GDSP :: Volume #8

#800: Three days making

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both sides hit a while, seeing are unable to decide the victory and defeat, put together after one move hardly, then drew back respectively. 双方打了一会儿,见无法分出胜负,硬拼一招过后,便各自退开了。 Draws back to the one side, in that three is that chaos demon god of head, suddenly laughed, eastern North Korea sovereigns too said: 退至一旁,那三尊之中为首的那尊混沌魔神,忽然大笑了起来,朝东皇太一说道: Haha, the great antiquity young child, the main body knows you to want us to expel the land source, but now already late, you, and has a look.” “哈哈,洪荒的小儿,本尊知你想将吾等赶出大地本源,但是如今已经晚了,你且看看。” During the speeches, the chaos demon god flashed the one side, let too see clearly the real scene of land source core place. 说话间,混沌魔神闪到了一旁,让太一看清了大地本源核心处的真实景象。 Saw, although the chaos demon god only fused 1/10000 land sources, but their internal combustion engines actually already with great antiquity land relation in one. 就看到,混沌魔神虽是只融合了万分之一的大地本源,但祂们的气机却是早已与洪荒大地联系在了一起。 If dispels them forcefully, will fear will be shortly, the great antiquity land will be split up. 若是强行将祂们祛除,怕是顷刻之间,洪荒大地就会四分五裂。 The people actually forgot, this great antiquity land, although is the body of Pangu big god, but at the beginning of its birth also integrated the source of many chaos demon god. 众人却是忘了,这洪荒大地,虽是盘古大神的身躯所化,但其诞生之初也是融入了不少混沌魔神的本源。 Therefore, the chaos demon god pays some prices slightly, then can relates own internal energy and great antiquity land, becomes its part. 故而,混沌魔神略微付出一些代价,便能将自己的气机与洪荒大地联系起来,成为其一部分。 Also is therefore, they can the most deep place of so arriving land easily, fuse together with the land source. 也是因此,祂们才能如此轻易的来到大地的最深处,与大地本源融为一体。 Oneself will integrate the land source, said easily, may do, simply is a not possible matter. 将自己融入大地本源,说起来容易,可做起来,简直就是一件不可能的事。 If this is not the case, the great antiquity was born still not to know many hundred million years, land source there , not no one dozen of its ideas. 若非如此,洪荒诞生至今不知过去多少亿年了,大地本源就在那里,也不会没人打它的主意了。 The land source no one goes until now, is not being explained that no one can integrate? Also is the chaos demon god is special, can achieve this point, others also can only think. 大地本源至今无人去动,不正是说明无人能融入其中吗?也就是混沌魔神特殊,才能做到这一点,其他人也就只能想想了。 ...... …… ............ ………… Sees an eastern sovereign too suddenly change the complexion, that chaos demon god continues to clamor: Main body knows, by our three people of strength, decisively is not your great antiquity ten main road main opponents.” 看到东皇太一突然变化的脸色,那尊混沌魔神继续叫嚣道:“本尊知晓,以吾等三人之力,断然不是你们洪荒十大道主的对手。” If really hits, by our broken bodies, how long it is estimated that could not support, and others will be hit relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish by.” “若是真的打起来,以吾等这残破之躯,估计撑不了多久,就会被尔等打得形神俱灭。” But at this moment, the main body three people of internal combustion engines, are connected with the great antiquity land, only if you plan to ruin the great antiquity land, otherwise, is you and other uses/gives Jin the methods, gives up any idea of wound main body and the others the slightest.” “但此刻,本尊三人的气机,早已与洪荒大地相连,除非你们打算毁掉洪荒大地,不然的话,便是你等施尽手段,也休想伤本尊等人分毫。” Therefore, you retreat, must stop me not again and other plan, otherwise, really compelled anxiously my three people, directly here from exploding, blasted the great antiquity land, perished together with this endless all living things.” “所以,你退去吧,莫要再阻拦我等的计划,否则的话,真的逼急了我三人,直接在这里自爆,炸掉洪荒大地,与这无尽众生同归于尽。” Chaos demon god the word of threat, reverberated near an eastern sovereign too ear unceasingly, making Its complexion uglier. 混沌魔神的威胁之言,在东皇太一的耳边不断回荡,使得祂的脸色更加的难看了。 But how can It? 但祂又能如何? Hits cannot hit, removes cannot remove. 打又不能打,撤也不能撤。 Really must remove, how could it not be center chaos demon god below bosom, gave them the land source submissively? 真要撤了,岂不正中了混沌魔神的下怀,将大地本源拱手让给了祂们吗? At this moment, the eastern sovereign too one really wants to destroy the great antiquity land, good to clutch these three chaos demon gods, ruthlessly beats savagely. 这一刻,东皇太一是真的想打碎洪荒大地,好将这三尊混沌魔神揪出来,狠狠的暴打一顿。 Wait, 等等, Destroys the great antiquity land? 打碎洪荒大地? , The eastern sovereign too one has become aware suddenly, lowers the head to ponder. 忽的,东皇太一似有所悟,低头沉思起来。 Destroys the great antiquity land, this law as if really feasible. But this law he cannot decide, but must ask others to discuss, can make the final decision. 打碎洪荒大地,此法似乎真的可行。但此法非祂一人所能决定,还得找其余众人商量一下,方能做出最终的决定。 Read and hence, the eastern sovereign too one then branched out a wisp of god to read, goes to the people , informs all that their places had, as well as own plan. 念及至此,东皇太一遂分出一缕神念,前往众人所在,告知祂们此地发生的一切,以及自己的打算。 But its main body, is continues to stay here, surveillance chaos demon god, while hinders their actions. 而其本尊,则是继续留在这里,一边监视混沌魔神,一边阻碍祂们的行动。 Chaos demon god motionless fortunately, once the preparation continues to integrate the land source, that eastern sovereign too one will lash out them. 混沌魔神不动还好,一旦准备继续融入大地本源,那东皇太一就会出手攻击祂们。 Cannot kill you, wants to be disgusting you. 打不死你们,也要恶心死你们。 The eastern sovereign too one thinks. 东皇太一就是这么想的。 .................................... ……………………………… How does not propose too one to confront with the chaos demon god, said them, when to holding, in chaos war, fights of Feng Zichen among with five Saints, entered the condition of superheating. 不提太一与混沌魔神如何对峙,就说祂们在对持的时候,混沌大战之中,风紫宸与五圣之间的战斗,也进入了白热化的状态。 Reasons for this include, Feng Zichen uses the time magical powers in secret the matter, was given the discovery by five Saints. 究其原因,还是风紫宸暗中动用时光神通的事,被五圣给发现了。 After ten big first deity demon incarnation engages in fierce battle dozens days, Yuan Shi Tian Zun finds time, prepares to calculate, has entered since to oneself, how long to have passed. 与十大先天神魔化身鏖战数十日之后,元始天尊抽出空来,准备算一下,至自己入阵以来,已经过去了多长时间。 My goodness, this does not calculate does not know, calculates to have a scare. Yuan Shi Tian Zun counted on the fingers, discovered unexpectedly, It has entered two years eight months. 好家伙,这不算不知道,一算吓一跳。元始天尊掐指一算,竟是发现,祂已入阵两年八个月了。 Two years eight months, in other words, from three years of deadline of agreement , is only left over for four months, 120 days do not arrive. 两年八个月,也就是说,距离约定的三年期限,也就只剩下四个月,一百二十天不到了。 How may be able such rapidness, according to the feeling of Yuan Shi Tian Zun, It enters many in March/three months, how to turn all of a sudden for two years eight months? 可怎会过的如此之快,按照元始天尊的感觉,祂入阵最多不过三月有余,怎会一下子变成了两年八个月? This is not right! 这不对! When the preliminary calculation has two years of zero in August this time, Yuan Shi Tian Zun also thinks oneself miscalculated, the whole person was ignorant. But at once, It realized is not right, It is impossible to miscalculate. 初算出两年零八月这个时间时,元始天尊还以为自己算错了呢,整个人都是懵的。可旋即,祂就意识到了不对,祂不可能算错的。 Even this simplest calculation time, Yuan Shi Tian Zun can miscalculate, It also called saint in vain. Since It will not be wrong, that wrong can only be this world. 连这种最简单的算时间,元始天尊都能算错的,祂也就枉称圣人了。既然祂不会错,那错的只能是这个世界了。 Under the heart begins to have suspicions, Yuan Shi Tian Zun by discernment view it, really discovered is not right. The time speed of flow of this place, is unexpectedly quicker than the outside world, and quick many times. 心下起疑,元始天尊以法眼观之,果然发现了不对。此地的时间流速,竟然比外界快,且还快了许多倍。 Therefore, during Its feeling, obviously only in the past few months, but this place time actually had passed by for two years 8 months. 正是因此,在祂的感觉之中,才会明明只过去数月,可此地时间却是已经过去了两年零八个月。 Detected that oneself were planned by Feng Zichen, Yuan Shi Tian Zun got angry immediately, one has grasped the Pangu streamer, stimulates to movement its prestige energy full power. 察觉到自己被风紫宸算计,元始天尊当即就怒了,一把抓过盘古幡,全力催动它的威能。 Immediately, has the strength and control ten thousand law merit of prestige and the smashing space and time tearing chaos, epoch-makingly to be able the unsurpassed strength, appears suddenly, changes to the strength of incomparable murdering, to war will first deduct with deity demon of Yuan Shi Tian Zun one at the scene the fragment. 顿时,一股具有撕裂混沌之威、粉碎时空之力、统御万法之功、开天辟地之能的无上力量,骤然浮现,化作无匹的杀伐之力,当场将与元始天尊对战的一尊先天神魔劈成了碎片。 Afterward, Yuan Shi Tian Zun backhands shakes the Pangu streamer, sends out to be shattered all chaos sword air/Qi, will cut down with Its another chaos demon god to war. 随后,元始天尊反手又是一抖盘古幡,发出破灭一切的混沌剑气,将与祂对战的另一尊混沌魔神劈杀。 However the suddenly time, two compare favorably with the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal sufficiently first deity demon, was grasped the Pangu streamer to cut to kill by Yuan Shi Tian Zun. 不过眨眼的功夫,两尊足以媲美混元大罗金仙的先天神魔,便被元始天尊手持盘古幡斩杀。 At this moment, this may be called the great antiquity murder the first most precious object, finally in the hand of Yuan Shi Tian Zun, showed was its true prestige energy. 此刻,这件堪称洪荒杀伐第一的至宝,终于在元始天尊的手中,展现了属于它的真正威能。 Sees in the Yuan Shi Tian Zun hand, on the Pangu streamer, the air/Qi of day evil deity thrives copiously, resembling to destroy the chaos, opens the world again. A scary pressure fills the air, making the air/Qi of chaos alarmed and afraid. 就见元始天尊手中,盘古幡上,都天神煞之气沛然勃发,似要毁灭混沌,再开天地。一股骇人的威压弥漫开来,使得混沌之气都在惊惧。 Cancels Chen fellow daoist, is really the good method. If this poor Daoist detected again late for 2-3 day, this gambling fought, this poor Daoist and the others feared that has lost.” “勾陈道友,真是好手段啊。若是贫道再晚发觉2-3日,此次赌斗,贫道等人怕是已经输了。” Heard that the word of Yuan Shi Tian Zun, does not need Feng Zichen to respond, the complexions of that other four Saints, in vain becomes ugly. 闻听元始天尊之言,不待风紫宸有所回应,那其余四圣的脸色,也徒然变得难看起来。 Obviously, reminded after Yuan Shi Tian Zun, they also discovered time speed of flow was not right. 显然,经元始天尊提醒,祂们也发现了时光流速的不对。 Primal chaos chart, broken!” “太极图,破!” Sized up surrounding void one, the face of too clear saint sinks suddenly, the whole body supernatural power surges, all pours into the primal chaos chart, stimulates to movement this treasure to go toward the void bang. 打量了周围的虚空一眼,太清圣人的脸忽然一沉,全身法力涌动,悉数灌入太极图中,催动着此宝朝虚空轰去。 Immediately, primal chaos chart whole body multi-colored sunlight ten thousand and auspicious color thousand, outside chart main road prophecy word above in encirclement, chart Heavenly Dao symbol lu appearing intermittently in. The five colors rays of light shining mountains and rivers land, nine color good luck shock various day of entire world. 顿时,太极图周身霞光万道、瑞彩千条,图外“大道谶言”环绕其上、图内“天道符箓”隐现其中。五色毫光照耀山河大地,九彩瑞气震慑诸天寰宇。 Brushing...... 刷…… A primal chaos chart show/unfolds, the world changes countenance, livelihood to change color, the prestige of unsurpassed most precious object reveals without doubt. 太极图一展,天地动容、日月变色,无上至宝之威显露无疑。 Then, is still water hot dry winds and transformed Yin-Yang five lines, divides the principle Heavenly Dao profound and abstruse principles, to include greatly ten million/countless the alike unsurpassed mighty force, came from the body of primal chaos chart enormously and powerful. 接着,就是一股平定地水火风、转化阴阳五行、分理天道玄机、包罗大千万象的无上伟力,从太极图的身上浩荡开来。 !...... 咔嚓!咔嚓…… But heard that the sound is lingering on faintly, that strategy space all, first deity light, is the air/Qi of chaos, or stands two beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal ranks the first deity demon in front of too clear saint, under the strength of primal chaos chart, starts to break. 但闻咔嚓之声不绝于耳,那阵法空间的一切,无论是先天神光,还是混沌之气,亦或者是站在太清圣人面前的两尊混元大罗金仙级别的先天神魔,在太极图的力量下,都开始破碎起来。 Then, listens to bang, too clear saint all around, are defeated and dispersed entirely, thoroughly for it. 然后,就听“轰”的一声,太清圣人周遭的一切,统统溃散,彻底为之一空。 Then is the time magical powers that Feng Zichen supposes, under too clear saint this strikes, disintegrated loudly, lost the effect. 便是风紫宸设下的时间神通,也在太清圣人这一击之下,轰然瓦解,失去了效果。 Instantaneously, 瞬间, The time speed of flow of this place returned to normal. 此地的时间流速恢复了正常。 Opens the prestige of day of most precious object, exposes in this moment without doubt, performs obviously the invincible posture. Is other innate supreme treasure , is hard to be on par with it in the might. 开天至宝之威,在这一刻展露无疑,尽显无敌之姿。就是其余的先天至宝,也难以在威力上与其比肩。 Opened the day of most precious object Pangu streamer and primal chaos chart erupted, that incomparable strength filled the air, was the chaos big prestige can be infinite, by its impact shivered fiercely. 开天至宝盘古幡与太极图先后爆发,那无匹的力量弥漫开来,便是混沌大阵威能无限,也是被其冲击的剧烈颤抖起来。 Gets up!” “起!” In the humane sovereign courtyard, Feng Zichen ties an seal, inspires the chaos big change again and again, the endless first Heavenly Dao mark fills the air, this will be big to stabilize. 人道皇庭之中,风紫宸手结道印,连连引动混沌大阵的变化,无尽的先天道纹弥漫,这才将大阵重新稳定下来。 But when Feng Zichen begins to stabilize big, five Saints have not been idling, sees them to collaborate, cuts to kill the first deity demons of that other six beginning of the universe ranks. 而就在风紫宸动手稳定大阵的时候,五圣也没闲着,就见祂们联起手来,将那余下的六尊混元级别的先天神魔斩杀。 My goodness, today saint puts forth the full power, has frightened Feng Zichen not saying that big magical powers but who will observe absolutely in a big way fooled one to jump. 好家伙,今日圣人使出全力,吓没吓到风紫宸不好说,但绝对将观战的大神通者们唬了一大跳。 Flickers to kill the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, originally saint true strength, such fearful? 瞬杀混元大罗金仙,原来圣人真正的实力,这么可怕的吗? Really makes one see scared. 真是让人见之胆寒。 Also from at this moment, saint all ants these words, official spreads in the great antiquity, becomes the mainstream. 也正是从此刻起,圣人之下皆蝼蚁这句话,正式的在洪荒流传开来,成为主流。 Before, although these words also spread, but the gods were do not spare a glance mostly, thinks oneself and compared with saint, even if there is a disparity, no difference to that type by a it conveniently second of killing situation. 以前,这句话虽也有流传,但众神大都是不屑一顾的,认为自己与圣人相比,纵使有所差距,也没差到那种被其随手秒杀的地步。 Yet now, saint with the valiant score, told the world, anything is called: The inadequate Saint, after all is the ants. 可如今,圣人用自己彪悍的战绩,告诉了世人,什么叫做:不成圣,终归是蝼蚁。 Difference was too big, can the second kill including the beginning of the universe big gold/metal dwelling place of celestial beings, let alone they. 差的太大了,连混元大罗金仙都能秒杀,更别说祂们了。 At this time, regardless of before these big magical powers, was what idea, but at this moment, certainly with saint for the thought of enemy. 这个时候,无论这些大神通者们之前是何想法,但此刻,都绝了与圣人为敌的念头。 ...... …… ............ ………… The first deity demons of ten beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal ranks were cut, chaos big is unrelieved, the air/Qi of only chaos fill the air, seems like, Feng Zichen seemed exhausts the bag of clumsy tricks. 十尊混元大罗金仙级别的先天神魔先后被斩,混沌大阵再无变化,只余混沌之气弥漫,看起来,风紫宸好似黔驴技穷了。 Five Saints combine to make one row, looks distantly to Feng Zichen said: Cancels Chen fellow daoist, your method truly, even if this poor Daoist five people collaborate, cannot detect that the least bit is unusual, was almost planned by you successfully. Only this point, then obviously of fellow daoist.” 五圣并成一排,遥遥望向风紫宸说道:“勾陈道友,你的手段确实了得,纵使贫道五人联手,也没能察觉到半点异常,差一点就被你算计成功了。仅此一点,便可见道友之强。” May do , the fellow daoist plans, although is astonishing, but was looked through by this poor Daoist and the others eventually, broke your planning.” “可奈何,道友算计虽是惊人,但终究还是被贫道等人看破,破了你的算计。” At this moment, the time magical powers of fellow daoist were broken, ten big deity demon incarnation was also first cut, can have other method to display?” “此刻,道友的时光神通被破,十大先天神魔化身也都被斩,可还有别的手段施展出来?” If not, this game, cancels Chen fellow daoist to fear that must lose.” “若是没有,这一局,勾陈道友怕是就要输了。” Listened to this saying, Feng Zichen to smile, set out from the sovereign place, arrived above the city wall in humane sovereign courtyard, said toward five Saints: Fellow Daoist happy some of early.” 听了这话,风紫宸笑了笑,从皇座上起身,来到了人道皇庭的城墙之上,朝五圣说道:“诸位道友高兴的有些早了。” You think that you broke the chaos big all changes, actually does not know, you spin in the strategy surrounding, has not touched the chaos big core.” “你们以为自己破了混沌大阵的所有变化,却是不知,你们只是在阵法外围打转,并未触及到混沌大阵的核心。” At this point, the Feng Zichen corners of the mouth rise slightly, somewhat self-satisfied saying: Fellow Daoist at this time the word victory, was actually some early, when you broke the chaos strategy core component, discussed again the victory and defeat was not late.” 说到这里,风紫宸嘴角微微上扬,有些得意的说道:“诸位道友此时言胜,却是有些早了,待你们破了混沌阵法核心部分,再谈胜负也不迟。” During the speeches, Feng Zichen opened the main entrance of humane sovereign courtyard, said toward five Saints: Also asked fellow daoist to enter!” 说话间,风紫宸打开了人道皇庭的正门,朝五圣说道:“还请诸位道友入阵!” The humane sovereign courtyard, just now is true chaos big. Before the strategies of five sanctum experiences, but by the energy of chaos bead, folded chaos big that the space and time became. Although is the strategy main body is the same, but some disparities. 人道皇庭,方才是真正的混沌大阵。之前五圣所经历之阵法,不过是以混沌珠之能,折叠时空而成的混沌大阵。虽是与阵法本体相同,但到底还是有些差距。 Chaos big, from that moment of birth, is protecting city big of humane sovereign courtyard, with it is the relations of mutual interdependence. In other words, only has to enter the humane sovereign courtyard, just now entered chaos big truly. 混沌大阵,从诞生的那一刻起,就是人道皇庭的护城大阵,与其是相互依存的关系。也就是说,唯有进入人道皇庭,方才是真正的进了混沌大阵。 But at this moment, before five Shengfang projects on the front door of humane sovereign courtyard . In other words, is their strategy also submerges, had delayed for two years eight months of time. 而此刻,五圣方才堪堪打到人道皇庭的大门前。换而言之,就是祂们连阵法还都没入呢,已经耽误了两年八个月的功夫。 Feng Zichen such remarks, the complexions of five Saints change, a face surprised uncertain looked to the humane sovereign courtyard. 风紫宸此言一出,五圣的脸色不由大变,一脸惊疑不定的看向了人道皇庭。 Crossed half sound, too clear saint sighs, suddenly said with a smile: Haha, good! Cancelling Chen fellow daoist worthily is the great antiquity's first Heaven's Chosen, the day after tomorrow the first ancestor, this grade of method, really will make this poor Daoist feel ashamed of one's inferiority.” 过了半响,太清圣人叹了一口气,忽然笑着说道:“哈哈,好!勾陈道友不愧是洪荒第一天骄,后天第一道祖,这等手段,真是令贫道自愧不如。” But, the fellow daoist thinks that this won, that somewhat was actually too early. The must know, the fellow daoist has not had the full power, this poor Daoist and the others also not necessarily had/left the full power.” “不过,道友以为这就赢定了,那却有些为时尚早。须知,道友未出全力,贫道等人也未必出了全力。” At this point, too clear saint forwards suddenly with stride, walks toward the humane sovereign courtyard. 说到这里,太清圣人忽然大步向前,朝着人道皇庭走去。 And looks at this poor Daoist and the others, how can break the strategy of fellow daoist 3rd. If in three days, this poor Daoist and the others cannot break the strategy of fellow daoist, that this game was this poor Daoist and the others lost.” “且看贫道等人,如何在三日之能破了道友的阵法。若是三日之内,贫道等人破不了道友的阵法,那这一局便算是贫道等人输了。” Also did not raise for three years to make, too clear saint reduced it to three days directly. 也不提三年之约了,太清圣人直接将其缩短至三天。 As saint, too clear saint naturally has own arrogance, is so humiliated by Feng Zichen, can It not have the anger? 身为圣人,太清圣人自然有着自己的傲气在,被风紫宸如此折辱,祂焉能没有火气? In the heart the anger, too clear saint decision quells the Feng Zichen strategy by the potential of thunder, is good to suppress Its rampant arrogance, has foul odor in the heart while convenient. 心中愤怒,太清圣人决定以雷霆之势荡平风紫宸的阵法,好打压一下祂的嚣张气焰,顺便也出一下心中的恶气。 After 3rd can't break the strategy? That loses loses. 至于三日之后破不了阵法?那输就输吧。 If cannot eradicate the strategy by the potential of thunder, saves own face. That might as well, admits defeat simply directly, this can also the abundant good reputation. 若不能以雷霆之势破除阵法,挽回自己的颜面。那还不如干脆一点,直接认输,这样还能博个好名头。 Really must wait till for three years end, just now broke chaos big, that five Saints really became a huge joke. 真要等到三年之末,方才破了混沌大阵,那五圣真的就成了一个天大的笑话了。 Five Saints collaborate, did not say unmatched in the world, that could not miss many. But is this, broken strategy, takes three years. 五圣联手,不说天下无敌,那也差不了多少了。可就是这样,破一个阵法,也需要三年。 How the world think, too clear saint does not know, but he definitely did not accept. 世人如何想,太清圣人不知道,但祂自己肯定接受不了。 Moreover, this establishes, in they can break in the situation of strategy. But eventuality, if they are unable to break the strategy in three years, that consequence, is simply dreadful , is not only degenerates into the laughingstock is so simple. 而且,这都是建立在祂们能破了阵法的情况下。可万一,万一祂们无法在三年内破了阵法,那后果,简直不堪设想,又岂止是沦为笑柄那么简单。 Really did not have the face to appear in public. 真就无颜见人了。 Read and these consequences, too clear saint will stand immediately, changed to for three days three years. 念及这些后果,太清圣人才会当即立断的,将三年改成三天。 Then, if they won, the nature was happy, saves the face not saying that punctured the Feng Zichen arrogance. 如此一来,要是祂们赢了,自然皆大欢喜,挽回颜面不说,更是打击了风紫宸的气焰。 If lost, is unimportant. After all is only three days, this can only explain that chaos big is too strong, but cannot say that saint extremely cannot withstand. 要是输了,也不要紧。毕竟只是三天而已,这只能说明混沌大阵太强,而不能说圣人太过不堪。
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