AfterMount Buzhoucrashes, Kunlun Mountainis the great antiquity'sfirstDivine Mountain, in the meantime, itis the Easternancestorlineage/veinis also.
这是正统中的正统!Three Pure Onesis graspingKunlun Mountain, waits, ifgraspedsomelegitimate, naturallyhas very bigadvantage.三清掌握着昆仑山,等若掌握了部分正统,自然有着很大的优势。
The Heavenly Daoline of sightpaces back and forthback and forth, from time to timestaysin the human clandivine land, from time to timefallson the Three Pure Onesgodcontinent, sometimeswill also fallon the godcontinent of witchclan.
天道视线来回徘徊,时而停留在人族的神州上,时而落在三清的神洲上,有时也会落在巫族的神洲上。PresentIt, veryhesitates, reallychooseswhatgoodincessantly.
现在的祂,很是犹豫,真的不止选什么好。Heavenly Daohesitantalsogood, because, Itshesitantis longer, the human clanadvantageis also bigger, thathuman clandivine land, as in fastis evolvingto the great antiquityland.
The timedragswas long, balance of victorynaturallyslowlyleans towardhuman clan.
时间拖的久了,胜利的天平自然会慢慢的向人族倾斜。Three Pure Onesalsodetectedobviouslythisissue, theydo not dareto have the slighthesitation, after the discoveryHeavenly Daois unable to make the decisionimmediately, usesownsaintauthoritydirectly, startsto inpel the strength of Heavenly Dao.三清显然也察觉到了这个问题,祂们不敢有丝毫的犹豫,在发现天道无法在第一时间做出决定之后,直接动用自己的圣人权柄,开始感召天道之力。Feng Zichen and Three Pure Onesmaximumdisparity, isThree Pure Onesissaint, is the person on one's own side of Heavenly Dao. ButIt is actually not.风紫宸与三清最大的差距,就是三清是圣人,是天道的自己人。而祂却不是。Three Pure Onesreleases the strength of ownsaintauthority, on, ifsaidto the Heavenly Dao: „Big brother, looks atus, yourcowboyshere!”三清释放出自己的圣人权柄之力,就等若向天道说:“大哥,看我们,你的马仔们在这里啊!”
A sideis a person on one's own side, a sidewill be the bystander, how the Heavenly Daowill elect, wasn't thatveryobvious?, The strength of Heavenly Dao, startsgraduallyto the divine landshift that Three Pure Onesis.
一方是自己人,一方是外人,天道会如何选,那不是很显然了吗?渐渐的,天道的力量,开始向三清所在的神州转移。Seesthis, the Feng Zicheneyenarrowed the eyes, started the ownfirstalternative plan.
轰隆一声!Above the vault of heaven, sidereal revolutionstarssimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniformis shocked, dangles the limitlessstarstrength, wells uptoward the divine land that human clanis.
天穹之上,周天星辰齐齐震动,垂下无边无际的星力,向着人族所在的神州涌去。Meanwhile, the position of sidereal revolutionstarsis also changing, gatheredtoward the sky of human clandivine land.
同时,周天星辰的位置也在改变,朝着人族神州的上空汇聚了。Especially the purplefaint star, appearedin the above of human clandivine land, dangledcontinuously the rulerauspicious sign, covered the entirehuman clandivine land, showedto look upon with favorthisplace.
尤其是紫微星,更是出现在了人族神州的正上方,垂下缕缕帝皇紫气,笼罩住整个人族神州,以示自己垂青此地。Results insidereal revolutionstarsin additionto hold, the position of human clandivine landingreat antiquityland, the rise, thatgraduallyshiftsloudlytoThree Pure Onesin the worldstrength of divine land, startsto backflowgradually, wells uptoward the human clandivine land.
得周天星辰加持,人族神州在洪荒大地上的地位,轰然上涨,那逐渐转移向三清所在神州的天地力量,渐渐开始回流,向着人族神州涌去。As for the Mother Earthempress, Ithad not plannedcontendsfrom the beginningwiththattwosides.
至于后土娘娘,祂从一开始就没打算与那两方相争。One of usknowtheirmatter, if12ancestorwitchsimultaneous/uniform, summoned the Pangutrue bodydirectly, thatthisgreat antiquitylegitimatewar, did not needto struggle, directlywasthey.
自家人知道自家的事,若是十二祖巫齐在,直接召唤出盘古真身,那这场洪荒正统之战,根本就不用争,直接就是祂们了。Butpitifully, 12ancestorwitchesnowonlytwo people, the strengthsells at a discountgreatly, cannot struggle the opposite party. The Mother Earthempresslooksopensvery much, sincecannot struggle, whythat must abandon the strengthstruggles?
但可惜,十二祖巫如今只余两人,力量大打折扣,根本就争不过对方。后土娘娘看的很开,既然争不过,那为何还要废力气的去争?Ithasnether worldin any casein the hand, even if not strugglethisworldto be legitimate, Itnotweaklyineither oneinfluence.
…………Saw that the strength of Heavenly Daoshifts, Three Pure Oneswas immediately anxious, sawItsthree people are to first offer a sacrifice to the treasure of respectivecardsay/way, dragon's headflatturn/kidnap, azureduckweedswordsandthreeprecious jadeswere pleasant.
眼看着天道之力转移,三清顿时就急了,就见祂三人先是祭出了各自的证道之宝,龙头扁拐、青萍剑、三宝玉如意。Instance that the three treasuresraise, immediately, tightentanglement of threepowerfulstrengthsinvoid, graduallyevolves the aura of good fortuneblue lotus, comesin the worldenormously and powerful.
三宝升起的瞬间,顿时,三种强大的力量在虚空之中紧紧纠缠,逐渐演变成造化青莲的气息,于天地之间浩荡开来。Feels the aura of good fortuneblue lotus, on that dayskill in Daoist cultivationquantity, shiftedslightlyto the human clandivine landdirectionspeed, graduallystartsto slow down.
感受到造化青莲的气息,那天道力量微微一顿,转移向人族神州方向的速度,逐渐开始放缓下来。However, is only the aura of good fortuneblue lotus, but alsoinsufficiently, the Heavenly Daostrengthshiftsto the speed of human clandivine landslows down, does not stop.
但是,仅是造化青莲的气息,还不够,天道力量转移向人族神州的速度只是放缓,并非停下。Seesthis, tooclearsaintandYuan Shi Tian Zunlook at each otheronerespectively, suddenlyoffered a sacrifice to open the day of most precious objectprimal chaoschart, withoperating the day of most precious objectPangustreamer.
The strength that thesetwoopen a day of most precious objectcomesenormously and powerful, the strength of Heavenly Daoseemedreceives the fatalseductionto be the same, abandoned the human clandivine landdirectly, runs quicklyto gotoward the divine land that Three Pure Oneswas.
这两件开天至宝的力量浩荡开来,天道之力就好似受到了致命的诱惑一般,直接抛弃了人族神州,向着三清所在的神州奔驰而去。Opens a day of most precious object, onceopened the day the treasure, ifthisis not the great antiquityis legitimate, whatthingthatalsohasto calculate that the great antiquityis legitimate?
开天至宝,曾经开天的宝物,如果这都不算洪荒正统的话,那还有什么东西算洪荒正统?Three Pure Oneshas kept aloof, besidesthemisPanguOrthodox school, becausetheygraspedopened a day of most precious object.三清一直高高在上,除了祂们是盘古正宗之外,更因为祂们掌握了开天至宝。Youlook atthatexceedingly highfounder, ifaccording to the normalhistorical orbit, withoutopeningIt of day of most precious object, will then end upto teachto extinguish the imprisonedfate.
你看那通天教主,若是按照正常的历史轨迹,没有开天至宝的祂,便会落得个教灭被囚的下场。„Main roadreveres the mark, gets up!”
“大道尊印记,起!”Althoughhas not opened a day of most precious object, butFeng Zichenhas the main roadto revere the mark, thissimilarlyis the worldorthodoxsymbol.
The so-calledstruggleworldis legitimate, nothing butislooked the Pangumark that whohasare many, many that whohas, whoislegitimate.
所谓的争天地正统,无非是看谁拥有的盘古印记多罢了,谁拥有的多,谁就是正统。Whilestimulating to movement the main roadreveres the mark, Feng Zichenhas not forgottento offer a sacrifice to the humaneemperorimperial seal, thisinnate supreme treasure that has the Panguphalanxto buildbecomes.
在催动大道尊印记的同时,风紫宸也没忘祭起人道帝玺,这件有盘古指骨打造而成的先天至宝。Bothadd together, extremelyrichPanguaura, came from the body of Feng Zichenenormously and powerful, fills the airin the world.
The strength of Heavenly Dao, anotherlived, lingersin the world, does not know that whomshouldelectto be good.
天道之力,又又一次的顿住了,徘徊在天地之间,不知该选谁好。„Chaosbell, gets up!”
The distant place, the easternsovereigntooseesthis, suddenlyoffered a sacrifice to the chaosbell, opened the day of most precious objectjoint effortwithothertwo, anti-Feng Zichen.
The monsterclanandhuman clanaremortal enemies, toolooks likein the easternsovereign, even if Three Pure Onesbecomes the great antiquityto be legitimate, becomesgreat antiquityorthodoxcompared withhuman clan. Therefore, after the shorthesitation, ItchosehelpedThree Pure Ones.
妖族与人族乃是死敌,在东皇太一看来,哪怕是三清成为洪荒正统,也比人族成为洪荒正统强。所以,在经过短暂的犹豫之后,祂选择了帮助三清。Threebigopen the day of most precious objectjoint effort, the great power is enormous and powerful, is notone plus two is so simple, itsstrength, is almost geometricaltime of startrises suddenly.
三大开天至宝合力,所浩荡出的强大力量,可不是一加二那么简单,其力量,几乎是几何倍似的开始暴涨。Faint, cansee, an emptyshadow of greataxeinthreebigopen a day of most precious objectbehindis partly visible, sends out the epoch-makingfluctuation.
隐隐的,更是可以看到,一柄巨斧的虚影在三大开天至宝的身后若隐若现,散发出开天辟地般的波动。Operates the deityaxe!
开天神斧!Instantaneously, the balance of victoryleans towardThree Pure Onesagain, on that day the strength of say/waywas enormous and powerful, the divine land that Three Pure Oneswas atwelled up.
“镇!”In the boundlessstarry sky, the purpleslightlyGreat Emperor seems the induction, releasesthatsuddenlywith the Heavenly Daocommon originstrength, in additionheldon the body of Feng Zichen.
无垠星空之中,紫微大帝似有感应,猛然释放出自己那与天道同源的力量,加持在了风紫宸的身上。Meanwhile, sees the easternsovereigntooto lend a handto helpThree Pure Ones, Mother Earthempress who thenhas a grudgewith the monsterclan, acted, allurgesto send the prestigeenergies of 12ancestorwitchtemples, condenses the strength of greatPangu, in additionholdson the body of Feng Zichen.
与此同时,见东皇太一出手帮助三清,那与妖族有仇的后土娘娘,也出手了,全力催发十二祖巫神殿的威能,凝聚出伟岸的盘古之力,加持在风紫宸的身上。Immediately, the balance of thatvictorybecomesstable, rushes toThree Pure Onesin the Heavenly Daostrength of divine land, drew backslowly, during andfell intoonce againhesitated.
顿时,那胜利的天平重新变得稳固起来,涌向三清所在神州的天道力量,缓缓退了回去,又又又又一次的陷入了犹豫之中。„Damn, cancelsChen, thisisyoucompelsthis poor Daoist.”
The distant place, Three Pure Onessaw itselfto resort to all means that alsocannotseize the strength of Heavenly Dao, clenches teeth, released the Pangumark in within the bodysuddenly, plannedto unifyPanguYuangod, robbed the strength of Heavenly Dao.
远方,三清见自己动用了一切手段,也没能将天道之力夺过来,不由咬了咬牙,猛然释放自己体内的盘古印记,打算凝聚盘古元神,强夺天道之力。It seems like that Three Pure Oneswas really compelledanxiously, with the chaosdemongodfights, has not seenthemto resort to the last resort, summonedPanguYuangod, has not thought that tocompete for the great antiquitywas legitimate, theyresorted tothisstrongestmethodactually.
看来,三清是真的被逼急了,与混沌魔神战斗的时候,都未见祂们动用最后的手段,召唤盘古元神,可不曾想,为了争夺洪荒正统,祂们倒是动用了这一最强的手段。Indivine land that another side, human clanis, Feng Zichennaturallyalsonoticed the Three Pure Onesaction, sawonItsface, appearedto wipe the impatientlook.
另一边,人族所在的神州上,风紫宸自然也注意到了三清的举动,就见祂的脸上,不由浮现出了一抹不耐烦的神色。„Are youbothersome!”
“你们烦不烦啊!”Did not shoutpatiently, in the Feng Zichenheartmakes a determined effort, searchesto actunexpectedlydirectly, holds the worldtree, eradicatesit, planteddirectlyin the center of human clandivine land.
The worldtreefalls to the ground, thatendlessroot hairextension, directandinhuman clandivine landland features, tightwindinginone.
刷……Instantaneously, is aboveimagination the strength of sourceto gush outfrom the root hair of the world tree, crazypours into the human clandivine landto be at the land that.
轰隆隆!In the giantbellow, the area of human clandivine landrises suddenlysuddenlyat the visiblespeed, duringseveralbreath, thenexpandedonetimeto continue, andexpansion of continuation.
巨大轰鸣声中,人族神州的面积忽然以肉眼可见的速度暴涨起来,几个呼吸间,便扩大了一倍不止,且还在继续的扩大着。In a while, the area of human clandivine landthenexpandedhundredtimesto continue, anditsappearance, has transformed the appearance of great antiquitylandcompletely.
没过多久,人族神州的面积便扩大了百倍不止,且其模样,已经完全转化成了洪荒大地的模样。Ifsomepeopleoverlookthis timehuman clandivine land, will discover,this timehuman clandivine land, besides the areadot, has almost no difference from the great antiquityland of antiquetime, simplyis the great antiquityland of diminished version.
若是有人俯视此时的人族神州,就会发现,此时的人族神州,除了面积小点之外,几乎与太古时代的洪荒大地没有任何的区别,简直就是缩小版的洪荒大地。Hereareais small, is compared with the great antiquityland of antiquetime, rather than compared withformergreat antiquityland.
这里的面积小,是与太古时代的洪荒大地相比,而不是与之前的洪荒大地相比。Reallymustwithbefore, the words that the great antiquityland of Three Sovereignsfive emperorsperiodcompares, bothalmostsimilarsize, nottoobigdifference.
真要与之前,三皇五帝时期的洪荒大地相比的话,两者差不多同样大小,并无太大的区别。When the worldtreeappearsin the instance of human clandivine land, on that day the strength of say/way, discardedThree Pure Oneswithout hesitation, appearedin the sky of the world treedirectly, andletting fallslowly.
当世界树出现在人族神州的瞬间,那天道之力,毫不犹豫的舍弃了三清,直接出现在了世界树的上空,并缓缓的垂落。In the eye of Heavenly Dao, the worldtreeis even more important than the great antiquityland, sinceItchose the human clandivine land, thatthisorthodoxstruggle, does not needto continue.
在天道的眼中,世界树甚至比洪荒大地重要,既然祂都选择了人族神州,那这正统之争,也就没必要继续下去了。Except for the human clandivine land, what can also be?
“怎么可能?”„The worldtreecancelsChenunexpectedly?”
“怎么会?”At this time, Three Pure Oneswith the easternsovereigntoooneallsilly there, theyhave a dreamhave not thought, the worldtreeactuallybelongs toFeng Zichen.
此时,三清与东皇太一全都傻在了那里,祂们做梦也没想到,世界树竟然是属于风紫宸的。Theyhave thought, the worldtreebelongs to the most precious object of Heavenly Daoalone, thereforehad not caredit. Has not thought,finallyunexpectedlyisthisresult.
祂们一直以为,世界树是独属于天道的至宝,故而一直没将其放在心上。可没想到,最后竟是这个结果。Mustknowearly the worldtreeis the Feng Zichentreasure, theywill not contendwithFeng Zichen. Opposite partyhas the firstmost precious object in day of way, thatalsostruggles, whocanwinhim?
要早知道世界树是风紫宸的宝物,祂们根本不会与风紫宸相争。对方的都有着天道眼中的第一至宝了,那还争个屁啊,谁能争得过他?This was really extremely pit.
…………Has not paid attention to the shock of people, Feng Zichenis onlystaticis staring at the human clandivine land. After obtainingin addition of the world treeholds, thissidelandhadtoomanychanges, as manyas the situation that Feng Zichenis unable to see clearlythoroughly.
没理会众人的震惊,风紫宸只是静静的盯着人族神州。得到世界树的加持之后,这方大地生出了太多的变化,多到风紫宸都无法彻底看清的地步。Itonlyknows,thisdivine landwas getting more and more uncommon, had seemed like not weakin the great antiquityland of antiquity, evenwasstrongerthreepoints, byhaving the vigor of source, canpress up to the antiquetime.
祂只知道,这块神州越来越不凡了,已经似乎不弱于上古的洪荒大地了,甚至是更强三分,论起本源之浑厚,更是能直逼太古时代。In other words, isthissidedivine land, hasbreeding first condition of deitydemon, every inchs the land, every inchs the rivers, are the treasure, forinnatelivessuccinctly, is brimming with the purefirstHeavenly Daorhyme.
The divine interventionlets fall, as the great antiquityorthodoxadvantage, alsoarrival.
天意垂落,身为洪荒正统的好处,也随之到来了。Sees the sources of ninechaosdemongods the Heavenly Daograsps, 30%danglefrom the vault of heaven, fuses togetherwith the human clandivine land.
就见天道所掌握的九尊混沌魔神的本源,有30%从天穹之上垂下,与人族神州融为一体。Butotherfourmost partscontinents, is 10%chaosdemongodsourcesdanglesrespectively.
而其余的四大部洲,则是各有10%混沌魔神本源垂下。As forother30% , 10%integratedHeaven, 10%integratednether world. 10%were keptby the Heavenly Dao, todospare.
轰隆隆!Sourcein addition of chaosdemongodholds, fivebigdivine landsstartrapidlyexpands, derivesall sorts ofmystery.
得混沌魔神的本源加持,五大神州开始迅速的壮大起来,衍生出种种的玄妙。Meanwhile, theirpositionsalsochangedgradually, thatbelongs to the human clandivine land, stands erect the world's most central, motionless.
同时,它们的位置也是渐渐发生了改变,那属于人族的神州,屹立在天地的最中央,一动不动。Thatbelongs to the Three Pure Onesdivine land, is next to the human clandivine land, thenarrived at the East.
那属于三清的神州,仅次于人族神州,则是来到了东方。Then, belongs towitchclan the divine land, ranksthird, by the Heavenly Daoarrangementin the south.
接着,是属于巫族的神州,排名第三,被天道安排在了南方。Next, is the divine landranked the fourth, graspsfor the monsterclan, was placed the northby the Heavenly Dao.
下一个,是排名第四的神州,为妖族所掌握,被天道放在了北方。Finally, rankingend, naturallyis the divine landWest, stillin the West.
最后,排名最末的,当然是西方的神州,依然还是在西方。Sincethat moment when the positions of fivebigdivine lands, setthoroughly, among the Heavenly Dao, raisedsuddenly the light beams of fiveexceedingly highpenetratingplaces.
当五大神州的位置,彻底定下的那一刻起,天道之间,骤然升起了五道通天彻地的光柱。Thatlight beamin the spatialcentral diskfor a long time, just nowcondensespermanentlyslowly, turns intofivegiantgodtablets, falls intofivebigdivine landsboundaryrespectively.
The godtabletis very big, eachhastrillionzhang (3.33 m)high, aboverespectivelyis carving the differentfirstdeityarticles, the Heavenly Daois the name that fivebigdivine landsset.
神碑很大,每一个都有亿万丈之高,上面分别刻着不同的先天神文,正是天道为五大神州定下的名字。Namely the human clancentraldivine land, the Three Pure OnesDongshengdivine land, witchclansouthgazes the sectioncontinent, northernallLuzhou of monsterclan, the westerncowHezhouWest.
即人族的中央神州,三清的东胜神州,巫族的南瞻部洲,妖族的北俱芦洲,西方的西牛贺州。Thesefivebigdivine lands, area, althoughvaries, but is vastboundless, ifputs together, areanotcompared withgreat antiquitylanddifferencemany of antiquitywitchmonstertime.
这五大神州,面积虽有大有小,但皆是浩瀚无垠,倘若加在一起,面积不比上古巫妖时代的洪荒大地差多少。Butthesefivebigdivine lands, alonebyhaving the centraldivine land of the world tree, the areais hugest, was quick and areasum totals of otherfourmost partscontinentsaddsto be equally big.
而这五大神州,又独以拥有世界树的中央神州,面积最为巨大,都快和其余四大部洲的面积总和加起来一样大了。Except thatoutsidefivebigdivine lands, abovethatboundlessvastsea, but also is floating the every large or smallinnumerableislands, theseare the fragment of great antiquityland.
除去五大神州之外,那磅礴浩瀚的大海之上,还漂浮着大大小小无数座岛屿,这些都是洪荒大地的碎片所化。Receives the aurainfections of fivebigdivine lands, thesefragmentsalsobecomeuncommon, has the innateair/Qibirth.
受到五大神州的气息感染,这些碎片也都变得不凡起来,有先天之气诞生。Right, after the great antiquitylandwas shattered, made the area of four seasexpandinnumerabletimesactually. Besidefourmostcontinents, almostallwas the sea, spreadto the end of the world.
对了,洪荒大地破碎之后,倒是使得四海的面积扩大了无数倍。四大部洲之外,几乎全都是大海了,蔓延至天地的尽头。Feared that in the followingsome time, the strength of water clanwill welcomesome time the blowoutperiod.
怕是在接下来的一段时间里,水族的力量会迎来一段时间井喷期。However, on the other hand, the great antiquityworldchangesnow, has the trend of being back toera, a strength of whichinfluencealsothere is, won't enter the blowoutperiod?
………………………………Primary and secondary of fivebigdivine lands, althoughhas determined, butthis and representative, theirchangesstopped. Obtainedsomanysourcessuddenly, fivebigdivine landsalsoevolvesome timewell, will just now belong totranquilly.
五大神州的主次,虽然已经确定了,但这并代表,它们的变化就是停止了。骤然得到了如此多的本源,五大神州也得好好演变一段时间,方才会归于平静。However, has the Heavenly Daoto managethisevolution, does not needFeng Zichentheyto worryactually.
不过,有天道主持着这场演变,倒是不用风紫宸祂们去操心的了。At present, theyhave a more importantmatter to do.
眼下,祂们有更重要的事要做。Thatopens the say/way of day after tomorrow, establishesthe day after tomorrow the system.
那就是重新开辟后天之道,建立后天体系。Nowadays, although the worldhas returned to the innatetime, in the worldis also filling the innateair/Qi, innateten thousandallarrived.
现如今,天地虽然已经重归先天时代,天地间也都弥漫着先天之气,先天万道更是全都降临了。However, thislife, actuallyhas degenerated the day after tomorrowlife. Thatinnatedegenerates the day after tomorrowto be easy, but the lifewill transforminto the innatelifethe day after tomorrow, thatwas difficult.
It is not the absorptioninnateair/Qi, livescanaccomplishin the innateenvironment, needs been through repeatedly the numeroustribulationsonly then.
不是吸收先天之气,生活在先天环境就能办到的,需要历经重重磨难方可。In particular, pleaserefer toyoungFeng Zichen, asIt of day after tomorrowlife, is almost hardto go on livingin the innatetime. Includingmostfoundation, absorbs the innateair/Qito conduct the cultivationto be hardto achieve.
The innatetime, does not give the lifeto keep the means of livelihoodsimplythe day after tomorrow.
先天时代,简直不给后天生灵留活路。ps: Iwas quickly hot, oneall dayblurry, over the two daysmustbuy the air conditioning, made a great effort, contributes moneyto buy the air conditioning.
ps:我快热死了,一整天都迷迷糊糊的,这两天一定要买空调,勒紧裤腰带,攒钱买空调。Does, thisghostweather, oneyear of differentyearis hot.
Not suitablemankind existgradually.
渐渐的不适合人类生存。Somebig shotleaveEarthdoes not have, leads the little brothermyregulation.
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