GDSP :: Volume #8

#797: Various sheaves return

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Such quickly?” hears word, saying of Feng Zichen surprise: I have not enjoyed oneself to the full, isn't saint this good?” “这么快?”闻言,风紫宸诧异的说道:“我还没尽兴,圣人这就不行了吗?” Has not responded Feng Zichen, receiving and instructing saint is only the big sleeve wields. Immediately, Feng Zichen felt that strength of the powerful repel transmits, expelled this side world It. 没有搭理风紫宸,接引圣人只是大袖一挥。顿时,风紫宸就感到一股强大的排斥之力传来,将祂赶出了这方世界。 The outside world, after receiving and instructing saint to see Feng Zichen comes out, some complexions ugly advanced the one side. 外界,接引圣人看到风紫宸出来之后,有些脸色难看的推到了一旁。 His plan is very good, may do, Feng Zichen does not play a card according to the repertoire completely, with It had not said the meaning of struggle, begins to cutt Its within the body world directly. 祂的计划很好,可奈何,风紫宸完全不按套路出牌,一点也没有和祂道争的意思,直接动手强拆祂的体内世界。 How could does this receive and instruct saint to want? 这接引圣人岂能愿意? Unavoidablily, It chose the surrender. 不得已,祂选择了投降。 Raises saint certainly, now remains your not to set the topic, does not know how saint does plan to test me?” “准提圣人,如今就剩你一人还未出题,不知圣人打算如何考我?” Turns head to look that to raises saint certainly, Feng Zichen asks. 扭头看向准提圣人,风紫宸问道。 In unlike Three Pure Ones, the West two are outstandingly skilled not powerful innate supreme treasure , they can be worth praising only, on that merit, with the magical powers of heresy. 三清不同,西方二圣手里并无强大的先天至宝,祂们唯一能值得称道的,也就那一身功德,与旁门左道的神通了。 But magical powers, exactly is the aspect that Feng Zichen is skilled. Therefore, It has not paid attention to the Western two Saints from the start. 而神通方面,恰恰就是风紫宸最为精通的方面。故此,祂压根就没将西方二圣放在眼里。 Resembling is detected that contemptuous of Feng Zichen, raised saint to press down the anger in heart certainly forcefully, said: This poor Daoist no talent, here has magical powers, but also asked the fellow daoist to break it.” 似是察觉到了风紫宸的轻蔑,准提圣人强行按下心中的怒火,说道:“贫道不才,这里有一门神通,还请道友破之。” hears word, Feng Zichen smiled. 闻言,风紫宸笑了。 Raises saint to be at the end of the rope certainly! 准提圣人技穷矣! Has a primordial chaos bell, Feng Zichen can definitely self-confident shouting, in the great antiquity world, not have the magical powers that It cannot break. 有鸿蒙道钟在,风紫宸完全可以自信的喊上一声,洪荒天地之中,就没有祂破不了的神通。 By the god pass tests he, really does not know that is this/should boasts raises saint to be proud certainly, should say that It is self-confident. 以神通考他,真不知是该夸准提圣人自负呢,还是该说祂自信。 Thinks, Feng Zichen asked: Raises saint really to want by the god pass tests certainly I?” 想了想,风紫宸问道:“准提圣人真欲以神通考我?” However!” Nods, raises saint affirmative returning to say certainly. “然也!”点了点头,准提圣人肯定的回道。 Haha!” Smiles, Feng Zichen extremely rampant saying: That saint this bureau, was loses.” “哈哈!”笑了笑,风紫宸极为嚣张的说道:“那圣人此局,算是输定了。” If by the strength, at big of great antiquity, the capable person are innumerable, I do not dare to say first. But only by magical powers together, I, if called second, who dares to call first?” “若论实力,以洪荒之大,能人无数,我不敢自称第一。但仅以神通一道,我若称第二,谁人敢称第一?” saint by god pass tests I, how non- wisdom?” 圣人以神通考我,何其不智也?” This saying to be not cracking a joke, Feng Zichen is the great antiquity at present known, only, sets up existence by the magical powers. 这话可不是在开玩笑的,风紫宸是洪荒目前已知的,唯一的一个,以神通立道的存在。 That swordsmanship magical powers, made It evolve the innate swordsmanship, thus it can be seen, the comprehension of Feng Zichen to magical powers, might be called the expert of this field of endeavor. 那剑道神通,生生让祂衍化成了先天剑道,由此可见,风紫宸对神通的领悟,堪称此道之大拿。 Fellow Daoist magical powers, although is strong, but actually does not know that this poor Daoist West ** fierce, happen to makes the fellow daoist experience now, is good to know the truth of one should always strive for better.” “道友神通虽强,但却不知贫道西方**的厉害,如今正好让道友见识一下,好知道天外有天的道理。” Regarding own magical powers, raises saint is very as if self-confident certainly, that attitude, is simply more rampant than Feng Zichen, must teach It to cultivate the behavior. 对于自己的神通,准提圣人似乎很是自信,那态度,简直比风紫宸还要嚣张,要教祂做人。 What It said was happy, actually people on the scene, besides receiving and instructing saint, all offended. 只是,祂说的是痛快了,却把在场众人,除接引圣人之外,全都得罪了一个遍。 Feng Zichen of magical powers, is the Eastern people are recognized, is Three Pure Ones, does not dare to say oneself can on exceed Feng Zichen in the magical powers together. 风紫宸的神通之强,是东方众人公认的,就是三清,也没敢说自己能在神通一道上胜过风紫宸 May raise saint actually to dare to say certainly, spoke frankly West ** fierce, has not paid attention to Feng Zichen slightly. Looks at Its such, which was also saying Feng Zichen isn't good? Was clearly saying that the East is not good. 可准提圣人却敢说,直言西方**厉害,丝毫没将风紫宸放在眼里。看祂那样子,又哪是在说风紫宸不行啊?分明是在说东方不行。 The Eastern magical powers are inferior to Its West **. 东方的神通不如祂西方的**。 Proposes saint a few words certainly, was offends up Eastern big magical powers. Also is the present situation is not right, otherwise, the people will definitely go forward one by one, asks for advice west in his mouth **. 准提圣人一句话,算是把东方的大神通者都得罪光了。也就是如今的形势不对,否则的话,众人肯定会挨个上前,来领教一下祂口中的西方**。 However is this, after this matter, raises the saint situation to fear how certainly not to feel better. Narrow-minded Eastern big magical powers, because of these words, will come to ask for advice 12 to It inevitably. 不过就是这样,待此事过后,准提圣人的情况怕是不会怎么好过。小心眼的东方大神通者们,势必会因为这句话,来向祂讨教一二。 ...... …… ............ ………… saint is really self-confident.” 圣人真是自信。” That invited saint show/unfolds magical powers, making the purple house experience, the west in legend **.” “那就请圣人一展神通,让紫宸见识一下,传说之中的西方**。” Seeing raises saint more rampant than It certainly, Feng Zichen at heart, is not feeling well, therefore, It decided that regardless of raises saint then to display what magical powers certainly, It will break it at the maximum speed. 见准提圣人比祂还嚣张,风紫宸的心里,也不由不爽起来,故此,祂决定,无论准提圣人接下来施展何种神通,祂都会以最快的速度破之。 Self-confident raises saint certainly, has not realized Its a few words, all offended the people on the scene. At this moment, It is displaying oneself magical powers in high spirits, is good to ask the people to realize the West ** mystery. 自信的准提圣人,根本就没意识到祂一句话,就把在场众人全都得罪了。此刻,祂正兴冲冲的施展自己的神通,好叫众人认识到西方**的玄妙。 3000 bodhi, trillion world, open!” “三千菩提,亿万世界,启!” Raises saint to shout one certainly, suddenly turned into the original form, that is a sun-blocking giant ficus religiosa, its appearance, seems Tienchu to be the same, towers in the world. 准提圣人大喊一声,忽然化成了原形,那是一颗遮天蔽日的巨大菩提树,其一出现,就好似天柱一般,耸立在天地之间。 But with falling of Its words, on that giant ficus religiosa, had 3000 innate bodhi suddenly. 而随着祂话语的落下,那巨大的菩提树上,忽然结出了三千枚先天菩提子。 Meanwhile, on the twig of this innate ficus religiosa, there is the light of wisdom to emerge, radiant, was ordinary just like Sun, illuminated all around. 同时,这颗先天菩提树的枝杈上,有智慧之光涌现,璀璨至极,宛如太阳一般,照亮了周遭的一切。 The innate ficus religiosa, names the tree of wisdom, this is receives the say/way of wisdom the fresh first deity tree, if traces its source, can trace wisdom of demon god that vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered chaos ten big chaos demon gods. 先天菩提树,又名智慧之树,这是秉承智慧之道而生的先天神树,若追溯其源头,可以追溯到那纵横混沌的十大混沌魔神之智慧魔神。 This tree, is the remnant body of intelligent demon god, falls into the great antiquity land, say/way fusion with the wisdom, the innate spirit root that is just now born. 此树,便是智慧魔神的残躯,落入洪荒大地,与智慧之道融合,方才诞生的先天灵根。 Under the illumination of light of wisdom, with 3000 bodhi, gradually turned into 3000 world, at the same time, under the sweep of light of wisdom, on the trunk and branches of that innate ficus religiosa, appeared the dim light groups. 在智慧之光的照射下,拿三千颗菩提子,逐渐化成了三千个世界,同一时间,在智慧之光的笼罩下,那先天菩提树的枝干上,浮现了一个又一个朦胧的光团。 Examines carefully, will discover, these light/only roll impressively are microcosms, has trillion. 细细看去,就会发现,那些光团赫然便是一个又一个小世界,足足有着亿万之多。 Cancels Chen fellow daoist, how do you feel this poor Daoist magical powers?” When these world derive, raises saint to say toward Feng Zichen certainly suddenly. “勾陈道友,你觉得贫道这门神通如何?”待那些世界衍生完毕,准提圣人忽然朝风紫宸说道。 High and low sized up this magical powers one, Feng Zichen also has to propose the saint wisdom for the standard, but felt the exclamation. 上下打量了这门神通一眼,风紫宸也不得不为准提圣人的智慧,而感到惊叹。 The might of this magical powers, truly Ok. 这门神通的威力,确实可以。 Once this magical powers, the intelligence will then be divided the innumerable shares, in the middle of investment these world, the unceasing samsara, whets and slaughters respectively, till thorough loses self-. 一旦中了这门神通,神智便会被分割成无数份,分别投入这些世界当中,不断的轮回、磨砺、厮杀,直到彻底的迷失自我为止。 Feng Zichen calculation silently, by the might of this magical powers, is big magical powers falls into incautiously, is difficult the fate that escapes to fall from the sky. 风紫宸默默的算了算,以此神通的威力而言,就是大神通者一不小心落入其中,也难逃陨落的下场。 If trades to make saint, without strength of use Heavenly Dao, falls into suddenly, results in the vitality to damage severely, can work loose. 要是换做圣人的话,在不动用天道之力的情况下,骤然落入其中,也得元气大伤,方能挣脱而出。 However, this magical powers, turn over to strongly, but has a fatal weakness. That is, It is not easy to hit the person. 不过,此神通,强归强,但却有一个致命的弱点。那就是,祂不好打中人。 Proposes the time of saint this magical powers preparation is so long certainly, everyone is also not a fool, how can make It hit? 准提圣人这门神通准备的时间这么久,大家也都不是傻子,如何能会让祂打中? Moreover, even if raises saint to achieve the instantaneous this magical powers certainly, that is also useful, pulls outside the body the spirit wisdom of person, and tears, then can it be that easy matter? 而且,就算准提圣人能够做到瞬发这门神通,那又有什么用,将人的灵智扯出体外、并撕裂,岂是那么容易的事? Without seeing, Feng Zichen, when appraises this magical powers, set a precondition, that is incautiously. 没看到,风紫宸在评价这门神通的时候,都设了一个前提,那就是一不小心。 Only has without careful condition , the people will just now be hit by this magical powers, normally, everyone strictly adheres to the mind, how to be raised saint to shake the spirit wisdom certainly? 唯有在不小心的状态下,众人方才会被这道神通打中,正常情况下,大家谨守心神,岂会被准提圣人撼动灵智? Cannot shake the spirit wisdom, this magical powers even were also waste. 撼动不了灵智,这门神通也就算是废了。 Un! 嗯! Has saying that proposes the magical powers that saint displays certainly, decides very high, the idea is very good, the potential is also very big, but now, this magical powers are imperfect, wants to exceed Feng Zichen by this, is actually not good. 不得不说,准提圣人施展的这门神通,立意很高,想法很好,潜力也很大,但如今,这门神通并不完美,想要以此胜过风紫宸,却是不行。 Waits for it really to become the complete time, perhaps has to challenge the qualifications of Feng Zichen. Now, is actually not good. 等其真成圆满的时候,或许有挑战风紫宸的资格。如今,却是不行。 ...... …… Shakes the head, Feng Zichen praised: saint the magical powers are truly mysterious, the might also makes one look askance sufficiently, but it is imperfect, saint wins me by this, really somewhat pulled rank.” 摇了摇头,风紫宸赞道:“圣人的这门神通确实玄妙,威力也足以让人侧目,但它并不完善,圣人相以此胜我,委实有些托大了。” hears word, raised saint to smile certainly, said: Haha, cancels Chen fellow daoist really good eye, this poor Daoist magical powers truly cannot improve, wants to cope with the magical powers to set up you by this, the might is insufficient.” 闻言,准提圣人笑了,道:“哈哈,勾陈道友果然好眼力,贫道这神通确实没能完善,想要以此对付神通立道的你,威力远远不足。” Therefore, this poor Daoist appears the main body specially, holds this magical powers by main body in addition.” “故而,贫道特意现出本体,以本体加持这门神通。” Even it not perfect, may hold in this poor Daoist main body in addition, that this magical powers can perform, but must exceed it improves the time.” “就算它不曾完美,可在贫道本体的加持下,这门神通所能发挥出的力量,还要胜过它完善的时候。” During the speeches, raises the saint main body certainly, that innate ficus religiosa, blossoms in radiant splendor suddenly, emerges the incomparable strength, in addition holds in the middle of these world, made them concentrate really several points. 说话间,准提圣人的本体,那先天菩提树,忽而大放光明,涌现出无匹的力量,加持在那些世界当中,生生使得它们更为凝实了几分。 Sees this, smiling of Feng Zichen disdains. 见此,风紫宸不屑的笑了笑。 It is not good is not good, even if obtains saint main body in addition to hold , is the same. Regarding this incomplete magical powers, Feng Zichen has too many means to decode. 不行就是不行,哪怕得到圣人本体的加持,也是一样。对于这种残缺的神通,风紫宸有着太多的办法破解了。 However, It had previously said that must break with the quickest speed proposes the saint magical powers certainly. 不过,祂先前已经说了,要用最快的速度破掉准提圣人的神通。 Therefore, It will use the most direct method, breaks proposes the saint magical powers certainly, destroys Its self-confidence while convenient. 所以,祂将采用最直接的方法,破掉准提圣人的神通,顺便摧毁祂的自信心。 For those raising saint to hit to bow certainly, Feng Zichen said: Raises saint certainly, here also has magical powers, with your magical powers exceptionally similar, in view of this, I then by this magical powers, broke your magical powers.” 对着准提圣人打了个稽首,风紫宸说道:“准提圣人,我这里也有一门神通,与你这神通异常的类似,既如此,那我便以此神通,来破了你的神通。” During the speeches, Feng Zichen both hands tie seal, does to hug campanulate, instantaneously, the void inexplicable vibration, endless mysterious rune/symbol writing appears, is driving the strength of being the samsara, gathers in both hands of Feng Zichen. 说话间,风紫宸双手结印,做抱钟状,瞬间,虚空莫名震动,无尽神秘的符文浮现而出,带动着属于轮回的力量,在风紫宸的双手间汇聚。 saint, and favored, my such magical powers, are observe six samsara to create, the named various sheaves return!” 圣人,且看好了,我这么神通,乃是观六道轮回而创,名为诸天轮回!” The language falls, the magical powers leave. Sees Feng Zichen both hands to push fiercely forward, that endless rune/symbol writing, changes to a dim say/way bell, toward raises the innate ficus religiosa that saint changes to hit certainly. 语落,神通出。就见风紫宸双手猛地向前一推,那无尽的符文,化作一口朦胧道钟,向着准提圣人化作的先天菩提树撞去。 Feng Zichen comprehends the strength of endless years samsara, has obtained. This magical powers named various Tianlunhui, is It comprehends the harvest of strength of samsara. 风紫宸参悟轮回之力无尽岁月,并非没有所得。这门名叫诸天轮回的神通,就是祂参悟轮回之力的收获。 It say/way all comprehensions to samsara, integrated in this magical powers. 祂将自己对轮回之道的所有领悟,都融入了这门神通之中。 What is the samsara? 何为轮回? The reincarnation rebirth is a samsara! 转世重生是轮回! The life and death vanishes is a samsara! 生死幻灭是轮回! The universe lives to extinguish, is the samsara. 宇宙生灭,亦是轮回。 Behavior various sheaves return, is in an instant, lives to extinguish various Tianwan. 所为诸天轮回,便是一念之间,生灭诸天万界。 Naturally, this is various sheaves in peak condition returns, if Feng Zichen receives the strength, may achieve to live to extinguish one person, making it fall into the samsara, is reborn in paradise unceasingly, until loses thoroughly. 当然,这是巅峰状态的诸天轮回,若是风紫宸收力,亦可做到生灭一人,使其陷入轮回之中,不断往生,直至彻底迷失自我。 Proposes saint this magical powers to achieve certainly, various sheaves return can achieve, and can do well. 准提圣人这门神通能做到的,诸天轮回都能做到,且能做得更好。 Various sheaves return do not shake others' spirit wisdom, but by the strength of samsara, tears others' spirit wisdom forcefully, making it turn into the innumerable shares, infiltrates in the samsara, slowly loses. 诸天轮回不是撼动别人的灵智,而是以轮回之力,强行撕裂别人的灵智,使其化成无数个份,打入轮回之中,慢慢迷失自我。 Moreover, various sheaves return to the so-called samsara, is not the samsara in illusory, but is true various Tianwan that oneself open. 而且,诸天轮回所谓的轮回,不是轮回在自己开辟的虚幻之界,而是真正的诸天万界。 At ten thousand big, wears down a person of spirit wisdom, is the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, is difficult the fate that escapes to perish. 以万界之大,来消磨一人之灵智,便是混元大罗金仙,也难逃沉沦的下场。 Then, you who are reading the novel, is the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal that in some various sheaves returned , a wisp in that innumerable say/way spirit wisdom, in ten thousand is reincarnated, losing slowly. 说不得,正在看小说的你,就是某位中了诸天轮回的混元大罗金仙,那无数道灵智中的一缕,正在万界之中转世,慢慢的迷失自我。 ...... …… Various sheaves return compared with it propose the saint magical powers certainly, overbearing, one such as Feng Zichen character. 诸天轮回比之准提圣人的神通,更为的霸道,一如风紫宸的性格。 At this moment, various sheaves return to the shown prestige energy, is not tearing proposes the saint spirit wisdom certainly, but is in an instant, lives to extinguish various Tianwan. 此刻,诸天轮回所展现的威能,并非是撕裂准提圣人的灵智,而是一念之间,生灭诸天万界。 Proposes saint this magical powers certainly, takes advantage, nothing but is that trillion world. 准提圣人这门神通,所依仗的,无非就是那亿万个世界罢了。 Feng Zichen returns dead out completely these world with various sheaves, that proposes saint the magical powers certainly, naturally was broken. 风紫宸以诸天轮回将这些世界全部寂灭掉,那准提圣人的这门神通,自然而然的就被破掉了。 Bang! 轰! The bell raids, when will soon be close to the innate ficus religiosa, explodes loudly, changes to the strength of limitless samsara, submerges the innate ficus religiosa. 道钟袭来,在即将接近先天菩提树的时候,轰然爆开,化作无边无际的轮回之力,将先天菩提树淹没。 By the strength of influence samsara, the derivation speeds of these world were picked up suddenly, quick, moved toward the mature period from the newborn time, then rapid enters the feeble time. 受轮回之力影响,那些世界的衍生速度忽然加快,很快的,就从初生期走向了成熟期,接着飞速的步入衰弱期。 Finally, the air/Qi arrives finally, all ends. Sees on the innate ficus religiosa, the world trend deterioration one after another, lends the decayed aura, then destroys. 最后,终焉之气降临,将一切终结。就见先天菩提树上,一座接一座的世界走向衰败,散发出腐朽的气息,然后毁灭。 Originally, under the influence of strength of samsara, after world destruction, should again new student/life, so, can be a complete samsara. 本来,在轮回之力的影响下,世界毁灭之后应该再次新生,如此,方能算是一个完整的轮回。 But after these world all destroy, the strength of samsara suddenly vanishes. 可当这些世界全都毁灭之后,轮回之力忽然消失了。 Without the leadership of strength of samsara, after these was shattered the world is not gathering, but turns into the decayed strength, spreads toward periphery. 没了轮回之力的主导,那些破碎后的世界不在汇聚,而是化成腐朽的力量,向着周围扩散。 Affected by this, raises the saint main body certainly, on the trunk and branches of innate ficus religiosa, had the decayed sign gradually. 受此影响,准提圣人的本体,先天菩提树的枝干上,渐渐出现了腐朽的迹象。 Sees this, raised saint to receive the magical powers certainly hastily, changed to a body, somewhat awkward said toward Feng Zichen: This game was this poor Daoist loses.” 见此,准提圣人连忙收了神通,重新化作道体,有些尴尬的朝风紫宸说道:“此局是贫道输了。” Previously raised saint certainly rampantly, now It awkward. So-called west ** good, was broken it one move unexpectedly. This signboard of West, was pounds in Its hand. 先前准提圣人有多嚣张,如今祂就有多尴尬。所谓的西方**好,竟然是被人一招破之。这西方的招牌,算是砸在了祂的手里。 Hehe, this is the West **?” “呵呵,这就是西方**?” Really out of the ordinary.” Looks is raising saint certainly, saying of Feng Zichen faint smile. “果然非比寻常。”望着准提圣人,风紫宸似笑非笑的说道。 „!” Coughs lightly twice, raises saint to carry the face certainly, no longer spoke. “咳咳!”轻咳两次,准提圣人背过脸去,不再说话。 At this time, received and instructed saint to walk, changed the topic, said: These five games, all were cancel Chen fellow daoist to win. The fellow daoist and this poor Daoist five people of causes and effects, were settle.” 这时,接引圣人走了出来,岔开话题,说道:“这五局,皆是勾陈道友赢了。那道友与贫道五人的因果,便算是了结了。” In view of this, how then did the fellow daoist plan to finish this poor Daoist five people of among causes and effects with fellow daoist?” “既如此,接下来道友打算如何了却贫道五人与道友之间的因果?” Received and instructed a saint this words saying, actually every day/sees the sky vibrated loudly, the tribulation air/Qi and malignant influences of that everywhere, vanished unexpectedly all of a sudden half. 接引圣人此话一说,却见天地轰然震动,那漫天的劫气、煞气,竟是一下子消失了一半。 Un, among six people, the causes and effects half, had plundered the air/Qi naturally also to extinguish half. 嗯,六人之间,因果已经了了一半,劫气自然也随之消弭了一半。 That remaining half, wait for Feng Zichen to settle the causes and effects with five Saints, so, this affects range very broad to seal/confer God to measure the tribulation, even finished. 那剩下的一半,就等着风紫宸与五圣了结因果,如此,这场波及范围很广的封神量劫,就算是结束了。 .................................... ……………………………… How to settle the causes and effects, pours also simply!” “如何了结因果,倒也简单!” Thinks, Feng Zichen said: Since five fellow daoist set the topic to test me, I also follow a model, set the topic to test next five fellow daoist.” 想了想,风紫宸说道:“既然五位道友出题考我,那我也就照葫芦画瓢,出题考一下五位道友。” Then, I will arrange a strategy in this place, please five fellow daoist make a move to break it.” “接下来,我会在此地摆下一个阵法,请五位道友出手破之。” But, I only have one person, but fellow daoist actually five people, time that therefore, this breaks through the formation, cannot be hundred years, but is three years.” “不过,我只有一人,而道友们却有五人,故此,这破阵的时间,不能是百年,而是三年。” „, How does fellow daoist feel?” “如此,诸位道友觉得如何?”
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