GDSP :: Volume #9

#810: Unseals the boundless starry sky

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Nine Provinces cauldron, 九州鼎, Has promoted is innate supreme treasure . 已经晋升为先天至宝了。 However, that is the condition that the nine tripods unite. At present, the nine tripods have not united. Therefore, the nine tripods respectively seem like, is only nine top innate spirit treasure. 不过,那是九鼎合一的状态。眼下,九鼎并未合一。所以,九鼎分别看起来,只是九件顶级的先天灵宝而已。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Nine Provinces ties is expanding rapidly, until the entire central divine land will cover, this stopped. 九州结界飞速的扩张着,直至将整个中央神州笼罩,这才停了下来。 Although the sound stopped, may change has not actually stopped. 只是,动静虽是停了下来,可变化却没有停止。 Because, central divine land although now stopped increasing. But in the future, with the source of chaos demon god unceasing refining up, the central divine land will continue to expand as before. 因为,中央神州现在虽然停止了变大。可日后,随着混沌魔神的本源被不断的炼化,中央神州依旧会继续扩大。 But the Nine Provinces cauldron, has fused with the source of central divine land at this moment completely, with the expansion of central divine land, their strengths, is also becoming stronger gradually. 而九州鼎,此刻已经与中央神州的本源完全融合,随着中央神州的扩大,它们的力量,也在逐渐变强。 When waits for the central divine land continues to expand, the nine tripods cauldron will also promote, is promoted from low-grade innate supreme treasure to and high-grade, possibly has. 等中央神州继续扩大之际,九鼎鼎也会随之晋升,从下品先天至宝晋升为中品、上品,也不是没有可能。 After nine tripods promotion, Nine Provinces ties will also expand, will cover the entire central divine land as before completely. 九鼎晋升之后,九州结界也会随之扩大,依旧会完整的笼罩整个中央神州。 Relations that the two have depended on mutually. 二者已经是相互依托的关系了。 ...... …… ............ ………… Looks that human clan are many innate supreme treasure , the complexion of people also respectively becomes ugly. Many innate supreme treasure , was equal to a beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal. 看着人族再多一件先天至宝,众人的脸色也各自变得难看起来。多一件先天至宝,就等于多了一尊混元大罗金仙。 human clan was without doubt stronger, was hard to cope. So, the people can happy that be strange. 人族无疑更强了,也更加的难以对付了。如此,众人能高兴那才是怪了。 However, from the promotion of nine tripods, the people also saw a birth innate supreme treasure method. Isn't that chaos demon god, being refines the innate supreme treasure best material? 不过,从九鼎的晋升之中,众人也看到了一个诞生先天至宝的方法。那混沌魔神,不正是炼制先天至宝的最好材料吗? Does not need to use the source, only need use Its body, even is the complete skeleton, almost can refine innate supreme treasure . 无需动用本源,只需动用祂的身体,甚至是全部骨骸,差不多就能炼制出一件先天至宝了。 Read and hence, the eyes of Western two Saints shone in vain, they seemed found made up for the means that the West was insufficient. 念及至此,西方二圣的眼睛徒然亮了,祂们好似找到了弥补西方不足的办法。 That refines innate supreme treasure ! 那就是炼制一件先天至宝 If the West had innate supreme treasure , that foundation will be without doubt more solid . Moreover, many innate supreme treasure suppression destiny, will make the West be born inevitably more talented lives. 倘若西方有了先天至宝,那底蕴无疑会深厚许多,而且,多一件先天至宝镇压气运,势必会使得西方诞生更多有天赋的生灵。 The west compared with it east, the insufficient place were too many, innate supreme treasure , is most important. The East has seven innate supreme treasure at least, but the West, is actually including one not to have. 西方比之东方,不足的地方太多了,先天至宝,更是重中之重。东方起码有着七件先天至宝,而西方,却是连一件也没有。 If the west had innate supreme treasure , although is still not able to compare with the East, but this to the Western two Saints, is actually the zero breakthrough, is they surpasses the Eastern beginning. 西方若是有了一件先天至宝,虽仍然无法与东方相比,但这对西方二圣来说,却是零的突破,是祂们赶超东方的开端。 One then two, the West can definitely exceed the East in the future. Western two Saints have the intense expectation, has started to think at heart, how to build West's first innate supreme treasure matter. 有一便有二,未来西方肯定能胜过东方。西方二圣怀揣着强烈的憧憬,已经开始在心里思索,如何打造西方第一件先天至宝的事了。 ...... …… ............ ………… Rumble! 轰隆隆! innate supreme treasure is born, naturally alarmed the Heavenly Dao, sees the boundless auspicious sign to fill the air, the Heavenly Dao arrived quietly, dangles the line of sight to look together to the nine tripods. 先天至宝诞生,自然惊动了天道,就见无边的紫气弥漫中,天道悄然降临,垂下一道视线看向了九鼎。 Although the Heavenly Dao came, but has not attacked the meaning of Nine Provinces cauldron. If usually, the Nine Provinces cauldron promotion is innate supreme treasure , the Heavenly Dao must have must lower the day to punish, to take test of nine tripods promotion. 天道虽是现身了,但也没有攻击九州鼎的意思。若是平时,九州鼎晋升为先天至宝,天道少不得要降下天罚,以作为九鼎晋升的考验。 But at this moment, the great antiquity land promotion, is filling the new student/life aura everywhere, the Nine Provinces cauldron in this moment promotion is innate supreme treasure , it may be said that is the excellent sign, is indicating great antiquity source further enhancement. 可此刻,洪荒大地晋升,到处都弥漫着新生的气息,九州鼎于此刻晋升为先天至宝,可谓是极好的兆头,正预示着洪荒本源进一步的加强。 Therefore, nine tripods promotion, Heavenly Dao, not only will not punish, instead will give it to reward. 故而,九鼎晋升,天道非但不会罚,反而会给它奖励。 Sees seven pink clouds light to reverberate in the world, in addition holds on the nine tripods body, its contrast honored incomparable. 就见道道七彩霞光在天地间回荡,加持在九鼎的身上,将其衬托的尊贵无比。 Meanwhile, nine tripods that huge empty shadow, appears suddenly in the world, arrives huge inconceivable, almost occupied half great antiquity world. 同时,九鼎那巨大的虚影,骤然浮现在天地之间,庞大到不可思议,几乎占据了半个洪荒天地。 Also is the present all living things also not homing, otherwise, that is really world all living things, so long as raised the head, can clear sees the nine tripods the empty shadow. 也就是如今众生还未归位,不然的话,那真是天地众生只要抬头,都能清晰的看到九鼎的虚影。 This is the Heavenly Dao gives the nine tripods the great honor, making it be able to manifest a presence in the great antiquity world. The goal of doing that to not certainly install to compel. 这是天道给予九鼎的殊荣,让它得以显圣在洪荒天地之中。这么做的目的,当然不是为了装逼。 But to tighten world destiny, the Nine Provinces cauldron promotes innate supreme treasure in this time, just along destiny of great antiquity world promotion, therefore, can receive world transporting of promotion. 而是为了收紧天地气运,九州鼎于此时晋升先天至宝,刚好顺了洪荒天地晋升的天命,故而,可以秉承一丝天地的晋升之运。 Heavenly Dao to nine tripods so great honor, then to help transporting of it better contract promotion. 天道给九鼎如此殊荣,便是为了助它更好的承接晋升之运。 The distant place, the people see the nine tripods contract destiny, in the heart is one envies. innate supreme treasure was very uncommon, now continues a wisp of promotion destiny, at least can also make its might propose three points again. 远方,众人看到九鼎承接气运的一幕,心中又是一阵羡慕。先天至宝本就很不凡了,如今又承接了一缕晋升气运,起码也能使得它的威力再提三分。 After nine tripods promotion, the change of great antiquity land gradually tends to be steady, how long it is estimated that could not want, the change of land by the bright blackout, at the appointed time, will be all living things will then move in the time of great antiquity land. 九鼎晋升之后,洪荒大地的变化逐渐趋于平稳,估计要不了多久,大地的变化便会由明转暗,到时,就是众生重新入住洪荒大地的时刻了。 Un, since the great antiquity evolves, besides the beginning of the universe expert on the scene, as well as that several thousand big magical powers, as well as defends in nearby big Luo Daozun silently, and has no life to reside. 嗯,洪荒衍化至今,除了在场的混元高手,以及那数千位大神通者,以及默默守在一旁的大罗道尊之外,并无任何一个生灵居于其中。 Also yes, the world evolves, regarding the person of high skill that is the chance. May regarding the mortal, that be a from head to tail disaster. 也是,天地衍化,对于高人来说那是机缘。可对于凡人来说,那就是一场彻头彻尾的灾难了。 Cannot keep the mortal in the present great antiquity land, otherwise, in that first under the air/Qi of revolution day after tomorrow, does not know that will have many lives to be stirred broken, turns into the initial vitality. 可不能留凡人在如今的洪荒大地上,不然的话,在那先后天之气运转下,不知道会有多少生灵被搅碎,化成最初的元气。 ...... …… ............ ………… Has the Heavenly Dao to manage the world to evolve, the people will not meddle on own initiative, but static looks in the one side, waits for conclusion that the world is evolving. 有天道主持天地演变,众人也不会主动插手其中,只是静静的在一旁看着,等待着天地衍化的结束。 Meanwhile, they also in the process that the observing and emulating world evolves, silently is perceiving through meditation, tries to comprehend the truth that the Heavenly Dao revolves. 同时,祂们也在观摩天地衍化的过程,默默的参悟着,试图从中参悟出天道运转的道理。 Time, 时间, Such a minute/share one second of passing. 就这么一分一秒的过去了。 In a flash, the millenniums have crossed, the evolution of great antiquity world, gradually tends to be complete, the strength of place kerosene wind that surges subsides completely, turns into the purest innate air/Qi, integrates in the world. 转瞬之间,千年已过,洪荒天地的演变,渐渐趋于圆满,那涌动的地火水风之力完全平息,化成最为纯净的先天之气,融入天地之间。 That first vitality of day after tomorrow, stops transforming, gradually becomes temperate, suits is absorbed, the world rule also becomes improvement, just like a big net, the net lives in the entire great antiquity world. 那先后天之元气,也停止转换,渐渐变得温和,适合被人所吸收,天地规则也变得十分的完善,犹如一张大网,网住整个洪荒天地。 Hence, the intense evolution period of the world had ended, then, will then enter the slow time, little absorption the source of chaos demon god, little is expanding. 至此,天地的激烈的演变期已经结束,接下来,便将进入缓慢期,一点点的吸收着混沌魔神的本源,一点点的壮大着。 Detected that the change of the world, has tended to be gentle, becomes suits world all living things to live, too clear saint opens mouth, must open the mouth to make the people emit the taken away life, enabling it to return to the great antiquity land. 察觉天地的变化,已经趋于平缓,变得适合天地众生居住,太清圣人张了张嘴,就要开口让众人放出被收走的生灵,使其重归洪荒大地。 But during at this moment, is boundlessly spatial, the mutation regenerates, has the radiant star light eruption, broke too clear saint movement. 可就在这时,无垠空之中,异变再生,有璀璨的星光爆发,生生打断了太清圣人的动作。 Detected that the boundless starry sky has different, the people looks up hastily, sees the great antiquity daytime the present star, that radiant sidereal revolution stars, simultaneous/uniform Qixian melts, is hanging above the vault of heaven. 察觉到无垠星空有异,众人连忙抬头看去,就见洪荒白日现星,那璀璨的周天星辰,齐齐显化而出,悬挂于天穹之上。 Suddenly, the starry sky appears, shining entire great antiquity world. That gentle star light sprinkles, seemed put on a silver fine gauze to the world. 一时间,星空浮现,照耀整个洪荒天地。那柔和的星光洒下,好似给天地披上了一层银色的轻纱。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” How will boundless starry sky cause trouble suddenly?” “无垠星空怎会突然生变?” Purple slightly that fellow, what is also doing?” “紫微那家伙,又在搞什么?” The boundless starry sky has the mutation, that wants not to need to think, is definitely related with the purple slightly Great Emperor. Besides It, no one has that skill, can do the matter in the boundless starry sky. 无垠星空发生异变,那想都不用想,肯定与紫微大帝有关。除祂之外,也没人有那个本事,能在无垠星空之中搞事。 In the heart has doubts, the people put read lost, looks to the direction of boundless starry sky, planned has a look at the purple slightly Great Emperor to be up to mischief. 心中疑惑,众人先后放出神念,向无垠星空的方向看去,打算看看紫微大帝到底在搞什么鬼。 Has not waited for their gods to read arrives in the boundless starry sky, saw on that day the arched above sidereal revolution stars, suddenly simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform the natural ray, bloomed the unprecedented star splendor. 只是,未等祂们的神念抵达无垠星空,就见那天穹之上的周天星辰,突然齐齐大方光芒,绽放出前所未有之星辉。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Suddenly, the star light like the rain, blots out the sky to fall generally toward the great antiquity land. 一时间,星光如雨,铺天盖地一般朝着洪荒大地落去。 The god of people read was just close to the boundless starry sky, had not responded, then hit with the star light that welled up. 众人的神念刚刚接近无垠星空,还未有所反应,便与那涌下的星光撞了个正着。 Then, people that easily then can write off Luo Daozun god to read greatly, unexpectedly is, by that radiant star light melting. 然后,众人那轻易便能抹杀大罗道尊的神念,竟是生生的,被那璀璨的星光给融了。 Above the great antiquity land, Three Pure Ones and other beginning of the universe powerhouses with the instance of that star light contact, one of the complexion notch are changing. 洪荒大地上方,三清等混元强者在与那星光接触的瞬间,脸色豁的一下就变了。 That of strength because, in their sensations, that star light contains, far exceeds their imagination, exceeded the level of beginning of the universe unexpectedly, was the level of not enormous gold/metal immortal. 因为,在祂们的感知之中,那星光所蕴含的力量之强,远超祂们的想象,竟是超越了混元的层次,达到了无极大罗金仙的层次。 Right, is not enormous gold/metal immortal. 没错,就是无极大罗金仙。 At this moment, when this great antiquity new student|life, Feng Zichen turns on the boundless starry sky very big seal finally, lets the brilliance of sidereal revolution stars, sprinkles in the great antiquity land. 此刻,在这洪荒新生之际,风紫宸终于打开无垠星空很大封印,让周天星辰的光辉,重新洒落在洪荒大地上。 Before, Feng Zichen was stave by the boundless starry sky extremely, needs to restore is the reason, the boundless starry sky blockade, has dammed the current 99% star strength, only let 1% star strength, flowed in the great antiquity land. 之前,风紫宸以无垠星空破碎太过,需要修复为由,一直将无垠星空封锁,更是截流了百分之九十九的星力,仅让百分之一的星力,流入洪荒大地。 The monster clan did that making them have the dreadful causes and effects with great antiquity all living things, if not a numerous monster god giving self up to salvation, that so huge causes and effects, feared can make the monster clan thorough is unable to turn over/to stand up. 妖族这么做,使得他们与洪荒众生结下了滔天因果,若非一众妖神舍身救世,那如此庞大的因果,怕是能让妖族彻底的无法翻身。 But Feng Zichen is different, he in the name of restoring boundless starry sky truncation meteor strength, don't said that was dams the current 99%, was dams the current 99.99%, that was an issue does not have. 风紫宸不同,他以修复无垠星空为名截流星力,莫说是截流百分之九十九了,就是截流百分之九十九点九九,那也是一点问题也没有。 Naturally, all these premises, were Feng Zichen really restored the boundless starry sky. 当然,这一切的前提,都是风紫宸真的修复了无垠星空。 So long as It restored the boundless starry sky, the matter of Its truncation meteor strength, is the minor matter, the Heavenly Dao at all not accountant. But if Feng Zichen cannot restore the boundless starry sky, the matter of Its truncation meteor strength, was the important matter. 只要祂修复了无垠星空,那祂截流星力的事,都是小事,天道根本不会计较。可要是风紫宸没能修复无垠星空,那祂截流星力的事,就是大事了。 Even if Its status may be called the great antiquity be most expensive, that dreadful industry strength near body, must him from the imperial throne of purple slightly Great Emperor, knock down. 哪怕祂的身份堪称洪荒最贵,那滔天业力临身,也要将他从紫微大帝的帝位上,打落下来。 However fortunately, boundless starry sky in the control of Feng Zichen, not only obtained the restore, even, but also nearer one step. Source compared with before it, far more than vigorous hundred times. 不过还好,无垠星空在风紫宸的掌控中,非但得到了修复,甚至于,还更近了一步。本源比之之前,何止浑厚了百倍。 It can be said that since Feng Zichen takes over the boundless starry sky, this place has been during the strengthen. 可以说,自从风紫宸接手无垠星空之后,此地就一直处于变强之中。 The star strength that dangles, its strength was the level of not enormous gold/metal immortal, is the best proof. 那垂下的星力,其力量达到了无极大罗金仙的层次,就是最好的证明。 If not has been promoted, the star strength of sidereal revolution stars, how does achieve not enormous gold/metal immortal the level? 若非得到晋升,周天星辰的星力,何以达到无极大罗金仙的层次? ...... …… ............ ………… Actually, many years ago, boundless starry sky then thorough restore, but in a short time ago, the boundless starry sky completed a breakthrough, from the level of beginning of the universe, raised the limitless level. 其实,早在很多年之前,无垠星空便已经彻底的修复,而在前不久,无垠星空更是完成了一次突破,从混元的层次,拔高到了无极的层次。 The Feng Zichen secret did not send, this causes no one to know the boundless starry sky the situation. 只是,风紫宸一直秘而不发,这才导致无人知晓无垠星空的情况。 About the situation of boundless starry sky, people, although is not clear, but also knows, since Feng Zichen controls this place, the boundless starry sky has been during the strengthen. 关于无垠星空的情况,众人虽是不大清楚,但也知道,自从风紫宸掌控此地之后,无垠星空就一直处于变强之中。 This point, since It borrows the strength of boundless starry sky, several suppress saint, can see with the suppression chaos demon god. 这一点,从祂借用无垠星空之力,几番压制圣人,与镇压混沌魔神就能看出。 Although expects the boundless starry sky is very strong, but it so will be strong, exceeded the level of beginning of the universe, the people have not thought. 虽是料到无垠星空会很强,但它会这么强,超越了混元的层次,还是众人没有想到的。 This time, Feng Zichen opened the seal, causes the strength of boundless starry sky, true development in the front of the world, it may be said that was shocking everyone. 这一次,风紫宸揭开封印,使得无垠星空的力量,真正的展现在世人的面前,可谓是惊艳了所有人。 Really was too strong! 真的是太强了! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Accumulated the star strength of endless years, by a Feng Zichen dynasty release, its strength could be imagined, is not inferior in the sources of 2-3 chaos demon gods. 积累了无尽岁月的星力,被风紫宸一朝释放,其力量之强可想而知,绝不逊色于2-3尊混沌魔神的本源。 That star light falls to the great antiquity land, causes evolution course that its to enter the gentle time, again becomes intense. 那星光落到洪荒大地上,使得其本以进入平缓期的衍化历程,再次变得激烈起来。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The world is vibrating, source even more vigorous, the rule rigorous, void was also even more stabler. 天地都在震动,本源愈加的浑厚,规则愈加的严谨,虚空也更加的稳固了。 In the entire world, fills a light vitality/angry. 整个天地间,都弥漫出一股淡淡的生气。 In the land, some people tried to attack void, discovered that void at this moment, its hard degree could be on par with era. 大地上,有人试着攻击了一下虚空,发现此刻的虚空,其坚硬程度已经能与上古时代比肩了。 The Taiyi Daoist deity just now has to transfer the void strength, big Luo Daozun just now has tearing void can. 太乙道君方才具有挪移虚空之力,大罗道尊方才拥有撕裂虚空的能为。 Very terrifying degree of hardness. 很恐怖的硬度。 This indicated that after endless years, the great antiquity world can withstand greatly the tangled warfare of Luo Daozun rank again, but did not need to be worried to destroy the world. 这说明,时隔无尽岁月之后,洪荒天地再次能够承受大罗道尊级别的混战,而不用在担心毁坏天地了。 The world was really different, had the repetition antiquity magnificent sign. 天地真的不同了,有了重复上古辉煌的迹象。 This is the first time, measures after the tribulation, the great antiquity world not only has not degenerated, instead about one step. 这还是第一次,量劫过后,洪荒天地非但没有退化,反而更近一步。 In the past after quantity tribulation, was basically stave by the world, the source weakened for the result ends. But this time, world, although broke, but the source had not been weakened, instead was more powerful. 以往量劫过后,基本都是以天地破碎,本源削弱为结局收场。可这一次,天地虽是破碎了,但本源并未遭到削弱,反而更加强大了。 The past and present have not had it change! 古今未有之变! This is great antiquity indication energetically. 这是洪荒大兴的征兆。 ...... …… ............ ………… Rumble! 轰隆隆! The change of land is changing as before. 大地的变化依旧在变化着。 That five big divine land holds in star light in addition, although the area has not continued to expand, but the vitality in state was actually powerful several times continued, that breeding innate life, has sign that must be born. 那五大神州在星光的加持下,面积虽未继续扩大,但州内的生机却是强大了数倍不止,那孕育其中的先天生灵,已经有要诞生的迹象了。 In addition, the mysterious change happened. If that innate source blends unceasingly, has many innate spirit treasure, was first bred with the deity demon, hidden in each corner of five big divine lands. 除此之外,还有更多玄妙的变化发生。如那先天本源不断交融,有更多的先天灵宝,与先天神魔被孕育而出,隐藏在五大神州的各个角落。 First the deity demon also there is no, but this innate spirit treasure was quite rare, although the beginning of the universe powerhouse looks does not glance, but their subordinates need! 先天神魔倒也没什么,可这先天灵宝就比较罕见了,混元强者虽然看不上眼,但祂们的手下需要啊! With the continuous growths of five big divine lands, feared that is future innate spirit treasure, will degenerate into the common goods again. 随着五大神州的不断壮大,怕是今后的先天灵宝,将再次沦为大路货。 ...... …… In the boundless starry sky, Feng Zichen sees the change of the world, on the face cannot bear reveal to wipe the self-satisfied smile. 无垠星空之中,风紫宸看到天地的变化,脸上忍不住流露出一抹得意的笑容。 Yes, It is very self-satisfied, It also has the self-satisfied capital. Stave boundless starry sky, in his hands not only obtained the restore, completed the transformation, this is the achievement that the people are unable to compare. 是的,祂很得意,祂也有得意的资本。破碎的无垠星空,在祂的手中不但得到了修复,更是完成了蜕变,这是众人都无法比拟的成就。 How can It not be self-satisfied? 祂如何能不得意? After this time, except the ancestor beside, any saw It, must lower on a head, first greeted with It, first saluted upon meeting with It. 此次过后,除去道祖之外,任何见了祂,都要低上一头,先与祂打招呼,先与祂见礼。 Then was an ancestor saw It, does not dare to receive Its ritual again, must discuss the junction with Its peer. 便是道祖见了祂,也不敢再受祂的礼,要与祂同辈论交。 The boundless starry sky, is the foundation of great antiquity world is also, Feng Zichen makes It transform, this merit is next to epoch-making, wants to open the merit of samsara to be on par with the Mother Earth empress. 无垠星空,亦是洪荒天地的根基所在,风紫宸使得祂蜕变,此功仅次于开天辟地,直欲与后土娘娘开辟轮回的功德相比肩。 This is the true extreme great merit, to the Heavenly Dao does not know the situation of how to enjoying. 这是真正的泼天大功,大到天道都不知道怎么赏的地步。 ...... …… Almost can start.” “差不多可以开始了。” Feels the star strength in boundless starry sky, drained was similar, Feng Zichen on purple faint star had the movement. 感受到无垠星空之中的星力,已经流失的差不多了,紫微星上的风紫宸有了动作。 Sees It to find out single-handedly, changes infinity, grasps toward the great antiquity land. 就见祂一手探出,化作无穷大,朝着洪荒大地抓去。 ps: Excuse me, lost a time. ps:不好意思,耽误了点时间。 Ok, does not explain. 算了,也不解释了。 Knocks two heads. 磕俩头吧。 Bang! Bang!!! 砰!砰!!!
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