GDSP :: Volume #8

#799: The trail of chaos demon god

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Moreover, Feng Zichen this is not cheats. 另外,风紫宸这也不算作弊。 The time accelerates, the itself/Ben is one of the magical powers, five Saints they could not discover, can only say that was their skill is bad, cannot blame Feng Zichen dry/does was atypical. 时光加速,本就是神通的一种,五圣祂们发现不了,只能说是祂们本事不济,倒不能怪风紫宸干的不地道。 Let alone, the struggle of main road, so, stopped at nothing. 更何况,大道之争,本就如此,无所不用其极。 Can see from this point, five Saints compared with it Feng Zichen, missed. 从这一点就能够看出,五圣比之风紫宸,还是差了一些。 Like this time magical powers, five Saints is not, but they, when with Feng Zichen to the war, has not actually thought with this magical powers. 就像这时间神通,五圣又不是不会,可祂们在与风紫宸对战的时候,却没想到用这一神通。 Obviously, their heads, is inferior to the Feng Zichen miraculous glow! 可见,祂们的脑袋,还是不如风紫宸灵光啊! This poor Daoist has not rushed to Zhou Tianxing large, without to fighting 12 day evil deity big, how therefore does not know fellow daoist of chaos big these two dust-shower.” “贫道未曾闯过周天星斗大阵,也没有对战过十二都天神煞大阵,故不知这两座阵法比之道友这混沌大阵如何。” But only by execution immortal sword of this poor Daoist, is compared with the big of fellow daoist.” “但仅以贫道的诛仙剑阵而言,还是比得道友的这座大阵。” Great antiquity three big strategies, this chaos big works as completely.” “洪荒三大阵法,这混沌大阵完全当得。” Contrasted an own execution immortal sword exceedingly high founder to say. 对比了一下自己的诛仙剑阵通天教主开口说道。 Truly, innate two meter big of this poor Daoist, is one of the great antiquity ten big strategies, but compares with fellow daoist strategy, is really not worth mentioning.” Too clear saint pinched the beard, similarly said. “确实,贫道的先天两仪大阵,也是洪荒十大阵法之一,但与道友这阵法一比,实在不值得一提。”太清圣人捏了捏胡须,同样说道。 Is arrogant like Yuan Shi Tian Zun, nods, saying of feeling ashamed of one's inferiority: Yuxugong of this poor Daoist, not the strategy can exceed big of fellow daoist.” 就是高傲如元始天尊,也是点了点头,自愧不如的说道:“贫道的玉虚宫,并无阵法能够胜过道友的大阵。” Strategy of West, cannot be on par with this chaos big.” Western two Saints also nod, some saying of envying. “西方的阵法,也是万万不能与这混沌大阵比肩。”西方二圣同时点了点头,有些羡慕的说道。 Damn! 见鬼了! Do the resources compared with others, the life compared with others, the magic weapon compared with others, the strength compared with others, how even the strategy compare others? 资源比不过人家,生灵比不过人家,法宝比不过人家,实力比不过人家,怎么连阵法都比不过人家? East this, 这东方, Has really pressed a Western head everywhere? 真就处处压过西方一头? Hateful demon ancestor Luo Hou, if is not It, my West can fall to so the situation! 可恶的魔祖罗睺,若非是祂,我西方焉能落到如此地步! The East is prosperous, the Western two Saints saw, in heart to the demon ancestor Luo Hou hatred, even more profound. 东方越是兴盛,西方二圣见了,心中对魔祖罗睺的恨意,也就愈发的深刻。 The antique time, the West is not weak in the Eastern slightest, equally for the place of Heavenly Dao looking upon with favor, because of the demon ancestor Luo Hou appearance, making the West be unable to recover, henceforth everywhere weak Eastern head. 太古时代,西方并不弱于东方分毫,一样为天道垂青之地,可就是因为魔祖罗睺的出现,使得西方一蹶不振,从此处处弱东方一头。 All these chief criminals of can two people to creating, in the heart not hate? 二人对造成这一切的罪魁祸首,心中焉能不恨? ...... …… That is natural, my strategy, but inherits from the plate Mr. Gu god, passes on for the main road personally, the share is the chaos, the might is not weak in 12 day evil deity big, can the numerous innate strategies of great antiquity, compare can it be that?” “那是自然,我这阵法,可是传承自盘古父神,为大道亲手所传,份属混沌,威力丝毫不弱于十二都天神煞大阵,岂是洪荒的一众先天阵法,可以比的?” Sees five Saints first not to begin with It, first chats with It on the contrary, Feng Zichen did not mind that and five Saints chatted. 见五圣不先和祂动手,反倒先和祂聊起天来,风紫宸也不介意,就那么和五圣闲扯起来。 Hitting is three years, does not hit is also three years, in brief the time is three years, since five Saints are willing to chat with It, why that Feng Zichen must reject. In any case suffers a loss is not It, but is opposite. 打是三年,不打也是三年,总之时间就是三年,既然五圣愿意和祂闲扯,那风紫宸为何要拒绝。反正吃亏的又不是祂,而是对面。 Flattered a while with Feng Zichen mutually, five Saints also thought that delays and the others to be disadvantageous to oneself, therefore tore to say the topic, said: 风紫宸相互吹捧了一会儿,五圣也觉得这么拖延下去对自己等人不利,故扯开说题,说道: Also please cancel Chen fellow daoist to act, an show/unfolds prestige energy, quite makes this poor Daoist and the others experience, this is inheriting the strategy of main road, with big of my great antiquity, has what difference!” “还请勾陈道友出手,一展此阵威能,好让贫道等人见识一下,这传承着大道的阵法,与我洪荒的大阵,有何不同!” Sees that Feng Zichen laughs, said: Haha, good, such as the fellow daoist said that an show/unfolds prestige energy.” 见状,风紫宸哈哈一笑,道:“哈哈,好,就如道友所言,一展此阵的威能。” During the speeches, in the strategy space, the change disciple lives, the inexhaustible first deity light fills the air, has the chaos, has the Yin-Yang, three talents, four...... each other interwine likely, evolves the light of supreme murdering, takes away as many things as possible toward five Saints. 说话间,阵法空间之中,变化徒生,无穷无尽的先天神光弥漫,有混沌,有阴阳,有三才,有四象……彼此交织在一起,演化成至高无上的杀伐之光,朝着五圣席卷而去。 That first deity light, each may call it the unsurpassed big magical powers, its might, can compare favorably with the magical powers that the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal displays. 那先天神光,每一道都可称之为无上大神通,其威力,更是可以与混元大罗金仙施展出来的神通相媲美。 Here first deity, far more than ten thousand, simply are only inexhaustible, seems reveres the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal to act innumerably together general, the might can be imagined. 这里的先天神光,何止万道,简直无穷无尽,就好似无数尊混元大罗金仙一同出手一般,威力可想而知。 If big Luo Daozun falls into, feared that was a breath cannot support continually, will make into the fragment powder directly, thorough vanishing into thin air. 大罗道尊若是落入其中,怕是连一息都撑不了,直接就会被打成齑粉,彻底的烟消云散。 Then was the common beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal came, how long could also not support, will be hit the obtaining enlightenment body to be stave, is seriously injured. 便是寻常的混元大罗金仙来了,也是支持不了多久,就会被打得道体破碎,身受重伤。 But five Saints, eventually are not the common beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortals, they are saint, although is the same boundary, but is stronger than it beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal. 但五圣,终究不是寻常的混元大罗金仙,祂们是圣人,虽是一样的境界,但比之混元大罗金仙更强。 Brushing...... 刷…… No spoken language, primal chaos, the Pangu streamer, executes the immortal four sword, the Eastern azure Baolian flag and 12 grade merit golden lotus also to reappear, hangs with the top of the heads of five Saints, dangles the radiant god light/only, blocks first deity light that rumbled. 没有任何的言语,太极图、盘古幡、诛仙四剑、东方青色宝莲旗、十二品功德金莲同时浮现,悬与五圣的头顶,垂下璀璨的神光,挡住了轰来的先天神光。 Chaos big really uncommon, only this one strikes, if trades to make other beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, even if not die still wants the severe wound, but in Pindao and the others, was too weak.” “混沌大阵果然不凡,仅此一击,若是换做别的混元大罗金仙,那就算不死也要重伤,但于贫道等人而言,还是太弱了。” Feels the chaos big might, too clear saint nods, resembling is the praise, resembles saying that boasts. 感受到混沌大阵的威力,太清圣人点了点头,似是夸赞,又似自夸的说道。 Then, sees It to wave, the primal chaos chart shakes loudly, dangles the strength of limitless innate primal chaos, obliterates first deity light that these well up. 然后,就见祂一挥手,太极图轰然一震,垂下无边无际的先天太极之力,将那些涌来的先天神光磨灭。 At the same time, other four Saints, is various methods, is shattered first deity light all around. 同一时间,其余四圣,也是各施手段,破灭周遭的先天神光。 Too clear saint is not anxious, this is also only the chaos big first change, later also some innumerable changes, strong, enough fellow daoist enjoy oneself to the full.” “太清圣人莫急,这还只是混沌大阵的第一个变化,之后还有无数变化,一个强过一个,足够道友们尽兴。” Easily sees five Saints reduces and solves first deity light that welled up, Feng Zichen is not surprised, this is expected the matter. If five Saints are so good to cope, It so will not be prudent. 见五圣轻易的就化解了涌来的先天神光,风紫宸也不惊讶,这是预料之中的事。五圣要是如此好对付,祂也不会如此慎重了。 In the heart moves, Feng Zichen operates chaos big to begin a change. 心中一动,风紫宸操纵着混沌大阵再起一层变化。 Immediately, in the war, first deity light causes trouble suddenly, is not taking away as many things as possible to five Saints, but concentrates one group, changes to dissimilar in shape and form first deity demons, goes toward five Saint killing. 顿时,大战之中,先天神光骤然生变,不在向五圣席卷而去,而是凝成一团,化作一尊尊形态各异的先天神魔,朝着五圣扑杀而去。 These first deity demon, quantity far more than hundred and thousand, each has the strength of being a worthy opponent peak big magical powers sufficiently. 这些先天神魔,数量何止百尊、千尊,每一尊都有着足以匹敌巅峰大神通者的力量。 They collaborate, under chaos big in addition holds, is the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, can living ripping. 祂们联起手来,在混沌大阵的加持之下,就是混元大罗金仙,也能活生生的撕了。 At this moment charges into five Saints jointly, that scene, what kind of magnificent. 此刻联手冲向五圣,那场面,怎的一个壮观了得。 The outside world surrounds big magical powers of this war, sees this, the eye hides shakes, if the determination enter this, hope that has not gone on living decisively. 外界围观此战的大神通者们,看到这一幕,眼皮子直抖,自觉要是自己进入此阵,那断然没有活下去的希望。 They think this already enough exciting all that may then have, is to make them fearful and apprehensive, cold sweat directing current, has the greatest fear. 只是,祂们本以为这一幕就已经够刺激的了,可接下来发生的一切,却是让祂们心惊胆战,冷汗直流,生出莫大的恐惧来。 Sees, in chaos big, that crowd first deity demon rushes to five Saints the sides, has not acted with enough time, was cut the melon to cut the vegetable/dish to be the same by five Saints, making into the fragment, turned into first deity light. 就看到,混沌大阵之中,那群先天神魔冲到五圣的身边,还未来得及出手,就被五圣切瓜砍菜一般,给打成了碎片,重新化成了先天神光。 Cancels Chen fellow daoist, your strikes down is a little meaning, but wants to deal with this poor Daoist and the others, is insufficiently.” “勾陈道友,你这一击倒是有点意思,但想要对付贫道等人,还是不够。” Cuts extinguishes to one conveniently first deity demon, Yuan Shi Tian Zun said with a smile. Although other saint have not spoken, but looks at that expression, obviously also approves of the words of Yuan Shi Tian Zun. 随手斩灭冲来的一尊先天神魔,元始天尊笑着说道。其余圣人虽未说话,但看那表情,显然也是赞同元始天尊的话。 Fellow Daoist, no rush, and continues to look.” Smiles, Feng Zichen said. “道友,别急嘛,且继续看下去吧。”笑了笑,风紫宸说道。 This war, delays the war, is not life and death preying, naturally is primarily delaying the time. 此战,是拖延战,又不是生死搏杀,当然是以拖时间为主。 In view of this, how Feng Zichen possibly comes up to put to kill to incur, naturally is the might of little enhancement strategy, as far as possible delays the time. 既如此,风紫宸怎么可能一上来就放杀招,当然是一点点的加强阵法的威力,尽可能的去拖延时间。 As for consuming the matters of five Saint energy, do not crack a joke, that is saint, the supernatural power is inexhaustible, the energy is also infinite, is continuously very intensive use magical powers, they will not reveal the half a point the weary condition. 至于消耗五圣精力的事,别开玩笑,那可是圣人,法力无穷无尽,精力亦是无限,便是一直高强度的使用神通,祂们也不会露出半分的疲态。 Consumes their energy, outside the big chaos also almost, may in the great antiquity, that actually be the not possible matter, 消耗祂们的精力,在界外大混沌还差不多,可在洪荒,那却是不可能的事, But this, is saint is bigger the gold/metal immortal powerful place than the beginning of the universe. 而这,正是圣人比混元大罗金仙强大的地方。 Suppose, saint and beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal breaking out war, a method strength will never dry up, a side over time, the strength gradually is feeble, how does this also hit? 试想,圣人与混元大罗金仙爆发大战,一方法力永远不会枯竭,一方却随着时间的流逝,力量渐渐衰弱,这还怎么打? Has no way to hit! 根本没法打! ...... …… ............ ………… Feng Zichen intends to delay the time, therefore the might of enhancement strategy slowly. 风紫宸有意拖延时间,故慢慢的增强阵法的威力。 But five Saints saw Its goal, just now unceasing stirs up It by the words, quite makes It spur-of-the-moment, full power the stimulation of movement chaos big prestige energy, launches the shocking showdown with them. 而五圣正是看出了祂的目的,方才不断的以话激祂,好让祂一时冲动,全力催动混沌大阵的威能,与祂们展开惊世对决。 You think five Saints these words, but said casually? Made a mistake, their each few words are the magical powers, is always shouldering the Feng Zichen anger, causes Its impulsion. 你以为五圣的那些话,只是随便的说说而已?错了,祂们的每一句话都是神通,总是在无意之间挑起风紫宸的火气,引起祂的冲动。 The experts prey, don't said is a few words, a look, was a slight movement, that also contains the dreadful murderous intention. 高手搏杀,莫说是一句话,一个眼神了,就是一个细微的动作,那也蕴含着滔天的杀机。 ...... …… Reviews a Feng Zichen side, knows in the sea, primordial chaos bell long cry, how whatever five Saints instigated with the spoken language , was hard to shake Its intelligent slightest. 反观风紫宸一方,识海之中,鸿蒙道钟长鸣,任凭五圣如何以言语挑拨,也是难以撼动祂的神智分毫。 Gets up!” “起!” Feng Zichen both hands tie seal, to void, big begins the change, the endless first deity light surges, causes these by first deity demon that five Saints cut to kill, comes back to life , to continue to face forward to kill. 风紫宸双手结印,对着虚空一点,大阵再起变化,无尽的先天神光涌动,使得那些被五圣斩杀的先天神魔,重新复生,继续朝前杀去。 First the deity light does not extinguish, these first deity demon then can unceasing coming back to life, whatever saint kills their more than ten dozens times, cannot obliterate them. 先天神光不灭,那些先天神魔便能不断的复生,任凭圣人杀祂们十几数十次,也是不能将祂们磨灭。 The saint supernatural power is inexhaustible, the chaos big strength, is inexhaustible. 圣人的法力无穷无尽,混沌大阵的力量,亦是无穷无尽。 Not to mention the chaos bead can unceasing strengthens the strength from outside the big chaos, said that big establishment, during its revolutions, can from outside the big chaos, receive and instruct the inexhaustible chaos air/Qi similarly. 且不说混沌珠能够不断的从界外大混沌汲取力量,就说大阵成立,其运转间,同样能从界外大混沌之中,接引来无穷无尽的混沌之气。 If chaos big in peak condition( chaos version), even can achieve fabricated, does not need to draw support from the strength, oneself can melt the inactivity to have, has the greatest strength. 若是巅峰状态的混沌大阵(混沌版),甚至能够做到无中生有,无需借助外界的力量,自己就能化无为有,产生莫大的力量。 !” “喝!” Endlessly repeats a movement, was saint also somewhat was then tired, saw too clear saint to sink to drink one, the primal chaos chart increases loudly, covers the surrounding area thousands li (0.5 km). 不断重复一个动作,便是圣人也有些累了,就见太清圣人沉喝一声,太极图轰然变大,笼罩方圆数万万里。 Yin fish Yang fish, is connected, unceasingly circling, seems the air/Qi of two huge innate pure yin Pure Yang. 阴鱼阳鱼,首尾相连,不断盘旋着,好似两道巨大的先天纯阴纯阳之气。 Bang! 轰! Some moment, a primal chaos chart revolution, the strength of rotation Yin-Yang, forms a huge vortex, fierce twists, all stirs broken the surrounding first deity light, and assimilation for the strength of Yin-Yang. 某一刻,太极图一转,阴阳之力转动,形成一个巨大的漩涡,猛的一绞,将周围的先天神光悉数搅碎,并将之同化为阴阳之力。 First the deity light vanishes, first deity demon lost the support, is unable to resurrect, followed to vanish into thin air. 先天神光消失,先天神魔失去了支持,再无法复活,也跟着烟消云散了。 Meanwhile, the Pangu streamer, executes the immortal four swords and other treasures of the saint also to erupt, around first deity light them cuts to extinguish respectively. 同时,盘古幡、诛仙四剑等几件圣人之宝同时爆发,各自将祂们周围的先天神光斩灭。 Gets up!” “起!” Sees that Feng Zichen ties seal again, inspires chaos big another single layer change. 见状,风紫宸再次结印,引动混沌大阵的另一重变化。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The humane sovereign courtyard is shining, obtains the resonance with chaos big, then, then saw that the endless chaos air/Qi ascends. 人道皇庭在放光,与混沌大阵取得共鸣,接着,便看到无尽的混沌之气升腾。 But in these chaos air/Qi, can see ten being indomitable spirit forms indistinctly, they resemble to walk from the end of time, the walking into present world step by step, visits this place. 而在这些混沌气中,隐约可以看到十尊顶天立地的身影,祂们似从时光的尽头走来,一步步的走入现世,踏足此地。 Bang...... 轰…… Some moment, the chaos air/Qi clears, first deity demon that ten are lending, the vicissitudes aura distantly, appeared in the front of five Saints. 某一刻,混沌气散尽,十尊散发着悠远、沧桑气息的先天神魔,出现在了五圣的面前。 Aura that on them reveals, although is completely different, from one Yuan to ten sides, but is actually the same great strength, all stood erect in the domain of beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal. 祂们身上流露的气息,虽然完全不同,从一元到十方,但却是同样的强大,全都屹立在了混元大罗金仙的领域。 This is symbolizing the first deity demon of most ancient ten innate say/way, was reappeared by chaos big by Feng Zichen, each has the strength of being on par beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal. 这是象征着最古的十条先天之道的先天神魔,被风紫宸以混沌大阵再现了出来,每一尊都有着比肩混元大罗金仙的力量。 Ten first deity demon comes, Group 221, kills respectively toward five Saints. Sees this, five Saints have the vibration. 十尊先天神魔现身,221组,分别朝着五圣杀去。看到这一幕,五圣亦是心生震动。 Fellow Daoist strategy, was getting more and more interesting, like this, some qualities of being worth looking.” “道友这阵法,越来越有意思了,这样,才有些看头。” During the speeches, five people wield a magic wand respectively, slaughters with first deity demon that to/clashes. 说话间,五人各自祭起法宝,与那冲来的先天神魔厮杀起来。 .................................... ……………………………… But when both sides slaughter, another, is tracing the eastern sovereign of chaos demon god trail too one, there is a huge harvest. 而就在双方厮杀的时候,另一处,正在追查混沌魔神踪迹的东皇太一,也有了巨大的收获。 Sees It following the aura that the chaos demon divine will exposes reveals, tracks down to go downward, was pursues land most deep place unexpectedly, the core of land source, here found the chaos demon god who hid. 就见祂循着混沌魔神意外暴露出的气息,一路向下追寻而去,竟是追到了大地最深处,大地本源的核心,在这里找到了隐藏起来的混沌魔神。 Also the people could not discover their trail no wonder. The place of big centrosphere, the air/Qi of source is how sincere, the god knowledge of people arrived here, had been weakened for several points. 也怪不得众人发现不了祂们的踪迹了。大地核心之处,本源之气何其厚重,众人的神识来到这里,已是被削弱了数分。 And this place innate foul air gathering, the aura pollution cannot withstand, shields, was weakened to the people god of limit reads, is naturally hard to discover the trail of chaos demon god. 且此地先天浊气汇聚,气息浑浊不堪,借此掩护,本就被削弱至极限的众人神念,自然难以发现混沌魔神的踪迹。 The hidden chaos demon god here, altogether has three, each, has the strength of beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal. 隐藏在这里的混沌魔神,一共有着三尊,每一尊,都有着混元大罗金仙的力量。 Do they do in the big centrosphere? 祂们在大地核心干什么? Eastern sovereign too wholeheartedly under curious, goes forward to look, actually discovered, that three chaos demon gods will be integrating in the land source, plans to fuse together together. 东皇太一心下好奇,上前一看,却是发现,那三尊混沌魔神正将自己融入大地本源之中,打算一起融为一体。 Among the thoughts phonographs, the eastern sovereign too one has understood the plan of chaos demon god, really must make them fuse together with the land source, that wants to kill them to be difficult again, only if obliterates the land source. 心思电转间,东皇太一已是明白了混沌魔神的打算,真要让祂们与大地本源融为一体,那再想杀祂们就难了,除非磨灭大地本源。 But, this possibility? 但,这个可能吗? Naturally is impossible, is saint makes a move to obliterate the land source, that dreadful industry strength can lag behind the Saint position it. 当然不可能,便是圣人出手磨灭大地本源,那滔天业力都能将之拉下圣位。 If cannot kill the chaos demon god, whatever the land source falls into opposite party's hand, the people also cannot endure it. 只是,若不能杀了混沌魔神,任由大地本源落入对方之手,众人亦是不能忍之。 The place of bed, how tolerates others to sleep peacefully. 卧榻之地,岂能容他人安睡。 Let alone after the chaos demon god grasped the land source, will definitely do the matter, even if they do not do the matter, the people will not allow the land source to fall into their hands decisively. 别说混沌魔神掌握了大地本源之后肯定会搞事,就算祂们不搞事,众人也断然不会允许大地本源落入祂们之手。 In the heart worries, the eastern sovereign too one comes directly presently, examines the situation of land source. 心中着急,东皇太一直接现出身来,去查看大地本源的情况。 Seeing institute, but sees the big land source, only then less than 1/10000 regions, falls into the chaos demon god's hand, the eastern sovereign too one then felt relieved. 入目所及,但见偌大的大地本源,只有不足万分之一的地域,落入混沌魔神之手,东皇太一这才放下心来。 Morning that It discovers fortunately, if several hundred years, really chaos demon god were perhaps successful in the evening. 还好祂发现的早,若是晚上数百年,说不定还真叫混沌魔神成功了。 Who?” “谁?” Is you, eastern sovereign too one!” “是你,东皇太一!” But too a sudden appearance, alarmed that three chaos demon god who fuses with the land source. 而太一的突然出现,也惊动了那三尊正在与大地本源融合的混沌魔神。 Then, does not have any idle talk, both sides then displayed the magical powers to rumbling respectively. 然后,没有任何的废话,双方便各自施展神通对轰了起来。 However, here is the land source is at eventually, even the slightest misstep, destroyed this place, that is the terrible disaster, light, then the land splits, the heavy land does not save. 不过,这里终究是大地本源所在,稍有不慎,打坏了此地,那就是滔天大祸,轻则大地分裂,重则大地不存。 Therefore, both sides have the scruples, began to receive several force components respectively, does not dare to act full power. 故而,双方都有顾忌,动起手来各自收了几分力,不敢全力出手。 This article originates: 本文来源:
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