Thinks,tooclearsaintsaid: „Thenstartsfromthis poor Daoist.”
想了想,太清圣人说道:“便从贫道开始吧。”„This poor Daoisthas a primal chaoschart, requeststo cancelChenfellow daoistto step ontoonetimetowardinside, if the fellow daoist can go outinhundredyears, thisbureau was this poor Daoistloses.”
“贫道有一副太极图,烦请勾陈道友往里面走上一遭,若道友能在百年之能走出,此局便是贫道输了。”„Otherwise, ifinhundredyearscancelChenfellow daoist unable to go out, thatthisgame, was the fellow daoistloses.”
“反之,若百年内勾陈道友无法走出,那这一局,便算是道友输了。”During the speeches, tooclearsainttakes out the primal chaoschartfrom the bosom, shakes the hand, thenthrewthatchartinin the air.
The primal chaoschartinin the airlaunchesslowly, the strength of primal chaosemergescrazily, gives birth totwometerfourelephants, infinitemysterious.
太极图于空中徐徐展开,太极之力疯狂涌现,生出两仪四象,无穷玄妙。Fourbigstrengthsurgecontinuous, the air/Qi of ebullitioninnateprimal chaoscontinues, a sideprimal chaosworldappearsin the peopleslowlyat present.
四大之力涌动不休,先天太极之气沸腾不止,一方太极世界缓缓出现在众人的眼前。Seesthis, in the heart of Feng Zichenglitters. Thistooclearoldis not really simple, canfind out such ghostideaunexpectedly.
看到这一幕,风紫宸的心中闪烁不已。这太清老儿果然不简单,竟然能想出这么鬼的点子来。Asopening a day of most precious object, the primal chaoschart is so can it be that goodto break open, normally, ifFeng Zichenwere strandedin the primal chaosattempts, don'tsaid that washundredyears, was the millenniumten thousandyears, Italsonot necessarilycanbreak open.
作为开天至宝,太极图岂是那么好破开的,正常情况下,要是风紫宸被困在太极图了,莫说是百年了,就是千年万年,祂也不见得能破开。Blocks the primal chaoschartandbreaks open the primal chaoschart, is completely twoconcepts. Is ordinarywith the best quality goodsinnatemountains and riversstatechart, although the mightis powerful, so long aswere not strandedininside, basicallyis uselesstobigmagical powers.
挡住太极图和破开太极图,完全是两个概念。就和极品先天山河社稷图一般,威力虽然强大,但只要不被困在里面,基本上对大神通者无用。Picture rolland so on treasure, mostabstained that was strandedininside. The commontimeopposes the enemywithtooclearsaint, everyoneis guarding against the primal chaoschart, naturallynot possibleto be receivedbyIt.
图卷之类的宝物,最忌讳的,就是被困在里面。寻常时候与太清圣人对敌,大家都防备着太极图,自然不可能被祂收了去。Yet now, whilethisopportunity, tooclearsaintmakesFeng Zichenenter the primal chaoschartunexpectedlyon own initiative, butFeng Zichencould not have rejected , is really enough the chickenthief.
可如今,趁着这次机会,太清圣人竟是让风紫宸主动进入太极图,可风紫宸还偏偏拒绝不得,也真是够鸡贼的。„Fellow Daoist, please!”
“道友,请!”Whenthatprimal chaosworldforms, tooclearsainttoFeng Zichenpolitesaying.
待那太极世界成形,太清圣人对着风紫宸客气的说道。„Said! Said!”
“好说!好说!”Narrows the eyeslightly, Feng Zichenreplies.
微微眯起眼睛,风紫宸答道。Then, sawItto leisurely strollto take, moved into the primal chaosworld.
然后,就见祂信步迈出,走向了太极世界。Ifusually, withinhundredyears, Feng Zichenbreaksnotbreaks open the primal chaoschart the possibility, ifgoes, most likely (80%)mustnot probablyhave an accident by the tooclearsainttrapped/sleepybillionyears.
若是平时,百年之内,风紫宸断无破开太极图的可能,若是进去,八成是要被太清圣人困上千百万年不得出事。Yet now, hasIt of primal chaosoldancestorincarnation, actuallyhad confidence,in a short timebreaks open the primal chaoschart.
可如今,拥有一具太极老祖化身的祂,却是有把握,在短时间内破开太极图。Tooclearsaintthinks that the etherepuresurroundsIt, actuallywantsto miss.
太清圣人想以太极图困住祂,却是想差了。„Haha, andhowmakestooclearsainthave a look atmyskill.”Smilesself-confidently, Feng Zichenenters into the stepto enterin the middle of the primal chaosworld that the primal chaoschartchanged.
“哈哈,且让太清圣人看看寡人的本事如何。”自信一笑,风紫宸迈入步进入了太极图化作的太极世界当中。Seesthis, tooclearsaintpupilshrinks, depressedforcefullytook away the primal chaoschartdirectly the thoughts.
看到这一幕,太清圣人瞳孔一缩,强行压下了直接收走太极图的心思。Thisis the chance of a lifetime, so long asItsintentionmoves, takes back the primal chaoschart, candeadlockFeng Zichenin the middle of the primal chaoschart, foreveris unable born. So, is except for an archenemy.
这是个千载难逢的机会啊,只要祂心念一动,将太极图收回,便可将风紫宸锁死在太极图当中,永远无法出世。如此,便算是除了一个大敌。Tooclearsaint, ifreallydaresto do that must haveis besiegedbysaint of Feng Zichenside, thusprovokes the extremedisaster.
只是,太清圣人要是真的敢这么做的话,少不得会被风紫宸一方的圣人围攻,从而招惹出泼天的祸事来。Moreover, after suppressingFeng Zichen, thatopens the day of most precious objectprimal chaoschart, tooclearsaintfeared that was unable to useforeveragain.
而且,镇压了风紫宸之后,那开天至宝太极图,太清圣人怕是永远无法再次动用了。OnceItopens the primal chaoschart, thatinsideFeng Zichenseeks the opportunity, canbrokenattemptdirectly.
To suppress a beginning of the universebiggold/metalimmortalin peak condition, thatis not an easymatter, needstooclearsaintto betinnate supreme treasure .
想要镇压一尊巅峰状态的混元大罗金仙,那可不是一件容易的事,需要太清圣人赌上一件先天至宝。Thisprice, tooclearsaintcould not have paid.
轰隆隆!Inprimal chaoschartworld, besides the strength of innateprimal chaos, fourbigstrengthare turbulent, interweaves the kerosenewind, formsmicrocosms, unceasinglivingis extinguishing.
太极图的世界里面,除先天太极之力外,又有四大之力汹涌,交织出地火水风,形成一个又一个的小世界,不断的生灭着。Butlivesto extinguishin the world , the destructiontidescurl, destroysall, enormous and powerfulcontinuous, sceneseeminglyunusualterrifying.
而在世界生灭间,又有一股股毁灭潮汐卷来,毁灭一切,浩荡不休,场面看起来异常的恐怖。Feng Zichen1 stenters, thensaw that the strength of inexhaustibleinnateprimal chaoswells uptowardIt, the desireassimilatesIt, becomes a part of air/Qi of primal chaos.风紫宸初一进入其中,便看到无穷无尽的先天太极之力朝祂涌来,欲将祂同化,变为太极之气的一部分。Meanwhile, the kerosenewindis turbulent, the air/Qi of destructionis enormous and powerful, oneandwelled uptowardIt.
刷……Seesthis, the body of Feng Zichen, a god of journeyslight flash, has presented the black and whitetwocolors, the weightmeter, delimits the Yin-Yang, inexhaustible, wells up the strength that to collidewith the surroundingstogether.
见此,风紫宸的身上,一道神光闪过,呈现黑白二色,分两仪,划阴阳,无穷无尽,与周围涌来的力量碰撞在一起。In an instant, the marvelouschange happened.
The strength of innateprimal chaos, is the kerosenewindfourbigstrength, oris the strength of destruction.
无论是先天太极之力,还是地火水风四大之力,亦或者是毁灭之力。Under the strength of thisblack and whitetwocolorprofoundlight, is shattered, subsequentlydivides the Yin-Yangfivelines, turns into the pureststrength, was absorbedbyFeng Zichen.
在这黑白二色玄光的力量下,统统都在破灭,继而分阴阳化五行,化成最为纯粹的力量,被风紫宸吸收。Thisblack and whitetwocolorprofoundlight, are the great antiquitytenbigto of a innateYin-Yangbeing shatteredgodhighmagical powerslight/only, has being disillusionedmyriad things, returns to the Yin-Yang the mighty force.
这黑白二色玄光,便是洪荒十大至高神通之一的先天阴阳破灭神光,具有破灭万物,重归阴阳的伟力。Hasthislight/onlyto protect oneself, whateverinprimal chaoscharthowdangerous, isgives up any idea of the woundto the Feng Zichenslightest.
轰隆隆!Perhapsthought that the innateYin-Yanggodis only insufficient, in the Feng Zichenheartmoves, in the chestfiveair/Qicondense, turn intofivedignifiedGreat Emperor, runs outfromItswithin the body.
The five emperorssoar, the release the infinitemighty force, in the Feng Zichentop of the head, forms a five colorscanopy, the dignity and magnificence, danglescontinuously the innatefivelines of air/Qi.
五帝腾空,释放出无穷伟力,于风紫宸的头顶,形成一座五色华盖,威严而又华丽,垂下缕缕先天五行之气。Thisfive emperors, are notfivesideheavenly emperor, is notfivelines of Saintbeasts, is notfivegroups of ancestorwitches, butisfiveGreat Emperor, heavenly emperor and immortalemperorandperson the emperor, the godemperor, the deepemperor, is symbolizing the great antiquitystrongestfivemain roads.
The five emperorsare connected, the invincible mightis immeasurable, air/Qi of the innateprimal chaosall aroundseemedis crushedto be common, was in abundance tranquil.
五帝相连,神威无量,周遭的先天太极之气就好似遭到了镇压一般,纷纷平静下来。Then, Feng Zichenis going against the five emperorscanopy, is accompanying the innateYin-Yangbeing shatteredgodlight/only, in the world of primal chaoschart, wanders aroundto get up.
然后,风紫宸就顶着五帝华盖,伴着先天阴阳破灭神光,在太极图的世界里面,四处游荡起来。Here, does not havepassing of time, does not havehigh and lowabout, existence of does not have anylife, besides the air/Qi of inexhaustibleinnateprimal chaos, there is, is only the endlessloneliness.
这里,没有时间的流逝,也没有上下左右,更没有任何生灵的存在,除了无穷无尽的先天太极之气外,有的,只是无尽的寂寥。Feng Zichenhereaimlessloafeda while, withoutdiscoveringanyexit|to speak, thisseemslimitless, without the endis ordinary.风紫宸在这里漫无目的的游荡了一会儿,也没发现任何的出口,此界就好似无边无际,没有尽头一般。„Yeah, tooclearsaint, sincepleaseenterinme the primal chaoschart, ifIinsteaddo not giveyou a gift, how couldalsoto do right byyourgood intention?”
“哎,太清圣人,既然你将我请入太极图中,那我要是不反送你一点礼物,又岂能对得起你的好意?”Somemoment, Feng Zichenstops the footstepssuddenly, wear a look ofsaying of strangesmile. Then, sees the purplehouseswordto come out of the sheath, blooms the radiantswordlight, cutstoward the front.
The snow whiteswordlightappears, seems the epoch-makinglight, cutsinvoid, divides the Yin-Yang, dividestwometers.
雪白的剑光浮现,好似开天辟地之光,斩在虚空之中,分割阴阳,划分两仪。In a flash, twometerdifferentiations, the Yin-Yangbeginninglives.
一瞬间,两仪分化,阴阳始生。Afterward, the Yin-Yangrotation, is born the strength of inexhaustiblegood fortune, fourappearlike the Eight Trigrams (gossip), the derivationinfinitesay/way, seems the support, the brand markinvoid, haunched a sideworld.
刷刷刷……Radiantswordlightbloomfrom the purplehousesword, are carryingepoch-makingsay/wayintent, unceasingcuttinginvoid, divides the Yin-Yang, dividestwometers.
一道道璀璨的剑光从紫宸剑上绽放,携带着开天辟地般的道意,不断的斩在虚空之中,分割阴阳,划分两仪。Underopening of purplehousesword, this new student/lifeworldis getting more and more stable, was getting more and more perfect, has the innatefivelines of air/Qi born graduallyunexpectedly, fills the airin each corner of the world.
在紫宸剑的开辟下,这方新生的天地越来越稳固,也越来越完善了,渐渐的,竟是有先天五行之气诞生,弥漫在天地的每一个角落。Somemoment, in the Feng Zichenheartmoves, a drop of essence and blooddepartsfromItswithin the body, falls into the middle ofthisnew student/lifeworld.
轰……Thatdrop of essence and bloodfalls, initiallystartsis only a drop of soybeansize, when itenters the new student/lifeworld, after having that daynewbornaura .
The buildthenstarts the rapidinflation, quick, thenchanged to100.02 millionli (0.5 km)in a big waylike that.
体型便开始飞速的膨胀起来,很快的,便化作了亿万万里那般大。Meanwhile, the body of thatdrop of essence and blood, is also stretchingunceasingly, waitsitsto fall into the instance of land, ithad turned into a palatialimmortalDivine Mountain, towersin the world, opened the world of thissideworld.
同时,那滴精血的身体,也在不断的拉伸着,等其落入大地的瞬间,它已是化成了一座巍峨的不朽神山,耸立在天地之间,撑开了此方世界的天地。Thismountain, isTienchu of thissideworld!
此山,即是这方世界的天柱!Tienchuestablishes, boilsstrength of the placekerosenewindto stillinstantaneously, world also thoroughconsolidates.
天柱立下,沸腾不已的地火水风之力瞬间平定,天地也随之彻底的稳固下来。Outsidethissideworld, lightlight screenappeared, separatedthisandair/Qi of innateprimal chaos the relation.
此方天地之外,一层淡淡的光幕浮现,隔开了此界与外界先天太极之气的联系。This was thisbackdrop!
“哈哈!”Seesthisforming, Feng Zichensmiles, takes a stepto enterthis, sits cross-legged the peakinTienchu, startsto promotethisrevolution.
The worldis vibrating, under the Feng Zichenstrength, thissideworldseemedturned intoonehugelaw, revolvedloudly.
An unsurpassedsuction, sideworldfills the airhenceforth, swept acrossall, around the crazyswallowingair/Qi of innateprimal chaos.
The primal chaoschartis notoutside the bigchaos, reallylimitless. The primal chaoscharthas the boundary, butFeng Zichencould not discover.
太极图又不是界外大混沌,真的无边无际。太极图还是有边界的,只是风紫宸发现不了罢了。However, could not discover that are not related, thatfinds the wayto compeliton own initiativeto come.
不过,发现不了也没关系,那就想办法逼得它主动现身。Since the strength of primal chaoschartis limited, thatwas easy to do.
既然太极图的力量是有限的,那就好办了。Onlymustpress outto do the strength of primal chaoschart, thenitsboundarynaturally will then meltobviously.
只需把太极图的力量榨干,那它的边界自然而然的便会显化出来。Feng Zichenopens the goal of thisworld, thentopress outindry/doesprimal chaoschart the air/Qi of innateprimal chaos, thuscompels the primal chaoschartboundaryon own initiativeto appear.风紫宸开辟这个世界的目的,便是为了榨干太极图里面的先天太极之气,从而逼得太极图的边界主动出现。Thisideais very good, but ifreallycansuchsimplebreaks open the primal chaoschart, thenitwill not be called one of the great antiquitystrongestinnate supreme treasure .
这个想法很不错,但如果真的能这么简单的就破开太极图的话,那它也不会被称之为洪荒最强的先天至宝之一了。In the primal chaoschartair/Qi of innateprimal chaos, even if notinexhaustible, thatcould not missmany, at the swallowingspeed of thissidemicrocosm, even iflasted thousand yearsten thousandyears, gave up any idea ofpressed outto doit.
太极图里面的先天太极之气,纵使不是无穷无尽,那也差不了多少,以这方小世界的吞噬速度,哪怕历时千年万年,也是休想将其榨干。Butis goodbecause, Feng Zichendoes not wantto press outin the dry/doesprimal chaoschartstrength of innateprimal chaos, Itwantsthroughthis means that shakesprimal chaoschartsource, thusseeksoneto its opportunity of starting.
但好在,风紫宸也不是想榨干太极图里面的先天太极之力,祂只是想要通过这种办法,去撼动太极图的本源,从而寻到一个对其下手的机会。„Againhurry up, againhurry up!”
The air/Qi of innateprimal chaosalthoughall aroundwells upare many, butFeng Zichenstillfound itnot enough. Therefore, seesItsintentionto move, lit the source of thissideworldunexpectedly.
The worldsourcewas lit, thissideworlderupted the astonishingstrength, thathugesuction, almostrose suddenlydozenstimesto continue.
The air/Qi of limitlessinnateprimal chaoswas being coercedby the hugesuction, floods intothatin the worldsource that burns, changes into the newfuel, making the fire of thatsourcemore exuberant.
无边无际的先天太极之气被庞大的吸力裹挟着,涌入那正在燃烧的天地本源之中,化为新的燃料,使得那本源之火更为的旺盛了。Meanwhile, thisalsocauses the suction that thissideworldsends out, was more powerful, the air/Qi of more and more innateprimal chaoswere swallowedandrefinebythissideworld.
同时,这也使得此方天地发出的吸力,更加的强大了,越来越多的先天太极之气被此方世界吞噬、炼化。Gradually, the air/Qi of surroundinginnateprimal chaos, at the visiblespeed, becomesthin.
渐渐的,周围的先天太极之气,以肉眼可见的速度,变得稀薄起来。However, Feng Zichendoes this, completelydoes not have the price.
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