GDSP :: Volume #9

#806: Struggles the great antiquity to be legitimate

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What Feng Zichen wants is now, rather than in the future. He wants the human clan divine land now, exceeds other four states. 风紫宸要的是现在,而不是未来。他现在就想要人族的神州,超越其余四州。 In the future was full of too many uncertainties, like Feng Zichen, to plan to seal/confer Shenliang tribulations, how many did It make to think perfect plan? Instead, had not had all kinds of problems. 未来充满了太多的不确定,就像风紫宸,为了谋划封神量劫,祂做了多少自以为完美的谋划?可到头来,还不是出了各种各样的问题。 The future matter, no one says certainly, grasping now is real. Therefore, Feng Zichen wants the human clan divine land to achieve now unusual, far exceeds other four big divine lands. 未来的事,谁也说不准,把握现在才是真。所以,风紫宸现在就要人族神州做到与众不同,远超其余四大神州。 Feng Zichen does this, is not the struggle of spirit, but has huge plan, is human clan seeks the benefits. 风紫宸这样做,可不是意气之争,而是有着天大的谋划,是在为人族谋福利。 Now the great antiquity land was stave, turned into five more powerful divine lands, this was the good deed is not false. As long as the matter has primary and secondary, even if these five big divine lands are uncommon, scores points a quality to come out. 如今洪荒大地破碎,化成了五个更为强大的神州,这是好事不假。但凡事都有个主次,这五大神州哪怕再不凡,也得分个好坏出来。 Later the Heavenly Dao returns, the good that divine land, can definitely gain Heavenly Dao many attention, thus obtains most Heavenly Dao destiny to look upon with favor. 待会天道回归,好的那块神州,肯定能获得天道更多的关注,从而得到大部分的天道气运垂青。 Then, divine land that this divine intervention looks upon with favor, the development or the background, far will exceed other four most parts continents. 如此一来,这块得天意垂青的神州,无论是发展还是底蕴,都将远超其余的四大部洲。 Before the great antiquity land is not stave, the East is legitimate of great antiquity, the vision of Heavenly Dao also centralized in the East. 就像洪荒大地未曾破碎之前,东方才是洪荒的正统,天道的目光也都集中在东方。 This place all, the spiritual energy density, is many of magic weapon, or the quantity of Heaven's Chosen wait/etc, must go far beyond the West. 以至于此地的一切,无论是灵气的浓度,还是法宝的多少,或是天骄的数量等等,都要远远超过西方。 In brief, a few words described are, the East was the biological mother raises, the West was the stepmother raises, the disparity big letting person did not endure to look straight ahead. 总之,一句话来形容就是,东方就是亲妈养的,西方就是后妈养的,差距大的让人不忍直视。 Nowadays, Feng Zichen must make the human clan divine land is unusual and outstanding, becomes the eminents in five most parts continents. 现如今,风紫宸之所以要让人族神州变得与众不同、出类拔萃,成为五大部洲中的翘楚。 The goal, not after met the Heavenly Dao returns, struggles that legitimate position, thus obtains more Heavenly Dao to look upon with favor. 其目的,还不是在等会天道归来之后,一争那正统的位置,从而得到更多的天道垂青。 Believes, at this time, definitely a Feng Zichen person thought of this point incessantly, several other people, feared that is not also thinks, wanted to struggle on that day the legitimate position. 相信,这个时候,肯定不止风紫宸一人想到了这一点,其余的几人,怕不是也是这么想的,想要一争那天地正统的位置。 Therefore, others think that also prepared all sorts of methods, but their methods, how can also compare with Feng Zichen? 为此,其余众人想必也准备了种种手段,但祂们的手段,又如何能与风紫宸相比呢? In the heart moves, the Feng Zichen god read loudly, spanned the infinite space and time, arrives position that small great antiquity was. 心中一动,风紫宸的神念轰然而出,跨越无穷的时空,来到了小洪荒界所在的位置。 Then, has not seen It to have what movement, is ordinary just like Tienchu, towers in the small great antiquity innate stars tree, is missing suddenly. 接着,也没见祂有什么动作,那宛如天柱一般,耸立在小洪荒界的先天星辰树,骤然不见了踪影。 But ten thousand boundary/world beyond infinite space and time trades the city, suddenly rocks, but sees one to obstruct deity tree quiet reappearing, takes root in the center of city, that huge crown stretches, opened ten thousand boundary/world to trade void of city. 而远在无穷时空之外的万界交易城,忽然一阵晃动,但见一颗遮天神树悄无声息的浮现,扎根在城池的中央,那庞大的树冠舒展间,生生撑开了万界交易城的虚空。 Meanwhile, trillion stars appear, lives the splendor shiningly, is hanging above the vault of heaven, brilliant incomparable, dangles the endless star light. 同时,有亿万星辰浮现,灿灿生辉,悬挂在天穹之上,绚烂无比,垂下无尽的星光。 This tree, was the innate stars sets up without a doubt, Feng Zichen move from small great antiquity it, shifts ten thousand boundary/world to trade in the city, to do for this reason city the thing of support, was good to accelerate the growth of this city. 这颗树,毫无疑问就是先天星辰树了,风紫宸将它从小洪荒界挪走,转移到了万界交易城中,以作为此城的支撑之物,好加速此城的成长。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! After packing off the innate stars tree, Feng Zichen in small great antiquity, existence above gold/metal immortal, all fed in ten thousand boundary/world to trade in the city. 送走先天星辰树之后,风紫宸又将小洪荒界之中,金仙之上的存在,全都送进了万界交易城中。 Then, this displays the unsurpassed mighty force, transports small great antiquity, it from the seal of monster clan, beyond the great antiquity space and time, pulls, unceasing approaches to the great antiquity world. 接着,这才施展无上伟力,搬运小洪荒界,将其从妖族的封印之中,洪荒的时空之外,生生拉扯出来,不断的向洪荒天地靠近。 Bang! 轰隆一声! The sky of human clan continent, a big piece vast boundless void loudly shatter, revealed a side unsurpassed big corner/horn, is small great antiquity. 人族大洲的上空,一大片浩瀚无垠的虚空轰然破碎,露出了一方无上大界的一角,正是小洪荒界。 Under pulling of Feng Zichen, small great antiquity after the endless years, returned the long-separated for a long time great antiquity world. 风紫宸的拉扯下,小洪荒界时隔无尽岁月,重新回到了阔别已久的洪荒天地。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The world is shaking unceasingly, sky over the human clan area, many void shatter, small great antiquity reveal are also getting more and more. 天地不断的震荡着,人族疆域上空,更多的虚空破碎,小洪荒界显露的也越来越多。 Quick, that ratio it common infinite universe, is on big several hundred times of small great antiquity, returned to the great antiquity world completely, that static lying in the sky of human clan divine land. 很快的,那比之寻常大千世界,还是大上数百倍的小洪荒界,完全的回到了洪荒天地之中,就那么静静的横陈在人族神州的上空。 Small great antiquity is very big, may not have the new student/life human clan divine land to be big as before, wants on small many times. 小洪荒界很大,可依旧没有新生的人族神州大,要小上很多倍。 This side world, the good familiar internal energy, was the human clan past sacred place, purple house dwelling place of Buddhist immortals?” “这方世界,好熟悉的气机,是人族昔日的圣地,紫宸洞天吗?” „, After monster clan seal endless years, it not only has not declined, instead is even more prosperous.” “没想到,被妖族封印了无尽岁月之后,它非但没有败落,反而愈发的兴盛起来。” Does not know that should say the method of monster clan is not good, should say that the method of person sovereign goes against heaven's will. This cannot shake the human clan foundation, instead made it even more powerful.” “不知是该说妖族的手段不行,还是该说人皇的手段逆天。这样都没能动摇人族的根基,反而使其愈发的强大了。” Some people recognized the origin of small great antiquity, was the past human clan sacred place, the purple house dwelling place of Buddhist immortals evolved, not only remembered at that time the past event, could not bear sigh again and again. 有人认出了小洪荒界的来历,正是昔日的人族圣地,紫宸洞天衍化而成,不仅想起当时旧事,忍不住连连感叹起来。 Is the monster sovereign technique difference plans, past to cut off the human clan inheritance, but the seal under supposing, not only has not played the proper effect, instead was human clan created a big world, grew its strength. 到底是妖皇技差一筹,昔日为了断绝人族传承而设下的封印,非但没有起到应有的效果,反而为人族创造了一个偌大的世界,增长了其实力。 To come, the eastern sovereign too sees this, perhaps meets at heart is not quite comfortable. 想来,东皇太一看到这一幕,心里恐怕会不太舒服。 Fact also truly so, even if in the heart had expected, but really saw after small great antiquity appears, an eastern sovereign too face pulls down, becomes exceptionally ugly. 事实也确实如此,哪怕心中早已有所预料,可真的看到小洪荒界出现后,东皇太一的脸还是拉了下来,变得异常的难看。 Especially, when It sees in small great antiquity, when is living many powerful member human clan, Its complexion was without doubt uglier. 尤其是,当祂看到小洪荒界之中,还生活着不少强大的人族修士时,祂的脸色无疑更难看了。 Officially informs early has today's consequence, the eastern sovereign too one will not have scruples initially so many, will definitely put together the human clan slaughter that goes all-out completely, rather than choice its seal. 早知会有今日的后果,东皇太一当初也不会顾忌这么多了,肯定会拼尽全力的将人族屠杀殆尽,而不是选择将其封印。 Well?” “咦?” This side world, how this poor Daoist more looked that more looks familiar, seems, seems the great antiquity land?” “这方世界,贫道怎么越看越是眼熟,就好似,好似洪荒大地?” „It is not the present great antiquity land, but is that antique time, the influence of receive quantity tribulation, has not broken great antiquity land.” “不是如今的洪荒大地,而是那太古时代,未曾受到量劫的影响,没有破碎过的洪荒大地。” „The terrain of this side world, simply with that time great antiquity land, exactly the same.” “这方世界的地形,简直与那时的洪荒大地,一模一样。” Some people look at small great antiquity more to look more look familiar, and finally, resembling was thinks that anything, shouted suddenly, said the origin of small great antiquity. 有人瞧着小洪荒界越看越眼熟,到了最后,似是想起来了什么,突然喊了起来,道出了小洪荒界的来历。 At this moment, Three Pure Ones and other beginning of the universe powerhouses, noticed this point, then, their brows closely wrinkled. 此刻,三清等混元强者,也注意到了这一点,然后,祂们的眉头就紧紧的皱了起来。 Their boundaries are higher, known are also more, therefore, after they saw small great antiquity and great antiquity land are quite similar, had not the good premonition at heart in vain. 祂们的境界更高,知道的也更多,所以,当祂们看出小洪荒界与洪荒大地极为相似之后,心里徒然生出了不好的预感。 Feng Zichen feared that does not want by this, competing for the great antiquity is legitimate? 风紫宸怕不是想以此界,争夺洪荒正统吧? Then, Feng Zichen action, verified people's speculation. Sees It to clench teeth, suddenly takes out small great antiquity the source, it is enthralled friendly source. 接下来,风紫宸的举动,也印证了众人的猜测。就见祂咬了咬牙,突然取出小洪荒界的本源,将其融入神界的本源之中。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! After losing the world source, small great antiquity quick moved toward the end, by the speed of being above the imagination starts to disintegrate, collapse. 失去了世界本源之后,小洪荒界很快的就走向了终结,以一种超乎想象的速度开始解体,崩溃。 The vault of heaven splits, turns into the innumerable fragments, in the group star with that day, dropped toward under together. But land, also disintegrates and collapses, changes to fragments, the trend dies out. 天穹裂开,化成无数的碎片,与那天上的群星,一起朝下方跌落。而大地,也随之解体、崩溃,化作一块块碎片,走向寂灭。 However, without and other small great antiquity dies out thoroughly, Feng Zichen has acted. 不过,没等小洪荒界彻底寂灭,风紫宸就已经出手了。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The vast strength spews out from Its within the body, derives endless rune/symbol writing, changes to a giant main road drying furnace, disintegrating small great antiquity entire received, crazy building up melts. 浩瀚的力量从祂体内喷涌而出,衍生出无尽的符文,化作一尊巨大的大道烘炉,将正在解体的小洪荒界整个的收了进去,疯狂的炼化起来。 The conflagration, the drying furnace vibrates, small great antiquity fast refining up, turns into the purest strength class/flow to be enthralled, accelerates the fusions of two side world sources. 道火熊熊,烘炉震动,小洪荒界被飞快的炼化者,化成最为精纯的力量流入神界之中,加速两方世界本源的融合。 But after absorbing the source of small great antiquity, the shape of god changes gradually, transforms toward the shape of small great antiquity. 而在吸收了小洪荒界的本源之后,神界的形状渐渐发生变化,向着小洪荒界的形状转变。 God and human clan divine land, the itself/Ben is existences of two bodies, when god changes, that and its relative human clan divine land was affected, the spontaneous start makes the adjustment, becoming and god is similar. 神界与人族神州,本就是两位一体的存在,当神界发生改变时,那与其相对的人族神州受到影响,自发的开始做出调整,变得与神界相似。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! In the human clan divine land, that 365 god city simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform are shocked, echoes with the Pangu Deity, evolves the corresponding spiritual energy node respectively, to accelerate the transformation of human clan divine land. 人族神州上,那三百六十五座神城齐齐震动,与盘古神人相呼应,各自衍化出相应的灵气节点,以加速人族神州的转变。 According to the idea of Feng Zichen, so long as Its structure human clan divine land, transformation and true great antiquity land not the slightest difference, after that and other Heavenly Dao returned, saw this past great antiquity land, great, will definitely look upon with favor this place. 按照风紫宸的想法,只要祂将人族神州的构造,改造的和真正的洪荒大地一般无二,那等天道回归之后,看到这昔日的洪荒大地,没得说,肯定会更加垂青此地。 If by legitimate, what but also there is able with the great antiquity land to place on a par? This is not the orthodox words, what does that have to call it legitimate? 若论正统,还有什么能与洪荒大地相提并论?这都不算正统的话,那还有什么能被称之为正统? Really must make Feng Zichen make, on that day no electing. 真的要让风紫宸做成了,那天道就没的选了。 Even It does not plan the main body of human clan divine land localization great antiquity world, on that day said ten thousand, and endless destiny, will still gather spontaneously, naturally will transform the center of great antiquity land it. 就算祂不打算将人族神州定位洪荒天地的主体,那天道万道,以及无尽的气运,也会自发的汇聚过来,自然而然的就会将其改造成洪荒大地的中心。 Indeed, Feng Zichen does not have the decision of means disturbance Heavenly Dao, but It can actually create one, the Heavenly Dao has to choose Its condition. 诚然,风紫宸没办法干扰天道的决定,但祂却可以创造一个,天道不得不选择祂的条件。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! When the prestige of that 365 human clan god cities can urge to send to the limit, galaxy eon brilliant spontaneous reappearing, sees the galaxy to gallop, the eon light passes, the space and time in human clan divine land speeds up suddenly. 待那三百六十五座人族神城的威能催发至极限,星河宙光大阵自发的浮现,就见星河奔腾,宙光流转,人族神州内的时空忽然加快起来。 Just likes the Yellow River to gallop, incessant, fast wells up forward. However twinkling, on by in the past millenniums, and this speed , the revolution of galaxy eon light, but also continuing is speeding up. 犹如黄河奔腾,滔滔不绝,飞快的向前涌去。不过瞬息,就以过去了千年,且这个速度,随之星河宙光的运转,还在继续的加快着。 Hundred years, millenniums and ten thousand years...... 一眼,百年、千年、万年…… Time crazy passing, the change of human clan divine land also becomes quick, almost went to the visible situation, seems the pair of unsurpassed great hands to fabricate general, but the times of several breaths, the human clan divine land has the embryonic form of several points of great antiquity land. 时间疯狂的流逝,人族神州的改变也随之变快,几乎达到了肉眼可见的地步,就好似有一双无上巨手在捏造一般,不过几息的功夫,人族神州已经有了几分洪荒大地的雏形。 The distant place, Three Pure Ones and eastern sovereign too one, West two Saints saw this, the brow wrinkled. 远方,三清、东皇太一、西方二圣看到这一幕,眉头不由皱了起来。 Makes Feng Zichen evolve again, that this great antiquity orthodox status, they did not need to struggle, basically was equivalent decided but not yet announced gives human clan. 再这么让风紫宸演变下去,那这洪荒正统的名分,祂们也不用争了,基本上就相当于内定给人族了。 Read and hence, several people were not naturally glad. On that day legitimate, representative may, not only a status was so simple, infinite advantage. 念及至此,几人自然是不乐意的。那天地正统,代表的可不只是一个名分那么简单,还有无穷的好处。 Is good, who doesn't want to obtain? 有好处,谁不想得到? Moreover, if they cannot obtain, that cannot make the bystander obtain, particularly cannot make human clan obtain. 而且,若是祂们都得不到的话,那就不能让外人得到,尤其是不能让人族得到。 Bans by the strength that human clan shows at present, has surpassed people's control faintly, if makes him win the world orthodox status again , to continue to grow strong, in that great antiquity, but also who can keep in balance human clan? 禁以人族目前表现出的实力,都已经隐隐超出众人的掌控了,若是再让其夺走天地正统的身份,继续发展壮大起来,那洪荒之中,还有谁能制衡的了人族 human clan, cannot continue to get down again powerful. 人族,不能再继续强大下去了。 In the heart had the decision, Three Pure Ones and eastern sovereign too one, the Western two Saint six people, begin unexpectedly, the release the powerful strength, goes toward the distant bang. 心中有了决定,三清、东皇太一,西方二圣六人,竟是同时动起手来,释放出强大的力量,向着远方轰去。 Un, do not misunderstand, they do not launch the attack to Feng Zichen, but rumbles to the day, makes a connection with the barrier between world, the time that the acceleration Heavenly Dao returns. 嗯,别误会,祂们并不是向风紫宸发动攻击,而是轰向天外,打通天地间的壁垒,加速天道归来的时间。 At present, human clan divine land, although had the embryonic form of several points of great antiquity land, but the distance thorough forming, still has a big distance. 眼下,人族神州虽是有了几分洪荒大地的雏形,但距离彻底的成形,仍旧有着一段不小的距离。 If the Heavenly Dao returns in this time, human clan divine land that incomplete great antiquity land, no doubt has several points of advantage in the face of the Heavenly Dao, but will actually not surpass the people too many, cannot be the decided but not yet announced level by far. 若天道于此时归来,人族神州那不完整的洪荒大地,固然会在天道面前有着几分优势,但却不会超出众人太多,远远达不到内定的层次。 Saw six people of movements, Feng Zichen also guessed correctly their plan obviously, but It did not have the means to prevent, can only the completely biggest ability, accelerate evolution of human clan divine land. 看到六人的动作,风紫宸显然也猜到了祂们的打算,但祂也没办法阻止,只能尽自己最大的能力,去加速人族神州的衍化。 However fortunately, evolves the great antiquity land the human clan divine land, is only in the middle of Feng Zichen three plan one. In addition, Its also two alternative plans, to do subsequent hand. 不过还好,将人族神州演化成洪荒大地,只是风紫宸三个方案当中的一个。除此之外,祂还有两个备选方案,以作后手。 A plan is not good, that three plans on together. 一个方案不行,那就三个方案一起上。 Only if Three Pure Ones can remould Mount Buzhou, otherwise, the Feng Zichen three plans start together, can the great antiquity legitimate position, be decided absolutely on the body of human clan divine land. 除非三清能重塑不周山,不然的话,风紫宸的三个方案一起启动,绝对能把洪荒正统的位置,定死在人族神州的身上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Thunders along with one of the world, the Heavenly Dao the chaos from the day returns finally, took over control of the great antiquity world. Immediately, the entire world was different, seems thorough lived, filled with the vitality. 伴随着天地的一阵轰鸣,天道终于从天外混沌归来,重新接管了洪荒天地。顿时,整个天地都不一样了,好似彻底的活了过来,充满了生机。 But regarding Feng Zichen such beginning of the universe expert, with the return of Heavenly Dao, their bodies seemed a line of sight, all one's actions all were during the surveillance of Heavenly Dao, making people exceptionally uncomfortable. 但对于风紫宸这样的混元高手来说,随着天道的归来,祂们的身上就好似多了一道视线,所行所为皆处于天道的监视之中,令人异常的不爽。 But this does not have the means that who made them too strong, had the strength of destruction great antiquity world sufficiently, how the Heavenly Dao may leave alone to them, naturally must monitor. 但这也没办法,谁让祂们太强了呢,拥有足以毁灭洪荒天地的力量,天道怎么可能会对祂们放任不管,自然要监视起来。 The Heavenly Dao arrives, that shatter order starts slowly to restore, the revolution of the world , gradually returns to normal, because of the say/way of vanishing reason day after tomorrow, the innate say/way will also reappear from the world source, starts to take over control of the world. 天道降临,那破碎的秩序开始慢慢恢复,天地的运转,也逐渐恢复正常,因为后天之道消失的缘故,先天之道也从天地本源之中浮现,开始重新接管天地。 But this is not the key point of this moment attention, the key point is that five big god continents, actually which is the great antiquity is legitimate. 但这都不是此刻关注的重点,重点是那五大神洲,究竟哪一个是洪荒正统。 Absent-minded , a purple vertical pupil appears in the world, the dangling line of sight, looks toward below five big divine land. 恍惚之中,一颗紫色的竖瞳出现在天地之间,垂下视线,向着下方的五大神州看去。 That is a day of punishing eye, is the eye of Heavenly Dao! 那是天罚之眼,是天道的眼睛! The line of sight of Heavenly Dao, paced back and forth a meeting above five big divine lands, first removes, is the section continent that the monster clan and West grasp. 天道的视线,在五大神州之上徘徊了一会,首先排除掉的,就是妖族与西方所掌握的部洲。 These two side influences, with Feng Zichen, Three Pure Ones and compared with Mother Earth empress three parties, really does not have any comparability. Does not need compared with the fit and unfit quality of section continent, to remove it from the status directly. 这两方势力,与风紫宸三清、后土娘娘三方相比,真的没有任何可比性。根本无须比部洲的优劣,直接从身份上就能将之排除了。 Because, Feng Zichen and other tripartite influences, are Pangu are legitimate, but the monster clan and West are not. The great antiquity is legitimate, naturally in must be legitimate from Pangu elects, so can be justifiable. 因为,风紫宸等三方势力,都是盘古正统,而妖族与西方不是。洪荒正统,自然要从盘古正统里选,如此方能名正言顺。 To be honest, how to elect, the Heavenly Dao really hesitated. The tripartite status is the same, all treats everyone equally for Pangu legitimate. Therefore the status could not compare, can only compared with the fit and unfit quality of three most parts continents. 说实话,如何选,天道是真的犹豫了。三方身份相同,皆为盘古正统不分高下。故身份比不了,就只能比三大部洲的优劣了。 May concern the advantage, three most continents actually could not miss many. 可论及优势,三大部洲其实也差不了多少。 First, the Feng Zichen advantage, the human clan divine land has the embryonic form of several points of great antiquity land, this is Its advantage. 首先,风紫宸的优势,人族神州已经有了几分洪荒大地的雏形,这就是祂的优势。 Then, is the advantage of Mother Earth empress, cannot dispute, 12 ancestor witch temple suppression land, evolve Pangu 12 properly, the revolution world spiritual energy, grows continually. 接着,是后土娘娘的优势,没的说,十二祖巫神殿镇压大地,衍化盘古十二正经,运转天地灵气,生生不息。 Finally, is the Three Pure Ones advantage. 最后,是三清的优势。 Where is at? 在哪? In Kunlun Mountain! 在昆仑山! Before the great antiquity land is not stave, east convenient is legitimate of great antiquity. 洪荒大地未曾破碎之前,东方便是洪荒的正统。 ps:, I stayed up late to write it. Breaks the conscience to be condemned, cannot sleep, then crawls to start the symbol. ps:没想到吧,我熬夜把它写出来了。断更良心受到谴责,睡不着觉,遂爬起来开始码字。
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