GDSP :: Volume #8

#796: Receiving and instructing: Without the most precious object, but I have the main body

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Had not replied that the issue of exceedingly high founder, Feng Zichen continues to ask: „In the world, once four innate magic lamps, can the founder once listen?” 没有回答通天教主的问题,风紫宸继续问道:“天地间,曾有四座先天神灯,教主可曾听过?” This exceedingly high founder has not recalled actually, blurted out directly: 这次通天教主倒是没有回忆,直接脱口而出道: These four innate magic lamp this poor Daoist have seen, respectively is my big brother’s eight scenery palace lanterns, Second Brother's jade empty colored glaze lamp, as well as too green light two meter lamps of fellow daoist, with burning the coffin palace lantern of lamp fellow daoist.” “这四盏先天神灯贫道见过,分别是我大哥的八景宫灯,二哥的玉虚琉璃灯,以及太一道友的翠光两仪灯,与燃灯道友的灵柩宫灯。” Nods, Feng Zichen asked: These innate magic lamps, where can they come?” 点了点头,风紫宸问道:“这些先天神灯,祂们从哪里得来的?” Then, the exceedingly high founder was silent, crossed for a long time, just now replied: Can come up from the minute/share Baoyan.” 这下,通天教主沉默了,过了许久,方才答道:“是从分宝岩上得来的。” „Does the founder have in the minute/share Baoyan, sees two meter Eight Trigrams (gossip) stages?” Feng Zichen also asked. “那教主有没有在分宝岩上,看到一座两仪八卦台?”风紫宸又问道。 Recollection a while, the exceedingly high founder was even more silent. 回忆一会儿,通天教主愈发的沉默了。 Has!” “有!” After saying this character, the exceedingly high founder seemed is drained the strength to be common, suddenly became weak. 说出这个字后,通天教主就好似被抽干了力气一般,突然变得虚弱起来。 Feng Zichen has said was so obvious, how could It cannot guess correctly, these innate spirit treasure that said a moment ago, should be belongs to execute immortal sword, true execution immortal sword. 风紫宸都已经说的如此明显了,祂岂能猜不出,刚才所言的那些先天灵宝,应该都是属于诛仙剑阵的,真正的诛仙剑阵。 The innate spirit treasure substitution that will say a moment ago executes in immortal sword, the exceedingly high founder tried to fantasize in the mind a that picture, found immediately, that true execution immortal sword. 将刚才所言的先天灵宝代入诛仙剑阵之中,通天教主试着在脑海中幻想了一下那副画面,顿时发现,那才是真正的诛仙剑阵。 Present executes immortal sword, in comparison, simply the fart is not. 眼前的这个诛仙剑阵,与之相比,简直连屁都不是。 The exceedingly high founder's response, has not come as a surprise to Feng Zichen. In Yin-Yang old ancestor's memory, true execution immortal sword, such powerful. 通天教主的反应,并没有出乎风紫宸的预料。在阴阳老祖的记忆之中,真正的诛仙剑阵,就是这么的强大。 Besides executing immortal four swords with executing an immortal chart, composes its also has four big fontanels, four big circuit intendant and four big spirit lamps, as well as two meter Eight Trigrams (gossip) stages, 13 best quality goods innate spirit treasure. 除了诛仙四剑与诛仙阵图之外,组成它的还有四大天门、四大道台、四大灵灯、以及一座两仪八卦台,十三件极品先天灵宝 In other words, one set of complete execution immortal sword arranges, needs enough 18 best quality goods innate spirit treasure. 也就是说,一套完整的诛仙剑阵布置下来,需要足足十八件极品先天灵宝 Execution immortal sword that also demon ancestor Luo Hou arranged no wonder initially so will be strong, so many best quality goods innate spirit treasure put together, can the might not be strong? 也难怪当初魔祖罗睺摆下的诛仙剑阵会那么强了,这么多的极品先天灵宝加在一起,威力能不强吗? Execution immortal sword of exceedingly high founder, the might in comparison, lacked 15 best quality goods innate spirit treasure, that might, naturally is the day leaves badly. 通天教主的诛仙剑阵,威力与其相比,足足缺少了十五件极品先天灵宝,那威力,自然是天差地别。 „, The teacher harms me!” “啊,师尊误我啊!” Silent for a long time, the exceedingly high founder just now sighed. 沉默许久,通天教主方才叹道。 Executing immortal sword is the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor breaks, It does not know that true execution immortal sword is what appearance? And, these compositions execute immortal sword best quality goods innate spirit treasure, divides from Its hand. 诛仙剑阵就是鸿钧道祖破的,祂如何不知道真正的诛仙剑阵是何模样?且,那些组成诛仙剑阵的极品先天灵宝,也是从祂手中分出去的。 That meaning, is very obvious, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor does not want to let a true execution immortal sword present world, after all, that might was really fearful. 那意思,已经很显然了,鸿钧道祖并不想让真正的诛仙剑阵现世,毕竟,那威力委实可怕了一些。 The composition executes immortal sword 15 innate spirit treasure, was bestowed the people by the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor respectively. 组成诛仙剑阵的十五件先天灵宝,被鸿钧道祖分别赐给了众人。 This indicated anything, explained that which day of exceedingly high founder was knows the truth, was impossible to retrieve these best quality goods innate spirit treasure, composed true execution immortal sword. 这说明什么,说明就是哪一天通天教主知道真相,也不可能寻回这些极品先天灵宝,组成真正的诛仙剑阵。 This road, had been broken by the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor. 这条路,已经被鸿钧道祖断了。 However, this did not mean, after the exceedingly high founder knows the truth, completely does not have a use. 不过,这也并不是说,通天教主知道真相后,就全然没有一点用处。 At least, knows after executing an immortal sword appearance truly, It can definitely illuminate its appearance, revises own execution immortal sword. 最起码,知道了真正诛仙剑阵的模样后,祂完全可以照着其模样,修改自己的诛仙剑阵。 Innate spirit treasure is difficult to ask, but It can definitely replace with the day after tomorrow most precious object. In this case, was inferior that original execution immortal sword, that can also be many might promotion of oneself strategy. 先天灵宝难求,但祂完全可以用后天至宝来代替。这样的话,就是不如原版的诛仙剑阵,那也能将自己阵法的威力提升不少。 Moreover, these best quality goods innate spirit treasure, not necessarily all cannot do. On for example four big fontanels of Celestial Court, the exceedingly high founder plans 12 attentively, does is not difficult it. 而且,这些极品先天灵宝,也不一定全都搞不到手。就比如天庭的四大天门,通天教主用心谋划一二,将其搞到手并不难。 As for other, such as four circuit intendant, two meter Eight Trigrams (gossip) stages, that exceedingly high founder really had no way to do likely. 至于其它的,如四象道台、两仪八卦台等,那通天教主就真的没法搞到手了。 However, the innate four big spirit lamps, It can also plan 12 actually. 不过,先天四大灵灯,祂倒是也可以谋划一二。 ...... …… ............ ………… Exceedingly high founder is thinking like this, while thanked toward Feng Zichen: Many thanks the fellow daoist reminded, making this poor Daoist understand what for true execution immortal sword.” 通天教主一边这样想着,一边朝风紫宸谢道:“多谢道友提醒,让贫道明了何为真正的诛仙剑阵。” This game, was the fellow daoist wins!” “这一局,是道友赢了!” Saying, the exceedingly high founder is lifting the hand suddenly, made four sword seal, flies toward the purple house sword. 说着,通天教主忽然一抬手,打出了四枚剑印,向着紫宸剑飞去。 That executes sword seal of immortal four swords, to purple house swords and ten thousand Jiantu, exceptionally important. 那是诛仙四剑的剑印,对紫宸剑与万剑图来说,异常的重要。 If collection enough many sword seal, that Feng Zichen can these two best quality goods innate spirit treasure fusions, making it transform into the swordsmanship most precious object together, the innate supreme treasure purple house sword, suppresses the swordsmanship destiny. 若是集齐足够多的剑印,那风紫宸就能将这两件极品先天灵宝融合,使其蜕变为剑道至宝,先天至宝紫宸剑,镇压剑道气运。 Apologized to the founder.” “谢过教主。” Accepts sword seal, Feng Zichen thanks say/way. 收下剑印,风紫宸谢道。 No, is this poor Daoist apologizes to the fellow daoist to be right. If not the fellow daoist reminded, in the future this poor Daoist surely because of executing immortal sword eats to owe greatly may not.” “非也,是贫道谢过道友才对。若非道友提醒,日后贫道定会因诛仙剑阵吃上大亏不可。” Moreover, was reminded by the fellow daoist, this poor Daoist also found executed immortal sword means strong. These, this poor Daoist must owe the fellow daoist a big favor is.” “而且,经得道友提醒,贫道也找到了壮大诛仙剑阵的办法。这些算起来,贫道还要欠上道友一个大人情才是。” In the future fellow daoist, if has asked that this poor Daoist will categorically not reject.” “日后道友若有所求,贫道断然不会拒绝。” After this matter, the exceedingly high founder owed a Feng Zichen big favor, before this favor has not ended, It feared that was not good to act. 此事过后,通天教主算是欠了风紫宸一个大人情,在这个人情没有还完之前,祂怕是不好向其出手了。 Said, says.” Nods, Feng Zichen recognized this favor. “好说,好说。”点了点头,风紫宸认下了这个人情。 This is Its goal is, if not to obtain the favor of exceedingly high founder, It what does want to say these with the exceedingly high founder? Let It continue to be a muddled ghost is not good? 这正是祂的目的所在,若非为了获得通天教主的人情,祂焉何要与通天教主说这些?让祂继续做个糊涂鬼不好吗? Moreover, you think that does consider as finished this favor to here? 而且,你以为这人情到这里就算完了吗? Not, when the exceedingly high founder decides to restore to execute since immortal sword that moment, It owes the Feng Zichen favor, will be getting bigger and bigger. 不不不,当通天教主决定修复诛仙剑阵的那一刻起,祂欠风紫宸的人情,就会越来越大。 Because, in this world, only then Feng Zichen can help the exceedingly high founder restore to execute immortal sword. 因为,这个世上,只有风紫宸能够帮助通天教主修复诛仙剑阵。 Why said? 为何这么说? That is because, four likely circuit intendant in the hand of Feng Zichen. Said accurately, is the wreckage of four shape circuit intendant in his hands. 那是因为,四象道台在风紫宸的手里。准确的说,是四象道台的残骸在祂的手里。 After execution immortal sword of discovery exceedingly high founder has the issue, Feng Zichen sent out profound clear and Leize two big clone, sought for these compositions to execute the immortal sword best quality goods innate spirit treasure whereabouts in secret. 在发现通天教主的诛仙剑阵有问题之后,风紫宸就派出玄清、雷泽两大分身,暗中寻找那些组成诛仙剑阵的极品先天灵宝的下落。 Then, It discovered, that four innate four likely stage, already, as his master, moved toward the destruction together. 然后,祂就发现,那四座先天四象台,早就随着其主人,一同走向毁灭了。 Said the ancestor to work, was such tasteful, since decided did not make the full page execution immortal sword reappear world, It destroyed several best quality goods innate spirit treasure simply. Then, from may have no more worries. 道祖做事,就是这么讲究,既然决定了不让完整版的诛仙剑阵再现世间,祂干脆毁了其中的几件极品先天灵宝。如此一来,自可高枕无忧。 Under planning of great wild goose honored say/way ancestor, that four innate four shape circuit intendant, fell into four relational inharmonious first deity demon hands respectively. 在鸿钧道祖的算计下,那四座先天四象道台,分别落入了四个关系不睦的先天神魔手中。 Related not the good four people, to capture innate circuit intendant in other three people of hands, is good to compose innate four shape circuit intendant who end the full page, each other plan mutually, struggle unceasingly. 本就关系不好的四人,为了夺取其余三人手中的先天道台,好组成一件完整版的先天四象道台,彼此相互算计,明争暗斗不断。 Finally, after four people of battle innumerable years, erupted a decisive battle on one day, perishes together one after another, one and moved toward the destruction. That four innate circuit intendant, is therefore was destroyed. 最终,四人争斗无数岁月之后,在某一日爆发了一场大决战,相继同归于尽,一并走向了毁灭。那四座先天道台,也是因此被毁。 Leize found four people of falling from the sky places, received these innate spirit treasure wreckage, handed over by Feng Zichen in secret. 雷泽找到四人陨落的地方,收起了这些先天灵宝的残骸,暗中交由了风紫宸 But Feng Zichen, plans to find a time, restores four innate circuit intendant secretly, is good and exceedingly high founder makes the transaction. 风紫宸呢,打算找个时间,偷偷修复四座先天道台,然后好与通天教主做交易。 Do not look at Feng Zichen now and relations of Three Pure Ones, is not good, both sides wish one could the opposite party dead. But if can have the opportunity to cooperate with them, that Feng Zichen will not reject. 别看风紫宸现在和三清的关系,非常不好,双方都恨不得对方去死。但如果能有机会与祂们合作,那风紫宸也是不会拒绝的。 Three Pure Ones does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, is uses Feng Zichen the energy, is unable to cut to kill three people. This point, was only doomed between Feng Zichen and Three Pure Ones, not possible continuously is hostile. 三清不死不灭,就是倾尽风紫宸所能,也无法将三人斩杀。仅此一点,就注定了风紫宸三清之间,不可能一直的敌视下去。 In the face of the benefit, between It and Three Pure Ones, no hatred of being able to melt, the difference is only the size of benefit. 在利益面前,祂与三清之间,根本没有什么化不开的仇恨,区别只是利益的大小而已。 .............................. ………………………… After admitting defeat, the exceedingly high founder received to execute immortal sword very much simply. The blood light retreats, front that two people reappeared the people. 认输之后,通天教主很干脆的收起了诛仙剑阵。血光退去,二人重新出现了众人的面前。 Result that this fights, after executing an immortal sword might suppressed is only left over 70%, has been doomed, the exceedingly high founder must defeat. 这一战的结果,在诛仙剑阵的威力被压制的仅剩下70%之后,就已经注定,通天教主必败。 Therefore, the people win this matter to Feng Zichen, and has nothing shocking. If such Feng Zichen can lose, the people feared that will suspect, present Feng Zichen is a false. 故而,众人对风紫宸获胜这件事,并没什么好震惊的。要是这样风紫宸都能输,那众人怕是会怀疑,眼前的风紫宸是个假的。 As for the Feng Zichen three big incarnations, after breaking through the formation, was received by It. 至于风紫宸的三大化身,在破阵之后,就被祂收了起来。 Opportunity that now they have not entered the stage, that later, is one's turn the Feng Zichen round, is they blossoms in radiant splendor. 现在没有祂们出场的机会,那待会,轮到风紫宸的回合,就是祂们大放异彩的时候了。 ...... …… Two fellow daoist, does anyone of you first start?” Turns head to look to the Western two Saints, Feng Zichen asks. “二位道友,你们谁先开始?”扭头看向西方二圣,风紫宸问道。 These two people do not have innate supreme treasure in the hand, if sets the topic, certainly not from the spirit treasure aspect. 这二人没有先天至宝在手,若是出题,绝不会从灵宝方面着手。 Because, the 12 grade merit golden lotus, or is the Eastern azure Baolian flag, cannot surround Feng Zichen. 因为,无论是十二品功德金莲,亦或者是东方青色宝莲旗,都困不住风紫宸 If two people dare these two best quality goods innate merit spirit treasure to surround Feng Zichen, even if only has a fate. 若二人敢于这两件极品先天功德灵宝困住风紫宸,哪怕是只有一个下场。 That is, was destroyed by Feng Zichen. 那就是,被风紫宸生生打碎。 It is not all treasures, can with opening a day of most precious object compares favorably. 不是所有的宝物,都能与开天至宝相媲美的。 Two people of hesitant a while, receive and instruct saint, when first go out, said: This game, sets the topic by this poor Daoist.” 二人犹豫一会儿,接引圣人当先走出,说道:“这一局,就由贫道来出题。” Also please receive and instruct saint to set the topic!” Made a ritual, Feng Zichen said. “还请接引圣人出题!”做了一礼,风紫宸道。 Looks at Feng Zichen, receives and instructs the saint face color on hardship, revealed the hardship, then, listened to It saying: I have a treasure, but also please cancel Chen fellow daoist to try it.” 看着风紫宸,接引圣人脸上的疾苦之色,更显疾苦了,然后,就听祂说道:“我有一宝,还请勾陈道友试之。” Saying, receives and instructs saint behind, a 12 grade clear color lotus flower, in void partly visible, later, turned into a side world unexpectedly slowly. 说着,接引圣人的身后,一朵十二品清色莲花,在虚空若隐若现,随后,竟是缓缓化成了一方世界。 Hiss ~ ~ 嘶~~ Saw that 12 grade lotus flower appears, people on the scene, including Feng Zichen, all shock held breath a cold air/Qi. 看到那十二品莲花出现,在场众人,包括风紫宸在内,无不震惊的倒吸了一口冷气。 It is necessary? 有必要吗? Unexpectedly plays is so big. 竟然玩的这么大。 At the eyesight of people, naturally recognized the origin of that 12 grade lotus flower, does not leave the thing, receives and instructs the saint main body, the great antiquity ten big innate spirit roots purifies the mind a even/including, was called to receive and instruct the god lotus. 以众人之眼力,自然认出了那十二品莲花的来历,不是别物,正是接引圣人的本体,洪荒十大先天灵根之清心道连,也被称之为接引神莲。 As the saint main body, the might of this lotus, is not weak in any innate supreme treasure , even must stronger three points. 作为圣人本体,此莲的威力,绝不弱于任何先天至宝,甚至还要更强三分。 „, Receives and instructs saint this......” “啧,接引圣人这……” Pounded two lower mandibles, Feng Zichen looks world that lotus flower turned into, for a while cannot speak unexpectedly. 砸吧了两下嘴,风紫宸看着那朵莲花化成的世界,一时竟是说不出话来。 In order to win It, did not hesitate to use the main body unexpectedly. The words saying, It in the enmity with West, had been in this situation? 为了赢祂,竟是不惜动用了本体。话说,祂与西方之间的仇,已经到了这个地步吗? Thinks, Feng Zichen felt, but also is really so. If cuts to kill Three Pure Ones and opportunities of Western two Saints, simultaneously puts at Its at present, that Feng Zichen will choose to cut to kill the Western two Saints without hesitation. 想了想,风紫宸觉得,还真是如此。若斩杀三清与西方二圣的机会,同时摆在祂的眼前,那毫不犹豫的,风紫宸就会选择斩杀西方二圣。 Because, has the idea of human clan, Three Pure Ones wants, is only the human clan destiny. But the Western two Saints, besides the destiny, they also want. 因为,同样是打人族的主意,三清要的,只是人族的气运而已。而西方二圣,除了气运之外,祂们还想要更多。 Moreover, in the past when monster clan slaughter person, the Western two Saints plan the human clan enmity in the back, Feng Zichen may not forget. 而且,当年妖族屠人之际,西方二圣在背后算计人族的仇,风紫宸可还没有忘。 Naturally, the Western two Saints have not forgotten Feng Zichen to cutt the enmity of Mt. Xumi. 当然,西方二圣也没忘风紫宸强拆须弥山之仇。 ...... …… Haha!” “哈哈!” Fellow Daoist tests me by the main body, at the appointed time do not blame me to have the stingy to be spicy.” “道友以本体考我,到时可别怪我出手狠辣。” During the speeches, Feng Zichen laughs, has taken a step to enter that to receive and instruct in the world that the god lotus changes. 说话间,风紫宸大笑一声,已经迈步走进了那接引神莲化作的世界之中。 Enters this, Feng Zichen feels an inexplicable strength to raid Its heart, causes Its heart, is gradually quiet, throws actually all distracting thoughts. 一进此界,风紫宸就感一股莫名力量袭上祂的心头,使得祂的心,渐渐沉静下来,抛却一切杂念。 And...... 以及…… Seven emotions and six sensory pleasures! 七情六欲! Meanwhile, the state of mind that dies out greatly, occupied Its innermost feelings, changes to sounds, the persuasion It chooses dead out, is good to be greatly comfortable quietly and greatly. 同时,一股大寂灭的心境,占据了祂的内心,化作一道道声音,不停的劝说祂选择寂灭,好得大清静、大自在。 The say/way of dying out, receives and instructs saint the say/way of cultivating. However, others must die out, is not this world, but is world all troubled, misery and pain...... 寂灭之道,正是接引圣人所修之道。不过,人家要寂灭的,不是这个世界,而是世间所有的纷扰、苦难、痛苦…… So long as died out these, can march into the extremely happy position, does not have the birth and death, not likes hating the rival in love, worry-free also approximately...... 只要寂灭了这些,便可步入极乐之境地,无生老病死,无爱恨情仇,无忧亦无虑…… Receives and instructs the saint say/way, is good is bad, Feng Zichen does not make the appraisal. But It wants to affect Feng Zichen with oneself say/way, this is not right. 接引圣人的道,是好是坏,风紫宸不做评价。但祂想以自己的道影响风紫宸,这就不对。 Depressed that strength in heart forcefully, Feng Zichen raised the head to size up this environment, un, spatial very much, anything did not have. 强行压下心中的那股力量,风紫宸抬头打量了一眼此界的环境,嗯,空的很,什么都没有。 Meaning that the quite one type dies out the turns into air. 颇有一种寂灭成空的意思。 Receives and instructs the say/way of saint, is really mysterious, the purple house asked for advice.” For those making a ritual void, Feng Zichen said. “接引圣人之道,果然玄妙,紫宸领教了。”对着虚空做了一礼,风紫宸说道。 As soon as It enters this, receives and instructs saint to invade Its mind with own say/way, its goal is self-evident, wants to come a struggle with Feng Zichen, thus decides the victory and defeat. 祂一进入此界,接引圣人就用自己的道入侵祂的心灵,其目的不言而喻,是想与风紫宸来一场道争,从而分出胜负。 However, how Feng Zichen possibly defers to receive and instruct the idea of saint. 但是,风紫宸又怎么可能按照接引圣人的想法来。 A say/way struggles, range from hundred years, to the millenniums and ten thousand years, over a million years, possibly has. Really must according to receiving and instructing the meaning of saint comes, that this bureau, regardless of said that the result of struggle how, Feng Zichen was loses. 一场道争下来,少则百年,多则千年、万年,上百万年,也不是没有可能。真要按照接引圣人的意思来,那此局,无论道争的结果如何,风紫宸都算是输了。 This old fogy, is really the bad drop. 这老家伙,真是坏滴很。 Therefore, Feng Zichen does not plan according to receiving and instructing the saint rhythm. It only need rush out this, this game won even, so to be why must troublesome, with receiving and instructing saint comes struggle of the main road. 所以,风紫宸不打算按照接引圣人的节奏来。祂只需闯出此界,这一局就算是赢了,又何须那么麻烦,与接引圣人来一场大道之争。 Rushes out this, how can I say, was truly difficult. After all is the saint main body , is so can it be that good to break open. 闯出此界,怎么说呢,确实很难。毕竟是圣人本体,又岂是那么好破开的。 But Feng Zichen cannot break, can actually compel to receive and instruct saint to put It on own initiative to go out. 风紫宸破不开,却可以逼得接引圣人主动放祂出去。 Then, Feng Zichen will let receive and instruct saint to realize, allowing It to enter own main body, is a how wrong decision. 接下来,风紫宸将会让接引圣人意识到,让祂进入自己的本体,是多么错误的一个决定。 Read and hence, Feng Zichen offered a sacrifice to own all magic weapons suddenly, goes toward the present world bang full power. Meanwhile, then by three big incarnations that It receives, is 11 appears, displays the magical powers respectively toward the front. 念及至此,风紫宸忽然祭起了自己的所有法宝,全力朝眼前的世界轰去。同时,那被祂收起来的三大化身,也是一一浮现,各自施展神通朝着前方。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Is above the fluctuation of energy of imagination, comes in this side world enormously and powerful, without a while, all that can destroy, destroying. 超乎想象的能量波动,在此方世界浩荡开来,没一会儿,就把所能破坏的一切,都给毁灭掉了。 Then is so, Feng Zichen has not stopped, is attacking as before recklessly. 便是如此,风紫宸也没停下,依旧不顾一切的攻击着。 His idea is very simple, illuminates It to attack, sooner or later can injure to receiving and instructing the saint main body. 祂的想法很简单,照祂这么攻击下去,早晚能伤到接引圣人的本体。 That following, receives and instructs saint to face a choice, puts together the severe wound to support by hard and stubborn effort for hundred years, puts Feng Zichen to leave directly. 那接下来,接引圣人就不得不面临一个选择,是拼着重伤硬撑百年,还是直接放风紫宸离开。 If usually, receives and instructs saint to choose to support by hard and stubborn effort, but at present, the great antiquity situation is unclear , one side there is a chaos demon god to ambush, It will not allow himself to receive the severe wound decisively. 若是平时,接引圣人有可能选择硬撑,但眼下,洪荒局势不明,又有混沌魔神潜伏一旁,祂断然是不会允许自己受到重伤的。 Therefore...... 故而…… Sees with own eyes the Feng Zichen magical powers, must affect own main body, receives and instructs saint to come suddenly, said: Fellow Daoist, this game was you wins.” 眼见风紫宸的神通,就要波及到自己的本体,接引圣人忽然现身,说道:“道友,这一局是你赢了。”
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