GDSP :: Volume #9

#804: Suppression chaos demon god

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The world tree takes the chaos spirit root, can continuous from the endless dimension, as well as outside in the big chaos, strengthens the strength, provides for the great antiquity world. 世界树作为混沌灵根,能源源不断的从无尽次元,以及界外大混沌之中,汲取力量,供养洪荒天地。 This is the basis that the great antiquity does not extinguish, only had to destroy the world tree, can cause heavy losses to the great antiquity land truly. 这是洪荒不灭的根本,唯有毁了世界树,才能真正的重创洪荒大地。 The Feng Zichen speed is quick, has a thought reads falls, then had arrived at side of the world tree. 风紫宸的速度很快,念起念落间,便已来到了世界树的旁边。 1 st looks, this side world and has nothing exceptionally the place, the world tree still towers there, seems exists forever through ancient times general, bloomed rumble light. 初一看去,此方天地并没有任何的异常之处,世界树依然耸立在那里,好似亘古长存一般,绽放出隆隆道光。 But, examines carefully, previously that Feng Zichen to protect the world tree, but is not deliberately able the wicked domain that a primordial chaos bell opens, at this moment, the area had shrunk the larger part. 可是,细细看去,先前那风紫宸为了保护世界树,而刻意以鸿蒙道钟开辟的无法无道的领域,此刻,面积已经缩水了一大半。 Looked at one, has not discovered the trail of chaos demon god, but Feng Zichen actually knows, the chaos demon god in the , that is not definitely able the wicked domain not to shrink with no reason at all. 四下看了一眼,并未发现混沌魔神的踪迹,但风紫宸却知道,混沌魔神肯定在附近,那无法无道的领域不会无缘无故的缩水。 Thinks, Feng Zichen toward shouts suddenly void: Fellow Daoist, I had come, hasn't come sees?” 想了想,风紫宸突然朝虚空喊道:“道友,我都已经来了,还不现身一见吗?” Waited for a while, sees front void one to rock, the chaos demon god walked. 等了一会儿,就见前方的虚空一阵晃动,混沌魔神走了出来。 Sees this, the pupil of Feng Zichen shrinks. Chaos demon god who because, that walks, is not one, but is two! 见此,风紫宸的瞳孔不由一缩。因为,那走出来的混沌魔神,不是一尊,而是两尊! And, these two chaos demon gods, each powerful incomparable, aura fills the air, making the revolution of surrounding world rule come under the influence, the time also became stagnates. 且,这两尊混沌魔神,每一尊强大无比,身上的气息弥漫开来,使得周围天地规则的运转都受到了影响,时光也随之变得停滞下来。 Strong! 强! Strong oddness! 强的离谱! The strengths of these two chaos demon gods, all are the beginning of the universe late sevenfold day boundary. In other words, in them random, its strength, is stronger than present Feng Zichen. 这两尊混沌魔神的实力,全都是混元后期七重天的境界。也就是说,祂们之中的任意一尊,其实力,都比现在的风紫宸强。 At this moment, Feng Zichen the cancels Chen Huashen, but has the beginning of the universe four heavy day of boundaries, but Its main body purple slightly Great Emperor , the beginning of the universe six heavy days will soon be close to the sevenfold day the boundary. 此刻,风紫宸的这具勾陈化身,只是有着混元四重天的境界,而祂的本尊紫微大帝,也才不过混元六重天即将接近七重天的境界。 These two chaos demon gods, really strong was somewhat odd. However fortunately, being sharp-eyed Feng Zichen discovered, they have not carried the magic weapon. 这两尊混沌魔神,委实强的有些离谱了。不过还好,眼尖的风紫宸发现,祂们并未携带法宝。 As the matter stands, two people of strengths must come under some influences unavoidably, whether there is the magic weapon, that is completely two concepts. Is better than Pangu, in the hand did not have to operate the deity axe, the strength will also drop a level. 这样一来,二人的实力难免要受到一些影响,有无法宝,那完全是两个概念。就是强如盘古,手上没有了开天神斧,力量也会下降一个层次。 This fellow daoist, you then came, there is what using? Difficult to be inadequate, you can also by an enemy two, cope with my two people of inadequate simultaneously.” “这位道友,你便是来了,又有何用?难不成,你还能以一敌二,同时对付我二人不成。” Gradually goes forward, in that two chaos, the appearance specially delicate and pretty person, says. 缓步上前,那两尊混沌之中,长相特别俊美的人,开口说道。 Truly, chaos demon god Feng Zichen cannot be victorious, let alone two. Two chaos demon gods collaborate, Feng Zichen not only cannot protect the world tree, even he may also be killed by the chaos demon god. 确实,一尊混沌魔神风紫宸都打不过,更别说两尊了。两尊混沌魔神联手,风紫宸不仅护不住世界树,连祂自己也可能会被混沌魔神打死。 However, who said that Feng Zichen was one person? 不过,谁说风紫宸就是一人了? By an enemy two, I naturally is not two brother's opponents, but if by four enemies two? That two brother, but can also be so self-confident?” “以一敌二,我自然不是两位道兄的对手,但要是以四敌二呢?那两位道兄,还能如此自信吗?” Looks the chaos demon god who is walking unceasingly, saying that Feng Zichen smiles. 望着不断走来的混沌魔神,风紫宸满脸笑容的说道。 What?” hears word, two chaos demon gods in great surprise, toward looks hastily. “什么?”闻言,两尊混沌魔神大惊,连忙朝四下看去。 Shouldn't, the entire great antiquity also on ten beginning of the universe experts, all in their planning, how this Feng Zichen have other helper? 不应该啊,整个洪荒也就十尊混元高手,皆在祂们的算计之中,这风紫宸又岂会有别的帮手? In two people have doubts, the Heaven direction, radiance puts suddenly greatly, sky God and immortal Great Emperor, goes out of Celestial Court hand in hand together, walks in the Feng Zichen direction. 就在二人疑惑间,天界方向,忽然光华大放,昊天上帝与长生大帝联袂而出,一同走出天庭,朝着风紫宸的方向走去。 But sees rainbow bridge to reappear together, an end is built on Nantianmen, an end extended to go toward the world of mortals, fell to the ground the Feng Zichen side. 但见一道虹桥浮现,一端立于南天门上,一端向着下界延伸而去,落地了风紫宸的身边。 In an instant, rainbow bridge dissipation, sky God and form of Antarctic Great Emperor, appears under the world tree, salutes upon meeting toward two chaos demon gods said: This poor Daoist sky ( Antarctic ), has seen two brother.” 刹那之间,虹桥消散,昊天上帝与南极大帝的身影,出现在世界树之下,朝两位混沌魔神见礼道:“贫道昊天(南极),见过两位道兄。” The brow selects slightly, a chaos demon god said: Actually is leaks considers as finished your two people. However, even if your two people hold in in addition of strength of destiny, has the strength of being on par beginning of the universe sufficiently, there is what using?” 眉头微微一挑,一尊混沌魔神说道:“却是漏算了你二人。不过,就算你二人在气运之力的加持下,有着足以比肩混元的力量,又有何用?” You and other people collaborate, in the same old way is not our enemies.” “你等三人联手,照样不是吾等之敌。” This saying said right, holds in in addition of strength of destiny, the sky brace has refused stubbornly the beginning of the universe five heavy day of boundaries, but Antarctic Great Emperor must vegetable/dish some, the beginning of the universe four heavy day of boundaries. 这话说的没错,在气运之力的加持下,昊天撑死不过混元五重天的境界,而南极大帝还要更菜一些,混元四重天的境界。 Three people collaborate, as before is not the opponents of these two beginning of the universe sevenfold day peerless powerhouses. 三人联手,依旧不是这两尊混元七重天绝世强者的对手。 But at this moment, listens to an indistinct say/way sound, fluttered from far to near fast, falls into the ear of chaos demon god. 但就在这时,就听一声缥缈的道音,由远而近快速的飘了过来,落入混沌魔神的耳中。 In view of this, that adds on me again!” “既如此,那再加上寡人呢!” The people look back, sees together the non- world physique of looking disdainfully world, the steps. 众人回首,就看到一道睥睨天下的不世身姿,踏步而来。 Purple slightly Great Emperor! 紫微大帝! Except that saint does not calculate, this is the true great antiquity's first person. 除去圣人不算,这才是真正的洪荒第一人。 Is you!” “是你!” Saw that the purple slightly Great Emperor walks, that two chaos demon gods, it may be said that are startled and anger. They did not know, this frequently the ruthless person who does go to the sea to hunt and kill the chaos demon god? 看到紫微大帝走来,那两尊混沌魔神,可谓是又惊又怒。祂们又如何不认识,这尊经常去界海猎杀混沌魔神的狠人呢? This person is living, is to the chaos demon god biggest shame! 此人的活着,就是对混沌魔神最大的羞辱啊! Immediately, that two chaos demon gods, did not care about the world to set up, killed directly jointly toward the purple slightly Great Emperor. 当即,那两尊混沌魔神,也不在乎世界树了,直接联手朝紫微大帝杀去。 In the hand the sidereal revolution stars chart shakes, the purple slightly Great Emperor fights with all might with two people, another, the Feng Zichen three people saw, wields a magic wand respectively, joins in the battlefield. 手中周天星辰图一抖,紫微大帝与二人拼杀起来,另一处,风紫宸三人见了,也是各自祭起法宝,加入战场之中。 ...... …… Why will catch up with here as for the purple slightly Great Emperor, that naturally is because, that three chaos demon gods in land source, were compelled by the people jointly. 至于紫微大帝为何会赶来此处,那当然是因为,大地本源之中的那三尊混沌魔神,被众人联手逼了出来。 Then, the Nüwa empresses, the Mother Earth empresses and eastern sovereign too 13 people, elected a chaos demon god respectively, fights with it. 而后,女娲娘娘、后土娘娘、东皇太一三人,各自选了一尊混沌魔神,与其交起手来。 The purple slightly Great Emperor saw, thought that here does not need itself, turns around to leave directly , helping own incarnation. 紫微大帝见了,觉得此处不需要自己,直接转身离开,去帮助自己的化身去了。 At this moment, Three Pure Ones copes with a chaos demon god with joint forces. 此刻,三清合力对付一尊混沌魔神。 Western two Saints resist a chaos demon god with joint forces. 西方二圣合力对抗一尊混沌魔神。 The Nüwa empress and Mother Earth empress, the eastern sovereign too 13 people cope with a chaos demon god respectively. 女娲娘娘、后土娘娘,东皇太一三人各自对付一尊混沌魔神。 Feng Zichen, the purple slightly Great Emperor, Antarctic Great Emperor, the sky God four God joint efforts, copes with two chaos demon gods. 风紫宸,紫微大帝,南极大帝,昊天上帝四尊上帝合力,对付两尊混沌魔神。 At this moment, the great antiquity one said is the expert is uneven, united efforts to contend with seven chaos demon gods. 这一刻,洪荒一方可谓是高手齐出,协力抗衡七尊混沌魔神。 The great antiquity is not tranquil, beyond that remote day chaos place, is not tranquil. 洪荒不平静,那遥远的天外混沌处,也不平静。 Saw on that day the curtain place, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor and Yang Meilao ancestor faces each other across a great distance, but in two people behind, has several terrifying forms respectively. 就见那天幕处,鸿钧道祖与杨眉老祖遥遥相对,而在二人的身后,各自有着数道恐怖的身影。 Yang Meilao ancestor behind, is standing naturally was the chaos demon god. But great wild goose honored say/way ancestor behind, is standing form, somewhat was thought-provoking. 杨眉老祖的身后,站着的自然就是混沌魔神了。而鸿钧道祖的身后,站立着的身影,就有些耐人寻味了。 Altogether has nine people, besides innate five lines of Saint beasts, four extremely strange forms. Although the people are strange, but their imposing manners, are actually boundaries of the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal. 一共有着九人,除先天五行圣兽之外,还有四道极为陌生的身影。人虽陌生,但祂们身上的气势,却是实打实的混元大罗金仙之境。 This is four strange beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortals, and strength is not low, in beginning of the universe on together the side is far, at least has the intermediate stage, even the late strength. 这是四尊陌生的混元大罗金仙,且实力都不低,都在混元一道上走的极远,起码有着中期、甚至后期的力量。 Oh , is extremely not strange, if Feng Zichen came, will discover, in that four strange say/way lords, one, is of northern deep seabed. 噢,也不算太过陌生,若是风紫宸来了,就会发现,那四个陌生的道主之中,其中一尊,正是北冥海底的那位。 Also stands the terrifying character behind Kunpeng old ancestor, north mixes the ocean founder deeply. 也就是站在鲲鹏老祖背后的恐怖人物,北冥混溟祖师。 Other three, is uncommon. Each one has the huge origin, is most ancient innate sacred, has for the world source. 其余三位,也都是不凡。个个都有着天大的来历,乃是最古之先天神圣,具为天地本源所化。 Said that all over the body by the form that dark covers, the named too deep Daoist, is also wants ancient existence compared with it demon gate greatly black day demon god, the true dark source lives, grasps the dark unsurpassed Spiritual God. 就说那位通体被黑暗所笼罩的身影,名为太冥道人,乃是比之魔门大黑天魔神还要古老的存在,真正的黑暗本源所生,掌握黑暗的无上神灵。 When that great antiquity land, the people and chaos demon gods fight, this crowd for a very long time does not ask the human affairs, great antiquity most ancient innate sacred, went out of the own place of living in seclusion in abundance, with the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor stands shoulder to shoulder, with anti- chaos demon god. 在那洪荒大地上,众人与混沌魔神交手之际,这群久久不问世事的,洪荒最古的先天神圣们,纷纷走出了自己的隐居之地,与鸿钧道祖并肩站在一起,同抗混沌魔神。 Cannot think, your several are also living?” Sees several forms in that memory, Yang Meilao ancestor sigh with emotion saying. “想不到,你们几个还活着?”看着那记忆之中的几道身影,杨眉老祖略带感慨的说道。 This poor Daoist has not thought, Yang Mei fellow daoist you unexpectedly are the reincarnation of chaos demon god, now is to choose and great antiquity is the enemy.” Yang Meilao ancestor's opposite, the too deep Daoist is also returns said. “贫道也没想到,杨眉道友你竟是混沌魔神的转世,如今更是选择与洪荒为敌。”杨眉老祖的对面,太冥道人亦是回道。 Yeah!” “哎!” Numerous sighing, Yang Meilao ancestor no longer spoke. 重重的叹了口气,杨眉老祖不再说话。 Although It has practiced years in the great antiquity, but that short several hundreds of millions years, but is a small water splash in Its long life, how can with the chaos demon god period, the friendship of that endless years place on a par? 祂虽在洪荒修炼过一段岁月,但那短短的数亿年,不过是祂漫长生命中的一朵小水花,如何能与混沌魔神时期,那无尽岁月的交情相提并论? Outside the danger of big chaos, but also wants the imagination of far ultra great antiquity all living things. Then is the chaos demon god, cannot guarantee oneself will not encounter the danger. 界外大混沌之危险,还要远超洪荒众生的想象。便是混沌魔神,也不敢保证自己不会遇到危险。 Therefore, many chaos demon gods will support mutually, common pursue main road. So the friendship, is not that can give up easily. 故而,不少混沌魔神都会相互扶持,共同追求大道。这般情谊,不是那么容易能够割舍的。 Yang Meilao ancestor did not speak, a great wild goose honored say/way ancestor side does not speak, is so silent, looking at each other, is awaiting calmly the result in great antiquity land. 杨眉老祖不说话,鸿钧道祖一方也不说话了,就那么沉默着,对视着,静待洪荒大地上的结果。 If a chaos demon god side won, on that day the chaos demon god outside curtain, will then enter the great antiquity world. 若是混沌魔神一方胜了,那天幕外的混沌魔神,便会走进洪荒天地。 If a great antiquity side won, the chaos demon god outside backdrop, will then leave. 若是洪荒一方胜了,天幕外的混沌魔神,便会离开。 Therefore, can say, Feng Zichen and the others the victories or defeats, are concerning the great antiquity future trend, exceptionally important. 故此,可以说,风紫宸等人的胜败,关乎着洪荒未来的走向,异常的重要。 .................................... ……………………………… Although does not know that the significance of this war is great, but the people also know this war not to tow, must fight a battle to force a quick decision. Otherwise, the war drags was long, the destructive power that produces is getting bigger and bigger, incessantly was the disintegration great antiquity land is so simple. 虽不知此战的意义重大,但众人也知此战拖不得,需速战速决。不然的话,大战拖的久了,所产生的破坏力越来越大,就不止是崩碎洪荒大地那么简单了。 Then, and finally, the great antiquity land overall disintegration came, will be affected including the land source, the crime of people was big. 说不得,到了最后,洪荒大地整体的崩碎开来,连大地本源都会受到影响,那众人的罪过就大了。 Moreover, on the by present situation, the war is continuing, it is estimated that soon, will affect Heaven. 而且,就以现在的情况来看,大战在继续下去,估计用不了多久,就会波及到天界。 Hehe, the people do not want to make up day again a time. 呵呵,众人可不想再补一次天。 Therefore, this war ended as soon as possible. 所以,此战还是尽早结束吧。 In the heart is thinking fighting a battle to force a quick decision, the people then no longer keep the strength, used itself to be used for the pressure bottom method of Yin person respectively. 心中想着速战速决,众人遂不再留力,各自动用了自己用来阴人的压箱底手段。 Ha!” “哈!” Sinks to drink one, too one puts out a drop of essence and blood suddenly, spurts on the body of chaos bell. 沉喝一声,太一突然吐出一滴精血,喷在混沌钟的身上。 When ~ ~ 当~~ Together the ding that the next quarter, resounds through the entire great antiquity resounds, that great bell wave fills the air, unexpectedly was the anchorage the entire world, making all fall into during the instant stagnation. 下一刻,一道响彻整个洪荒的钟声响起,那宏大的钟波弥漫开来,竟是生生定住了整个天地,使得一切都陷入了刹那的停滞当中。 When all return to normal, that with the chaos demon god who the eastern sovereign too fights, the physical body is loudly stave, changes to everywhere blood rain to scatter. 待一切恢复正常,那尊与东皇太一交手的混沌魔神,肉体轰然破碎,化作漫天血雨飘散。 ~ ~ 唰~~ The chaos god light flash, that chaos demon god had just wanted to recover together, the eastern sovereign too one holds the chaos bell to kill. 一道混沌神光闪过,那混沌魔神刚想要恢复身体,东皇太一已经持混沌钟杀来。 Of bang, sees in too a hand, the chaos bell twisted the concept and cognition suddenly, becomes infinity. 轰的一声,就见在太一的手中,混沌钟忽然扭曲了概念、认知,变得无穷大起来。 Holds up the chaos bell, under bell Dichao, too a pair a chaos demon god that broken body lid, is receiving completely in it the chaos bell. 举起混沌钟,钟底朝下,太一对着混沌魔神那残破的身体一盖,就将其收尽了混沌钟之中。 Meanwhile, too one puts out the essence and blood again, in addition holds together on the chaos bell, stimulates to movement the prestige of its suppression primordial chaos world, to reverse the strength and the merit of evolution Heavenly Dao profound and abstruse principles various day of space and time, to refine the energy of water hot dry wind full power. 同时,太一再次吐出一道精血,加持在混沌钟上,全力催动它那镇压鸿蒙世界之威、扭转诸天时空之力、演变天道玄机之功、炼化地水火风之能。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The chaos bell vibrates, inside kerosene wind surges together, unceasing being shattered and new student|life. 混沌钟震动,里面地火水风齐齐涌动,不断的破灭与新生。 The strength of that suppression chaos demon god's flesh suppression. 那镇压之力将混沌魔神的血肉镇压。 That reverses the strength of space and time, delays the time of that chaos demon god, slows down innumerable times. 那扭转时空之力,延迟那混沌魔神的时间,放慢无数倍。 The strength of that evolution changes the shape of chaos demon god, enabling it the meeting again mortal body. 那演变之力改变混沌魔神的形态,使之不能重聚肉身。 That refining up the strength, then unceasing refining up the flesh source of chaos demon god, completes the final sure-kill to It. 那炼化之力,则是不断的炼化混沌魔神的血肉本源,对祂完成最后的绝杀。 That chaos demon god seal after chaos bell inside, the eastern sovereign too one shouts suddenly. 将那尊混沌魔神封印在混沌钟里面之后,东皇太一忽然大喊一声。 Ten big monster gods where!” “十大妖神何在!” The voice just falls, a side vast world from appears suddenly void, float sky over great antiquity land. Ten big monster gods go out from this side world simultaneously, eastern North Korea sovereign too pays respects say/way: 话音甫落,一方浩大的世界忽然自虚空浮现出来,悬浮于洪荒大地上空。十大妖神同时从这方世界之中走出,朝东皇太一拜道: Feudal official and others here, but also asked your majesty to tell.” “臣等在此,还请陛下吩咐。” Clenches teeth, the eastern sovereign too one was spurting an essence and blood to the chaos bell unexpectedly, immediately, the prestige of chaos bell can rise suddenly again. 咬了咬牙,东皇太一竟是在对混沌钟喷了一口精血,顿时,混沌钟的威能再次暴涨。 One has grasped the chaos bell, the eastern sovereign too one ejects it, falls toward that shatter great antiquity land. 一把抓过混沌钟,东皇太一将其抛出,朝着那破碎的洪荒大地落去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Sees the chaos bell to fall to the ground, whether there is on might bursts out, the anchorage the fragments of some great antiquity land, and made it fuse slowly. 就见混沌钟一落地,有无上的威力迸发,生生定住了部分洪荒大地的碎片,并使其缓缓融合。 Breaks this, takes its source, integrates in the fragment of that great antiquity land, rebuilds one's homeland for my monster clan.” After completing all these, the eastern sovereign too turns head to tell toward ten big monster gods. “破碎此界,取其本源,融入那块洪荒大地的碎片之中,为我妖族重建家园。”做完这一切之后,东皇太一扭头朝十大妖神吩咐道。 Respectfully follows your majesty life.” “谨遵陛下之命。” Ten big monster god hears word, call the monster soldier hastily, the composition refining up big, refining up the top infinite universe of this companion monster clan innumerable years slowly, in that great antiquity land fragment of unceasing integration under foot. 十大妖神闻言,连忙召集妖兵,组成炼界大阵,将这陪伴妖族无数岁月的顶级大千世界缓缓炼化,不断的融入脚下的那块洪荒大地碎片之中。 Results in infinite universe this/Ben Gennosuke, that land fragment, consolidates gradually. Meanwhile, the chaos bell also in the unceasing tremor, the chaos demon god source of silk threads flows out from it, is integrating this stretch of land. 得大千世界本源之助,那块大地碎片,渐渐稳固下来。同时,混沌钟也在不断的颤动,丝丝缕缕的混沌魔神本源从它身上流出,也在融入这片大地。 , This land is gradually getting more and more stable, is getting bigger and bigger, its vitality slowly is also restoring, the source also constantly is also strengthened. 渐渐的,这块大地越来越稳固,也越来越大,其生机也在慢慢恢复,本源也随之不断增强。 Believes, when the innate spiritual energy when this land radical derivation, above contains, will not compare the antiquity in generation gap slightest. 相信,等这块大地彻底的衍生完毕,其上所蕴含的先天灵气,不会比上古时代差上分毫。 After all, for achievement land, the eastern sovereign too one refine to melt a chaos demon god. 毕竟,为了成就这块大地,东皇太一可是炼化了一尊混沌魔神。 ...... …… ............ ………… While the eastern sovereign too suppresses that chaos demon god, another side, the Mother Earth empress also erupted, sees Its both hands even/including to link seal, the release an inexplicable strength. 在东皇太一镇压那尊混沌魔神的同时,另一边,后土娘娘也爆发了,就见祂双手连连结印,释放出一股莫名的力量。 Nether world most deep place, six samsara plates of that rotation, resembling feels this strength slowly, suddenly vibrated. 幽冥界最深处,那缓缓转动的六道轮回盘,似是感受到了这股力量,突然震动了一下。 Then, then sees six samsara plate main bodies an corner/horn, appears quietly, in chaos demon Shentou that pounding ruthlessly in that fought with the Mother Earth empress 而后,便看到六道轮回盘本体的一角,悄然浮现,狠狠的砸在了那尊与后土娘娘交手的混沌魔神头上 Six samsara plates, a great antiquity only chaos most precious object, its might, even if only an corner/horn, is inconceivable. 六道轮回盘,洪荒唯一的一件混沌至宝,其威力之强,哪怕只是一角,也是难以想象的。 That chaos demon god was pounded by six samsara plates, cannot bear send out a pitiful yell, the mind falls into enemy hands directly, planted, pounding ruthlessly in great antiquity land. 那混沌魔神被六道轮回盘砸了一下,忍不住发出一声惨叫,心神直接失守,一头栽了下去,狠狠的砸在了洪荒大地上。 Subdue!” “镇!” Meanwhile, the witch clan expert who that has prepared, comes suddenly, is stimulating to movement the temples of 12 ancestor witches, forms day 12 evil deity big, plants to that in the chaos demon god of ground suppresses to go. 与此同时,那早已准备的巫族高手,突然现身,催动着十二祖巫的神殿,结成都天十二神煞大阵,向那栽在地上的混沌魔神镇压而去。
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