GDSP :: Volume #9

#801: Purple house sword, broken!

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Bang! 轰! In the primal chaos chart vibration, changes suddenly meets a day of continually place together white jade golden bridge, starts to extend from the under foot of too clear saint, attacks the humane sovereign courtyard. 太极图震动中,忽然化作一道接天连地的白玉金桥,从太清圣人的脚下开始延伸,直插人道皇庭。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! white jade golden bridge extends, a strength of still kerosene wind sweeps away in vain, in a flash, humane sovereign courtyard, chaos big all sorts of variables, all anchorage. 白玉金桥延伸间,一股平定地火水风的力量徒然横扫开来,一瞬间,就将人道皇庭之中,混沌大阵的种种变数,悉数定住。 In the world, a white jade golden bridge stands majestically, stretches across in void, an end in the under foot of too clear saint, an end extends to the humane sovereign courtyard. 天地间,一座白玉金桥巍然耸立,横跨在虚空,一端在太清圣人的脚下,一端延伸至人道皇庭之中。 But too clear saint, steps on above white jade golden bridge, step by step walks toward Feng Zichen. 而太清圣人,就踩在白玉金桥之上,一步步的朝风紫宸走去。 That white jade golden bridge, is the primal chaos chart to one of the high changes, in the past when the Pangu big god was epoch-making, by this anchorage boundless chaos, subsided the kerosene wind. 那白玉金桥,正是太极图的至高变化之一,当年盘古大神开天辟地之际,就是以此定住无边混沌,平息地火水风的。 Too clear saint is used to cope with chaos big, was most appropriate. 太清圣人用来对付混沌大阵,却是最合适不过了。 Other saint saw too clear saint action, follows hastily in Its behind, along with It entered in the humane sovereign courtyard together. 其余圣人见了太清圣人的举动,连忙跟在祂的身后,随祂一同进了人道皇庭之中。 At this moment, five Saints obviously are altogether the onset and retreat. 此刻,五圣显然是共进退的。 Chaos big by white jade golden bridge anchorage, all sorts of methods all cannot display, five Saints are to press on step by step to come, Feng Zichen already to crisis moment. 混沌大阵被白玉金桥定住,种种手段皆是不能施展,五圣更是步步紧逼而来,风紫宸已是到了危机关头。 But on Its face actually does not see the slight flurry, instead revealed wiped the smile. 但祂的脸上却不见丝毫的慌乱,反而露出了一抹笑容。 Sees Feng Zichen to set out from the sovereign place, step by step is walking toward saint that catches up with. 就见风紫宸从皇座之上起身,一步步的朝着正在赶来的圣人走去。 When saint decides to put forth since full power that moment, the chaos big all changes, were doomed to lose the function to saint. After all, chaos big, although is powerful, but is far from the situation that goes to go against heaven's will 圣人决定使出全力的那一刻起,混沌大阵所有的变化,就注定对圣人失去了作用。毕竟,混沌大阵虽是强大,但远没有达到逆天的地步 The opposite is not three saint, is not four saint, but is five. 对面不是三尊圣人,也不是四尊圣人,而是五尊。 Execution immortal sword of peak, still cannot resist with all one's strength four experts of the same class, you let chaos big now by an enemy five, was actually somewhat difficult. 巅峰时期的诛仙剑阵,尚不能力敌四尊同级别的高手,你现在让混沌大阵以一敌五,却是有些难了。 However, chaos big strongest, is actually not its infinite change, but is the Heavenly Dao incarnation that summon comes. Perhaps depending on this, by an enemy five, could not win, but the support some time, was Ok. 不过,混沌大阵最强的,却不是它的无穷变化,而是那召唤而来的天道化身。凭此,以一敌五,或许赢不了,但支持一段时间,还是可以的。 ...... …… ............ ………… Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump...... 咚!咚!咚!咚…… Saw, as Feng Zichen takes step by step, that chaos big, the fierce beat, exudes the giant sound suddenly. 就看到,随着风紫宸一步步迈出,那混沌大阵,忽然剧烈的跳动起来,发出巨大的响声。 Then, the chaos air/Qi in that starts to contract, gathers toward the Feng Zichen surroundings. 而后,那阵中的混沌之气开始收缩,向着风紫宸的周围汇聚而来。 Gradually, fuzzy, the huge Deity empty shadow, starts in the Feng Zichen back obviously, and more and more congealing reality. 渐渐的,一尊模糊的,巨大的神人虚影,开始在风紫宸的背后显化,并越来越凝实。 Meanwhile, a powerful pressure, sends out from that Deity, toward sweeps away to go in all directions. 同时,一股强大的威压,从那神人身上散发开来,向着四面八方横扫而去。 Bang...... 轰…… And, as Feng Zichen unceasing steps the step forward, the aura of that Deity also grows stronger, body also even more clear. 且,随着风紫宸不断的向前迈动步伐,那神人的气息也随之变强,身体也随之愈发的清晰。 When Feng Zichen and saint meet, the body of that Deity the congealing reality, in the meantime, Its aura also had fully reached most peak, the boundary of half step not enormous gold/metal immortal. 风紫宸圣人碰面之际,那神人的身体已完全凝实,同时,祂的气息也达到了最巅峰,半步无极大罗金仙的境界。 Fearful, and fearsome! 可怕,而又可怖! This is the Heavenly Dao incarnation, It is this side world most perfect existence, Its whole body, only has this flaw, that is one of the running away. 这是天道化身,祂是此方天地最为完美的存在,祂的全身,只着有这一处缺陷,那是遁去的一。 But this, is actually not Its weakness, that is the invincible Saint mark, turns into the magical powers brand mark on Its body, enabling it to have extinction all strengths. 但这,却不是祂的弱点,那是无敌的圣痕,化成神通烙印在祂的身上,使其具有绝灭一切的力量。 Heavenly Dao incarnation, chaos big most perfect manifestation. 天道化身,混沌大阵最为完美的体现。 With Its birth, listens to brushing, chaos big including the humane sovereign courtyard, suddenly starts to reduce, turns into a god of journeys light, changed over to the forehead of Heavenly Dao incarnation. 随着祂的诞生,就听“刷”的一声,混沌大阵包括人道皇庭在内,突然开始缩小,化成一道神光,转入了天道化身的眉心之中。 Five fellow daoist, wanted to break my chaos big, must first destroy an incarnation to be good on this day.” “五位道友,想要破了我这混沌大阵,得先打碎这天道化身才行。” Fuses together with the Heavenly Dao incarnation slowly, Feng Zichen is operating the Heavenly Dao incarnation, said toward five Saints. 缓缓与天道化身融为一体,风紫宸操纵着天道化身,朝着五圣说道。 Heavenly Dao incarnation, half step not enormous gold/metal immortal? Cancelling Chen fellow daoist this puts out the real skill.” “天道化身,半步无极大罗金仙?勾陈道友这是拿出真本事了。” Haha!” “哈哈!” Sees that Three Pure Ones smiles, the body ascends unexpectedly simultaneously the immeasurable god light/only, that is representing the Shiyuan profound strength of universe birth-death process, fills the air from three people, each other pesters and blends. 见状,三清笑了笑,身上竟是同时升腾起无量神光,那代表着宇宙生灭过程的始元玄之力,从三人身上弥漫开来,彼此纠缠、交融。 Some moment, three strengths unite, the Three Pure Ones form also disappeared does not see, turned into unsurpassed gods of Trinity, simultaneously stands erect in the past and future, now. 某一刻,三种力量合一,三清的身影也随之消失不见,化成了一尊三位一体的无上神明,同时屹立在过去、未来、现在。 Bang...... 轰…… The powerful aura fills the air from the body of this unsurpassed gods, can meet as an equal to the Heavenly Dao incarnation faintly unexpectedly. 强大的气息从这尊无上神明的身上弥漫开来,隐隐竟是能与天道化身分庭抗礼。 Half step not enormous gold/metal immortal, this is -and-a-half a step not enormous gold/metal immortal. Three Pure Ones joint effort, really powerful to being above imagination. 半步无极大罗金仙,这又是一尊半步无极大罗金仙。三清合力,果然强大到超乎想象。 Moreover, Feng Zichen also knows, this is also not the Three Pure Ones strongest method, they have not summoned Pangu Yuan god. 而且,风紫宸还知道,这还不是三清的最强手段,祂们还未召唤出盘古元神。 That is they strongest method, even the Heavenly Dao dreads, therefore, exhausts the method forces Three Pure Ones branch family. 那才是祂们最强的手段,连天道都为之忌惮不已,故而,用尽手段的迫使三清分家。 After Three Pure Ones opened some domains, the Western two Saints also began, but sees the golden light to flash through together, two people fused a body suddenly, turned into huge Daoist immortals of both hands four walls. 三清揭开部分地盘之后,西方二圣也动手了,但见一道金光闪过,二人骤然融合成了一体,化成一尊双手四壁的巨大神人。 The strength, presses up to the beginning of the universe Heaven unexpectedly! 其力量,竟是直逼混元九重天! If places usually, the expert in beginning of the universe Heaven, is very indeed strong. But at this moment, in this war, Its actually some insufficiently looked. 若是放在平时,混元九重天的高手,的确很强。但于此刻,于此战之中,祂却有些不够看了。 The showdown of two -and-a-half step not enormous gold/metal immortal powerhouse, wants to meddle, at least also beginning of the universe 11 double day of cultivating are, ok. 两尊半步无极大罗金仙强者的对决,想要插手其中,起码也得混元十一二重天的修为,才行。 Beginning of the universe Heaven, but also in difference some! 混元九重天,还差上一些! Perhaps Western two Saint also thought that cultivated/repaired is to somewhat lower, was hard to meddle in this war, then, saw them suddenly changes, turned into a golden Deity of 24 18 arm. 许是西方二圣自己也觉得修为有些低了,难以插手此战之中,接着,就见祂们骤然一变,化成一尊二十四首十八臂的金色神人。 Also is therefore, two people of aura raise one again, entered into the beginning of the universe ten heavy day of domains, is can participate in this war reluctantly. 也是因此,二人的气息再次拔高一层,迈入了混元十重天的领域,勉强算是能参与此战之中。 That Western Deity turns head, said toward the unsurpassed gods who Three Pure Ones turns into: Three fellow daoist, are my two people of aptitude are superficial, are hard to comprehend the fellow daoist like this unsurpassed method, this war, my fellow apprentices two people, it seems like can only plunder in the one side.” 那西方神人扭头,朝三清化成的无上神明说道:“三位道友,到底是我二人资质浅薄,难以领悟出道友们这样的无上手段,此战,我师兄弟二人,看来只能在一旁掠阵了。” Routs to cancel Chen fellow daoist main force, must see three brother.” “击溃勾陈道友的主力,还是要看三位道兄了。” Two people consistently had self-knowledge very much, after detecting own strength was insufficient, has not supported by hard and stubborn effort, aware remised Three Pure Ones the main force, oneself drew back to the one side, plundered for them. 二人一向很有自知之明,在察觉到自己的实力不足之后,也没硬撑,自觉的将主力让与三清,自己则是退至一旁,为祂们掠阵。 Regarding this, Three Pure Ones does not have the opinion, because this is the best choice. 对此,三清也没意见,因为这是最好的选择。 ...... …… ............ ………… Fellow Daoist, please!” “道友,请!” After both sides prepared to finish, was announcing the war also broke out. 双方准备完毕之后,便宣告着大战随之爆发。 Also without the idle talk, Feng Zichen takes the lead to assault to come, sees Its both hands to tie seal, the Heavenly Dao drying furnace loudly, is carrying first deity mark innumerably, hits to go toward three people. 也没废话,风紫宸率先抢攻而来,就见祂双手结印,天道烘炉轰然而出,携带着无数先天神纹,朝着三人撞击而去。 Regarding this, Three Pure Ones ties India , Israel to be right similarly. 对此,三清同样结印以对。 That Deity both hands tie between seal, the unsurpassed law seal appears together suddenly, first is the palm size, then increases rapidly, time when the Heavenly Dao drying furnace rumbles, it has become is bigger than the Heavenly Dao drying furnace, blooms the radiant golden light. 那神人双手结印间,一道无上法印骤然浮现,先是掌心大小,然后迅速变大,待天道烘炉轰来的时候,它已经变得比天道烘炉更大,绽放出璀璨的金光。 Bang...... 轰…… Two magical powers bump into, lives to extinguish the myriad things the aura to erupt suddenly, then belongs to slowly quietly. 两道神通相撞,一股生灭万物的气息突然爆发,然后缓缓归于沉寂。 First strikes, 第一击, Unexpectedly is with turning over to die out to come to an end by the two. 以二者竟是同归寂灭告终。 Does not need the first magical powers completely to vanish, the Feng Zichen second magical powers have begun, sees the purple house sword to reappear quietly, blooms the endless sword light, the weight meter, spreads out three, to become four elephants...... 不待第一道神通完全消失,风紫宸的第二道神通已经上手,就见紫宸剑悄然浮现,绽放出无尽剑光,分两仪、衍三才、成四象…… Has the endless innate texture enormously and powerful, is interweaving the radiant sword light, sweeps across toward Three Pure Ones. 浩荡出无尽的先天纹理,交织着璀璨的剑光,向着三清席卷而来。 Bang! 轰! Side that Deity, the primal chaos chart rotates loudly, the Yin-Yang two air/Qi mix, transforms the air/Qi of innate chaos all sword light entirely. 那神人身边,太极图轰然转动,阴阳二气搅动间,将所有的剑光统统转换成先天混沌之气。 Brushing...... 刷…… Keeps off the sword light at the same time, side Deity that Three Pure Ones changes, executes the immortal four swords and Pangu streamers also appears, the respective eruption invincible might, takes away as many things as possible toward the Heavenly Dao incarnation. 挡下剑光的同时,三清化作的神人身边,诛仙四剑与盘古幡同时浮现,各自爆发神威,向着天道化身席卷而去。 How can there be Feng Zichen has attacked, truth of Three Pure Ones continuously passive defensive? The Feng Zichen situation has crossed, Three Pure Ones also started the counter-attack, must turn the passive situation into initiative unexpectedly. 岂有风紫宸一直攻击,三清一直被动防御的道理?风紫宸先机已过,三清也开始了反击,竟是要化被动为主动。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Ten thousand spirit crowns shine, dangle 72 color profound light, evolves the innumerable say/way innate air/Qi, enormous and powerful takes away as many things as possible toward the front. 万灵冠放光,垂下七十二色玄光,衍化出无数道先天之气,浩浩荡荡的向着前方席卷而去。 Roar...... 吼…… That innate air/Qi is enormous and powerful, turned into ten thousand spirit empty shades unexpectedly, roaring, hits to the attack that Three Pure Ones rumbled. 那先天之气浩荡间,竟是化成了一尊尊万灵虚影,咆哮着,撞向了三清轰来的攻击。 Ten thousand spirit crowns, may not only defend the most precious object, it also attacks the most precious object, has to clear off the innate vitality, lives to extinguish the abilities of ten thousand spirit. 万灵冠,可不仅是防御至宝,它同样是攻击至宝,具有理清先天元气,生灭万灵之能力。 Meanwhile, Feng Zichen grasps the humane emperor imperial seal, grasps the purple house sword, with transporting two Burroughs Wellcome Co. energies, urges to send to the limit it, the bang goes forward. 与此同时,风紫宸一手持人道帝玺,一手持紫宸剑,同运两宝威能,将其催发至极限,向前轰去。 Bang...... 轰…… Listens to one startled to explode transmits, magical powers of both sides to the bang in the same place, the fluctuation of that terrifying come outrageously enormously and powerful, making the great antiquity world shiver. 就听一声惊爆传来,双方的神通悍然对轰在一起,那恐怖的波动浩荡开来,使得洪荒天地都在颤动。 Kills!” “杀!” That side magical powers complementary waves have not rested, here Feng Zichen and Three Pure Ones fight. 那边神通余波未歇,这边风紫宸三清又是交起手来。 Ten thousand spirit crowns shine, with executing an immortal sword dogfight gets up. 万灵冠放光,与诛仙剑阵缠斗起来。 The humane emperor imperial seal turns into a giant phalanx, stretches across in void, anchorage primal chaos chart, whatever the air/Qi of innate Yin-Yang is how turbulent, is unable to obliterate its slightest. 人道帝玺化成一根巨大的指骨,横跨在虚空之中,生生定住太极图,任凭先天阴阳之气如何汹涌,也是无法磨灭它分毫。 Moreover, receives quenching of strength of Yin-Yang, Pangu phalanx main road rune/symbol writing on, even more is actually clear. 而且,受到阴阳之力的淬炼,那盘古指骨上的大道符文,倒是愈发的清晰起来。 Also was wonderful, the might of humane emperor imperial seal under the attack of primal chaos chart, was actually getting stronger and stronger. 也是奇了,人道帝玺的威力在太极图的攻击下,倒是越来越强了。 Kills!” “杀!” In the Feng Zichen hand, the purple house sword wields again and again, bursts out the unsurpassed sword light, with chaos sword air/Qi that Pangu streamer chops, unceasing to bang in the same place. 风紫宸手中,紫宸剑连连挥动,迸发出无上剑光,与那盘古幡劈来的混沌剑气,不断的对轰在一起。 Sword light that the purple house sword sends, is not other, executes sword intent of immortal four swords. Saw, falls , unites and executes four sword intent certainly, appears on the sword blade alternately. 紫宸剑所发的剑光,不是别的,正是诛仙四剑的剑意。就看到,陷、绝、戮、诛四种剑意,交替在剑身上浮现。 Chaos sword air/Qi that in sends out with the Pangu streamer clashes unceasingly, sword intent of Feng Zichen to executing immortal four swords, control was even more harmonious. 而在与盘古幡发出的混沌剑气的不断对撞中,风紫宸对诛仙四剑的剑意,掌控的愈发融洽了。 Originally, four sword intent revolve, slightly obstructs. But at this moment, four types of swords appear in the Feng Zichen hand alternately, does not have the flaw clearly, does not see a hindrance. 原先,四种剑意运转间,稍有一丝滞碍。但此刻,四种剑意在风紫宸手中交替浮现,圆润无瑕,再不见一丝挂碍。 Faint, four types of swords in the hand of Feng Zichen, have the trend of fusing together unexpectedly. 隐隐的,四种剑意在风紫宸的手中,竟有融为一体的趋势。 Randomly!” “乱!” Some moment, in the Feng Zichen mind, broadcast a huge sound suddenly, wants to confuse Its mind, making It make the mistake. 某一刻,风紫宸的脑海之中,忽然传来了一道巨大的声音,想要搅乱祂的心神,使得祂出现失误。 May do , the might of this magical powers, has often not erupted, sees primordial chaos bell one, then obliterates it. 可奈何,这神通的威力,往往还没有爆发开来,就见鸿蒙道钟一阵,便将其磨灭。 This is the magical powers of Western two Saints, at their strengths, no doubt is hard to enter the war, but this did not represent them to be idle. 这是西方二圣的神通,以祂们的力量,固然难以参战,但这也不代表祂们无所事事了。 When Feng Zichen and Three Pure Ones war is luxurious, they then display the magical powers in secret, tries to disturb Its intelligence. 风紫宸三清大战正酣之际,祂们便暗中施展神通,试图干扰祂的神智。 Has a primordial chaos bell, although the magical powers of Western two Saints are strange, but also being hard wound obtains It. 有鸿蒙道钟在,西方二圣的神通虽然诡异,但也难以伤得到祂。 But, the ear edge joint broadcasts the sound continually, unavoidably makes Feng Zichen be sick. 可是,耳边接连传来声音,难免使得风紫宸厌烦。 Some moment, Feng Zichen catches the opportunity, sees It to hold up the purple house sword suddenly, that four execute immortal sword intent to fuse together on the sword, turns into together being disillusioned world great antiquity sword light, was cut by It, raids the Western two Saints to go. 某一刻,风紫宸抓到机会,就见祂猛然举起紫宸剑,那四道诛仙剑意于剑上融为一体,化成一道破灭天地洪荒的剑光,被祂斩出,直袭西方二圣而去。 ...... 唰…… Sees that sword light place visited, being shattered myriad things, return to the universe primordial chaos sword intent, fills the air in vain. 就见那剑光所过之处,一股破灭万物,重归宇宙鸿蒙的剑意,徒然弥漫开来。 ! 噗! The sword light is flaming, the might is incomparable, by the strengths of Western two Saint beginning of the universe Heaven, is hard to resist unexpectedly. 剑光炽盛,威力更是无匹,以西方二圣混元九重天的实力,竟是难以抵御。 Sees that sword light to raid, cut to extinguish their protecting body magical powers directly, has delimited from their fronts, almost cleaving in two. 就见那剑光袭来,直接斩灭了祂们的护体神通,从祂们的胸前划过,差点将之劈成两半。 In that sword intent, beyond the aura of abatement being shattered myriad things, a Heavenly Dao rhyme passes together, is this aura, causes Saint body that Western two Saint that may be called does not extinguish, has the wound, and is hard to heal in a short time. 那剑意之中,除却破灭万物的气息之外,还有一道天道道韵流转,就是这道气息,使得西方二圣那堪称不灭的圣躯,出现伤口,并在短时间内难以愈合。 Can cope with the Heavenly Dao, only then Heavenly Dao. 能对付天道的,只有天道。 Kills the enemy by the strength of Heavenly Dao, even if saint, will be injured. One was struck by this, the Western two Saints lose the battle efficiency, temporarily withdrew from this war. 以天道之力杀敌,纵使是圣人,也会受伤。受此一击,西方二圣失去战斗力,暂时退出了此战。 ...... …… ............ ………… After cutting that sword, Feng Zichen does not feel better, because Three Pure Ones seizes the opportunity, stimulates to movement the Pangu streamer suddenly, sent out together the chaos sword air/Qi, the bang on the body of purple house sword. 斩出那一剑之后,风紫宸也不好受,因为三清抓住机会,骤然催动盘古幡,发出一道混沌剑气,轰在了紫宸剑的身上。 But heard that transmits, one was struck by this, on the sword blade of purple house sword, was appears unexpectedly several cracks. 但闻一声咔嚓传来,受此一击,紫宸剑的剑身上,竟是浮现出了几道裂纹。 The purple house sword is damaged, but the Feng Zichen strength had not actually been affected slightly, that all sorts of swords past in Its heart, is enables in the hand the sword prestige to win. 紫宸剑受损,可风紫宸的力量却没有受到丝毫的影响,那种种剑意在祂心中流转,更是使得手中剑威愈胜。 Bang! 轰! A Feng Zichen sword cuts, in that sword light, carried several points of Pangu streamer to be shattered unexpectedly say/way intent of ten thousand laws. 风紫宸一剑斩出,那剑光之中,竟是携带了几分盘古幡破灭万法的道意。 Pangu streamer that together is chaos the sword air/Qi, although is enables the purple house sword to be damaged, but, own strength brand mark on the purple house sword, causing its sword light even more flaming. 盘古幡那一道混沌剑气,虽是使得紫宸剑受损,但同时,也将自己的力量烙印了紫宸剑上,使得其剑光愈发炽盛。 In the hand the sword prestige wins, the Feng Zichen offensive even more is also swift and fierce. All sorts of swordsmanship magical powers were displayed by Thaksin hand, turns into swift and fierce sword light, raids Three Pure Ones to go. 手中剑威愈胜,风紫宸的攻势也愈发凌厉起来。种种剑道神通被祂信手施展而出,化成一道道凌厉的剑光,直袭三清而去。 At this moment, Feng Zichen games to demented, left the defense unexpectedly completely, kills full power to Three Pure Ones. The chaos sword air/Qi bang of Pangu streamer comes, Feng Zichen does not hide unexpectedly does not evade, whatever its bang on the body of purple house sword. 此刻,风紫宸至癫狂,竟是完全舍去了防御,全力杀向三清。那盘古幡的混沌剑气轰来,风紫宸竟是不躲不避,任由其轰在紫宸剑的身上。 !...... 咔嚓!咔嚓…… More cracks appear on the body of purple house sword, but sword intent in Feng Zichen heart was more flaming, faint, must break through some limit, spews out from Its within the body. 更多的裂纹浮现在紫宸剑的身上,可风紫宸心中的剑意却更为的炽盛了,隐隐的,要突破某种极限,从祂的体内喷涌而出。 After the junction strikes again dozens times, the purple house sword cannot bear the pressure finally, breaks loudly, changes to the innumerable fragments, goes toward the lasing in all directions. 再次交击数十次后,紫宸剑终于承受不住压力,轰然破碎开来,化作无数块碎片,向着四面八方激射而去。 But at this moment, sword intent in Feng Zichen heart, breaks the limit, changes to an invisible long sword, spews out from Its within the body, cuts toward Three Pure Ones. 而此刻,风紫宸心中的剑意,也是打破极限,化作一把无形长剑,从祂的体内喷涌而出,向着三清斩去。 Bang! 砰! Swift and fierce of that sword light, the great strength, the radiance, is the past and present has not had. 那剑光之凌厉,之强大,之璀璨,都是古今未有。 But sees that long sword to delimit, divided to fly unexpectedly the Pangu streamer, cut on the body of Three Pure Ones. 但见那长剑划过,竟是生生劈飞了盘古幡,斩在了三清的身上。 ! 噗! First is the blood light appears together, later is the big piece blood splash blooms, a blood is low, turns into the pure essence to integrate the world to be void. 先是一道血光浮现,随后便是大片的血花绽放,点点鲜血低落,化成纯净的精气融入天地虚空。 Three Pure Ones was wounded, but also was only so, although that sword intent might was strong, but kept off by the Pangu streamer, has not remained many. 三清负伤了,但也仅是如此了,那剑意威力虽强,但被盘古幡挡了一下,也没剩多少了。 Can cut the wound to make contribution Three Pure Ones, but wants to make them such as the Western two Saints common, loses the battle efficiency thoroughly, that is not truly good. 能将三清斩伤已是尽力,可想让祂们如西方二圣一般,彻底失去战斗力,那确实不行。 Haha, the fellow daoist, the purple house sword was shattered, this war, you feared that must lose.” “哈哈,道友,紫宸剑破碎,这一战,你怕是要输了。” Laughs, Three Pure Ones said. 大笑一声,三清说道。 ps: Scared to death me, the writer assistant collapsed suddenly, is unable to renew. ps:吓死我了,作家助手突然崩了,无法更新。 Yeah, restored fortunately promptly 哎,还好及时修复了 Almost, were many an asking for leave reason. 差一点,就多了个请假的理由。
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