Feng Zichentries, discovered that wantsto breakthisday after tomorrowten thousand, at least must have the strength of bigmagical powersto be good.风紫宸试了试,发现想要打破这后天万道,起码也得拥有大神通者的力量才行。Ifthere aregreatlyLuoDaozunrecklesslydashingday after tomorrowten thousand, above the peoplesurvive the strengththento erupt, daresto attack the day after tomorrowten thousandsay/wayto revere that rumblesto becomefragments.
“很好!”Feels the great strength of day after tomorrowsystem, Feng Zichensatisfiednod.
感觉到后天体系的强大,风紫宸不由满意的点了点头。Thisday after tomorrowsystem, althoughis the peopleopenswith joint forces, butstrivesmostreasonsbecause ofFeng Zichen, startsfaintlydominated by him.
这后天体系,虽是众人合力开辟的,但因风紫宸出力最多的缘故,隐隐开始以祂为主的。After all, that firstaxeisItchops, the lastaxe is also Itchops, the middlealso more than 30axes are also Itchop.
毕竟,那第一斧是祂劈下的,最后一斧也是祂劈下的,中间还有三十余斧也是祂劈下的。The day after tomorrowopens49axes that the systemwill need, having the larger partisFeng Zichenchops, thisnew student/lifeday after tomorrowsystem, Itwill lead, will then be ledbywhom?
轰隆隆!Day after tomorrowten thousandfill the air, covers each corner of great antiquityland, thatland also changed.
后天万道弥漫开来,笼罩洪荒大地的每一个角落,那大地也随之发生了变化。Seessomeinnateair/Qi, by the day after tomorrowten thousandinfections, was suddenly startedto transform, will be transformed the air/Qi of day after tomorrowby the innateair/Qi, will reverberatein the world.
就见部分先天之气,受后天万道的感染,突然开始转化起来,由先天之气转化成后天之气,在天地之间回荡开来。The day after tomorrow the lifeis unable to absorb the innateair/Qi, therefore, after day after tomorrowten thousandunfold, the firstmatteris the transformedcorrespondingday after tomorrowspiritual energy, tosupply the lifecultivationto needthe day after tomorrow.
The day after tomorrowten thousandappearances, urged the worldfurtherimprovement, the Heavenly Daoto evolvefivemost partscontinentsto get upwithout doubt, fast.
后天万道的出现,无疑促使了天地进一步的完善,天道衍化五大部洲起来,也更为的快速。Saw,thistofall into the fivemost partscontinents in stagnation, suddenlystarts the rapidexpansion, a few days aftertime, expandstoalsowantson a bigtime of situationcompared with the originalarea.
就看到,本以陷入停滞之中的五大部洲,突然又开始飞速的扩张起来,没几日的功夫,就扩大到比原先的面积还要大上一倍的地步。Meanwhile, Heaven is also has the hugechange.
与此同时,天界也是生出巨大的变化来。Thenwas suppressedin the Heavensource, chaosdemongod in more/complete the heavenly emperortower, itssourceunceasingwas built upto melt, causes the space of Heaven, becomingis more vastandboundless, hasto plantfaintlycatches up with the ancientninedays of trends.
那被镇压在天界本源,弥罗天帝塔中的混沌魔神,其本源不断的被炼化着,使得天界的空间,变得更为的辽阔与无垠,隐隐有种直追上古九天的趋势。At the same time, more/completeheavenly emperortoweris also transforming, the source of unceasingabsorptionchaosdemongod, causesoneselfmore and morecongealingreality, the endlesssay/way and principleinterweaveonit, fill the most precious object the aura.
同一时间,弥罗天帝塔也在蜕变,不断的吸收混沌魔神的本源,使得自身越来越凝实,无尽的道与理在它身上交织,弥漫出至宝的气息。This way, it is estimated thatsoon, innate supreme treasure that alsoonseveral thousandover ten thousandyears of times, thisHeavensourcebreeds, 30tertiarymore/completeLuoheavenly emperortower, will be borntruly, suppresses the destiny of Heaven.
照这样下去,估计用不了多久,也就几千上万年的功夫,这件天界本源孕育的先天至宝,三十三重弥罗天帝塔,就会真正的诞生出来,镇压天界的气运。But, more/completeLuoheavenly emperortoweris the heavenly emperorweapon, is one of the statussymbols. Howon that day will permit the realheavenly emperorbirth? don'tsaid that wastrueheavenly emperor, was itsweapondoes not permit the appearance.
可是,弥罗天帝塔乃是天帝的武器,是其身份的象征之一。那天道又岂会允许真正的天帝诞生?莫说是真正的天帝了,便是其武器也是不允许出现的。heavenly emperor, the control of Three Realmssixsay/way, evenmustsubmit to that dayin the heavenly emperorfront, therefore, so long as the Heavenly Daohas not looked for the idea of mastertooneself, will not makeItexistdecisively.天帝,三界六道之主宰,连那天道都要臣服在天帝的面前,故此,只要天道没有给自己找个主人的想法,就断然不会让祂存在的。Therefore, seesthatheavenly emperormost precious object, 30tertiarymore/completeheavenly emperortowerhad the sign of realbirth, the Heavenly Daoacts.
是故,见那天帝至宝,三十三重弥罗天帝塔有真正诞生的迹象,天道出手了。Dark, there is an inexplicablestrengthto dangle, changes to the secret, clearreappearinginpeopleat present.
The dayhas36heaviness, therefore, Heaven not entire, shouldmake upit.
天有三十六重,故此,天界不全,应补之。36heavydays, trulycompare for 30tertiarydaysto be betteronsome, but, Heavenly Daoearlynotunderthisorder, latenotunderthisorder, whenmore/completeheavenly emperortowerwill soon be born, issuesthisorder. Thegoalis very obvious.
三十六重天,确实比三十三重天要好上一些,但是,天道早不下这个命令,晚不下这个命令,偏偏在弥罗天帝塔即将诞生的时候,下达这个命令。其目的已经很显然了。Feng Zichenturns headto looktowardHeaven,reallysaw a face that skythatgets darkcompletely. Was gripped a bladeby the Heavenly Daoruthlessly, thisfriend'smood is not obviously beautiful.风紫宸扭头朝天界看起,果然看到了昊天那完全黑下来的一张脸。被天道狠狠的扎了一刀,这位老兄的心情显然不怎么美丽。In the heartis angry, the skysatabove the dragonchairdirectly, an imposing manner of being on parbeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, the eruption, swept across the entiregreat antiquityworldsufficientlyloudly.
The skyisto sitlookshere, withoutItscoordination, how the Heavenly Daomustmake up the tertiaryday that thislacks.
昊天就是要坐在这里看着,没祂的配合,天道要如何补上这缺少的三重天。36heavydayswith30tertiarydays, seem like the tertiarydaygap, butmustmake up, during are far fromimaginingsimplicitylike that do not look forseveralinfinite universe to achievecasually.
三十六重天与三十三重天,看似只有三重天的缺口,可要补上,远没有想象之中的那般简单,不是随便找几个大千世界就能做到的。30tertiaryday of territories of Heaven, are not the infinite universe are so simple, itseachdayterritory, compared with the highest levelinfinite universe, bigover a hundredtimesandthousandtimes.
天界的三十三重天域,可不是大千世界那么简单,其每一层天域,都要比最顶级的大千世界,大上百倍、千倍。Moreover, besidesenoughbig, thatworldis the world of innatefresh airsourcemetaplasiais also good, otherwise, is unable to meltwithotherdayterritories, becomes a part of Heaven.
而且,除了够大之外,那世界也得是先天清气本源化生的世界才行,不然的话,也无法与其它的天域相融,成为天界的一部分。Heavenisninedays of fresh air, isclearexpensive/noble, but, let alonewill be the air/Qi of day after tomorrow, will be the commoninnateair/Qi, will beis hardto be close toitsslightest.
The sourceis different, but alsowantsto fusewithHeaven, that has a dream.
本源不同,还想与天界融合,那是做梦。Inpresentgreat antiquityHeaven, wantstopbig that seeksninedays of fresh airto derive, the ratioopenssideDajieto be difficultsimply. The skydoes not believe, the Heavenly Daocanseekthreetopbig that all of a suddenmeets the day of territorycondition.
在如今的洪荒天界,想要寻到九天清气衍生的顶级大界,简直比开辟一方大界都难。昊天不认为,天道能一下子就寻到三个符合天域条件的顶级大界。But, the skyactuallyforgot, topbig that ninedays of fresh airlives, the great antiquitydoes not have, butthatcanbecome the world of day of territory, the great antiquityhasthree.
可是,昊天却是忘了,那九天清气所生的顶级大界,洪荒没有,可那能成为天域的世界,洪荒却是有着三个。Three Pure Onesday that Three Pure Onesopens, namelytooclearsaintYuodd/surplusheaven of clearslightlydayandexceedingly highfounder of bigscarletdayandYuan Shi Tian Zun.
正是三清开辟的三清天,即太清圣人的大赤天、元始天尊的清微天、通天教主的禹余天。ThisThree Realms, is highest levelbig, issaintopenspersonally, notcompared withdayterritorydifferencemany, in addition, thisThree Realms, althoughis notninedays of fresh airmelting, is actually Three Pure Onesopenspersonally.
When Three Pure Ones, what kind of person , the worldinaugurates the firstwisp of ninedays of fresh airgathersPanguYuangod, is the ancestors of genuineninedays of fresh air, thatHeaven, istheirlater generations.三清者,何许人也,天地初开时第一缕九天清气合盘古元神所化,是真正的九天清气之祖宗,那天界算起来,都是祂们的后辈。World that thisThree Saintsopens, incontaminationtheiraura, althoughis notninedays of fresh airliving, butalsosurpassed.
这三圣所开辟的世界,沾染上了祂们的气息,虽不是九天清气所生之界,但也胜似了。Has the Three Pure Onesaura , the Heavensourcewill not rejectthesethreedays of integrationsflatly.
有三清的气息在,天界本源根本不会拒绝这三天的融入。As forThree Pure Onescanagree the world that the request of Heavenly Dao, oneselfwill openintegratesin the Heavensource.
至于三清会不会同意天道的要求,将自己开辟的世界融入天界本源之中。Thatdefinitelyis the meeting!
The enmity that to seal/conferShenliangtribulations, theyalsorecord. If not the Celestial Courtpersonis meddlesome, howto seal/conferShenliangtribulations the joint performancegetstotodaythis, makingthemloseseriously?
封神量劫的仇,祂们还记着呢。若非天庭的人多事,封神量劫又岂会演变至今日这番局面,让祂们损失惨重?In the heartis angry, Three Pure Onesis naturally gladto give Celestial Courtto addunluckily, does not makethembe borninnate supreme treasure . About the world that oneselfopen, the chaosfrom the daytransportstoHeavencomes, thiswhatdifficulty?
Shortly after the secretappears, Three Pure Onesbegan, seesthemto display the unsurpassedsupernatural powerrespectively, ownbig that opens, the chaosfrom the daytransported, placesinHeaven.
In the world bellow, three parties'topbigshatterendlessvoid, the chaosfrom the dayarrives, holdsinin addition of strength of Heavenly Dao, changesdayterritory that the tripartitefresh airfills, coveredin the above of Heaven, that30tertiaryday of territory, evolved36heavyday of territories.
天地轰鸣声中,三方顶级的大界破碎无尽虚空,从天外混沌降临,在天道之力的加持下,化作三方清气弥漫的天域,盖在了天界的上方,将那三十三重天域,生生演变了三十六重天域。Simply, the Heavenly Daoconsidered a face countenance of skyfinally, has not made the Three Pure OnesdayfallonItshead, butisItsunder foot.
After the Three Pure Onesdayarrives atHeaven, Yuodd/surplusheavenchanged to the 30 th tertiaryday of territory, the clearslightlydaychanged to the 34 th heavyday of territory, Chitianhuamade the 35 th heavyday of territory.三清天来到天界之后,那禹余天化作了第三十三重天域,清微天化作了第三十四重天域,大赤天化作了第三十五重天域。Butmore/completeday that the skyis, thenroseautomaticallyupwardtertiary, from the original30tertiaryday of territories, changed to the present36heavydays, as beforeis the maximumday.
而昊天所在的弥罗天,则是自动往上升了三重,从原先的三十三重天域,化作了如今的三十六重天,依旧是最高之天。Thisfeared that is the Heavenly DaoItsfinaldignity.
…………………Does not raiseseesThree Pure Onesto act, what kind ofugliness the skycomplexionis. Saidafter the Three Pure OnesdayandHeavenfuse, more/completeheavenly emperortower that will soon be bornwas affected, inshortin the wink of an eye, raisedthree.
不提看到三清出手,昊天的脸色是如何的难看。就说在三清天与天界融合之后,那即将诞生的弥罗天帝塔受到影响,在短短瞬息之间,生生又拔高了三层。Were manythree, the strength of more/completeheavenly emperortowerwas without doubt stronger, butitsbirthtime, alsobyunlimitedextension.
多了三层,弥罗天帝塔的力量无疑更强了,但它的诞生时间,也随之被无限期的延长。Sees, the tower of more/completeheavenly emperortower, afterbeing manythree, originallyincomparablycongealed the solidbodyin vainillusorythreepoints, daytypicalmark that bodyfilled, vanishedmuch.
就看到,弥罗天帝塔的塔身,在多出三层之后,本来无比凝实的身体徒然虚幻了三分,那身上弥漫的天地道纹,也消失了不少。„Thismaybe really interesting, then the skydid not have a mortal hatred ofThree Pure Onesthatto be strange.”Distantseesthis, Feng Zichen at heart the spittingmortisesilently.
“这可真有意思,这下昊天不恨死三清那才是怪了。”远远的看到这一幕,风紫宸在心里默默的吐槽道。Saw that innate supreme treasure mustsucceed in obtaining, actuallyactuallybyThree Pure Onesdestroying. Thisdestroyed the enmity of chance, is the skycanbear patientlyagain, is hardto swallowthistone, mustseekinevitably.
The sound of Heaven, such as the spray in sea, has not started the bigsoundin the great antiquity. Under the management of Heavenly Dao, fivemostcontinentsare continue evolveas before.
天界的动静,就如海中的浪花,并未在洪荒掀起多大的动静。在天道的主持下,五大部洲依旧在继续衍化着。However, after the areaexpandsto the certain extent, is the initialareathreetimes of times, the speed that fivemostcontinentsexpandalsostopped, is not continue expandoutward, thenevolvesin the interior.
不过,当面积扩大到一定程度之后,也就是最初面积的三倍的时候,五大部洲扩张的速度也就停了下来,不在继续向外扩张,转而在内部演变起来。Under the Feng Zichensensation, strength of the sourceupwellfrom the body of Heavenly Dao, integrates each corner of fivebigdivine lands, every inchsinland.
, Withintegration of strength of source, thatland featuresis gradually getting bigger and bigger, more and more gods and ghosts, derive the infinitegood fortune.
渐渐的,随着本源之力的融入,那地脉越来越大,越来越神异,衍生出无穷的造化。Thatlandwas moistened, becomesuncommon, firsttransformsto the spiritearth, subsequentlytoinnatetransformsspirit.
那大地受到滋润,也变得不凡起来,先是向灵土转变,继而向先天灵地转变。Besidesfivemost partscontinents, thesefloatsabovesea, innumerableevery large or smallislands, althoughdoes not have the advantage that fivemost partscontinentsgainto be many, butmore or lessalsogainedsomeadvantage, becomesuncommon.
除了五大部洲之外,那些漂浮在大海之上,无数个大大小小的岛屿,虽没有五大部洲获得的好处多,但或多或少的也获得了一些好处,随之变得不凡起来。Even, Feng Zichenalsodiscovered, with the circulation of air/Qi of good fortune, inthatfivemost partscontinents, not onlybredinnatespirit treasure, is first aura of deitydemonappears.
甚至于,风紫宸还发现,随着造化之气的流转,那五大部洲之中,非但重新孕育了先天灵宝,更是先天神魔的气息浮现。Obviously, the worldsourcebecomesvigorous, the great antiquityalsohadbreeding first qualification of deitydemon.
显然,天地本源重新变得浑厚,洪荒又有了孕育先天神魔的本钱。In addition, in the world, somespecial before , has not seenlifebirth. When thisis the Heavenly Daorevolution, said that axleandworldcross coupling, integrates the innateair/Qiagain, newinnatelife that is born.
除此之外,天地之中,还有一些特殊的、以前没见过的生命诞生。这是天道运转时,道轨与天地交感,再融入先天之气,所诞生的新的先天生灵。EachHeavenly Daochanges, underthatrulerevolution, will have the birth of newinnatelife, multiplicity that tofillgreat antiquityworldlife.
每一次天道变动,那规则运转之下,都会有新的先天生灵的诞生,以填补洪荒天地生灵的多样性。Thisis the inevitable result of the world evolution, is impossiblefrom the beginning many races, after endlessyears, as beforetheseraces.
The worldevolves, the lifetakes turn, thisis the highest good of the world.
天地演变,生灵交替,这是天地之至理。However, before Heavenly Daochange, has not caught up with the worldoverallpromotionactually the goodtime, innatelife that is born, the quantityare not many.
不过,以前天道变动时,倒是没赶上天地整体晋升的好时候,所诞生的先天生灵,数量并不多。Notlike the present, worldsourceunusualfull, innatelife that derives, far more than1 million, said that ishundredclansis not overrated.
远不像如今,天地本源异常的充盈,所衍生的先天生灵,何止百万,说是百族都不为过。Person who does not know, but alsothinks that thiswas the antiqueantiquityalternately, worldprinciplesimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniformchanged, derives one of the endlessinnatelifeto repeat.
不知道的人,还以为这是太古上古交替之间,天地法则齐齐变动,衍生无尽先天生灵的一幕重演了呢。It is estimated thatwaits fortheseinnatelives born, the great antiquityalsowantson the multi-over a hundredracesat least, when the time comes, the great antiquitylandmaylive it up, thatnew and oldinfluenceconnection, does not know that will give birth tomanycalamities.
估计等这些先天生灵诞生,洪荒起码也要多上上百个种族,到时候,洪荒大地可就热闹了,那新老势力交接,不知会生出多少乱子来。Deducts the unstablefactornot to discuss, overall, the entiregreat antiquityland, developsin the gooddirection.
扣除不稳定的因素不谈,从整体上来看,整个洪荒大地,都是向好的方向发展的。More and morestrong, thisis the change that the naked eyecansee.
轰隆隆!Somemoment, the evolvingcentraldivine land, suddenly the fiercevibration, hadinexhaustibleinnatelightto ascend, illuminated the bigpiecevoid.
某一刻,正在衍化的中央神州,突然剧烈的震动起来,有无穷无尽的先天道光升腾而起,照亮大片的虚空。Afterward, istrillionmysteriousrune/symbolwritingappears, each otherarrangesintogether, is found in the entirecentraldivine land, coversall of thisplace.
随后,就是亿万的神秘符文浮现,彼此排列在一起,遍布整个中央神州,将此地的一切都笼罩。„Nine Provincescauldron!”
“九州鼎!”„Was the Nine Provincescauldronmustpromote?”
“是九州鼎要晋升了吗?”Seesthis, in the heart of Feng Zichenhas a sleep/felt, lookshastilyin the direction that the nine tripodsare.
看到这一幕,风紫宸的心中似有所觉,连忙朝九鼎所在的方向看去。Really, whenItsline of sightfalls to the groundthere, saw that the nine tripodsfromundergroundraiseslowly, floatinmidair.
果然,当祂的视线落地那里的时候,就看到九鼎从地下冉冉升起,悬浮于半空之中。Thatradiantinnatelight, ascendedfromtheirbodies, thattrillionmysteriousrune/symbolwriting, wastheyspews out.
那璀璨的先天道光,正是从它们的身上升腾的,那亿万神秘的符文,也是它们喷涌而出的。Allarebecause, theyare promoting, transformsfromhigh-gradeinnatespirit treasureintobest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure.
The nine tripodswholepromotes a level, symbolizes, iftheirmain bodiesunite, directly the transformationwill beinnate supreme treasure .
九鼎整体晋升一个层次,也标志着,它们的本体若是合一,将会直接蜕变为先天至宝。Thistransformation, is nothigh-gradeinnatespirit treasureto the transformation of best quality goodsinnatespirit treasure, butisbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasureto the transformation of innate supreme treasure .
这次蜕变,不是上品先天灵宝向极品先天灵宝的蜕变,而是极品先天灵宝向先天至宝的蜕变。In the Feng Zichensensation, was sealedninebigmagical powersinnine tripods, itsauracompletedisappearance, had been built upby the nine tripodsobviously, becomes the background of itspromotion.
在风紫宸的感知中,那被封在九鼎之中的九尊大神通者们,其气息已经完全的消失,显然都被九鼎炼化,成为其晋升的底蕴。Alsomoreover, the chaosdemongodsource that thenby the chaosdemongod of humanesovereigncourtyardsuppression, withby the chaosdemongod of human clangodcitysuppression, and Heavenly Daobestows, some strengthsflowed in the nine tripods.
还不仅如此,那被人道皇庭镇压的混沌魔神,与被人族神城镇压的混沌魔神,以及天道赐下的混沌魔神本源,都有部分力量流入了九鼎之中。Therefore, the nine tripodsat the extremelyquickspeed, will build upbyninebigmagical powers who theysuppress, completes the finaltransformation, the promotionisinnate supreme treasure .
轰隆隆!In the nine tripodsbellow, the limitlessstrengthdivulges, in the sky of centraldivine land, formsbigknot.
九鼎的轰鸣声中,无边无际的力量宣泄而出,在中央神州的上空,形成一个偌大的结界。ThatisNine Provincesties, as the human clanareatransforms the centraldivine land, the frontbigdid not knowmanytimes. ThatNine Provincestiesopens, is unable to coverentirehuman clanagain.
那是九州结界,随着人族疆域转化成中央神州,面前大了不知道多少倍。那九州结界张开,再无法笼罩整个人族了。Howeveris goodbecause , the nine tripodshave startedto promote, itsstrengthin the faststrengthen, thatNine Provincesties the coveringrange, inrapidexpansion, quick, thencovered the mostcentraldivine land.
轰轰轰……Nineearth-shakingloud soundsoundstransmitted, vibrate the entiregreat antiquityworld, is the nine tripodshas actually promoted, the strengthstartedfastwas reserved.
先后九道惊天动地的巨响声传来,震动整个洪荒天地,却是九鼎已经晋升完毕,力量开始快速的内敛起来。Quick, the nine tripodsseem like, thenhas no difference from the commonmagic weapon, staticfloatinmidair.
很快的,九鼎看上去,便与寻常的法宝没有任何的区别,静静的悬浮在半空。Nine Provinces that butitsstrengthopensties, actuallyexpandssuddenly, covered the entirecentraldivine landall of a sudden.
可其力量撑开的九州结界,却是猛然扩大,一下子就笼罩住了整个中央神州。innate supreme treasure !先天至宝!
The area of centraldivine landis so big, wantsto coveritcompletely, onlyhasinnate supreme treasure in legend to achieve.
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