GDSP :: Volume #8

#795: The genuine and fake execute immortal sword

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Three fellow daoist, this execute the immortal gate, then handed over by me.” Was saying to three fellow daoist, Feng Zichen then took a step to enter executed in the immortal gate. “三位道友,这诛仙门,便交由我了。”对着三位道友说了一声,风紫宸遂迈步走进了诛仙门中。 Other three people saw, chose one respectively, enters. 其余三人见了,也各自选了一门,进入其中。 Cancelled Chen Great Emperor to choose certainly the immortal gate. 勾陈大帝选择了绝仙门。 Person sovereign purple house chose united the immortal gate. 人皇紫宸氏选择了戮仙门。 The main road reveres Pangu purple house to choose the falling immortal gate. 大道尊盘古紫宸氏选择陷仙门。 Four people take a step to forward, advanced together executed immortal sword. 四人迈步向前,一并进了诛仙剑阵。 Passes Catholicism opinion this, did not say the words that the surrender acknowledges the defeat, both hands even/including linked seal, sent out thunder light, stroked respectively on executing the immortal four swords. 通天教主见此,也不说投降认负的话了,双手连连结印,发出一道道雷光,分别击打在诛仙四剑上。 Four swords encounter the thunder strike, vibrates loudly, on whether there is the sword light bursts out, sweeps off toward four people. 四剑遭遇雷击,轰然震动起来,有无上剑光迸发,向着四人扫去。 Four people entered this, only sees leaps the teng huang fog at present, Yanyan golden light, seems cloud Mi, shakes the person mind. 四人而进了此阵,只看到眼前腾腾黄雾,艳艳金光,好似云迷,晃人心神。 Meanwhile, in murderous aura suddenly presently, changes to the shape of sword halberd Lance, encircles four people, the just liking iron bucket is common. 同时,阵内杀气骤现,化作剑戟戈矛之形,将四人团团围住,浑如铁桶一般。 After four people step into, that four also vanish does not see, space slowly closed, is united as one body. The east, west, south, and north, are just like the copper wall. 四人踏进阵中之后,那四门也随之消失不见,空间缓缓闭合,连成一体。正是东西南北,恰似铜墙。 Takes a step to go forward, wants in thorough, near four people of ears has the thunderclap to transmit suddenly, later, trillion swords light/only blot out the sky to come, submerges four people on the desire. 迈步上前,就欲深入阵中,四人耳边忽有雷声传来,随后,亿万道剑光铺天盖地而来,就欲将四人淹没。 As the saying goes, executes in immortal sword, the sword light in a flash, letting one do as he pleases he is all generations deity, is difficult to escape difficultly this. 有道是,诛仙剑阵内,剑光一晃,任从他是万劫神仙,亦是难逃此难。 Saw with own eyes that the sword light raids, four people feel all over the body live coldly. 眼见剑光袭来,四人顿感遍体生寒。 Executes the immortal sword light, sharp incomparable. 诛仙剑光,锋利无比。 Unites the immortal sword light, moistening perishes. 戮仙剑光,沾之既亡。 The falling immortal sword light, the blood-color fills the air. 陷仙剑光,血色弥漫。 The immortal sword light, lives the infinite change certainly. 绝仙剑光,生有无穷变化。 Brushing...... 刷…… The sword light raids, does not need other three people to act, Feng Zichen raised the purple house sword, then swayed trillion sword light, moves forward to meet somebody. 剑光袭来,不待其余三人出手,风紫宸提起紫宸剑,便挥洒出亿万道剑光,迎了上去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The sword light and sword light collide, is actually executes the immortal sword light even better, cuts broken the purple house sword light, cut toward Feng Zichen. 剑光与剑光碰撞,却是诛仙剑光更胜一筹,将紫宸剑光斩碎,向着风紫宸斩了过去。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… Inexplicable, the void tremor, ten thousand spirit empty shades appear, behind gathering in Feng Zichen, forms a radiant god link, hangs after Its brain, the dangling boundless god light/only, covers It. 莫名的,虚空颤动,有万灵虚影浮现,在风紫宸的身后汇聚,形成一道璀璨的神环,悬于祂的脑后,垂下无边神光,将祂笼罩。 Humanity blessed, humane halo! 人道祝福,人道光环! That sword light raids, although penetrated the protecting body god in Feng Zichen outside the body light/only, but by this hindrance, the strength was actually fallen 30% again. 那剑光袭来,虽是击穿了风紫宸体外的护体神光,但受此一阻,力量却是再次降了30%。 The humane halo, has to hurt the ability that the enemy attacks. 人道光环,本就有着削弱敌人攻击的能力。 Only remained 70% might the execution immortal swords, is only weakened 30% again , was only left over 40% strengths. 本就只剩70%威力的诛仙剑光,再被削弱30%,也就只剩下了40%力量。 Can 40% strengths, do? 40%力量,能够干什么? When ding-dong...... 当当当当当…… Sees the sword light to hit on the body of Feng Zichen, sends out just like the hammering general sound, cannot injure its slightest unexpectedly. 就见剑光打在风紫宸的身上,发出宛如打铁一般的声音,竟是没能伤其分毫。 Also yes, the Feng Zichen mortal body, had been polished to comparing favorably with the innate supreme treasure situation, only remains 40% strengths the execution immortal sword light, can what be able to injure to result in It? 也是,风紫宸的肉身,早已被打磨到媲美先天至宝的地步,仅剩40%力量的诛仙剑光,能何能伤得了祂? Sees this, face that the exceedingly high founder became dark, is black is ordinary like the bottom of the pot. It really wants to throw up one's job to leave, how this also hits, bullies the person not to bully. 看到这一幕,通天教主本就发黑的脸,更是黑的如同锅底一般。祂是真的想撂挑子走人了,这还怎么打,欺负人也不是这么欺负的。 Executes immortal sword to appear the might for the first time in his hands, encounters so the rival, lets the confidence of exceedingly high founder by the attack. 诛仙剑阵第一次在祂手中显现威力,就遭遇如此敌手,让通天教主的信心备受打击。 Moreover, execution immortal sword that if the right and wrong four Saints cannot be broken, was given by a person broken. Everyone will definitely not say that is executes immortal sword is not good, but will say Its exceedingly high founder is not good. 而且,若是非四圣不可破的诛仙剑阵,被一个人给破了。那大家肯定不会说是诛仙剑阵不行,而是会说祂通天教主不行。 After all, executes immortal sword in the demon ancestor Luo throat hand, has to be possible be called the magnificent score, for this reason, had of reputations this great antiquity three big strategies. 毕竟,诛仙剑阵在魔祖罗喉的手里,有着堪称辉煌的战绩,为此,才有了此阵洪荒三大阵法之一的名头。 The similar magic weapon, how one arrives in Its hand, on the drawing hip. Whose issue that this is, wasn't clear at a glance? 同样的法宝,怎么一到祂的手里,就拉胯了起来。那这是谁的问题,不就一目了然了吗? Cannot let execute an immortal sword prestige, drops in own hand. Like this thinking, the exceedingly high founder is black a face, the stimulation of movement that makes an effort executed immortal sword. 绝不能让诛仙剑阵的威名,在自己的手中跌落。这样想着,通天教主黑着一张脸,更加用力的催动诛仙剑阵了。 In an instant, sword light that wells up, the might was three points. 刹那间,那涌来的剑光,威力更是强了三分。 Moreover, in sword, has the limitless malignant influences used suddenly, such as the blood cloud winds around, the ominous offense, in four people will cover, with corroding their first naive spirit, obliterates their vitalities. 而且,剑阵之中,忽有无边无际的煞气用来,如血云缭绕,凶戾至极,将阵内四人笼罩,与侵蚀祂们的先天真灵,磨灭祂们的生机。 ...... …… But Feng Zichen in detecting to execute the immortal sword not to only have an effect after oneself, the vision in vain becomes strange, It felt, oneself seems like, a person can break executed immortal sword. 风紫宸在察觉到诛仙剑光对自己不起作用后,目光徒然变得古怪起来,祂觉得,自己好像,一个人就能破了诛仙剑阵。 Does not rush has executed immortal sword, but broke this, by one's effort, takes off four to execute the immortal sword. 不是闯过诛仙剑阵,而是破了此阵,以一己之力,摘下四把诛仙剑。 Oneself summoned three big incarnations, appeared some extremely in regarding as important to execute immortal sword. At present, reveres incarnation the strength of suppression besides the main road, other two big incarnations, have not acted. 自己召唤出三大化身,是否显得有些太过于看重诛仙剑阵了。目前,除了大道尊化身的压制之力外,其余的两大化身,还没有出手呢。 And, present situation, as if, does not have the opportunity that they acted. 且,现在的情况来看,似乎,也没了祂们出手的机会。 ...... …… Really, this executes immortal sword not entire!” “果然,这诛仙剑阵不全啊!” Sized up executed immortal sword one, Feng Zichen took back the vision silently. As he expected, execution immortal sword of exceedingly high founder not entire, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor holds back one trick to It. 四下打量了诛仙剑阵一眼,风紫宸默默的收回了目光。果然不出祂所料,通天教主的诛仙剑阵不全,鸿钧道祖对祂留了一手。 As great antiquity three big strategy such being unable to withstand that execution immortal sword, how can display, was broken it by Feng Zichen by one's effort. Even if executes immortal sword suppressed again ruthless, should not so. 身为洪荒三大阵法之一的诛仙剑阵,岂会表现的如此不堪,被风紫宸以一己之力破之。就算诛仙剑阵被压制的再狠,也不该如此。 Feng Zichen can break open to execute immortal sword self-confidently, non- is It extremely powerful reason, because executes immortal sword not entire, causing Its might to be far less than great strength in like that legend. 风紫宸之所以能自信破开诛仙剑阵,非是祂太过强大的缘故,而是因为诛仙剑阵不全,导致祂的威力远不如传说之中的那般强大。 Demon ancestor Luo Hou arranges executes an immortal sword time, with the five head of the clan of innate three clan has engaged in fierce battle long time, made into the severe wound by the innate five Saint beasts at risk of life. 要知道,魔祖罗睺摆下诛仙剑阵的时候,已经与先天三族的五位族长鏖战多日,被先天五圣兽拼死打成了重伤。 In this case, demon ancestor Luo Hou arranges to execute immortal sword in the posture of severe wound, meets the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor four peerless big experts. 就是在这种情况下,魔祖罗睺以重伤之姿摆下诛仙剑阵,迎战鸿钧道祖在内的四位绝世大高手。 Here must say opposite lineup, the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor, the boundary of half beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, grasps the day of most precious object Pangu streamer. 这里要说一下对面的阵容,鸿钧道祖,半步混元大罗金仙的境界,手持开天至宝盘古幡。 The Yin-Yang old ancestor, the boundary of same half beginning of the universe, grasps the day of most precious object primal chaos chart. 阴阳老祖,同样半步混元的境界,手持开天至宝太极图。 The universe old ancestor, is the boundary of half beginning of the universe, grasps the innate supreme treasure universe cauldron. 乾坤老祖,亦是半步混元的境界,手持先天至宝乾坤鼎。 Yang Meilao ancestor, half beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, in the hand the magic weapon is unclear, but is not weak in Kaitian the most precious object. 杨眉老祖,半步混元大罗金仙,手中法宝不详,但绝不弱于开天至宝。 Four big experts of the same class, grasp four powerful forces innate supreme treasure to come, meets demon ancestor Luo Hou who is seriously injured jointly. 四位同级别的大高手,手持四件威力强大的先天至宝而来,联手迎战身受重伤的魔祖罗睺。 The both sides, the power gap is exceptionally obvious, this should be the aspect of steamroll. 敌我双方,实力差距异常明显,这本该是碾压的局面。 But finally unexpectedly is...... 可结果竟是…… Four big experts, fold two people continually, this broke executed immortal sword, compelling demon ancestor Luo Houzi to expose. 四大高手,连折两人,这才破了诛仙剑阵,逼得魔祖罗睺自曝。 Thus it can be seen, executes of immortal sword might. 由此可见,诛仙剑阵威力之强。 Contrasts demon ancestor Luo Hou execution immortal sword, comes to see execution immortal sword that the exceedingly high founder arranges again, 对比一下魔祖罗睺的诛仙剑阵,再来看看通天教主摆下的诛仙剑阵, This is what thing! 这是什么玩意啊! Also the great antiquity's first murders big, do not come out disgraced did not become. 还洪荒第一杀伐大阵,别出来丢人了成不。 If this big made the bystander look, but also thought great antiquity no one. 这大阵要是让外人看了去,还以为洪荒无人了呢。 Why will make this aspect? 为何会造成这种局面? Because execution immortal sword of exceedingly high founder, was short of the thing of many lineups. Complete execution immortal sword, may incessantly be executing the immortal four swords with executing an immortal chart comprised, he also has the innate spirit treasure coordination of many powerful forces. 因为通天教主的诛仙剑阵,少了许多布阵之物。完整的诛仙剑阵,可不止是由诛仙四剑与诛仙阵图组成,他还有着许多威力强大的先天灵宝配合。 So will be why clear as for Feng Zichen? 至于风紫宸为何会这么清楚? This sees certainly from the Yin-Yang old ancestor's memory. Does not extinguish in the really spirit fragment from that scrap Yin-Yang old ancestor's innate, Feng Zichen spied on Its all memories. 这当然是从阴阳老祖的记忆之中看到的。从那一小块阴阳老祖的先天不灭真灵碎片中,风紫宸窥探到了祂的所有记忆。 And, included the final time of Its life, in executing immortal sword, fights to the death with demon ancestor Luo Hou. 其中,就包括了祂人生的最后时刻,在诛仙剑阵之中,与魔祖罗猴决一死战。 Through the Yin-Yang old ancestor's line of sight, Feng Zichen saw, complete, under execution immortal sword compared with it direct access to the highest authorities founder arrange/cloth, does not know that wanted greatly many time of execution immortal sword, true execution immortal sword. 通过阴阳老祖的视线,风紫宸看到了,完整的,比之通天教主布下的诛仙剑阵,不知道要宏大了多少倍的诛仙剑阵,真正的诛仙剑阵。 During that is the chaos demon god inherits from the main road, unsurpassed strategy that the comprehension comes, once were exhibited, covered the most Western land directly. 那是混沌魔神从大道传承之中,领悟而来的无上阵法,一经摆开,直接笼罩了大半个西方大地。 At present, execution immortal sword under exceedingly high founder arrange/cloth, although the space is big, but covers compared with execution immortal sword of most Western land with that is really the difference of Kunlun Mountain and Mount Buzhou. 眼前,通天教主布下的诛仙剑阵,空间虽然不小,但与那笼罩大半个西方大地的诛仙剑阵相比,真是昆仑山与不周山的区别。 That time great antiquity world, not shatter, most Western land, that big? Compared with it present great antiquity land, but also is much bigger. 要知道,那时候的洪荒天地,还没有破碎,大半个西方大地,那得多大?比之现在的洪荒大地,还要大得多。 But Feng Zichen discovered, passes execution immortal sword that Catholicism arranges, with It execution immortal sword that sees from the primal chaos old ancestor's memory, is completely different, this dares to feel relieved bold enters in this. 风紫宸就是发现,通天教摆下的诛仙剑阵,与祂从太极老祖的记忆之中看到的诛仙剑阵,完全不同,这才敢放心大胆的进入此阵之中。 What if the exceedingly high founder arranges was ends the full page execution immortal sword, Feng Zichen has surrendered to recognize the defeat. 要是通天教主摆下的是完整版的诛仙剑阵,风紫宸早就投降认败了。 ...... …… ............ ………… Executes malignant influences that in immortal sword fills, although is powerful, is big Luo Daozun of commonplace stains the slightest, will be frightened out of one's wits shortly. 诛仙剑阵之中弥漫的煞气虽然强大,就是等闲的大罗道尊沾上分毫,也会在顷刻间魂飞魄散。 But the Feng Zichen four people are what kind of character, air/Qi of even/including Zhutian the evil deity can work as existence that the food eats, executes in immortal sword the malignant influences, gives them flexure itchy insufficient. 风紫宸四人是何等人物,连诸天神煞之气都能当饭吃的存在,就诛仙剑阵里面的这点煞气,给祂们挠痒痒都不够。 Executes the immortal sword light as for that the might was, but continuously, Feng Zichen added a defense to oneself. 至于那诛仙剑光,威力强是强了一些,但奈不住,风紫宸又给自己加了道防御。 Also must be lucky god, Ziyun Daoist and Donghua Daoist three people, thinking of every means gave It to refine an emperor robe of best quality goods innate spirit treasure rank. 还要多亏了神、紫云道人、东华道人三人,费尽心机的给祂炼制了一件极品先天灵宝级别的帝袍。 The defense magic weapon of this rank, the entire great antiquity is rarely seen. 这种等级的防御法宝,整个洪荒都不多见。 Has this emperor robe guard, 72 profound light that additional over ten thousand spirit No.1 dangle again, that only remains 40% strengths execution immortal sword, even the defense of Feng Zichen cannot break, let alone wound to It. 有此帝袍护身,再加上万灵冠垂下的七十二道玄光,那仅剩40%力道的诛仙剑阵,连风紫宸的防御都破不开,更别说伤到祂了。 Then, Feng Zichen withstand/top is executing an immortal sword attack, leisure walks in the direction that the exceedingly high founder is. 就这样,风紫宸顶着诛仙剑阵的攻击,慢悠悠的朝着通天教主所在的方向走去。 Sees this, the complexion of exceedingly high founder, cold can blow the next frost to come. 见此,通天教主的脸色,寒的都可以刮下一层霜来了。 At this time, It really wants to take out azure duckweed sword, brushed, held several holes to come out toward the body of Feng Zichen, to suppress Its rampant arrogance. 这个时候,祂是真的想取出青萍剑,刷刷的,往风紫宸的身上捅几个窟窿出来,以打压祂嚣张的气焰。 May do, before the exceedingly high founder had said that this sentence only tests to execute immortal sword, therefore, besides executing immortal sword, Its other magic weapon cannot use entirely. 可奈何,之前通天教主已经说了,此句只考验诛仙剑阵,故而,除了诛仙剑阵之外,祂别的法宝通通都不能动用。 If this is not the case, how the exceedingly high founder will make Feng Zichen so self-satisfied, has used various magic weapons, pounded the head to blossom It. 若非如此,通天教主又岂会让风紫宸如此得意,早就用各种法宝,将祂砸得脑袋开花了。 ...... …… Looks at the exceedingly high founder even more ugly complexion, is reading in the past friendship, Feng Zichen could not bear speak to point out key. 看着通天教主愈发难看的脸色,念着往昔的情分,风紫宸忍不住出言点明了其中的关键。 Founder felt, this executes immortal sword might some is not right, as if compared with the rumor, was weaker?” “教主可是觉得,这诛仙剑阵的威力有些不对,似乎比传言之中,弱了很多?” Ease is walking, Feng Zichen while said toward the exceedingly high founder. 一边悠然的走着,风紫宸一边朝通天教主说道。 Hears this word, in the heart of exceedingly high founder sinks. Does not need the reminder of Feng Zichen, It also detected that executed an immortal sword situation is not right. 闻听此言,通天教主的心中不由一沉。无需风紫宸的提醒,祂也察觉到了诛仙剑阵的情况不对。 By this current performance, is completely only incompatible with the rumor, the might weak were too many. The exceedingly high founder suspected, general that this whether really such as an ancestor said that the non- four Saints cannot break. 仅以此阵目前的表现来看,与传言完全不符,威力弱了太多了。通天教主非常怀疑,此阵是否真的如道祖所说的一般,非四圣不可破。 Don't It incautiously, the said ancestor gave the pit. 别祂一不小心,被道祖给坑了。 Executes the performance of immortal sword this hip, when the time comes four Saints are uneven, feared that was can big opening directly, drew to hit It. 就诛仙剑阵这拉胯的表现,到时候四圣齐出,怕是直接就能把大阵给拆了,将祂拉出来打。 Also is luckily, It exhibited ahead of time executed immortal sword, regarding this might was confident beforehand, otherwise , he if really letter/believed ancestor's nonsense, opposed the enemy four Saints by this. 也是幸好,祂提前摆出了诛仙剑阵,对此阵的威力事先有了底,不然的话,祂要是真信了道祖的鬼话,以此阵对敌四圣。 That consequence, is simply dreadful. 那后果,简直不堪设想。 ...... …… ............ ………… Narrows the eye slightly, the exceedingly high founder is staring in the Feng Zichen look, full is surprised uncertain, It asked, what knows? 微微眯起眼睛,通天教主盯着风紫宸的眼神之中,满是惊疑不定,祂这么问,是不是知道些什么? Under the heart the curious, exceedingly high founder asked directly: Good, this might was truly far less than rumor like that powerful, on by its current performance, said that is the great antiquity ten big strategies does not have the issue, but must say first three, somewhat was exaggerating.” 心下好奇,通天教主直接问道:“不错,此阵的威力确实远不如传言中的那般强大,就以其目前的表现来看,说是洪荒十大阵法没有问题,可要说前三,就有些夸张了。” What's wrong, cancels Chen fellow daoist as if to know that the reason is at?” “怎么,勾陈道友似乎知道原因所在?” Then, exceedingly high founder on tight is staring at Feng Zichen, is waiting for Its reply, to untie doubts in heart. 说完,通天教主就紧紧的盯着风紫宸,等待着祂的回答,以解开心中的疑惑。 Smiles, Feng Zichen had not replied that the issue of exceedingly high founder, instead asked to It: Founder was born at the late stage of the ancient times, a story was far from the purple house may compare, might be called experienced.” 笑了笑,风紫宸没有回答通天教主的问题,反而向祂问道:“教主诞生于远古末期,一身阅历远非紫宸可比,堪称见多识广。” That does not know that the founder has listened, when the world inaugurates, the air/Qi of the world four directions once bred a leaf of innate gateway respectively.” “那不知教主有没有听过,天地初开之际,天地四方之气曾各自孕育了一扇先天门户。” Although puzzled Feng Zichen why this one asked that but the exceedingly high founder replied: 虽不解风紫宸为何有此一问,但通天教主还是答道: Has naturally heard, that four leaves of gateways all are best quality goods innate spirit treasure, by this poor Daoist teacher obtained, when the emperor founds Celestial Court handsome, the teacher bestowed It it, turned into four fontanels of Celestial Court.” “自然听闻过,那四扇门户皆是极品先天灵宝,被贫道师尊所得,帝俊创建天庭之际,师尊将其赐给了祂,化成了天庭的四座天门。” Sees the exceedingly high founder to know, Feng Zichen nods, said: „The founder thinks not to have, if these four innate gateways, changes to executes immortal sword four, what consequence that will have?” 见通天教主知道,风紫宸点了点头,说道:“那教主想过没有,要是将这四道先天门户,化作诛仙剑阵的四门,那会有什么后果?” Wonderful!” “妙啊!” Feng Zichen finishes speaking, the exceedingly high founder only thinks the mind to be shocked, really wants to loudly call out. Turns into innate four executes an immortal sword gateway, such wonderful idea, hadn't It thought before? 风紫宸话音刚落,通天教主只觉心神震动,真想大叫一声好。把先天四门化成诛仙剑阵的门户,这么妙的主意,祂以前怎么没想到呢? This two kinds thing coordinates in together, may be called matches simply certainly, seems inborn this/should so general. 这两样东西配合在一起,简直堪称绝配,就好似天生就该如此一般。 Inborn this/should so...... 天生就该如此…… Read and hence, exceedingly high founder has become aware, faint seemed caught anything, but did not talk clearly. 念及至此,通天教主似有所悟,隐隐的好似抓到了什么,但又说不清楚。 Naturally matched certainly, because execution immortal sword of genuine, its four big gateway, is the innate gateways of four best quality goods innate spirit treasure ranks composes. 当然是绝配了,因为正版的诛仙剑阵,其四大门户,就是四件极品先天灵宝级别的先天门户组成的。 Afterward sword was broken, that innate gateway was taken by the great wild goose honored say/way ancestor, turned into four big fontanels of present Celestial Court. 后来剑阵被破,那先天门户被鸿钧道祖取走,变成了如今天庭的四大天门。 Waits for the exceedingly high founder to recover, Feng Zichen continues to ask: „At the beginning on that day opened, did the air/Qi of innate four shape breed a circuit intendant respectively, the founder may once see?” 等通天教主回过神来,风紫宸又继续问道:“那天地开辟之初,先天四象之气分别孕育出了一座道台,教主可曾见过?” Thinks, the exceedingly high founder returns said: This poor Daoist seems in the minute/share Baoyan, has seen four innate circuit intendant, is sending out the air/Qi of four shape respectively, wants to come this is the treasure that the fellow daoist said.” 想了想,通天教主回道:“贫道好似在分宝岩上,看到过四座先天道台,各自散发着四象之气,想来这就是道友说的宝物了。” Does not know why the fellow daoist inquired about this thing, they also with executing immortal sword related?” “只是不知道友为何问及此物,难道它们也与诛仙剑阵有关?” Smiles, Feng Zichen said: Founder did not feel, behind that four gateways, what lacked? Puts four innate circuit intendant, is corresponding the innate four elephants, how could it not be seems more perfect?” 笑了笑,风紫宸说道:“教主不觉得,那四座门户后面,缺了点什么吗?放上四个先天道台,对应着先天四象,岂不显得更为完美?” Does not give the time that the exceedingly high founder ponders, Feng Zichen continues to pursue asks: Moreover, if sets up the circuit intendant, what above should also display? So, can say that is complete.” 不给通天教主思考的时间,风紫宸继续追问道:“而且,若是设立道台,上面是不是也该摆上点什么?如此,方能说是圆满。” What suspends?” Almost is subconscious, the exceedingly high founder asked. “摆什么?”几乎是下意识的,通天教主问道。 ps: Thumb severe pain... ps:大拇指剧痛。。。 The symbol is tired, was too difficult. 码字累的,太难了。 Moreover, I bump into today told fortunes, he used river chart river chart to divine according to the diagrams to me, tells me, those did not read to me the monthly ticket, later the buyer then surface did not have the seasoning package. 另外,我今天碰到算命的了,他用河图洛书给我算了一卦,告诉我,凡是看书不给我月票的,以后买方便面都没有调料包。 Therefore, for your seasoning packages, gives me the monthly ticket. 所以,为了你们的调料包,把月票给我吧。 Also, asking everyone to come the beginning to support my. the street author, online sought the subscription. 还有,求大家来起点支持我一下。扑街作者,在线求订阅。
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