“可!”Fivepeopleeach otherlook at each otherone, feelsfeasible, thennodsin abundance. Theybreak through the formationjointly, but alsoneedshundredyears of time, trulyexcessive a point.
五人彼此对视一眼,觉得可行,便纷纷点了点头。祂们联手破阵,还需百年功夫,确实过分了一点。100years, are the strongstrategies, fivebeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortalscollaborate, canbreakit.
一百年,就是再强的阵法,五尊混元大罗金仙联手,也能破之。Therefore, hundredyearsare not good, tenyearsare not good. Feng Zichenwants saying that isoneyear, butthinks,feelingsaintmay notagree, took a compromisetime, threeyears.
故此,百年不行,十年也不行。风紫宸本想说是一年,但想了想,觉得圣人不一定会同意,就取了个折中的时间,三年。Three, threelive the meaning of myriad things, is just appropriate.
三嘛,有三生万物之意,刚好合适不过。Seesfivepeopleto nodto comply, Feng Zichenalsothensaid: „Iarrange the strategy, fivefellow daoistbreakitin three years, thatthisbureau, was Iloses. Amongus the causes and effectswere will thoroughly then settlefrom now on.”
见五人点头答应,风紫宸又接着说道:“我摆下阵法,五位道友在三年之内破之,那此局,便算是我输了。我们之间的因果自此便算是彻底了结了。”„But if the fellow daoistcollaborate, is unable to break open the strategyin three years, thatthisbureau, was Iwon, fivefellow daoistmustacceptmycondition, so, cansettlemeamong the causes and effectsand other.”
“可倘若道友们联手,仍是无法在三年内破开阵法,那此局,便算是我赢了,五位道友须得答应我一个条件,如此,方能了结我等之间的因果。”Lost, the causes and effectswrite off.
输了,因果一笔勾销。Won, naturally the not possibleadvantagenot to have, otherwise, why mustalsoto spendthatbigtimecompetition?
赢了,当然不可能一点好处也没有,不然的话,又何须费那么大的功夫比试呢?„Fellow Daoisthaswhatrequest, but alsopleasestate clearly.”Tooclearsaintthinks,said.
“道友有何要求,还请明说。”太清圣人想了想,说道。Thisfirstascertains, cannotmuddleheadedcomplied. Otherwise, when the time comesFeng Zichenproposedcondition that theyare hardto accept, theyare the agreements, doesn't agree?
这得先问清楚,不能稀里糊涂的就应了下来。不然的话,到时候风紫宸提出一个祂们难以接受的条件,祂们是同意啊,还是不同意啊?„Fivefellow daoist, thisgame, ifIwon, I have no request.”
“五位道友,此局若是我赢了,我也没什么要求。”„After is, youwhenhuman clanpassing on the dao, thatstudied the person who youpassed on the Confucian orthodoxy, canrecognizeyourfounder, butbetweentheyandyou, actuallyexistences of does not have anycauses and effects.”
“就是以后你们在人族传道的时候,那修习你们所传道统的人,可以认你们位祖师,但他们与你们之间,却没有任何因果的存在。”„So, do youlook to be good?”
“如此,你们看可好?”Feng Zichensaidcirclesvery much, butfiveSaintsunderstoodItsmeaning. Thesewords, simplesummary, ishuman clancanchasetheirmagical powersmagic artswhite/in vain.风紫宸说的很绕,但五圣还是听懂了祂的意思。这些话,简单的总结一下,就是人族可以白嫖祂们的神通道法。Does not needto payanything, thencanfromtheirConfucian orthodoxy, learn the skill.
Before, human clan, ifcultivates the immortal saying that must first do obeisanceThree Pure Onesfor the founder, has the causes and effectswiththem. Thisgives the causes and effects of say/way, is extremely difficultto settle, hasthiscauses and effects, on , if Three Pure Onesworks oneself to death.
在以前,人族若要修炼仙道,首先就要拜三清为祖师,与祂们结下因果。这是授道之因果,极难了结,结下这个因果,就等若要为三清卖命。Yet now, request that onceThree Pure Onesagrees, thenfrom now on, human clanclansman, ifstudies the immortalto sayagain, although must do obeisanceThree Pure Onesfor the founder, butdid not haveto givecauses and effectswiththem, does not needto work oneself to deathforthem.
可如今,一旦三清同意的要求,那么从今往后,人族族人要是再修习仙道,虽也要拜三清为祖师,但却与祂们之间没了授道的因果,无需为祂们卖命。Ifsome day, human clanandThree Pure Oneseruptto conflict, thentheseimmortalssaid that the memberthendoes not needto remain neutral, canmake a moveto the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism.
倘若有朝一日,人族与三清爆发冲突,那么这些仙道修士便无需保持中立,可以对三教出手。Thisismelts the immortal of Three Pure Ones saying that is the immortal of human clansaid.
这是化三清之仙道,为人族之仙道。Teachesas for the West, the human clanclansmanbefore then, no onecultivates the WesternConfucian orthodoxy.
The reasondoes not haveit, has only set up the pledgebecause ofFeng Zichen, as long as the person of human clan, oncecultivates the WesternConfucian orthodoxy, will expelhuman clanautomatically.
原因无它,只因风紫宸立过誓言,但凡人族之人,一旦修炼西方道统,就会自动逐出人族。In the past the Feng Zichenangerlaunched a psychological attack, thismadethispledge, nowthinks, was actually somewhatimproper.
当年风紫宸怒火攻心,这才立下了这个誓言,如今想想,却是有些不妥。WesterntwoSaintcharactersare not perhaps good, but the WesternConfucian orthodoxyisgood.
西方二圣或许性格不好,但西方道统还是好的。Especially, this timewesttaught, the doctrinedid not have the issue, mostraised the performance of saintcertainly, affected the peopleto the sense that the Westtaught.
尤其是,这个时候的西方教,教义还是没问题的,最多就是准提圣人的表现,影响了众人对西方教的感官。ButasConfucian orthodoxy that the great antiquityhave several, inheritance that the Westteaches, does not have the issue, Feng Zicheneliminationbesidehuman clan, tosomeclansmen, trulysomewill be unfair.
但作为洪荒有数的道统,西方教的传承,还是没问题的,风紫宸将之排除在人族之外,对一部分族人来说,确实有些不公平了。After all, some people, not the suitableimmortalto sayfinally , not the suitablemartial arts, actuallyto suitcultivation the WesternConfucian orthodoxy.
The grovewas big, whatbirdhas, let alonehuman clan? Quantitysuch, are more than stars of space, whatpersonis born, does not sound queer.
林子大了,什么鸟都有,更何况人族乎?数量如此之多,比天上的繁星还要多,诞生什么样的人,都不令人奇怪。At this time, Feng Zichenwhilethischance of a lifetime, plansto make up forownmistake, againConfucian orthodoxy that teaches the West, integratesinhuman clan.
The say/way that just, thisWestteaches, saidwith the Three Pure Onesimmortal, after enteringinhuman clan, although the namehas not changed, but is actually notThree Pure Ones and WesterntwoSaints said that butis the human clansay/way.
只不过,这西方教的道,与三清的仙道,进入人族之中后,名字虽然未曾发生变化,但却不是三清与西方二圣的道了,而是人族的道。Althoughmaster of they, buttheyhad losttoitscontrol, has a reputationspatially.
道的主人虽然还是祂们,但祂们已经失去了对其的掌控权,空有一个名头在。However, compared with the control, fiveSaintsneeds, isthisreputation. Theirthisexistences, the immortalsaid the strength of member, even ifwere manytheyalsoto lookdoes not glance.
不过,与掌控权相比,五圣更需要的,还是这个名头。于祂们这种存在来说,仙道修士的实力,哪怕再多祂们也都看不上眼。On the contraryistheseillusoryreputations, canincreasetheirdestiny, letstheirincomparableregarding as importantactually.
反倒是那些虚无缥缈的名头,能够增加祂们的气运,倒是让祂们无比的看重。Feng Zichenthecondition, human clanhad the actual benefit, saintresulted in the reputation, seemed likeanyonenot to suffer a loss, therefore, Itdid not worry that saintwill reject.风紫宸的这个条件,人族得了实惠,圣人得了名头,看起来谁也不吃亏,所以,祂不担心圣人会拒绝。As forlosing?
至于输?Feng Zichenhas not thought.风紫宸根本就没想过。Cracks a joke, cheats, thisgame of Feng Zichen must win.
…………Fivepeoplediscusseda while, just nowsaid: „Drug addict'srequest, this poor Daoistand the othersagreed.”
五人商量一会儿,方才说道:“道友的要求,贫道等人同意了。”Un, theydo not agreenot to have the means that becauseFeng Zichenwas not discussingwiththem. Theydid not agree, good, the causes and effects, to seal/conferShenliangplunderedis unable to end.
嗯,祂们不同意也没办法,因为风紫宸根本就不是在和祂们商量。祂们不同意,那好啊,因果不了,封神量劫就迟迟无法结束。Butfourteach, asshouldering who to seal/conferShenliangtribulations, will bear the bruntinevitably, comes under the most tremendousimpact.
而四教,作为封神量劫的挑起者,势必会首当其冲,受到最大的影响。Therefore, even ifforownConfucian orthodoxy, they must agree to the request of Feng Zichen.
所以,哪怕是为了自身的道统,祂们也得同意风紫宸的要求。Let alone, theirfivepeopledo not thinkoneselfwill lose.
更何况,祂们五人也不认为自己会输。Cracks a joke, theirfivepeoplecollaborate, even/includingHongjunsaid that the ancestorscanfight, but can also 't break a strategyto be inadequate?
开什么玩笑,祂们五人联手,连鸿钧道祖都能一战,还破不了一个阵法不成?„CancelsChenfellow daoist, but alsoinvited the set up formation.”Fivepeoplestand a row, saidtowardFeng Zichen.
“勾陈道友,还请布阵。”五人站成一排,朝风紫宸说道。„Said, says.”Nods, Feng Zichensaid: „Mythisstrategy, wantsto comefivefellow daoistalsoto guess correctly that wasanything. Right, ismyhuman clantown/subduesclanbig, chaosbig.”
“好说,好说。”点了点头,风紫宸说道:“我这阵法,想来五位道友也猜到是什么了。没错,就是我人族的镇族大阵,混沌大阵。”„Said,thisset of strategy, sincedebut, has appeared such a time, but also was givento be defeated. Reallyhasenoughloses face.”
“说起来,这套阵法,自面世以来,也就出现过那么一次,还被人给打败了。真是有够丢脸的。”„By, meplannedwithfivesaintstrengths, sets up the chaosbigprestige.”
The languagefalls, the Feng Zichenmindmoves, thatis located insmallgreat antiquity the humanesovereigncourtyardto vibrateloudly, rises straight from the groundunexpectedly, cracked-upsmallgreat antiquity the wall, dashes the seal that the easternsovereigntoosupposed, spans the endlessspace and time, toward the presentworld, the Feng Zichenbackflies.
轰隆隆!Somemoment, ten thousandli (0.5 km)voidshatter, endlesshumanitybloomedbrilliance, covered the brilliance of livelihood, caused the entiregreat antiquityworld, bathedunderhumanitydignity.
某一刻,万里虚空破碎,无尽的人道光辉绽放,掩盖了日月的光辉,使得整个洪荒天地,都沐浴在了人道的威严下。Butinthisendlessgodlight/only , a magnificentgreatcity, fromappearsslowlyvoid, in an instant, the incomparablepressuresweeps away the entiregreat antiquityworld, makingten thousandsubmit.
而就在这无尽的神光之中,一座辉煌的巨城,缓缓从虚空浮现,刹那间,无匹的威压横扫整个洪荒天地,使得万道都在臣服。Offers a sacrifice to the humaneemperorimperial seal, will put the center of humanesovereigncourtyard, Feng Zichenonesteptakes, entered the sovereigncourtyard, returnedthatto symbolizein the emperorplace of personsovereignpower.
祭起人道帝玺,将之放到人道皇庭的中枢,风紫宸一步迈出,进入了皇庭,重新回到了那象征着人皇权力的帝座上。„Chaosbig, gets up!”
“混沌大阵,起!”Slowlypours into ownsupernatural power the humanesovereigncourtyard, Feng Zichenstimulated to movementthatquietmanyyears of chaosbig.
缓缓的将自己的法力灌入人道皇庭之中,风紫宸催动了那沉寂多年的混沌大阵。Immediately, in the humanesovereigncourtyard, nineinnatespirit treasurerecoverslowly, blooms the earth-shakingstrength.
顿时,人道皇庭之中,九件先天灵宝缓缓复苏,绽放出惊天动地的力量。On behalf ofhumaneemperorimperial seal of oneYuanstrength( chaosbead), the twometerswords of strength of twometer, three of threestrengthattempt, the strength of fourshapefourlikeseal, the fivelines of links of fivelines of strength...... tensideDaojian of strength of tenside.
Before, thesenineinnatespirit treasure, strongestalsohigh-gradeinnatespirit treasure. Yet now, was bred the innumerableyearsbychaosbig, the transformation that thesenineinnatespirit treasureoccurrencehas been inconceivable, to shedturned intobest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure.
在以前,这九件先天灵宝,最强的也才不过上品先天灵宝。可如今,被混沌大阵孕育了无数年,这九件先天灵宝早已发生难以想象的蜕变,皆以蜕变成了极品先天灵宝。In other words, chaosbigat this moment, the mightfullyerupts, mightcompared withittofightingeasternsovereigntoo a time, far more thanpowerfulhundredtimes.
轰隆隆!Ninebigbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure, uniteinnate supreme treasure , has been vibrating, releaseincomparablestrength.
九大极品先天灵宝,合一件先天至宝在内,一直在震动着,释放出无匹的力量。Then, under the influence of strategy, changedgradually, the exuviateturned intotengiantfirstHeavenly Daocharts, was in turn overlapped.
然后,在阵法的影响下,渐渐发生变化,蜕变成了十张巨大的先天道图,依次重叠。OneYuantwometers, threefourlikely...... imperial palacetensides!
轰……Somemoment, tenmain roadchartperfectfusionsinone, turned into a giantbiggod of journeyschart, pulls openslowly.
The biggod of journeyschartreappears, thisalsosymbolizes,chaosbigformallystartsto revolve.
大道神图再现,这也标志着,混沌大阵正式开始运转。At this moment, afterendlessyears, chaosbiggreat antiquitythreebiginnatestrategies, appear in worldagain, wantsbyitspeerlessprestigeenergy, definitelyfivesaint.
刷……Inchaosbig, the endlessfirstdeitylightascends, changes to a markto past, resemblingto be able the becoming extinctmyriad thingsto be the same.
混沌大阵之中,无尽的先天神光升腾,化作道痕流转,似能绝灭万物一般。Meanwhile, firstin the deitylight, there is an emptyshadow of firstdeitydemonto reappear, inexhaustible, stands erectin the end of time, the whole bodyis filling the terrifyingpressure.
同时,先天神光之中,有先天神魔的虚影浮现,无穷无尽,屹立在时光的尽头,周身弥漫着恐怖的威压。„Fivefellow daoist, please!”
“五位道友,请!”Set upin the chaosbigcenter, Feng Zichensent out the invitationtofiveSaints.
立身于混沌大阵的中央,风紫宸向五圣发出了邀请。„Thiswasin the past, that can summon the strategy of Heavenly Daoincarnation?”Has not worried, fiveSaintsfirstsized upa while outside.
“这就是当年,那个能够召唤出天道化身的阵法吗?”并没有着急进去,五圣先是在外面打量了一会儿。Regardingchaosbig, incessantlyisfiveSaints, the peopleon the sceneare the memory are still deep. After all, cansummon the strategy of Heavenly Daoincarnation, entiregreat antiquity such a set.
对于混沌大阵,不止是五圣,在场众人都是记忆犹深。毕竟,能够召唤出天道化身的阵法,整个洪荒就这么一套。„Right, isthatstrategy, butcomparesbefore, the might of thisstrategy, was without doubt stronger. It seems like that cancelsChenfellow daoisttheseyears, has not been idling!”
“没错,就是那个阵法,不过相比较与之前,这个阵法的威力,无疑更强了。看来,勾陈道友这些年,也没有闲着啊!”At this time, raisedsaintto say after a sighcertainly.
这时,准提圣人感叹道。Chaosbigchange, strongcansummarizecan it be that simplyis the tremendous changes, does not step ontopersonally, feared that does not knowthismystery.
混沌大阵的变化,又岂是一个强所能概括的,简直就是翻天覆地的变化,不亲自走上一趟,怕是不知此阵的玄妙。„CancelsChenfellow daoist, invited!”
“勾陈道友,请了!”FiveSaintssized upchaosbiga while, thenenteredin the strategyhand in hand.
五圣打量了混沌大阵一会儿,便联袂走进了阵法之中。SeesfiveSaintsto enter, Feng Zichendoes not dareto hesitate, directly the chaosbigmight, urgedto send to the limit.
轰……Bigrevolves, the endlessinnatesay/wayfills the air, interweavesin the Feng Zichensurroundings, entanglementanddistortion, finallycompletefusioninone.
The nextquarter, seemssomesupremeexistence, arrivedpersonallygenerally, the worldyellow and black, the universegreat antiquity, issimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniformvibratesunexpectedly, sends out the thought of submitting.
An indifferentnobledignity, fills the airsuddenly, reverberatesin the world. Underthisdignity, is better thansaint, has tolow the arroganthead.
因为……Thisis the dignity of Heavenly Daoalone!
这是独属于天道的威严!Great antiquityversionchaosbighighestdeep meaning, summonHeavenly Daoincarnation.
洪荒版混沌大阵的最高奥义,召唤天道化身。Right, whenFeng Zichen the chaosbigmight, urgessends to the limit the time, the endlessfirstHeavenly Daomarkentanglement, changed to the Heavenly Daoincarnation.
没错,当风紫宸将混沌大阵的威力,催发至极限的时候,无尽的先天道纹纠缠,化作了天道化身。Bypresentchaosbigmight, Heavenly Daoincarnation that summons, before itsstrengthis not, initiallyenters the boundary of beginning of the universe, butis the boundary of beginning of the universeHeaven, arrivespowerfulinconceivable.
以如今混沌大阵的威力而言,所召唤出的天道化身,其实力绝非是之前初入混元的境界,而是混元九重天的境界,实力强大到不可思议。Butthis, has not ended!
但这,还没完!SeesFeng Zichenwithin the body, suddenlyran out ofthreefresh air, turned intoItsthreeincarnations.
就见风紫宸的体内,忽然冲出了三道清气,化成了祂的三道化身。Then, has not seenthatthreeincarnationsto havewhatmovement, suddenlystarts the entirecollapse, turned intoonegroup of fresh airrespectively.
A god of journeyslight flash, thatthreegroups of fresh airhave suddenly startedto split up, turned intothreeperson's shadowsrespectively, equalsnineperson's shadows, is just correspondingcompositionchaosbigninebigbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasure.
一道神光闪过,那三团清气突然开始分化,各自化成了三道人影,合计九道人影,刚好对应着组成混沌大阵的九大极品先天灵宝。Theseninepeople, are the Feng Zichenthreeincarnations, everyone is lending the powerfulaura, resembles the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, andnon-is the beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal.
The itself/Benis the incarnation, redifferentiationonetime, no doubtcanbe successful, but the strength, is actually not ableto maintainat the domain of beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortal, can only be close tothatboundaryinfinitely.
本就是化身,再分化一次,固然能够成功,但力量,却是无法维持在混元大罗金仙的领域了,只能无限的接近那个境界。Ninepeoplego forward, wieldsbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasurerespectively.
九人上前,各自执掌一件极品先天灵宝。Ninepeople of in additionholds, in an instant, the strength of Heavenly Daoincarnation, rises suddenlyagain, from the boundary of beginning of the universeHeaven, entered into the beginning of the universetendoubleday of boundariesunexpectedly, andpromotion of continuation.
得九人加持,刹那之间,天道化身的力量,再次暴涨,竟是从混元九重天的境界,迈入了混元十二重天的境界,且还在继续的提升。Whenitsstrengthincreaseended, the strength of Heavenly Daoincarnation, onlymisses the frontline, canenter intonotenormousgold/metalimmortal the boundary.
待其力量提升结束,天道化身的实力,仅差一线,便可迈入无极大罗金仙的境界。Yeah, ifFeng Zichencancollectninebeginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortals, orthatcompositionchaosbignineinnatespirit treasure, in abundance the transformationisinnate supreme treasure .
哎,若是风紫宸能够凑齐九尊混元大罗金仙,亦或者是将那组成混沌大阵的九件先天灵宝,纷纷蜕变为先天至宝。Thatat this moment, the strength of thisHeavenly Daoincarnation, canenter intonotenormousgold/metalimmortalabsolutely the boundary.
那此刻,这具天道化身的实力,绝对能迈入无极大罗金仙的境界。However, even the boundary of halfstepnotenormousgold/metalimmortal, stillenoughFeng Zichenuses. Does not striketo killsaint, butblocks the saintthreeyears, thisis not difficult.
不过,就算是半步无极大罗金仙的境界,也足够风紫宸用的了。又不是击杀圣人,只是挡住圣人三年,这并不困难。„Do fivefellow daoist, howfeel? Does my strategypossiblyenteryoureyes?”Controls the Heavenly Daoincarnation, Feng Zichenwas sayingtowardfiveSaints.
“五位道友,感觉如何?我这阵法可能入得你们的眼?”驾驭着天道化身,风紫宸朝五圣说道。Thiswarregardless of the victory and defeat, onlyby the time, has supported for threeyears, isFeng Zichenwins. Therefore, Feng Zichenbeginning, cannotdelaysome timeanxiously, issometime.
此战不论胜负,只论时间,撑过三年,就是风紫宸赢。故此,风紫宸也不急着动手,能拖延一段时间,就是一些时间。Right, Feng Zichensaida moment ago, cheats, It must winthiswar. Thisin other words, towin, Itdecidedto resort to all means.
对了,风紫宸刚才说了,就是作弊,祂也要赢得这一战。这也就是说,为了赢,祂决定不择手段了。Bywhenspokea moment ago, the Feng Zichenmethod, has startedto play the role.
是以,就在刚才说话的时候,风紫宸的手段,已经开始发挥作用了。As can be seen, with the Feng Zichenopens the mouth, the strength that a share of no onedetects, suddenlyfills the airfromItsbody, affectsinthisstrategyspace.
可以看到,随着风紫宸的开口,一股无人察觉的力量,忽然从祂的身上弥漫开来,作用到这处阵法空间之中。Then, suddenly the timespeed of flow of thisspace, startsslightly is not possibleto be checkedincreasesslowly. Thisincreasingprocess, is very slight, 0.0severaltimes of increase, are very that difficultcoming outmakespeoplefeel.
接着,这处空间的时间流速,忽然开始微不可查的慢慢增加起来。这个增加的过程,很细微,零点零几倍的增加,很难让人感觉的出来。Butit is unobservable, the timespeed of flow of herespaceis also speeding up, causesthisspace the time, becomes the place that compareschangesto be quick.
可它就是再难以察觉,此处空间的时间流速也在加快着,使得这处空间的时间,变得比变的地方快。Moreover, thisspeeding upspeed, inslowis increasing, just like the lukewarm waterboils the frogto be the same, influencing subtlyis playing the role.
而且,这个加快的速度,也在缓慢的增加着,犹如温水煮青蛙一般,潜移默化的发挥着作用。Ifsaintis unable to detect that thisaccident, thatthiswar, theylost.
若圣人一直无法察觉这个变故,那此战,祂们就输定了。After all, theythinkonlypassed for severalmonths, mayin the situation that the timeaccelerates, could not say that threeyearshave passed by.
毕竟,祂们以为只过去了几个月的时间,可在时光加速的情况下,说不得三年已经过去了。ps: The lyingtrough, so manypeoplewantto look atmeto cry.
你们这……Ok, for the monthly ticket, criedto cry.
......( Tears and snivelcrossflow)
......( Howls)
哇哇……(嚎啕大哭)Is unrulyto sway back and forthto ask the monthly ticket.
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