Nine Provincescauldron,
九州鼎,Has promotedisinnate supreme treasure .
已经晋升为先天至宝了。However, thatis the condition that the nine tripodsunite. At present, the nine tripodshave not united. Therefore, the nine tripodsrespectivelyseem like, is onlyninetopinnatespirit treasure.
轰隆隆!Nine Provincestiesis expandingrapidly, until the entirecentraldivine landwill cover, thisstopped.
九州结界飞速的扩张着,直至将整个中央神州笼罩,这才停了下来。Although the soundstopped, maychangehas not actually stopped.
只是,动静虽是停了下来,可变化却没有停止。Because, centraldivine landalthoughnowstoppedincreasing. Butin the future, with the source of chaosdemongodunceasingrefining up, the centraldivine landwill continueto expandas before.
因为,中央神州现在虽然停止了变大。可日后,随着混沌魔神的本源被不断的炼化,中央神州依旧会继续扩大。But the Nine Provincescauldron, has fusedwith the source of centraldivine landat this momentcompletely, with the expansion of centraldivine land, theirstrengths, is also becoming stronger gradually.
When waits for the centraldivine landcontinuesto expand, the nine tripodscauldron will also promote, is promotedfromlow-gradeinnate supreme treasure toandhigh-grade, possiblyhas.
After nine tripodspromotion, Nine Provincesties will also expand, will cover the entirecentraldivine landas beforecompletely.
九鼎晋升之后,九州结界也会随之扩大,依旧会完整的笼罩整个中央神州。Relations that the twohave depended onmutually.
…………Looks that human clanare manyinnate supreme treasure , the complexion of peoplealsorespectivelybecomesugly. Manyinnate supreme treasure , was equal to a beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal.
看着人族再多一件先天至宝,众人的脸色也各自变得难看起来。多一件先天至宝,就等于多了一尊混元大罗金仙。human clanwas without doubt stronger, was hardto cope. So, the peoplecanhappythatbe strange.人族无疑更强了,也更加的难以对付了。如此,众人能高兴那才是怪了。However, from the promotion of nine tripods, the peoplealsosaw a birthinnate supreme treasure method. Isn't thatchaosdemongod, beingrefines the innate supreme treasure bestmaterial?
不过,从九鼎的晋升之中,众人也看到了一个诞生先天至宝的方法。那混沌魔神,不正是炼制先天至宝的最好材料吗?Does not needto use the source, only need useItsbody, evenis the completeskeleton, almostcanrefineinnate supreme treasure .
无需动用本源,只需动用祂的身体,甚至是全部骨骸,差不多就能炼制出一件先天至宝了。Readandhence, the eyes of WesterntwoSaintsshonein vain, theyseemedfoundmade up for the means that the Westwas insufficient.
念及至此,西方二圣的眼睛徒然亮了,祂们好似找到了弥补西方不足的办法。Thatrefinesinnate supreme treasure !
那就是炼制一件先天至宝!If the Westhadinnate supreme treasure , thatfoundationwill be without doubt more solid . Moreover, manyinnate supreme treasure suppressiondestiny, will make the Westbe borninevitablymoretalentedlives.
The westcompared withiteast, the insufficientplacewere too many, innate supreme treasure , ismost important. The Easthasseveninnate supreme treasure at least, but the West, is actually includingonenot to have.
西方比之东方,不足的地方太多了,先天至宝,更是重中之重。东方起码有着七件先天至宝,而西方,却是连一件也没有。If the westhadinnate supreme treasure , although is still not ableto comparewith the East, butthisto the WesterntwoSaints, is actually the zero breakthrough, istheysurpasses the Easternbeginning.
西方若是有了一件先天至宝,虽仍然无法与东方相比,但这对西方二圣来说,却是零的突破,是祂们赶超东方的开端。Onethentwo, the West can definitely exceed the Eastin the future. WesterntwoSaintshave the intenseexpectation, has startedto thinkat heart, howto buildWest'sfirstinnate supreme treasure matter.
轰隆隆!innate supreme treasure is born, naturallyalarmed the Heavenly Dao, sees the boundlessauspicious signto fill the air, the Heavenly Daoarrivedquietly, dangles the line of sightto looktogetherto the nine tripods.先天至宝诞生,自然惊动了天道,就见无边的紫气弥漫中,天道悄然降临,垂下一道视线看向了九鼎。Although the Heavenly Daocame, buthas not attacked the meaning of Nine Provincescauldron. Ifusually, the Nine Provincescauldronpromotionisinnate supreme treasure , the Heavenly Daomust havemustlower the dayto punish, totaketest of nine tripodspromotion.
天道虽是现身了,但也没有攻击九州鼎的意思。若是平时,九州鼎晋升为先天至宝,天道少不得要降下天罚,以作为九鼎晋升的考验。Butat this moment, the great antiquitylandpromotion, is filling the new student/lifeauraeverywhere, the Nine Provincescauldroninthis momentpromotionisinnate supreme treasure , it may be said thatis the excellentsign, is indicatinggreat antiquitysourcefurtherenhancement.
可此刻,洪荒大地晋升,到处都弥漫着新生的气息,九州鼎于此刻晋升为先天至宝,可谓是极好的兆头,正预示着洪荒本源进一步的加强。Therefore, nine tripodspromotion, Heavenly Dao, not onlywill not punish, insteadwill giveitto reward.
故而,九鼎晋升,天道非但不会罚,反而会给它奖励。Seessevenpink cloudslightto reverberatein the world, in additionholdson the nine tripodsbody, itscontrasthonoredincomparable.
就见道道七彩霞光在天地间回荡,加持在九鼎的身上,将其衬托的尊贵无比。Meanwhile, nine tripodsthathugeemptyshadow, appearssuddenlyin the world, arriveshugeinconceivable, almostoccupiedhalfgreat antiquityworld.
同时,九鼎那巨大的虚影,骤然浮现在天地之间,庞大到不可思议,几乎占据了半个洪荒天地。Alsois the presentall living thingsalsonothoming, otherwise, that is really worldall living things, so long asraised the head, canclearsees the nine tripods the emptyshadow.
也就是如今众生还未归位,不然的话,那真是天地众生只要抬头,都能清晰的看到九鼎的虚影。Thisis the Heavenly Daogives the nine tripods the great honor, makingitbe ableto manifest a presencein the great antiquityworld. The goal of doing that tonot certainly installto compel.
这是天道给予九鼎的殊荣,让它得以显圣在洪荒天地之中。这么做的目的,当然不是为了装逼。Buttotightenworlddestiny, the Nine Provincescauldronpromotesinnate supreme treasure inthis time, justalongdestiny of great antiquityworldpromotion, therefore, canreceiveworldtransporting of promotion.
而是为了收紧天地气运,九州鼎于此时晋升先天至宝,刚好顺了洪荒天地晋升的天命,故而,可以秉承一丝天地的晋升之运。Heavenly Daotonine tripodssogreat honor, thentohelptransporting of itbettercontractpromotion.
The distant place, the peoplesee the nine tripodscontractdestiny, in the heartisoneenvies. innate supreme treasure was very uncommon, nowcontinues a wisp of promotiondestiny, at least can also makeitsmightproposethreepointsagain.
After nine tripodspromotion, the change of great antiquitylandgraduallytends to besteady, how longit is estimated thatcould not want, the change of landby the brightblackout, at the appointed time, will beall living thingswill then move in the time of great antiquityland.
九鼎晋升之后,洪荒大地的变化逐渐趋于平稳,估计要不了多久,大地的变化便会由明转暗,到时,就是众生重新入住洪荒大地的时刻了。Un, since the great antiquityevolves, besides the beginning of the universeexperton the scene, as well asthatseveral thousandbigmagical powers, as well asdefendsinnearbybigLuoDaozunsilently, andhas no lifeto reside.
嗯,洪荒衍化至今,除了在场的混元高手,以及那数千位大神通者,以及默默守在一旁的大罗道尊之外,并无任何一个生灵居于其中。Alsoyes, the worldevolves, regarding the person of high skillthatis the chance. Mayregarding the mortal, thatbe a from head to taildisaster.
也是,天地衍化,对于高人来说那是机缘。可对于凡人来说,那就是一场彻头彻尾的灾难了。Cannotkeep the mortalin the presentgreat antiquityland, otherwise, inthatfirstunder the air/Qi of revolutionday after tomorrow, does not know that will havemanylivesto be stirredbroken, turns into the initialvitality.
…………Has the Heavenly Daoto manage the worldto evolve, the peoplewill not meddleon own initiative, butstaticlooksin the one side,waits forconclusion that the worldis evolving.
有天道主持天地演变,众人也不会主动插手其中,只是静静的在一旁看着,等待着天地衍化的结束。Meanwhile, theyalsoin the process that the observing and emulatingworldevolves, silentlyis perceiving through meditation, triesto comprehend the truth that the Heavenly Daorevolves.
Such a minute/shareonesecond of passing.
就这么一分一秒的过去了。In a flash, the millenniumshave crossed, the evolution of great antiquityworld, graduallytends to becomplete, the strength of placekerosenewindthatsurgessubsidescompletely, turns into the purestinnateair/Qi, integratesin the world.
转瞬之间,千年已过,洪荒天地的演变,渐渐趋于圆满,那涌动的地火水风之力完全平息,化成最为纯净的先天之气,融入天地之间。That first vitality of day after tomorrow, stopstransforming, graduallybecomestemperate, suitsis absorbed, the worldrulealsobecomesimprovement, just like a big net, the netlives in the entiregreat antiquityworld.
那先后天之元气,也停止转换,渐渐变得温和,适合被人所吸收,天地规则也变得十分的完善,犹如一张大网,网住整个洪荒天地。Hence, the intenseevolutionperiod of the world had ended, then, will then enter the slowtime, littleabsorption the source of chaosdemongod, littleis expanding.
至此,天地的激烈的演变期已经结束,接下来,便将进入缓慢期,一点点的吸收着混沌魔神的本源,一点点的壮大着。Detected that the change of the world, has tended to begentle, becomessuitsworldall living thingsto live, tooclearsaintopens mouth, mustopen the mouthto make the peopleemit the taken awaylife, enablingitto return to the great antiquityland.
察觉天地的变化,已经趋于平缓,变得适合天地众生居住,太清圣人张了张嘴,就要开口让众人放出被收走的生灵,使其重归洪荒大地。But during at this moment, is boundlessly spatial, the mutationregenerates, has the radiantstar lighteruption, broketooclearsaintmovement.
可就在这时,无垠空之中,异变再生,有璀璨的星光爆发,生生打断了太清圣人的动作。Detected that the boundlessstarry skyhasdifferent, the peoplelooks uphastily, sees the great antiquitydaytime the presentstar, thatradiantsidereal revolutionstars, simultaneous/uniformQixianmelts, is hangingabove the vault of heaven.
察觉到无垠星空有异,众人连忙抬头看去,就见洪荒白日现星,那璀璨的周天星辰,齐齐显化而出,悬挂于天穹之上。Suddenly, the starry skyappears, shiningentiregreat antiquityworld. Thatgentlestar lightsprinkles, seemedput on a silverfine gauzeto the world.
一时间,星空浮现,照耀整个洪荒天地。那柔和的星光洒下,好似给天地披上了一层银色的轻纱。„What's all this about?”
“这是怎么回事?”„How will boundlessstarry skycause troublesuddenly?”
“无垠星空怎会突然生变?”„Purpleslightlythatfellow, what is also doing?”
The boundlessstarry skyhas the mutation, thatwantsnot to needto think,is definitely relatedwith the purpleslightlyGreat Emperor. BesidesIt, no onehasthatskill, cando the matterin the boundlessstarry sky.
无垠星空发生异变,那想都不用想,肯定与紫微大帝有关。除祂之外,也没人有那个本事,能在无垠星空之中搞事。In the hearthas doubts, the peopleputreadlost, looksto the direction of boundlessstarry sky,plannedhas a look at the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorto be up to mischief.
心中疑惑,众人先后放出神念,向无垠星空的方向看去,打算看看紫微大帝到底在搞什么鬼。Has not waited fortheirgodsto readarrives in the boundlessstarry sky, sawon that day the archedabovesidereal revolutionstars, suddenlysimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniform the naturalray, bloomed the unprecedentedstarsplendor.
轰隆隆!Suddenly, the star lightlike the rain, blots out the skyto fallgenerallytoward the great antiquityland.
The god of peopleread was just close to the boundlessstarry sky, had not responded,thenhitwith the star light that welled up.
众人的神念刚刚接近无垠星空,还未有所反应,便与那涌下的星光撞了个正着。Then, peoplethateasilythencanwrite offLuoDaozungodto readgreatly, unexpectedlyis, bythatradiantstar lightmelting.
然后,众人那轻易便能抹杀大罗道尊的神念,竟是生生的,被那璀璨的星光给融了。Above the great antiquityland, Three Pure Onesand otherbeginning of the universepowerhouseswith the instance of thatstar lightcontact, one of the complexionnotchare changing.
That of strengthbecause, intheirsensations, thatstar lightcontains, farexceedstheirimagination, exceeded the level of beginning of the universeunexpectedly, was the level of notenormousgold/metalimmortal.
因为,在祂们的感知之中,那星光所蕴含的力量之强,远超祂们的想象,竟是超越了混元的层次,达到了无极大罗金仙的层次。Right, isnotenormousgold/metalimmortal.
没错,就是无极大罗金仙。At this moment, whenthisgreat antiquitynew student|life, Feng Zichenturns on the boundlessstarry skyverybigsealfinally, lets the brilliance of sidereal revolutionstars, sprinklesin the great antiquityland.
此刻,在这洪荒新生之际,风紫宸终于打开无垠星空很大封印,让周天星辰的光辉,重新洒落在洪荒大地上。Before, Feng Zichenwas staveby the boundlessstarry skyextremely, needsto restoreis the reason, the boundlessstarry skyblockade, has dammed the current99%starstrength, onlylet1%starstrength, flowed in the great antiquityland.
The monsterclandid that makingthemhave the dreadfulcauses and effectswithgreat antiquityall living things, if not a numerousmonstergodgiving self up tosalvation, that sohugecauses and effects, fearedcanmake the monsterclanthoroughis unable to turn over/to stand up.
妖族这么做,使得他们与洪荒众生结下了滔天因果,若非一众妖神舍身救世,那如此庞大的因果,怕是能让妖族彻底的无法翻身。ButFeng Zichenis different, hein the name ofrestoringboundlessstarry skytruncationmeteorstrength, don'tsaid that wasdams the current99%, wasdams the current99.99%, thatwas an issuedoes not have.
可风紫宸不同,他以修复无垠星空为名截流星力,莫说是截流百分之九十九了,就是截流百分之九十九点九九,那也是一点问题也没有。Naturally, all thesepremises, wereFeng Zichenreallyrestored the boundlessstarry sky.
当然,这一切的前提,都是风紫宸真的修复了无垠星空。So long asItrestored the boundlessstarry sky, the matter of Itstruncationmeteorstrength, is the minor matter, the Heavenly Daoat allnotaccountant. But if Feng Zichencannotrestore the boundlessstarry sky, the matter of Itstruncationmeteorstrength, was the important matter.
只要祂修复了无垠星空,那祂截流星力的事,都是小事,天道根本不会计较。可要是风紫宸没能修复无垠星空,那祂截流星力的事,就是大事了。Even ifItsstatusmay be called the great antiquitybe most expensive, thatdreadfulindustrystrengthnearbody, musthimfrom the imperial throne of purpleslightlyGreat Emperor, knock down.
哪怕祂的身份堪称洪荒最贵,那滔天业力临身,也要将他从紫微大帝的帝位上,打落下来。Howeverfortunately, boundlessstarry skyin the control of Feng Zichen, not onlyobtained the restore, even, but alsoneareronestep. Sourcecompared with before it, far more thanvigoroushundredtimes.
不过还好,无垠星空在风紫宸的掌控中,非但得到了修复,甚至于,还更近了一步。本源比之之前,何止浑厚了百倍。It can be said that since Feng Zichentakes over the boundlessstarry sky, thisplacehas been during the strengthen.
The starstrength that dangles, itsstrengthwas the level of notenormousgold/metalimmortal, is the bestproof.
那垂下的星力,其力量达到了无极大罗金仙的层次,就是最好的证明。If nothas been promoted, the starstrength of sidereal revolutionstars, howdoes achievenotenormousgold/metalimmortal the level?
…………Actually, manyyears ago, boundlessstarry skythenthoroughrestore, butina short time ago, the boundlessstarry skycompleted a breakthrough, from the level of beginning of the universe, raised the limitlesslevel.
The Feng Zichensecretdid not send, thiscausesno oneto know the boundlessstarry sky the situation.
只是,风紫宸一直秘而不发,这才导致无人知晓无垠星空的情况。About the situation of boundlessstarry sky, people, although is not clear, butalsoknows, since Feng Zichencontrolsthisplace, the boundlessstarry skyhas been during the strengthen.
关于无垠星空的情况,众人虽是不大清楚,但也知道,自从风紫宸掌控此地之后,无垠星空就一直处于变强之中。This point, sinceItborrows the strength of boundlessstarry sky, severalsuppresssaint, canseewith the suppressionchaosdemongod.
这一点,从祂借用无垠星空之力,几番压制圣人,与镇压混沌魔神就能看出。Althoughexpects the boundlessstarry sky is very strong, butitsowill be strong, exceeded the level of beginning of the universe, the peoplehave not thought.
虽是料到无垠星空会很强,但它会这么强,超越了混元的层次,还是众人没有想到的。Thistime, Feng Zichenopened the seal, causes the strength of boundlessstarry sky, truedevelopmentin the front of the world, it may be said thatwasshockingeveryone.
轰隆隆!Accumulated the starstrength of endlessyears, by a Feng Zichendynastyrelease, itsstrengthcould be imagined, is not inferiorin the sources of 2-3chaosdemongods.
积累了无尽岁月的星力,被风紫宸一朝释放,其力量之强可想而知,绝不逊色于2-3尊混沌魔神的本源。Thatstar lightfallsto the great antiquityland, causesevolutioncourse that itstoenter the gentletime, againbecomesintense.
The worldis vibrating, sourceeven morevigorous, the rulerigorous, void was also even more stabler.
天地都在震动,本源愈加的浑厚,规则愈加的严谨,虚空也更加的稳固了。In the entireworld, fills a lightvitality/angry.
整个天地间,都弥漫出一股淡淡的生气。In the land, somepeopletriedto attackvoid, discovered that voidat this moment, itsharddegreecouldbe on parwithera.
The TaiyiDaoist deityjust nowhasto transfer the voidstrength, bigLuoDaozunjust nowhastearingvoidcan.
太乙道君方才具有挪移虚空之力,大罗道尊方才拥有撕裂虚空的能为。Veryterrifyingdegree of hardness.
很恐怖的硬度。This indicated that afterendlessyears, the great antiquityworldcanwithstandgreatly the tangled warfare of LuoDaozunrankagain, butdid not needto be worriedto destroy the world.
The worldwas really different, had the repetitionantiquitymagnificentsign.
天地真的不同了,有了重复上古辉煌的迹象。Thisis the firsttime, measuresafter the tribulation, the great antiquityworldnot onlyhas not degenerated, insteadaboutonestep.
这还是第一次,量劫过后,洪荒天地非但没有退化,反而更近一步。In the pastafterquantitytribulation, was basically staveby the world, the sourceweakenedfor the resultends. Butthistime, world, althoughbroke, but the sourcehad not been weakened, insteadwas more powerful.
The past and presenthave not haditchange!
古今未有之变!Thisisgreat antiquityindicationenergetically.
The change of landis changingas before.
大地的变化依旧在变化着。Thatfivebigdivine landholdsinstar lightin addition, although the areahas not continuedto expand, but the vitality in state was actually powerfulseveral timescontinued, thatbreedinginnatelife, hassign that mustbe born.
那五大神州在星光的加持下,面积虽未继续扩大,但州内的生机却是强大了数倍不止,那孕育其中的先天生灵,已经有要诞生的迹象了。In addition, the mysteriouschange happened. Ifthatinnatesourceblendsunceasingly, hasmanyinnatespirit treasure, was first bredwith the deitydemon, hiddenin each corner of fivebigdivine lands.
除此之外,还有更多玄妙的变化发生。如那先天本源不断交融,有更多的先天灵宝,与先天神魔被孕育而出,隐藏在五大神州的各个角落。First the deitydemonalsothere is no, butthisinnatespirit treasure was quite rare, although the beginning of the universepowerhouselooksdoes not glance, buttheirsubordinatesneed!
先天神魔倒也没什么,可这先天灵宝就比较罕见了,混元强者虽然看不上眼,但祂们的手下需要啊!With the continuous growths of fivebigdivine lands, feared that isfutureinnatespirit treasure, will degenerate into the common goodsagain.
……In the boundlessstarry sky, Feng Zichensees the change of the world, on the facecannot bearrevealto wipe the self-satisfiedsmile.
无垠星空之中,风紫宸看到天地的变化,脸上忍不住流露出一抹得意的笑容。Yes, Itis very self-satisfied, Italsohas the self-satisfiedcapital. Staveboundlessstarry sky, in his handsnot onlyobtained the restore, completed the transformation, thisis the achievement that the peopleare unable to compare.
是的,祂很得意,祂也有得意的资本。破碎的无垠星空,在祂的手中不但得到了修复,更是完成了蜕变,这是众人都无法比拟的成就。How can Itnot be self-satisfied?
祂如何能不得意?Afterthistime, except the ancestorbeside, anysawIt, mustloweron a head, firstgreetedwithIt, firstsaluted upon meetingwithIt.
此次过后,除去道祖之外,任何见了祂,都要低上一头,先与祂打招呼,先与祂见礼。Thenwas an ancestorsawIt, does not dareto receiveItsritualagain, mustdiscuss the junctionwithItspeer.
The boundlessstarry sky, is the foundation of great antiquityworldis also, Feng ZichenmakesIttransform, thismeritis next toepoch-making, wantsto open the merit of samsarato be on parwith the Mother Earthempress.
无垠星空,亦是洪荒天地的根基所在,风紫宸使得祂蜕变,此功仅次于开天辟地,直欲与后土娘娘开辟轮回的功德相比肩。Thisis the trueextremegreat merit, to the Heavenly Daodoes not know the situation of howto enjoying.
“差不多可以开始了。”Feels the starstrength in boundlessstarry sky, drainedwas similar, Feng Zichen on purplefaint starhad the movement.
感受到无垠星空之中的星力,已经流失的差不多了,紫微星上的风紫宸有了动作。SeesItto find outsingle-handedly, changesinfinity, graspstoward the great antiquityland.
就见祂一手探出,化作无穷大,朝着洪荒大地抓去。ps: Excuse me, lost a time.
ps:不好意思,耽误了点时间。Ok, does not explain.
磕俩头吧。Bang! Bang!!!
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