GDSP :: Volume #9

#811: The great antiquity world is invincible

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Rumble! 轰隆隆! The great hand falls, the entire great antiquity land is vibrating, then, saw, the temple that star light wind around, emerges from various land places, was held by the palm of Feng Zichen, flies toward the boundless starry sky. 巨手落下,整个洪荒大地都在震动,然后,就看到,一座座星光缭绕的神殿,从大地各处涌现,被风紫宸的手掌抓住,向着无垠星空飞去。 That is the sidereal revolution temple! 那是周天神殿! Past, was to comb the great antiquity land features, Feng Zichen once left behind two sets of sidereal revolution temple in human clan. Under one set, was kept human clan by It, to suppress the land features of human clan. 昔日,为梳理洪荒地脉,风紫宸曾在人族留下了两套周天神殿。一套下的,被祂留在了人族,以镇压人族之地脉。 But that wrap/sets is big, was left ten thousand clans by It, by land features as suppression great antiquity land. 而那套大的,则是被祂留给了万族,以作为镇压洪荒大地的地脉之用。 Soon before, for shatter great antiquity land, for also does not give the people to increase the difficulty, Feng Zichen has not used the strength of sidereal revolution temple, forcefully stable great antiquity land. 不久之前,为了破碎洪荒大地,也为了不给众人增加难度,风紫宸并未动用周天神殿的力量,强行稳固洪荒大地。 Therefore, after the great antiquity land was shattered, that is situated 365 sidereal revolution temples across great antiquity, as also the great antiquity land was shattered, wandered about destitute each place. 正是因此,洪荒大地破碎之后,那坐落在洪荒各地的三百六十五座周天神殿,也随着洪荒大地破碎,流落到了各个地方。 But with the restore of great antiquity land, evolves five most parts continents, and every large or small innumerable mainland and islands, that scatters in regional sidereal revolution temples, naturally did not have the use. 而随着洪荒大地的修复,衍化成五大部洲,以及大大小小无数个大陆、岛屿,那散落在各地的周天神殿,自然也就没了用处。 Nowadays great antiquity land, besides central divine land still and great antiquity land same, other four most parts continents, have become specious, was completely different from the great antiquity land. 现如今的洪荒大地,除了中央神州尚与洪荒大地相同之外,其余的四大部洲,早就变得似是而非,与洪荒大地完全不同了。 That 365 sidereal revolution temples, fall on five most parts continents, could not suppress the land land features. 那三百六十五座周天神殿,就是落在五大部洲上,也是镇压不了大地地脉了。 Moreover, even the sidereal revolution temple can suppress the land features, the masters of that other three most parts continents, Three Pure Ones and Western two Saints, the eastern sovereign too first-grade person, is still not necessarily able to make this be the Feng Zichen treasure, enters this place half step. 而且,就算周天神殿能够镇压地脉,那其余三大部洲的主人,三清、西方二圣,东皇太一等人,也未必会让这属于风紫宸的宝物,进入此地半步。 Therefore, Feng Zichen thinks it over, is these 365 sidereal revolution temples, receiving. 是故,风紫宸思来想去,还是将这三百六十五座周天神殿,给收了回来。 Their destiny already completely, should complete transforms finally. 它们的天命已尽,也该完成最后的蜕变了。 What transforms? 什么蜕变? Retrogradation innate, transforms into innate spirit treasure! 逆反先天,蜕变为先天灵宝 During the boundless starry sky, the sidereal revolution temples of 365 innate spirit treasure ranks, were still breeding. 无垠星空之中,尚有三百六十五座先天灵宝级别的周天神殿,正在孕育当中。 Because expands the human clan reason, Feng Zichen consumes the boundless starry sky repeatedly the source, making their breeding time postpone greatly. 因壮大人族的原因,风紫宸屡次消耗无垠星空的本源,使得它们的孕育时间大大延后。 Waits for these sidereal revolution temple thorough forming, and even the birth, has not known needs many years later, Feng Zichen basic not. 等这些周天神殿彻底的成形,乃至诞生,还不知道要多少年之后呢,风紫宸根本等不了。 Therefore, It moved some wrong ways of doing things. 所以,祂就动了一些歪点子。 For example, that 365 sidereal revolution temples in land, turns into the sacrificial offering, integrates that in the innate temple that breeds, to speed up these innate spirit treasure breeding speeds. 比如,将大地上的那三百六十五座周天神殿,化成祭品,融入那正在孕育的先天神殿之中,以加快这些先天灵宝的孕育速度。 Do not look at the sidereal revolution temple in land, is the day after tomorrow most precious objects, may build their times initially, Feng Zichen abandoned many thoughts. 别看大地上的周天神殿,都是后天至宝,可当初打造它们的时候,风紫宸可是废了不少心思的。 Built not to say with the corresponding stars god gold/metal, in the middle of each sidereal revolution temple that became, It also integrated much corresponded with it, the source of sidereal revolution stars. 都是用相应的星辰神金打造而成的不说,每一座周天神殿当中,祂还融入了不少与之对应的,周天星辰的本源。 On this occasion a point, these sidereal revolution temples, may be called the day after tomorrow the incomparable items in most precious object. Concerns the might, does not lose in the innate magic weapon slightest. 值此一点,这些周天神殿,就堪称后天至宝中的绝品。论及威力,绝不输于先天法宝分毫。 Afterward, these sidereal revolution temples, were put above the land by Feng Zichen, was used to suppress the great antiquity land features. 后来,这些周天神殿,更是被风紫宸放到了大地之上,用来镇压洪荒地脉。 Above meets Zhou Tianxing light/only, below receives the air/Qi of land features, the middle some Pangu Daoist immortals revolve. 其上接周天星光,下承地脉之气,中间又有盘古神人运转。 Was quenchinged the innumerable years by these three strengths, change that these 365 sidereal revolution temples, occurrence has been inconceivable. 被这三种力量淬炼无数年,这三百六十五座周天神殿,早已发生难以想象的变化。 Although is not innate spirit treasure, but the might, actually compared innate spirit treasure sufficiently. The vigor of the innate source, is not the innate spirit treasure slightest, even also wants three points strongly. 虽不是先天灵宝,但威力,却是足以比拟先天灵宝了。其一身先天本源之浑厚,不属于先天灵宝分毫,甚至还要强过三分。 After all, innate source that these sidereal revolution temples contain, but the Pangu Deity condenses, can the quality not be high? 毕竟,那些周天神殿所蕴含的先天本源,可是盘古神人凝聚的,质量能不高吗? Feng Zichen these sidereal revolution temples, integrates sidereal revolution stars breeding in the middle of the innate sidereal revolution temple, how long that estimate could not want, waited for them to absorb the innate source that these sidereal revolution temples contained, will then breed the forming, radical birth. 风紫宸将这些周天神殿,融入周天星辰孕育的先天周天神殿当中,那估计要不了多久,等它们将这些周天神殿所蕴含的先天本源吸收,便会孕育成形,彻底的诞生出来。 And each sidereal revolution temple, its rank, not weakly in high-grade innate spirit treasure. 且每一座周天神殿,其等级,都不会弱于上品先天灵宝 .................................... ……………………………… The person of presence, knowledgeable, indeed before does not know that the plan of Feng Zichen, may see this, calculates that does not need to calculate, most likely (80%) can also guess correctly Its plan. 在场之人,都是有见识的,诚然以前不知道风紫宸的打算,可看到这一幕,连算都不用算,八成也能猜出祂的打算了。 Has not thought actually, the boundless starry sky in the hand of Emperor, even more was actually prosperous. The aura of view that sidereal revolution stars, unexpectedly compared with its peak, but also wants on strong several times.” “倒是没想到,无垠星空在帝君的手中,倒是愈发的兴盛了。观那周天星辰之气息,竟是比其巅峰时期,还要强上数倍。” Really is astonishing!” “真是惊人啊!” Void, some people said after a sigh. 虚空之中,有人感叹道。 Emperors, referred to was the purple slightly Great Emperor. The boundless starry sky in his hands, achieved unprecedentedly magnificent with the peak, even can instead make up the great antiquity world, making the world source vigorous. 帝君,指的就是紫微大帝了。无垠星空在祂的手中,达到了前所未有之辉煌与巅峰,甚至能够反补洪荒天地,使得天地本源更加的浑厚。 The people respect Its merit, then not in an by name in It, but calls his Emperor, shows respect to the purple slightly Great Emperor. 众人敬祂功德,便不在以名称呼于祂,而是唤祂一声帝君,以示自己对紫微大帝的尊敬。 Northern all Luzhou, after the eastern sovereign too hears the feeling of people, the complexion became uglier. But It did not say anything, after all, even if It does not want to acknowledge, has to acknowledge, the purple slightly Great Emperor must by far is handsome in It and emperor. 北俱芦洲,东皇太一听到众人的感慨后,脸色不由变得更加难看了。可祂也不好说什么,毕竟,哪怕祂不想承认,也不得不承认,紫微大帝要远胜于祂与帝俊的。 If nothing else, they rule the time of boundless starry sky, absolutely compared with the purple slightly Great Emperor long. 别的不说,祂二人统治无垠星空的时间,绝对要比紫微大帝更加的漫长。 But, boundless starry sky in the hand of Its two brothers, not only has not stiffened, instead even more declined. With in the hand of purple slightly Great Emperor, formed the sharp contrast. 可是,无垠星空在祂兄弟二人的手中,非但没有变强,反而愈发的败落了。与在紫微大帝的手中,形成了鲜明的对比。 Is this not just Its two brothers is inferior to the performance of purple slightly Great Emperor? 这不正是祂兄弟二人不如紫微大帝的表现吗? Unlike eastern sovereign too complexion ugly, Three Pure Ones West two Saints and the others saw this, the complexion is the incomparable dignity. 与东皇太一脸色难看不同,三清西方二圣等人看到这一幕,脸色则是无比的凝重。 365 sidereal revolution temples, are difficult to be inadequate, can the boundless starry sky breed 365 innate spirit treasure to be inadequate unexpectedly?” “三百六十五座周天神殿,难不成,无垠星空竟是要孕育三百六十五件先天灵宝不成?” Moreover, since the sidereal revolution can breed innate spirit treasure again, then they feared that is can also breed first deity demon.” “而且,既然周天能再次孕育先天灵宝,那它们怕是也能重新孕育先天神魔。” 365 innate spirit treasure, 365 first deity demon......” “三百六十五件先天灵宝,三百六十五尊先天神魔……” Hiss “嘶” In the land, five Saints read and hence, all held breath a cold air/Qi. 大地上,五圣念及至此,皆是倒吸了一口冷气。 Although is not willing to believe this point, but observes the imposing manner that the sidereal revolution stars release now, their guess possibilities achieved most likely (80%). 尽管不愿意去相信这一点,但观周天星辰如今释放出的气势来看,祂们的猜测可能性达到了八成。 Perhaps does not have 365 so many, but will not be less than 200. 或许没有三百六十五尊那么多,但绝不会少于两百尊。 200 first deity demon, were many. 两百尊先天神魔,也不少了。 No, quite many, can say, this was a very fearful influence. If it grew, that purple slightly Great Emperor can become one of the great antiquity strongest overlords. 不,是相当的多,可以说,这是一股很可怕的势力了。要是等其成长起来,那紫微大帝便可一跃成为洪荒最强的霸主之一。 This purple slightly Great Emperor usually, looks not to show one's self, but this acts, brought huge frightening to the people. 这紫微大帝平日里,看着不显山不露水的,可这一出手,就是给众人带来了巨大的惊吓。 Also is really enough makes one shock. 也真是够令人震撼的。 The strength of purple slightly Great Emperor, may be called certainly strong, in the hand is grasping top innate spirit treasure, the strength is not weak in any saint. 紫微大帝的实力,本就堪称绝强,手里更是掌握着一件顶级的先天灵宝,实力不弱于任何一尊圣人 If hand/subordinate were many several hundred first deity demon, that later great antiquity, feared that is only then human clan can press Its one. 要是手下再多了几百尊先天神魔,那之后的洪荒,怕是只有人族能压祂一头了。 No, said that is not right, has the boundless starry sky to be the backing, the purple slightly Great Emperor exceeds human clan, becomes the great antiquity strongest overlord, is not the not possible matter. 不,这么说也不对,有着无垠星空作为后盾,紫微大帝超越人族,成为洪荒最强的霸主,也不是不可能的事。 Nowadays, the boundless starry sky has exceeded the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, was the level of endless big gold/metal immortal. 现如今,无垠星空已经超越了混元大罗金仙,达到了无尽大罗金仙的层次。 In other words, this time boundless starry sky, the great antiquity's first sacred place, has it can be said that exceeded Kunlun Mountain completely. 也就是说,此时的无垠星空,完全可以说是洪荒第一的圣地,已经超越了昆仑山。 Has the purple slightly Great Emperor of such sacred place, the rise has become inevitably. 坐拥如此圣地的紫微大帝,崛起已成必然。 No one knows, what kind of this place contained mysterious with good fortune, as well as what kind of chance, what kind of in addition can also bring to hold to the purple slightly Great Emperor. 谁也不知道,此地蕴含了怎样的玄妙与造化,以及何等的机缘,又能给紫微大帝带来怎样的加持。 But a little, the people are actually certain, that is that the purple slightly Great Emperor benefits, is above the imagination absolutely. 但有一点,众人却是可以肯定,那就是紫微大帝得到的好处,绝对是超乎想象的。 The sidereal revolution stars can be promoted, let alone is the master of boundless starry sky? It also obtained certainly the promotion, gained the advantage that is inconceivable. 周天星辰都能得到晋升,更何况是无垠星空的主人呢?祂肯定也得到了晋升,获得了难以想象的好处。 In fact, is so. 事实上,也正是如此。 In instance of boundless starry sky unsealing, that vast star strength, besides rushing to great antiquity land, the part, flowed in Its within the body, changes to the boundless source and sensibility, raised Its boundary. 在无垠星空解封的瞬间,那浩瀚的星力,除了涌向洪荒大地之外,还有部分,流入了祂的体内,化作磅礴的本源以及感悟,生生拔高了祂的境界。 Then, Feng Zichen started to break through. 接着,风紫宸就开始突破了。 From the beginning of the universe six heavy days, broke through the beginning of the universe sevenfold day. Later, that star strength failure, has not changed to the source and sensibility as before is promoting Its boundary, sevenfold intermediate stage, later period and peak, beginning of the universe eight heavy day of initial period, in the middle period of...... 从混元六重天,突破到了混元七重天。之后,那星力并未衰竭,依旧化作本源与感悟提升着祂的境界,七重中期、后期、巅峰,混元八重天初期、中期…… Until broken enters the boundary of beginning of the universe Heaven, that star strength just now thorough exhaustion, no longer promotes the Feng Zichen boundary. 直到破入混元九重天的境界,那星力方才彻底的耗尽,不再提升风紫宸的境界。 From the beginning of the universe six heavy days, promoted the beginning of the universe Heaven at one fell swoop, promoted three boundaries, thus it may be known, big of purple slightly Great Emperor this acquired advantage, exceeded the imagination of the world simply. 从混元六重天,一举提升到了混元九重天,足足提升了三个境界,由此可知,紫微大帝此次获得的好处之大,简直超越了世人的想象。 If Three Pure Ones and Western two Saints and the others knew, that has not envied the eyeball to be red. What a pity, about matter that the purple slightly Great Emperor breaks through, besides him, not others knows. 要是三清、西方二圣等人知晓了,那还不羡慕得眼珠子都红了。可惜,关于紫微大帝突破的事,除了祂自己之外,并无旁人知晓。 Beginning of the universe Heaven, this is saint also the boundary that is hard to attain. Endures under the praising ancestor demon ancestor, strongest existence. 混元九重天,这是圣人也难以企及的境界。堪称道祖魔祖之下,最强的存在了。 But this, is the purple slightly Great Emperor, the Feng Zichen main body present boundary. 而这,就是紫微大帝,风紫宸本尊如今的境界。 The great antiquity world is invincible!( Chaos do not calculate) 洪荒天地无敌!(混沌不算) What is catches up, this and that's the end. The living legend, in the posture of day after tomorrow life, becoming the great antiquity world is strongest. The experience of Feng Zichen, may be called the true legend, no, is the myth, is the legend. 什么是后来居上,这就是了。活生生的传奇,以后天生灵之姿,一跃成为洪荒天地最强。风紫宸的经历,堪称真正的传奇,不,是神话,是传说。 If spreads, does not know that can be startled the chins of many people, stirs up many lives to exclaim in surprise , many people will regard it are the examples. 若是流传出去,不知道会惊掉多少人的下巴,惹得多少生灵惊叹,又会有多少人视其为榜样。 ................................. …………………………… The purple slightly Great Emperor acts, how long has not continued, after receiving sidereal revolution temple, living that then has no again. 紫微大帝出手,并未持续多久,在收了周天神殿之后,便再无任何的生息。 The sidereal revolution stars start the unceasing tremor actually, the star light that sprinkles, suddenly, unexpectedly is more abundant three points. 倒是周天星辰开始不断的颤动起来,洒落下来的星光,一时间,竟是更盛三分。 Obviously, this is the purple slightly Great Emperor, has started to fuse the sidereal revolution temple. 显然,这是紫微大帝,已经开始着手融合周天神殿了。 The matter of boundless starry sky did not discuss temporarily, in other words shortly after results in star light in addition holds, intense change that great antiquity land therefore has, gradually tends to be tranquil. 无垠星空的事暂时不谈,就是说得星光加持之后不久,那洪荒大地因而产生的激烈变化,也渐渐趋于平静。 Also so, crosses for 2,000-3,000 years, the evolution of the world gradually tends to be gentle, became suits ten thousand spirit housings. 如此,又过得2,000-3,000年,天地的演变逐渐趋于平缓,又变得适合万灵居住了。 This time, actually no trick produces, no one intervenes the evolution of great antiquity world, very smooth entered the gentle time. 这次,倒是没什么幺蛾子产生,无人出手干预洪荒天地的演变,很是顺利的就进入了平缓期。 Therefore, the Nüwa empress offers a sacrifice to the mountains and rivers state chart, the great antiquity life that was received by It, all put. 于是,女娲娘娘祭起山河社稷图,将那被祂收起来的洪荒生灵,悉数放了出来。 Life that the Nüwa empress draws, is the Eastern life. Why as for does not have the life of West, said actually not the Nüwa empress has what prejudice, because of Western saint cannot. 女娲娘娘收拢的生灵,都是东方的生灵。至于为何没有西方的生灵,倒不是说女娲娘娘有什么偏见,而是因为西方圣人不许。 Before the Nüwa empress begins, Western two Saints all lives of West, all receiving. 早在女娲娘娘动手之前,西方二圣就把西方的所有生灵,全都给收了起来。 Cannot make the bystander move the life of West, after all in that many lives are the descendants of chaos demon god, falls into the hand of Pangu god department, the Western two Saint really worries they can leave accidentally/surprisingly. 可不能让外人动西方的生灵,毕竟那里面有不少生灵是混沌魔神的后裔,就这么落入盘古神系的手中,西方二圣是真的担心他们会出意外。 ...... …… The life that western two Saints receive is easy to process, after all is the life of West, on one toward western cow Hezhou throws, making them rebuild one's homeland then. 西方二圣收起的生灵好处理,毕竟都是西方的生灵,往西牛贺州上面一扔,让他们重建家园即可。 But Eastern that side, was quite troublesome. 可东方那边,就比较麻烦了。 The East is very big, is bigger than the West, to what degree? Arrived that five most parts continents, except that outside west cow Hezhou, other four most parts continents, are East evolve to come. 东方很大,远比西方要大,大到什么程度呢?大到那五大部洲,除去西牛贺州之外,其余的四大部洲,都是东方大地演变而来的。 Therefore, how to divide these innate lives, became put the biggest problem in front of people. 所以,如何分这些先天生灵,就成了摆在众人面前的最大问题。 After people several discussions, this had the result. 众人几番商议之后,这才有了结果。 Is acted to carry off all human clan by Feng Zichen, returns to the central divine land. Too is acted by the eastern sovereign, carries off all monster clans, north returns to all Luzhou. Is acted by the Mother Earth empress, carries off all witch clans, returning to south to gaze the section continent. 风紫宸出面带走所有的人族,回到中央神州。由东皇太一出面,带走所有的妖族,回到北俱芦洲。由后土娘娘出面,带走所有的巫族,回到南瞻部洲。 Finally, is acted by Three Pure Ones, carries off all immortals to say the member, returns to the Dongsheng divine land. 最后,由三清出面,带走所有的仙道修士,回到东胜神州。 After how many people make a move respectively, still had many lives not to have the destination, how can that be solved? 几人各自出手之后,仍有不少的生灵没有去处,那要如何解决? These lives may be many, has about 1/10 so many of complete life, if not solve their destinations well, that feared that will give birth to many calamities. 这些生灵可不少呢,大约有着全部生灵的十分之一那么多,要是不好好解决他们的去处,那怕是会生出不少的乱子来。 These lives, how can I say, the inhuman non- monster was not a witch, has not practiced the say/way of immortal say/way, martial arts and god demon, waited with the people related say/way. 这些生灵,怎么说呢,非人非妖也非巫,更是未曾修炼仙道、武道、神魔之道,等等与众人有关的道。 Said, in the present great antiquity world, the person who does not practice the above Confucian orthodoxy, looked is not the proper way. 讲真的,在如今的洪荒天地,不修炼以上道统的人,一看就不是正经路数。 Did not practice the martial arts still to feel emotion to be possible original, but Daoism immortal spreading was so broad, you did not practice, this had the issue. 不修炼武道尚有情可原,可玄门仙道流传的这么广,你都不去修炼,这就有问题了。 The heart has the obstruction, the people are not all willing to take over these lives. It is not willing to turn over to not to hope, has not dried in the sun the truth here these lives. 心有芥蒂,众人皆都不愿接手这些生灵。可不愿归不愿,也没将这些生灵晾在这里的道理。 The people with the look exchange moment, poured also found out means. 众人用眼神交流片刻,倒也想出了一个办法。 Very simple, since they could not find solution, that gives Heavenly Dao processing directly. 十分的简单,既然祂们找不到解决的办法,那就直接交给天道处理。 The people can set at these lives not to attend, but the Heavenly Dao cannot. 众人可以置这些生灵于不顾,可天道不能。 It must certainly manage. 祂肯定是要管的。 Where the Heavenly Dao makes these lives go, where they go. Then, is these lives is discontented with the result of assignment, that cannot blame the head of people, but will blame the Heavenly Dao. 天道让这些生灵去哪里,那他们就去哪里。如此一来,就是这些生灵对分配的结果不满,那也怪不到众人的头上,而是会怪天道。 Who lets this is the Heavenly Dao minute/share? 谁让这是天道分的呢? Does not blame him, whom can that also blame? 不怪他,那还能怪谁? After the heart had the decision, several people inspire the strength of Heavenly Dao jointly, making It make the final decision. 心中有了决定之后,几人联手引动天道之力,让祂来做出最后的决定。 Sees a god of journeys light flash, that endless life is missing directly. 就见一道神光闪过,那无尽的生灵直接就不见了踪影。 Where went to? 去了哪里? Discussed at the merit, deep went to the best central divine land. Time first-grade went to the second Dongsheng divine land. Later, is and so on. 以功德来论,深厚者去了最好的中央神州。次一等的去了第二的东胜神州。之后,便是以此类推。 That does not have merit, or carries industry strength, was assigned beside five most parts continents, in that innumerable every large or small islands. 那没有功德者,或是身负业力者,则是被分配到了五大部洲之外,那无数大大小小的岛屿之中。 So, matter then obtained the perfect solution. But great antiquity land, because of the return of life, restored the past liveliness. 如此,事情便得到了完美的解决。而洪荒大地,也因为生灵的回归,也重新恢复了往日的热闹。 On this occasion ; first, to measure the tribulation just crossed, the world source is sufficient ; second, the world rebirth, the innate spiritual energy is rich, ten thousand unusual pure brightness. 值此之际,一是量劫刚过,天地本源充足,二是天地重生,先天灵气浓郁,万道异常的清明。 In other words, the great antiquity welcomed the cultivation prosperous times again. 也就是说,洪荒再一次的迎来了修炼盛世。 Practices in this time, that becomes an immortal, really can be said as the resembles eating meal to drink water general simple. 在这个时代修炼,那成仙,真的可以说是像吃饭喝水一般简单。
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