“是吗?”Looks atThree Pure Onesthatself-satisfiedappearance, Feng Zichenis suddenly strangesmiles.
看着三清那得意的样子,风紫宸突然诡异一笑。Seesthis, Three Pure Oneshasimmediatelywonderfully, does not lookimmediatelytowardall around. Seeinginstitute, letsone that theirmindstartlesgreatly.
见此,三清顿时心生不妙,立刻朝四周看去。入目所及,却是让祂们心神大骇的一幕。Saw, after thatpurplehouseswordwas shattered, itsfragmenthitstoplace, is notelsewhere, the say/way of instituteday after tomorrowwill be.
After the purplehouseswordwas shattered, itsfragmentcarries the swordprestige, holdhow, caninjureincluding the beginning of the universebiggold/metaldwelling place of celestial beings, let aloneother?
轰隆隆!Butsees the purplehouseswordfragmentplace visited, voidlayer upon layershatter, revealedin the say/way of day after tomorrowrevolves.
但见紫宸剑碎片所过之处,虚空层层破碎,露出了里面正在运转的后天之道。At this time, onthatpurplehouseswordfragment, the Pangustreamerresidualstrength, withunsurpassedswordintent that hisbodycarried, eruptedunexpectedly.
正是这时,那紫宸剑碎片上,那盘古幡残留的力量,与其身上携带的无上剑意,竟是同时爆发。In an instant, squanders completelyallstrengthsto sweep awayin vain, that the say/way of day after tomorrowrevolves, swept the fragmentloudly.
哗啦啦!Inthis moment, thatshould the main roadrule of invisiblematerial, seemhas had the entityto be the same, turns intoeverywhere the fragment, fallstoward the great antiquitylandlike the raindrop.
在这一刻,那本该无形物质的大道规则,就好似有了实体一般,化成漫天的碎片,如同雨点般朝着洪荒大地落去。Butmeanwhile, the fragment of purplehouseswordis shiningunexpectedly, unceasingwith the everywhereinnateswordsmanship the resonance, resemblesto havesometransformation.
而同时,紫宸剑的碎片竟是在发光,不断的与无处不在的先天剑道相共鸣,似在发生某种蜕变。Looks the say/way of day after tomorrowoneselfand the others, fee/spentcompletelyuntold hardships, just nowopen, soeasilywas destroyedbyFeng Zichen, in the Three Pure Onesheart, is nothing less than the angerextremely.
看着自己等人,费尽千辛万苦,方才开辟的后天之道,如此轻易的就被风紫宸毁去,三清心中,不可谓不怒极。„CancelsChen, you, you......”
“该死啊!”Bellows, in the Three Pure Onesheartmurderous aura the ascension, simultaneouslystimulates to movementthreeto be possible be calledinvincibleinnate supreme treasure , eruptstheirprestigeenergiesfull power, goestoward the Feng Zichendistantbang.
“来的好!”SeesThree Pure Onesto kill, Feng Zichenlaughs,
见三清杀来,风紫宸大笑一声,Supernatural powergushes outcrazily, stimulated to movementthreemagic weaponsto welcome the attack of Three Pure Onesunexpectedlysimultaneously.
身上法力疯狂涌出,竟是同时催动三件法宝迎上了三清的攻击。Sees, under the stimulation of movement of Feng Zichen, ten thousandShentu, ten thousandspiritcrowns, humaneemperorimperial sealsimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniformvibrates, bloomsrespectively the incomparablestrength, horizontallybeforeItsbody.
就见,在风紫宸的催动下,万神图,万灵冠,人道帝玺齐齐震动,各自绽放无匹之力,横在祂的身前。Meanwhile, a Feng Zichenfingerday, fingerplace, a bodyrhymepassessuddenly, changes totogetherinvinciblesay/wayseal, circlesinownside.
同时,风紫宸忽然一手指天,一手指地,身上道韵流转,化作一道无敌道印,盘旋在自己的身边。Instance that lawsealpresents, the regularfragment that the fragment of purplehousesword, after alsooris that say/way of day after tomorrowwill be stave, forms, looking likereceived the impelto be the same, suddenlysimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniformwelled uptowardFeng Zichen, gatheredatItsside.
The attacks of threebiginnate supreme treasure rumble, is only the twinkling, the Feng Zichenthreebigmost precious objects, ten thousandShentu, the humaneemperorimperial sealflewto the bang.
三大先天至宝的攻击轰来,仅是瞬息,就将风紫宸的三大至宝,万神图、人道帝玺给轰飞了出去。Butstrength of thisattack, was therefore weakenedmost probably.
但这道攻击的力量,也因此被削弱了大半。SeesFeng Zichensay/waysealto shakeloudly, the purplehouseswordfragmentaroundIt, and regularfragment of say/way of day after tomorrow, will also blossom in radiant splendor.
The strength that is above the imaginationerupts, brokeThree Pure Onesby the magical powers that threebiginnate supreme treasure rumble.
一股超乎想象的力量爆发,生生震碎了三清以三大先天至宝轰来的神通。Saw that Feng Zichenkeeps offtheirattackby the say/way of day after tomorrowoneselfand the othersopened, got angryThree Pure Ones that launches a psychological attackextremely, in the heart the anger, onlythinks a heat flowdirect impactforehead, wishes one couldto face upward the long and loud cry.
“啊!”Bellows, Three Pure Onesholdsinnate supreme treasure to killagain. Andunder the angeraddition, itsoffensivewasthreepoints.
大吼一声,三清再次持先天至宝杀来。且在怒气加成下,其攻势更是强了三分。Butat this moment, Feng Zichendoes not have the mood and Three Pure Onesfight. Before, Itacted boldly regardless of one's safetydiedto fightwithThree Pure Ones, itsgoalwas abouttwo.
但此刻,风紫宸已经没心情与三清斗下去了。之前,祂之所以奋不顾身的与三清死斗,其目的不过两个。First, seizing the chanceletsunder the purplehouseswordbrand mark the chaosswordair/Qi of Pangustreamer;second, to wait for an opportunityto destroy the say/way of day after tomorrowThree Pure Onesopens.
一是趁机让紫宸剑烙印下盘古幡的混沌剑气,二是伺机破坏三清开辟的后天之道。At present, thesetwogoals, Feng Zichenhas all achieved, Itdid not haveandThree Pure Ones the reason that continues dead to fight.
眼下,这两个目的,风紫宸皆已达成,那祂也就没有了和三清继续死斗下去的理由。Thiswar, ItcannotexceedThree Pure Ones, so long ashas supported for threedays, even ifItwon. Such being the case, why does Feng Zichenspare nothing dead to fightwithThree Pure Ones?
这一战,祂又不需胜过三清,只要撑过三天,就算是祂赢了。既然如此,风紫宸又何必不惜代价的与三清死斗呢?Readandhence, Feng Zichenchanged the strategyin vain, melton own initiativetopassively, gave upattacking, defendedfull power.
“啊……”Sinksto drinkone, Feng Zichenwithin the body, the supernatural powersurgesto continue;Knowsin the sea, the emptyshadow of Mount Buzhouis partly visible;Body, the main road rhymefills the air, circulationcontinuous.
沉喝一声,风紫宸的体内,法力涌动不止;识海之中,不周山的虚影若隐若现;身上,大道道韵弥漫而出,流转不休。Someoneflickers, the Feng Zichenintentionmoves, onItallstrengths, are in onesuddenlyfriendly.
某一瞬,风紫宸心念一动,祂身上的所有力量,骤然融合为一体。„Mount Buzhouseal, gets up!”
The ancientandmysterioussay/waylanguageresounds, non-stop the reverberation that in the world, is affecting the inexplicablestrength, will resembleaffects the past and presentin the future, in additionwill holdin vainon the body of Feng Zichen.
古老而又神秘的道语响起,在天地之间不停的回荡,牵动着莫名的力量,似是影响了古今未来,徒然加持在风紫宸的身上。Butheard„bang”, a greatbodyemptyshadow, behindrapidFeng Zichenobviously, palatial, seemingTienchuis ordinary, towersin the world, be continuousdoes not know that manyten thousandli (0.5 km), highdo not knowtens of thousandsli (0.5 km).
但闻“轰”的一声,一座伟岸的身上虚影,迅速的风紫宸背后显化,巍巍峨峨,好似天柱一般,耸立在天地之间,绵延不知多少万里,高也不知几万里。Mount Buzhou!
不周山!PastFeng ZichenviewMount Buzhou the unsurpassedmagical powers of creation, have been practiced the highestboundarybyItnow, under the stimulation of movement, seemedbrokenMount Buzhoufull power, arrivedgenerally.
轰隆隆!Instance that appearsin the Mount Buzhouemptyshadow, at that time the lightrivervibratedloudly, totallZhiwei, utmosttoabundantgreatstrength, wells upsuddenlyfrom the end of time, fuses togetherwith the Feng ZichenbackMount Buzhou.
在不周山虚影出现的瞬间,那时光长河轰然震动,一股至高至伟、至大至博的伟岸力量,骤然从时光的尽头涌来,与风紫宸背后的不周山融为一体。Thatis the strength of genuineMount Buzhou!
那是真正不周山的力量!AlthoughpresentMount Buzhoubut actually, but the pastMount Buzhou remains, Itfeels the presentworld the aura of Mount Buzhou, thereforelowersstrengthin additionto holdinItspeciallytogether.
轰隆隆!Mount Buzhou that mustYamanosuke, Feng Zichenmountain roadsealturn intoinconsideratelybehindinconsiderately, itsmightraisedunexpectedlyagainplanned, stood erecttrulyin the domain of notenormousgold/metalimmortal.
得不周山之助,风紫宸身后不周山道印化成的不周山,其威力竟是再次拔高了一筹,真正屹立在了无极大罗金仙的领域。Onthis time, Three Pure Oneskills, thattears the endlessentire worldsufficiently, trillionspace and times, flickerto kill the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal the powerfulmagical powers, hitsonMount Buzhou, shakesIt unable to achieveunexpectedlycontinually.
恰逢此时,三清杀来,那足以撕裂无尽寰宇,亿万时空,瞬杀混元大罗金仙的强大神通,打在不周山的身上,竟是连撼动祂都没能做到。Whatis the great antiquity'sfirstdefensemagical powers, thisand that's the end.
什么是洪荒第一防御神通,这就是了。„How is thispossible?!”
“这怎么可能?!”Looks the ownpowerfulmagical powers, the bangon the body of Feng Zichen, ishisdefensehas not even brokenunexpectedly, the Three Pure Onessomegod, resemblesunavoidablyis unable to acceptthisresult.
看着自己强大的神通,轰在风紫宸的身上,竟是连他的防御都没有破开,三清不免有些愣神,似是无法接受这个结果。„Haha, threefellow daoist, my magical powershow?”Looks atThree Pure Ones of god, Feng Zichenveryaskingspecially.
“哈哈,三位道友,我这神通如何?”看着愣神的三清,风紫宸很是特意的问道。No matter whatyourmagical powersare invincible, most precious objectunparalleled, butcannot breakmymagical powers, does that have whatusing?
任你神通无敌,至宝无双,但破不开我的神通,那又有何用?Sets upunderMount Buzhou, thiswar, Feng Zichenhas won.
The livelihooddecays, butIam immortal, the worldextinguishes, butIdo not extinguish. Even ifThree Pure Oneshas the skill of being shatteredgreat antiquityworld, cannot breakMount Buzhou, cannot break the defense of Feng Zichen.
日月朽而我不朽,天地灭而我不灭。纵使三清有着破灭洪荒天地的本事,也是打不破不周山,破不开风紫宸的防御。Only if, Three Pure OnessummonedPanguYuangod.
除非,三清召唤出盘古元神。Buttowinthisgame, lostnot the toobigfault, wonalso the fight of noadvantage, thusspares nothingto summonPanguYuangod, Feng Zichenestimated,Three Pure Oneswill not choosedoes.
The business of doing business at a loss, Three Pure Onesmaydo.
The business that but the bloodowes, Three Pure Oneswill definitely not do.
但血亏的买卖,三清肯定不会做。„Good, cancelsChenfellow daoistmagical powers is very truly strong, this poor Daoistthreepeople of a short time, is unable to break open.”
“不错,勾陈道友的神通确实很强,贫道三人一时半会,也是无法破开。”„Butnow, fromthreedaysmaking, passed the half day, but also is left overtwo -and-a-half daystime.”
“但如今,距离三日之约,也才过去了半日而已,还剩下两日半的功夫。”„This poor Daoisthas not believed that under two -and-a-half days of time, this poor Daoistbrothersthreepeopleactfull power, but alsocannot breakyourdefense.”
“贫道还就不信了,两天半的时间,贫道兄弟三人全力施为之下,还打不破你的防御。”Wields a magic wandfull power, Three Pure OnesbangtoFeng Zichen, whilesaidtowardIt.
全力祭起法宝,三清一边轰向风紫宸,一边朝祂说道。„Thatwaits, wantingthreefellow daoist to me a pleasant surprise, breaks open my to be possible be called the great antiquityinvincibledefense.”
“那就拭目以待吧,希望三位道友能给我一丝惊喜,破开我这堪称洪荒无敌的防御。”Regarding the Three Pure Oneswords, in the Feng Zichenheartdisdainsvery much. The level of thismountain roadseal, went to the situation of endlessbiggold/metalimmortalinconsiderately.
对于三清的话,风紫宸心中很是不屑。这不周山道印的层次,已经达到了无尽大罗金仙的地步。In other words, even if the great wild goosehonoredsay/wayancestorarrives, not necessarilycanbreak openthismagical powers.
也就是说,纵使鸿钧道祖亲临,也不见得能破开这神通。However, the defensive power of thismagical powerswas strong, but the drawback was a little also big. Discardsallattacks, forms the purestdefense, saidisthismagical powers.
不过,这神通的防御力强是强了点,但弊端也有点大。舍弃一切攻击,形成最为纯粹的防御,说的就是这个神通。Itdoes not haveanystriking power, only thendefends, may be called the invincibledefense.
它不具备任何的攻击力,只有防御,堪称无敌的防御。Mountain roadsealopensinconsiderately, Feng Zichenhidesininside, can only passivecoming under attack, unable to hit back.
不周山道印一撑开,风紫宸躲在里面,就只能被动的挨打,根本就无法还手。Ifchanges intoothertime, Three Pure Oneswantsto break open the method of thisdefense, was really many.
要是换成别的时候,三清想要破开这个防御的方法,实在是太多了。Looks forseveralFeng Zichensoft ribsto threatenItcasuallythenbecomes.
随便找几个风紫宸的软肋威胁祂便成。Yet now, is not truly good.
可如今,确实不行。Whattheybetisbreaks through the formation, ifoutside the Three Pure Onesuseplate the move, broke the defense of Feng Zichen, thatthisgame was also theyloses.
轰隆隆!Outsidemountain roadseal, Three Pure Onesstimulates to movementinnate supreme treasure inconsideratelyfull power, displaysall sorts ofmysteriousunsurpassedmagical powers, continuousgoestoward the Feng Zichenbang, the intentionbreakshisdefense.
不周山道印外,三清全力催动先天至宝,施展种种玄妙的无上神通,接连不断的朝风紫宸轰去,意图打破他的防御。Maydo, regardless oftheirattacksare how astonishing, inconsideratelymountain roadsealismotionless.
可奈何,无论祂们的攻击如何惊人,不周山道印都是一动不动。ButThree Pure Oneshas not cared, is attackingas beforecontinuously.
但三清也没在意,依旧持续不断的攻击着。Anymagical powersareto have the limit, theydo not believe that in their types, under very intensiveattack, mountain roadsealcancontinuecontinuouslyinconsiderately.
任何神通都是有着极限的,祂们不信,在祂们这种连续的,高强度的攻击下,不周山道印能够一直持续下去。Theirsupernatural powersare in any case inexhaustible, attacks, sooner or latercanbreak the defense of Feng Zichen.
反正祂们的法力无穷无尽,就这么攻击下去,早晚能打破风紫宸的防御。Butundermountain roadseal, the Feng Zichentrain of thoughtdoes not fightinconsideratelyinthisgambling, butplaces the fragment of purplehousesword, with the regularfragment of say/way of day after tomorrowon.
而不周山道印下,风紫宸的思绪已经不在这场赌斗上了,而是放在紫宸剑的碎片,与后天之道的规则碎片上。Itindefense, cannotcounter-attack, cannotsit alone in boredom, mustlook for a matterto dotooneself.
祂在防御里面,也不能反击,总不能就这么枯坐着吧,还是要给自己找点事做。There is no construction without destruction, brokenthenstands.
正所谓,不破不立,破而后立。Purplehouseswordherewas shattered, is not only not a misdemeanor, insteadis a good deed. Waitsitsthento standbroken, can perhaps at one fell swoop the promotionbeinnate supreme treasure .
紫宸剑此处破碎,非但不是一件坏事,反而是一件好事。等其破而后立,说不定就能一举晋升为先天至宝。Putsreadslost, in the Feng Zichensensation, on the fragment of eachpurplehousesword, is carrying a wisp of astonishingswordintent, perfect, the oathmustcutto break to piecesall.
放出神念,在风紫宸的感知中,每一枚紫宸剑的碎片上,都携带着一缕惊人的剑意,完美无缺,誓要斩碎一切。Swordintentis perfect, explained that swordintent of purplehouseswordis complete, had the qualifications of promotinginnate supreme treasure .
剑意完美无缺,说明紫宸剑的剑意已经圆满,有了晋升先天至宝的资格。However, promotinginnate supreme treasure is far from such simplematter, such as the bigmagical powersbreakthroughbeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal is the same, was only the boundarytoalsoinsufficient, but alsoneeded the strength, verypowerfulstrength.
但是,晋升先天至宝远非这么简单的事,就如大神通者突破混元大罗金仙一样,仅是境界到了还不够,还需要力量,非常强大的力量。Butat this moment, the purplehouseswordlacksis the strength, makesitpromotesufficientlyis the innate supreme treasure strength.
而此刻,紫宸剑缺的就是力量,足以让它晋升为先天至宝的力量。Feng Zichencanintegratein the purplehousesword the best quality goodsinnatespirit treasurenumerousswordcharts, butthisis insufficient, Itsneedare not enoughby far.风紫宸可以将极品先天灵宝众剑图融入紫宸剑中,但这还不够,远远不够,祂还需要更多。Therefore, Feng Zichenplans the fragment of purplehousesword, integratesininnateten thousand, quenchings the purplehouseswordwithten thousandrhymes, whenitquenchings, is making the purplehouseswordunite.
所以,风紫宸打算将紫宸剑的碎片,融入先天万道之中,以万道道韵淬炼紫宸剑,待其淬炼完毕,在使紫宸剑重新合一。Whenitunites, the strength of ten thousandsay/wayalsomeetone, at this timeintegrated the purplehousesword the numerousswordchartsagain, canmakethisswordat one fell swoopbreakthroughbeinnate supreme treasure inevitably.
待其合一,万道之力也会合一,这时再将众剑图融入紫宸剑,势必能让此剑一举突破为先天至宝。Thisideais very good, butactually the issue, howthatcauses the fragment of purplehousesword, integratesininnateten thousand.
这个想法很好,但却有一个问题,那就是如何使得紫宸剑的碎片,融入先天万道之中。Aboutthis matter, in the heart of Feng Zichenhas the idea, the keyon these say/way of instituteday after tomorrowregularfragments.
The emergence of say/way of day after tomorrow, thisis the necessity, even ifFeng Zichendestroysit, maywait forto seal/conferShenliangtribulationto end, after the Heavenly Daoreturns, will repeat the say/way of day after tomorrow.
后天之道的出现,此乃必然之事,哪怕风紫宸将其打碎,可等封神量劫结束,天道重新归来之后,也会重演后天之道。Knew perfectly wellthisresult, whythatFeng Zichenalsowants the using energythoughtsdestroysit? Naturallytocontrol the say/way of day after tomorrow.
明知这个结果,那风紫宸为何还要费劲心思的将其打碎呢?自然是为了掌控后天之道。Since the say/way of day after tomorrowwill certainly exist, why itmustcontrolin the hand of Three Pure Ones, rather thangraspsinownhand?
既然后天之道一定会存在,那它为什么要掌控在三清的手中,而不是掌握在自己的手中?Feng Zichendestroys the goal of say/way of day after tomorrow, isto repeat the say/way of day after tomorrow. Moreover, is notherepeats, but is the strength of peoplerepeats.风紫宸打碎后天之道的目的,就是要重演后天之道。而且,不是祂一人重演,而是和众人之力重演。Three Pure Oneswastoopetty, the say/way of evolvedday after tomorrowistooweak, andwas not very perfect, struckconvenientlycanbreak.三清还是太小家子气了,衍化的后天之道还是太弱,且不够完美,随手一击就能打破。Therefore, Feng Zichendecidesabout the strength of people, evenis the strength of Heavenly Dao, evolvesone more powerfultogether, is more perfect, the say/way of stablerday after tomorrow.
故此,风紫宸决定合众人之力,甚至是天道之力,一起衍化一个更为强大,更为完善,更为稳固的后天之道。Then, whocancontrol the say/way of day after tomorrow, thiswas also equal to,no onecancontrol the say/way of day after tomorrow.
如此一来,谁都能掌控后天之道,这也就等于,谁都不能掌控后天之道。Said, ifOk, Feng Zichenalsowantsto monopolize the say/way of day after tomorrow, butcandestroyThree Pure Ones the say/way of day after tomorrowto be the same onsuch asIt, others can also destroy the say/way of Itsday after tomorrow.
讲真的,若是可以,风紫宸也想独占后天之道,但就如祂能打碎三清的后天之道一样,别人也能打碎祂的后天之道。Oneselfopen the say/way of day after tomorrow, simplydoes not have the significance, good that everyonecomestogether, like thisno onewill destroy the say/way of day after tomorrow, canwith every effortkeepfair.
自己开辟后天之道,根本没有意义,还是大家一起来的好,这样谁也不会破坏后天之道,也能尽力的保持公平。But these say/way of changingregularfragmentsday after tomorrow, areFeng Zichenevolve the key of say/way of day after tomorrow. Three Pure Onesis good the framehorse, It only need according to the expansionon the line.
而这些后天之道化作的规则碎片,就是风紫宸衍化后天之道的关键。三清已经把框架搭架好了,祂只需照着扩大就行了。Is based onthesefragments, causesitwith the innateten thousandunceasingcollisions, will thus evolve the say/way of strongerday after tomorrow.
以这些碎片为基础,使其与先天万道不断的碰撞,从而衍化出更强的后天之道。Alsois the say/way of day after tomorrowwill first collideunceasingly the time, so long asFeng Zichenwill seize the opportunity, caninfiltrateininnateten thousand the fragment of purplehousesword.
也就是先后天之道不断碰撞的时候,风紫宸只要抓住机会,就能将紫宸剑的碎片打入先天万道之中。Moreover, ifrefining up these fragments of say/way of day after tomorrowahead of time, cannot say, waits for the say/way of birthnewday after tomorrowtime, Feng Zichencanhavemorerights to speak.
而且,若是提前炼化这些后天之道的碎片,说不得,等新的后天之道诞生的时候,风紫宸就能掌握更多的话语权。In the hearthad the idea, Feng Zichenstartedto go into actiondirectly, is in front ofThree Pure Ones, refining up these fragments of say/way of day after tomorrow.
心中有了想法,风紫宸直接就开始行动起来,当着三清的面,炼化这些后天之道的碎片。This, is really unbearable of Three Pure Onesair/Qi.
这一幕,真是把三清气的够呛。So, in a flash, on the 2nd on the past.
如此,一晃眼,两日就过去了。Fromthreedaysmaking, on the remaininghalf dayistime.
距离三日之约,也就剩下半日不到的时间了。InThree Pure Onescontinuesunder very intensiveattack, Feng Zichenthatwas known as that the invincibledefense, had not the steadysignfinally.
而在三清持续高强度的攻击下,风紫宸那号称无敌的防御,终是出现了不稳的迹象。Has saying that opening a day of most precious objectopens a day of most precious object, were too more than innate supreme treasure , the Three Pure Onesmagical powersas well asexecute the immortalfourswords, cannotinjureto arrive atMount Buzhousealslightest.
不得不说,开天至宝就是开天至宝,比先天至宝强太多了,三清的神通以及诛仙四剑,没能伤到不周山印分毫。Butunderprimal chaos and attack of Pangustreamer, mountain roadsealfirstrocksinconsiderately, is not gradually steady, finallyhas the sign that mustcollapseunexpectedly.
但在太极图与盘古幡的攻击下,不周山道印先是晃动,接着渐渐不稳,最后竟是有了要崩溃的迹象。IfFeng Zichenindoes not act, how longit is estimated thatcould not want, mountain roadsealmustbreakinconsiderately.风紫宸要是在不行动的话,估计要不了多久,不周山道印就要破了。InFeng Zichenhesitates, an easternsovereigntoonewsarrived, aboutItsplan, as well asplan of chaosdemongod, allappearsin the knowledgesea of people.
就在风紫宸迟疑间,东皇太一的消息到了,关于祂的打算,以及混沌魔神的谋划,悉数出现在众人的识海之中。Digests the information that tootransmits, the peoplethoughta while, each otherlooks at each otherafterone, in the heartgot down the samedecisionunexpectedly.
消化完太一传来的信息,众人想了一会儿,彼此对视一眼过后,心中竟是下了相同的决定。ps: Sought the subscription, askedto hitto enjoy, asks the monthly ticket!
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