生灵,就只能看着了。 The immortal said that before Three Pure Ones has not become the Saint, has kept aloof! 仙道啊,在三清未曾成圣之前,一直都是高高在上的啊! Where will seem like ordinary now, as long as a little aptitude person, can cultivation. Three Pure Ones for own selfishness, the unceasing simplified immortal said, this causes its threshold unceasing reduction. 哪里会像如今一般,但凡有点资质的人,都能修炼。三清为了自己的私心,不断的简化仙道,这才使得其门槛不断的降低。 To the immortal say/way, this without doubt is a good deed, because of reduction of threshold, immortal was without doubt more prosperous. But this to the world, is actually not a good deed, the immortal were many, the world will then weaken. 对仙道来说,这无疑是件好事,因为随着门槛的降低,仙道无疑更为的兴盛了。可这对天地来说,却不是件好事,仙人多了,天地便会削弱。 Is abundant with the Heavenly Dao, then all living things pain. 与天道盛,则众生苦。 Is abundant with all living things, then Heavenly Dao pain. 与众生盛,则天道苦。 Who between this is wrong to , is actually not good to distinguish. human clan was those with vested interests, Feng Zichen does not say Three Pure Ones making the mistake but actually. 这之间的孰对孰错,倒是不好分辨。人族也是既得利益者,风紫宸倒也不好说三清做错了。 However, said no matter how, Three Pure Ones went against the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor's original intention, this actually real. 不过,不管怎么说,三清违背了鸿钧道祖的初衷,这却是真的。 The great wild goose honored said ancestor to proselytize, in essence, but not in broad, therefore there are Zixiaogong 3000 bustling place guest vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered world. 鸿钧道祖传道,在精而不在广,故而有紫霄宫三千红尘客纵横世间。 At the beginning of antiquity, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor as first saint, by Its energy, can't spread over the great antiquity world the immortal say/way? 上古之初,鸿钧道祖身为第一尊圣人,以祂之能,难道不能将仙道传遍洪荒天地吗? Naturally can, but does not hope. 当然能,只是不愿而已。 Then first deity demon as well as greatly Luo Daozun, far more than 3000, but ancestor final, elected most outstanding 3000. 当时的先天神魔以及大罗道尊,又何止三千尊,可道祖最后,也就选了其中最优秀的三千尊。 The idea, is very obvious. So long as the elite, does not want other. 其想法,已经很明显了。只要精英,不要其它。 But Three Pure Ones was different, to seek the destiny, the dissemination immortal said, they passing on the dao in many not in the essence. 三清就不同了,为了谋求气运,传播仙道,祂们传道在多而不在精。 Yes, Three Pure Ones besides the exceedingly high founder, the received apprentices are not many. However, passing on the dao must accept the apprentice? 是啊,三清除了通天教主之外,收的徒弟都不多。但是,传道一定要收徒弟吗? At the beginning of they become enlightened, frequently begins lecturing the Daoism immortal to say for the world in Kunlun Mountain, this didn't say in the dissemination immortal? 祂们成道之初,经常在昆仑山上为世人开讲玄门仙道,这不就是在传播仙道吗? Without a doubt, great antiquity present cultivation, reason that so prosperous with all flowers blooming together, with past Three Pure Ones disregarded to explain religious doctrine unable to cut off the relations. 毫无疑问,洪荒如今的修炼界,之所以如此的兴盛与百花齐放,与当年三清的无视讲道脱不了关系。 Why Three Pure Ones by some people polite names is a Three Pure Ones ancestor, because of their is incessantly powerful. Is because, their development to the great antiquity cultivation, made the indelible contribution. 三清为什么被有些人尊称为三清道祖,不止是因为祂们的实力强大。更是因为,祂们对洪荒修炼界的发展,做出了难以磨灭的贡献。 Why this is also, Feng Zichen hits the face repeatedly Three Pure Ones, actually cannot vacillate the Three Pure Ones reason to be. 这也是为什么,风紫宸屡次打脸三清,却始终没能动摇三清的原因所在。 Their contributions were too big. 祂们的贡献太大了。 Moreover, this contribution, is the Heavenly Dao to can basically be managing. 而且,这贡献,基本上都是和天道对着干得来的。 Three Pure Ones to proselytize all living things, really and Heavenly Dao does against, is going against the greatest pressure, this accomplished the present cultivation prosperous times. 三清为了传道众生,是真的和天道对着干的,顶着莫大的压力,这才造就了如今的修炼盛世。 It can be said that the great antiquity ten thousand spirits, are owing Three Pure Ones causes and effects. Then is Feng Zichen, is unable to deny, human clan at the beginning of development, light that moistens Three Pure Ones a lot. 可以说,洪荒万灵,都欠着三清一份因果呢。便是风紫宸,也无法否认,人族在发展初期,也没少沾三清的光。 The human clan early expert, over most likely (80%) people, once listened to Three Pure Ones saying that by the Three Pure Ones kindness. But Feng Zichen, was extraordinarier, he inheritance of Three Pure Ones, all was stolen the study. 人族早期的高手,有超过八成的人,曾听过三清讲道,受过三清的恩惠。而风紫宸,就更了不得了,祂把三清的传承,全都偷学了一个遍。 His that vigorous foundation, then overcomes from this. 祂那浑厚的根基,便是由此打下的。 Jokes aside, saying to be somewhat awkward, with Three Pure Ones for Feng Zichen of enemy, quite somewhat ungrateful flavor. May not have the means that who lets probably plan human clan that Three Pure Ones iron core? 说真的,讲来有些尴尬,与三清为敌的风紫宸,颇有些忘恩负义的味道。可没办法,谁让三清铁了心的要算计人族呢? Without human clan, Feng Zichen feared that can complete profound clear safely, what silently is Daoism development makes the contribution. 要是没有人族,风紫宸怕是能安心做好玄清,默默的为玄门发展做贡献。 May come this thing, has not resulted in elects. 可出身这个东西,没得选。 Since lives is, that then takes this as the honor, casts aside presses down firmly, is indomitable spirit. Our generation human clan, when takes strong human clan as own duty. 既然生而为人,那便以此为荣,一撇一捺,顶天立地。我辈人族,当以壮大人族为己任。 This is Feng Zichen from living, the then instilled into idea, and has been implementing. For human clan, shoulders some infamy, was considered as anything. 这是风紫宸从生下来,便被灌输的理念,并一直贯彻着。为了人族,背负些许骂名,又算得了什么。 As all can see, to develop human clan, before Feng Zichen, does not know that many human clan martyrs fell on the road, sacrificed the precious life. 君不见,为了发展人族,在风紫宸之前,不知有多少人族先烈倒在了路上,献出了自己宝贵的生命。 These people died, then really died, cannot resurrect it Feng Zichen, because of that time, was the Mount Buzhou final magnificent period, no one can intervene the past. 这些人死了,便是真的死了,连风紫宸都不能将之复活,因为那个时候,正是不周山最后的辉煌时期,谁也不能干预过去。 Compared with martyrs who these sacrifice the life, Feng Zichen shoulders some infamy, was considered as anything. Moreover, if he did not expose himself among the relations on own initiative with profound clear, that feared that was some infamy, It did not conduct. 与那些献出生命的先烈相比,风紫宸背负些许骂名,又算得了什么。而且,若他不主动暴露自己与玄清之间的关系,那怕是些许骂名,祂也背不上。 Steady very! 稳的很! Old compelled Yin! 老阴逼了! ...... …… ............ ………… In the world does not have hate with no reason at all, wish of Heavenly Dao using energy plans to break up Three Pure Ones, not necessarily without the reason of its broad biography main road. 世上没有无缘无故的恨,天道之所以费劲心机的想要拆散三清,未必没有其广传大道的原因。 The disciples make mistakes, if the master wants the means to clean up for them. Therefore, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor has been looking for the opportunity to simplify the immortal saying that to seal/confer Shenliang tribulations, is only one of his numerous methods. 弟子犯错,师父就要想办法为祂们擦屁股。是故,鸿钧道祖一直在寻找机会精简仙道,那封神量劫,只是祂众多手段之一。 Other, for example support other Confucian orthodoxy, even supports the Demonic Path, comes and an immortal resistance. The great wild goose honored say/way ancestor also has to do. 其它的,例如扶持其余的道统,甚至是扶持魔道,来与仙道对抗。鸿钧道祖也不是没有干过。 The immortal say/way has six saint, without the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor supports in secret, what Confucian orthodoxy can contend with the immortal say/way? 仙道有着六尊圣人,若没鸿钧道祖暗中扶持,什么道统能与仙道抗衡? Waved then to extinguish. 挥手便灭了。 As for the Heavenly Dao does not allow, the Heavenly Dao not to the matter were many, saint dry/does were few? 至于天道不许,天道不许的事多了,圣人干的就少了? Is most covert. 最多隐蔽一点。 Said that Feng Zichen old compels Yin, that is they did not understand that great wild goose honored say/way ancestor, this is the great antiquity biggest old compels Yin, the Feng Zichen magical skill, is in the difference some. 风紫宸老阴逼,那是祂们不了解鸿钧道祖,这才是洪荒最大的老阴逼,风紫宸的道行,还是差上一些。 ...... …… In order to give the apprentice cleans up, great wild goose honored say/way ancestor's the means of thought that is a throttle, through reducing the number of immortal, the arrival of phase delay tribulation. 为给徒弟擦屁股,鸿钧道祖的想到的办法,是节流,通过消减仙人的数量,来延迟量劫的到来。
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