GDSP :: Volume #8

#790: Settlement causes and effects

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In the heart moves, sees the queen mother of the west to grasp to the hand of Donghua Daoist, branched out a supernatural power quietly, flooded into within the body of Donghua Daoist. 心中一动,就见西王母抓向东华道人的手,悄悄的分出了一道法力,涌入了东华道人的体内。 Then, but then, Donghua Daoist within the body, that is the real spirit of eastern nobility, by queen mother of the west quietly without interest extracted one wisp. 然后,便可到,东华道人体内,那属于东王公的真灵,被西王母悄然无息的抽出了一缕。 Also was at this time, palm that the queen mother of the west magical powers transformed, bodies that held the Donghua Daoists, seized It on the desire. 也就是这时,西王母神通幻化的手掌,一把抓住东华道人的身体,就欲将祂抓走。 Too real empress, but also please stop!” “太真娘娘,还请住手!” , The world changes suddenly suddenly, Dihuang Shennong and form of person sovereign Xuanyuan, came in waves from void. 忽的,天地突变,地皇神农与人皇轩辕的身影,从虚空之中联袂而来。 At the same time, that powerful humane dragon air/Qi fills the air from two people of bodies, broke the magical powers of queen mother of the west, suppresses the Donghua Daoists. 同一时间,那强大的人道龙气从二人的身上弥漫开来,生生震碎了西王母的神通,将东华道人镇压。 Too, is the honorific titles of queen mother of the west, innate too real goddess. 太真,正是西王母的尊号,先天太真女神。 Does not pay attention while the people, the queen mother of the west received that wisp of eastern nobility quietly really spirit, in the heart relaxes at the same time, this asked toward two person sovereigns: Two fellow daoist, is this what intent?” 趁着众人不注意,西王母悄然收起了东王公的那缕真灵,心中松了一口气的同时,这才朝二位人皇问道:“二位道友,这是何意?” Void, Dihuang Shennong searched the hand, suppressed the Ziyun Daoists. The person sovereign Xuanyuan also acts, holds down the Donghua Daoist, suppresses It. 虚空中,地皇神农探手,一把将紫云道人镇压。人皇轩辕也是同时出手,一把按住东华道人,将祂镇压。 At this time, Shennong just now explained with a smile: 这时,神农方才笑着解释道: Empress has not to know, my two people obtain the news, hears my clan Donghua Daoist and Ziyun Daoist two people, is the chaos demon god colludes unexpectedly, the intention subverts my human clan, destroys the great antiquity world.” “娘娘有所不知,我二人得到消息,听闻我族东华道人与紫云道人二人,竟是与混沌魔神勾结,意图颠覆我人族,毁灭洪荒天地。” Knows in the heart this matter to be oversized, my two people do not dare to delay, catches up hastily from fire Yundong, looks at this matter genuine and fake.” “心知此事过大,我二人不敢耽误,连忙从火云洞赶来,一看此事真假。” „After here, my two people of side knowledge passed on a message not empty, therefore does not dare to hesitate, intended to suppress two people hastily, in order to avoid they made a bigger trouble.” “到了这里之后,我二人方知传言非虚,故不敢犹豫,连忙出手将二人镇压,以免他们惹出更大的乱子来。” At this point, Shennong asked with a smile: What's wrong, the too real empress knew that this with the evildoer who the chaos demon god does collude with?” 说到这里,神农笑着问道:“怎么,太真娘娘认识这个与混沌魔神勾结的贼子?” Donghua Daoist and Ziyun Daoist two people, to break through the human clan ancestor place, does not hesitate to collaborate with the reincarnation god of chaos demon god. 东华道人与紫云道人二人,为了攻破人族祖地,不惜与混沌魔神的转世神联手。 Although, and finally, they also got angry with the god, but collaborates this point with it, is actually the indisputable fact. 虽然,到了最后,祂二人也是与神翻脸了,但与其联手这一点,却是不争的事实。 Shennong said the matter with this, is the queen mother of the west has a mind is two people gets free, could not find out the good reason. 神农拿此说事,便是西王母有心为二人开脱,也是想不出好的理由了。 Colludes with the chaos demon god, this is the big crime, saint cannot undertake. As all can see the Western two Saints were blown out after the foot are the descendants of chaos demon god, almost did not have the foothold in the great antiquity world. 与混沌魔神勾结,这可是大罪,圣人都承担不起。君不见西方二圣被爆出跟脚是混沌魔神的后裔后,在洪荒天地几乎没了立足之地。 Also was afterward two people in the chaos demon god to war , the extremely bright eye of performance, this reversed the people to their senses. 也就是后来二人在与混沌魔神的对战中,表现的极为亮眼,这才扭转了众人对祂们的感官。 In addition saint so, let alone bystander? 圣人尚且如此,更何况外人乎? Suddenly, the queen mother of the west also complained that secretly east nobility big of courage, dares to collaborate with the chaos demon god unexpectedly, is really muddled! 一时间,西王母也是暗暗埋怨起东王公的胆子之大,竟然敢与混沌魔神联手,真是糊涂啊! Also is luckily, oneself are quite vigilant, realized that this time is unable to rescue the eastern Wang dao brother, ahead of time screened out Its true understanding spirit. Otherwise, eastern Wang dao brother time, really danger. 也是幸好,自己比较警觉,意识到此次无法救出东王公道兄,提前抽走了祂的一道真灵。不然的话,东王公道兄这次,就真的危险了。 This poor Daoist is the great antiquity is legitimate, innate sacred, how can with be related with the evildoer who the chaos demon god colludes with? This person of this poor Daoist did not know, must kill to hack, two fellow daoist look at the office.” “贫道乃是洪荒正统,先天神圣,岂会与与混沌魔神勾结的贼子有关?此人贫道不认识,要杀要剐,二位道友看着办吧。” Then, the queen mother of the west turns around then to walk. 说完,西王母转身便走。 His movement, actually does the Xuanyuan and Shennong stares. This thinks that is a tough battle, they have prepared various methods, but has not waited for them to catch up, the opposite party surrendered. 祂的这番动作,倒是把轩辕与神农搞得一愣。本以为是场硬仗,祂们已经准备好了各种手段,可还没等祂们发力,对方就投降了。 This really strength hits on the cotton, the feeling of nowhere causing. 这真有一种力量打在棉花上,无处使的感觉。 Really felt strange, the queen mother of the west was so when good to speak. 真是奇了怪了,西王母什么时候这么好说话了。 Petty action that Shennong, Xuanyuan have not noticed the queen mother of the west, but above the vault of heaven, is paying close attention to this place Feng Zichen and the others, actually takes in everything at a glance the movement of queen mother of the west. 神农、轩辕二人没注意到西王母的小动作,可天穹之上,正在密切关注着此地的风紫宸等人,却是将西王母的动作一览无遗。 But, the people all are pretend not to see. 可对此,众人皆是装作没看到。 Things have gotten to this point, the role of eastern nobility is not big, the queen mother of the west wants to save It, that rescues. 事已至此,东王公的作用已经不大,西王母想要救祂,那就救吧。 As for Feng Zichen, It will not care. 至于风紫宸,祂更不会在意了。 The eastern nobility as Donghua Daoist, makes the huge mistake in human clan, it may be said that had the big causes and effects with human clan. 东王公以东华道人的身份,在人族犯下大错,可谓是与人族结下了大因果。 In the future, Its some. 日后,祂有的还了。 The eastern nobility can live, but the red cloud ancestor must die. 东王公可以活着,但红云老祖必须死。 This is the only thoughts of Western two Saints. 这是西方二圣的唯一念头。 Sorry, red cloud fellow daoist, since my fellow apprentices two people, no skill pushes up in you position of person sovereign, that has to be suffering your time, please continue to fall from the sky previous some time. 对不起了,红云道友,既然我师兄弟二人,没有本事把你推上人皇的位置上,那就只好再委屈你一次了,请你继续陨落上一段时间。 When my fellow apprentices two people, have the assurance that helped you become enlightened, will help you resurrect. 待我师兄弟二人,有了助你成道的把握,自会助你复活。 Two people tacit looking at each other, in the heart had the decision, this red cloud ancestor, cannot rescue. 两人默契的对视了一眼,心中有了决定,这红云老祖,不能救。 When! 当! Under keeping off after again Yuan slaughter sword, really heaved a deep sigh seriously suddenly, a face ended turned around to leave. 再一次的挡下元屠剑后,真严重忽然长叹一声,一脸落幕的转身离开了。 Yeah!” “哎!” Things have gotten to this point, It also knows that the red cloud ancestor died, by Its energy, broke does not have the possibility that it rescued. In view of this, might as well leaves. 事已至此,祂也知道红云老祖死定了,以祂之能,断无将其救下的可能。既如此,还不如离开。 It does not endure to look at the good friend dead in oneself front. 祂不忍看好友死在自己的面前。 ...... …… ............ ………… The person of being in the way walked, Dihuang Shennong and person sovereign Xuanyuan also relaxed, sees them to grasp the Ziyun Daoists and Donghua Daoists, walks toward Sun and moon two god cities respectively. 碍事的人走了,地皇神农与人皇轩辕也随之轻松了起来,就见祂二人抓起紫云道人与东华道人,分别朝太阳、太阴两座神城走去。 Then, Shennong and Xuanyuan, according to the instruction of Feng Zichen, first do not extinguish the Donghua innate of Daoist and Ziyun Daoist really extract spirit, suppress in the human clan destiny. 接下来,神农与轩辕二人,按照风紫宸的吩咐,先是将东华道人与紫云道人的先天不灭真灵抽出,镇压在人族气运之中。 Then, then their mortal bodies, fills in Sun and in the solar two god cities respectively, to take energy, stimulates to movement the revolutions of two god cities. 然后,便将祂二人的肉身,分别填入太阳、太阳两座神城之中,以作为能源,催动两座神城的运转。 Hence, the human clan civil strife then comes to the end, then, must be in the conclusion stage. Suppresses these rebel armies, before industry the strength, should kill, should grasp, should put. 至此,人族内乱便告一段落,接下来,就要进入收尾阶段。将那些叛军镇压,以前身上的业力,该杀杀,该抓抓,该放放。 Un, in this, human clan is secondary, mainly the disciple of Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism, as well as that the immortal of quantity innumerability said the member. 嗯,这里面,人族还是次要的,主要还是三教的弟子,以及那数量多不胜数的仙道修士。 The Legend and Hero, the imperial edict ghost records( to seal/confer Guibang), the numerous god charts, the lists in these three types of lists, must fill by them. 封神榜,敕鬼录(封鬼榜),众神图,这三样榜单上的名单,就要靠他们来填了。 Later, after several years turmoil, human clan stills gradually, various group of rebel armies were also exterminated. 之后,又经过数年的动乱,人族渐渐平定下来,各路叛军也都纷纷被剿灭。 Lists on three list, all entire. 三榜上的名单,也全都全了。 Is first deity demon, has the destiny in the body, can die auspicious. 到底是先天神魔,有天命在身,能够遇难成祥。 Clarified that teaches in 12 golds immortal , fears besides Puxian, Manjusri keeps the grandsons and kind navigation four people's desires external appearances dead, other eight people, although all carries the severe wound, but escapes by luck. 阐教12金仙之中,除普贤、文殊、惧留孙、慈航四人意外身死之外,其余八人,虽是个个身负重伤,但都侥幸逃过一劫。 They can have this good luck , because they are first deity demons, has the asylum of the world. 他们能有此好运,乃是因为他们是先天神魔,有着天地的庇护。 But others, such as the truncation teach the disciple and Buddhism disciple, is the innate life family background, had not clarified actually teaches the fate of disciple, over 90% disciples, died in the tribulation. 可其余的人,如截教弟子、佛教弟子,全都是先天生灵出身,倒是没有阐教弟子的运道,有超过90%的弟子,都死于劫中了。 Loses seriously! 损失惨重啊! If not during the truncation teaches, four big true lines, as well as three clouds and other entrance door disciples have not entered the tribulation, can preserve, that this wave, the truncation taught basically to be equivalent to the extermination. 若非截教之中,四大真传,以及三霄等部分外门弟子并未入劫,得以保全,那这一波啊,截教基本上就相当于灭门了。 But Western two Saints, holds back one trick. 而西方二圣,也是留了一手。 The west teaches that most outstanding several disciples, because of cultivates the merit industriously the reason, causing the tribulation not to moisten the body, therefore preserved actually, is insufficient to exterminate an entire family. 西方教那最优秀的几名弟子,因勤修功德的缘故,导致劫不沾身,倒是因此保全了下来,不至于被灭门。 The war ended, three lists with shining clear(ly), announced that the inexorable fate ends. 大战结束,三榜同放光明,宣告劫数终结。 Brushing...... 刷…… The endless god light/only raises from the bodies of three lists, radiant, is ordinary just like Sun, shortly, will then illuminate each corner of great antiquity world. 无尽的神光从三榜的身上升起,璀璨至极,宛如太阳一般,顷刻之间,便照遍了洪荒天地的每一个角落。 ...... 滋滋滋…… Under this god's illumination light/only, that fills the air in the world, the inexhaustible tribulation air/Qi, seemed meets the natural enemy to be common, in ablation fast, quick, vanished half. 在这神光的照射下,那弥漫在天地间,无穷无尽的劫气,就好似遇到了天敌一般,在飞快的消融,很快的,就消失了一半。 But remaining half, how regardless of the god light/only shines, cannot it extinguishing. 可剩下的一半,无论神光如何照耀,都是不能将之消弭。 Three lists are full, to seal/confer Shenliang tribulations the symbol that ended, the tribulation air/Qi between world, should under three Bang Shenguang illumination, the ablation be all right. 三榜已满,正是封神量劫结束的标志,天地间的劫气,理应在三榜神光的照射下,悉数消融才对。 And yet, what situation is also? 可眼下,又是什么情况? Is the person of death are not enough, hadn't the causing quantity tribulation ended? 是死的人还不够多,导致量劫还未结束吗? Suddenly, the great antiquity can see this greatly, in the heart unavoidably the recollections handsome. 一时间,洪荒大能看到这一幕,心中不免浮想翩翩起来。 Others do not know that present situation, is how a matter, but Feng Zichen and opposite five Saints, resemble a feeling, faint, seemed understood anything. 其余人不知道眼下的情况,是怎么一回事,可风紫宸与对面的五圣,似有所感,隐隐的,好似明白了些什么。 Presently unusuality, feared that is related with them. 当前的异常,怕是与祂们有关。 Although three lists are full, but the causes and effects are not clear, therefore, this to seal/confer Shenliang plundered still could not have been regarded completely. 三榜虽满,但因果未清,故此,这封神量劫还尚算不得圆满。 What causes and effects are not clear, naturally is causes and effects between Feng Zichen and Three Pure Ones. 什么因果未清,自然是风紫宸三清之间的因果。 saint is the spokesman of Heavenly Dao, Feng Zichen breaks a Yuan Shi Tian Zun arm, this is the big causes and effects. 圣人为天道的代言人,风紫宸断元始天尊一臂,此为大因果。 During Feng Zichen wields human clan, Three Pure Ones is to compel It abdicates, uses the strength of authority, forcefully easier world principle, making the human clan area environment more and more bad, gradually not suitable human clan survival. 风紫宸执掌人族期间,三清为逼祂退位,动用权柄之力,强行更易天地法则,使得人族疆域的环境越来越恶劣,渐渐不适合人族生存。 This, is the big causes and effects. 这,亦是大因果。 Afterward, both sides frequent each other, take this great antiquity world as the battlefield, fights one after another, causes the lines of this causes and effects, being deeper and deeper, the knot is denser, is unclear the Heavenly Dao principle, the ceaselessness of scissors. 随后,双方你来我往,以这洪荒天地为战场,接连大战起来,使得这因果之线,越陷越深,越结越密,连天道都理之不清,剪之不断。 Therefore, by this huge causes and effects line disturbance, to seal/confer Shenliang was plundered is unable to be complete. Measures the tribulation not completely, plundering the air/Qi nature is difficult to disappear. 故此,受这巨大的因果线干扰,封神量劫迟迟无法圆满。量劫没有圆满,劫气自然难消。 The wish letting quantity tribulation is complete, only has to clear off this causes and effects. How can that clear off this causes and effects? 想要让量劫圆满,唯有理清这段因果。那要如何理清这段因果? Simple, 简单, Only fights! 唯战而已! Five fellow daoist, it seems like that this war, we could not avoid.” “五位道友,看来这一战,吾等是避免不了了。” In the heart moves, Feng Zichen said toward opposite five Saints. 心中一动,风紫宸朝对面的五圣说道。 Truly, we do not fight, the causes and effects are unclear. The causes and effects are unclear, plundering the air/Qi is needless. Plundering the air/Qi is needless, then great antiquity difficult draw, ten thousand spirit difficult secure.” “确实,吾等不战,因果不清。因果不清,劫气不消。劫气不消,则洪荒难平,万灵难安。” Therefore, this war antiwar may not.” “故此,此战非战不可。” Too clear saint waves whisking, does intentionally mysterious saying. 太清圣人一挥手中的拂尘,故作玄妙的说道。 How can fight?” “要如何战?” Is five fellow daoist on together, five fellow daoist comes?” “是五位道友一起上,还是五位道友一个一个的来?” The 11 of vision from the faces of five Saints has swept, Feng Zichen said proudly. 目光从五圣的脸上一一扫过,风紫宸傲然说道。 Listens to his saying the meaning, must by an enemy five, rather than with the aid of the strength of people, resist with five Saints unexpectedly behind. 听祂这话的意思,竟是要以一敌五,而不是借助身后众人之力,与五圣对抗。 Also right, this is causes and effects of Feng Zichen among with five Saints, deserving settles from them is right. 也对,这是风紫宸与五圣之间的因果,该当由祂们之间来了结才对。 If asked the bystander to intend to involve, will only make this causes and effects volumes bigger, and finally, was more difficult to end. 若是请外人出手介入,只会使得这因果越卷越大,到了最后,更难收场。 Without others opened the mouth, Yuan Shi Tian Zun then first says: Cancelled Chen fellow daoist to chat, by enemies widowed, this poor Daoist and the others could not have made this matter to come.” 没等别人开口,元始天尊便先开口说道:“勾陈道友说笑了,以众敌寡,贫道等人还做不出这种事来。” Jokes aside, seeing Feng Zichen must select five, five Saints really want to comply directly. 说真的,见风紫宸要一挑五,五圣是真的想直接答应下来。 But so many people present, they must really be agreed Feng Zichen one dozen of five propositions, after them, did not use in Hong Huangjian person. 可这么多人在场,祂们要真是同意了风紫宸一打五的提议,那祂们以后,就不用在洪荒见人了。 Five dozens does one, lose face. 五打一,丢不丢人啊。 Without the people presents, five Saints definitely comply directly, punches half dead Feng Zichen, telling It cultivates the behavior so should not be rampant. 要是没有众人在场,五圣肯定是直接答应下来,把风紫宸揍个半死,告诉祂做人别这么嚣张。 Naturally, without the people presents, Feng Zichen will not say one dozen of rampantly wanting five. 当然了,要是没众人在场,风紫宸也不会这么嚣张说要的一打五。 It was calculates, five Saints will definitely not agree that It hit five propositions, this dares so rampant. 祂就是算准了,五圣肯定不会同意祂一打五的提议,这才敢如此的嚣张。 Fights, victory and loss not to mention, but the imposing manner definitely cannot lose. 打架嘛,输赢暂且不说,但气势肯定是不能输的。 How do that five fellow daoist want to hit? Doesn't matter, spoke frankly although, the purple house all comes are welcome.” “那五位道友要如何打?没关系,尽管直说,紫宸来者不拒。” By one dozen five, how saw that is It suffers a loss, the option that therefore, how Feng Zichen hits simply, gave five Saints. 以一打五,怎么看都是祂吃亏,所以,风紫宸干脆就把如何打的选择权,交给了五圣。 How if he elects to hit, how that such as discussed is It suffers a loss. But if five Saints elect, that was different, has scruples own face countenance, they will not definitely elect to the advantageous fighting method. 要是祂自己选如何打,那如论如何都是祂吃亏。可若是五圣来选,那就不同了,顾忌到自己的颜面,祂们肯定是不会选对自己有利的打法。 Then, Feng Zichen can preserve several points of face countenance actually. 如此一来,风紫宸倒是能保存几分颜面。 Victory? 胜? That is not possible. 那是不可能的。 If It really has the ability that defeats five Saints, It also pulls a smart trick with here and five Saints, on direct didn't become? 祂要是真有打败五圣的能力,那祂还用在这里和五圣耍心眼,直接上不就成了吗? ...... …… hears word, five Saints fell into silent, suddenly, does not know how unexpectedly should open the mouth. 闻言,五圣陷入了沉默,一时间,竟是不知该如何开口。 At this time, the face became they biggest scruples, if can abandon the face, that Feng Zichen all planned, will not have the significance. 这个时候,脸面就成了祂们最大的顾忌,若是能舍了脸面,那风紫宸的所有谋划,都将没有意义。 May discard the face, said, does difficultly! 可舍弃脸面,说起来,做起来难啊! Silent for a long time, too clear saint said suddenly: We are the beginning of the universe big gold/metal immortal, the supernatural power are all as deep as a well, frequently destroys the day to extinguish, if attacks brutally in the great antiquity world, will make into the fragment powder the great antiquity world inevitably.” 沉默许久,太清圣人忽然说道:“吾等俱是混元大罗金仙,法力高深莫测,动辄毁天灭地,若是在洪荒天地大打出手,势必会将洪荒天地打成齑粉。” Therefore, I and others cannot make a move in the great antiquity. In view of this, I and others then culture battle!” “所以,我等不能在洪荒出手。既如此,那我等便文斗吧!” hears word, Feng Zichen asked: How culture battle?” 闻言,风紫宸问道:“如何文斗?” Thinks, too clear saint said: This poor Daoist five people, have a law respectively, making the fellow daoist break. If the fellow daoist can break it, you and I between the causes and effects and other, were settle.” 想了想,太清圣人说道:“贫道五人,各出一法,让道友来破。若道友能破之,那你与我等之间的因果,便算是了结了。” Otherwise, if the fellow daoist cannot break, I the causes and effects and others among with fellow daoist, then calculates to settle, so, does the fellow daoist look to be good?” “反之,若道友不能破,我等与道友之间的因果,便算了结,如此,道友看可好?” Too clear saint said circles very much, but Feng Zichen understood what is heard. Is five people poses a difficult problem respectively, if It can solve, causes and effects of five Saints with It, were settle. 太清圣人说的很绕,但风紫宸还是听明白了。就是五人各自出一个难题,若祂能解决,五圣与祂之间的因果,便算是了结了。 Here must pay attention to a point, is five Saints and between It the causes and effects, rather than It and causes and effects between five Saints. 这里要注意一点,是五圣与祂之间的因果,而不是祂与五圣之间的因果。 This causes and effects, mutual. 这次因果,是相互的。 In other words, Feng Zichen owed five Saint causes and effects respectively, similarly, five Saints also owed Feng Zichen causes and effects respectively. 也就是说,风紫宸分别欠了五圣一个因果,同样的,五圣也分别欠了风紫宸一个因果。 After five Saint and Feng Zichen causes and effects settle, then, was Feng Zichen goes to settle the causes and effects with five Saints. 待五圣与风紫宸的因果了结之后,接下来,就是风紫宸去与五圣了结因果了。 Un, was popular a point saying that can regard one round system to play it, now the rounds of five Saints, then, are one's turn the Feng Zichen round. 嗯,再通俗一点的说,可以将其当成一个回合制游戏,现在五圣的回合,接下来,就轮到风紫宸的回合。 Because Three Pure Ones is also owing a Feng Zichen causes and effects reason, therefore, after they will suppose is defeated, must with Feng Zichen settle the causes and effects the condition. 因为三清还欠着风紫宸一个因果的缘故,所以,祂们才会设下失败之后,要与风紫宸了结因果的条件。 Simply speaking, yes, if you won us, after you, can continue to look for our troubles. 简单来说,就是,你要是赢了我们,那你之后可以继续找我们的麻烦。 But if you lost, without the relations, we do not feel embarrassed you, but after you, cannot look for our troubles. 但你要是输了,也没关系,我们也不为难你,可你之后就不能来找我们的麻烦了。 The condition is such condition, looked at you to agree. 条件就是这么个条件,就看你同不同意了。 ...... …… ............ ………… Good, said on the by fellow daoist.” Feng Zichen thinks, nods assent to say. “好,就以道友所言。”风紫宸想了想,点头同意道。 It does not have the right of rejection, the present situation is such situation, the potential is weaker than the person, It did not have other means besides the agreement. Can't, making It choose the way of fight? 祂没有拒绝的权利,眼下的情况就是这么个情况,势比人弱,祂除了同意之外也没别的办法了。总不能,让祂选择战斗的方式吧? Fellow Daoist who first comes?” “诸位道友谁先来?” Goes forward one step, Feng Zichen asks. 上前一步,风紫宸问道。 ps: Last gave me to put in order the fan. If the logic is not right, then changes. ps:最后一段给我整迷了。要是逻辑不对,回头改。 Moreover, today the beginning has to recharge to deliver a coin to move, the heart movement, good to oneself the sufficient silver pledge, was too poor. 另外,今天起点有充值送点币活动,心动啊,好想给自己充个白银盟,就是太穷了。 My hegemon does not have. 我连个盟主都没有。 Envies other big shot. 羡慕别的大佬。
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