Solarge-scalecombustionworldsource, regarding thissideworld, is a hugeinjury.
如此大规模的燃烧天地本源,对此方天地来说,也是一种巨大的伤害。As can be seen, undersweeping across of air/Qi of innateprimal chaos, the backdrop of thissideworldhas broken, landandvault of heaven, incollapseslowly.
可以看到,在先天太极之气的席卷下,此方天地的天幕早已破碎,大地与苍穹,也在慢慢的崩溃。How longit is estimated thatcould not want, thissideworldthoroughshatter, will return to the chaos.
估计要不了多久,此方天地就会彻底的破碎,重归混沌。However, did not matter, so long ascanachieve the goal, thissideworldis shatteredis shattered, so long asitsbeing shatteredhas the valueon the line.
The air/Qi of large-scalereductioninnateprimal chaos, causes the primal chaoschartinternalworld, becomesdoes not stabilize, the entireworldis rocking.
先天太极之气大规模的减少,使得太极图内部的世界,随之变得不稳定起来,整个天地都在晃动。Responded that the outside worldis......
The peopleseeFeng Zichento go inshortly , the primal chaoschartstarts the fiercetremor, seemsinsidehas the person, is ordinaryin the crazyattack.
众人见风紫宸进去没多久,太极图就开始剧烈的颤动起来,就好似里面有人,在疯狂的攻击一般。However, the primal chaoschartopens a day of most precious object, even ifrocksagainfierce, has not seenitshasanyshatterindication.
不过,太极图到底是开天至宝,就算晃动的再厉害,也没见其有任何破碎的征兆。„It seems likecancelledChenfellow daoistto startto beginto collapse.”CaressedwhiteXu, tooclearsaintstares atprimal chaosto say with a smile.
“看来勾陈道友已经开始动手破局了。”抚了抚白须,太清圣人盯着太极图笑道。Itis very confidentto the primal chaoschart, does not think that Feng Zichenhas the brokenchart, butstrength. The primal chaoschartsodisplays, unavoidablymadeItsheartexuderipples.
祂对太极图很有信心,不认为风紫宸有破图而出的力量。只是,太极图如此表现,难免让祂心头泛起了一丝涟漪。Mayconcerned about the people, Itnot be face to face goodto go forwardto examine the primal chaoschart the situation.
可碍于众人当面,祂也不好上前查看太极图的情况。Otherwise, doesn't appearItself-confidentlyverynot?
The style that previouslymaintaineddiligently, allcollapsed.
先前努力维持的风范,就全都崩了。In the heart the ripplesare unceasing, but, on the face of tooclearsaint, actuallyhas toexhibit the self-confidentsmilefor face-saving consideration.
心中涟漪不断,可碍于面子,太清圣人的脸上,却不得不摆出自信的笑容来。Reallyonfacegrinning, at heart......
真是脸上笑嘻嘻,心里……Howdoes not raisetooclearsaintto think,saidin the primal chaoschart, aslarge-scalepassing of air/Qi of innateprimal chaos, the primal chaoschartis unable to supplementfor a while,itsrevolutionpresentedoneto obstructunexpectedly.
不提太清圣人如何想,就说太极图中,随着先天太极之气的大规模流逝,太极图一时无法补充,其运转竟是出现了一丝滞碍。Isthisincoordination, makingFeng Zichenseize the opportunity, locked the source of primal chaoschartto be.
It is not right, is notFeng Zichen, was the revolution of primal chaoscharthad the problem, Itdid not havethatskill is not uncoordinatedthroughthis, locked the source of primal chaoschartto be.
不对,不是风紫宸,就是太极图的运转出现了问题,祂也没那个本事通过这点不协调,就锁定了太极图的本源所在。Whatfixedprimal chaoschartsourceis the primal chaosoldancestor.
锁定太极图本源的是太极老祖。As the previousmaster of primal chaoschart, is the primal chaosoldancestor of hisinbornmaster, to the primal chaoschartnaturallyisfamiliarincomparable. Anyerrors, cannot hide the truth from the primal chaosoldancestor'seyes.
“找到了!”Determined the source of primal chaoschartis, Feng Zicheneyeonebright, detonated the world of under footsuddenly.
Of bang, the primal chaoschartvibrates, almostfromin the airdrops, infooledtooclearsaintheartonetight, but alsothinks that was the primal chaoschartis brokenbyFeng Zichen.
轰的一声,太极图震动,差点从空中跌落,唬的太清圣人心中一紧,还以为是太极图被风紫宸打破了呢。Itlooked atone, sees the primal chaoschartstillto have no shatterindication, thisfelt relieved. Butsomehow, tooclearsaintheart, castshadowgradually.
……Inprimal chaoschart, aslittle worldfromexposing, the inexhaustiblestrengtherupts, makingthatflawbe enlargedinfinitely.
太极图中,随着小天地的自曝,无穷无尽的力量爆发,使得那丝破绽被无限放大。Whilethisopportunity, the Feng Zichenincarnationprimal chaosoldancestor, branches outfromItswithin the body, arrived at the source of primal chaoschartto be atquietly, hid.
The primal chaosoldancestor'saura, not the slightest difference from the primal chaoschart, becauseandItis the reason of primal chaoschartoldmaster, the primal chaoschartwill not repelinIt.
太极老祖的气息,与太极图一般无二,且因为祂是太极图老主人的缘故,太极图也不会排斥于祂。Therefore, primal chaosoldancestor, ifhiddenin the primal chaoschart, only ifItexposeson own initiative, otherwise, tooclearsaintis certainly difficultto detectItstrail.
故此,太极老祖若是隐藏在太极图中,除非祂主动暴露,不然的话,太清圣人绝难察觉到祂的踪迹。Keepsin the primal chaosoldancestor the primal chaoschart, thistotooclearsaint, is a unstablebomb, in the meantime, this is also the primal chaoschartis separated from the control of tooclearsaint, the beginning of thing returning to rightful owner.
The seedhas planted, then, wasittook rootto germinate.
After completingall these, aboutFeng Zichenlooked, the preparationleft. Now the revolution of primal chaoscharthas the problem, he besttime that withdrawsto go.
The intentionmoves, the humaneemperorimperial sealbloomssimultaneously the radiantraywithten thousandspiritcrowns, an unequalledstrength, gushes outfrom the body of Feng Zichen, towardtakes away as many things as possiblein all directions.
轰隆隆!Inthis moment, the source of primal chaoschart, was shakenbythispowerfulstrength, producedsomeslits.
在这一刻,太极图的本源,被这股强大的力量撼动,产生了些许缝隙。Meanwhile, the primal chaosoldancestorincarnationseizes the opportunity, when the primal chaoschartsourcehas not restored, sneaked in the crack, meltswithitfor a body.
“开……”Strikeshas not drawn back, Feng Zichensecondstrikeshas followed on somebody's heels. The purplehouseswordholdsintwoinnate supreme treasure in addition, blooms the unprecedentedray, turns into the incomparableswordlight, sweeps awayto goforward.
The swordleaves, the worldmoves!
剑出,天地动!Thatimpregnablevoid, inFeng Zichenthismay be calledunder the shockingswordlight, was loudly stave, split a giantslit.
那牢不可破的虚空,在风紫宸这一堪称惊艳的剑光下,轰然破碎,裂开了一道巨大的缝隙。Bythisslit, is indistinct, but can also see the scene.
透过这条缝隙,隐约间,还可以看到外界的景象。„Haha, walks!”
“哈哈,走喽!”Feng Zichenputs out a handto grasp, fromnearbyvoid, stressesonegroup of innateprimal chaossources, thislaughs, took a stepto go out of the primal chaoschart.风紫宸伸手一抓,从附近的虚空之中,抓来一团先天太极本源,这才大笑一声,迈步走出了太极图。Thatgroupinnatesource, is notother, after thatsideinfinite universe that Itopenedbeforeis shattered, under leaves behindworldsource.
那团先天本源,不是别的,正是祂之前开辟的那方大千世界破灭之后,所遗留下的天地本源。Although, burntbeforemuch, becauseswallowed the reason of air/Qi of toomanyinnateprimal chaos, its, not onlyhas not reduced, insteadwas strongerseveralpoints.
After being shattered a infinite universe, under leaves behindpurestworldsource, itsvalue, does not flauntcompared withitbest quality goodsinnatespirit treasureletsmuch.
破灭一个大千世界之后,所遗留下的最精纯的天地本源,其价值,比之一件极品先天灵宝也不逞多让。Is the background of primal chaoschartis then deep, losesso manysourcessuddenly, wantsweaklysome time.
便是太极图的底蕴深厚,骤然失去这么多的本源,也是要虚弱一段时间。Thistime, makingFeng Zichenenter the primal chaoschart, tooclearsaintwassuffers a loss.
……Butin the outside world, the peoplesees, is such a scene:
The primal chaoschartin the tremora moment later, the naturalray, the air/Qi of inexhaustibleinnateprimal chaosspews outsuddenly, surroundingvoid, the smashing that alltwists.
太极图在颤动片刻之后,骤然大方光芒,无穷无尽的先天太极之气喷涌而出,将周围的虚空,悉数绞的粉碎。Then, sees an elegantform, leisurelyhoweverwent outfromvoid, arrived at the front of people.
然后,就见到一尊飘逸的身影,施施然的从虚空之中走出,来到了众人的面前。„Tooclearsaint, thisbureau, was actually Iwinsby luck.”Looks attooclearsaint, Feng Zichenfacemodestsaying.
“太清圣人,此局,却是寡人侥幸赢了。”看着太清圣人,风紫宸一脸谦虚的说道。Butin the instance that Itsvoicedropped, the primal chaoschartrestrainedallphenomenonsuddenly, returned tonormal. However, compared with before it, itsauraobviouslydeclinedmuch, obviouslyis woundedheavily.
“嘶……”Grasps the primal chaoschartin the hand, tooclearsaintdetected that the defect of thistreasuresource, cannot bearonlypulls out the cold air/Qi that loves dearly.
将太极图抓在手里,太清圣人察觉到此宝本源的缺失,忍不住心疼的只抽冷气。„Was the fellow daoistwon, causes and effects between you and this poor Daoist, were settle.”HowalsowithoutaskingFeng Zichento break open the primal chaoschart, tooclearsaintdepresses the anger in heartforcefully, hardreturningsaid.
“是道友赢了,你与贫道之间的因果,便算是了结了。”也没问风紫宸是如何破开太极图的,太清圣人强行压下心中的怒火,硬邦邦的回道。„Tooclearsaintreceivinglet!”hearsword, Feng Zichenmodestsmiling, took backvision that looks attotooclearsaint.
“太清圣人承让了!”闻言,风紫宸谦虚的笑了笑,收回了看向太清圣人的目光。Expressionmanagement of tooclearsaint, doneunusualis proper, fromItsface, Feng Zichencannot see the slightdifference, does not know that Itdiscovered the unusuality of primal chaoschartdoes not have.
太清圣人的表情管理,做的非常到位,从祂的脸上,风紫宸看不到丝毫的异样,也不知祂发现了太极图的异常没有。However, was indifferent. Ithas made contribution, if can also maketooclearsaintdiscover,Itdid not have the means.
不过,也无所谓了。祂已经尽力了,要是还能让太清圣人发现,那祂也没办法了。By the estimate of Feng Zichen, tooclearsaintshouldnot discover. Otherwise, suchtranquility that Itwill not display.
只是,以风紫宸的估计,太清圣人应该是没有发现的。不然的话,祂不会表现的如此平静。Andjust wait, iftooclearsaintreallydiscoveredexceptionally, will actto the primal chaosoldancestorinevitably. At that time, thenanythingknew.
且等着吧,若太清圣人真的发现了异常,势必会对太极老祖出手的。那时,便什么都知晓了。After a while, tooclearsaintaskedtoFeng Zichen. „Amongyourme the causes and effects, how had thatcancelledChenfellow daoist to settlethis poor Daoistandbetween you causes and effects?”
过了一会儿,太清圣人向风紫宸问道。“你我之间的因果已了,那勾陈道友要如何了结贫道与你之间的因果?”hearsword, Feng Zichenthinks,returnssaid: „Tooclearsaint, thisis not anxiousbeforehand, whenIdiscussed a conclusionafterotherfoursaint, discussedagainwas not late.”
闻言,风紫宸想了想,回道:“太清圣人,此事先不急,待吾与其余四位圣人论道结束之后,再谈也不迟。”Then, Feng Zichentootherfourpeople, asked: „Does not knowfollowing, whichfellow daoistwas one's turnto set the topic?”
After getting the answer, tooclearsaintdid not speak, drew backto the one sidesilently, butYuan Shi Tian Zunwasgoes forwardonestep, took out the Pangustreamersay/way:
得到答案之后,太清圣人不语,默默退至一旁,而元始天尊则是上前一步,取出盘古幡道:„CancelsChenfellow daoist, this poor Daoisthas a Pangustreamer, insidehas a dayworld, but alsoasked the fellow daoistto go to step ontoonetime.”
“勾陈道友,贫道有一面盘古幡,里面有一都天世界,还请道友进去走上一遭。”„If the fellow daoistcango outin hundred years, the causes and effectsalldisappear. Otherwise, however.”
“若道友能在百年内走出,因果全消。反之,亦然。”Saying, Yuan Shi Tian Zunflings the Pangustreamer, sets upitinvoid. Instantaneously, is shatteredallmighty force, fills the airfrom the body of Pangustreamer, crushed all around.
The Pangustreamer, operates the axeblade of day of axe, toopenin the middle ofday of three treasuresmurders the firsttreasure. In the past, Panguthengraspedthistreasure, breaking open the chaoswas epoch-making.
盘古幡,开天斧的斧刃所化,为开天三宝当中杀伐第一的宝物。当年,盘古便是手持此宝,破开混沌开天辟地的。Ithas the prestige of tearingprimordial chaoschaos, to crush the strength , the good fortunelimitlesssay/way and merit of controlten thousandlawdeep meaningsvariousday of space and time, to open the energy of the world entire world, is known as the difficult adversaries of alldefensemagic weapons.
其拥有撕裂鸿蒙混沌之威、粉碎诸天时空之力、造化无极之道、统御万法奥义之功、开辟天地寰宇之能,号称一切防御法宝之克星。singleviewmurders, thistreasuremayfor the great antiquityfirst, thenbemurders the godspear/gunwithexecuting the immortalfourswords , is harditto be on par.
During the Pangustreameris situated inis void, presents the chaosprofoundyellow. Above the streamerbody, the air/Qi of dayevil deitythrivescopiously, resembling to destroy the chaos, opens the worldagain.
The streamersurfaceappearsto have the Pangubiggodepoch-makingunsurpassedscene, outside the streamerhasabove the main roadprophecywordencirclement, in the streamerhasday of symbolluappearing intermittently. The five colorsrays of lightshinevariousheaven, the PanguSaintprestigeshock and aweentire world.
幡面显现有盘古大神开天辟地之无上景象,幡外有大道谶言环绕其上,幡内有开天符箓隐现其中。五色毫光照耀诸天,盘古圣威震慑寰宇。Onlywaslooks at the Pangustreamer, Feng Zichenthenfeels the greatestpressure.
仅是看着盘古幡,风紫宸便感受到了莫大的压力。Even the worldcanbreak open, whatdiscussedsaint?
连天地都能破开,何论圣人乎?Theoretically, the might of Pangustreamerfull, don'tsaid that wassaint, was the Heavenly DaoItcanbreak out.
理论上,盘古幡的威力全开,莫说是圣人了,就是天道祂都能劈开。However, because ofopeningday of three treasuresmightoversizedreason, Panguworried that theywill affect the revolution of Heavenly Dao, thereforesealtheirmostmight.
不过嘛,因开天三宝威力过大的缘故,盘古担心它们会影响到天道的运转,故而封印了它们大半的威力。Therefore, opensday of three treasuresby the innatemeritmost precious objectappearance, meltsobviouslyin the great antiquityworld.
闹的吧!innate supreme treasure has such bigstrength, hasseveralinnate supreme treasure Feng Zichen, howto know?先天至宝有这么大的力量,拥有着数件先天至宝的风紫宸,怎么不知道?Withis the most precious object, the Pangustreamer, the primal chaoschartandchaosbellthatcalls a day of most precious object, candividealone, is self-made.
同为至宝,盘古幡、太极图、混沌钟那叫开天至宝,能够单独划分出来,自成体系。Othermost precious objects, such as the sidereal revolutionstarschart, the universecauldron, thatcalledinnate supreme treasure .
其余的至宝,如周天星辰图、乾坤鼎等,那才叫先天至宝。Un, becauseopenedday of three treasures the mightby the Pangusealoverwhelming majorityreasons, causedtooclearsaintandYuan Shi Tian Zun, easternsovereigntoothey, is unable to refinethisthree treasurescompletely.
嗯,也正是因为开天三宝的威力被盘古封印了绝大部分的缘故,导致了太清圣人、元始天尊、东皇太一祂们,始终无法完全炼化这三宝。If this is not the case, Feng Zichensecure does dareshit the primal chaoschart the idea?
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