GDSP :: Volume #9

#805: Five big divine land

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Rumble! 轰隆隆! The day 12 evil deity big forming, the Pangu empty shadow is partly visible, suppresses that chaos demon god in the land deep place, cannot move. 都天十二神煞大阵成形,盘古虚影若隐若现,生生将那尊混沌魔神镇压在大地深处,动弹不得。 Meanwhile, the empty shades of six samsara plates appear, fall underground, covers the form of that chaos demon god, rotates slowly. 与此同时,六道轮回盘的虚影浮现,落入地下,将那尊混沌魔神的身影笼罩,缓缓转动起来。 Bang...... 轰…… That six samsara plates empty rotates every time, that chaos demon god is weak a point, the strength of some sources its were built up, integrates to suppress in Its land. 那六道轮回盘的虚每转动一圈,那混沌魔神便虚弱一分,有部分本源之力被其炼化,融入镇压祂的大地之中。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… 12 ancestor witch temple simultaneous/uniform firing a salvo light and vibrations, gather the surrounding shatter great antiquity land fragment, forms one compared with a monster clan land vaster mainland. 十二祖巫神殿齐齐放光、震动,聚拢周围破碎的洪荒大地碎片,形成一个比妖族大地更为浩瀚的大陆。 After Mother Earth empress, is the Nüwa empress, sees It, as soon as changed in those days the delicate appearance, turned into the first Heavenly Dao body of giant person first snake body, full power the prestige energy of stimulation of movement universe cauldron, unceasing pounding to with Its chaos demon god to war. 后土娘娘之后,是女娲娘娘,就见祂一改往日柔弱的样子,化成巨大的人首蛇身的先天道体,全力催动乾坤鼎的威能,不断的砸向与祂对战的混沌魔神。 The universe cauldron, in the name of universe, may know its weight. The might erupts completely, waits, if the great antiquity world pounds down, strength simply big fearfulness. 乾坤鼎,以乾坤为名,可知其重量。其威力全部爆发,等若洪荒天地砸下,力量简直大的可怕。 That chaos demon god was pounded several by the Nüwa empress with the universe cauldron, the mortal body, although has not received the big damage, but has actually started to be somewhat ignorant. 那混沌魔神被女娲娘娘用乾坤鼎砸了几下,肉身虽然没受到多大的损伤,但头却已经开始有些懵了。 Some moment, that chaos demon god is not steady, to the shatter great antiquity land, plants unexpectedly. 某一刻,那混沌魔神一个不稳,竟是向破碎的洪荒大地,一头栽去。 Sees this, the Nüwa empress mind moves, snake body one volume, twines on the body of universe cauldron, turns toward the chaos demon god of falling down to pound with joint forces with it, presses on Its body, it suppression shatter great antiquity land firmly under. 见此,女娲娘娘心神一动,蛇身一卷,缠绕在乾坤鼎的身上,与其合力向着栽倒的混沌魔神砸去,压在祂的身上,将其牢牢的镇压破碎的洪荒大地之下。 Meanwhile, has Fu Xi, Shen Nong of preparation early, and Xuanyuan three person sovereigns, simultaneously recovers the human clan 365 god cities, forms galaxy eon brilliant, condenses the shadow of Pangu Deity, covers that chaos demon god, refining up to melt. 与此同时,早有准备的伏羲、神农氏、以及轩辕氏三位人皇,同时复苏人族三百六十五座神城,结成星河宙光大阵,凝聚成盘古神人之影,将那尊混沌魔神笼罩,炼化起来。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The Pangu Deity forming, the surrounding great antiquity land fragment like receiving the impel was common, comes toward the human clan god city gathering in abundance, quick, a side vast land starts to form. 盘古神人成形,周围的洪荒大地碎片就像受到了感召一般,纷纷向着人族神城汇聚而来,很快的,一方浩瀚的大地开始成形。 ...... …… ............ ………… Another, Three Pure Ones joint effort, very easily gave the suppression that chaos demon god. Also is that chaos demon god luck is not good, whom selecting is the opponent is not good, must select Three Pure Ones to take the opponent. 另一处,三清合力,很轻易的就将那尊混沌魔神给镇压了。也是那尊混沌魔神运气不好,挑谁作对手不好,非要挑三清作为对手。 His beginning of the universe six heavy day of strengths, even if the chaos demon god strength goes against heaven's will, can spell with eight heavy day of experts hardly. But Three Pure Ones collaborates, the strength pursues not enormous gold/metal immortal. 祂不过混元六重天的实力,就算混沌魔神战力逆天,能与八重天的高手硬拼。但三清联手,战力直追无极大罗金仙。 Is this boundary powerhouse, can with a it war, let alone this beginning of the universe six heavy day of chaos demon gods. Once Three Pure Ones puts forth the full power, easily, can its suppression. 就是这种境界的强者,也能与之一战,更别说这尊不过混元六重天的混沌魔神了。三清一旦使出全力,很轻易的,就能将其镇压。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Executes immortal sword also to vibrate with the Pangu streamer, startled day murderous aura, erupts with the boundless chaos sword air/Qi, takes away as many things as possible with their chaos demon god to the war toward that. 诛仙剑阵与盘古幡同时震动,惊天的杀气,与磅礴的混沌剑气同时爆发,向着那尊与祂们对战的混沌魔神席卷而去。 Even if this chaos demon god method is uneven, spells completely all resists, but cannot block the attacks of these two unsurpassed most precious objects as before. 哪怕这尊混沌魔神手段齐出,拼尽一切的去抵挡,可依旧没能挡住这两件无上至宝的攻击。 Only is the twinkling, his endures compared with the innate supreme treasure body then by chaos sword air/Qi tearing, was executed the immortal sword light to stir the fragment. 仅是瞬息,祂那堪比先天至宝的身躯便被混沌剑气撕裂,接着被诛仙剑光搅成碎片。 Finally, opens the day of most precious object primal chaos chart to raise, takes away the flesh of that chaos demon god, stirs gently, the strength of innate Yin-Yang surges, caused heavy losses to that chaos demon god again. 最后,开天至宝太极图升起,将那混沌魔神的血肉收走,轻轻一搅,先天阴阳之力涌动,再次重创了那尊混沌魔神。 Kunlun Mountain, Mt. Suyang, Kum'o-do, come!” “昆仑山,首阳山,金鳌岛,来!” After causing heavy losses to that chaos demon god, Three Pure Ones calls own Buddhist temple respectively, according to the innate three positions arranges, that chaos demon god's flesh suppression. 重创那尊混沌魔神之后,三清各自唤来自己的道场,按照先天三才的方位摆列,将那尊混沌魔神的血肉镇压。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Three saint Buddhist temples fall, the great antiquity land fragment all around has the feeling immediately, comes toward this place gathering in abundance, quick, another vast mainland forms slowly. 三座圣人道场落下,周遭的洪荒大地碎片顿时有感,纷纷朝此地汇聚而来,很快的,又一座浩瀚的大陆缓缓成形。 After Three Pure Ones, is the Western two Saints, these two saint are also interesting. Knew in the heart the own two people do not have powerful innate supreme treasure in the hand, two strong strengths have not lent a hand. 三清之后,是西方二圣,这两尊圣人也有意思。心知自己二人一没强大的先天至宝在手,二没有强大的实力帮衬。 Therefore, they with the chaos demon god fights, prelude that has no. Acts, is the full power, appears own original form directly, preys intensely with that chaos demon god. 所以,祂们与混沌魔神交手的时候,根本没有任何的前奏。一出手,就是全力,直接现出自己的原形,与那尊混沌魔神激烈的搏杀起来。 Regarding other beginning of the universe powerhouse, this possibly is not the good way, but regarding saint this was actually the best way. 对于别的混元强者来说,这可能不是什么好办法,但对于圣人来说这却是最好的办法了。 Because, in the great antiquity world, saint will not be injured, and supernatural power is inexhaustible, the hard boiling can boil the dead chaos demon god. 因为,在洪荒天地之中,圣人根本就不会受伤,且法力无穷无尽,硬熬都能熬死混沌魔神。 The innate ficus religiosa drags, the branch brandishes under unceasing brushing the chaos demon god, in the meantime, above that branch, there is a of glittering wisdom, unceasing weakens chaos demon god the strength of mind. 先天菩提树摇曳,枝条挥舞间不断的刷下混沌魔神,同时,那枝条之上,有智慧之光闪烁,不断的削弱混沌魔神的心神之力。 Meanwhile, receives and instructs saint also to act, the strength of mind turbulently, unceasing is shaking the mind of chaos demon god, must draw It to enter the boundary of dying out together. 与此同时,接引圣人也在出手,心灵之力汹涌而出,不断的撼动着混沌魔神的心灵,要拉着祂一同进入寂灭之境。 But facing the attack of chaos demon god, the Western two Saints does not dodge does not evade, to its attack bang on own body. Will not die in any case, how It wants to hit, how to hit. 而面对混沌魔神的攻击,西方二圣则是不闪不避,任由其攻击轰在自己的身上。反正不会死,祂想怎么打,就怎么打。 both sides after rumbling several hundred moves, although the bodies of Western two Saints the whole body is the blood, but the imposing manner has not actually dropped the slightest, on the contrary is that chaos demon god, although the body does not have the bloodstain, but the imposing manner was actually more and more dispirited. 双方对轰几百招之后,西方二圣的身上虽然浑身是血,但气势却没有跌落分毫,反倒是那尊混沌魔神,身上虽然没有血迹,但气势却是越来越萎靡了。 Some moment, that chaos demon god did not have living suddenly, hits to the hands of Western two Saints is also weak dangling. 某一刻,那尊混沌魔神忽然没了生息,打向西方二圣的手也是无力的垂下。 Actually under the crazy attacks of Western two Saints, the mind of this chaos demon god falls into enemy hands finally, was received and instructed saint to drag into the boundary of dying out, unceasing is perishing. 却是在西方二圣的疯狂攻击之下,这尊混沌魔神的心神终于失守,被接引圣人拉入了寂灭之境,不断的沉沦着。 Mt. Xumi, come!” “须弥山,来!” Calls comes to Mt. Xumi, two Saints suppress the chaos demon god under the mountain, then does not dare to hesitate, immediately turns into the main body to go forward, the branches and leaves root hair tight winding on the body of that chaos demon god, extracts Its strength unceasingly, pours into Mt. Xumi. 唤来须弥山,二圣将混沌魔神镇压在山下,然后不敢犹豫,立即化成本体上前,枝叶根须紧紧的缠绕在那尊混沌魔神的身上,不断的抽取祂的力量,灌入须弥山中。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… Mt. Xumi vibration, and shines the ray greatly, is enormous and powerful the powerful strength, receives and instructs to come, to evolve together the vast land the surrounding great antiquity land fragment. 须弥山震动,且大放光芒,浩荡出强大的力量,将周围的洪荒大地碎片纷纷接引而来,衍化成一块浩瀚的大地。 Hence, the five chaos demon gods in land were all suppressed, but that shatter great antiquity land, in restoration slowly, gradually evolves five giant Dazhou. 至此,大地上的五尊混沌魔神悉数被镇压,而那破碎的洪荒大地,也在慢慢的恢复,逐渐演变成五块巨大的大州。 Then was shattered because of the great antiquity land, but place kerosene wind four big strength that is enormous and powerful, with the forming of five big divine lands, was transformed the new land slowly, integrates the continuous growth in five big divine lands. 那因洪荒大地破碎,而浩荡出的地火水风四大之力,随着五大神州的成形,也被慢慢转化成新的大地,融入不断壮大的五大神州之中。 These five big divine lands, do not have the name temporarily, at this time does not have the complete forming, continuously is fusing the surplus great antiquity land fragment, expands oneself body. 这五大神州,暂时没有名字,此时也没有完全的成形,正在不断的融合剩余的洪荒大地碎片,壮大己身。 Meanwhile, as that suppressed five chaos demon gods, unceasing was built up, the source integrates in these five big divine lands, making it gods and ghosts even more get up. 同时,随着那被镇压的五尊混沌魔神,不断的被炼化,本源融入这五大神州之中,使其愈发的神异起来。 On that day within filled the air, no longer was the air/Qi of day after tomorrow could not withstand filthily, but is sending out the innate air/Qi of myriad things newborn meaning. 那天地间弥漫的,不再是污浊不堪的后天之气,而是散发着万物初生之意的先天之气。 When the Heavenly Dao return great antiquity, innate ten thousand arrive again, that this time great antiquity world, besides the small point, really had no difference from era. 等到天道回归洪荒,先天万道再次降临,那此时的洪荒天地,除了小一点之外,就真的与上古时代没什么区别了。 Even, can with the legend in the cultivation environment that the antique time has is on par. 甚至于,能与传说中的的太古时代所拥有的修炼环境比肩。 ...... …… .................. ……………… Altogether seven chaos demon gods, five in land had been suppressed, but that other that two chaos demon gods, was suppressed quickly. 一共七尊混沌魔神,大地上的五尊已经被镇压,而那余下的那两尊混沌魔神,也快被镇压了。 Sees the Feng Zichen four God suddenly joint efforts, evolves the true heavenly emperor method, a strength pursues not enormous gold/metal immortal. 就见风紫宸四位上帝骤然合力,衍化出真正的天帝法相,一身实力直追无极大罗金仙。 Subdue!” “镇!” That heavenly emperor method appears, rubbish, is grasps 30 tertiary day of territories unexpectedly, regards the weapon the entire Heaven, suppresses to go toward a chaos demon god. 天帝法相出现,也没废话,竟是一把抓起三十三重天域,将整个天界当成武器,向着其中的一尊混沌魔神镇压而去。 That strength of Heaven, is how vast, wants powerful innumerable times compared with it innate supreme treasure , takes by the heavenly emperor method, regards the weapon to cause. 那天界之力,何其浩瀚,比之先天至宝还要强大无数倍,就这么被天帝法相拿着,当成武器使。 That powerful strength comes enormously and powerful, don't said that Its present two chaos demon gods, was the distant place Three Pure Ones that observed was seeing, could not bear the brow jump. 那强大的力量浩荡开来,莫说祂眼前的两尊混沌魔神了,就是远方正在观战的三清见了,也是忍不住眉头一跳。 Too savage, no, was too powerful. 太凶残了,不,是太强大了。 Regards the weapon to cause Heaven, this might, feared that was the great antiquity also has no magic weapon to be able with it to be on par. Only if unties the limit of day of most precious object, otherwise is also inferior to Heaven. 把天界当成武器使,这威力,怕是洪荒也没什么法宝能与之比肩了。除非解开开天至宝的限制,不然也是不如天界的。 Is known as with Heaven nether world of the same class, is not good. Heaven is the great antiquity center, results in the Heavenly Dao to look upon with favor, even if nether world has the suppression of chaos most precious object six samsara plates, wants a weak Heaven head. 号称与天界同级别的幽冥界,也不行。天界才是洪荒的中心,得天道垂青,哪怕幽冥界有着混沌至宝六道轮回盘的镇压,也是要弱天界一头。 After all, in the great antiquity, the Heavenly Dao is biggest! 毕竟,洪荒之中,天道最大! ...... …… ............ ………… what Weitui dry does decay? 何为推枯拉朽? The heavenly emperor method acts and that's the end. 天帝法相出手就是了。 Heaven depresses, 30 tertiary day of territories vibrate, the endless rule dangles, the innate fresh air is enormous and powerful, decided that chaos demon god directly in same place, could not move. 天界压下,三十三重天域震动,无尽的规则垂下,先天清气浩荡,直接就将那尊混沌魔神定在了原地,丝毫动弹不得。 Bang! 砰! Has not waited for Heaven to pound on the body of that chaos demon god, It could not then have borne the pressure, blasts out loudly, the flesh fragment flies horizontally, incarnadine big piece vault of heaven. 还未等天界砸在那尊混沌魔神的身上,祂便已经承受不住压力,轰然炸开,血肉碎片横飞,染红了大片的天穹。 Then, Heaven vibrates, 30 tertiary more/complete heavenly emperor tower appears, takes away the flesh of that chaos demon god, suppresses the belt/bring to the Heaven source place. 接着,天界震动,三十三重弥罗天帝塔浮现,将那混沌魔神的血肉收走,带到天界本源处镇压。 The next quarter, Heaven repositions, strength of the powerful backlash erupts, the disintegration that the heavenly emperor method shakes, Feng Zichen and other people came. 下一刻,天界复位,一股强大的反噬之力爆发,生生将天帝法相震的解体,风紫宸等四人重新现身。 As the great antiquity center, is Heaven can it be that so also active? Once vacillates, that faces is backlash of entire great antiquity world. 作为洪荒的中心,天界又岂是那么好动的?一旦动摇,那面临的就是整个洪荒天地的反噬。 Also is the heavenly emperor method that four people condense, is the great antiquity highest level industry position, otherwise, the strength of backlash, was not shakes the heavenly emperor method is so simple, at least can also want four -and-a-half people of lives. 也就是四人凝聚成的天帝法相,是洪荒最为顶级的业位,不然的话,刚才的反噬之力,就不是震开天帝法相那么简单了,起码也能要了四人半条命。 In the instance of heavenly emperor disintegration, in four God, only two two beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortals, the response of Feng Zichen and purple slightly Great Emperor, is extremely it may be said that quick. 天帝解体的瞬间,四位上帝之中,唯二的两尊混元大罗金仙,风紫宸与紫微大帝的反应,可谓极快。 Start unsurpassed strategy chaos big, start unsurpassed strategy galaxy eon brilliant, goes to the chaos demon god bang that only remains simultaneously. 一者启动无上阵法混沌大阵,一者启动无上阵法星河宙光大阵,同时向那尊仅剩的混沌魔神轰去。 Brushing...... 刷…… The Pangu Deity moved, a fist rumbles, endures erupts compared with the strength of not enormous gold/metal immortal, destroys that chaos demon god directly. 盘古神人动了,一拳轰出,堪比无极大罗金仙的力量爆发,直接将那尊混沌魔神打碎。 The Pangu Deity, others naturally cannot see, therefore, this falls in people's eyes, the galaxy lets fall together, the direct bang exploded that chaos demon god. 那盘古神人,旁人自然是看不到的,所以,这一幕落在众人的眼中,就是一道星河垂落,直接轰爆了那尊混沌魔神。 This, people eyelid of looked surrounding jumps. When, was the strength of boundless starry sky so strong? 这一幕,看的围观的众人眼皮子直跳。什么时候,无垠星空的力量这般强大了? Rumble! 轰隆隆! The chaos demon god body shatter instance, the humane sovereign courtyard reappears, but sees the chaos god light/only to brush together falls, all whirls away the flesh of that chaos demon god, suppresses in chaos big. 混沌魔神身体破碎的瞬间,人道皇庭重新出现,但见一道混沌神光刷落,将那混沌魔神的血肉悉数卷走,镇压在混沌大阵之中。 Hence, the seven chaos demon gods in that attack great antiquity world, were all suppressed by the people, becomes the capital grain of great antiquity land promotion. 至此,那袭击洪荒天地的七尊混沌魔神,悉数被众人镇压,成为了洪荒大地晋升的资粮。 Brother, I advances one step.” “诸位道兄,吾先行一步。” After sky and the others greeted, Feng Zichen then hurriedly leaves, toward the continent that human clan is. 与昊天等人打了声招呼之后,风紫宸便匆忙离开,往人族所在的大洲去了。 Six side influences, other five side influences suppressed a chaos demon god, the only human clan aspect suppresses two chaos demon gods by one's effort, this is the good deed is not false, but, is a misdemeanor. 六方势力,其余五方势力都是镇压了一尊混沌魔神,唯独人族方面以一己之力镇压两尊混沌魔神,这是好事不假,但同时,也是一桩坏事。 If the seals of these two chaos demon gods have problems, that human clan pleasure was big. Feng Zichen this goes, was thoroughly certainly this future trouble. 要是这两尊混沌魔神的封印出了问题,那人族的乐子就大了。风紫宸此去,就是彻底绝了这个后患。 Feng Zichen has the urgent matter, sky God and the others have the urgent matter, Heaven is also suppressing a chaos demon god, they also look, to guard that chaos demon god to give birth to the calamity, confused the order of Heaven. 风紫宸有急事,昊天上帝等人也有急事,天界也镇压着一尊混沌魔神呢,祂们也得去看着,以防那尊混沌魔神生出乱子来,搅乱了天界的秩序。 ...... …… ............ ………… Said that must solve the future trouble, actually Feng Zichen also has no good way, is only the unceasing attack chaos demon god, refining up his strength of source, making It more and more weak, till radical falling from the sky. 说是要解决后患,其实风紫宸也没什么好办法,只是不断的攻击混沌魔神,炼化祂的本源之力,使得祂越来越虚弱,直到彻底的陨落为止。 Meanwhile, is trying the best to reinforce the seal, cuts off the chaos demon god to break open the possibility of seal. 同时,也在尽自己所能的加固封印,断绝混沌魔神破开封印的可能。 Suddenly, Feng Zichen thinks that a matter comes, on the face cannot bear reveal to wipe the happy expression. At present, to suppress chaos demon god, everyone pressed himself the bottom the method to give the use. 忽然,风紫宸想到一件事来,脸上忍不住露出一抹笑意来。眼下,为了镇压混沌魔神,大家都把自己压箱底的手段给动用了。 This indicated anything, explained that in the following some time, the great antiquity world will fall into a peace period, if no important matter of having no recourse, the people will not easily start the war. 这说明什么,说明在接下来的一段时间里,洪荒天地将会陷入一段久违的和平期,若无什么迫不得已的大事,众人不会轻易的开启战端。 Everyone strongest strength is suppressing the chaos demon god, if begins rashly, causing the seal to have problems, what to do does the chaos demon god run? 大家最强的力量都在镇压混沌魔神,若是冒然动手,导致封印出了问题,混沌魔神跑出来怎么办? That really cried not to have the place to cry. 那真是哭都没地方哭了。 Therefore, the situation unless it is absolutely essential, the people will not erupt the war. 正是因此,不到万不得已的地步,众人根本不会爆发大战。 That price, was too big, the people cannot withstand. 那代价,太大了,众人承受不起。 ...... …… ............ ………… Returns to the human clan ancestor place, after Feng Zichen and Nüwa empress sees exchanging greetings, starts to size up the human clan present situation. 回到人族祖地,风紫宸与女娲娘娘见过礼之后,就开始打量人族如今的情况了。 Compared with before, the person ancestor ancestor has not had the too big change, after all, has the protection of week deity city, the attack of saint is very even if strong , is hard to destroy this place. 与之前相比,人祖祖地并未有太大的变化,毕竟,有着周天神城的守护,哪怕圣人的攻击很强,也是难以破坏此地。 The human clan ancestor has not changed, but the human clan area actually changed many, entire exchanged. That land features trend, unlike before completely. 人族祖地没有变化,但人族疆域却是变了不少,整个的换新了一遍。那地脉走势,与之前完全不同。 No longer belongs to Pangu lineage/vein, like chaos demon god lineage/vein, two side fusions, does not become specious, who not like. 不再属于盘古一脉,也不像混沌魔神一脉,两方融合,变得似是而非,谁都不像了。 This is not good, must change. 这可不行,要改。 It is Pangu is legitimate, human clan all naturally must belong to a Pangu department. Moreover, in the world that in this Pangu opens, you do not defer to the pattern of Pangu, why do you obtain looking upon with favor of destiny? 祂可是盘古正统,人族的一切自然也要归属盘古一系。而且,在这个盘古开辟的天地里,你不按照盘古的模式来,你凭什么获得气运的垂青? Had the idea at heart, Feng Zichen continued to belong to the human clan mainland to look toward this alone, discovered it compared the beforehand human clan area to want on a big way many, had the 1/3 sizes of beforehand great antiquity land fully, and in unceasing increasing. 心里有了主意,风紫宸继续朝这个独属于人族的大陆看去,发现它比之以前的人族疆域要大上不少,足有之前洪荒大地的三分之一大小,且还在不断的变大之中。 After this great antiquity land was shattered, recovers, the area not only has not reduced, instead became bigger. This is the good deed, explained this time, not only did not have the source of damage great antiquity world, instead strengthened much. 此次洪荒大地破碎之后,重新复原,面积非但没有减小,反而变得更大了。这是好事,说明此次非但没有损伤洪荒天地的本源,反而增强了不少。 After looking at human clan, Feng Zichen looks toward other four big divine lands, discovered they are similar to human clan, not too many differences. 看完人族之后,风紫宸又朝其余的四大神州看去,发现它们都与人族类似,并无太多的差别。 This was not good, spent so many prices, but made human clan to others same, didn't that owe? 这可不行,花费了那么多代价,只是让人族与其他人一样,那不是亏了吗? human clan as the world lead, naturally must with other person of differences, probably outstanding. 人族身为天地主角,自然要与其他人不同,要更为的出类拔萃。 Although, has the week deity city, with that suppressed that chaos demon god, so long as, human clan can definitely exceed others over time. 虽然,有着周天神城,与那被镇压的那尊混沌魔神在,只要随着时间的流逝,人族肯定能胜过他人。 However...... 但是…… ps: Today moves the book to my younger sister, six buildings, without the elevator, high and low several, dozens jin (0.5 kg) book, died of exhaustion me back and forth. ps:今天给我妹搬书,六楼,没有电梯,来回上下好几趟,几十斤的书,累死我了。 On goes downstairs incessantly, but must move to the school entrance, the first discovery school greatly is not a good deed. 不止上下楼,还要搬到学校门口,第一次发现学校大不是一件好事。 Exhausted I, kneel to ask the monthly ticket. 疲惫的我,跪求月票。
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