GDSP :: Volume #9

#803: Chaotic, entire was chaotic, the entire great antiquity became a hopeless mess randomly

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That is, destroyed the great antiquity land. 那就是,毁了洪荒大地。 Things have gotten to this point, has nothing well hesitant, with it does everything possible to compel the chaos demon god, might as well destroys simple that the great antiquity land came directly. 事已至此,也没什么好犹豫的了,与其想尽办法逼出混沌魔神,还不如直接毁了洪荒大地来的干脆。 In any case, in the hand of Heavenly Dao is grasping the sources of nine chaos demon gods, is preparing to reinforce the great antiquity world. 反正,天道的手里掌握着九尊混沌魔神的本源,正准备加固洪荒天地呢。 Just while this opportunity, the shatter great antiquity land, coming broken then to stand, reset the kerosene wind. 刚好趁着这个机会,破碎洪荒大地,来个破而后立,重定地火水风。 Then, after integrating the sources of nine big chaos demon gods, the new student/life great antiquity land, can reappear the antiquity great antiquity land magnificent. 说不得,在融入九大混沌魔神的本源之后,新生的洪荒大地,能够重现上古洪荒大地的辉煌呢。 Read and hence, in heart of Feng Zichen no longer hesitant, the form moved fiercely, since the midair fell, stepped on above the great antiquity land. 念及至此,风紫宸的心中不再犹豫,身影猛地一动,从半空落下,踩在洪荒大地之上。 About!” “合!” The foot of Feng Zichen bumps into the land, that unsurpassed magical powers Mount Buzhou seal changes, boundless rune/symbol writing fills the air, in a flash, then melts with the land for a body. 风紫宸的脚一碰到大地,那无上神通不周山印就是一变,无边的符文弥漫而出,转瞬之间,便与大地融为了一体。 Mount Buzhou is the great antiquity ancestor lineage/vein, for the basis of land, can transfer the strength of land source. Therefore, this takes Mount Buzhou as the magical powers that the prototype evolves, only has to base above the land, can achieve the biggest effect. 不周山乃洪荒祖脉,为大地之根本,能调动大地本源之力。故而,这以不周山为原型衍化的神通,唯有立足于大地之上,方能发挥出最大的效果。 But once, with basing above land, that Mount Buzhou seal is harmed, will share to the great antiquity land. 可是,一旦与立足于大地之上,那不周山印受到的伤害,就会分担给洪荒大地。 Was worried that the great antiquity land was therefore damaged, therefore, Feng Zichen displays Mount Buzhou seal time, will elect in the midair, rather than above land. 担心洪荒大地因此受到损伤,故此,风紫宸施展不周山印的时候,才会选在半空,而不是大地之上。 But at this moment, since decided that must destroy the great antiquity land, in Feng Zichen heart naturally again unscrupulous, immediately causes Mount Buzhou seal and great antiquity land is connected, erupts this magical powers the true prestige energy. 但此刻,既然决定要毁灭洪荒大地了,风紫宸心中自然再无顾忌,当即使得不周山印与洪荒大地相连,爆发出这道神通的真正威能。 .................. ……………… The strength of land adds the body, instantaneously, the prestige of Mount Buzhou seal can rise suddenly. That originally in the Pangu the attack of continually streamer and under primal chaos chart, but appears defense that creakies. 大地之力加身,瞬间,不周山印的威能暴涨。那本来在盘古幡与太极图的连番攻击下,而显得摇摇欲坠的防御。 At this moment, not only restored, instead was more powerful. 此刻,不但重新恢复了过来,反而更加的强大了。 Bang! 轰! Sees the Three Pure Ones magical powers bang to come, Mount Buzhou seal trembled trembling, suddenly that most strength, unloaded above the great antiquity land. 就见三清的神通轰来,不周山印颤了颤,忽然将那大半力量,卸在了洪荒大地之上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! In an instant, the entire land is shivering. 刹那间,整个大地都在颤动。 After seeing Three Pure Ones cannot break the self-defence, the Feng Zichen mind moves, the god read following Mount Buzhou seal and relation of land source, unceasing to sinking. 三清破不开自己的防御后,风紫宸心神一动,神念顺着不周山印与大地本源的联系,不断的向下沉去。 The times of however several breaths, the Feng Zichen god read then arrived at the land source place, saw chaos demon god of that ambush in source deep place, as well as with the eastern sovereign who they confronted too one. 不过几息的功夫,风紫宸的神念便来到了大地本源处,看到了那潜伏在本源深处的混沌魔神,以及正在与祂们对峙的东皇太一。 Has seen the purple house fellow daoist!” “见过紫宸道友!” Sees Feng Zichen, the eastern sovereign too said. 看到风紫宸,东皇太一说道。 Also has seen too a fellow daoist.” Feng Zichen returned to a ritual. “也见过太一道友。”风紫宸回了一礼。 Later, two people shifted to the chaos demon god the vision simultaneously. 之后,二人将目光同时转向了混沌魔神。 Three fellow daoist are really the good methods, is to integrate in the land source unexpectedly, presumptuously thinks to obtain by this in the opportunity that the great antiquity bases. Really good method, the morning that if not too a fellow daoist discovers, almost made you succeed.” “三位道友真是好手段,竟是想要融入大地本源之中,妄想以此获得在洪荒立足的机会。真是好方法,若非太一道友发现的早,差点就让你们成功了。” Looks at the chaos demon god in land source deep place, saying that Feng Zichen coldly. 看着大地本源深处的混沌魔神,风紫宸冷冷的说道。 Haha, morning of discovery, can, be how difficult to be inadequate, you to compel me and others, but also dares to begin to destroy the great antiquity land to be inadequate?” “哈哈,发现的早,又能如何,难不成,你们为了逼出我等,还敢动手毁灭洪荒大地不成?” Has the great antiquity land as the backing, chaos demon god secure. 有洪荒大地作为后盾,混沌魔神有恃无恐的很。 Forces me and others to agree to your requests by this?” “相以此逼迫我等同意你们的要求吗?” Your chaos demon god really wants. Today, then makes me urgently need the practical action, informs chaos demon god, I and other great antiquity lives, rather dead honorably, to not live dishonorably!” “那你们混沌魔神真是想多了。今日,便让我等用实际行动,告知诸位混沌魔神,我等洪荒生灵,宁为玉碎,不为瓦全!” In Feng Zichen spoke, entire great antiquity land, suddenly fierce shivered, a giant crack appeared, had sign that faintly must collapse. 就在风紫宸说话间,整个洪荒大地,突然剧烈的颤抖起来,道道巨大的裂缝出现,隐隐有要崩溃的迹象。 This is Three Pure Ones in the crazy attack Mount Buzhou seal, just like Feng Zichen did not have to have scruples general, Three Pure Ones did not have the scruples, began not to have the ample force again, did not need to be worried to destroy the great antiquity land, not on making of effort? 这是三清在疯狂的攻击不周山印,正如风紫宸没了顾忌一般,三清也没了顾忌,动手再无余力,也不用担心毁灭洪荒大地了,可不就用力的造吗? Besides these four people, several other beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortals, first are shaking the head of cannot bear, then displays the magical powers respectively, takes away the innumerable lives in land. 除这四人之外,其余的几位混元大罗金仙,先是忍不住的摇了摇头,然后便各自施展神通,收走大地上的无数生灵们。 The land can destroy, but lives the innumerable lives on this, cannot have an accident. 大地可以毁,但生活在这上面的无数生灵们,可不能出事。 Otherwise, the people crime was big. 不然的话,众人罪过就大了。 ...... …… Damn, can you really ruin the great antiquity land to be inadequate?” “该死,你们真的要毁掉洪荒大地不成?” Felt the vibration of land, the three chaos demon gods in land source was anxious, the incredible eastern North Korea sovereigns too one shouted with Feng Zichen. 感受到大地的震动,大地本源之中的三尊混沌魔神急了,不可置信的朝东皇太一与风紫宸喊道。 Is and is not, fellow daoist waits.” Finally said that the Feng Zichen god read leaves. “是与不是,诸位道友就拭目以待吧。”最后说了一句,风紫宸的神念就离开了。 Because, felt a moment ago in him, three days approximately will draw near, the time of quarter of an hour. 因为,就在刚才他感觉到,三日之约就快到了,还有一刻钟的时间。 But at this moment the bell, Feng Zichen does not want to wait. 而这一刻钟,风紫宸不想等了。 The gods read into the body, Feng Zichen by the god eyes view great antiquity world, the discovery, at this moment, above the land does not see the trail of any life immediately. 神念入体,风紫宸以神眼观洪荒天地,顿时就发现,此刻,大地之上已不见任何生灵的足迹。 Sees this, Feng Zichen satisfied nod, did not have the life, is true stopping at nothing. 见此,风紫宸满意的点了点头,没有了生灵,这下才是真正的无所顾忌。 Read and hence, Feng Zichen received thoughtless seal suddenly, then the complete strength, will be used to stimulate to movement chaos big. 念及至此,风紫宸忽然收了不周道印,转而将全部的力量,用来催动混沌大阵。 Is less to respond, sees the chaos big vibration, the limitless chaos air/Qi comes. In the middle of the air/Qi of chaos, Three Pure Ones must have an action to perform, when that limitless chaos air/Qi, then by with coming same speed, without a trace of disappearance. 不及反应,就见混沌大阵震动,无边无际的混沌之气汹涌而来。混沌之气当中,三清就要有所动作,那无边无际的混沌之气,便以与来时相同的速度,消失的无影无踪。 At this time, Feng Zichen dispersed chaos big suddenly, said toward Three Pure Ones: Three fellow daoist receiving let, this game, was I won, must forget among us not the agreement.” 正是这时,风紫宸忽然散了混沌大阵,朝三清说道:“三位道友承让了,这一局,是我赢了,莫要忘了我们之间的约定。” Then, the chaos big remaining strength, pours into the humane emperor imperial seal completely, urges to send to the limit Its strength. 说完,将混沌大阵残余的力量,全部灌入人道帝玺之中,将祂的力量催发至极限。 Three Pure Ones losses? How to defeat? 三清了?怎么败的? The answer is the chaos bead, this was the most powerful space and time most precious object, was more powerful than it chaos bell. A moment ago, Feng Zichen stimulated to movement the chaos bead full power, sped up the speed of flow of time forcefully, caused three days approximately final that time, was finishing in the wink of an eye. 答案是混沌珠,这是最强大的时空至宝了,比之混沌钟还要强大。刚才,风紫宸就是全力催动混沌珠,强行加快了时间的流速,使得三日之约最后的那段时间,在瞬息之间结束。 Feng Zichen acts is too quick, and rest of the time are too short, Three Pure Ones has not responded, the time had ended. 风紫宸出手的太快,且剩下的时间太短,以至于三清还未反应过来,时间就已经结束了。 ...... …… Three Pure Ones is not person who cannot lose, silent a while, then said: This time was the fellow daoist exceeds, gives me and other brothers to take a class, this poor Daoist three people are willing to bet to concede, future member human clan, does not have the causes and effects with this poor Daoist and the others again.” 三清也不是输不起的人,沉默一会儿,便说道:“此回是道友技高一筹,给我等三兄弟上了一课,贫道三人愿赌服输,今后的人族修士,与贫道等人之间再无因果。” At this moment, the Heavenly Dao is not , the principle was shattered, word of reverberation Three Pure Ones in the world , has not caused any phenomenon. 此刻,天道不在,法则破碎,三清之言回荡在天地之间,也没引起任何的异象。 But it is well known, this matter is set, does not need the Heavenly Dao testimony, only needs own say/way heart to witness, then sufficed. 但众人皆知,这件事已经算是定下了,无需天道见证,只需自己的道心见证,便够了。 The matter of Kunpeng old ancestor, the been clear telling world, the Heavenly Dao pledged sometimes no matter also used. Therefore, this need higher-end agreement. 鲲鹏老祖之事,已经明确的告诉世人,天道誓言有时候也不管用。故此,这就需要更高端的约定了。 Said making of heart. 道心之约。 Does not make anybody witness, but witnesses with own say/way heart, if another day violates, then said that the heart lacks, forever will not have the further possibility. 不让任何人见证,而是用自己的道心见证,他日若是违背,则道心有缺,永无再进一步的可能。 It is not able to progress, regarding Three Pure Ones and Feng Zichen such existence, the ratio killed them simply uncomfortably. This was heaviest punishes. 无法进步,对于三清风紫宸这样的存在来说,简直比杀了祂们还令人难受。这是最重的惩罚了。 Therefore, said that making of heart, pledged compared with anything effective. 故此,道心之约,比什么誓言都管用。 After Three Pure Ones, the Western two Saints were also the nod established making of heart. 三清之后,西方二圣也是点头立下了道心之约。 So, causes and effects between several people, even if disappeared, to seal/confer Shenliang plundered still also moved toward the end. 如此,几人之间的因果就算是消了,封神量劫也随之走向了终结。 Saw that fills in the tribulation air/Qi in the world, at the visible speed, dissipates. 就看到,那弥漫在天地之间的劫气,以肉眼可见的速度,消散起来。 When this tribulation air/Qi dissipates completely, when is the Heavenly Dao returns to the great antiquity world. 待这劫气完全消散,就是天道重归洪荒天地之时。 Also was at this time, Feng Zichen and Three Pure Ones also had the Western two Saints, simultaneously acted, all puts out the biggest skill, went toward the great antiquity land bang. 也是这时,风紫宸三清还有西方二圣,同时出手了,皆是拿出自己最大的本事,朝洪荒大地轰去。 Has not returned while the present Heavenly Dao, great antiquity land breaking, after that and other Heavenly Dao returned, begins the shatter great antiquity land, one is one, will be attacked by the Heavenly Dao. 不趁着现在天道未曾归来,将洪荒大地给破碎掉,那等天道归来之后,动手破碎洪荒大地的,有一个算一个,都将受到天道的攻击。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The Pangu streamer vibrates, chaos sword air/Qi loudly. 盘古幡震动,混沌剑气轰然而出。 The primal chaos chart rotation, the strength of Yin-Yang obliterates all. 太极图转动,阴阳之力磨灭一切。 Executes the immortal four sword twinkles, the sword light shatter myriad things. 诛仙四剑闪烁,剑光破碎万物。 The humane emperor imperial seal changes to a giant phalanx, selects loudly toward the great antiquity land. 人道帝玺化作一根巨大的指骨,朝着洪荒大地轰然点去。 ..................... ………………… Rumble! 轰隆隆! Under the attack of jointly people, the entire great antiquity land is vibrating, then the disintegration, becomes split up loudly. 在众人的联手攻击下,整个洪荒大地都在震动,然后轰然解体,变得四分五裂起来。 The great antiquity land was shattered, that land source was affected, immediately fierce tremor, in that chaos demon god, was affected, is repelled by the land source unexpectedly gradually. 洪荒大地破碎,那大地本源受到影响,顿时剧烈的颤动起来,那里面的混沌魔神,也是受到波及,竟是渐渐被大地本源排斥而出。 Was at this time, the eastern sovereign too acted, saw Its whole body supernatural power to surge crazily, the total poured into the chaos bell, shook suddenly. 就是这时,东皇太一出手了,就见祂周身法力疯狂涌动,全数灌入混沌钟之中,猛然摇动起来。 Bang...... 轰…… Under an eastern sovereign too full power stimulation of movement, the chaos bell blooms immediately the unprecedented ray. 在东皇太一的全力催动下,混沌钟顿时绽放前所未有之光芒。 The bell outside the body stars and place above the water hot dry wind encirclement, bell within the body has the mountains land and great antiquity ten thousand clan appearing intermittently in, has the five colors rays of light to flash through, fearful heavenly prestige shock and awe entire world. 钟体外日月星辰、地水火风环绕其上、钟体内有山川大地、洪荒万族隐现其中,更有五色毫光闪过,惶惶天威震慑寰宇。 The chaos bell, three big open in the middle of a day of most precious object most special, may attack to defend, almost paid attention to both all. He has the prestige of suppression primordial chaos world, to reverse the strength and the merit of evolution Heavenly Dao profound and abstruse principles various day of space and time, to refine the energy of water hot dry wind. 混沌钟,三大开天至宝当中最为特殊的一件,可攻可守,几乎兼顾了一切。他拥有镇压鸿蒙世界之威、扭转诸天时空之力、演变天道玄机之功、炼化地水火风之能。 The ding is enormous and powerful, the universe is bright, the world changes colors, the universe to vacillate, opens the prestige of day of most precious object to reveal without doubt. 钟声浩荡,宇宙煌煌,天地失色、乾坤动摇,开天至宝之威显露无疑。 ...... …… Ding-dong ding-dong...... 当当当当当当…… Under eastern sovereign too shaking, the chaos bell in in the wink of an eye, vibrated again and again nine times. 在东皇太一的摇动下,混沌钟于瞬息之间,连连震动了九次。 Instantaneously, a suppression universe great antiquity, the mighty force of the world yellow and black comes enormously and powerful, the three chaos demon gods in land source, decided directly same place. 瞬间,一股镇压宇宙洪荒,天地玄黄的伟力浩荡开来,直接将大地本源之中的三尊混沌魔神,生生定在了原地。 Also was at this time, the purple slightly Great Emperor grasped the sidereal revolution stars chart. But sees on the chart, is star-studded, the sidereal revolution stars appear one after another, compose galaxy eon brilliant. 也是这时,紫微大帝手持周天星辰图而来。但见图上,星光璀璨,周天星辰接连浮现,组成星河宙光大阵。 Receives!” “收!” Offers a sacrifice to the sidereal revolution stars chart, sees galaxy eon brilliant to revolve, sends out the inexhaustible suction, must unexpectedly that three chaos demon gods, the aspiration land source. 祭起周天星辰图,就见星河宙光大阵运转开来,发出无穷无尽的吸力,竟是要将那三尊混沌魔神,生生吸出大地本源。 Subdue!” “镇!” After purple slightly Great Emperor, the Mother Earth empress also caught up, the empty shades of six samsara plates behind unceasingly ups and downs in It, sends out the huge suction, affected on the body of chaos demon god, the assistance sidereal revolution stars chart, pulled out the land source them. 紫微大帝之后,后土娘娘也随之赶来了,六道轮回盘的虚影在祂身后不断沉浮,亦是发出庞大的吸力,作用在混沌魔神的身上,协助周天星辰图,将祂们拉出大地本源。 Gradually, under the functions of two big most precious objects, the bodies of three chaos demon gods, unceasing being separated land source. 渐渐的,在两大至宝的作用下,三尊混沌魔神的身体,不断的脱离大地本源。 But when two people soon the merit becomes, that three chaos demon gods got rid of the suppression of chaos bell finally, sobered. 可就在二人即将功成的时候,那三尊混沌魔神总算是摆脱了混沌钟的镇压,清醒了过来。 Immediately, three people start to struggle furiously, wants to return the deep place of land source. 当即,三人就开始奋力地挣扎起来,想要重新回到大地本源的深处。 But at this moment, the universe cauldron drops from the clouds, changes to a side vast universe world, suppresses three big chaos demon gods again. 可就在这时,乾坤鼎从天而降,化作一方浩瀚的乾坤世界,再次将三大混沌魔神镇压。 Meanwhile, the eastern sovereign too holds the bell to come, in addition holds on the body of universe cauldron, suppresses the chaos demon god with it with joint forces. 与此同时,东皇太一持钟而来,加持在乾坤鼎的身上,与其合力镇压混沌魔神。 But in void another, Feng Zichen and Three Pure Ones each other look at each other after one, suddenly simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform goes toward the void bang somewhere. 而在虚空的另一处,风紫宸三清彼此对视一眼过后,突然齐齐的朝某处虚空轰去。 Snort!” “哼!” Heard that the stuffy hum/snort transmits together, during was void to reappear several wisps of bloodstains. Then, that space started to disintegrate suddenly, revealed in a huge form. 就闻一道闷哼声传来,虚空之中浮现出了几缕血迹。接着,那处空间骤然开始瓦解,露出了里面一尊庞大至极的身影。 Chaos demon god! 混沌魔神! Another chaos demon god...... 又一尊混沌魔神…… „, Was discovered by you.” That chaos demon god coughs lightly two, looks helpless saying. “咳咳,还是被你们发现了。”那混沌魔神轻咳两声,面露无奈的说道。 Quiet, Feng Zichen and Three Pure Ones encircled, is situated in the four directions of this chaos demon god respectively, blocked Its escaping route thoroughly. 悄无声息的,风紫宸三清围了上去,分别立于这尊混沌魔神的四方,彻底封死了祂的逃跑路线。 In Feng Zichen four people of the instance that surrounds this chaos demon god, It revealed suddenly wiped the strange smile. 只是,就在风紫宸四人围住这尊混沌魔神的瞬间,祂突然露出了一抹诡异的笑容。 It is not right! 不对! Sees this, the Feng Zichen four people suddenly feel right, then do not look hastily. 见此,风紫宸四人顿觉不对,连忙回头望去。 The seeing institute, saw that land source is, also the chaos demon god comes presently, rumbled toward Nüwa empress and the others from the back. 入目所及,就看到,那大地本源所在,又有一尊混沌魔神现出身来,从背后朝着女娲娘娘等人轰去。 Hides in the chaos demon god in secret, is not one, but is two. The attention that is used to attract Feng Zichen, Three Pure Ones and the others, to give another chaos demon god to create the opportunity of sneak attack. 隐藏在暗中的混沌魔神,不是一尊而是两尊。一尊用来吸引风紫宸三清等人的注意力,以给另一尊混沌魔神制造偷袭的机会。 Right, sneak attack! 没错,偷袭! At this moment, Nüwa empress and the others are suppressing the three chaos demon gods in land source place full power, has no time to have scruples radically behind, is the most crucial time. 此刻,女娲娘娘等人正在全力镇压大地本源处的三尊混沌魔神,根本无暇顾忌身后,正是最关键的时刻。 If were sneak attacked successfully in this time, before not only, all achievements will fall short, they, will be damaged. 若是于此时被人偷袭成功,那不但之前所有的成果都会功亏一篑,就连祂们本身,也会受创。 Perhaps the chaos demon god has not struck to kill the saint means that but definitely has to injure the saint means. The strength of main road, measures mysteriously not, omnipotent, is omnipotence in the true sense, is far from the strength of Heavenly Dao can be on par. 混沌魔神或许没有击杀圣人的办法,但肯定有打伤圣人的办法。大道之力,玄妙莫测,无所不能,是真正意义上的无所不能,远非天道之力可以比肩。 By the strength of strength of broken Heavenly Dao main road, was really easy. 以大道之力破天道之力,真是太容易了。 Saw that chaos demon god must go well, the critical moment, the Western two Saints kill suddenly from the one side, kept off this chaos demon god. 眼看着那尊混沌魔神就要得手,关键时刻,西方二圣突然从一旁杀出,挡下了这尊混沌魔神。 Looks at their vivid appearances, which a little injured appearance. Feng Zichen the injury to the Western two Saints creating, no doubt is hard to deal with, but saint is not good to deal with, has the method to deal. 看祂们那生龙活虎的样子,哪有一点受伤的样子。风紫宸给西方二圣造成的伤势,固然难缠,但圣人也不是好相与的,自有手段应对。 Two people spent some prices, restored the injury, but they have not revealed that but hidden in the one side, ambush silently. 二人花费了一些代价,就恢复了伤势,但祂们并没有表露出来,而是隐藏在一旁,默默的潜伏下来。 They expected, must have the chaos demon god to hide in the one side, waits for the opportunity to act. Therefore, they come praying mantis catches cicada, the canary, ambushes squatting chaos demon god one time. 祂们料想,必有混沌魔神隐藏在一旁,伺机而动。故此,祂们来个螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后,潜伏下来蹲混沌魔神一次。 Really, making them succeed, really squatted a chaos demon god. 果然,让祂们成功了,真的蹲到了一尊混沌魔神。 Has the Western two Saints to act, Nüwa empress and the others were worry-free. However, the brow that Feng Zichen tightens has not therefore relaxed, instead wrinkled deeply. 有西方二圣出手,女娲娘娘等人无忧矣。不过,风紫宸紧锁的眉头并未因此放松下来,反而皱得更深了。 One two, can that have three? If really has the third chaos demon god to hide in the one side, where Its goal can be? 有一有二,那会不会还有三?若真有第三尊混沌魔神隐藏在一旁,那祂的目标又会是哪里? „It is not good, world tree!” “不好,世界树!” During the thought rotations, in the heart of Feng Zichen, remembers a possibility suddenly, then, It wants not to think that turns around to leave, flushes away in the direction of the world tree. 念头转动间,风紫宸的心中,突然想起一个可能,然后,祂想也不想的,就转身离开,往世界树的方向冲去。 Damn! 该死! The world tree, It forgot this point unexpectedly. 世界树,祂竟然忘了这一点。 If It is the chaos demon god, wanting to weaken the great antiquity land, that first goal definitely is the world tree. 若祂是混沌魔神,欲要削弱洪荒大地,那第一目标肯定就是世界树。 Because, so long as the world tree remains on the 1st, that was the wound that the great antiquity world received is serious, there is one day that restored. 因为,只要世界树还存在一日,那就是洪荒天地受到的创伤再严重,也有恢复过来的一天。 ps: The lying trough, this writer assistant I was really a clothing/taking, almost scared to death me. The code good draft disappears suddenly, the lying trough people were silly. ps:卧槽,这作家助手我真是服了,差点吓死我。码好的稿子突然不见了,卧槽人都傻了。 I looked fortunately. 还好我找回来了。
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