In this timefocusing onday after tomorrowlife, definitelycannotmakein the worldonlyhave the innatesay/way, otherwise, the consequenceis dreadful.
在这以后天生灵为主的时代,肯定不能让天地之间只存在先天之道,不然的话,后果不堪设想。Butat this time, Feng Zichenand the othersmustdo, opens the say/way of day after tomorrow, givesthe day after tomorrowlifemeans of livelihood, letsinthisnew student/lifegreat antiquityland, the innatesay/wayandday after tomorrowsay/way of coexistinworld.
而此时,风紫宸等人要做的,就是开辟后天之道,给予后天生灵一个活路,让这新生的洪荒大地上,先天之道与后天之道并存于世。At that time, the natural talentwas good, cancultivation the innatesay/way. On that day the capitalwas not good, despaired, cancultivation the say/way of simplerday after tomorrow.
当时,天资好的,可以修炼先天之道。那天资不好的,也无需绝望,可以修炼更为简单的后天之道。In brief, cannotlettheseday after tomorrowlives, loses the hope of cultivation, otherwise, all living thingsresentmentascends, twinesinFeng Zichenand the others the bodies.
总之,不能让那些后天生灵,失去修炼的希望,否则的话,众生怨气升腾,缠绕在风紫宸等人的身上。Thatgreetstheir, perhapswasgreat angerhumanity.
那迎接祂们的,恐怕就是盛怒的人道了。Improves the worldenvironment, thisis the good deed, but if thereforedestroyed the hopes of mostlifespiritual cultivationimmortals, turns into the misdemeanor the good deed, thatis not beautiful.
改善天地环境,这本是好事,可要是因此毁了大部分生灵修道长生的希望,将好事变成坏事,那就不美了。In the hearthad the idea, Feng Zichenbeganimmediately, saw, after that say/way of day after tomorrowwas shattered , the regularfragment that formed, 11fromItshanddeparted, innateten thousand that extendedunceasinglyis hittingtowardthat.
心中有了主意,风紫宸当即就动起手来,就看到,那后天之道破碎后形成的规则碎片,从祂的手中一一飞出,向着那正不断延伸的先天万道撞去。Butin these fragments of say/way of day after tomorrow, almostevery, has the fragment of purplehousesword, hiddenin.
The say/way of day after tomorrowhits, withinnatesay/waycrazytorumbling, is sending out the remarkablefluctuation, void that justrestored, stirsagainbroken.
后天之道撞来,与先天之道疯狂的对轰着,散发出惊人的波动,将那刚刚恢复的虚空,再次搅碎。Originally, at the strength of say/way of day after tomorrow, decisivelyis not the opponent of innatesay/way, no matter how whattheyhit , is hardto shake the innateten thousandiotas.
本来,以后天之道的力量,断然不会是先天之道的对手,任它们如何撞击,也是难以撼动先天万道分毫。Butin the middle ofthat the fragment of say/way of day after tomorrow, there ispurplehouseswordfragmenthidden, has the Feng Zichenhugesupernatural powerto hide.
The say/way of day after tomorrowcannot breakinnateten thousand, butpurplehouseswordandFeng Zichensupernatural power.
The twoin additionholds the say/way of day after tomorrowwith joint forces, seesthatfragmentto hit, innateten thousandvibrateloudlycontinues, a littleselects the brillianceto scatter, evolves the completerule, was swallowedandabsorbedby the say/way of instituteday after tomorrow.
二者合力加持后天之道,就见那碎片撞来,先天万道轰然震动不止,有点点光辉散落,衍化成完整的规则,被后天之道所吞噬、吸收。Luminous spot that falls, is the innateten thousandsources, fallsaftertheirbodies, will evolve the day after tomorrowsourcedirectly, was swallowedbyday after tomorrowten thousand, became the capitalgrain of itsgrowth.
那掉落的光点,正是先天万道的本源,从它们的身上掉落之后,直接演变成了后天本源,被后天万道吞噬,成为其成长的资粮。But is only the sources of thesecorners, but also is far from enough, wantsto openis bigger, more perfectday after tomorrowsystem, but alsoneedmoreinnatesources.
但仅是这些边角的本源,还远远不够,想要开辟更大,更完善的后天体系,还需要更多的先天本源。As the matter stands, neededactive offenseinnateten thousand.
只是,这样一来,就需要主动攻击先天万道了。Feng Zichenthinks,has not been determinedto do thateventually, offends the innateten thousandconsequences, Itcannot undertake, human clanwantsto expand, but alsoneeds the innateten thousandhelp.风紫宸想了想,终究是没有下定决心这么做,得罪先天万道的后果,祂承担不起,人族想要壮大,还需要先天万道的帮助。However, althoughFeng Zichendoes not wantto act, butsomepeoplewill actforIt.
不过,风紫宸虽然不想出手,但有人会替祂出手的。After all, the emergence of say/way of day after tomorrow, isten thousandspiritsis willing, to ask, needs, inevitable result that the worldevolves.
毕竟,后天之道的出现,乃是万灵之所愿、所求,所需,天地演变的必然结果。Thisis the situation, no oneprevented.
这是大势,谁也阻止不了。Thenisinnateten thousanddoes not wantto losesourceachievementday after tomorrowten thousand, thatis not good, somepeoplewill forcethemto agree.
便是先天万道不想损失本源成就后天万道,那也不行,会有人逼迫它们同意的。For example, Heavenly Dao, humanity.
轰隆隆!In the worldbellow, a worldsituationarrivesloudly, oppresseson the innateten thousandbodies, forcingthemto branch out the part the source.
天地轰鸣声中,一股天地大势轰然降临,压迫在先天万道的身上,强迫它们分出部分的本源。At the same time, hasstrength of the supremeten thousandspiritto reappear, similarly the functionon the innateten thousandbodies, is forcingtheirdiscrete partsource.
同一时间,有股至高无上的万灵之力浮现,同样作用在先天万道的身上,迫使着它们分离部分本源。Celestialtwojoint efforts, even ifinnateten thousanddo not hope, cannot revolt. Sees the fragment of say/way of day after tomorrowto hit, fewunderon the innateten thousandbodies, dislodgedmanycracks.
The large expanse ofsourcespoutsfrom the innateten thousandcrackplaces, changes to the radiantbroadrainto sprinkle, causes the day after tomorrowten thousandfragments, is getting more and more powerful, is getting more and more perfect., Has the sign that fuses togethergradually.
成片的本源从先天万道的裂缝处喷出,化作璀璨的广雨洒落,使得后天万道的碎片,越来越强大,也越来越完善。渐渐的,有着重新融为一体的迹象。Buton the innateten thousandbodies, presents the crackinstance, Feng Zichenseizes the opportunity, moved.
而就在先天万道的身上,出现裂纹的瞬间,风紫宸抓住机会,动了。SeesItto tiesealin secret, will awakenthatto hide the purplehouseswordfragmentsinday after tomorrowten thousandfragment, will causethemwith the aid of the strength of day after tomorrowten thousandhit, will hittoinnateten thousand, is followingthesecracks, will enterinnateten thousandwithin the body.
就见祂暗中结印,唤醒那隐藏在后天万道碎片中的紫宸剑碎片,使得它们借助后天万道的撞击之力,撞向先天万道,然后在顺着那些裂缝,钻进先天万道体内。Has the strength and humanitystrength of Heavenly Daocovers up, furthermoreFeng Zichendoesis very secret, no onediscoversItspetty actionactually.
有着天道之力与人道之力遮掩,再加之风紫宸做的很隐秘,倒是没人发现祂的小动作。In a while, the fragment of purplehousesword, tobe then infiltratedininnateten thousandone after anothercompletely.
The Heavenly Daoandhumanitymake a moveis very ruthless, butin a minute, innateten thousandaura, suppressionweak a bigtruncation.
天道与人道出手的挺狠,不过片刻,就把先天万道的气息,打压的虚弱了一大截。Perhapsfeltoneselfdo, was somewhat excessive, the Celestialtwostrengthstrengths, startto abateone after another.
许是觉得自己做的,也有些过分了,天人两道的力量力量,开始陆续消退。ButwithCelestialtwostopping doing, as well asdisappearance of purplehouseswordfragment, day after tomorrowten thousand also lostcontended with the innateten thousandstrengths.
而随着天人两道的抽手,以及紫宸剑碎片的消失,后天万道也随之失去了抗衡先天万道的力量。Saw, theyhitto the innateten thousandtime, was difficultto shakeitsslightestnot saying that by the strength of thathugecounter-shaking, was flowntoshakingruthlessly.
就看到,它们撞向先天万道的时候,再难撼动其分毫不说,更是被那巨大的反震之力,给狠狠的震飞了出去。However, day after tomorrowten thousandfragments, althoughis unable to shakeinnateten thousand, theseinnateten thousandsources that butswalloweda moment ago, madethempowerfulhundredtimes of thousandtimescontinue.
不过,后天万道的碎片,虽是无法撼动先天万道,但就是刚才吞噬的那些先天万道本源,也使得它们强大了百倍千倍不止。Felt that onday after tomorrowten thousandfragments, the powerfulaura that fills the air, Feng Zichenalsofeltalmostenough. By the day after tomorrowsystem that thisevolves, evolvesabsolutelycompared withThree Pure Ones, is more powerfulandperfect.
感觉到后天万道的碎片上,所弥漫出的强大气息,风紫宸也觉得差不多够了。以此衍化出的后天体系,绝对比三清衍化出的,更为的强大与完善。In the heartmoves, in the Feng Zichenknowledgesea, presents the Panguepoch-makingscenery, the body also emerges a hugeopeningHeavenly Daointent.
心中一动,风紫宸的识海之中,出现盘古开天辟地之景,身上也随之涌现出一股庞大的开天道意。Then, seesFeng Zichento search the handto grasp, fromthatcentraldivine land, graspsthreehigh-gradeinnatespirit treasureto come outunexpectedly.
接着,就见风紫宸探手一抓,竟是从那中央神州之中,抓出三件上品先天灵宝出来。Whensees clearlythatthree treasures the appearance, tooclearsaint, Yuan Shi Tian Zun and easternsovereigntoo13people, the eyehidespit-a-patjumps.
待看清那三宝的模样,太清圣人、元始天尊、东皇太一三人,眼皮子突突直跳。Because, the appearance of thatthreemagic weapon, opens a day of most precious objectwithprimal chaos, the Pangustreamerandchaosbellthree, simplyit can be said thatexactly the same.
因为,那三件法宝的模样,与太极图、盘古幡、混沌钟三件开天至宝,简直可以说是一模一样。If not the rankdisparityis extremely huge, threepeoplealsoreallythink that oneselftreasure, was stolen awaybyFeng Zichen.
若非等级差距太过巨大,三人还真以为自己的宝物,被风紫宸偷走了呢。Right, when the threetreasures in Feng Zichenhand, Itopenedsmallgreat antiquityon the same day, thatimitationbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasurePanguaxe.
没错,风紫宸手中的三件宝物,正是祂当日开辟小洪荒界时,那仿制的极品先天灵宝盘古斧所化。Theabilityandfunction, almostwithopeningday of three treasuresdo not have much difference. Was the mightsmallinnumerabletimes, toopenday of three treasuresweakened the versioninfinitely.
其能力、作用,几乎与开天三宝没有太大的区别。就是威力小了无数倍,为开天三宝的无限削弱版。Properly speaking, when smallgreat antiquitywas shattered, thesebyitsbreedinginnatespirit treasure, shouldfollowshatter, then the fragmentinvestsin the middle of the new student/lifecentraldivine land, was bredby the divine landsource, is goodto transformintostrongerinnatespirit treasure.
按理来说,小洪荒界破碎时,这些被其孕育的先天灵宝,也应该跟着破碎,然后碎片投入新生的中央神州当中,被神州本源重新孕育,好蜕变为更强的先天灵宝。Butreadsandopensthe day after tomorrow the matter of system, thesethreetreasures, were keptbyFeng Zichenspecially.
但念及开辟后天体系之事,这三件宝物,被风紫宸特意留了下来。Sincemustopenday after tomorrowten thousand, thatnaturallymustachieveperfect, obtains the Panguaxeacknowledgmentwiththis, wasbetter.
“合!”In the Feng Zichenheartmoves, openingHeavenly Daointent that Itsbodysends out, startsto gathertoItshand, graduallyfuses togetherwiththatthree treasures.风紫宸心中一动,祂身上散发的开天道意,开始向祂的手中汇聚,逐渐与那三宝融为一体。Buzzhumming sound......
嗡嗡嗡……Afterabsorbingopened the Heavenly Daointent, thatthreetreasuresstart the tremor of distancesuddenly, anderupts the incomparablydazzlingray.
在吸收了开天道意之后,那三件宝物忽然开始距离的颤动起来,并爆发出无比耀眼的光芒。Somemoment, the godlight/onlystartsto contract, is turnedbythreetogether, is getting more and more radiant, butalsorestrainsmore and more. Whenits as radiantaspinnacle, restrains the pinnacle, the godlight/onlydisappearssuddenly.
某一刻,那神光开始收缩,由三道变成一道,越来越璀璨,但也越来越收敛。待其璀璨到极致,也收敛到极致,那神光突然消失。Butat this time, the three treasures the thoroughdisappearingtrail, had been sent out the greataxe of chaosboundlessaurato replaceby a .
而此时,三宝已彻底的不见了踪迹,被一柄散发着混沌苍茫气息的巨斧所取代。Best quality goodsinnatespirit treasurePanguaxe!
“开!”Holds the Panguaxe, Feng Zichenmakes an effortto brandish, the axebladewill divideon these regularfragments of day after tomorrowmain road, will causetheirfurthershatter, rune/symbolwriting who will change tomostfoundations.
一把抓住盘古斧,风紫宸用力抡下,斧刃劈在那些后天大道的规则碎片上,使得它们进一步的破碎,化作一枚枚最为基础的符文。Then, Feng Zichenis an axechops, is coercingtheseday after tomorrowten thousandrune/symbolwriting, breaks open the infinitespace, inlaysthem in the world mostdeep place.
接着,风紫宸又是一斧劈下,裹挟着这些后天万道符文,破开无穷的空间,将它们镶在天地最深处。Afterward, Feng Zichenis an axemeetsunderdividing of axe, thathugestrengthroleon the day after tomorrowrune/symbolwritingbody, urgingthemto evolve, will gradually interweave the regularchain, the ordergodchain, will spreadtoward each corner of the world.
随后,风紫宸又是一斧接一斧的劈下,那庞大的力量作用在后天符文的身上,促使它们演变起来,逐渐交织成规则链条,秩序神链,向着天地的每一个角落蔓延。Feng Zichenchops the nextaxeevery time, thatday after tomorrowrune/symbolwritingevolution, will speed up a point, after Itwill divide the next49axesone after another, thatthisnew student/lifeday after tomorrowsystem, will be the radicalevolutionis then completed.风紫宸每劈下一斧,那后天符文的演变,就加快一分,等祂接连劈下四十九斧之后,那这新生的后天体系,便算是彻底的演变完成了。Butby the strength of Feng Zichen, wields the next36axes even after againcontinuously, graduallychangesuses upefficiently, slowlywieldsdoes not begin the greataxe.
The distant place, pays attention toFeng ZichenThree Pure Onesto seethisfrequently, eyeonebright, thought that ownopportunitycame.
远方,时刻关注着风紫宸的三清看到这一幕,不禁眼睛一亮,觉得自己的机会来了。SawItsthreepeopleto go forwardsuddenly, rushed to the Feng Zichenside, shoutedtowardIt: „CancellingChenfellow daoist should not be anxious, andmakes this poor Daoistthreebrothershelpyourhelping hand.”
就见祂三人猛然上前,冲到了风紫宸的身边,朝祂喊道:“勾陈道友勿急,且让贫道三兄弟助你一臂之力。”During the speeches, threepeople of respectivesacrificesmake a moveinnate supreme treasure , evolvesPanguto open the day of axelight, toward the day after tomorrowrune/symbolwritingdetachment.
刷刷刷……In an instant, threeradiantopened the day of axelightto divide, causesthe day after tomorrowrune/symbolwriting the evolutionspeed, sped uponesectionsuddenly.
刹那间,三道璀璨的开天斧光先后劈下,使得后天符文的衍化速度,猛然加快了一截。AfterThree Pure Onesacts, othersaintandbeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, is the hearthas a feeling, goes forward, arrives at the Feng Zichenside, divided an openinglightrespectively.
在三清出手之后,其余的圣人与混元大罗金仙,也是心有所感,纷纷上前,来到风紫宸的身边,各自劈出了一道开辟之光。Firstis the Mother Earthempress and Nüwaempress, is east the sovereigntooone and WesterntwoSaintthreepeople. Inlater, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperorchopstogether the axelightfrom the boundlessstarry sky.
先是后土娘娘与女娲娘娘,接着是东皇太一与西方二圣三人。在之后,紫微大帝从无垠星空之中劈来一道斧光。SevenSainttwobigbeginning of the universeexpertsmake a movein addition, altogetherdividednineaxelight, in addition before Feng Zichen, 36axelight that divided, altogetherwas45axelight.
七圣外加两大混元高手出手,一共劈出了九道斧光,加上风紫宸之前劈出的三十六道斧光,一共是四十五道斧光。From49axelight that opening the systemwill needthe day after tomorrow, but alsomissesfour.
The human clanancestorplace, the personin the sovereignpalace, Fu Xihearthas a feeling, about the strength of human clangodcity, ownstrengthpromotesto the beginning of the universerank, had/left an axelighttowardday after tomorrowrune/symbolWenpi.人族祖地,人皇殿中,伏羲心有所感,合人族神城之力,将自己的力量暂时提升至混元级别,向着后天符文劈出了一记斧光。Meanwhile, innether world, Fengtughostemperorsabout the strength of nether world, chops an axelight.
The boundlessstarry sky, on the South Pole star, the immortalGreat Emperorfuses togetherwith the strength of daytribulationsuddenly, the strengthraisedinfinitely, entered the beginning of the universedomain, chops an axelight.
无垠星空,南极星上,长生大帝忽然与天劫之力融为一体,力量无限拔高,进入了混元领域,也是劈出了一道斧光。Alsoisthisstrikes, making the peoplerealize,inthisordinary daydoes not reveal the mountain , the AntarcticimmortalGreat Emperor of non-dew, itsboundary, feared that do not break throughfor the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal.
也是此击,让众人意识到,这位平日里不显山、也不露水的南极长生大帝,其境界,怕不是也要突破为混元大罗金仙了。Uniteswith the strength of daytribulation, itwill soon breakinto the symbol of beginning of the universeboundary. Otherwise, uniteswith the strength of daytribulationrashly, thatAntarcticGreat Emperorfeared that isdifficultto escapeby the fate of strength of assimilationdaytribulation.
与天劫之力合一,正是其即将破入混元境界的标志。不然的话,冒然与天劫之力合一,那南极大帝怕是难逃被天劫之力同化的下场。Right, afterendlessyears, Feng Zichentheincarnation that is borninLeize, mustbreak throughfor the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortalfinally.
没错,时隔无尽岁月,风紫宸的这尊诞生于雷泽的化身,终于要突破为混元大罗金仙了。Hisroad ahead, has been clear, Itproves the hindrance on path, had been swept clean, waits for the great antiquityworldto stabilize, is goodto draw support from the strength of the world tribulationtransporting, breaksinto the boundary of beginning of the universeat one fell swoop.
…………Fu Xi, the Fengtughostemperorandmaking a move of immortalGreat Emperor, causesthe day after tomorrowopening of system, onlymissed an axe.
The Three Pure Oneseyeballtransferred the revolutions, mustcut an axejointlyagain, butwasat this time, Feng Zichendirected the strength of in additionworldtreeto holdsuddenly, makingownstrengthrise suddenlyto the situation in beginning of the universeHeaveninstantaneously.三清眼珠子转了转,就要联手再次斩出一斧,可就是这时,风紫宸突然引世界树之力加持,使得自己的力量瞬间暴涨到混元九重天的地步。Then, Itquickly, dividingnextaxeruthlessly, thatday after tomorrowsystemcompleteopens.
然后,祂以迅雷不及掩耳之势,狠狠的劈下一斧,将那后天体系完整的开辟出来。Actually, canchop the 50 th axe. After all, several th fifty50. 50just nowarecomplete.
其实,也是可以劈出第五十斧的。毕竟,大衍之数五十嘛。五十方才是圆满。But the Heavenly Daois not complete, youactuallywill makecompletely the day after tomorrowsystem, whohas putthisnausea. The Heavenly Daohasunder the envy, feared that wasthiswas just born, the day after tomorrowsystem of perfectversion, been jealousHeavenly Daodestroying.
但天道都不圆满,你却把后天体系弄得圆满,过搁这恶心谁呢。天道心生妒忌之下,怕是这刚刚诞生的,完美版的后天体系,就被妒忌的天道给毁了。Therefore, 49, are the bestchoices. Manydestroysittogether, togetheris not little beautiful.
轰隆隆!The day after tomorrow the systemopens, seesthatday after tomorrowrune/symbolwriting, in an instant, thentransforms the endlessrule and order, unfoldsin the world, quickspreadthento each corner of great antiquity.
后天体系开辟完毕,就见那后天符文,于刹那之间,便转化成无尽的规则与秩序,在天地之间铺开,很快的便蔓延至洪荒的每一个角落。Thisnew student/lifeday after tomorrowten thousand, withinnateten thousandexactly the same, different, isoneis lending the day after tomorrowaura, is lending the innateaura.
After seeingthatday after tomorrowten thousandwill open, innateten thousandhave not vanished, returns to the worldsource, butremained, with the day after tomorrowten thousandtightpostsinone, coexistedinworldwithit.
就见那后天万道开辟完毕后,先天万道并没有消失,回到天地本源之中,而是留了下来,与后天万道紧紧的贴在了一起,与其并存于世。Thus, formedday after tomorrowten thousandoutside, innateten thousand in.
这样,就形成了后天万道在外,先天万道在里的局面。From now on, all living thingscultivation, firstinduces is the say/way of day after tomorrow, onlyhastheseaptitudeto be unusual, ordispositionexcellentHeaven's Chosen, cancompareto breakcovering up of say/way of day after tomorrow, in sees the appearance/portrait of innatesay/way.
Very goodsetting, almostlooked aftereachlife, the futuregreat antiquity, will enter the innateday after tomorrowparallelinworldyears. Believes,this timegreat antiquityworld, certainlybecameverysplendid.
After openingday after tomorrowten thousand, the openingdeityaxe in Feng Zichenhand, completeditsmissionfinally, breaksloudly, turns intothreehigh-gradeinnatespirit treasure, falls into the new student/lifecentraldivine land, did not have the newsthoroughly.
开辟出后天万道之后,风紫宸手中的开天神斧,也终于完成了它的使命,轰然破碎开来,重新化成三件上品先天灵宝,跌入新生的中央神州之中,彻底没了消息。Thistothem, is not the misdemeanor, will experiencethistimehas openedday after tomorrowten thousand, was bredby the source of Yangdivine landagain, theirsourceswill be strengthenedinevitably, will be promotedfromhigh-gradeinnatespirit treasuretobest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure.
这对它们来说,并非是坏事,经历过此次开辟后天万道,再被央神州的本源重新孕育,它们的本源势必会得到增强,从上品先天灵宝晋升为极品先天灵宝。Then, in the luckgoodsituation, Feng Zichen can also againinnate supreme treasure , is uncertain.
说不得,运气好的情况下,风紫宸还能再得一件先天至宝,也不一定。Takes back the line of sightfrom the centraldivine land, Feng Zichenis not paying attention tothatthreetreasures, butwill focus on new student/lifeday after tomorrowten thousand.
从中央神州收回视线,风紫宸不在关注那三件宝物,而是将目光放在了新生的后天万道上。Really, byday after tomorrowten thousand that the peopleopenjointly, openswithbeforehandThree Pure Ones, had the obviousdifference.
果然,被众人联手开辟的后天万道,与之前三清开辟的,有了明显的不同。More powerful.
更强大了。Inthatday after tomorrowten thousand, fills the air, besides the aura of the world, the aura of people. Theseauraeach otherinterwine, enabling the day after tomorrowten thousandstrengthsto have the transformation.
那后天万道上,弥漫的,除了天地的气息外,还有众人的气息。这些气息彼此交织在一起,使得后天万道的力量发生了蜕变。ps: Codechapter of time, the heavenly thunderis billowing, Ireallyfearedis struck by lightningtogether, deliversmeto see the Three Pure Onessay/wayto revere......
ps:码这一章的时候,天雷滚滚,我是真的怕一道雷劈下来,送我去见三清道尊……Certainly, fearful.
绝了,可怕。Askedto comfortmyinjuredmindwith the monthly ticket.
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